

Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2290

CD: 22

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190

Korean War Project USMC-08300539DECLASSIFIED

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Ser: 0 0 1 56 •1951 OCT 2 4 1951

FIRST ENDORSEMENT on Headquarters, 7th Marines Historical Diary for September 1951, ltr ser 6541 of 10 October 1951

From: To: Via:


Commanding General, let Marine Division, FMF Commandant of' the Marine Corps Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

Historical Diary for september 1951

1. Forwarded.

2. The security classification of this endorsement is removed When detached from the basic document,

3, Transmission is authorized by United States Registered Mall in accordance with article 0705, United States Navy Security Manual for Classified Matter 1951.

V, H, KRULAK By direction

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Korean War Project USMC-08300540DECLASSIFIED

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0696/945 Al2 Ber

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BECON~ ·~~J~tl>iE~''T Ofl. Hea.Q,qug.Mers, 7th lllarines Historical Diary fol' September 1951, ltr ser 6541 of 10 October 1951

From: Com..rnanding General • Fleet lv1arlne Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the l·1a.rine Corps

Subj: Historical Diary for September 1951, forwarding of

l. I?orwarded.

2· This endorsement is downgraded to unclassified upon detachment of the enclosure.


3. Transmission by United States registered mail or registered guard mail 10 author! zed in accortlance with Un! ted States ~Je.vy Regulations.

,. . .,·· Copy to: CG, lstj.\arDiv (end only)



Korean War Project USMC-08300541r

From: To :


Headquarters 7th !-!!.Tines

lst au·ine Divis:J,on (Rein:f') FMr c/o Fleet Post Office

San Francisco. California

Ooa~nding Officer Cor=da.nt of the ).Brine Corps

HDI:ee.e. .Al2 Ser: 6541 10 october 1<151

Via 1 (1) Commanding General. 1st l~ine Division (Reinf). (2) Commanding General. Fleet !hr ine Force. pacific

Subj: Historical Diary; month of lsptember .1951

:Ref : (a.) Paragraph ll4ol J.fl.rine Corps l-B.nual (b) Divisio_n General Order No. 31


a~ PeriOd 1 - 13 September 1951

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During this period the 7th llirines ,..,_s et!Ef'.ged in attacking a stubborn eneli\Y" which were well dug-in and heavilly supported by artillery and mortars~ After securing objectives in the assigned zone. they were replaced b:· the 1st rt>.r ines.

b. Period 14 - 30 September 1951

ThB Regiment in Division reserve and spent this period in training and rehabilitation. Daily problems were conducted and patrols dispatched~ Some of this time spent with cold weather instruction.


010600 - OllSOO September 1951

1/7 units no change position. Dog 2/7 no chan€e. Easy 2/7 in position Df-2936U to DT-3238V reinf by tw squads Regimen tel!! & S Company. Fox 2/7 under Operation control 3/7 in position DT-274o o. minus one platoon in 11osit:j.on D!-2741!1'. feorge 3/7 D11-2S42X to D~2s4211. How 3/7 DT-2s421f to DT-294JD. Item 3/7 DT-2742L to D!-2S42K. Regimental CP located DT-3135F at l600K. For operations ordered see li\Y" frag Oll630K. Able 1/7 patrolled locally during period. :Baker 1/7 pe.trolled to DT-2943T unable to obtain good observation. returned at 15451!: with negative cont..ot. Charlie 1/7 patrolled to D11-3044X at 1215K patrol came under S/A and A/W :f'ire from enemy on hill &73. At 1300K patrol started to pull back used smke to cover move­ment~ At 1345K Charlie patrol lmoke contact. returned lEOOK. Dog 2/7 patrolled to DT-2S37N. returned 122§x. ])>sy 2/7 p;e.trolled to D11-3039H returned at 1325K~ Foil 2/7 ordered to apn oontrol 3/7 at llOOK. moved to position on fLo.nk of 3/7 occupied at 1705K. Row and Item 3/7 under attack 0900K by enemy battalion pluss weapons company o:f' 8 H/G and 8 82mm mortars. Attack repulsed l055K. How 3/7 attacked by

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Korean War Project USMC-08300542DECLASSIFIED

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Ol06oO - 011800 September 1951 (Continued)

enemy at close quarters at ll25X:. Attack repulsed at 1135K. At 1219K enemy company moved up draw west of hill 602 brought under heavy artillery e.nd HM fire. At 1304K Item 3/7 under heavy attack repulsed at l320K~ At 1435K Item 3/7 under heavy attack repulsed at 1455K. At 1547X Item under heavy attack, repulsed at 1610K. J.nin enemy efforts FM vicinity hill 602 and draw 100 to 200 ya,rds to west. Iil.Ximm use mde of artillery and mortars and all available air. Geor,;;e 3/7 moved. into :position between Item and Fox at ~5K. Artillery missions later~ 12 air missions. one air search during :period.

011800 - 02o6oo September 1951

Paragra:Phs one, two, three, no chDJlge. Paragraph :four. DeLoyed re:port :9eriod Ol0600K to Ollg()OK. 50 artillery missions, 29 observed. During :9eriod 14 observed artillery missions 22 Hand I missions. Four air missions during :Period~ All others negative.

021&!0 - 030600 Seotember 1951

P?.ragraphs one, two, three, no chane;e. paragra:oh four. At 022225K Dog 2/7 received small probe platoon attack DT-2g36Y. Probe renulsed 022235K. At 022345K Dog 2/7 received S/ A fire :from, base of hill 509 D'l.'-2!J3i;N. At 020100K Do~ 2/7 reported two enemy infiltrated their line. At 03054511: 3/7 units at DT-2940Kl received 20 rounds 76mm artillery fire, Friendly platoon artillery called. on established enemy gun posit•on and. enemy artillery ceased, All others negative.

