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Vol. 111: 183–190, 2014doi: 10.3354/dao02783

Published October 16


Gas emboli can result from iatrogenic sources,baro trauma (Saukko & Knight 2004), off-gassing ofsupersaturated blood and tissues (Hamilton 2003),absorption of intestinal gas (Shaw et al. 1967), or gas-producing bacteria (Hart et al. 1983). Gas emboli inmarine mammals were first reported in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys of spotted dolphins Stenella

attenuata and spinner dolphins S. longirostris cap-tured incidentally in tuna purse-seine operations.The etiology was hypothesized to be alveolar rupturedue to violent respiratory movement associated withasphyxiation (Cowan & Walker 1979). Several subse-quent studies that reported gas emboli in cetaceanshypothesized that off-gassing of supersaturatedblood and tissues is the mechanism for accumulationof intravascular and/or intraparenchymal gas. These

© Inter-Research 2014 ·*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Clostridium perfringens septicemia in a long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis : an etiology of gas bubble accumulation in cetaceans

Kerri Danil1,*, Judy A. St. Leger2, Sophie Dennison3, Yara Bernaldo de Quirós4, Miriam Scadeng5, Erika Nilson2, Nicole Beaulieu1

1Marine Mammal & Turtle Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

2Sea World San Diego, 500 Sea World Drive, San Diego, CA 92109, USA310 Liberty Way no. 102, 851 Indiana Street no. 307, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

4Department of Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA5Center for Functional MRI, Department of Radiology, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

ABSTRACT: An adult female long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis live-stranded inLa Jolla, California, USA, on July 30, 2012 and subsequently died on the beach. Computed tomo -graphy and magnetic resonance imaging revealed gas bubble accumulation in the vasculature,organ parenchyma, mandibular fat pads, and subdermal sheath as well as a gas-filled cavitywithin the liver, mild caudal abdominal effusion, and fluid in the uterus. Gross examination con-firmed these findings and also identified mild ulcerations on the palate, ventral skin, and flukes,uterine necrosis, and multifocal parenchymal cavitations in the brain. Histological review demon-strated necrosis and round clear spaces interpreted as gas bubbles with associated bacterial rodswithin the brain, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Anaerobic cultures of the lung, spleen, liver,bone marrow, and abdominal fluid yielded Clostridium perfringens, which was further identifiedas type A via a multiplex PCR assay. The gas composition of sampled bubbles was typical of putre-faction gases, which is consistent with the by-products of C. perfringens, a gas-producing bac-terium. Gas bubble formation in marine mammals due to barotrauma, and peri- or postmortem off-gassing of supersaturated tissues and blood has been previously described. This case studyconcluded that a systemic infection of C. perfringens likely resulted in production of gas and tox-ins, causing tissue necrosis.

KEY WORDS: Cetacea · Clostridium · Delphinus capensis · Disease · Gas bubble · Gas gangrene ·Marine mammals · Strandings

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studies included a beaked whale mass strandingassociated with military exercises in the CanaryIslands (Jepson et al. 2003, Fernández et al. 2005),hepatic and renal cavitations in UK cetaceans (Jep-son et al. 2003, 2005), dysbaric osteo necrosis in spermwhales (Moore & Early 2004), marine mammals inci-dentally killed at depth during fishing operations(Moore et al. 2009), and live-stranded dolphins (Den-nison et al. 2012). In these cases, the suggestedmechanism challenged the previous perception thatmarine mammals do not suffer decompression sick-ness. More recently, intravascular gas emboli werelinked to barotrauma in 3 long-beaked common dol-phins Delphinus capensis killed by an underwaterdetonation (Danil & St. Leger 2011, St. Leger et al.2011). All of these studies highlight the need to betterunderstand the causes of gas bubble formation, andfurther investigations have been proposed, includinganalysis of gas bubble composition (Piantadosi &Thalmann 2004).

Accordingly, gas sampling and analysis protocolsfor marine mammals have recently been developed(Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2011, 2012a, 2013). Ber -naldo de Quirós et al. (2012b) found that gas bubblesare more common in deeper-diving cetaceans andare mainly composed of 70% nitrogen and 30% CO2,supporting the concept of decompression-related gasembolism in many stranded cetaceans.

