  • Miscellaneous Pu bl ication

    Occasional Paper No. 25

    A 0 L C 10 0






    OF THE



    Occasional Paper No. 25






    School of Entomology, St. John's College, Agra.

    I ..... -Edited by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, CalGutta


  • © Copyright -1981, Government oj India

    Published in October, 1981

    PRICE: Inland : Rs. 38/-

    Foreign: £ 4.50 or $ 8.50

    Printed at The Pooran Press, 21. Balaram Ghose Street, Calcutta-700 004 and Publiihed by the Controller of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-l10 006


    OF THE



    Occasional Paper

    No. 25 1981


    INTRODUCTION • • • •

    KEY TO SPECIES OF Bephrata . .

    Key to species of Eu,ytoma • •

    Key to Species of Eurytom9charis • •

    Key to Species of Phylloxeroxenus

    Key to Species of Prodecatoma • •

    Pages 1-87


    • • 1

    • • 16

    • • 27

    • • 43

    • • 59

    • • 78





    School of Entomology, St. John's College, Agra-282002 (India)

    (With 35 Figures)


    This paper contains descriptions of thirty-one species, under nine genera of Eurytomidae from India. Of these three genera, viz. Blphrata Cameron, Eurytomocharis Ashmead, and Phylloxeroxenus. Ashmead are being recorded for the first time from India, and one-genus is new to science. The types and other examples are deposited in the collections of the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.

    I thank Prof. M. S. Mani for placing this interesting material at my disposal for stud y as part of PL-480 programme of research.

    I am also thankful to Dr. P. I. Ittyerab, Principal, and Dr. Santokh

    Singh, Head of the Department of Zoology, St. John's College, Agra,. for permission to work and for facilities.

    Tribe : ISOSOMINI

    1. Barmolita dalhousiae, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 4.36 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles brown; antenna

    .Contribution No. 250 from the School of Entomology, St. John's College.



    black eKcept for the brownish-black basal 0.30 of scape; thorax black; sides of pronotum and tegula with yellowish-brown markings; fore leg reddish-brown except for the black coxa and black basal 0.50 of femur; middle leg dark brown except for the black coxa, brownish-black basal 0.30 of femur and tibia except for its base and

    tip; hind leg brownish-black except for the black coxa and dark brown tarsus; wings entirely light brown; veins brown; abdomen

    black and shin y.

    Head with well separated shallow punctate; moderately densely clothed with silvery hairs; vertex with long hairs; eyes finely and sparsely pubescent; mandible bidentate; antennal sockets well above the lower orbital border; scrobe sculptured like the rest of head; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. IF) slightly wider than thorax; length to width 55 : 100 ; viewd in front (Fig. IE) length to width 84 : 100; ocellocular space about 3.00 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space subeqal to the oceIlocular space; front ocellar space very slightly more than the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 1 0,0): Segments 10, Scape long, slender, cylindrical, 4.50 times longer than thick; pedical 0.33 of scape, (1.50) times longer than thick; ring segment almost as long as thick; flagellum with long setae; first funicular segment longest, much longer than the others, slender, 2.00 times the pedicel, 3.33 times longer than thick; second funicular segmen t 0.70 of the first segment, 2.36 times longer than thick; third and fourth funicular segments subeqal, each a little shorter than the second, 2.00 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment, 0.87 of the fourth segment, 1.75 times longer than thick; sixth funicular segment 0.22 of the preceding segment, 1.44 times longer than thick; club unsegmented, broadly obtusely pointed at the tip, 1.92 times the sixth funicular segment, 2.77 times longer than thick ; club subequal to the proced-ing funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; moderately densely clothed with silvery hairs; parapsidal furrows distinct and complete; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 55; pronotum: mesoscutum : scutellum 8: 10 : 10; propodeum without carina. Fore wing (Fig. 1 A, B) length to width 100: 36; venation m: pm : st 100: 64 : 45 ;

    discal ciliation complete; marginal fringe moderately long; sm long;


    with ninteen setae directed forward; m and pm with ten and nine aetae respectively. Hind wing to fore wing 67 : 100; Iengt~ to width

    Fig. 1. Harmolita dalhousiae, sp. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. hind leg, H. abdomen., I. genitalia.

    lOO : 21. Fore leg: Coxa 2.00 times longer than thick; femur 1.57 times

    coxa ; 4.31 times longer than thick; tibia slender subequal to femur, 8.21 times longer than thick, tibial spur bifurcated, tibial. spur to metatarsus 8.00: 13.00; tarsus almost subequal to tibia; metatarsus-0.31 of tibia or tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa 1.45 times longer than thick;'

  • 4 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Occ. PAPER No. 25

    femur thickened in the [Diddle, 2.68 times coxa, 4.77 times longer tha.n thick; tibia slender, 1.37 times' femur, 10.72 times longer than thick, tibial spur to metatarsus 50: 100; tarsus 0.74 of tibIa and subequal to femur; metatarsus 0.23 of tibia and 0.31 of tar IUS. Hind leg (Fig. 1 G): Coxa 1.64 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 1.67 times coxa, about 4.00 times longer than thick; tibia dorsally with stiff bristles throughout its length, slender, 1.44 times femur, 9.71 times longer than thick, tibial spur to metatarsus 6.30 : 18.03 ; tarsus u.82 of tibia; metatarsus 0.26 of tibia and 0.32 of tarsus.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; 0.56 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. I H) length to height 100: 36; petiole short and transverse; ovipositor slightly exserted; fourth tergite slightly longer than the third.

    Male: Length 3.12 mm. General colour of body black: body clothed with silvery pubescence; head black; eyes and ocelli very brown; mandibles reddish- brown·; antenna black; thorax black;

    fore leg reddish-brown except for the black coxa; middle leg dark brown except for the black coxa, brownish base and apical about 0.70 of femur, tibia basally and apically and tibial spur; hind leg black except for the brown base and tip of femur, dark brown tibia and tarsal segments; wings subhyaline; veins brown; abdominal petiole

    and abdomen black,

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; gena matt; head densely clothed with white hairs; vertex densely pubescent; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate; antennal sockets a little above the middle of face; scrobe punctate like the rest of head; front ocellus outside the -scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 2F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 2 E) length to width 79 : 100 ; eye length to head length 30: 100; ocellocular space almost equal to the interocellar spl.ce, about 2.50 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space almost equal to the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 2C, D ): Segments 10, Scape short, stout, slightly thickened subapically, 3.20 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.20 of scape, subglobose, its length 0.88 fits thickness; ring segment minute; funicular segments much longer than their thickness, with whorls of long hairs; first funicular segment longest, 0.87 of scape, 3.68 times longer than thick; 2-5 funicular


    segments subequal, second funicular segment about 0.93 of the first segment, 3.42 times longer than thick ; sixth funicular segment about 0.82 of the preceding segment, 2.36 times longer than thick; club unsegmented, gradually reduced apically, subequal to the fourth funicular segment, 3.43 times longer than thick.


    Fig. 2. Harmolita dalhousiae, ap. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. hind leg, H. abdomen.

    . Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows present ; v1ewed dorsally length to width 100: 49; viewed laterally length to

  • 6 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    height 100 : 50 ; pronotum: mesoscutum : scutellum 6: 7.5 : 8. For, wing (Fig. 2 A, B) length to width 100 : 43; marginal fringe moderately long; venation m : pm : st 100 : 89 : 72 ; sm long, with 16 short setae

    . . directed forward; m and pm with 18 short setae. Hind leg (Fig. 2 G): Coxa 2.00 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle~ 4.80 times longer than thick; t.ibia more or less slender, cylindrical, about 1.20 times femur, dorsally with a row of stiff bristles, apout 10.50 times longer than thick, tibial spur single, tibial spur to metatarsus 5.50 : 12.00 ; tarsus 0.93 of tibia; metatarsus 0.28 of tibia and 0.30 of tarsus ; second segment 0.79 of metatarsus; third segment 0.68 of the second segment ; fourth segment 0.72 of the third segment ; fifth tarsal segment subequal to the third segment.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; petiole matt; including petiole about 0.52 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 2 H) length to height 100 : 53 ; petiole distinctly longer than hind coxa, about 3.00 times longer than thick, petiole to abdomen 40 : 100; third tergite slightly longer than the rests.

    Holotype : Female on card (one set of legs, wings and antenna on slide) ; allotype male on card; paratypes one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide), and one male on slide, 1.1. Ahla catchment area :: Dalhousie, ColI. M.S. Man; & party, 17. v. 1971.

    2. Harmolita deccanen8is, Spa nov.

    Female: Length about 2.86 mm. General colour of bod y yellowish-brown; head yellowish-brown; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles reddish-brown; antenna brownish-black except for the brownish scape,. pedicel and ring segment; thorax yellowish-brown with irregular darker brown inside parapsidal furrows, sides of scapula, faintly anteriorly on pronotum and middle of scutellum; legs brown; wings hyaline; veins brown; abdomen brown.