031800 - o4o6oo September 1951

Paragraphs one. 2/7 oP DT-31411)'. 2/7 OP on hill 755 D'l'-274oD~ Para.gra:phs tw, three no,e. Paragra:ph four. At 210011: Bc.kar 1/7 received. M/G fire :from hill ~73 DT-29445. artillery and 4.2• MM fire called., U/G fire ceased 2l30K. At 2220K Fox 2/7 received eneiey" attack, repulsed. at 2a'+5K. 2/7 CP opened new location at 2000K. At 2000K George 3/7 received 5 rounds 82mm in front line positions. 3/7 assisted Fox 2/7 with Hl1 and. e.rtillery fire 2220K to 2245r.:. Regimental ~ closed new location at l830K. Artillery fired 9 observed 10 ~ observed missions.

o4o6oo - o41BOO September 1951

paragraph one. Regiment at company minus DT-313SV. Ret:imant 4.2• coffiElany minus DT-313g<(. Parao'a:Ph 2. No change. Paragraph 3. See my frag order o41356K. Par ,graph four. Delayed re:port , Able 1/7 outpost reuulsed :9ro be at tack DT-31430 at 0230K. :Baker 1/7 patrolled. to village vic. DT-3M2!. Discovered four enemy box type mines end many liP mines ~.long rood DT-3o41D t<> DT-3Q42I~ al.l !Jines dis•

posed of by engrs. patrol received sea. tt ered sf A fir II from enemy positions along

east slo}Jes of hill 673 DT-2944T during :nost of period. returned l5QOK. rro. 2 Dog unit went to DT-2743K returned 1530K. no. 3 Fox unit went to ll'l'-2742! returned lOOOK. No. 4 Fox unit ~.>ant to DT-2742A ret\U'ned 1200K. No.5 Fox unit went to DT-2743M


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Korean War Project USMC-08300543DECLASSIFIED ,,

o4o6oo - 041800 Septembar 1951 (Continued)

returned 1400X. }To.6 Fox unit went to D'J.I..2743Q returned 1725X. All P<"trols had negative contact. George 3/7 patrolled to D'J.I-27438. At 1100 call~d artillery on enanv M-2843A. At ll30X called artillery on ene1117 b~er D'J.I-2844~ At ll20X observed enenzy- firing at friendly planes M-2743G. Returned at 1530X. AT compaey Olinus and 4.2• company minus closed new location 09301[. Artillery fired 26 observed, 19 unobserved missions dnring period. Air conducted three close support strikes during period~

o4li'DO - 05o600 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, three, no change. Par,.graph four. At 2000X :Sa.lwr 1/7 received scattered S/A and 6 rds. 82mm from vic. hill 673 D'l'-29lJ4T. At 2020 Dog and Fox 2/7 received 15 rds. 82mm, balieved cor·ing from m-2646x. Reginent ord and su_o::>lY coopleted move to new araa 041830X. Artillery fired 16 observed, 22 unobserved ::dssions during period. Ne&.tive air strikes.

050600 - 051800 September 1951

paragra::>h one, two, three, no change. Para_,<-ra:;>h three. See my fra.g order 051130X. Pnragranh four. Charlie l/7 :patrolled to D._2943I, returned e. t 14oOK. 7ox 2/7 patrolled- to DT-2743! returned at 1545X. Row 3/7 :patrolled to D'J.I-2743!, at D'l'-2~3A enemy were obs.orved building a bunker, artillery called, ;oa.t:-ol re­turned 125QK. Artillery fired 30 observed 22 unobserved missions. Air conducted 10 close sur~ort strikes during period.

0511300 - o6o6oo September 1<;51

Paragraphs one, two, three, no change. Paro.{'?:'aph four. 3/7 received a.:p:nrOJG­ima.tely 4o rounds 76mm artillery on CP area at 051800I~ Artillery fired 12 ob­served 13 unobserved missions dt~ine period.

o6o6oo - 061800 September 1951

Parag;lltphs one, two, three, no change. Paragra'Oh three~ See 11\\" frag order 061430K. paragraph four. Baker 1/7 patrolled to DT-3044x. At DT-3o43S fl,t 0930K received S/A and A/~1 fire from vic. DT-3o43G, called 4.2" fire. Patrol returned a.t ll30X. 1/7 cP area received ap:proximtelf 12 rds. 76mm fire 1500K to 1700K, on dud on trail in cP area, engineers called to remove. Dog 2/7 :patrolled to DT-2644q::i where they were halted by hee.Vf S/A. and A/W f~re from hill 751 DT-2644L, called artillery fire, returning at end of period~ At 1630X approximately 15 rds. 76mm artillery hit vic. 2/7 cP area~ At 1745X Fox 2/7 units encountered mines m-2742Tl. George 3/7 patrolled to D'l!-28448~ .A.t 01330 received 76mm artillery fire from guns located D'J.I..2S46N and DT-2S46s, artillery called. At lOOOK spotted small enemy group D'l'-2844s, artillery called. At 1025 received heavy M/G, J./,W, and S/A fire from establishel 50 enemy in position.D'l'-2844S, stap:pedat DT-2m4Y, called artillery fire. Patrol returned a.t ll20K~ George 3/7 received. ~prox 10 rds. 76mm artillery fire in company area from positions est DT-234&JI or D'l'-2846S at 1150X. Artillery fired 46 observed, 14 un­observed missions during period. Air conducted 16 close su:m:rort missions~

-3- !tlimiu:i DECLASSIFIED

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061800 - 07o6oo September 1951

Paras:ra.phs one, tw, three, no change, paragraph four, Del.qed r<3'nort, Dog

patrol returned 1755K~ At o430K Fox repulsed probe attack 'by UJ1<ietermined m:unber

enerzy at DT-2742M~ Artillery fired seven unobserved missions during period~

0706oo - 071800 September 1951

Paragraph one, Able co~ DT-304lJ! to DT-314lll., Charlie compe.ny in compa.ny

:>erimeter on obj one vic. DT-3143!1.. ParP_gl"aph t'tjO~ No cbange, Paragraph three~

See nw frag order 07l230K. Paragraph four, Able ;patrolled to 2944Y where brought

under heavy S/Ao A/W, grenade and mortar fire at 14 35K from strong enerzy :positions

located on hill 673 DT-2944S~. Patrol broke contact and ret1ll'ned at 1645K after

getting air, artillery, and 4~2" support, Baker sent unit out to cover Able during

retrograde movement, Able and Char lis completed exchabge of posi tiona at 125QK.

