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  • 7/28/2019 A Commentary on RA 10175


    free speech and that the enactment of the law was brought about by the reason that government

    officials cannot handle criticisms.3

    The purpose of this paper to is determine whether or not R.A. 10175 deprives people of

    freedom of expression as far as social media is concerned and if it does, this paper shall seek to

    determine whether or not such deprivation of freedom of expression is justified and has

    undergone due process. In line with the purpose, this paper shall look into the provisions of R.A.

    10175. This paper shall also present the relevant constitutional provisions regarding the role of

    media in the Philippine society and the rights each person is entitled to, all in the context of their

    participation in social media. Relevant media laws may also be discussed. This paper shall

    likewise characterize Philippine politics in the contemporary period and how media influenced

    the shaping of the Philippine political landscape. The role of the internet in Philippine politics

    will likewise be incorporated within the discussions in order to show that social media is

    contributory to the behavior of the Filipinos in society. This paper claims that R.A. 10175

    deprives internet users of their freedom of expression. The issue therefore is to determine

    whether or not the deprivation of the freedom of expression brought by R.A. 10175 is a justified

    deprivation of the right and does not violate due process. This paper shall end with a conclusion

    together with an analysis on whether or not due process has been observed and that the

    enactment of R.A. 10175 is a valid deprivation of the right of freedom of expression. The tests of

    determining due process would be used in order to determine the validity of the R.A. 10175 as

    far as the deprivation of freedom of expression is concerned.

    II. Relevant Constitutional Provisions

    The 1987 Constitution provides for the recognition of the role of media in society. The

    Constitution likewise provides for the Constitutional Rights of every individual protected under

    Philippine laws. Since laws are presumed to be constitutional on the theory that both the

    executive and legislative have carefully studied the law prior and during its enactment and

    approval,4 it is important to take a look in to the constitutional provisions that have bearing on

    R.A. 10175. Article II Sec 24 of the Constitution provides as follows:

    3 Mynardo Macaraig et al, Protests as Philippine Cybercrime Law Takes Effect, GMA News Online, October 3,


    law-takes-effect, (accessed October 26, 2012).

    4 Noli C. Diaz, Statutory Construction, Third Edition, (Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store Inc., 2007), 118.

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    Sec. 24. The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in nation


    Communication was used in the Constitution to mean any avenue intended to gather and

    disseminate information to the general public. This includes print and broadcast media.5

    However, communication and information does not only revolve around print and broadcast

    media. The growth of the internet paved the way for social media to be included in the mass

    media. Information and communication is no longer limited to the traditional forms of

    information dissemination. People may now simply use the internet to gain information and

    participate on societal issues.

    It is through mass media that a more informed citizenry could be founded.6 Recognition

    of the role of communication and information in nation building7 entails that the evolution of

    mass media in society i.e. the development and utilization of the internet, is recognized as a

    necessary means in order to foster development in society. It is difficult to imagine a progressive

    country in a world of modern technology where its information and communication system are

    antique and obsolete. The Philippines must therefore be updated on the latest innovations on

    information and communication technology but at the same time be selective and discriminating

    to insure that only those suitable to the interests of the country are adapted. 8 The internet no

    became an indispensable medium of communication and information. Information in broadcast

    and print media are also being made available in the internet. In this manner, subscribers of the

    old media and internet users may now access the desired information in the internet even if

    newspapers are no longer available in the market or missed news episodes. Therefore, the use of

    the internet in information dissemination further advanced the ideal of having a well-informed

    and active citizenry in the discourse of issues confronting the Philippines.

    Apart from the policy of the State, it is also important to look into the rights of

    individuals as provided in the Constitution relevant to R.A. 10175. Article III Section 4 of the

    Constitution provides as follows:

    Sec. 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression or of the

    5 Hector S. De Leon, Textbook on the Philippine Constitution, 2005 Edition, (Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store

    Inc., 2005), 69.

    6 Id.

    7 Constitution (1987) Art. II, Sec. 24.

    8 Supra note 5.

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    press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of


    Freedom of speech and expression is therefore a constitutional right and, as a general rule

    mere legislation may not tamper it. The Constitution aims to protect the right of any individual to

    utter and publish whatever one pleases without restraints. The Constitution guarantees free

    speech so a person may say anything he wants provided others are not harmed by any of such

    statements.9 Therefore, any law passed that abridges the freedom of expression is

    unconstitutional for tampering with a constitutional right. The right of freedom of expression has

    been granted to Filipinos not by mere legislation. The Constitution itself granted the right in

    order for a healthy democracy to manifest itself. Democracy may only manifest itself completely

    into society only when there is an informed citizenry participating in discourse as regards issues

    of national interest. The grant of the Constitution of the freedom of expression, free speech and

    free press are geared towards attaining such goals.

    However, like all any other rights, the freedom of expression is not an absolute right.

    Although the Constitution categorically grants the freedom of speech and expression, certain

    limitations have to observed in the exercise of this right. Such free expression of thought must

    not be abused to the point of harming others.10 The State may deprive such right if it poses harm

    to others upon observance of due process. This is the exception to the general rule that no law

    shall be passed abridging free speech11 The state may therefore impede such freedom if it injures

    others. To paraphrase John Stuart Mill12, the State may only exercise its power over the freedom

    of individuals if and only if the exercise of such freedom oversteps the rights of others. 13 In

    relation to freedom of expression, the constitutional right may only therefor be deprived if the

    exercise of such right is going to harm other people such as to injure another person's character,

    reputation or business.14 However, the deprivation of such right may only be justified upon

    proper observance of due process. Thus, Article III Section I of the Constitution provides:

    Sec. 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty and property without due process of

    law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.

    9 Id.

    10 Id.

    11 Constitution (1987) Art. III, Sec. 4.

    12 John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and Utilitarianism, (New York, New York: Bantam Dell, 2008), 12.

    13 Id. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized

    community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.

    14 Supra.

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    In this respect the observance of due process in depriving freedom of expression shall be

    considered15 before such deprivation be valid. Freedom of expression is a liberty right. A person

    may enjoy free speech however, he may not use it to initiate unlawful activities nor dishonor

    another person.16 Therefore, laws that tend to impose limits on the freedom of expression should

    always take due process into consideration in order for the deprivation of the right contained

    within the legislation would be considered valid.

