Page 1: A Brief History of Modern Physics

A Brief History of Modern PhysicsA Brief History of Modern PhysicsModern Physics rests on two pillars:

1. Theory of Relativity (Einstein)

Special Relativity 1905

General Relativity 1915→ nature of space and time (phenomena at high speed)

→ gravity as a result of curved spacetime

2. Quantum Mechanics (Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, …)

~1900 - 1925

phenomena at very short distance scales→ structure of the atom

→ behavior of light, subatomic particles

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What is Particle Physics About?What is Particle Physics About?

Experiments can address long standing puzzles / questions:

• What are the fundamental constituents of matter?

• What are the fundamental forces between elementary particles?

• Can the forces of nature be unified? Including gravity?

• What is the origin of mass?

• What is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe?

• What is dark matter?

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Constituents of Matter (I)Constituents of Matter (I)

Thomson Model of the Atom (early 1900’s)

• electrons are embedded in homogeneous positively charged mass“raisins in plum pudding”

diffuse positive charge

Note: protons not yet discovered

in early 1900’s


Emission lines cannot be explained

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Constituents of Matter (II)Constituents of Matter (II)• How can we probe the structure of the atom?→ Perform scattering experiments with high energy particles

with de Broglie wavelength

• Rutherford Scattering Expts (1910)


α particles (He nucleus)produced in radioactive decays

e.g. 232Th → 228Ra + α

Kinetic energy of α particle

K = 4 MeV ⇒ λ ≈ 10-14 m

Observations: ~1 in 104 α particles is back scattered

⇒ Large angle deflections are due to nearly head-on

collisions between the α particles and a very small and dense nucleus


λ =

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Constituents of Matter (III)Constituents of Matter (III)• Late 1960’s: repeat of Rutherford expt at huge particle accelerators like

the 2-mile long linac at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

Projectiles: linear accelerator takes electrons from rest to K = 50 GeV⇒ de Broglie wavelength = 2.5 x 10-17 m

⇒ moving close to the speed of light: v = 0.999 999 999 95 c

⇒ Electrons do not see 2 mile-long linac but a contracted length of only 1 in.!

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Constituents of Matter (IV)Constituents of Matter (IV)Scattering experiments at SLAC established the existence ofquarks as fundamental constituents of protons and neutrons→ What do we currently know about the structure of matter?

Atom = bound system of positive nucleus + orbiting electrons ~ 10-10 m

Nucleus = bound system of protons + neutrons (nucleons) ~ 10-15 m

Nucleons = bound system of up and down quarksQuarks = ? no known structure down to < 10-18 m

Name Spin Charge

up (u) ½ +⅔ e

down (d) ½ −⅓ e mass

strange (s) ½ −⅓ e

charmed (c) ½ +⅔ e

bottom (b) ½ −⅓ e

top (t) ½ +⅔ e

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ForcesForcesHow do these fundamental constituents interact with one another?• Four different forces are known:Interaction Rel. strength Range

Strong 1 ~2 fm

Electromagnetic 10-2 ∞

Weak 10-5 ~10-3 fm

Gravitational 10-39 ∞

• Forces mediated by particles:

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4 Forces4 Forces

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Probing short distance scales (high energy) uncovers deep regularities,

symmetries and can lead to unified descriptions of different phenomena

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Particle acceleratorsallow us to peer intothe earliest momentsof the Universe

Forces believed tobe unified atextreme energies(or tiny distancescales)

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News from the CosmosNews from the Cosmos•• Quarks and leptons make up only 5% of the Universe!Quarks and leptons make up only 5% of the Universe!

•• Deep mystery: what is dark energy and dark matter? Deep mystery: what is dark energy and dark matter?

Antimatter: 0%

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Matter-antimatter Asymmetry (I)►Baryogenesis Puzzle

Early Universe: Universe Today:

matter and antimatter no antimatter!

created in equal amounts

• Mystery: Where did the antimatter go?

Why is there any matter left today?

Big Bang


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Matter-antimatter Asymmetry (II)• A. Sakharov (1967) proposes a mechanism that

requires three ingredients to explain the asymmetry:

1. Baryon number violating reactions occur

2. C and CP violation (CPV) take place

in these reactions3. Reactions occur out of thermal equilibrium

(Big Bang)

Sakharov’s paper summary in verse:From S. Okubo’s effectAt high temperatureA coat is tailored for the UniverseTo fit its skewed shape

Violation of CP-invariance, C-asymmetryand baryon asymmetry of the Universe

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Matter-antimatter Asymmetry (III)• What is CP violation?

Observation that the Laws of Physics are not exactly the same under

the combined transformation:

Charge conjugation C particle ↔ antiparticle

Parity P left-handed helicity ↔ right-handed helicity

CP symmetry is preserved in strong and electromagnetic interactions

BUT weak interactions violate CP symmetry – Cronin, Fitch (1964)

• Manifestation: different decay rates in K and B meson decays

For example, the decay rate for K0L → π− µ+ νµ is slightly higher than

that for K0L → π+ µ− νµ (rate asymmetry = 0.3%)

(mirror symmetry)

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Matter-antimatter Asymmetry (IV)• Does the Standard Model provide Sakharov’s

three ingredients?


• How much asymmetry do we need?

1 in 109 baryons must survive annihilation to

generate the baryon asymmetry observed today:

(nB – nB) / nγ = 6 x 10-10 (WMAP)

• Can the Standard Model do that?


Amount of CP violation is too smallby ~10 orders of magnitude…

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ee++ ee-- →→ ϒϒ(4S) (4S) →→ B BB Bwith with E(eE(e+) = 3.1 GeV+) = 3.1 GeV andand E(eE(e--) = 9.0 GeV) = 9.0 GeV

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