Fox patrol encountered enemy S/A fire from DT-2744P at ll05K when patrol was at

DT-2744V~ Fox patrol overcome ene'!\V resistance, moved to DT-2744P, at ll25K while

on obj received l~fG fire from DT-2645'?5, called air and artillery, returned at

1435K. Dog received ap-orox 3D rds, 76mm fire in CO!l!P8.IJY area 1550K to 1700K~

Item patrolled to D'l!-28lt3l!', returned 1215K. Artillery fired 24 observed, 7 wr

observed missions during period. Air conducted 32 close support strikes during


071000 - 0806oO September 1951

Para£1"9.phs one, two, three, no change. paragraph :four. 3/7 received four rds,

76mm artillery fire in area from 071000K to 072000K~ Art.illery fired four observed

and six unobserved missions during period.

080600 - 081800 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change, Paragraph three, see my frag order 08ll50K,

Pcragraph four. :Baker patrolled to :tlT-3o44 o, returned og40K, Charlie received

scattered S/A fire from hill 589 vic, DT-3144 0 at 1420K. Dog patrolled to D'l!-

264311' and to D'l!-2Ei43M. At 1155K while at D~2743q, patrol hee.rd A/W fire a.t DT-

2744P, called 81mm fire, A/W fire ceased, Patrol returned 1500K, How patrolled

to DT-28448, returned at 1625K. Artillery fired 18 observed, 7 unobserved missions,

3 ripples of rockets during period, Negative air.

OS1800 - ogo6oo September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, three, no cbange. 1/7 received 57 rds. est 76mm and 122nm

artillery fire in positions between 1830K and 2lOOK. 2/7 received two rounds est

122mm artillery in positions between 1S30K and lg4oK. Artillery fired S unobserved

missions during period, Ne~_tive.air.

09o600 - 091800 September 1951

Paragraph one, two, no chan,~e. Paragraph three, See my frag order 091415!.

paragrauh four. Able patrolled to DT-3043l!' returned at 1250!. At 1120! Charlie

received 2 r6s, 120mm in positions. :Baker received 8 rds. 76mm in company aree.

at 1645! to 1650I from enemy gun positions at DT-2946R, gun flashes observed

artillery called. Able received 76nm fire in area from 1500! to 1000!,



Korean War Project USMC-08300545DECLASSIFIED

090600 - 091SOO September 1951 (Continued)

E! patrolled to DT-2643» 1 returned at 1445!. George patrolled to D!Il-2s43P to

DT-29'+3W to D!Il-2942~1. received sniper fire at DT-2s43S1 returned at 114oi ~ How

patrolled to D'f-2844!1 returned at 15001. .Artillery fired 24 observed1 12 unob­

served missions during period~ Air conducted 7 close BUpryort missions~

091800 - 100600 September 1951

Paragraphs one 1 tw, three, are negative. paragraph four. Ba.Jrer repulsed

small probe from est squad at D!ll-294llf at 2055!. .Artillery fired 3 observed, 6 unobserved missions dtrinc period.

100600 - 101goo September 1951

paragraph one. Charlie :DT-3Q41L. l!lasy D!ll-3o4o B. to w. Pa.ragra?h two, no

change. Paragraph three. See my operation order 14-51. paragraph four~ Charlie

patrolled to JQ44u, returned 1100!. Cbs.rlie relieved in position by elements 5th

!ol\rines at 1330!, moved to new area. Easy patrolled to :DT-2643X to DT-2643lr to

DT-2743!!, returned at 14oOI~ Easy closed new positions at 15001. Item patrolled

to DT-2s44U1 returned at 1055!~ .Artillery fired 26 observed missions 1 6 unobserved

missions during period. Air conducted 6 cleee su;p:nort missions.

lOlSOO - llo600 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, three, no c!Bnge. At 0300I J.ble and Baker crossed L'D

for check point two. At 0300I Fox patrol departed for DT-2794P. How crossed LD

for cheok point one at 03QOI. .A.t and of period negative contact. .A.rtillery fired

2 observed 21 unobserved missions during period~ Ne~tive air~

llo6oO - 111800 September 1951

Paragraph one. .A.ble DT-294Jm~ ]!a.k:er D!D-29430.. Charlie D!Il-29431. Recon D'li­

J041M. Dog DT-2S42Jl. Easy DT-2942H. Fox DT-2s42Jl~ Ge!l1'ge DT-2~1~ How DT-

2s44Y. Item D'!-2s44W. Paragraphs two 1 three 1 no change. Paragraph four~ .A.t

0730I Charlie received light S/J. vic. DT-2942Y. At 08001 ]!a.k:er received S/J. and

A/W fire from check point two, ]!a.k:er continued move slowly, pinned down at DT-2944X

at OS25I~ Able forward elements, in column behind l!aker at DT-2943J, begin de­

ployment to emst, in position at DT-2944Y4 at ll001, becan coordi.Dated attack with

:Baker. :Both units encountered heavy S/J. and A/W fire from deeply entrenched en911V1

also mortar and artillery. A.t ll55I Cbs.rlie moved to D!-JQ42C. J.t 121.0! .A.lJle a.n4

]!a.k:c pulled back from obJ to allow further artillel'T and air prepare fires~ J.'ble

and ::Ba.ker began to move out at 15451 1 la1mched coordillated asu.W.t at 16451 against

heavy en8l!IY S/!.1 J./W, mortar fire. Assault repulsed aj; 17001. J.t 1710 artillel'T

concentrations fired to enable Baker elms to dise~e.4Je~ A.t end o! period Able and

:Baker duo: in on perimeter. Charlie moving up for assault •. llecon rema.ined in position

D!ll-JQ4lX duri~ period, attached to 1/7 at close of period. .d 07451 Fox patrol re­

cei ved light Sf J. fire from hill 751 D'll-2644~!~ .A.t 0900 Easy in assembly area DT­

J041N0 Fox ordered to reinforce patrol. J.t 1515! Fox units dug in, receiving S/J.1

J./W 1 Ml{ fire 1 calling air 1 artillery, mortar fire on enemy troops and e"!Placements

in area~

-5- UICUSSIFIED · "'-~ .. -~'4 ~" -· '""

''"·--~--- ..... ,.