    III. Other Relevant Statutes

    The downfall of President Marcos restored democracy in the Philippines. Along with the

    restoration of democracy is the enactment of a new Constitution democratic in character and

    other laws that would implement the essence of the Constitution and realize democracy in reality.

    In line with the revolutionary powers of President Aquino, she issued Executive Order No. 8 17

    (E.O. No. 8 for brevity) Executive Order No. 29 (E.O. No. 29 for brevity) 18 and Executive Order

    No. 85 (E.O. No. 85 for brevity)19 which took effect in March 18, 1986, July 16, 1986 and

    January 1, 1987, respectively. E.O. No. 8 provides for the creation of a Presidential Commission

    on Human Rights primarily tasked to assist the President in the respecting and fostering human

    rights20. The Commission may conduct investigations21 on cases regarding victims of human

    rights violations and to propose for measures that would safeguard the rights of the public in

    general from abuse22 and promote social justice23.

    On the other hand, E.O. No. 29 was intended to repeal P.D. No. 33, the latter being a law

    abridging freedom of expression.24 With the fall of the Marcos dictatorship and the installation of

    a new government, democratic in nature, laws which contradict democratic principles are

    therefore inconsistent with the Constitution thus, President Aquino, through her powers in a

    revolutionary government, repealed P.D. No. 33 in line with her democratic ideals.

    15 Constitution (1987) Art. III, Sec. 1.

    16 Supra note 5 at 88.

    17 Creating the Presidential Committee on Human Rights (1986).

    18 Repealing Presidential Decree No. 33 [entitled] "Penalizing the Printing, Possession, Distribution andCirculation of Certain Leaflets, Handbills and Propaganda Materials and the Inscribing or Designing of Graffiti"(1986).

    19 Abolishing the Media Affairs and the Ministry of Human Settlements and for Other Purposes (1987).

    20 E.O. No. 8 (1986), Sec. 3.

    21 E.O. No. 8 (1986), Sec. 4 Par. (a).

    22 E.O. No. 8 (1986), Sec. 4 Par. (c).

    23 E.O. No. 8 (1986), Sec. 4 Par. (d).

    24 E.O. No. 29 (1986).

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    Lastly, E.O. No. 85 provides for the abolition of the Office of Media Affairs for allegedly

    serving as a private and partisan machinery during the Marcos regime. The Office of Media

    Affairs has failed in its role as the information and media policy arm of the government. 25 The

    government of President Aquino seeks to promote transparency in a democratic government

    ergo, she removed the office which was inefficient during the previous regime in information

    dissemination to the people at large. Furthermore, failure to properly disseminate information

    may impede freedom of expression because citizens may only be able to properly participate in a

    democracy only if they are well aware of the whereabouts of the government.

    IV. Philippine Politics Through Time

    Throughout the course of history, Philippine politics has been characterized as a system

    where the elites are in power. Those in government are the same people who have managed to

    master the operation of all government mechanisms in order to stay in power. Such power of the

    political elites are not constrained by the limits on their terms of office. They either create

    dynasties in their respective constituencies or they circumnavigate the law by seeking positions

    in the government, though different from their former offices, are still appointed in such office

    since the appointing power also wants to please voters. Even the downfall of President Marcos

    did not change the political landscape of the Philippines. The democracy installed under the new

    government of Cory Aquino is not functioning for the benefit of the Filipino people, mostly from

    poor families. The democracy in the new government simply restored to power the political elites

    prior to the Marcos regime.26 These elites manage or return to power, as the case may be, by

    finding ways for them to be known.

    Although the electorate is partly at fault for having the same leaders time and again, these

    are the only people in society who have the capacity to reach to the masses. Part of such power is

    the access of these political elites to mass media. It is through mass media that these elites make

    their platforms and policies for the country known. Print and broadcast media have been utilized

    by political figures in campaigning and helping spread their advocacy and policies. However, in

    the contemporary period of Philippine politics, politicians are starting to utilize the internet in

    placing their ads as part of their campaign strategy. This evolution in the utilization of mass

    25 E.O. No. 85 (1987).

    26 Patricio N. Abinales et al, The Withering of Philippine Democracy, Academic Research Library, 2006.

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    media in Philippine politics was nowhere more evident than in the 2010 Presidential Elections.

    The political campaign ads of Presidential aspirants, as well as those running for lower positions

    e.g. Senators, Congressmen, Governors and City Mayors, are swarming in the internet. Some

    politicians even have like pages in Facebook or have themselves trend on Twitter in order

    for them to have large publicity and for voters to get to know them and what they can cater to the

    people at large.

    Eventually, it was the candidates who were eventually successful in their political

    aspirations. The utilization of all forms of media in contemporary Philippine politics largely

    influenced the decisions of many Filipino voters and eventually were persuaded by these

    politicians whom they know since these politicians are the ones who have access to mass media.

    However, the maxim with great power comes with great responsibility will always apply to

    any government who derives their mandate from the people because it is the power of the people

    in a democracy which vests power on the government to serve the public interest. The exercise of

    the freedom of expression does not stop in expressing the preferred candidate who shall be in

    power for a certain period of time in the country. It continues to the time that a candidate wins an

    election and assumes office as a person vested with powers and public authority.

