Page 1: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

For  An  Orgasmically  Joyful  Life  &  Business


Page 2: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Congratulations entrepreneur! Either you currently own your own business, or you are on your way to creating one. What an exciting time! Let’s face it; being an entrepreneur isn’t the easiest thing in the world. You’ve left (or are leaving) behind a stable paycheck, benefits and… security! You have to be at least a little bit crazy to leave all that and start your own business. But it’s a good kind of crazy ☺ To me, that kind of crazy means becoming the CEO of Your Life and choosing to create a life and business you truly love and are excited to wake up to each day. In this ebook, I will share with you steps that have helped me create an orgasmically joyful life and business, with the hope that it will help you do the same.

Page 3: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Table of Contents

Step #1 - Envision what orgasmically joyful looks like to you …. Step #2 - Embrace an orgasmically joyful mindset and ……….. banish the negative Step #3 - Burn it …………………………………………………. Step #4 – Make decisions from where you want to be, ……….." not from where you are Step #5 - Know what YOU need to say yes and no to ……….. Step #6 – Plan to plan your week ………………………………. Step #7 – Set targets and trust they will happen ……………… Step #8 - Continuously assess where you are and …………… course correct Step #9 - Connect with your inner voice ……………………….

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P4 P6 P9 P10 P12 P13 P15 P17 P19

Page 4: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Orgasmically joyful means being extremely happy and truly loving life. What does being extremely happy and loving your life look like to you? A critical step towards achieving orgasmic joy is to have a solid vision of what this ideal life looks and feels like to you. It’s like the Dalai Lama says, "In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision." Imagine you have a magic wand that can create the ideal life and business for you. Wave your wand. •  What does that perfect life and business look like? •  What do you truly want your wand to create? •  What are you longing for in your heart?   •  What is important to you? Write down not only what it looks like, but also what it feels like. Then create a vision board using images that convey what you’ve written and imagined. I recommend creating your vision board online, or on a cork board with tacks so that you can easily adjust your vision as you evolve and become clearer on it.  

Step 1

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Envision what orgasmically joyful looks like to you.

Page 5: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Once you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, try breaking it down into steps - first quarterly steps, then break it down further to weekly and even daily steps you can take to start making your vision reality. This way, you ensure all the steps you take each day are aligned with the vision you are moving towards.

Spend at least 90 seconds every morning and night looking at your board. Visualize it as if it’s actually in your life right NOW. Feel it, believe it, and assume the energy of what you want to experience. Visualization is powerful. It helps you move through life with intention. When you continuously visualize what you want, every cell in your body is involved in that image and you start to resonate with everything in harmony with it. This helps to line up towards you everything that’s needed to make your image your reality. Professional athletes do this all the time! So can you :)   CEO of Your Life Copyright 2015 – Page 5

Step 1

Page 6: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Being an entrepreneur is challenging, and there are days you just want to throw in the towel and give up. Don’t! I assure you, all successful entrepreneurs have felt this way at some point in their journey. The key to avoiding this trap, and pulling yourself out of it when you fall in, is to work towards having an orgasmically joyful mindset at all times. What do I mean by that? I mean that a strong, positive, loving-life mentality needs to be part of your DNA. You are the Captain of your ship... the Captain of your thoughts! You may not be able to choose everything going on around you, but you can choose the thoughts and the direction you take in every moment. How do you do that? How do you program yourself to have a continuously positive and joyful mindset? Concentrating on your breath is a great way to remove your preoccupation with the past or your imagined fears of the future. It brings you into the moment and keeps you there. When you put yourself in the moment, you open yourself up to a whole new set of possibilities.  

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Embrace an orgasmically joyful mindset and banish the negative.

Step 2

Page 7: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Whenever negative thoughts or feelings come up, notice them. "Then take a few deep inhales and exhales. I recommend at least 3 inhales and exhales, and holding them for five seconds each.   Being in the present, in the here and now, can be all you need to remove negative thoughts or feelings. If these negative thoughts, feelings and voices are still persisting, I recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the voices that are pulling you down. I visualize these voices as gremlins and tell them I appreciate that they are trying to keep me safe, but I choose not to heed their advice. I then visualize sending them off to Peru. I tell them to go spend some time with the Shamans so they can evolve. Remember, we are what we repeat. We are the Captains of our thoughts. If we give into these negative voices, our dreams will not happen. We need to consistently steer our ships in the direction of what we are working towards. It’s critical to find a way that works for you to remove your negative voices. If you would like some further help with this, I recommend reading the book “Taming Your Gremlin” by Rick Carson.