Korean War Project USMC-08300546DECLASSIFIED

llo600 - lllSOO September 1951 (Continued)

At 1545 J'ax: patrol ordered in, ll'ox and Dog moving to hill 602 at 2s42ll at close

of period, !)! m:>ving to new assembl.1" area at close of period. At 07371 How

mde contact at DT-2~Y. .&.t 0920I How at DT-2s44s4 getting S/A. M/G, mortar fire

:from right :flanks and :front. At 1020! unable to move or evac casual ties due to

extremely heavy. :fire. At 1030! Item ordered to assault obj :from south and relieve

pressure an How~ At 1250! Item and !bw in contact, launched dual assault at 1355!

from SE and s. At 1415I assault repulsed by extremely heavy enerey :fire fr9m enemy

bunkers and m:>rtars at 16001 Item and EOw movinr; up again under heavy fire~ At

1710 George minus ordered to reinforce attack. At close of period How and Item

dug in on positions, George moving up. A.t 1515 regiment relieved reap line hays

in zone effective 2000I, units authorized to m:>ve immEidiately. Artillery fired 24

observed. 2S unobserved missions during period. Air oonducted 42 close S'!I9port


lllSOO - 120600 September 1951

Paragraph one, Able DT-3044V to m-3Q43M. :Baker M-2943I to 2944!rl~ Charlie

DT-2944'n to 3044V. B.econ DT-3043M to D'll-2943Y. Dog D'l!-2S43L to D'l!-2S42L.

DT-284211 to D'l!-2943Y. ll'ox DT-21#2L to D'J)..21#2ll. George D!-2&43L to DT-21#3C~ How

D'l!-2~W to DT-29431'. Item M-2&43C to M-2s44v. paragraph two, no change~

Paragraph three. see my frag order 111S35I~ Paragraph folll'. 1/7 units in position

at 2330I after Charlie assault an obj repulsed due to heavy fire and mines at

20551. 2/7 units in position at 2o4oi. Moved out as ordered at 0500I~ 3/7 units

in position 2200I. Artillery fired 5 observed, 21 unobserved missions during period.

Air conducted 4 close support strikes.

12o600 - 121800 September 1951

paragraph one. Able DT-294~ to D!L'-2943c. Iaker M-2945n to D'.l!-2~~

Charlie DT-2944yz to l7.!!-3044U1. Recon D!-29430. DO€ on obj 3 DT-19451. Ea..fl1 on

check point 6 m-3Q46p, Fo::t M-29441. Gsorge, How, Item in perimeter DT-2~S.

Paragraphs two, three, no Change~ Paragraph four. Charlie moved out at 06351.

contact with enerey at o64oi at DT-2943E, at 0930I forward elements Charlie n.t DT-

2944!4~ Charlie, Able, &.ker, launched coordinated al~ault against enemy positions

in bunkers with heavy S/A, A/W, mortars, hand grenadea~ Objective secured at 14151.

Able, Baker, Cb.-..rlie, Recon Dug in perimeter at end of period., Dog, Fox

moved in colunm up draw DT-291:13:&. At 09001 Jlll.sY DT-2s44E encountered sligh"" S/ A

fire still under cover o:f' ]log~ At 0950I lllasy and D04; encountered mines vic~ D!L'-

2844E. Fox moved to nose bet.,een check point two and check point three, Jlll.sY and

Dog attacked from "rest up slopes of hill 749 M-29451 1 elements of Dog and Jl):!.sy on

objective at 1710 against het1vy S/A, 11./W, mines. Enemy unit of undetermined. si 20e

cut off between Dog and J!lasy and Fox units. At l74oi Easy secured objective six~

At close of neriod units dug in positions. At 0900 George made contact at DT-

2s43Cl. At lo201 George units on objective one, Row and Item m:>ved up to form peri­

meter. At 1115I 3/7 units repulsed counterattack from undetermined number of enerey.

At 11151 3/7 units r'epulsed counterattack from un.determined number of enenw~ At

11151 ~Jck point one decL~red secured by 3/7, at close of period units dug in on

objective~ Artillery fired 29 observed, 20 unobserved missions during period. Air

conducted 34 close support missions,

- 6- IUilSS\HBl I ____ ---::=::-,.::_cc· · · -


Korean War Project USMC-08300547DECLASSIFIED

121000 - 13o600 September 1951

Paragraph one. AT tanks m>-3032-0. Recon passed to 0pn control 1st l<hr~es

1224o01. 2/7 to opn control 1st'ines 1224991. P"-ragra:9h t"WO, no che.nge~

paragra:9h three. See ey fra.e order 1215051. Paragraph fotll'. 1/7 units relieved

on positions at osll?r. 1/7 units moving toward eneey trucking points at close of

period. :r.rom 1218001 to 1224001 2/7 units in cont inned l:io:;ht contact with -r1

eneey units, receiving S/A and A/W fire, some grenades. At 1224oo1 1/7 to opn

control 1st Ml.rines. At 122250 How repulsed light probe~ AT compa~· tanks moved

to new assemb~ area DT-3032 at 0300I.

1306oO - 131800 September 1951

Paragraph one. 1/7 ouened new CP vic. DT-312196 at 1300!. 3/7 o:9ened new

CP vic. DT-319196 e.t 164oi. 4.2" and A-T minus one compa.n,'\" closed vic. DT-315194

at 16151. B&S closed vic. 319198 at 13001. 2/7 remained under o:on con~rol of 1st

J~rines at close of :oeriod. Parr<gra:nh t....o, no change. paragraph three~ See ey

!rag order 1215051. Paragra:oh four, no change.

131800 - 140600 September 1951

paragr~;<ph one A. A-T tank platoon closed vic. DT-315194 at 05101~ Fox compB.DY

closed vic~ DT-315197 at 24oOI. Dog and Easy company in process of entrucking vic.

DT-3040 for lll:lvement to new area vic. Il1'-3119. Delayed report. Regimental CP

0:9ened vic. DT-31919S at 1312001 closed old CP vic. DT-311358 at 1312001~. para-­

graphs two, three no change. paragraph four. 2/7 relieved in position by elements

lst Marines at 1320251.

14o6oo - 141800 September 1951

Paragraph one, two, no change. Pare.gra;oh three. See my !rag order 14o7J.OI.

paragraph four • Regiment cOicJDB.nd grou;p closed new CP location 09051. 2/7 opened

new CP DT-313296 at 09001. At 09301 2/7 closed new assembly area. All other

paragraphs negative.