Gas production by the bacteria Clostridium spp. incaptive cetaceans, manatees, and pinnipeds hasbeen briefly described in the literature, with some ofthese cases attributed to C. perfringens specifically.Although Clostridium spp. are the prevalent cau sa -tive organisms of gas-forming infections, polymicro-bial infections including Enterococcus, Enterobactercloacae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteroides fragilis,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli havebeen reported in the human literature (Yang et al.1996). C. perfringens is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped,spore-forming, anaerobic, oxygen-tolerant bacte -rium that is found in the soil, marine and freshwatersediment, and in the intestinal tract of humans andanimals. It is a fermentive H2-producing bacterium(Rood & Cole 1991) that is classified into 5 types (A,B, C, D, E) based on the production of 4 major toxins:alpha, beta, epsilon, and iota (McDonel 1980).Enterotoxin and beta 2 toxins can also be producedby all C. perfringens types but are not used in theclassification scheme of this bacterium. C. perfrin-gens type A produces an alpha toxin, which is alecithinase (phospholipase) that causes lysis of redblood cells, myocytes, fibroblasts, platelets, andleukocytes (Revis 2011) and is known to play a major

role in gas gangrene (Quinn et al. 2011). It has alsobeen known to cause myositis, enterotoxemia, diar-rhea, and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in both humansand wildlife (Hirsh & Biberstein 2004).

C. perfringens is part of the normal flora of marinemammal gastrointestinal (GI) tracts as can be seen byits isolation from the GI tracts of captive killer whalesOrcinus orca, false killer whales Pseudorca crassi-dens, bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, anddwarf sperm whales Kogia sima (Walsh et al. 1994),as well as from wild hooded seals Cystophora cristata(Aschfalk & Müller 2001), harbor porpoises Phocoenaphocoena (Siebert et al. 2001), harbor seals Phoca vit-ulina (Siebert et al. 2007), and polar bears Ursus mar-itimus (Jores et al. 2008).

Brief descriptions of Clostridium spp. infections incaptive marine mammals have been reported andinclude a presumptive clostridial enterotoxemia inO. orca (Griffin & Goldsberry 1968), a gas-producingmyositis in T. truncatus (Sweeney & Ridgway 1975),clostridial myositis following intramuscular injectionsin O. orca, T. truncatus, and a California sea lionZalophus californianus (Greenwood & Taylor 1978),and a clostridial infection in a manatee that causedthe side of the animal to swell and subsequentlycaused death (Caldwell & Caldwell 1985). A local-ized C. perfringens infection that resulted in colonicrupture and subsequent death of a captive Z. califor-nianus was more thoroughly described by Van Bonnet al. (1995). In addition, Buck et al. (1987) describedthe exogenous introduction of C. perfringens frompool water into the musculature of a captive T. trun-catus via skin lacerations, which resulted in systemicgas gangrene and subsequent death of the animal.We present a case of gas emboli and parenchymalcavitations caused by C. perfringens septicemia, in afree-ranging marine mammal, using new techniquesthat include polymerase chain reaction (PCR), radiol-ogy, and gas analysis.


On July 30, 2012, lifeguards reported a live-stranded dolphin on the beach at Sea Lane Beach,La Jolla, California, USA (32° 50’ 8.5’’ N, 117° 16’53.0’’ W), to the local marine mammal stranding net-work. The animal subsequently died on the beachand was placed in a refrigerator within 2 h post-mortem. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), com-puted tomography (CT), and a gross necropsy exam-ination were all performed within 24 h of death, withthe animal refrigerated in between procedures.


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The CT scan was completed using a Siemens Emo-tion 6 scanner in helical mode, set at 110 kV and91 mAs, with the specimen placed in sternal recum-bency within the gantry and acquired in 2 acquisi-tions, cranial half and caudal half. Images wereacquired using 1.5 mm slice thickness and bone andtissue reconstruction algorithms. An MRI was ac -quired with a 3Tesla Discovery GE750 scanner usingboth fast spin echo and gradient echo se quen ces,with the specimen placed in sternal recumbencywithin the gantry and acquired in 1 acquisition.