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Step 2

Page 8: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Once you’ve sent those negative gremlin voices away, you need to replace them with positive ones. Or perhaps a quote that uplifts you. Here is a quote that motivates me: This quote is what kept me from quitting. I was determined to be part of the 3% :)

I recommend identifying a few motivational quotes that really resonate with you. Keep them close by at all times.

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Step 2

Page 9: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Sometimes, you may have recurring thoughts that seem stronger than you. Sending your gremlins away and replacing them with positive thoughts just doesn’t seem to be enough. These powerful negative thoughts can truly prevent you from moving forward. What do you do when this happens?

My advice: burn them. Write out everything these negative voices are telling you on a piece of paper. Write down your fears, your thoughts, everything that you feel is holding you back. Then throw it in the fire and watch it burn. Fire consumes. Fire transforms. It will destroy the energy of what is no longer working for you, and help you create the energy you need to start making what you want happen. Intentionally transforming the energy behind our negative thoughts and emotions is the key to transforming our outer world. If you would like more details on how burning expels negative thoughts, see my blog post  “How Do You Shift Your Emotions.”

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Burn it

Step 3

Page 10: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Think about how you would feel, think and act when you have exactly the life and business you envisioned on your vision board. Extract those feelings and thoughts and try to put them in place now. When I first started my business, I was a single mom with no safety net. I knew I had to build my business and come up with strategies to attract my ideal clients… fast! Although I had about 20 years of marketing experience, and knew how to brand and market myself, I had never run my own company. I was outside my comfort zone! I was told that the fastest way to reach your goals is to get advice from someone who has already successfully done what you want to do. With this in mind, I looked into investing in a one year business coaching program. The total cost of the program, including travel to the U.S. four times a year, was about $20 000. What should I do?! If I had approached the decision from where I was at that moment – a single mom with no savings – I would have said no to the program, and no to the possibility of having a full time business doing what I loved.

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Make decisions from where you want to be, not from where you are.

Step 4

Page 11: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Instead, I decided to approach the decision from the mindset of where I wanted to be: a self-employed coach running my own successful business, making a six figure income. I visualized the position I wanted to be in: a position of success and of living my dream. What would the Melissa of my envisioned future decide? From that mindset, I decided to take a huge leap and invest in the business coaching program. I chose, and I dove in. Head first. What was the end result of setting aside the position I was in, and choosing instead to make such a huge decision from the mindset of where I wanted to be? By taking that huge leap, by choosing to invest in my future and enrolling in the business coaching program (that I couldn’t actually afford), I was able to create a six figure salary within four months. I recommend always making decisions from where you want to be: the place you created on your vision board. Don’t make decisions from where you are. Making decisions from where you want to be will propel you forward so much faster.

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Step 4

Page 12: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Now that you know what you truly want in your life and business, you need to start prioritizing what is most critical to achieving it. You need to prioritize the steps you determined in Tip #1 over everything else. This is what will take your life and business to the orgasmic level you truly crave. In order to determine your priorities and live by them, you must be willing to say yes to the important things and no to others. Start by making a list of what you need to say yes to in order to make your orgasmic vision happen. For example, “I need to say yes to signing up with a business coach, exercising 5 times a week, and surrounding myself with people that support my vision.” Now list what you need to say no to in order to keep your vision the priority, and not get sidetracked. For example, “I need to say no to watching TV during the week, eating junk food, and friends that do not support me in my vision.”

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Know what YOU need to say yes and no to.

Step 5

Page 13: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

I know, I know… we are all so busy that it can seem impossible to fit everything in! And now I’m telling you to fit in planning time on top of it! Just remember: “You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr. You do have the time. And you’ll find it’s easier to make time if you’ve accomplished Tip #5 and have a clear idea of what you need to prioritize and what you need to let go of. I strongly recommend setting aside time one day each week to plan your week ahead. If things do not get scheduled they do not get done! Often, when we don’t have a clear plan, we fall into the trap of spending time on low priority tasks (things we should say no to), while the important stuff (things we should say yes to) falls by the wayside. CEO of Your Life Copyright 2015 – Page 13

Plan to plan your week.

Step 6

Page 14: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Personally, I like to take an hour every Sunday to plan my week. I schedule everything from client time, to networking time, to work outs, family time and even laundry time. If I didn’t do this, it would simply not get done. At the end of each day, I review what I have scheduled for the following day. Doing this keeps me on track and helps me start the next day with ease. When planning your week, ensure that every day includes items that are aligned with the vision you created on your vision board.