141800 - 15o600 September 1951

All paragraphs negative~

15o600 - 151800 September 1951

Paragraph one, two, no change. paragraph three, See my !rag order 1516551.

paragraph four negative.

151800 - 16o6oo september 1951

160600 - 161800 September 1951


1 UIClASSlF\Bl l;.

........... " .. ~····-··· ··-· ... ----· ~--All :paragraphs negative.

paragraphs one, two no change. Par~.{;I'a:»h three. See ey !rag order 161330.

paragra:oh four. All units patrolled accordance lilY trag order 151655~ 1/7 returned


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Korean War Project USMC-08300548DECLASSIFIED

1606o0- 161800 September 1951 (Continued)

2/7 returned 1345I. 3/7 discovered burned Russi= t;ype radio DT-329229, ap--oro:z:

70 civilie.ns in village D'l'-351234, CIO unit notified for displacement~ Returned

1410I, All others neg~.tive~

161800 - 17o600 September 1951

All :paragraphs negative,

170600 - 171800 September 1951

Paragra:phs one, two, no chan. ·e. Pare.graph three, See 1:\V trag order 171345I.

paragraph four. All patrols de:!Jarted accordance !l\V trag order 1613301. 1/7 return­

ed 15301, 2/7 returned 114oi, 3/7 returned 1300I. All units continued improT~

ment of assembly areas and rembilitation of personnel and eq:uipment~

171SOO - 180600 September 1951

All :!laragraphs neg,.ti ve.

1so600 - 181600 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change. Paragraph three. See !l\V frag order 1813301.

paragraph four. All pa.trols departed accordance IIU frag; order 171~1~ 1/7 r~

turned 13451. 2/7 returned 12301, 3/7 returned 1230I. All units continued im­

provement and rebll.bilitation of personnel e.nd equipment,

181800 - 19o600 September 1951

All :Paragraphs negative.

190600 - 191800 September 1951

Paragraph one, HeevY M/G :;>Jatoon 2/7 attached to recon company at 09001~

Paragraph two no chll.nge, Paragraph three. See IIU fra.g order 1914251. Paragraph

four, All p,,_trole departed accordance nzy- frag order 1813301. 1/7 returned 11151.

2/7 returneli 15451 •• 3/7 returned 13001. Negative reports from all ?"-trols~

l9l&l0 - 200600 September 1951

All -paragraphs negative,

200600 - 201800 September 1951

Paragra:;>hs one, two, no change, paragraph three, See nzy- trag order 2013181.

Paragraph four, ,A.ll patrols depej:ted accordance r.zy- frag order 1917251~ 1/7 r~

turned 12001, 2/7 returned 16001, 3/7 returned 10301. All patrols mde negative

contact, At 14o01 recon party from Regimental CP section found SO civilians in

village of B<ngy~ri DT-3502013~ C10 taking necess~ry action to dis1)1ace them to

refugee camp, ,. . . _.. .. . . . .. .......

201800 - 2lo600 September 1951 UICLASS~ID All paragraphs neg;ctive,

- !l -


Korean War Project USMC-08300549DECLASSIFIED

210600 - 211600 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change. Paragraph three. See my frag order 2117291.

paragraph four. All units patrolled accordance -:r frag order 2014181, 1/7 re­

turned 14oOI. 2/7 returned 1715I. 3/7 returned 11351. All patrols returned

negative reports.

211800 - 220600 September 1951

All paragraphs negntive,

220600 - 221800 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change, paragraph three, See my frag order 2213351.

paragraph four, All units patrolled accordance my frag order 2117291. 1/7 re­

turned 134oi. 2/7 returned 1445I. 3/7 returned 12051. All patrols returned

negative renorts.

221800 - 230600 September 1951

All paragraphs negative,

230600 - 231500 September 1951

Paragraphs one. 2/7 heavy M/G platoon reverted to parent unit 14451. para­

graph two no c~nge. Pa~agra?h three, See rrry :trag order 2317151. four •

.A.ll patrols departed accordance rrry frag order 221335. 1/7 returned 14451 negative

report, 2/7 returned 11451, apprehended one civilian, turned over to 2/7 s-2 for

processing, 3/7 returned 11551 nege.tive report. At 10001 2/7 hee.vy 1-!/G platoon

COC1mBnced arrival at r(7 by I!Mi 101 helicopters, platoon closed assembly <>.rae. by

jeep at 14451.

231800 - 24o6oo s~ptember 1951

.Ul paragraphs n~tive.

24o6oo - 24lgoo September 1~'51

paragraphs one, two no change. Para, three, See rrry frag order 2415251.

paragraph four. .A.ll patrols departed accordance my trag order 2317151. Route one

patrol :returned 11151 negative r,eport, Route wo patrol returned at 1330. patrol

app:rehooded 18 civilians a.t DT-344215. CIO notified and screened civilians. Route

three patrol returned at 13101 negative report. Route four patrol returned at

16001 negative report. Route five patrol returned at 17071 negative report. Route

six pa.trol returned a.t 10501 ·negative report, Route seven patrol :returne~. at ll46I

negative report.

24lgQ0 - 25o600 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two no change, Paragraph three. 2/7 patrol of P<., t:rol route

one ordered to leave at 0530I instead of designated time. Paragraph four. At

ll45I gro"!' of three or four men with TJA./G ambushed two trucks of 2nd platoon

:Baker co~any lst Mr battalion vic, DT-3011135. :mnenv were brought under bar fire

by '·lr and s((l.lad from >t&epons 1/7 dispatched to scene. Enemy moved back

- 9 -


Korean War Project USMC-08300550DECLASSIFIED

241800 - 25o600 September 1951 (Continued)

up trail to high ground and escaped at 123()1. .A,t aPC>rox 12301 unidentified mn

approached east end regimental CP, fled 10hen challenged.

2506oo - 251800 September 1951

:paragTaphs one, two, no change. Paragraph three. See llll' :trag order 251"74o1.

para.gTaph fo'IU';. All units patrolled acoordanee llll' :trag order 24152511 all patrols

returned negative reports &Eeeption 2/7 patrol fVII returned at 144oi after fin4-

ing siiBll packets of food and prepared bundles of clothing at :ot-363256~ Ml.terial

was burned. patrol observed many civilians running up trail twwards hill 678 vic.