    Head with minute scattered punctate; vertex with long hairs; eyes finely and sparsely pubescent; mandibles bidentate; antenna} sockets well above the lower orbital border; scrobe shallow and smooth; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 3 F) distinctly wider than thorax; length to width 57: 100 ;-viewed in front (Fig. 3 E) length to width 81 : 100; eye length to head length 50 : 100 ; ocellocular space snbequal to the interocellar space,. about 2.65 times ocellar diameter, front ocellar space 0.83 of the


    ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 3 C, D) : Segments 11, Scape slightly reduced apically, 4.66 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.35 of scape, 1.51 times longer than thick; ring segment moderately large, almost as long as thick; funicular and club segments with long hairs;

    c===:;;L:z 2~~ -;" . ., - ,~«?-:::?'/~.-~--i_.:"'J: ' " ...... ', -_ ... '_.:;..-:, ..... _: ....... -_ .. -... 0:. .. _.,.,-_

    ~~'''' .. \~,:,,' ,"' ... ~:::: ... ,~ .. ~,~:: ~ ... : ..; .. ::~~ ~" .. ~.'" ...... , ......... ,.' ~ -... ~ .... , '-"' \'\~\.~.,,, ....... -..... .:-~~"'

    ,- .\~~\~'\~~

    () 0

    Fig. 3. Harmolita deccanensis, ap. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing. B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. hind leg, H.

    abdomen, I. genitalia.

    first funicular segment 0.80 of pedicel, 1.60 times longer than thick ; ~econd funicular segment very slightly shorter than the first segment,

  • 8 REC. ZOOL. SURV. IND~ CKc. PAPER No. 25

    1.26 times longer than thick; third funicular segment subequal to the first segment, 1.14 times longer th,an thick; fourth and fifth funicular segments subequal, each about 0.87 of the third segment; fourth funicular segmen t as long as thick; fifth funicular segmen t transverse, its length 0.87 of its thickness; club subequal to the preceding 2.80 funicular segments combined; first club segment 0.85 of the preceding funicular segment, transverse, its length 0.75 of its thickness; second club segment subequal to the first segment and transverse; third club segment ovate, with a wide nipple-like projection apically, 1.33 times the preceding segment, 1.08 times longer than thick.

    Thorax finely punctate; propodeum umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows present; viewed dorsally length to width 100 : 48 ; pronotum: meso scutum : scutellum 5: 8 : 8. Fore wing (Fig. 3 A, B) length to width 100: 36; discal ciliation well deve-loped; marginal fringe moderately long; venation m: pm : st 100 : 50 : 71; sm long, with 14 setae directed forward; m with 7 and pm with 5 setre. Hind wing to fore wing 67: 100; length to width 100: 19. Fore leg: Coxa 1.66 times longer than thick,

    femur 3.67 times longer than thick, tibia thickens apicallYt subequal to femuf, 7.14 times longer than thick, tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to metatarsus 7.00 : 5.50 ; tarsus 0.88 of tibia; metatarsus 0.22 of tibia and 0.25 of tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa 1.25 times longer than thick; femur 3.42 times longer than thick; tibia slender, 1.37 times femur, 9.42 times longer than thick, tibial spur to metatarsus 5.50 : 6.50: tarsus about 0.70 ~f tibia; metatarsus 0.19 of tibia and 0.28 of tarsus. Hind leg (Fig. 3G) : Coxa 1.33 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 2.00 times coxa, 3.29 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, dorsally with 9 stiff bristles, 1.35 times

    femur, 7.91 times longer than thick, tibial spurs unequal, shorter one about 0.45 of the long spur, longer tibial spur to metatarsus 5.00:9.00 ; tarsus 0.73 of tibia and subequal to femur; metatarsus 0.23 of tibia and 0.32 of tarsus.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; 0.47 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 3 H) length to height 100: 44 ; petiole very short and trans-verse; ovipositor slightly exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (one set of legs, wings, and antenna on slide), paratype one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide),.


    4:7 Kelghar-Meta: Sa tara Road, ColI M SM· & P t • • ant , ar~, 17. ix. 1971.

    This species differs from H. dalhousiae Mukerjee In the club Qeirig 3 articulated; first funicular segment not greatly Jong, and pm being; a little shorter than st.


    3. Bephrata dalhousiensis, sp. nov.

    Male: Length about 4.28 mm; length of fore wing 3.62 mm ; length of hind wing 2.62 mm; length of abdomen excluding petiole 2.06 mm ; length of petiole 0.50 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles dark brown; antenna brownish-black; thorax black except for the antero-Iateral, angles of the pronotum dark brown; legs dark brown except for t~C? black coxae; wings subhyaline; veins dark brown; abdomen 'b~~wnishblack except for the black first apparent tergite ; abdominal petiole black; aedeagus brown.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex and frons, wi~h long setae; eyes bare; antennal sockets well above the middle of face; scrobe moderately deep, closely coarsely minutely punctate~ matt with the front ocellus well within at its tip; mandibles bid~ntate. Head viewed from above (Fig. 4 F) a little wider than the pronptum; length to width 52: 100; head viewed in front Fig. 4 E) length to width 86: 100 ; eye length to head length 42: 100; ocellocular space 2.50 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space a little less than 2.50 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 0.75 of the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 4 C, D): Segments 10, Flagellar segments except pedicel with whorls of long hairs; scape nearly fusiform, distinctly swollen in the middle, 2.66 times longer than

    thick; pedicel short, 0.31 of sc~pe, very slightly longer than its

    thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicular segments

    much longer than their thickness; first funicular segment 6.-62 times longer than thick, about 5.30 times pedicel and slightly mor than 1.50 times scape; 2-4 funicular segments subequa), each about 0.83 of the first segment, 6.28 times longer than thick; fifth funicular s~gment slightly shorter than the preceding one, 5.71 times longer than thick; sixth funicular segment 0.9,0 of the fifth s~gment, 5.14 times

  • 10 ·REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    tonger than' thick; club with a distinct but short nipple-like pro-longation at its tip, 1.11 times t~e sixth funicular segment, 6.66 times longer than thick, subequal to the prefeding 1.10 funicular segments


    Fig. 4. Bephrala dalhousiensis, ap. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D, anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above,

    G. hind leg, H. abdomen, I. genitalia.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; moderately densely clothed with long white setae; scutellum more finely than the rest of

    the thorax, with a distinct transverse groove a little beyond the


    middle; propodeum rugosely punctate; parapsidal furrows complete;

    thorax viewed dorsally length' to width 100 41; pronotum: mesos-

    cutum : scutellum 6 : 11 : 11. Fore wing (Fig. 4 A, B) length to width 100 : 33; venation m : pm : st 100: 67: 56; sm long, with 17 setae directed forward; m with 9 and pm with 6 setae. Hind wing to fore wing 72: 100; length to width 100: 19. Fore leg: Coxa 2.44 times longer than thick; femur thickened basally, 5.14 times longer than thick, 1.63 times coxa; tibia slender, su beq ual to femur, 12.00 times

    longer than thick, tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to m~tatarsus

    8.50: 10.00; tarsus very slightly shorter than tibia; metatarsus 0.27 of tibia or tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa 1.44 times longer than thick; femur thickened in t'he middle, 5.14 times longer than thick, 2.76 times coxa; tibia slender, 14.28 times longer than thick, 1.38 times femur, tibial spur to tnetatarsus 5.00: 10.O~; tar,us 0.72 of tibia and sub-'equal to femur; metatarsus 0.20 of tibia and 0.27 of tarsus. Hind leg (Fig. 4 G): Coxa 1.66 times longer than thick; femur slighlty uniformly thickened in the middle, 2.00 tirnes coxa, 4.44 times longer than thick; tibia more or less slender but thickens apically, 11.60 times longer than thick, 1.45 times femur, tibial spurs unequal, shorter one about 0.40 of the long spur, longer tibial spur to metatarsus 2.00 : 5.00 ; tarsus 0.80 of tibia; metatarsus 0.25' of tibia and 0.31 of tarsus.

    Ahdomen smooth and shiny; excluding petiole 0.48 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 4 H} length to height 100: 33 ; petiole distinctly

    longer than hind coxa, slightly less than 0 25 of abdomen, 3.07 times longer than thick; fourth apparent tergite longest; aedeagus well exserted beyond the tip of abdomen (as in figure).

    Holotype : Male on card, paratypes two males on slides, 1. I. Ahla catchment area: Dalhousie, Coil. M.S. Mani & party, 14-25. v. 1971.

    This is the first definitive record of the genus Bephrata from India. The species described here is distinguished by its relatively larger size and the brown spot at the anterolateral angle of pronotum.

    4. Bephrata kumaonensis, sp. nov.

    Male: Length 4.18 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes very dark brown; ocelli brown; maxillary palpi brown; labial palpi dark brown; mandibles reddish; antenna black except for the brown radicle and ring segment; thorax black; fore leg black

  • 12 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Dec. PAPER No. 25.

    except for the brown apical 0.18 of femur, ti bia, ti bial spur and tarsal segments; middle and hind legs, black except for the brown tip of femur, base and tip of tibiae, tibial spurs and tarsal segments, base of middle femur also brown; wings hyaline; veins dark brown; abdo-minal petiole and abdomen black.

    Head: Clypeus longitudinally striate, otherwise head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex 'finely and densely pubescent; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate ; antennal sockets a little above the middle of face; scrobe smooth and shiny, front ocellus at its tip. Head viewed from above (Fig. 5 F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 5 E) length to width 76 : 100; eye length to head length 45 : 100 ; ocellocular space 2.33 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 3.50 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 1.40 times ocellar

    diameter. Antenna (Fig. 5 C, D): Segments 10, 1. 1. 1. 6. 1. Scape more or less slender, cylindrical except for the slight subapical thicke. ning, 3.66 times longer than thick; pedicel short, su bglo bose, 0.19 of scape, its length 0.84 of its thickness; ring segment minute; funicular segments constricted at their apices, with long setae, much longer than their thickness; first funicular segment longest, subequal to t~e scape, 3.66 times longer than thick; 2-4 funicular segments subequal; second funicular segment' 0.81 of the first segment, 3.33 times longer than thick; third and fourth funicular segments about 3.60 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment slightly shorter than the preceding segment, 3.95 times longer than thick; sixth funicular segment 0.90 of the fifth segment, 3.44 times longer than thick; club elongated, slender, cylindrical, conically pointed at the tip, 1.22 times the sixth funicular segment, 5.00 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate ; propodeum sculptured like the mesonotum; parapsidal furrows present; viewed dorsally length to width 100 : 61 ; viewed later'ally length to height 100: 62 ; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum 8: 10 : 12. Fore wing (Fig. 5 A, B) length to width 100 : 46 ; marginal fringe very short; discal ciliation complete; venation m : pm : st 100 : 90 : 73 ; sm long, with 14 moderately long setae directed forward; m and pm with a series of shorter setae. Hind leg (Fig. 5 I) : Coxa 1.23 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 3.82 times longer than- thick; tibia more or less slender , dorsalry with a row of stiff bristles, 1.13 times femur, 7.14 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, subequal to each other, tibial spur to melatarsus 6.00: 15.00; tarsus 0.90 of tibia and very slightly longer


    titan femur; metatarsus 0.30 of tibia and 0.33 of tarsus; second segment 0.66 of meta tarsus ; third segment O. 70 of the second segment; fourth legment 0.71 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment 1.14 times the third segment.