    Voters will then start to watch the actions of the people that they elect. Voters will

    eventually want to see whether or not the people they elect are catering to their needs. Criticisms

    will flood all forms of media expressing the sentiments of people. The internet, being tool to

    access social media will continue to play its role in catering to the needs and wants of the people

    in publicizing their voices through the social network. Users freely access the internet in order

    for them to participate in public issues or simply, browse it. People will continue expressing their

    constitutional right of freedom of expression. A growing informed populace through widespread

    use of the internet and other media groups disseminating information in such avenue, people will

    eventually want to participate in public affairs by engaging in discourse through all available

    media. Since the internet could be installed at just about any home that may avail of the services

    of an Internet Service Provider and , if not, may be accessed in internet cafes, the access to

    information by the people has been made easier and participation in the democratic decision

    making-process by exercising the freedom of expression has been more evident in society than

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    V. Right to Freedom of Expression

    Freedom of expression implies the right to freely utter and publish whatever one pleases

    without previous restraint,27 and to be protected against any responsibility for so doing as long as

    it does not violate the law, or injure someone's character, reputation or business. Free speech and

    free press covers all forms of utterances whether orally or through actions 28 for so long as

    expression of an idea is present and all forms of publications whether print or broadcast media.29

    The internet, being included in mass media, the exercise of the freedom of expression in such

    avenue is now covered and protected by the Constitution. This section shall define freedom of

    expression and its scope and limitations as applied to relevant jurisprudence both local and


    Freedom per se is liberty and freedom of expression is a freedom granted by the

    Constitution itself. Constitutional freedom is a liberty regulated by law, and liberty is immunity

    from arbitrary commands and capricious prohibitions, but not the absence of reasonable rules of

    protection of the community.30 Freedom of speech as cherished in democratic countries was

    unknown in the Philippine Islands before 1900. It was among the reforms insisted by the Filipino

    people. The Malolos Constitution, in its Bill of Rights, introduced and safeguarded this basic

    right31 towards the establishment of a republic. It is a right to a full discussion of public affairs. 32

    In a democracy, constitutional liberties must always be accorded supreme importance. It is the

    function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fear.33 In unequivocal language, the

    Constitution prohibits an abridgment of free speech or a free press. Free speech is a preferred

    freedom calling for utmost respect especially when what may be curtailed is the dissemination of

    information34 substantial to public interest. It is recognized as a fundamental principle of every

    democratic government that stands on a higher level than substantive economic freedom or other

    liberties.35 It constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society, and this

    27 Supra.28 Id.29 Id.

    30 Bowe v. Secretary of the Com., 69 N.E.2d 115, 129, 320 Mass. 230.

    31 U.S. v. Bustos, 37 Phil. 731, (1918).

    32 Id.

    33 David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 489 SCRA 160, (2006)

    34 Mutuc v. Comelec, 36 SCRA 228 (1970).

    35 Chavez v. Gonzales, 545 SCRA 441, (2008).

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    freedom applies not only to those that are favorably received but also to those that offend, shock

    or disturb.36

    Freedom of expression has been the underlying principle of every existing democracy in

    society. It is the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to consicence above all

    liberties.37 When the right has first been introduced to the Philippines, the exercise of such right

    became significant in shaping the Philippine political system and contributed largely to its

    development. When the framers of the Constitution gave freedom of expression as a preferred

    right, it is placed above other rights in terms of its importance. This is because any democracy

    will not be able to work if such right would be at the mercy of government officials. It is the

    sovereign will of the people, as manifested in the provisions of the Constitution that freedom of

    expression be exercised by all citizens and that no law should be passed that would tamper such

    right. The Constitution, along with supporting laws and Court decisions, are ruling in favor of the

    exercise of the freedom of expression. Not only is the freedom of expression a preferred right but

    also, it is the foundation of a democratic society. There could be no democratic society if people

    would not be allowed to voice themselves and participate in the decision-making process of the

    government. A grant of the right of freedom of expression is necessary to encourage people

    participation in governance. Not only does the exercise of the right contributes to the growth of a

    democracy as an abstract principle. It also gives an avenue for the leaders of a country to better

    serve the interests of the people for the better good since the people themselves would get

    involved in the current and recurrent issues being faced by society. Freedom of expression is a

    full and free discussion of all affairs of public interest. It includes complete liberty to comment

    upon the administration of government as well as the conduct of public men. 38 Any system of

    prior restraints of expression comes to the Court bearing a heavy presumption against its

    constitutional validity.39 The burden of proof in showing that the deprivation of freedom of

    expression therefore rests upon the party that seeks to deprive the exercise of such right.

    The speech and free press may be identified with the liberty to discuss publicly and

    truthfully any matter of public interest without censorship or punishment. However freedom of

    36 Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v. Comelec, 618 SCRA 32, (2010).

    37 Planas v. Gil, 67 Phil. 61 (1939).

    38 U.S. v. Perfecto, 43 Phil. 58 (1922).

    39 Newsounds Broadcasting Network, Inc. v. Dy, 583 SCRA 333, (2009).

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    expression is not as absolute. It would be too much to insist that at all times and under all

    circumstances it should remain unfettered and unrestrained.40 The constitutional guaranty of

    freedom of speech does not guarantee a person who speaks immunity from the legal

    consequences of his verbal actions.41 Liberty of speech and of the press are not absolute rights,

    and their abuse is subject to punishment by the state.42The right is not without limitations. The

    Constitution does not absolve one from punishment for unlawful nature and consequences of his

    speech.43 The Constitution simply gives the citizens the right to speech, not the right to

    unrestricted publicized speech.44

    Although granted by the Constitution, freedom of expression, is not an absolute right. It

    may not be abridged by legislation not unless there is an abuse in the exercise of such right or it

    oversteps the rights of other people. While it is true that freedom of expression is an underlying

    principle of a democratic state, it may still be regulated by the State if public interest requires it.

    Any exercise of right is legitimate for so long as it does not injure others. However, if the

    exercise of a right resorts to the injury of others or depriving other from exercising their equal

    right, the State has the obligation to intervene and sanction the abuser of such right. In the same

    manner as applied to freedom of expression. People are free to express their sentiments and air

    their views in public through their access to mass media. However, they cannot simply write,

    post or voice anything as they please especially when there is an intent or even if there is no

    intent, to hurt other people.

    Laws are created in order to serve the best interests of the people. Part of these interests

    of the general public is for the State to afford them protection against people who tend to abuse

    their vested rights and use it to hurt others. The State may therefore regulate the right to freedom

    of expression to the extent that the exercise of such rights does not pose any threat to society and

    gives more benefits rather than evils to the general public. Ergo, a law passed regulating i.e.

    controlling the freedom of expression is considered valid if and only if such regulation observes

    due process and its deprivation will further serve the common good.