DT-356257. Patrol apprehended 3 men at il'l!-357249. turned them over to C10. Five

civilians apprehended by 2/7 patrol at DT-290185. Turned over to CIC.

251000 - 26o6oo September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, three, no change. paragraph four. .A.t 224gl 3/7 reinforced

squad road check point in position at DT-351223. Unit made negatiTe cont~ct and

was relieved when l/7 patrol passed through their position at 05201.

26o6oo - 26Uoo September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change. Par~.graph three. See my :trag order 2615581.

paragraph four. All patrols departed accordance my frat: order 25174oi anQ. re­

turned prior to end of period. Nu.mber 3 found two civilians at DT-333198~ 11\l!llber

4 found four civilians at DT-292151. 11\l!llber 7 found eight civilians at DT-365245,

three male civilians escaped up draw at DT-358247 as :P'.J.trol approached, All

civilians turned over to CIC for processing. All other patrols returned negative


261800 - 27o600 September 1951

27o600 - 271800 September 1951

Para.gra!JhB one, two, no change. paragraph three. See roy frag order 2715451.

PRragTaph four. All unite patrolled accordance my frag order 261558I and re­

turned prior to end of period. NuMber 8 picked up three former 3/7 laborers at

DT-3461380 returned them to 3/7 assembly area. All other patrols negative reports.

280600 - 281600 September 1951

ParagTaphs one, two, no change. FaragTaph three. Ses llll' frag order 281549I.

paragraph four. All u.nits patrolled accordance llll' :trag order 271545IJ returned

prior to end of period. Number 7 apprehended 68 civilians at DT-3922b2, turned

over to CIC. All other patrols returned ne§ative reports •

281800 - 290600 September 1951 . ···-·-"-"' ·-· -·~

Ul&lASSlf\ED . , All paragraphs negative.

- 10-


Korean War Project USMC-08300551DECLASSIFIED

290600 - 29l,Pn0 September 1951

Paragraphs one, two, no change. Paragraph three, See rey frag order 291529I.

para<>raph folU'. All units patrolled accordance rey frag order 2815491 and returned

prior to end of period, No,l picked up seven civilians at DT-296214 and turned

them over to CIC for processing, All other patrols returned negative reports, t

291800 - 30o6oo September 1951

All paragraphs negative,

:3Qo6oo - 301600 Sept ember 1951

Paragraph one, no change. Paragraph two. See my operation plans 15-51, 16-51.

paragranh three. See rey frag order J;J1445I, paragranh four, All units :pptrolled

aceordatlCle rey frag order 291529I, retUl'ned prior to end of period, No,7 found 48

rds, 82Imn mort2r ammunition at D'l'-392268, >till be blown. l'!o,8 noticed 3 to 5

ci vilia.ns running a.\\El.y from villages vic, DT-3691S3 and D~ 362168 when PR_tro1

ap"!)roached, All other patrols reports negative,

301800 - 010600 September 1951

All paragraphs negative,

AI'PEtiDICI.!S I A;ppendi:z: I - Directives received dlll'ing the period, A;ppendi:z: II - Directives issued during the period. A;ppendix III - OVerlays A;ppendi:z: IV - Intelligence reports. Appendi:z: V - Operations reports submi ',ted and patrol reports received

from subordinate units. Appendi:z: VI - Photogranhs (None)




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DCu J,:·:· :i':JJ.lO








Korean War Project USMC-08300553DECLASSIFIED


SEC:-:ET ,.


Directives issued during the period,

Regimental Fr..,; Order No. Oll6J;>

Regimental ]!'rag Order l!To ~ 051130

Regimental Frag Order J:l'o, 0614o6

Regimental Frag order No, 071230

Regimental Fr..,; order No, 081150

Regimental J'rag order l!o. 091415

Regim'll tal ]'rag Order No. 111835

Regimental ]'rag order No, 121505

Regimental Frag order tro. 14o7lO

Regimental. J'ra.g Order No. 151655

Regimental. Frag order llo, 161330

Regimental Frag Order No. 171345

Regimental Frag Order l!o, 1Sl3J:l

Regimental ]'rag order No. 191425

Regimental Frag Order l!o, 20131S

Regimental Frag Order l!o, 211729

Regimental ]!'rag Order No. 221335

Regimental ]!'rag Order No. 231715

Regimental Frag Order No, 241525

Regimental ]'rag order No. 25174o

Regimental ]!'rag Order No~ 26155g



, c ,,, YEARS


Korean War Project USMC-08300554DECLASSIFIED

APPENDIX II (Continued)

Regimental Frag Order No. 271545

Reg lmental Fra.g Order No. 281549

Regimental Fra.g Order No. 291529

Regimental Yra.g Order No, 301452

BmiMBIIVTAL TRAINING atDlllt l:IUMBlilt 5-51

REGIMlllllT~ OI':JiltA!I OIT PL.UI l:IUMBllt 15-51


Ol':i!lR.UI ON atDlllt l:IUHB.i!R 14-51

- 2-


Korean War Project USMC-08300555



----- --

• /


' '

011630 This 1s my frag order oll6?0X. Regiment consolidates night defensive

positions at Olli!OOX e.nd at 020700X atta.cka to destroy enemy on hill 602 vic

M-2eU2D~ l/7 consolidate present positions for niE:b.t. Jflintain contact with

elements l6thaOK r~iment on right e.nd visual contact with 3/7 0n left vic

D'l!-29411~ At 020730K send reinf platoon patrol to vic M-2943 0~ Direct observed fires on enemy in !lone. Patrol to retUl'n prior 021700X~ :Be prepared

to ~n~pport 3/7 with fire. 2/7 minus Fox col!lp&lcy' plus t110 squads regimental H & S consolidate positions on Jre.nsas Line in zone~ At 020730X send Bqoad patrol to vic ll'.r-3039M and squad patrol to vic DT-293SV~ Patrols to search

for enemy in zone and report uncharted mine fields located. Patrols to retUl'n

prior 0215QOX. 3/7 plus operation control of Fox 2/7 consolidate positions from

visual contact 111. th 1/7 vic D'.r-294lD to hill 702 vic D'l!-2B42L to contact w1 th XlC vic M-2742Q.. Milintain one co~ minus one platoon on high grOUDi vic DT-