    Fig. 5. Bepllrata k"mQonensis, sp. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal veia C. antenna, D. anellus., E. bead in front ,view, F. head viewed from above, G. fore leg, H. tip of fore tibia and metatarsus enlarged, I hind lq. J. abdomen.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; petiole matt; including petiole 0.42 of body: viewed laterally (Fig. 5 J) length to height 100 : i8 ; petiole

  • 14 REc. ZOOL. SURV. IND~ Occ. PAPER No. 2S

    distinctly longer than the hind coxa. length to width lOO! 46 ; petiole to abdomen 39 : 100; third tergite longest.

    Holotype : Male on card; paratypes 4 males on cards (wing, legs and antennae mounted on slide). 11.5. Chaubattia : Kumaon Survey. Coli. M.S. Mani & party, 25, 27. vi. 1974.

    5. Bephrata nepalensis, sp. nov.

    Male: Length 3.02 Mm. General colour of body black; head

    black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles reddish-brown; antenna dark brown except for the brownish scape which is dark brown in the apical 0.33 ; tharax black; legs brown except for the black coxae; wings subhyaline; veins brown; abdominal petiole

    and abdomen black.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate: vertex finely and densely pubescent; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate; antennal sockets in the

    middle of face; scrobe smooth and shiny, front ocellus well within at its tip. Head viewed from above (Fig. 6 F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 6 E) length to width 76: 100; eye length to head length 52: 100; ocellocular space 2.00 times ocellar dian:tet~r; interocellar space 4.00 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 1.50 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 6 C,D) :. Segments 10, Scape 4.73 times longer than thick; pedicel

    short, subglobose, 0.16 of scape, its length 0.85 of its thickness; ring segment minute; funicular and club segments much longer than their • thickness. and with whorls of long hairs; funicular segments con-

    stricted apically with short necks; first funicular segment longest, 0.88 of scape, 4.57 times longer than thick; second funicular segment 0.87 of the first segment, 4.25 times longer than thick; third funicular segment about 0.93 of the second segment. 4.06 times longer than thick; fourth funicular segment 0.92 of the third segment, 4.00 times

    longer than thick; fifth funicular segment 0.88 of the fourth segment. 3.53 times longer than thick; sixth funicular segment 0.80 of the preceding segment, about 3.00 times longer than thick; club slender. graduall y reduced apically. 1.17 times the sixth funicular legment, 3.57 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate except for the anterior half of


    th~ mesonotum matt; propodeum also punctate like mesonotum; prapaidal furrows complete; viewed dorsall y l~ngth to width 100:61 ; v_wed laterally length to height 100 : 63 ; pronotum: mesoscutum : .'ctitcllum 5 : 10 : -10. Fore wing (Fig. 6 A, B) I ngth to width 100: .45 ;


    Fig. 6 Bephrala nepaZlnsis, sp. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein., C. antenna, D. anellus, E. bead in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. fore leg, H. tip of

    fore tibia and metatarsus enlarged, I. hind leg. J. abdomen.

    marginal fringe moderately long; venation m : pm : sf 100 : 78 : 59 ; sm . long. with 11 moderately long setae directed forward; m and pm with

  • 16 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    11 short setae. Hind leg (Fig. 6 I) : Coxa 1.70 times longer than thick j femur thickened in the middle, 4.26 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, dorsally with 4 stiff bristles, 1.06 times femur, about 8.00 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter spur a little less than half of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 6.00 : 10.50 ; tarsus 094 of tibia ; metatarsus about 0.31 of tibia and about 0.33 of tarsus; second segment 0.62 of metatarsus; third segment 0.69 of tbe second segment; fourth segment 0.77 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment 1.71 times the preceding segment.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; petiole closely finely punctate; including petiole 0.41 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 6 J) length to height 100 : 66; petiole subequal to the hind coxa, length to width 100 : 36, petiole to abdomen 40 : 100 ; third tergite longest.

    Holotype: Male on card; para types 3 males (two on cards and one mounted on slide), 7.1. Kirtipur (Nepal), ColI. M.S. Man; & party, 29. ix 1972.


    1. Scape long, slender, at least four and a half times longer than thick ••••

    B. nepalensis Male

    Scape not specially elongated ...••....••. 2

    2. Fore wing about three times as long as wide; head wholly umbilicately punctate ......... .

    B. dalilousiensis Male

    Fore wing wider than in the foregoing species, a little over twice as long as wide; head longitudinally striate below antennal sockets ........... .

    B. kumaonens;s Male

    6. Eurytoma karnatakensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 2.00 mqJ. General colour of body blach ; head black; eyes and ocelli brownish; mandibles reddish; antenna brown except for the yellowish-brown scape; thorax black; fore leg yello-wish-brown except (or .the black coxa, and paler tibia and tarsus; middle leg yellowish-brown except for the· d ark brown coxa, and 'paler tarsus; hind leg blackish-brown except for the black coxa, yellowish-brown tip of femur and tibia, and paler tarsus; wings hyaline: veins pale brown ; abdomen black except for the reddish-brown tip of ovipositor.


    Head closely umbilicately pu~ctate; vertex densely pubescent; eyes finely and sparsely pubescent; mandibles bidentate; antenna} sockets slightly below the middle of face; scrobe shallow, sculptured

    like the rest of head above, and smooth below; frout ocellus outside the serobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 7 F) slightly wider than

    Fig. 7. Eurytoma karnatakensis, sp. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from abov~, G. hind leg, H. abdomen, I. genitalia.

    I I !

    thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 7 E) length to width 74: 100 ; eye length to head length 58: 100; oce11ocular space 1.50 times ocellar


  • 18 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    diameter; interocellar space 3.50 times ocellar diameter; front -ocellar space about 1.30 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 7 C, D) : Segments 10, 1. 1. 1. 5. 2. Sca pe narrowed apically, 3.46 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.26 of scape, almost as long as thick; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicle submoniliform, segments sub-equal, first segment distinctly cylindrical, others subglobose; flagellum with moderately long hairs; first funicular segment 0.44 of scape, 1.48 times longer than thick; 2-5 funicular segments subequal to the first ; second funicular segment 1.33 times longer than thick;

    club subequal to the preceding 2.33 funicular segments combined ; segments distinctly separated from each other ; first club segment 0.87 of the second funicular segment, transverse, its length about 0.£0 of its thickness; second club segment 1.77 times the first segment, I.72 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate ;. parapsidal furrows distinct viewed dorsally length to width 100 : 68 ; viewed laterally length to height 100: 60 ; pronotum : mesqscutum : scutellum 5: 10 : 10. Fore

    wing (Fig. 7 A, B) length to width 100 : 48 ; marginal fringe moderately

    long; discal ciliation sparse venation m : pm : st 100 : 52 : 48 ; sm long, with 10 setae directed forward; m and and pm with a series of shorter ~etae. Hind leg (Fig. 7 G) : Coxa 1. 37 times longer than thick; femur

    thickened in the middle, 2.00 times coxa, 3.81 times longer than thick; tibia very slightly thickens apically, dorsally with two conspicuously long spines near the base, about 1.10 times femur, 7.66 times longer than thick; tibial spurs 2, shorter one about 0.60 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 3. 70 : 6. 00 ; tarsus 0.87 of tibia; metatarsus 0.26 of tibia and 0.30 of tarsus ; second segment 0.66 of metatarsus; third segment 0.75 of the second segment; fourth segment 0.83 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment subequal to the second segment.

    Abdomen smooth and shiny; 0.50 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 7 H) length to height 100 : 60; petiole short, shorter than hind -coxa-, very slightly longer than thick; fourth tergite longest; ovipositor well exserted beyond the tip of abdomen.

    Male: Length 1.84 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles reddish; colour of antennae

    and legs as in female; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdomi~al petiole and abdomen black.


    H,ad closely umbilicately punctate;, vertex cl?,sely pubescent;

    eyes finely and sparsely pubescent; mandibles bidentate; antennal

    sockets a little above the middle of face. Head viewed from above

    (Fig. 8 F) very slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 8 E)


  • 20 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, OcC. PAPER No. 25

    (Fig. 8 0, D) : Segments 10, 1. 1. 1. 4. 3. Scape short, stout, 3.33 times

    longer than thick; pedicel 0.25 of scape, subglobose, its length about

    0.83 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicular

    segments constricted apically into long slender necks; 1-3 funicular segments subeq ual; first funicular segment 0.75 of scape, 2.1 ~ times longer than thick; second funicular segment 2.50 times longer than

    thick; third funicular segment 2.33 times longer than thick; fourth

    funicular segment 0.85 of the third segment, 2.00 times longer than chick; club subequal to the preceding 1.70 funicular segments

    distinctly separated from each other; first club segment 0.66 of the

    preceding funicular segment, 1~33 times longer than thick; second

    club segments 0.87 of the first segment, 1.16 times longer than thick;

    third club segm~nt conical, obtusely pointed, subequal to the preceding

    segment in its length, 1.59 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows distinct; view~d dorsally length to width 100: 65 ; viewed laterally length to height 100: 60 ; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum 4 : 9 : 9. Fore wing (Fig. 8 A, B) length to width about lOO: 50; marginal fringe moderately developed; discal ciliation sparse; venation almost as in female; sm long, with moderately lo~g ; 11 setae directed foward ; m and pm with 14 setae. Hind leg (Fig. 8 G) : Coxa 1.37 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 1.81 times coxa, 3.63 times longer than thick ; tibia more or less slender, cylindrical, 1.10 times femur, with two long spines dorsally near the base as in female, about 7.00 times longer than thick, tibial spurs two, shorter spur about 0.50 of the long spur, to metatarsus -t.00: 6.00; tarsus about 0.91 of tibia, and subequal to

    femur; metatarsus 0.27 of tibia and 0.30 of tarsus; second segment 0.66 of metatarsus; third segment 0.87 of the second segment; fourth

    segment 0.85 of the third segment ; fifth tarsal segment subequal to the second segment.