Dorsal, lateral, and ventral blubber depths werecollected along a vertical gradient beginning at theanterior insertion of the dorsal fin. Cervical blubberdepth was collected just posterior to the blowhole.Gross examination involved visual inspection andcollection of tissues from the brain, pituitary gland,heart, trachea, lungs, liver, kidney, bladder, spleen,tonsil, lymph nodes, skin, skeletal muscle, orophar-ynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and intestines.Uterus and ovaries were examined but were not col-lected in formalin. All other collected tissues werefixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, embedded inpara ffin, sectioned at 4 to 7 mm, stained with hema-toxylin and eosin (HE), and examined microscopi-cally. Select tissues demonstrating bacterial rodswithin clear spaces were additionally stained withBrown-Hopps stain to determine Gram-staining pro -perties. Age was determined by examining growth

layers in the teeth following the methods outlined byDanil & Chivers (2007).

To quantify the abundance of gas in the specimen,a gas score was as signed (Bernaldo de Quirós et al.2012b). Ten gas samples were collected and ana-lyzed from the mesenteric vasculature (n = 3), pari-etal peritoneum (n = 3), aorta (n = 3), and ambient air(control; n = 1) according to the methods outlined byBernaldo de Quirós et al. (2012a).

Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were performed onlung, spleen, liver, bone marrow, and abdominalfluid. Samples collected at necropsy were inoculatedonto blood agar and incubated at 37°C for 2 to 10 d.Bacterial identification was performed via a Vitek®

Microbial Identification System (Biomerieux). Iso-lates were evaluated for toxin typing of Clostridiumperfringens via multiplex PCR (Meer & Songer 1997).


The stranded dolphin was a 212.2 cm long, 16 yrold, 85.5 kg adult female long-beaked common dol-phin Delphinus capensis. Externally, the dolphin pre-sented with a 1 cm diameter abscess on the fluke, 2ventral skin ulcerations (each 3 cm long) extendinginto the blubber with secondary healing (Fig. 1a), amild ulceration on the palate and the floor of themouth, and fresh rake marks.


Fig. 1. Gross necropsy observations of a stranded adult female long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis: (a) second-ary healing of skin wounds, (b) gas bubbles in the visceral peritoneum of the kidney, (c) mesenteric gas emboli, (d) hepatic

focal mass, (e) cavitations within cerebrum, (f) uterine necrosis

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Radiology (CT and MRI)

Diagnostic imaging revealed water in the blowhole, mild ascites, marked diffuse gas bubble accu-mulation in the vasculature with concurrent intra -cardiac, subarachnoid (Fig. 2), retroperitoneal, andperitoneal gas accumulations, and intestinal andhepatic pneumatosis. Specifically, vascular gas bub-bles occurred in the aorta, cranial and caudal venacava, pulmonary arteries and veins, coronary arter-ies, brachicephalic trunk and branching arteries,neural canal venous sinuses, and blood vessels of themeninges and cerebrum/cerebellum (Fig. 2), inter-costal muscles, kidneys, hepatic portal vein, and themesentery. The greatest intravascular accumulationwas noted in the dorsal paraspinal musculature. Bub-bles of gas were found in multiple organs: heart, eye,intestine, liver, spleen, and brain. The liver presentedwith a 4.4 cm × 7 cm × 5.3 cm focal mass in the leftlobe (Fig. 3) and a 3.4 cm diameter, less well-definedmass in the right lobe. In addition, gas accumulationwas evident bilaterally in the mandibular fat pads,throughout the melon, and diffusely throughout thesubdermal sheath.

