
A Brief History of Russia (Part 1) From Early Days to 1917 Ancient Russia (Until 1600): Rus is founded at Novgorod (about 862 AD) Kiev becomes capital (882 AD) Moscow becomes capital (1271) Mongols (Tartars) dominate Russia ( ) Russia freed of the Mongols (1480) Moscow Kremlin ( ) Original Stone Fortress 1320s Current Walls built St. Basils Cathedral Ruled for over 40 years Married 7 times Ruled through fear & killed political rivals, including family. Ivan IV (The Terrible) first Tsar in 1547 Tsarist Era ( ): Romanov Tsars come to power and industrialize Russia Peter the Great ( ) Traveled throughout Western Europe Began a program of Westernization for Russia Built St. Petersburg and made it the capital Successfully expanded Russian territory Fashion of the late 1600s Russia Western Europe Catherine The Great ( ) Became Empress when she overthrew her husband in 1762 Continued to expand and westernize Russia The Hermitage Home of the Czars *Nicholas II (Last Czar of Russia) Alexandra Tsarina Four Daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Tsarevich Alexei Born with hemophilia (a blood disease) Rasputin (The Mad Monk) Only person who could heal Prince Alexei. Russian Revolution-1917 Royal family taken prisoner by the Bolsheviks. *Russian Royal Family Assassinated In 1918 < Anastasia Romanov Anna Anderson >

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