    Abdomen sInooth; petiole matt; about 0.35 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 8H) length. to height 100:69; petiole subequal to the hind coxa, length to width 100:50; third tergite longest; aedeagus very slightly exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (one fore leg and fore wing, antennae

    and hind legs on slide): allotype male on card {one fore leg and fore


    wing, antennae and hind legs on slide) ; paratype one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide); paratype one female on card (geni-talia mounted on slide) 17.8. Hogenakal (Eastern Ghats Survey), Call. M. S. Mani & party. l.ii.1977; other material examined: two males on cards, 17.4. Tirupati (Eastern Ghat Survey), ColI. M. S. Mani & party, 25-26.i.1977.

    7. Earytoma kasaragodensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 2.00 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles black with dark brown teeth; antenna brown; thorax black; fore and middle legs brown except for the black coxae; hind_leg brown except for the black coxa and dark brown femur; wings hyaline; veins very light brown; abdomen black; ovipositor sheath brownish-black.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex hairy; eyes very finely and sparsely pubescent; a:q.tennal socket well above the lower orbital border, about in the middle of the face; scrobe smooth; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed (Fig. 9 F) distinctly wider than thorax; length to width 50:100; viewed in front (Fig. 9 E) length to width 75: 100; eye length to head length 56:100; ocellocular space 1.16 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 3.UO times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space equal to the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 9 C, D): Segments 10, Scape 3.33 times longer than thick; pedicel subglobose, 0.25 of scape, it length 0.89 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; flagellum with long hairs; funicle submoniliform; first funicular segment longest, 1.80 times pedicel, 1.28 times longer than thick; 2-5 funicular segments subequal; second funcicular segment 0.77 of the first segment, 1.16 times longer than thick; third and fourth funicular segments 1.25 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment 1.14 times longer than thick; club subequal to the preceding 2.30 funicular segments combined; first club segment 0.87 of the fifth funicular segment, its length 0.85 of its thickness; second club segment ovate, about 2.00 times the first segment, 1.62 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal (urrows com-plete ; viewed dorsally length to width 100:70; pronotum:mesos-cutum:scutellum 6:19:8. Fore wing (Fig. 9 A, B) length to width 100:52 ; venation m:pm:st 100:50:50; sm long, with 12 setae directed forward; m with 6 and pm with 5 setae; marginal fringe short; discal ciliation

  • 22 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    fine. Hind wing to fore wing 79:100; length to width 100:24. Fore leg (Fig. 9 G): Coxa 1.62 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, slightly shorter than femur, 4.85 times longer than thick,

    ~--//~ c::::;:oL "" ?; :'~---:--~;. '-~. ::-~.-

    ~"f •. ". ." •. , .\,~ "',' . ....... ..:., ~~'\' \\\\\\\\\\~\\~

    Fig. 9 Eurytoma kasaragodensis, sp. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus, E. head in front ~iew, F. head viewed from above, G. tip of fore tibia and

    metatarsus enlarged, H. hind leg, I. abdomen. J. genitalia.

    tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to metatarsus 6.00:5.00; tarsus subequal to tibia; metatarsus about 0.30 of tibia or tarsus. Middle


    I,,: Coxa 1.07 times longer than thick; femur 2.85 times coxa, 4.16 times longer than thick; tibia slender, 1.20 times femur, 8.57 times longer than thick, tibial spur to metatarsus 5.00:6.00; tarsus 0.83 of tibia; metatarsus 0.25 of tibia and 0.30 of tarsus. Hind leg (Fig. 9 H) : Coxa 1.47 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 1~78 time coxa, 3.84 times longer than thick; tibia more or less slender, slightly longer than femur, 7.42 times longer than thick, with two conspicuously long spines on the dorsal side near base (apical spine longer), tibial spurs unequal, shorter one about 0.60 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 5.00:7.00; tarsus 0.80 of tibia; metatarsus 0.26 of tibia and 0.33 of tarsus.

    Abdomen smooth 0.55 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 9 I) length to height 100:70; petiole very short, transverse, much shorter than the hind coxa; fourth tergite largest; ovipositor slightly exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (legs, fore wing and antenna on slide) : paratype one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide), .14.6. Kasara-god (Western Ghat Survey), ColI. M.S. Man; and party, 16.iii.1975.

    8. Eurytoma manpurensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 2.08 mm. General colour of body black; head

    black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles brown; antenna brown except for the yellowish-brown scape; thorax black; legs brown except for the dark brown coxae of the hind legs; wings hyaline; veins brown; abdominal petiole and abdomen black: ovipositor sheath brown.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex hairy; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate; antennal sockets slightly above the lower orbital border; scrobe smooth and shiny; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 10 F) distinctly wider than thorax; length to width 56:100; viewed in front (Fig. 10 E) length 2.00 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 3.66 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space 1.33 times oceller diameter. Antenna (Fig. 10 C, D) : Segments 10, Scape more or less slender, cylindrical, 4.24 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.36 of scape, 1.42 times longer than thick; ring joint distinctly transverse; funicle submoniliform, with long hairs; first funicular segment longest, 1.25 times Fedice), 1.66

  • 24 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    times longer than thick; 2-5 funicular segments subequal, each about

    0.90 of the first segment, 1.50 times longer than thick; sixth funicular segment shortest, 0.77 of the preceding segment, 1.16 times longer than thick; club elongate ovate, obtusely pointed, with long hairs, 2.57 ti~es the sixth funicular segment, 2.36 times longer than thick.

    Fig. 10. Eurytoma manpurensis, sp. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein. C. antenna. D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. fore leg, H. tip of fore tibia and metatarsus enlarged, I. hind leg. J. abdomen.

    K. genitalia.


    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows com-plete ; viewed dorsally length to width 100:59; pronotum :mesoscutum: scutellum 6: I 0: 10. Fore wing (Fig. 10 A, B) length to width 100:42; venation m:pm:st 100:60:60; sm long, with 13 setae directed forward; m with 7 and pm with 6 setae. Hind wing to for~ wing 73: 1 00: length to width 100:19. Fore leg (Fig. 10 G, H): Coxa 1.73 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 1.53 times coxa, 3'.36 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, 0.90 of femur, 600 times· longer than thick; tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to metatarsus 100: 100; tarsus subequal to tibia; metatarsus about 0.33 of tibia or tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa 1.33 times longer than thick ; femur 2.62 times coxa, 4.20 longer than thick; tibia slender, 1.14 times femur, 9.61 times longer than thick, tibial spur to metatarsus 5.50:7.00; tarsus 0.88 of tibia; metatarsus 0.28 of tibia and 0.31 of tarsus; Hind leg (Fig. 10 I) : Coxa 1.33 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle~ 1.91 times coxa, 3.53 times longer than thick; tibia slender 1.26 times femur, 8.28 times longer than thick, dorsally with about 5 stiff spines, tibial spurs unequal, shorter one about 0.60 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 5.00:8.00; tarsus 0.86 of tibia; metatarsus 0.27 of tibia and 0.32 of tarsus.

    Abdomen smooth; 0.58 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 10 J} length to height 100: 52 ; petiole short, shorter than the hind coxa; fourth tergite largest; ovipositor slightly exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (one set of legs, wings and antenna

    on slide); paratype one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide),.

    4.15. Manpur (Madhya Pradesh), Call. M. S. Mani & party, 30. ix. 1971

    9. Eurytoma poroensis sp. nov.

    Female: Length 2.54 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli yellowish-brown; mandibles reddish; antenna dark brown except for the brownish-yellow scape ; thorax black; legs yellowish-brown except for the black coxae and paler tarsal segments ; wings hyaline; veins very light brown; abdomen black; tip ef ovipo-

    sitor reddish-brown.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex hairy; eyes bare; antennal sockets very slightly above the middle of face ; scrobe shallow;


  • 26 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head'viewed fro~ above (Fig. 11 F) ~lightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 11 E) length to width 70 : 100 ; eye length to head length 50: 100; ocellocular space 2.00 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 4.00 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 1.25 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 11 C, D) : Segments 10, Scape thickened in the basal 0.60, 5.00

    JSt0 ·'·5.t':C~-::~~~o/.::>:~-~

    ", "\,' "" '~"~."'~~ '-..' :,.: .. ::~:",,:,,::,,~,,":.:~::§Ej "'It'."'" ~"'\" ~ ...... , ..... , ....... , ................... _ .. , •• :=

    1lli .' '-\ ~\:,,-,:,~~:-!~:~::~::~,,~?:: .. ~:{..'.. .... :.~

    . ~ ~~, ......... ,""'" , .... , ...... ' .'" ........... ,,-:.~~ ~~'\" '" ,"" ...... ~ ,,., "' .......... '''~

    if D ~~

    Fig. 11. Eurytoma poroensis, ap. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna. D. anellul, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above.