Gross examination

Dorsal, lateral, ventral, and cervical blubber thick-ness was 0.7, 0.6, 0.3, and 0.9 cm, respectively. Allof these measures, except ventral, were below the

lower quartile of blubber thickness measures for pre-viously stranded adult female D. capensis (n = 30; au-thors’ unpubl. data), demonstrating poor body condi-tion. Gas bubbles with an estimated volume rangingfrom 0.1 to 2 ml were visible in the subdermal sheath,parietal peritoneum, visceral peritoneum of the kidney(Fig. 1b), splenic vasculature, mesenteric vasculature(Fig. 1c), calvarial vasculature on the inner surface ofthe skull, and liver (Fig. 1d). Gross exam also revealedfroth in the bronchi, ascites, and cavitations within thewhite matter of the brain (Fig. 1e). The spleen was en-larged and weighed 158 g. This is above the 90%quantile for previously weighed spleens from strandedadult D. capensis (n = 28; authors’ unpubl. data). Theserosal surface of the left and right uterine horns wasblack and gray, respectively (Fig. 1f). Upon dissection,black striations within the folds of the endometriumwere visible in both uterine horns. The left uterinehorn appeared slightly wider, and a regressing corpusluteum (16.1 mm diameter) was present on the leftovary. In total, there were 4 corpora albicantia on theleft ovary and 1 on the right.

Histological findings

Histopathology revealed multifocal intraparenchy-mal cavitations in the brain, which were clear spaceswith no epithelial lining. Loosely arranged colonies oflarge bacterial rods were found within these spaces,within and around adjacent vessels, and scatteredwithin the adjacent parenchyma (Fig. 4). Gram stains


Fig. 2. Computed tomography (CT) image showing sub-arachnoid (black arrow), cerebral (blue arrow), and cerebel-lar vascular or parenchymal (orange arrow) gas accumula-tion in a stran ded adult female long-beaked common

dolphin Delphinus capensis. Rt: right side of body

Fig. 3. Magnetic resonance image (MRI) demonstrates focalair-filled mass (black arrow) in the liver of a stranded adultfemale long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis.

Rt: right side of body

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of brain tissue demonstrated Gram-positive stainingof the bacterial rods (Fig. 5). The pituitary gland had afocally extensive area of necrosis with central bacterialcolonies as seen in the brain. The liver demonstrated asevere diffuse necrotizing and hemorrhagic hepatitiswith abundant bacterial rods and abundant, variablysized, irregular-shaped ca vitations containing clearspaces or edema fluid (Fig. 6). A moderate and acutenecrotizing splenitis was observed. Lymph nodesdemonstrated moderate multifocal single cell necrosis,bacterial thrombi, and occasional parenchymous gasbubbles. Mild to moderate dilation, congestion, andgas within both submucosal and mucosal vessels of

the intestines were observed. The eye revealedequivocal bubbles within vessels and lymphatics aswell as small clear bubbles within the retina at thechoroid and outer nuclear layers.

Ancillary tests

The gas abundance score was high, receiving a 10on a scale of 1 to 10. The average (mean ± SD) gascomposition of sampled bubbles was 47.7 ± 7.5% H2,26.8 ± 5.6% N2, 18.8 ± 8.7% CO2, and 6.7 ± 1.3% O2

(Table 1). CH4 was not detected in any of the sam-ples. One sample was contaminated with atmos-pheric air (parietal peritoneum 2) and was not used inthe calculation of averages.


Fig. 4. Clear spaces within the brain parenchyma of astranded adult female long-beaked common dolphin Del-phinus ca p en sis represent emboli (bubbles) with frequentoccurrence of basophilic bacterial rods at the margins. Mag-

nification is 40×

Fig. 5. Gram stain of brain tissue of a stranded adult femalelong-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis revealsabundant Gram-positive rods associated with both vesselsand parenchyma. Note the good state of preservation of thetissue as evidence against autolysis. Magnification is 400×

Fig. 6. Liver of a stranded adult female long-beaked commondolphin Delphinus capensis, demonstrating acute necrosisand edema with hemorrhage and gas bubble formation. Thepreservation of cells is not suggestive of autolysis. Magnifi-

cation is 100×

Sampling location H2 O2 N2 CO2

Mesenteric vasculature 1 64.7 4.9 21.5 8.8Mesenteric vasculature 2 44.2 7.2 29.8 18.7Mesenteric vasculature 3 40.7 5.5 19.9 33.9Parietal peritoneum 1 45.6 6.7 25.5 22.1Parietal peritoneum 3 48.3 9 37.2 5.5Aorta vasculature 1 50.3 5.6 23.0 21.2Aorta vasculature 2 42.1 7.8 30.4 19.6Aorta vasculature 3 45.3 7 26.8 20.9Negative (air) 0.0 20.30 79.67 0.3

