Page 1: 8   new physical laws (sems) and civil engineering

reference point


structural element

= SEMS sensors

New Physical Laws (SEMS) and Civil Engineering

One of the main problems in Civil Engineering is to know the mechanical condition in old structures. This sample application is used as test based in the vibration.Vibration: in a simple way, it can be defined as a structural elastic wave or elastic wave deformation (as happen with water wave). Such elastic deformation or wave would be the mechanical oscillation of any structural point from an imaginary center or reference point, also called equilibrium point.

The following drawing is self explanatory. This application works by creating an artificial microseism (with pneumatic-hammer or similar), to measure the vibration’s elasticity of the building (or bridge), and also by measuring the resultant structural deformation.

structural point


SEMS sensor used as seismograph

pneumatic hammer

Page 2: 8   new physical laws (sems) and civil engineering

SEMS sensors

To reach this aim, in the industry there are pendulum’s clinometers with the accuracy shown in the next table:

The next drawing is a sample of application on bridge:

To achieve the exact scientifical measuring of the structural elasticity due vibration, before we have to establish all the regulatory standards or codes we consider necessary, according with criterias or former standards. All the systems we have now are based in empirical (experimental) facts, so they are scientifically inaccurate and therefore dangerous in the exact scientifical way.

- Angular Range: +/- 600 seg. 0 – 360º

- Resolution: 0,1 seg. 2 seg.

- Máx. Error (Precisión): 0,2 seg + 3% 10 seg.

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