    G. hind leg, H. abdomen, I. genitalia.

    times longer than thick; pedicel 0.20 of scape, as long as thick; ring segment distinctly transverse; flagellum with moderately long hairs ,;


    funicular segments elongate oval; first funicular segment longest, 2.33

    times pedicel, 2.33 times longer than thick; 2-5 funicular segment~ subequal ; second funicular segment very slightly shorter than the first segment, 2.00 times longer than thick; club subequal to the preceding 2 funicular segments combined; segments distinctly separated from each other; first club segment 0.83 of the second funicular segment, 1.35 times longer than thick; second club segment 1.60 times the first segment, 2.28 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows di~tinct ; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 62 ; viewed laterally length to height 100 : 54; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum 4: 7 : 7, Fore wing (Fig. 11 A, B) length to width 100: 41 ; marginal fringe moderatelr long; discal ciliation flne; venation m : pm : st 100 : 67 : 54 ; sm long, with 10 setae directed forward; m and pm with 12 setae Hind leg (Fig. 11 G): Coxa 1.47 times longer than thick ; femur thickened in the middle, 2.00 times coxa, 4.00 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, dorsally with three long spines (third spine longest), very

    slightly longer than femur, 7.25 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2~ shorter one about 0.50 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus.

    6.00 : 9.00 ; tarsus 0.93 of tibia; metatarsus 0.31 of tibia and 0.33 of tarsus; second segment 0.66 of metatarsus; third segment 0.66 of the

    second segment; fourth segment 0.75 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment 1.66 times the preceding segment.

    Abdomen smooth; 0.41 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 11 H) length to height 100:58; petiole short, shorter than the hind coxa,. almost as long thick; fourth tergite longest; ovipositor slightly-exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (one fore leg, hind legs, fore wings-and antennae on slide); paratype one female on card (genitalia mounted on slide), 16.4. Poro North (North-Bengal Survey), ColI. M.S. Mani & party, 6-24.iv.1976.


    1. Vein pm distinctly longer than st Vein pm not longer, but subequal to st



  • 28 REe. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Occ. PAPER No. 25

    2. Body size large, over 3 mm in length; ocel1ocular space

    sube-qual to ocellar diameter ••.••. E. /Jarasae Gahan.




    Body smaller, not. exceeding 3 mm in length, but usually

    about 2.50 mm; ocellocular space about 2,00 times the

    ocellar diameter ...... E. poro'tlsis, sp.nov,

    Vein m longer than pm 4

    Vein m subequal to pm 12

    Vein m 2.00,times pm 5

    Vein m less than 2.00 times pm 11

    Body over 2.50 mm long- 6

    Body not much longer than 2 mm 8

    6. Antennal club 2-segmented; hind tibi'll spur to metatarsul

    ratio 6.00: 10.00; leape atleast 3.42 times longer than thick ...

    E. monemae Ruschka·

    Antennal elub 3-segmented, though the second suture may

    be faint •••••• 7

    7. Antennae entirely pale testaceous; vein m about 1.50

    times st .• .•.• E. setilibia Gahan

    Antennae brownish-black, except for the honey-yellow

    seape; vein m 1.25 times sl •••.•. E. sabial Mani

    8. Club more or less distinctly 3-segmented E. nesioles Crawford

    Club less than three segmented, t-ither two segmented or

    unsegmented 9

    9. Club unsegmented; ocellocular apace 200 times ocellar

    diameter E. manpurensis, .p. nov.

    Club two segmented • ••••• 10

    (0. Third abdominal tergite largest; longer hind tibial spur

    to metatarsus 5.00:7.00; ocellocular space less than 1.20

    times ocellar diameter .•.••• E. kasaragodensis, sp. nov.

    Fourth abdominal tergite largest; longer hind tibial spur

    to metatarsus 4.00:6.00; ocellocular apace 1.50 times ocellar

    diameter •••••• E. karnalakensis, sp. nov. Female


    11. Third abdominal tergite largelt ........ .

    E. karnalakensis, sp. nov. Male

    12. Frons between the antennal groove and the eye margins longitudinally reticulate; club distinctly three segmented ...

    E. hilJdupurensis Gahan

    Frons and face rugosely sculptured. club two segmented ... E. tatipakensis Kurian

    10. Eurytomocharis coromandalicus, sp. nov.


    Male: Length 1.50 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli reddish-brown; antenna dark brown; thorax black; fore legs very dark brown except for the brown tibia and yellowish-brown tibial spur and tarsal segments; middle and hind legs dark brown except for the brownish tibial spur and tarsal segments, and very dark brown coxae; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdominal petiole and abdomen black.

    Head: Vertex closely umbilicately punctate; face and gena finely longitudinally striate; vertex hairy ; eyes bare; antennal sockets in the middle of face; scrobe moderately deep and smooth; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 12 F) distinctly

    wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 12 E) length to width 74 : 100; eye length to head length 57 : 100 ; ocellocular space 1.80 times ocellar diameter ; interocellar space 3.50 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space 1.20 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 12 C, D) : Segments 10, Scape slightly reduced apically, 4.00 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.25 of scape, subglobose, its length about 0.85 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicular segments constricted at their apices, stems of tbe segments short and stout; funicular and club segments with whorls of long setae; first funicular and club segments with whorls of long setae; first funicular segment longest, 0.75 of scape, 2.14 times longer than thick; second funicular segment 0.91 of the first segment, about 2.00 times longer than thick; third and fourth funicular segments subequal to the second segment; fifth funicular segment 0.82 of the second segment, 1.73 times longer than thick; first club segment subequal to the preceding funicular segment, 1.73 times longer than thick; second club segment subequal to the first segment in its length, 2.25 times longer than thick; club

    subequal to the preceding 1.75 funicular segments combined.

  • 30 REc. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Occ. PAPER No. 25

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows distinct; dorsally length to width 100 : 63 ; viewed laterally length to

    100 : 63; viewed laterally to height 100: 63 ; pronotum : viewed width • • meso scutum : scutellum 8 : 15 : 16. ForI wzng (Fig. 12A B) length to

    A. in

    Fig. l~. Eurytomocharis coromandalicus, sp. nov. Male.

    fore wing, B. front view,

    stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. F. head viewed from above,

    H. abdomen,

    anell us, E. head G. hind leg,

    width 100: 50; marginal fringe 160 : 90 ; sm long, with 11 setae

    moderate; venation m: pm : st 100 : directed forward; m and pm with


    11 setae. Hind leg (Fig. 12 G): Coxa 1.45 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 4.00 times longer than thick ; tibia slightly thickens a picall y, dorsa 11 y with 2 stiff bristles, 1.12 times femur, about 7.00 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter one about

    0.60 of the long spur, longer spur to meta tarsus 4.00 : 6.00 ; tarsus

    subequal to tibia; metatarsus 0.33 of tibia or tarsus; second segment 0.66 of metatarsus; third segment 0.75 of the second segment; fourth segment 0.73 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment subequal to the third segment.

    Abdomen: Smooth; petiole matt, more than twice as long as the hind coxa, length to width 100: 34, petiole to abdomen 43: 100 ;

    abdomen (including petiole) 0.44 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 12H) length to height 100 : 70; second tergite longest.

    Holotype: Male on card, 5.21. Tanjore-Vannar Bank, ColI. M. S. Mani & party, 7. iv. 1972 ; paratppe one male on slide, 9. 15. Thanjavur (Coromandel coast, ColI. M.S. Mani and party, 5. v. 1973.

    11. Eurytomocharis dubeyi, Spa nov.

    Male: Length 2.42 mm. General colour of body brownish-black to black; head black; eyes and ocelli black; mandibles black except for the reddish-brown teeth; antenna black; thorax black; fore leg brownish-black except for the brown tibia and brownish tibial spur and tarsus ; middle and hind legs black except for the dark. bro\vn base and tip of tibia and brownish t~bial spur and tarsus; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdomen brownish-black to black; petiole black.

    Head: Frons and gena longitudinally striate, otherwise head closely umbilicately shallowly punctate; vertex pubescent; eyes bare; antennal sockets a little below the middle of face; scrobe deep, coarsely punctate, front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 13 F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 13 E ) length to width 76: 100 ; eye length to head length 55 : 100 ; ocellocular space 1.25 times ocellar diameter; interocel1ar


    space 4.00 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space 1.30 times

    ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig •. 13 C, D) : Segments 10, Scape

  • 32 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, OcC. PAPER No. 25

    short, stout subapically, 3.15 times longer than thick; pedicel sub-

    globose, 0.25 of scape, as long ~s thick; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicular s~ments constricted at their apices; funicular and club segments with whorls of long hairs; first funicular segment.

    ~:'-': ~5~;;-4:--


    first segment, 2.04 times longer than thick; fourth funicular segment

    subequal to the preceding segment in its length, 2.12 times longer than

    thick; fifth funicular segment 0.82 of the fourth segment, about 2.00 times longer than thick; first club segment 0.78 of the preceding funicular segment, 1.44 times longer than thick; second club segment gradually reduced apically, subequal to the first segment, 1.57 times

    longer than thick; club subeqal to the preceding 1.50 funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely umbilicately shallowly punctate; p'1irapsidal furrows distinct; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 66; viewed laterally length to height 100 : 68 ; pronotum : Inesoscu tum: scutellum

    5 : 12 : 12. Fore wing (Fig. 13 A, B) length to width 100 : 50 ; marginal fringe short; venation m : pm : st 100 : 106 : 81 ; sm long, with 12 setae directed forward; m and pm with 11 short setae. Hind leg (Fig. 13 G) : Coxa 1.40 times longer than thick; femur slightly thickened in the middle, 3.43 times longer than thick; tibia slightly thickens apically, dorsally with a row of stiff bristles, 1.16 times tibia, 7.00 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter one about 0.55 of the long spur,

    longer spur to metatarsus 60: 100 ; tarsus 0.89 of tibia; metatarsus· 0.: 5 of tibia and 0.28 of tarsus; second segment 0.78 of metatarsus; third segment 0.82 of the second segment; fourth segment 0.77 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment slightly longer than the third


    Abdom~n smooth; including petiole 0.51 of the body; petiole matt, as long as the hind coxa, length to width 100 : 33, petiole to abdomen 51 : 100; abdomen viewed laterally (Fig. 13 H) length to width 100: 83; third apparent tergite distinctly longer than the. second.