    40 Gonzales v. Comelec, 27 SCRA 835, (1969)

    41 National Labor Relations Board v. M.E. Blatt Co., C.C.A., 143 F.2d 268.

    42 State v. Klapprott, 22A.2d 877 N.J.L. 395.

    43 Chicago v. Terminiello, 79 N.E.2d 39 400 Ill. 23.

    44 Lejano v. People, 638 SCRA 104, (2010).

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    VI. Merits of R.A. 10175

    The declaration of policy45 of R.A. 10175 provides as follows:

    Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State recognizes the vital role of information and

    communications industries such as content production, telecommunications, broadcastingelectronic commerce, and data processing, in the nation's overall social and economic

    development. The State also recognizes the importance of providing an environment conducive

    to the development, acceleration, and rational application and exploitation of information andcommunications technology (ICT) to attain free, easy, and intelligible access to exchange and/or

    delivery of information; and the need to protect and safeguard the integrity of computer,

    computer and communications systems, networks, and databases, and the confidentiality,

    integrity, and availability of information and data stored therein, from all forms of misuse, abuseand illegal access by making punishable under the law such conduct or conducts. In this light, the

    State shall adopt sufficient powers to effectively prevent and combat such offenses by facilitating

    their detection, investigation, and the prosecution at both the domestic and international levels,

    and by providing arrangements for fast and reliable international cooperation.

    R.A. 10175 is geared towards the utilization of information and communication

    technology as a contributory factor to national development. In line with the said purpose, the

    law seeks to secure, protect and safeguard computer data. It shall take measures to penalize

    individuals who are involved in the offenses provided for under the law.46 On the outset, R.A.

    10175 seeks to curb crimes committed via the internet. It seeks to stop the influx of unlawful

    access to information of national security and interest where, if caught in the wrong hands,

    would compromise public good and public safety. It is in accordance with these goals that R.A.

    10175 was enacted.

    R.A. 10175 provides for the crimes punishable under its scope. The crimes cover those

    offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, 47

    computer-related offenses,48 content-related offenses,49 other offenses50 and all crimes defined

    and penalized by the Revised Penal Code and special penal laws when committed with the use of

    information and communications technology.51 Offenses against the confidentiality , integrity and

    availability of computer data and systems include illegal access, 52 illegal interception,53 data

    45 R.A. 10175, Sec. 2.46 R.A. 10175, Sec. 2.47 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par. (a).

    48 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par. (b).

    49 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par. (c).

    50 R.A. 10175, Sec. 5.

    51 R.A. 10175, Sec. 6.

    52 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.1).

    53 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.2).

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    interference,54system interference,55 misuse of devices,56 and cyber-squatting.57 The contents in

    this provision aims to curb hacking, the illegal tapping, fabrication and destruction of computer

    data as well as the use, distribution and mere possession of gadgets created to commit the

    offenses defined.

    Computer related offenses include computer-related forgery,58 computer-related fraud,59

    and computer-related identity theft.60 The contents of this provision aims to curb the spread of

    inauthentic and non-credible data in the internet. It aims to prevent unauthorized input, alteration

    or removal of any computer data that may cause damage later. This provision also seeks to curb

    identity theft done in the internet. Identity theft should be understood as the the intentional

    acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession, alteration or deletion of identifying information

    belonging to another, without right.61 This provision aims to prevent misinformation and

    misrepresentation of identity in the internet brought about by people identifying themselves as

    another person for purposes that may seem to prejudice the victims.

    Content-related offenses include cybersex,62 child pornography,63 unsolicited commercial

    communications64and online libel.65The contents of this provision aims to curb offenses where

    the substance of the internet data is offensive in nature. The likes of cybersex and child

    pornography are violative of basic human rights of protection and privacy to women and

    children. Online businesses that are unsanctioned and are therefore illegal are likewise being

    addressed by this provision. Lastly, this provision aims to protect internet users, as well as the

    general public, against derogatory statements made online through posts, comments or blogs that

    would injure the integrity of other people.

    Other offenders that R.A. 10175 seeks to address are those who aids or attempts in the

    commission of a cybercrime.66 An offender participation in the commission of a cybercrime need

    54 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.3).

    55 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.4).

    56 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.5).

    57 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (a.6).

    58 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (b.1).59 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (b.2).60 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (b.3).

    61 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (b.3).

    62 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (c.1).

    63 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (c.2).

    64 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (c.3).

    65 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4, Par (c.4).

    66 R.A. 10175, Sec. 5.

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    not be that of a principal in order to be held liable under R.A. 10175. Any person who

    intentionally aids in the commission of a cybercrime, assuming the role of an accomplice, or

    simply attempting to commit any of the online offenses will be held liable under the law. R.A.

    10175 also penalizes all crimes defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code and special

    penal laws and the commission of the felonies online shall be penalized one degree higher.67

    Internet as a venue for committing the crime will therefore be considered as an aggravating


    VII. Issues and Controversies Surrounding R.A. 10175

    It could be said that R.A. 10175 has the best intentions in preventing the spread of

    cybercrimes by providing for measures the are intended to fulfill the purpose. However, there

    have been certain issues and controversies that surrounded the act regarding its passage and

    enactment. Most noteworthy of which is the allegedly insertion of the libel provision under Sec.

    4, Par. (c.4). What added to the controversy was that the approval of R.A. 10175 happened at the

    height of the controversy of Senator Sotto regarding plagiarism during the debates on the RH

    Bill. Sen. Sotto is allegedly the infamous legislator who plagiarized the works of bloggers and

    speeches alike. Posts and comments criticizing Sen. Sotto then became viral in the internet. At

    the height of the plagiarism controversy that he was facing, he issued a statement that he is now a

    victim of cyberbullying. Amidst the heat of the debates, President Aquino then signed into law

    R.A. 10175. This brought the rise of protests from different groups in society to the point of

    filing several petitions to the Supreme Court assailing the constitutionality of the said law.

    Libel has been defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or

    defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause

    the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of

    one who is dead.68 Prior to the R.A. 10175, libel in print and broadcast media already incurs

    criminal liability.69 Under R.A. 10175, libel committed online is an aggravating circumstance.

