Page 1: A “VUCA” World Volatile Leadership Best Practise Uncertain ...€¦ · meets customers expectations. • Financial engineering expertise • Quality of the enterprises balance



Leadership Best Practise Who do I need to be?

Common Purpose Presentation

David Robinson - Speedo

Data -Harvard 2010

© David Robinson 2010

A “VUCA” World





Good leadership has never been so important

Source: US Military. © David Robinson 2010

Page 2: A “VUCA” World Volatile Leadership Best Practise Uncertain ...€¦ · meets customers expectations. • Financial engineering expertise • Quality of the enterprises balance



Two Elements of Leadership

Smart Skills

Heart Skills

The What The How

© David Robinson 2010

Smart Skills for Leaders (What you need to know)

© David Robinson 2010

Page 3: A “VUCA” World Volatile Leadership Best Practise Uncertain ...€¦ · meets customers expectations. • Financial engineering expertise • Quality of the enterprises balance



What Really Works???? (Circle only 8 Management practises)

• Being one of the largest enterprises in your industry.

• A well defined clearly communicated strategy.

• Being one of the lowest cost enterprises in your industry

• Embracing and implementing new information technologies.

• Superior corporate governance.

• Operational execution that consistently meets customers expectations.

• Financial engineering expertise

• Quality of the enterprises balance sheet

• Achieving the most stringent quality levels (eg Six Sigma)

• Creating a high performance high values culture.

• Delighting customers by exceeding their expectations.

• A structure that simplifies working in and with the organisation.

• Superior talent at all levels.

• Adopting a balanced scorecard.

• A great leadership team at the top.

• Driving innovation in your industry.

• A great Brand.

• Developing a mergers and partnership capability.

• Superior supply-chain management.

• Being a truly global enterprise.

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010

© David Robinson 2010

What Really Works? From over two hundred possibilities it boils down to:-

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010 © David Robinson 2010

A Well defined clearly communicated Strategy – (Simple)

A Structure that simplifies working in and with the organisation. (Thought of and created as an interrelated System not departmental silos)

Creating a high performance, high values Culture. (you need both)

Operational Execution that consistently meets customers expectations (constantly aware of and adapting to changing needs)

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© David Robinson 2010

High Performance People

• 52% Better Performance vs. Average

• 300% Better Performance vs. Bottom Low

(Non Managerial)

• 85% Better Performance vs. Average

• 1200% Better Performance vs. Average Medium


• 127% Better Performance vs. Average

• Lower performers cannot do the job! High

(Leader/Senior Manager)

Complexity of Role % of greater productivity from top performers

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010 © David Robinson 2010

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The Productivity of Ownership

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010 © David Robinson 2010

The Fewer Better People principle adds more value

They Drive Improvements through self lead partnerships with their colleagues

They Focus on Value for the customer and the business

High performers feel and exhibit a Sense of Ownership for their role

Purpose and Society

© David Robinson 2010

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• Incredible global diversity and volatility will now be a norm.

• Leaders will be required to act ahead of expected results and make steps into the grey areas.

• You have to think long term but have the systems in place to be able to manage the short term also.

• To succeed in the future we need to engage and serve a new breed of consumers and employees, who value a sense of purpose beyond profit.

The new model - Purpose, Vision, Values led.

A Sense of Purpose

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010

© David Robinson 2010

A Sense of Purpose

• Proctor and Gamble example.

Key Strategy - Purpose Inspired Growth, Affect More Lives, More Places, More Completely

Purpose – Improve the lives of the Worlds consumers now and for generations to come.

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010

© David Robinson 2010

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Smart Skills Summary

Strategy Culture System


People Purpose Vision Values

© David Robinson 2010

Get Comfortable with V.U.C.A

Heart Skills for Leaders (How to make things happen)

© David Robinson 2010

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Leading Change


• Planning and Budgeting, Organising and Staffing, controlling and Problem Solving

•Taking Complex systems of people and technology and making them run as effectively as possible Hour after Hour, Day after Day


• Creating Vision and Strategy, Communicating and getting buy in, Motivating action

•Creating the systems that Managers manage and transforming them, when needed, to allow growth, evolution, new opportunities and to avoid hazards

Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010

© David Robinson 2010

Leading Change


Feel (Heart)


Whilst both are important great leadership requires a greater focus on

leading with


Think (Mind)


Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010 © David Robinson 2010

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Leading Change


Feel (Heart)


Whilst both are important great leadership requires a greater focus on

leading with Heart. You need to be out seeing and feeling what needs to

be done and encouraging change. 25% Management 75% Leadership


Think (Mind)


Source: Harvard leadership best practise program 2010 © David Robinson 2010

Leading Change – The Difficult Middle

• The Difficult Middle, everything can look like a failure in the middle.

• The Four stages of the difficult middle.

1) Forecasting results in new areas is tough, on the whole it will take longer and cost more than planned

2) As you go into the unknown you will hit road blocks and bumps in the road you

didn’t know existed. It’s essential to have the right team in place to work through these.

3) Your Team will get tired, frustrated and sometimes demoralised you have to get

them through it.

4) Critics will appear and challenge the why and the what – Persevere

Source: John Kotter leading Change

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It is not the critic who counts: not the person who points out how the

strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done


The credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena, whose face

is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who

errs and comes up short again and again,

For it is they who at best, know in the end, the triumph of high

achievement, and at worst, if they fail, at least they fail whilst daring

greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid

souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Source : taken from a speech by President Roosevelt

Leadership - Life Long Learning……

© David Robinson 2010

An Open Mind, Humility, Curiosity, Ambitious Goals

Hardships that knock you out of your comfort zone – imposed or sought out.


Page 11: A “VUCA” World Volatile Leadership Best Practise Uncertain ...€¦ · meets customers expectations. • Financial engineering expertise • Quality of the enterprises balance




Belief : Trust : Loyalty : Benefit


Belief : Trust : Loyalty : Benefit

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Belief : Trust : Loyalty : Benefit

My View of Leadership

• Constant awareness and understanding of context

• Gaining genuine buy in to an inspiring vision for a better future at every level

• Enabling the organisational system to sustainably increase it’s capacity and

capability to deliver its goals faster and better

• A personal passion for a Culture based on purpose and values helping your

people to achieve more than they ever thought possible

• Ensuring the success of the organisation becomes less dependant on the Leader,

but where the Leader plays a more valuable role.

Page 13: A “VUCA” World Volatile Leadership Best Practise Uncertain ...€¦ · meets customers expectations. • Financial engineering expertise • Quality of the enterprises balance



Most Important element to leading In a

“VUCA” World?

© David Robinson 2010 Know Yourself.... © David Robinson 2010

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