    Rolotype: Male on pin, para types 6 males on pin (head, legs, wings and antennae of one example are mounted on slide), 9.2. Nilam bur (Malabar), ColI. Mani & party, 8.iv.1973.

    12. Eurytom.ocharis karalensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 2.04 mm; length of fore wing 1.40 mm; length of hind wing 1.10 mm ; length of abdomen 1.00 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles

    dark brown; antenna dark brown except for the brown scape ; thorax


  • 34 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, OcC. PAPER No. 25

    black; fore leg brown except for the brownish-black coxae and dark brown femur; middle leg dark brown except for the brown base of femur, base and tip of tibia, and very light brown tarsus; hind leg

    very dark brown except for the brown base and tip of tibia and very light brown tarsus; wings hyaline; veins brown; abdomen black;

    ovipositor sheath brownish-black.

    Head closely umbilicately shallowly punctate; vertex with a few

    long setae; eyes very finely and sparsely pubescent; face convex; antennal sockets for above the lower orbital border, more or less in the middle of face; serobe not very deep, smooth and shiny;

    median ocellus outside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 14F) very slightly wider than thorax; length to width 56: 100; viewed in front (Fig. 14 E) length to width 76: 100; eye length to bead l~ngth 57: 100; ocellocular space equal to the ocellar diameter; interocellar space 3.66 time ocellar di~meter ; front ocellar space 1.33 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 14 0, D) : Segments 10, Scape long, more or less slender, 4.00 times longer than thick; pedicel

    0.35 or scape, 1.40 times longer than thick: funicular segment with long hairs; first funicular segment longest, 1.28 times pedicel, 1.60 times longer than thick ; 2-5 funicular segments subglobose and well separated by constriction; 2-4 funicular segment subequal, each about 0.77 of the first and subequal to the pedicel, 1.09 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment slightly longer than the fourth, 1.05

    times longer than thick; club with long hairs; first club segment ~ubequal to the preceding funicular segment, transverse, its length very -slightly less than its thickness; second club segment tapering apically, 1.75 times the first, 1.85 times longer than thick; club subequal to the preceding 2.50 funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely shallowly umbilicately punctate; parapsidal

    furrows distinct; viewed dosally length to width 100: 70 ; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum 5.5 : 9 :.-11. Fore wing (Fig. 14 A, B) length to width 100: 50; marginal fringe short; venation m: pm : st 100 : 88 : 100 ; sm long with 11 setae directed forward; m with 4 and pm also

    with 4 setae. Hind Wing to fore wing 79 : 100; length to width 100:25. Fore leg: Coxa 1.25 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 1.70 times coxa, 3.40 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apicall y; subequal to femur, 5.33 times longer than thick; tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to metatarsus 5: 6; tarsus equal to tibia;


    metatarsus 0.31 of tibia or tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa as long as thick; femur dilated apically, 3.00 times coxa, 4.50 times longer than thick; tibia slender, 1.22 times femur, 8.14 times longer than thick;

    ~~'.: ....... -:'" ~,.--..... ,,~-----~:.-"' ................. /_ ........

    ~-;-r-:---: : .. :: .:;,."';i*..:-::;:?:-_ ::::::C:==:k=.:::::;;::::~ , : .. " _ :'}-: .. :--, y,,"~"-;~=7-

    A ' ,,~ , ,- ......;:: .. , '., '

  • 36 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA~ Occ. PAPER No. 25

    3.83 times longer than thick; tibia slender, very slightly longer than femur, 8.00 times longer than thick, .tibial spur to metatarsus 5.00: 4.50 ; tarsus 0.70 of tibia; metatarsus 0.18 of tibia and 0.26 of tarsus.

    Abdomen smooth; petiole distinctly shorte~ than the hind coxa, almost as long as wide; 0.46 of body; fourth apparent tergite (sixth of Bugbee) longest; when viewed from side (Fig. 14 H) nearly as long as wide; ovipositor slightly exserted.

    Holotype: Female on card (one set of legs, wings and one antenna on slide),paratype one female on card (abdomen used for taking out

    the ovipositor), 14.6 Kasaragod (Western Ghats Survey) ColI. M.S. Mani & party, 16.iii.1975.

    This species runs in Bugbee's keyl to couplet No.8. It differs from the two species contained in the couplet by its much larger size (body 2.0 t mm) and legs not yellow.

    13. Eurytomocharis nilamburen8is, sp. nov.

    Male: Length 1.76 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles dark brown; antenna brownish-black except for the black scape; thorax black; fore leg brown except for the brownish-black coxa and femur; middle leg very dark brown except for the black coxa and brown base and tip -of femur and tibia and light brown tarsus; hind leg black except for the brown base and tip of tibia and light brown tarsus ; fore wings obscurely infumated brown basally; hind wings infumated light-brown; veins dark brown; abdominal petiole and abdomen black and shin y.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; gena and clypeus longitu-

    ·dinally striate; vertex hairy; eyes bare; anfennal sockets far above the lower orbital border ; scrobe shallow and dull; front ocellus

    outside the scrobe; mandibles bidentate. Head viewed from above (Fig. 15 F) distinctly wider than thorax; length to width about 53 : 100; viewed in front (Fig. 15 E) length to width 71 : 100 ; eye length to head length 59: 100; ocellocular space 1.66 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space about 3.33 times ocellar diameter; front

    1. 1666, The Amer. Afidland Nat" 75(2) : 371-373


    ocellar space subequal to the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 15 C, D) : segments 10, I. 1. 1. 5. 2. Scape conspicuously reduced apically,

    Fig. 15 Eurylomoeharis nilamburensis, sp. nov. Male~

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antennaJ D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. fore leg, H. tip of fore tibia and metatarsus enlarged, I. hind leg, J. abdomen. K. genitalia.

    obclavate, 3.00 times longer than thick; pedicel short, 0.25 of scape, subglobose, its length 0.85 of its thickness; funicular segments modose,

  • 38 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    with long stems; funicular and club segments with whorls of long hairs; first funicular segmen t, 3.50 times the pedicel and 0.87 of scape, 2.62 times longer than thick; 2-4 funicular segments subequal, each about 0.95 of the first segment, 2.50 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment 0.90 of the fourth segment, 2.25 times longer than thick ; first club segment 0.77 of the fifth funicular segment, 2.00 times longer than thick; second club segment subequal to the first segment, conical, 2.41 times longer than thick; club subequal to the preceding 1.40 funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows distinct; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 58 ; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum 9 : 11 : 11. For, wing (Fig. 15 A, B) length to width 100: 50 ; venation m: pm : st 100: 89 : 67 ; sm long, with II setae directed forward; m with 6 and pm also with 6 setae. Hind Wing to fore wing 73 : 100 ; length to width 100: 25. Fore leg (Fig. 15 G. H); Coxa 1.68 times longer than thick femur thickened apically, 1.25 times coxa, 3.44 times longer than thick ; tibia more or less slender, equal to the femur, 5.71 times longer than thick, tibial spur bifurcated, tibial spur to metatarsus 100: ]00; tarsus 1.15 times tibia; metatarsus 0.35 of tibia and 0.30 of tarsus. Middle leg: Coxa 1.42 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 2.20 times coxa, 4.40 tinH~s longer than thick; tibia slender, 1.22 times femur, 9.00 times longer than thick, tibial spur to meta tarsus 6.00 : 7.00 ; tarsus 0.81 of tibia and subequal to femur; metatarsus 0.25 of tibia and 0.31 of tarsus Hind leg (Fig. 15 I): Coxa 1.55 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, slightly less than 2.00 times coxa, 3.85 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, 1.11 times femur, 7.50 times longer than thick, tibial spurs unequal, shorter one about 0.50 of the long spur, longer tibial spur to metatarsus 5.00 : 9.00 ; tarsus 0.83 of tibia; metatarsus 0.30 of tibia and 0.36 of tarsus.

    Abdomen: Short and smooth; 0.52 of body; petiole long, 2.00 times the hind coxa, 3.00 times longer than thick, petiole to abdomen 80 : 100; abdomen viewed laterally (Fig. 15 J) length to height 79 : 100; second and third tergites nearly equal.

    Holotype: Male on pin; paratype 10 males on pin (genitalia wings, legs and antenna of two specimens on slide), 9.2 Nilambur (Malabar), ColI M. S. Mani & party, 11.iv.1973.


    14. Eurytomocharis pechipariensis, sp. nov.

    Male: Length 2.30 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles reddish-brown except for

    the black teeth; antenna brown except for the brownish-black scape which is brown basally; thorax black; fore leg brown except for the black coxa, yellowish-brown tip of femur, base and tip of tibia and tarsus; middle leg dark brown except for the black coxa and yellowish tarsus; hind leg very dark brown except for black coxa, yellowish-brown tip of femur, base and tip of tibia and yellowish tibial spur and tarsus wings hyaline; veins yellowish-brown; abdomen black; aedeagus brown; abdominal petiole black.