    The use of internet as a medium to make libelous statements is not only punishable by arresto

    mayor to prision correccional70 as provided for in the Revised Penal Code. The penalty shall be

    67 R.A. 10175, Sec. 6.

    68 Revised Penal Code, Art. 353.

    69 Revised Penal Code, Art. 355.

    70 Revised Penal Code, Art. 355-359.

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    one degree higher71 thus, penalty for online libel shall now range from prision correccional to

    prision mayor. The problem however in the insertion of the libel provision is that R.A. 10175

    failed to qualify what will constitute as online libel. The internet is an avenue where hundreds of

    thousands of people post everyday and there is no way of checking the intent, manner and

    condition within which a particular user was in before or during posting anything in the internet.

    The problem with the libel provision is that it vests upon the authority to determine whether or

    not a particular internet post will qualify as a libelous post.

    It is in this score that R.A. 10175 violates the freedom of expression. While freedom of

    expression is not absolute, the limits on its exercise should be clearly defined by law in order for

    its validity not to be questioned. The libel provision in R.A. 10175 simply adapted the definition

    of libel as provided for in the Revised Penal Code. 72 However, libel as defined in the Revised

    Penal Code only covers print and broadcast media.73The difference between the internet i.e. the

    social media compared to the old media is that print and broadcast media, when released in

    public, take on a permanent nature. This means that articles in newspapers and motions pictures

    released in cinemas, once viewed by the general public will have its lasting effect for upon their

    release, not even minute details could be subject to change. Unlike in the internet, everything

    may be manipulated according to the pleasure of the internet user. A blog may simply be deleted

    or hidden by an internet user using the privacy settings in a social media account. Furthermore,

    once a person writes in the internet, these writer, more often than not, simply wants to socialize

    with other people and gain some degree of publicity such as having a topic trend in twitter using

    hashtags. Intent to injure other people may easily be denied and covered by other topics which

    may trend later or the thread may simply be removed by the blogger in his personal online space.

    Furthermore, the use of internet certainly posits risks. In the present times, a simple act of

    posting any subject matter may lead to its widespread posting. This is possible through the

    Share feature of Facebook, the trending feature of Twitter or mere connections of certain blog

    sites or other online material to social networking sites such as that of Rappler. Since social

    media sites possess certain features that will spread any post, any internet user ought to know

    71 R.A. 10175, Sec. 6.

    72 R.A. 10175, Sec. 6.

    73 Revised Penal Code, Art. 355.

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    that whatever is posted in the internet has a large chance of being viral.

    Relating this to issues of public concern, take for example the case of Sen. Sotto when he

    was accused of plagiarism and the defenses he and his camp made when such issue became a

    public scandal. Several posts from the internet exposing such actions of the Senator became

    widespread. The problem here is how to determine who among those who liked, shared and

    commented on the posts be liable for online libel. It is simply impossible to determine who are

    liable because once a topic trends in social media, it often shows itself in the News Feeds or

    Updates and many internet users will become aware of it and have their personal thoughts

    about it. Now, when internet users have their personal thoughts on public issues and they decide

    to post it in the internet, will that not constitute as online libel? Will a criticism on any person,

    whether public or private, done online, constitute online libel? Will a negative commentary on

    any government official make an internet user raising his thoughts on issues of public concern

    incur criminal liability under R.A. 10175? The language of the law has to be more specific as to

    what kinds of posts will form online libel and who would be held liable in case online libel

    would be committed and proven beyond reasonable doubt.

    The implementation of the the penalty for online libel now brings the second controversy

    surrounding R.A. 10175. Section 7 of R.A. 10175 provides as follows:

    Sec. 7. Liability under Other Laws. - A prosecution under this Act shall be without

    prejudice to any liability for violation of any provision of the Revised Penal Code, as amended,or special laws.

    The provision provides that the liability of any person under R.A. 10175 does not

    prejudice the liability under the Revised Penal Code. It would therefore seem that a person guilty

    of committing a cybercrime, take for example libel, is required to satisfy the liabilities under

    R.A. 10175 and since the liability under the Revised Penal Code is not prejudiced, the guilty

    person is also obliged to satisfy the liability under the Revised Penal Code. Therefore, a guilty

    person would be serving sentence in jail for an offense under R.A. 10175, then serve another

    sentence in jail for the same offense to satisfy the Revised Penal Code. A person guilty of

    cybercrime is therefore obliged to serve two penalties for the same offense under the law.

    However, despite the presence of this provision under R.A. 10175, a person guilty of a

    cybercrime is not completely deprived of any legal remedies. On the event that a person guilty of

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    a cybercrime also punishable under the Revised Penal Code faces double jeopardy, that person is

    at the mercy of the court in order to avoid excessive penalties brought about by the two sentences

    needed to be fulfilled. The Second Paragraph of Article 5 of the Revised Penal Code Provides as


    Art.5. xxx In the same way the court shall submit to the Chief Executive, through theDepartment of Justice, such statement as may be deemed proper, without suspending the

    execution of the sentence, when a strict enforcement of the provisions of this Code would result

    in the imposition of a clearly excessive penalty, taking into consideration the degree of malice

    and the injury caused by the offense.

    This provision shows that a the court may address the Chief Executive, through the

    Department of Justice if a strict imposition of the provisions of the Revised Penal Code will

    result to excessive penalties.74 Applying this to R.A. 10175, conviction in a crime punishable

    both under R.A. 10175 and the Revised Penal Code will result in excessive penalties. Take for

    example libel which happens to be punishable under both laws. Under the Revised Penal Code,

    libel is punishable by prision correccional. Under R.A. 10175, libel is punished one degree

    higher than the penalty imposed under the Revised Penal Code so that would mean that the

    penalty for libel under R.A. 10175 would be prision mayor. And since Sec. 7 of R.A. 10171

    provides that prosecution among any of the offenses under it shall not prejudice the liability for

    any violation of the Revised Penal Code, the person guilty of a cybercrime is hereby obliged to

    serve six months and one day to six years as prision correccional to satisfy the liability under the

    Revised Penal Code and another six years and one day to twelve years as prision mayor in order

    to satisfy the liability under R.A. 10175. This is a clear showing of excessive penalties because a

    convicted person will now be forced by law to serve two different sentences for the same offense

    committed. With this being established, it may seem that guidelines and limitations in the

    imposition of the penalties contained in R.A. 10175 and the Revised Penal Code as far as online

    crimes are concerned should be made so as not to further prejudice the cybercrime delinquent.