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Step 6

Page 15: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

The most challenging part of my journey Was learning to trust. I worked hard, did Everything from the heart, got the right mentors, focused on my big picture vision… I was relentless. Yet as hard as you work, it is still nerve wracking when you don’t know when you will make your next sale. Two things helped me with this: 1. SETTING QUARTERLY TARGETS!INSTEAD OF MONTHLY ONES.!"When I was setting monthly targets I would always "stress - “Oh  my! I need to sell x amount of programs this month, "I’m only at y amount, there are only 2 weeks left…” ""When I changed to setting quarterly targets instead, that helped take into account the high and low seasons of my business, and it would even out. I was able to stop stressing if one month didn’t reach my ideal target.""Set targets for yourself that are achievable, and within a reasonable time frame that works for you and your business cycles. It can be hard to identify those cycles when you’re just starting out, so if your first attempt at target setting doesn’t work out, adjust and try again.

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Set targets and trust they will happen.

Step 7

Page 16: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

2. TRUST. !"Uncertainty is essential and inevitable in our path to freedom. You just have to trust that the Universe does give you everything you need. In the beginning, there were so many times when I didn’t know when or where I would sell my next package. But something always came through.

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Step 7

It’s hard to develop that trust, but truthfully, as an entrepreneur, "you have no choice but to do so.

Page 17: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Never stop asking yourself questions and being honest in your answers. Are you where you expected to be at this point? Have you been following your plan, scheduling your weeks, taking steps each day towards your vision? If everything is going well, CONGRATS!!! Celebrate!!! If things are not working out as you envisioned, ask yourself: •  What can I do differently?

•  What have I learned from this?

•  What are my next steps? You open up to so much more when you are honest with yourself, and empower yourself to continuously evolve. You need to continuously acknowledge and assess your position, see what is working for you and what is not, and then correct your course.

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Continuously assess where you are and course correct.

Step 8

Page 18: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

Many different people will tell you many different things when it comes to starting and running your business. The biggest mistakes I made were following someone else’s advice when my gut was telling me it was wrong. What felt right for me was to treat each client as naturally creative, resourceful and whole. I believe in giving the client time to think about my program, and feel if it is right for them or not. I tell myself not to be attached to the end result. If a client is meant to work with me, they will.

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Connect with your inner voice.

Step 9

Allow me to share an example. I had a top coach who told me how to “sell”. Her process included bringing people’s fears forward and then insisting they pay for a package on the spot and asking for their credit card number. She rationalized this by saying a coach knows what is best; the client is lost. That advice felt wrong to me, but she was a top coach and I was just starting out. So I tried her method. It felt absolutely horrible, and I wasn’t even selling!

Page 19: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

When I went with what felt right, with what my gut was telling me was right, I started selling… and to clients who I love working with! Partner with your inner voice. Partner with the feelings you feel in your body. This is your intuition. Listen closely to it. It will lead you in the direction you are meant to go. After all… this is your life and your business. You are the CEO of both. You need to do what YOU feel is best for you. When you do this, you will definitely take your life and business to the orgasmic level!

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Step 9

"The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it's going to go and where you'll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don't let anyone deter you from that." - Eartha Kitt

Page 20: 9$ STEPS - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-13 · recommend removing them by visualizing them and creating personas for them. Yes, you read that right… I want you to create personas for the

  Success  comes  in  different  flavours.  As  a  life  and  business  coach,  Melissa  helps  entrepreneurs  build  a  business  that  fits  their  values  and  creates  the  lifestyle  they  crave.  Her  specialty  is  helping  people  transiEon  out  of  their  day  jobs  and  into  building  orgasmically  joyful  businesses.  She  leG  her  successful  career  as  a  VP  and  an  award-­‐winning  specialist  in  business  and  markeEng  because  she  wasn’t  fully  saEsfied  with  just  "creaEng  successful  products,  markeEng  campaigns  and  surpassing  sales  objecEves,"  she  wanted  to  be  of  greater  service  to  others  -­‐  to  help  business  owners  build  and  run  businesses  not  just  with  their  heads  but  by  tapping  into  their  heart  and  gut  as  well.      Melissa  is  also  a  cerEfied  coach  and  trained  energy  pracEEoner.  Her  “CEO  of  Your  Life”  coaching  program  aTracts  professionals  and  entrepreneurs  from  around  the  world.  

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[email protected]

Melissa Dawn is Coach & Founder of CEO of Your Life.

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