Table 1. Composition (%) of gas emboli sampled in a stran dedadult female long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus cap -en sis. Note that the parietal peritoneum 2 sample was air

polluted and was therefore not used in the analysis

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Anaerobic cultures of the lung, spleen, liver, bonemarrow, and abdominal fluid all yielded pure cul-tures of Clostridium perfringens. Genotyping andtoxin testing identified it as genotype A that was neg-ative for enterotoxin and beta 2 toxins. Aerobic cul-tures did not yield any pathogenic organisms. A PCRtest on a uterine swab was negative for Brucella sp.


Multiple diagnostic tools supported a thoroughevaluation and diagnosis of Clostridium perfringensgas gangrene in this case study. CT, MRI, and grossexamination revealed extensive widespread gasbubbles in the vasculature and organs. The identifi-cation of Gram-positive bacterial rods and tissuenecrosis on histopathology, pure cultures of C. per-fringens in multiple organs, PCR identification oftoxin type A, and a high H2 content in the gas bubblesindicates that C. perfringens propagated through thebody, producing gas and alpha toxin, which led to tis-sue necrosis in multiple organs.

In the initial stage of the investigation, after diag-nostic imaging revealed abundant vascular gas em-boli similar to previous barotrauma cases (St. Leger etal. 2011), this was initially considered as a possibleetiology. Obvious differences became evident afterthe gross exam, radiology, microbiology, histopathol-ogy, and gas composition results were complete. Notonly was there an absence of patchy hemorrhagethroughout the pulmonary parenchyma as was seenin barotrauma cases, but there was organ necrosis,parenchymal cavitations, bacteria, and a gas compo-sition dissimilar to those cases. The ocular gas de-tected was also unusual, as it has only been seen todate in marine mammals drowned at depth (Moore etal. 2009). This finding in combination with the exten-sive volume and distribution of gas including intes-tinal and hepatic pneumatosis revealed an etiologydistinct from the previously described gas bubblecases attributed to off-gassing or barotrauma.

The cavitations observed in this case are similar tothe hepatic cavitations described in UK cetaceans. Inthose animals, no bacteria were cultured from 5 of 6cavitated livers, and the 1 case in which C. perfringenswas isolated was attributed to autolysis (Jepson et al.2005). The etiology of those cavitations remains un-known, although the authors proposed off-gassing ofsupersaturated tissues or embolism of intestinal gas aspossible causes. Our gross necropsy results mirror the‘copious amounts of gas present in the muscles, liver,and under the capsules of the kidney’ that were found

in a captive Tursiops with systemic clostridial gas gan-grene (Buck et al. 1987, p. 488), with the exception thatin our case necrosis was found in organs other than themuscle that was observed in that study.

Intravascular gas is a common finding in strandedcetaceans, although not typically in great abun-dance. The extensive bubbles (a score of 10 out of 10)in this freshly dead dolphin supports that these werean important pathological finding and did not origi-nate from the process of decay. The uniqueness ofsuch a high score is highlighted by a previous surveyof gas accumulation in fresh stranded marine mam-mals where only 2 out of 38 specimens received a gasscore higher than 5, viz. 7 and 9 (Bernaldo de Quiróset al. 2012b). Gas-producing bacteria such as Clos -tridium spp. must be on the differential diagnosis forintravascular gas in cetaceans. The presence of thealpha toxin associated with the isolated C. per fringensand the good tissue and cell preservation (Figs. 5 & 6)support that this organism is the pathogen of the sep-ticemia and not a postmortem con taminant.