    VIII. Observance of Due Process

    As a general rule, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due

    process of law.75 The Constitution does not provide for an exact definition of due process. It is

    upon the discretion of the courts depending on certain situations and upon the consideration of

    74 Revised Penal Code, Art. 5.

    75 Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 1.

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    certain standards would determine whether due process has been observed. While there is no

    controlling and precise definition of due process, it furnishes an unavoidable standard to which

    government action must conform.76 It signifies freedom from arbitrariness and is the embodiment

    of the sporting idea of fair play.77 It is only upon the observance of due process will the

    deprivation of life, liberty and property be justified. The deprivation of freedom of expression

    may only then be justified if due process of law has been observed. The burden of proof in

    showing that due process has been observed in the deprivation of any right rests upon the party

    seeking to deprive it ergo, the State must present a clear showing that the aggrieved party has

    been heard before the actualization of such deprivation. This is because the observance of due

    process is the exception to the general rule that rights to life, liberty or property cannot be


    There are two aspects of due process procedural and substantive due process.

    Procedural due process relates to the procedure which government agencies must follow in the

    application and enforcement of the laws.78 It refers to a law which hears before it condemns.79 In

    observing procedural due process, the party seeking the deprivation of a right must provide an

    opportunity to the defendant to be heard in a fair and lawful trial before a court of law. 80 The

    essence of due process is simply an opportunity to be heard, or an opportunity to explain one's

    side.81The aggrieved party must therefore be given the right to defend himself against the party

    seeking to deprive his right.

    The other aspect of due process is substantive due process. Substantive due process refers

    to the law itself which must be fair, reasonable, and just; the law must not be arbitrary. 82 The

    purpose of the law must be fair to all parties concerned and not a merely arbitrary exercise of

    government power. The law must provide for equal protection to all citizens in the spirit of

    fairness. Moreover, the means employed in achieving the purpose of the law should be by

    reasonable means. Substantive due process shall be used in assessing whether or not R.A. 10175

    76 Eastern Broadcasting Corporation v. Dans Jr., 137 SCRA 628, (1985).77 Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association v. City Mayor, 20 SCRA 849, (1967).78 Luis V. Teodoro, Jr., Mass Media Laws and Regulations in the Philippines, 3rd Edition, (Caloocan City,

    Philippines: Center for Research and Communication Foundation Inc. and Asian Media Information &

    Communication Centre, 2006).

    79 Lopez v. Director of Lands, 47 Phil. 23, (1924).

    80 Banco Espanol Filipino v. Palanca, 37 Phil. 921, (1918).

    81 Vertudes v. Buenaflor, 478 SCRA 210, (2005).

    82 Supra.

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    justifies the freedom of expression.

    IX. Standards for Justifying Penalties for the Exercise of Freedom of Expression

    It is now established that freedom of expression is not an absolute right. Laws may

    regulate the exercise of such right to the extent of depriving its exercise when the use of such

    right starts to injure others such as expression of obscenity, defamatory and seditious words. 83

    The constitutional right of freedom of expression may still be regulated and penalized subject to

    the following standards: 1. the dangerous tendency rule; 2. the clear and present danger test, and;

    3. the balancing of interests test.

    The dangerous tendency rule is a standard which seeks to determine whether or not a

    particular law is reasonable. This standard looks into the means employed, the evil to be

    suppressed and the means employed in suppressing the evil. However, clear showing of actual

    evil is not necessary for this standard to be followed. A mere tendency towards evil was


    Applying the dangerous tendency rule in determining whether or not the deprivation of

    freedom of expression of R.A. 10175, the evils the law seeks to suppress should be looked upon.

    Crimes involving the internet is the evil it seeks to suppress and in doing so, it imposes criminal

    and civil liability to those who would be proven guilty of committing the offenses mentioned

    under Sec.4, Sec. 5 and Sec.6 of the law. The law considered the commission of a crime in the

    internet as an aggravating circumstance. The internet is a growing and continuously evolving

    form of media where almost any person may access. The internet caters to the general public

    because of the massive information it contains in the different websites and servers. Moreover,

    the internet, through social media, features a system where files may be shared and transferred.

    The risk of hackers who would want to access important information or cause it non-credibility

    would risk the the knowledge of the people at large who have became dependent on the internet

    for access to information. Therefore, in line with the dangerous tendency rule, the penalties under

    R.A. 10175 is justified.

    The second standard in determining whether or not punishment for freedom of expression

    as contained in the penalties of R.A. 10175 is the clear and present danger test. The clear and

    83 Supra.

    84 Id.

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    present danger test is intended to determine the present evil in society which the law shall

    address. The test permitted punishment of expression when the words used are in circumstances

    and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the

    substantive evils that the State has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree.85 In

    Gonzales v. Comelec86 Supreme Court explained that the dangerous tendency test as applied to

    freedom of expression is justified by the danger of evil of a substantive character that the state

    has a right to prevent. The danger must not only be clear, but also present. The term clear seems

    to point to a causal connection with the danger of the substantive evil arising from the utterance

    questioned. Present refers to the time element. The danger must not only be probable but very

    likely inevitable.

    Applying the dangerous tendency test, the clear and present danger addressed by the law

    are defined in the penalties mentioned in R.A. 10175. The dangers the law seeks to address are

    the offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems,

    computer-related offenses, content related offenses,87 other offenses88 and crimes defined and

    penalized under the Revised Penal Code.89 Such dangers are clear, present and very much likely

    to happen. In an era where hackers want to gain access to classified information, where cybersex

    and child pornography has been rampant in the internet, where the credibility of information

    stored in websites may be highly questioned due to various writers simply releasing information

    without authentication and where online libel has been manifesting itself often through

    cyberbullying, the evils are clear and present in society and the government is bound by its duty

    to the people to suppress these evils. The increase in online crime incidents calls for government

    intervention to address these incidents. The deprivation of freedom of expression in R.A. 10175

    by regulating the use of internet and providing penalties for violations of the law is a measure

    employed by the State as a necessary means to address the evils that plague the society through

    the internet.