274oD and one platoon on objective Able vic DT-2741 0. At 020700 attack and

destroy ene~q on hill 602 vic DT-2B43X. At 020730X send platoon patrol to vic

DT-2743ll. patrol to retUl'n prior 02l700X. 4~2, A-T and Ef&S continue present


051130 This is nw frag order 05ll30K. Regiment continues consolidation of :&;v-s Line in zone and patrols. l/7 at o6oroox send reinf platoon patrol with

mine clearance team to clear road from DT-3041! to D'l!-3Q44s. 2/7 at o6oroox

send reinf platoot patrol to vic D'l!-2644Q.. 3/7 at o60!i:lOX send reinf platoon

to vic D'l!-2~8. .Ul patrols retUl'n prior 061700X. Mike llll.Ximum use of su:pport­

ing arms to destroy enemy in zone. 1/7. 2/7, 3/7 continue developmen~ of best

terrain vic B>.ys line in zone. Maintain contact with units on flanks~ 4.2, A-T

and H & S continue s~ort regiment aa directed~

o614o6 This is nw frag order o614o6x. Regiment continues consolidation of best

terrain vic B/l.ys line in zone and patrols. 1/7 at 070li>OX send reinf platoon

patrol to vic hil1 673 vic DT-2944S, Destroy bunkers with explosives~ 2/7 at

070000X send reinf platoon patrol to vic DT-2744:1'~ 3/7 at 070000X send reinf

platoon patrol to search vil}a&e vic DT-2eU3F. A.ll patrols retUl'n prior 07l700X.

! maximum use of sup,orting &rms to destroy enentv in zone~ 1/7, 2/7, 3/7

continue consolidAtion of nest terrain vic !lcyS line in zone. !·!l.intain contact

with units on :flanks. 4~2, A-T and B'&S continue support regiment as directed.~

071230 This is ntv fral!: order 0712?0X. Regiment continues consolid.<1tion of best

terrain vic ~ys line :1-n zona and patrols, l/7 at OSO!i:lOX send reinf platoon

:Patrol to vic DT-?044o ~ Search road for signs of recent enentv mine laying

activity~ 2/7 at OSOI!'OOX send reinf platoon pe.trol to vic DT-2643N to DT-2743M

and retUl'n, 3/7 at OOOI!'OOX send reinf platoon p8.trol to high ground vic DT-

2~S. All patrols retUl'n prior 081700K. Mike llll.Xi- use of su:pporting arms

to destroy enemy in zone. 1/7,2/7, 3/7 continue consolidation best terrain vic

B/l.ys line in zone. M!.intain contact with units on flallk:s. 4~2, A-T and H & S

sup?ort regiment as directed. 1/7, 2/7. 3/7 expedite construction of weapons

emplacements wire obstacles, trip flares and plans for J:P mine fields~ Stock

pile minas near area to be installed,



Korean War Project USMC-08300556DECLASSIFIED

' '

081150 This is my frag order OID.l50K. Regiment continues consolidetion of

best terrain vic 91-ys line in zane and patrols. 1/7 at 090700X send reinf

platoon ~trol to vic DT-3144T. 2(7 e.t 090700X send reinf platoon pe,trol to

vic DT-2643.&.. 3/7 at 090700!: send reinf ple.toon patrol to D~2942M to D~

2943W to ~2843!' e.nd return. All pe.trols return prior 0917QOK. M!ke naxi.IIIWD

use of availe.ble BUPportinc arms to destroy eneley' in zone. 1/7, 2/7, 3/7,

continue consolidatioa bast vic Bays line in zone. Expedite construc­

tion of weapons emplacements, wire obstacles and clee.r fields of fire. Report

by 16001!: daily construction counleted as of 1200K. ! conte.ot with units

on flanks. 4.2, A-! and B & S lupport regiment as directed. Rec;inental check

points redesignated in accordance with accompanyin& overle.y.

091415 This is ley' frag ordsr 091415I. Regiment continues consolid?tion of

best terrain vic Jtqe line in zone and patrols, 1/7 e.~ 100700I send reinf

platoon ~trol to vic D~3044u. 2/7 at l00700I send reinf platoon patrol to

vic DT-2643X to D!ll-26lt3N to M-27431! e.nd return. 3/7 at 100700I send reinf

platoon patrol to vic DT-2844u. All patrols return prior to 16oOI~ !Ue

maximum usa of supporting arms to destroy ena~ in zone, l/7, 2/7, 3/7 continue

consolide.tion of best terrain vic Be.ys line ill !I:One. contact with units

on flanks. 4,2, A-T and B & S continue present support ml.ssion~

111835 This is my fra,; order lll835I. Regiment consolide.tes defensive positions

for ni&ht at 112000! and at l20500I continues attack to sehe Regimental Check

Points 3 vic DT-29451 check point Ji. vic D~3045S and check point 6 vic M-3o46Q.

1/7 consolidate positions from tie in with 3/7 vic m-2944u to DT-29445 to D~

3044'11' to contact with 2/7 vic ~2943!. Recon compe.rcyo attached for night de­

fense, At 12>5001 attack and seize high ground vic DT-29441 and check point 4.

2/7 consolide.te positions from contact with l/7 vic DT-2943! to hill 6o2 Tl.c

28420 to contact with 3/7 vic ~2m3L 2/7 has responsibility for river. At

1205001 pass through 3/7 and attack and seize check points 3 and 6. 3/7 con­

solidate positions from contact with 2/7 vic DT-2843L to D~2m4s to contact

with 1/7 vic D~2944u. ,A.:f'ter pe.ssac;e of lines effected. b)' 2/7 pass to regimente.l

reserve prepared to support attack. Defensive posit!~ L,D. boun~~ies see

overlay. 4.2, ~~aDd H & S continue to s~ort regiment RS directed.

121505 This is ley' frag order 121505!. Regiment pa.sses to corps reserve when

relieved in position by lst Marines at 121800. Order of relief 3/7, 1/7, 2/7.