The composition of the sampled bubbles furthersupports the gas-forming bacteria as the source ofthe intravascular and parenchymal gas. A composi-tion of approximately 70−80% N2 and 20−30% CO2

would be expected from animals affected by baro-trauma or off-gassing of supersaturated tissues(Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2012b). However, in thiscase, the average gas composition was distinctly dif-ferent: 47.7 ± 7.5% H2, 26.8 ± 5.6% N2, 18.8 ± 8.7%CO2, and 6.7 ± 1.3% O2. A high H2 content typicallyindicates putrefaction (Bernaldo de Quirós et al.2012b). During the decomposition process, destruc-tion of tissues by the body’s enzymes (autolysis) andmicroorganisms from the intestines and the environ-ment (putrefaction) occurs (Vass 2001). Some of thesemicroorganisms are fermentive H2-producing bacte-ria, which are restricted to a few genera, such asClostridium and Enterobacter (Xing et al. 2008). Inthis case, the hydrogen was likely produced whilethe dolphin was alive, by the C. perfringens culturedfrom multiple organs and presumed to be the rod-shaped bacterium associated with the gas marginsidentified on histopathology. This fermentive gas-producing bacterium can yield profuse amounts of H2

and CO2 to maintain an anaerobic environment(Rood & Cole 1991). However, these organisms arenot strict anaerobes and the 7% O2 found in our sam-ples would be compatible with their survival, as 30%O2 tension allows for free growth of these bacteriawhereas 70% restricts their growth (Revis 2011). Thegas composition in this case was unlike that of a C.septicum gas gangrene case in a human that was


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reported as 5.9% H2, 3.4% CO2, 74.5% N2, and16.1% O2 (Chi et al. 1995). Such high CO2 and O2

levels are often indicators of atmospheric air-pollutedsamples (Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2012b). However,Chi et al. (1995) hypothesized that the high oxygenlevel in their case may have been due to oxygeninhalation by the patient.

Since C. perfringens is ubiquitous in the environ-ment and common in the GI tract of marine mam-mals, there could have been 2 possible routes ofentry for this organism. It is plausible that it enteredthrough 1 of the multiple open skin lesions or becamesystemic from a localized GI tract or uterine infection.While there was no indication of a GI tract infection,the focally extensive area of damage in the liver is aplausible site of origin for the infection. In humans,C. perfringens can be found in the genital tract ofhealthy women but may multiply and cause infectionfollowing an abortion or prolonged labor (Dylewskiet al. 1989). The regressing corpus luteum associatedwith a wider uterine horn in this dolphin suggeststhat it could have been recently pregnant. If this wasthe case, the lack of lactation would indicate thateither fetal resorption or a stillbirth occurred, or thatthe calf did not survive long after birth. Thus, it ispossible that C. perfringens propagated from either ahepatic/biliary infection or an endometritis. What-ever the origin of C. perfringens, it is clear that itpropagated throughout the body of this dolphin andproduced gas and alpha toxin, which caused theobserved tissue necrosis. The cavitations in the liverand brain likely formed due to the compression of thetissue from the expanding gas. The intravascular gasresulted from bacterial production.

The thorough evaluation of this case was crucial tounderstanding the extent and etiology of the ob -served gas in this specimen. MRI and CT were criti-cal to appreciating the distribution and abundance ofgas, especially in areas not visible on gross examina-tion (e.g. heart, subarachnoid space). Histopathologyfurther identified clear spaces in organs, organ ne -crosis, and bacterial rods. Microbiology and mo le c ularstudies identified the bacteria as C. perfringens typeA while the gas composition analysis supported thisfinding. Although gas accumulation appears to be acommon finding in marine mammals (Moore et al.2009, Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2012b, Dennison et al.2012), the cause for such findings varies. Case stud-ies like this one provide valuable information toimprove our ability to make correct diagnoses and tounderstand disease in marine mammal populations.This information is important for developing mean-ingful marine mammal management plans.

Acknowledgements. We thank Eric Archer, Brittany Han-cock-Hanser, and Claire Surrey-Marsden for initial strand-ing response and CT logistical support, Jeff Hester fornecropsy assistance, Sarena Sunico for CT coordination andimaging, and Sea World Laboratory staff. Aspects of thisstudy were funded by NOAA Prescott Grant no. NA -11NMF4390085 and NMFS Office of Protected Resources,Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.Thanks to Nick Kellar, Susan Chivers, and 3 anonymousreviewers for their helpful comments on earlier versions ofthe manuscript.


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Editorial responsibility: Michael Moore, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA

Submitted: February 12, 2014; Accepted: June 19, 2014Proofs received from author(s): September 16, 2014

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