    Head closely, umbilicately shallowly punctate; vertex densely pubescent; eyes finely and sparsely pubescent; antennal sockets a little above the middle of face; scrobe well impressed and matt; front ocellus outside the scrobe; mandibles bidentate. Head viewed from above (Fig. 16F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 16 E) ~ength to width 76: 100; eye length to head length 59 : 100; ocellocular space 1.55 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 2.55 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space almost equal to the ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 16 C, D): Segments 10, Scape somewhat thickened above the base, slightly reduced apically, short, stout, 3.00 times longer than thick; pedicel 0.25 of scape, subglobose, its length 0.93 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; funicular segments constricted at their apices; funicular and club segments with whorls of long hairs; first funicular segment longest, 0.75 of scape, 2.25 times longer than thick; second funicular segment about 0.90 of the first segment, 2.00 times longer than thick; third and fourth funicular segments subequal to the second segment in their lengths more than 2.00 times their thickness; fifth funicular segment 0.87 of the preceding segment, 2.00 times longer than thick; first club segment 0.78 of the preceding funicular segment, 1.57 times longer than thick; second club segment conical, subequal to the first segment in its length, 1.83 times longer than thick; club subequal to the preceding 1.44 funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely umbilicately shallowly punctate; parapsidal furrows distinct; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 60 viewed laterally length to height 100: 64; pronotum: mesoscutum : scutellum 6 : 11 : 13. Fore wing (Fig. 16 A, B) length to width 100 : 46 ; marginal

  • 40 REe. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Occ. PAPER No. 25

    fringe short; venation m : pm : st 100 : 100 : 90 ; sm lqng, with 12.short setae directed forward, m and PT!' with 15 short setae. Hind llg (Fig. 16 G). Coxa 1.33 times longer than thick; femur thickened

    ;,~_~;~-r(:;:J2!f;0:r~_ r:=&?


    stout; tarsus 0.78 of tibia; metatarsus 0.21 of tibia and 0.27 of tursus; second segment 0.75 of metatarsus, third segment 0.77 of the second segment ; fourth segment 0.85 of the third srg,ment; fifth tarsal segment subequal to the metatarsus.

    Abdomen smooth ;" petiole matt, nearly equa.l to the hind. coxa, length to width 100: 46, petiole to abdomen 31 : 100; abdomen (excluding petiole) 0.36 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 16 H) length to height 100: 55; third apparent tergite somewhat longer than the second: aedeagus to abdomen 45 : 100.

    Holotype : on slide), 12.5. 25, 27.viii.1974.

    Male on pin (one set of legs, wings and one antenna Pechiparai (Kerala Survey), Coli. M. S. Mani & party,

    15. Eurytomocharis sayadriensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 4.50 mm. General colour of body variable,

    yellowish brown to reddish-brown with black on thorax and abdo-men; head yellowish-brown to reddish-brown; ocellar area dark brown to black; clypeal margin reddish-brown; eyes and ocelli very

    dark brown; mandibles reddish; antenna dark brown except for

    the yellowish scape; thorax yellowish-brown to brown, in some

    specimens obscurely black becoming deeper and wider from prono-tum to scutellum in the middle, scapula also often darkened; legs yellowish-brown; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdomen brow-

    nish; abdomen brownish excrpt for the black distal ends of tergites ; petiole brown to black; tip of ovipositor black.

    Head: Face below the antennal sockets and gena longitudinally striate, otherwise head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex pubes-cent; eyes bare; antennal sockets in the middle of face; scrobe deep, margined and smooth; mandibles bidentate. Head viewed from above (Fig. 17 F) slightly wider than thorax; median ocellus outside the scrobe ; viewed in front (Fig. ) 7 E) length to width 75: 100 ; eye

    length to head length 56: 100 ; ocellocular space 2.60 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space about 2.00 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar ~pace 0.45 of t~e ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 17 C, D) : Segme.lts 10, Scape uniformly slender, cylindrical, about 4.00 times longer than thick ; l>edicel 0.26 of scape, 1.31 times lon~er


  • 42 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    than thick; ring segment distinctly transverse; first funicular segment longest, 0 47 of scape, 2~OO times longer than thick; second funicular

    segment 0.77 of first segment, 1.62 times longer than thick: 3-5 funi-


    Fig. 17. Eurytomocharis sayadriensis, SPa nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna. D. anellus, E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above,

    G. hind leg, H. abdomen, I. genitalia.

    cular segments subequal to the second segment; club 3.30 times

    longer than thick; first club segment 0.78 of the second funicular segment, 1.17 times longer th"n thick ~ second club segment 1.82


    times the first segment, 2.27 times longer than thick club subequal to the preceding 2.19 funicular segments combined.

    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; parapsidal furrows dis-tinct; viewed dorsally length to width 100: 69; viewed laterally length to height 100: 74; pronotum : mesoscutum : scutellum

    12 : 25 : 21. Fore wing (Fig. 1 7 A, B) length to width 100: 43 ; margi-nal fringe almost absent; venation m : pm : st 100 : lIS: S2 ; sm long, with 16 short setae directed forward; m and pm with a series of shorter setae. Hind ie g (Fig. 1 7 G): Coxa 1.13 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, 3.13 times longer than thick; tibia more or less slender, cylindrical, dorsally with 6 stiff

    hairs, 1.10 times femur, 6.50 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter one 0.66 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 9.00 : 12.00; tarsus 0.73 of tibia, metatarsus 0.23 of tibia and 0.31

    of tarsus; second segment 0.62 of metatarsus; third segment O.SO

    of the second segment; fourth segment O.i5 of the third segment;

    fifth tarsal segment very slightly longer than the second segment.

    Abdomen minutely punctate; 0.61 of the body; viewed laterally (Fig. 17 H) length to height 100 : tS; petiole almost as long as thick; fourth apparent tergite (VI of Bugbee) longest; sixth tergite with dense setigerous punctae; ovipositor very slightly exserted (as in figure).

    Holotype: Female on pin (wings, legs and antenna mounted on slide), 5.23. Khandala Ghat: Poona, CoIl. M. S. Mani & party,

    7. iVa 1972. Other material examined: 1 female on pin (abdomen used for taking out the ovipositor), 1.1. Ahla catchment Area: Dalhousie,

    ColI. M. S. Mani & party, 14-25. v. 1971.


    1. pm not long, not longer than st, shorter or at the most equal to st 5

    pm distir.ctly longer than sl

    2. pm slightly longer than st

    pm much longer than st

    ••.••• 2


    •••.•• 3

  • 44 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INOlA, OCC. PAPER No. 25

    3. Ocellocular space 2.00 times ocellar diamt ter

    .... . E. sayadriensis, Female.

    Ocellocular space 1.80 times ocellar diameter

    ...... E. coromandalicus, Male.

    4 Funicular segments with slender necks; tergites II and III

    subequal ... ... E. nilambureTlsis, Male,

    Funicular segments with stout necks, tergite III largest

    .••... E. dubeyi, Male.

    5. Hind tibial spur slightly longer than metatarsus; ocello-

    cular space equal to the ocellar diameter

    ...... E. keralensis, Female.

    Hind tibial spur shortor than metatarsus; ocel1ocular space

    1.55 times the o~ellar diameter ... E. pecltipariensis, Male.

    Odonteurytoma, gen. Nov.

    Body robust. Head with a deep antennal scrobe, bordered by a' c03spicuous carina close to the orbital border and meeting above over the front ocellus, which lies within the scrobe. Vertex trans-verse; gena shortly margined behind. Antennae inserted distinctly above the lower orbital border; segments 10, not conspicuously cIa,vate, with short stout necks and conspicuously constricted, ; in male flagellar segments with whorls of long hairs; in female submoniliform, with the funicular segments elongate, first funicular s~egment longest. Parapsidal furrows complete, well developed. Scutellum nearly circular, convex, armed with a long slender spine before ap!!x:. Thorax: closely umbilicately punctate. Hind tibial spurs two. Wings hyaline, discal ciliation fine, marginal fringe moderatel y developed; m short, subequal to pm, and st. Abdomen petiolate, elongate, conical, strongly compressed, with the third tergite largest in male and fourth in female.

    This genus differs from all other genera of Eurytomini in the presence of scutellar spine and the carina of head.

    Generic type: Odonteurytoma tanjorensis, sp. nov.


    16. Odontearytoma tanjorensis, sp. nov.

    Female: Length 4.81 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli reddish-brown; mandibles reddish-brown with reddish teeth; antenna brownish-black except for the reddish-

    brown scape; thorax black; fore and middle legs reddish-brown except for the black coxae and yellowish-brown tarsi; hind leg black except for the reddish base and tip of femur and tibia, and yellowish-brown tibial spurs and tarsus; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdomen black.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; gena and clypeus longi-tudinally striate; vertex densely pubescent; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate; eyes borqered medial! y by strong, obtuse carina of the scrobe margin, continuing to vertex and uniting behind the front ocellus, appearing like short horns of the head in dorsal view;

    antennal sockets distinctly above the lower orbital border; scrobe smooth and shiny; front ocellus inside the scrobe. Head viewed from above (Fig. 18 F) a little wider than thorax; viewed in front

    (Fig. 18 E) length to width 76 : 100; eye length to head length 61: 100 ; ocellocular space 1.70 times ocelJar diameter; interocelJar space 2.00 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 0.60 ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 18 C, D): Segments 10, Scape abruptly narrow apically, 3.77 times longer than thick; pedicel subglobose, about 0.16 of scape, its length about 0.67 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; first funicular segment longest, 0.58 of scape, 2.08 times longer than thick; 2-4 funicular segments subequal ; s~cond funicular segment 0.90 of the first segment, 2.00 times longer than thick; fourth funicular segment 1.70 times longer than thick; fifth funicular segment slightly shorter than the preceding segment; club subequal to the preceding 1.92 funicular segments combined ; segment distinctly sepa-rated from each other; first club segment about 0.80 of the fourth funicular segment, 1.33 times longer than thick; second club segment elongate oval, about 1.50 times the first segment, 2.00 times longer than thick.