    The last standard in determining the punishment of freedom of expression as contained in

    85 Schenk v. U.S., 249 U.S. 97, (1919)

    86 27 SCRA 835, Supra.

    87 R.A. 10175, Sec. 4.

    88 R.A. 10175, Sec. 5.

    89 R.A. 10175, Sec. 6.

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    R.A. 101 75 is the balancing of interests test. The balancing of interests tests resolves the issue in

    the light of the peculiar circumstances obtaining in each particular case. When a particular

    conduct is regulated in the interest of public order and the regulation results in an indirect,

    conditional partial abridgment of speech, the duty of the courts is to determine which of the two

    conflicting interests demands the greater protection under the particular circumstances present. 90

    Competing claims must be resolved in terms of weighing the relative importance of each claim

    in each case.91 The Supreme Court has likewise applied this test certain competing claims such as

    the right of privacy of the family versus the right of a writer to right about the deceased public



    and the right of the Comelec to regulate time and space in broadcast and print media,

    respectively versus the freedom of expression.93

    Applying the balancing of interests test in R.A. 10175, the competing claims are the

    freedom of expression versus public welfare and common good. Different sectors of society

    believe that R.A. 10175 tampers with their freedom of expression and the Constitution

    categorically mandates that no law abridging the freedom of expression shall be passed.94

    However, in a modern society where the internet has been playing significant roles in shaping the

    political landscape of the Philippines, the threats to public welfare and common good has also

    evolved in such a way that they began using the internet for their own personal gain e.g. hacking

    and identity-theft and engaging in the unlawful businesses of pornography and cybersex. The law

    aims to curb these practices thus, freedom of expression needs to be sacrificed in this respect in

    order to better cater to public interest by promoting public welfare and serving the common


    The three standards used to determine the whether penalizing the exercise of the right of

    freedom of expression is aimed towards providing reasonable ground as to the intention of the

    law and the means it employ to achieve such purpose. The government created a law designed to

    address tendencies to clear and present danger of a substantive evil that would warrant the

    intervention of the State. In order to address such evils, certain rights have to be curtailed for the

    90 Supra note 78.

    91 Bridges v. California, 314 U.S. 252, (1941).

    92 Lagunzad v. Soto Vda. De Gonzales, 92 SCRA 476, (1979).

    93 Unido v. Comelec, 104 SCRA 17, (1981).

    94 Constitution (1987) Art. III, Sec. 4.

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    common good. As regards R.A. 10175, the law curtails the freedom of expression by limiting the

    access of users in the internet in order to address the evils that are now confronting the online

    world. Such deprivation of right however, has to first observe due process in order for the

    validity of the deprivation of the right made by the law be upheld. The constitutional right of

    freedom of expression is an express grant of the Constitution to the citizenry in order to develop

    a more informed citizenry that would participate in the decision-making process of the

    government and contribute to the social and economic development of the country. However,

    when public interest so requires, such rights may be tampered upon if public welfare and the

    common good would be protected. The intent of R.A. 10175 is to address the dangerous

    tendencies that the internet may bring to society. Incidents of internet crimes are increasing

    therefore, the government needs to grant protection to the people. Clear and present danger will

    likewise be addressed once the respective agencies are able to determine the real danger facing

    society. In order to prevent the dangers brought about by the crimes under R.A. 10175,

    safeguards should be created in order to deter the negative effects of internet crimes. Lastly, the

    balancing of rights should be considered. In questioning the validity of the deprivation of the

    freedom of expression by R.A. 10175, the right to freedom of expression and the public welfare

    are conflicting claims. As an exception to the general rule, any right may be deprived by the

    State for so long as due process is concerned and the interest of the common good is to be


    X. Assessing Due Process in R.A. 10175

    The presence of substantive due process shall be used in determining the validity of the

    regulation and limitation on the freedom of expression as contained in the provisions of R.A.

    10175. The presence of procedural due process shall not be used to assess the validity of the

    deprivation on the freedom of expression in R.A. 10175 since there is no jurisprudence that

    would prove whether or not substantial due process is concerned. Assessment can therefore only

    be relied on the letters of the law to determine its validity.

    It has been discussed that substantive due process refers to the law itself which must be

    fair, reasonable, and just; the law must not be arbitrary.95 The law must be fair and the means

    95 Supra note 78.

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    employed in attaining its purpose are reasonable. Observing the provisions of R.A. 10175, the

    law recognizes the role of information and communications technology in the framework of

    national development. It seeks to protect the integrity and credibility of computer systems, the

    information contained therein, its process of transfer as well as its users and the public in general

    from injurious information and comments that may be found in the internet. As a consequence,

    the law provided safeguards against these violations through its implementing agencies and

    penalties for those would be found guilty of committing these crimes. In terms on whether or not

    the means employed is reasonable in attaining the purpose of the law, the law is valid and the

    deprivation of freedom of expression in the internet is therefore justified.

    However, on whether or not the law is fair as regards to its implementation, the fairness

    of the law is somehow questionable. R.A. 10175 provides for liability under its provisions and

    such liability does not prejudice the liability under the Revised Penal Code and special laws. The

    tendency therefore is for an individual guilty for having committed an offense under R.A. 10175

    also be liable for the same offense on other laws that provide for criminal and civil liability. The

    presence of two liabilities for the same offense is not fair. It implies that the accused would have

    to attend two hearing, would have to present the same evidences for the same charge twice and

    might even risk conflict in the resolution of a case.

    Although the purpose of the law is noble for adjusting itself to cope with the present

    rigors of Philippine society and the means employed, are reasonable and in one way or another,

    fulfill the intentions of the law, the law must be fair in its implementing mechanisms. Being

    punished twice for the same offense is not fair on the part of the accused nor the the ones found

    guilty. Therefore, in line with determining whether or not R.A. 10175 observes substantive due

    process, the response would be on the negative. The law may have good intentions and the

    means employed are the necessary means in order to curb the evils that are present in Philippine

    society. However, penalizing an offender under the new law without prejudice to the other

    existing laws prior to its enactment would subject the offender in a punishment which will

    further project alienation in society instead of restoring and incorporating them back as new

    individuals who have learned from their errors of the past and are now ready to place themselves

    in a position where they can better serve their personal interests without compromising public

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    good and public welfare.

