

The latest location of Face to Face Games joined the WPN in August, and by October they were Advanced Plus. With great events like their Fate

Reforged Prerelease, it's not hard to see why.

Here are eight things they do to create a positive experience that keeps players coming back,

Prerelease after Prerelease:

1. Promise a great event in your advertising and deliver on that promise with a "warm

atmosphere and good customer service."

2. Make food part of the event. The midnight event offered "Nachos: Reforged" and the next morning's players fueled up for the event with

pancakes from the store's café.

3. "Bring out the celebrities!" Notable podcasters Scott MacCallum of the Eh Team and Matty

Studios of Heavy Meta turned out to spellsling.

4. "We have 4-8 judges in the room each Prerelease and things just get done. Support your local judge community and they will take

care of you."

5. Have players note a clan preference when they preregister, so each player has the best

chance of getting the optimal Prerelease pack.

6. Encourage all parents to pre-register their kids for the same day to make sure they'll have

similarly experienced opponents.

7. "Prerelease should feel like every Magic players' birthday." Embrace the

activities and have fun with them.

8. Keep it friendly, warm, welcoming. "We do everything we can to ensure that we are a haven

for all gamers."

How do your events keep players coming back? Tell us about it at

and you could be featured in an upcoming article!

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