    Thorax (Fig. 20) closely umbilicately punctate; propodeum coarsely reticulate with a pair of longitudinal carina on either side of the median sulcus; parapsidal furrows present and complete; scutellum continues into a long, slender spine before apex; thorax

  • 46 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    viewed dorsally length to width JOO : 54; veiwed laterally length to height 100: 60: pronotum: mesoscutum : scutellum 6: 13 : 13. Fore wing (Fig .. 19 A, B) length to width 100: 45; marginal fringe moderately long; venation m : pm : st 100 : 100 ; '100 ; sm long, with about 10 setae directed forward; m and pm with a series of setae. Hind leg (Fig. 18 G): Coxa 1.25 times longer than thick; femur stout in the


    Fig. 18. Odonteuryloma lanjorensis, sp. nov. Female.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus. E. head in front view~ F. head viewed from above, G. bind lea,

    H. abdomen, I. genitalia.

    middle; about 2.00 times coxa, 4.16 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apical1y~ dorsally with.6 stiff bristles, subequal to femur, 6.12


    times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter one about 0.65 of the long spur, longer spur metatarsus 8.00 : 11.50; tarsus 0.83 of tibia; metatarsus about 0.25 of tibia 0.28 of tarsus; second segment about 0.87 of metata~sus; third segment 0.70 of the second segment; fourth segment 0.71 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment 1.60 times the preceding segment.

    Abdomen: Petiole, first and second tergites smooth, third tergite onwards with scattered minute punctae ; abdomen 0.41 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 18 H) length to height 100 : 60 ; petiole short, equal to the hind coxa, about 1.50 times longer than thick; fourth tergite largest; ovipositor very slightly exserted.

    Male: Length of body 4.37 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles dark brown; antenna blackish-brown except for the reddish-brown scape which is black dorsally in the apical 0.45; thorax black; fore leg brown except for the paler tarsus and black coxa; middle leg brown except for the dark brown femur, black coxa, and very light l?rown tarsal segments; hind leg black except for the reddish-brown trochanter, tip of femur, base and tip of tibia, and very light brown ti_bial spurs and tarsal segments; wings hyaline; veins very light brown; abdominal petiole and abdomen black.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate, except for the obliquely striated genae; carina as in female; face with white dense hairs; vertex finely and densely pubescent; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate ; antennal sockets distinctly above the lower orbital border; scrobe smooth and shiny; front ocellus inside the scrobe. Head viewed from (Fig. 19 F) slightly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 19 E) length to wid th 81: 100; eye length to head length 54: 100 ;

    ocellocular space 2.00 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space 2.55 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space 0.55 of ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 19 C, D): Segments 10. Sca pe short, stout, abruptly narrow apically, 3.09 times longer than thick; pedicel subglobose, 0.14 of scape, its length 0.62 of its thickness; ring segment distinctly transverse; flagellum with whorls of long hairs; first funicular segment 0.70 of scape, 2.40 times longer than thick; 2-4 funicul ar segments subequal to the first segment; fifth funicular

    segment 0.91 of the first segment, 2.50 times longer than thick; club

  • 48 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No 25

    subequal to .the preceding t .43 funicular segments combined · segments distinctly preceding

    separated funicular

    from each other ; first club segment 0.77 of the segment, 2.12 times longer than

    Fig. 19. Odonteurytoma lanjorensis, ap. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, front view, F.

    B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, head viewed from above, G.

    D. anellus, hind leg, H.

    thick; second

    E. head in abdomen.

    club segment elongate ovate, obtusely pointed, subequal to the first segment in its length, 2 42 times longer than thick.


    Thorax closely umbilicately punctate; clothed with white dense hairs ; parapsidal furrows distinct; scutellum and propodeum as in female; pronotulD : mesoscutum : scutellum 6 : 13 : 12.5. Fore wing (Fig. 19 A, B) almost as in female; length to width 100 : 48 ; venation as in female. Hind leg (Fig. 19 G) : Coxa 1.25 times longer than thick;

    Fig. 20. Odonteurytoma tanjorensis, ap. nov. Female.

    Body viewed dorso-Iaterally to show the scutellar spine.

    femur stout in the middle, 3.84 times longer than thick; tibia thickens apically, dorsally with a row of stiff bristles, very slightly shorter than femur, 6.00 times longer than thick, tibial spurs 2, shorter spur 0.58 of the long spur, longer spur to metatarsus 8.20: 12.00 ; tarsus very slightly shorter than tibia; metatarsus 0.26 of tibia and 0.29 of

    tarsus; second segment 0.75 of metatarsus; third segment 0.66 of the second segment; fourth segment 0.83 of the third segment; fifth tarsal segment 1.40 times the preceding segment.

    Abdomen very minutely punctate; including petiole about 0.44

    of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 19 H) length to height 100: 50 ;

    petiole length to width 100: 43 ; petiole to abdomen 29 : 100 ; third

    tergite largest.

    Holotype: Female on card; allotype male on card (one fore leg

    and hind leg, middle legs, fore wing and antennae on slide) ; paratypes


  • 50 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    3 females on cards (genitalia, hind legs, antennae and wings mouDted on slide), 5.21. Tanjore (Thanjav~r): Vannar Bank, ColI. M. S.

    Mani & party, 7.iv. 1972.

    17. Phylloxeroxenus godiarensis, sp nov.

    Male: Length 2.06 rom. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli dark brown; mandibles reddishbrown; antenna very dark brown except for the black scape; thorax black; fore leg brow~ish-black except for the black coxa and yellowish-brown tip of femur, tibia, tibial spurs and tarsal segments; middle leg dark brown except for the black coxa and yellowish-brown tarsal

    segment! ; hind leg black except for the dark brown tibia which is yellowish-brown basally and apically, yellowish tibial spur and tarsal segments; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdominal petiole and abdomen black; aedeagus brownish-yellow.

    Head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex with a row of long hairs; eyes bare; antennal sockets well above the middle of face; scrobe smooth and shiny; front ocellus outside the scrobe. Head

    viewed from above (Fig. 21 F) distinctly wider than thorax; viewed in front (Fig. 21 E) length to width 84 : 100 ; eye length to head length 50 : 100; ocellocular space 1.50 times ocellar diameter; interocellar space about 3.40 times ocellar diameter; front ocellar space about 1.12 times ocellar diameter. Antenna (Fig. 21 C, D. : Segments 10, 2. Scape short, abruptly narrow subapically 3.21 times longer than thick; pedicel 0 .. 33 of scape, 1.07 times longer than thick; funicular segments constricted at their apices; funicular and club segments with whorls of long hairs ; funic~lar segments 1·4 subequal ;.,first fut:ticular s~gment 0.83 of scape, 3.26 times longer than thicl{ ;- second, t~ird and fourth funicular segments about, 2 77 times longer than thick; fifth fu~icular segm~nt 0.90 of the second segment, 2,43 times, longer than thick; club subequal to the precedi~g 1.25 funicular segments combined; club distinctly biarticulate; first club segment 0.73 of the preceding funicular segnlent, 1.78 times longer than thick; second club segment conical, with a short, stout prolongatio:l apically, 0.86 of the first segment, 1.87 times longer than thick.

    Thorax closely umbilicately shallowly punctate; parapsidal furrows complete; viewed dorsally length to width 100 : 53 ; viewed laterall y length to height 100: 50; pronotum ; mesoscutum ; scutellum


    10 : 20: 20. Fore wing (Fig. 21 A, B) length to width 100: 42 ; marginal fringe moderately long; discal ciliation almost absent basally behind sm ; venation m : pm : st 100: 67 : 61 ; sm long, with 11 short setae directed forward; m and pm with 10 setae. Hind leg (Fig. 21 G): Coxa 1.43 times longer than thick; femur thickened in the middle, about 3.00 times longer than thick; tibia slightly thicken

    apically, 1.17 times lemur, 6.66 times longer than thick, dorsally with



    0 0 0

    Fig. 21. Pilylloxeroxenus godiarensis, sp. nov. Male.

    A. fore wing, B. stigmal vein, C. antenna, D. anellus. E. head in front view, F. head viewed from above, G. hind leg,

    H. abdomen.

  • 52 REC. ZOOL. SURV. INDIA, Oce. PAPER No. 25

    2 stiff bristles, tibial spur single, tibial spur to metatarsus 3.00 : 5.00 ; tarsus very slightly shorter than ti,bia; metatarsus 0.25 of tibia and 0.26 of tarsus; second segment 0.80 of metatarsus; third segment 0.75 of the second segment ; fourth segment 0.87 of the preceding segment; fifth tarsal segment 0.90 of the metatarsus.

    Abdomen smooth; petiole finely closely punctate; abdomen (including petiole and excluding ovipositor) 0.43 of body; viewed laterally (Fig. 21 H) length to height ] 00 : 49; petiole slightly longer than hind coxa, length to width 100 : 50, petiole to abdomen 29 : 100 ; third tergite longest; sixth tergite with a few scattered setae;

    aedeagus to abdomen 40 : 100.

    Holotype: Male on card tfore and middle legs, fore wing and antenna on slide}. 12.5. Pechiparai (Kerala Survey), ColI. M.S. Mani & party. 2 -27.viii.1974.

    18. Phylloserosenus pechipariensis, sp. nov.

    Male: Length 2.84 mm. General colour of body black; head black; eyes and ocelli brown; mandibles reddish-brown with reddish teeth; antenna black except for the yollowish-brown basal portion of scape and radicle; thorax black; fore leg very dark brown except for the brownish tibia, tibial spur and tarsal segments; middle and

    hind legs very dark brown except for the yellowish-brown femur at the tips. tibiae basally and apically and very light brown tarsus with the last tarsal segment brown; wings hyaline; veins brownish; abdomen very dark brown to black; abdominal petiole black.

    Head: Face below the antennal sockets and gena longitudinally • striate, otherwise head closely umbilicately punctate; vertex

    moderately setose; eyes bare; mandibles bidentate ; antennal socke

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