Page 1: 8 point copywriting checklist

8 Point Copywriti

ng Checklist

Page 2: 8 point copywriting checklist

1. Does your headline draw the prospect into the sales copy?

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2. Does your letter have a big

benefit or promise? Does this tie into the

prospect’s core desire?

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3. Is the letter focused on the

benefits the reader will gain? The focus of the letter should

be on the reader and not on you or your company or even the product.

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4. Have you written the letter

in a conversational tone, as if you are having a conversation

with the person?

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5. Is your lead strong? The

lead needs to be short and to the

point. Don’t waste time ‘warming up.

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6. Have you created word pictures or

mental movies to make the

most important points come to


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7. Have you used a false close? A false close as the name suggests is where

you start to wrap up your sales argument and then instead of presenting a

call to action you present another benefit. Doing

this makes the prospect feel as if he is getting

more value than he bargained for.

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8. Have a strong P.S.

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