    XI. Philippines in the Age of Modern Technology

    Technology continues to grow and evolve along with civilizations the helped create it,

    lived with it and died with it. The Philippine political landscape will grow over time and changes

    to the way people view their rights will eventually happen. The growth of technology will

    however, not be confined to its material objects. People in the society will continue to employ

    the use of these technology to cater to their needs and wants. It is upon the usage of the people of

    these technology that it will continue to be part of instruments used for information

    dissemination and communication in mass media. Media will further evolve to reach the masses

    that present day media cannot reach. People participation in the decision-making process of a

    country will continue to be enhanced as a result of the creation of a more informed citizenry

    through the help of mass media.

    The enactment of R.A. 10175 is only part of the initial steps that the government is taking

    in order to protect the interests of the general public while they access modern technology and

    take part in the information dissemination and communication in the country through discourse

    in mass media. The social networking sites have improved the means of connecting people. It

    allows people not only to be connected when they are personally together. The innovation that is

    the social media allows people to be connected even when they are miles apart or even in the

    unholy hours of the night. And it is because of social media that information may easily be

    disseminated because of the growing number of citizens having access to the internet and

    preferring the internet of over print and broadcast media because it is more updated and that old

    information a user may want to access could be easily found by simply using keywords. The

    social media has therefore became one of the innovations that cemented itself in the

    contemporary Philippine political landscape.

    In as much as modern technology has had its benefits to society, the dangers brought

    about by criminals trying to use in the internet for personal gain are also adjusting to cope with

    the changing times. Since the internet can be accessed by almost anyone, it is therefore necessary

    to enact laws that would protect the internet users and the general public at large. Hacking,

    cyber-squatting, identity-theft, child pornography, cybersex, misuse of devices and the

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    controversial provision on online libel are just among the problems R.A. 10175 seeks to address.

    The law is not perfect. It would seem good to think that the law still needs to undergo

    further amendments in order to cater to the needs of the general public without sacrificing the

    constitutional right on freedom of expression. However, the advent of the increasing number of

    computer-related crimes prompted the government to enact a law that shall protect the interests

    of the public against self-interested individuals who are willing to compromise the general

    welfare just to attain their personal goals. The Philippines is faced with recurring problems also

    evolving along with its political landscape and the technology being employed by media

    necessary for the communication and information dissemination in the country. It is therefore

    important to understand when some rights ought to be sacrificed in order to attain the greater


    The law is not simply enacted for the sake of enactment. The passage of bills into laws

    always undergo various hearings, public debates and protests. These are the mechanisms where

    the participation of the citizenry manifest itself to reality. In order for a complete and ideal

    democracy be able to manifest itself in society, citizens need to be informed and should be

    participative in governance. The enactment of R.A. 10175 is geared towards the protection of the

    information particularly intended only to its citizenry. The State presupposed that a problem is

    present in society and it is its sovereign duty to address it for the benefit of the common good.

    The influx of modern technology and internet users and their access to the internet made the

    country prone to internet crimes because perpetrators are now using the most common media

    where information and communications are made. With R.A. 10175, the government created a

    mechanism directly intended to curb online crimes and ensure security among the people that

    information stored in the internet are secure and authenticated, their identities and reputations

    secured from abuse of freedom of speech and unlawful businesses are prevented from operating

    within the Philippine jurisdiction.

    XII. Conclusion

    The evolution of technology and the changes in mass media the incorporation of the

    social media or the internet into mainstream media apart from print and broadcast have created

    an avenue for citizens to further exercise their constitutional rights of freedom of expression.

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    The exercise of such right is not solely confined to the democratic processes of election alone. It

    continues up to the time that an elected candidate assumes office and starts discharging their

    functions as leaders of their respective constituencies.

    Noteworthy among the candidates who get elected are those who have access to mass

    media. It is through mass media where leaders show their platforms, policies and plans when

    they assume office. These candidates are normally those who have mastered the system in the

    government that they are able to stay in power by reaching out to the masses through mass


    In contemporary Philippine politics, the role of the internet has been starting to play a

    large role in shaping the political landscape of the Philippines. People not only voice their

    opinions through print and broadcast media. Access to the internet has been made easier because

    of the numerous information stored within its servers and websites. However, along with the

    growth of the internet are issues and controversies that the State would need to address i.e.

    cybercrime offenses thus, R.A. 10175 was created. This law aims to curb cybercrime offenses

    and secure the integrity and credibility of the information stores in the internet, protect against

    abuse and penalize its offenders.

    The passage of R.A. 10175 has been surrounded by controversies including its approval

    amidst the height of cyberbullying to Sen. Sotto on his alleged acts of plagiarism, the inclusion

    of the libel provision and the double jeopardy a cybercrime offender would have to face. This

    paper has been working on the assertion that R.A. 10175 deprives internet users of the freedom

    of expression.

    As a general rule, the Constitution expressly provides that no law abridging the freedom

    of expression shall be passed. However, such constitutional right may be deprived by the State if

    and only if there is an observance of due process. Since the Constitution does not provide for a

    definite definition of due process, standards were used in order to determine whether the

    punishment granted to the exercise of the freedom of expression in the internet is valid and

    whether substantive due process had been observed. The law has been shown that the purpose of

    preventing cybercrime offenses from happening could be attained by regulating internet access

    among the users and that public good is more important over the exercise of the freedom of

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    expression. However, the presence of a double jeopardy provision i.e. being prosecuted and tried

    for the same offense is unfair thus, rendering R.A. 10175 invalid on that score. The continued

    evolution of technology and their evolving role in shaping the Philippine political landscape has

    been evident in society. However, along with the growth of politics and technology is also the

    increase of self-interested individuals who are willing to sacrifice the public good for personal

    affairs. The use of the internet the presence of such people more dangerous and the state is bound

    to address these evils. It is only therefore proper that the government will undertake certain

    measures that may sacrifice the rights of individuals but geared towards a better purpose of

    serving the public interest.

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