As relieved assemble at entrucking point vic DT-3l4ox. ?rovide guides to lead

relieving units into positions. on order entruck and 41spl&ce to reserve

assembly area vic DT-3119. order of DBrch 3/7, 1/7, :US, 4,2, 2/7 •. A-T. '[)nit

co•s organize serials of 25 vehicles or less, Enforce mrch diseip:).ine. Re­

port on R.c. net when 'head of column reaches following check potitll~ Yo. 1 D~

303lll. No.2 DT-30240. No.3 D!li-3120Q. on arri'val new assembly area establish

local security for unit bi'VOU&C aree.s, Recon company detached 1224001,

14o710 This is DV frag order 14o710I, Regiment in corps reserve reorganit:es

and reequips. All units improve new assembly aree.s, reorganize and reequip,

Effect maxiiiiJlll rest and rehabilitation of personnel, :Be prspared to initiate

training program and for operations in X Corps sector. AsseJ!Ibly a:;eas and

zonas of defense responsibility in accordance accomparcyoing overlay~

- 2-



Korean War Project USMC-08300557DECLASSIFIED

SECRET 151655 This is my frag order 1516551. Regiment continues rebabili tat ion,

improvement of assemb~ area, and conducts local patrols. 1/7 at 160800 send

squad patrol to ~303170 to DT-294192 to 1J!-29S20S to D!-309207 to D!-312216

and return, 2/7 at 160000 send squad patrol to DT-299175 to DT-285173 to DT-

286162 to D'r-309179 and retlll'n. 3/7 at 160000 send squad patrol to vic D!-

329206 to D!-33722S to D'f-356236 to DT-344216 to D!-338206 and return~ patrols

to search out draws and villages alone patrol routes. Report location of

civilians found in area and any indication of enemy activity. Be particular!~

alert for guerrilla activity. All units continue rehabilitation and improve­

ment of assembly area.

161330 This ie my fre4> order l61330I. lle,riment eontinuas rembilitation ~

:orovement of assembly areas and conducts local patrols. l/7 at 170000 patrol

route six with one squad. 2/7 at 170800 patrol route two with one squad. 3/7

at 170800 patrol route three with one squad. all units continue improvement

assemb~ areas. misaion of patrols search patrol routes and report all civilians

in area and any evidence of ene~ey activity. Patrol routes as desil;llll.ted on

accompanying overlay.

171345 This is my :fra€ order 171345I. Regiment. continues rehabilitation i­

provement of assembly areas and conducts local patrols. 1/7 at 100800 patrol

route four with one saue.d. 2/7 at 100000 Patrol route five with one squad.

3/7 at lOOSOO patrol route two with one platoon. All units continue inprove­

ment assembly areas. Ml.ssion of patrols search pab·ol routes and report all

civilians in area and any evidence of enemy activity.

181330 This is my trag order 181330!. !.ee;imant continues rehabilitation im­

provement of assemb~ areas and conducts local :patrols. l/7 at 190900 patrol

route one with two sqnads. 2/7 at 190900 patrol route three with two sqoads.

3/7 at 190900 patrol route foUl' with two squads. lll units continue imprOT8-

ment of aseemb~ areas. J.llssion of patrols search patrol routes and repol't

all civilians in area and any evidence of enell\f activity.

191425 This is lltY frB« order 1914241. Regiment continues rehabilitation im­

provement of assemb~ areas and conducts local patrols. 1/'7 at 2001'!30 patrol

route five with two squads. 2/7 at 200S30 patrol rouh six with two BC~Uads.

3/7 at 200830 patrol route two with one platoon. All units continue iD!Prove­

ment of assembly areas. t~ssion of patrols search patrol routes and report

all civilians in area and any evidence of enemy activity.

20131S This is my frag order 20131SI. Regiment continues rehabilitation im­

provement of assembly a.reas and conducts local patrols. 1/7 at 210800 patrol

route three with two squads. 2/7 at 2108:>0 patrol route four with two squads.

3/7 at 2lOSOO patrol route two with one platoon. Mission o:f patrols search

patrol routes and auyrehend all civilians in area and report any evidence of

enemy activity. Units continue construction training facilities and preparaUon

of training e.reas.

- 3-



Korean War Project USMC-08300558DECLASSIFIED ,,


211729 This is rey frag order 2117291. Regiment continues rehabilitation and

improvement of assembly areas and conducts local patrols. 1/7 at 220SOO patrol

route 6 with two squads~ 2/7 at 220000 patrol route 5 with two S<fll"ds, 3/7

at 220000 patrol route 1 with two sqw.ds, l·:l.ssion of patrols to see.rch patrol

routes and apprahand all covilian.s in area and report any evidence of enemy

activity. All units continue construction of traininc facilities and prepara­

tion of trainin.g areas.

221335 This is rey frag order 2213351. Regiment continues rehabilitation and

improvement of assembly areas and conducts local patrols. 1/7 at 2308001

patrol route 2 with two squads~ 2/7 at 2308001 patrol route 1 with two S<1W<ds,

3/7 at 230SOOI patrol route 6 with two S(l'llads. Mission of patrols to search

patrol routes a:nd apprehend all suspicious civilians in area A.nd reyort any

evidence of enerey activity, All unite continue construction trainin.g facilities

ru1d preparation of training ,oreas.

231715 This is rey frS~> order 231715I. Regiment conducts training ::end patrols

locally. 1/7 at 24oOOOI patrols routes 1 and 4 with one sauad, 2/7 at

24o700I patrol route 2 and at 24oSOOI patrol route 6 with one s<1UB.d each, 3/7

at 24oSOOI patrol routes 3 and 5 with one sauad each and at 24oSlOI send motor­

ized patrol of two squads on route 7 (see overlay)~ }!ission of

?Btrols to seFtrch patrol l'outes and apprehend all suspicious civilians in area

and report any evidence of enerey activity. All units continue prepa.ration of

trainiiJ€ areas and carry out scheduled training,

241525 This is my frat; order ~1525I. Regiment conducts training and :p.o.trols

locally and to Division rear boundary. 1/7 at 250800 patrol routes three and

four >dth one s~ each, 2/7 at 250SOOI patrols routes one and five with one

squad each and at 250530 send motorized patrol of two sauads on route seven.

3/7 at 250730 patrols routes two and si~ with one souad each. Mission of

patrols is to search all :patrol routes and apprehend all suspicious civilians

in area and report any evidence of enerey activity. All units continue prepara­

tion of training facilities and carry out scheduled training,

251740 This is nw trag order 251740!, Regiment conducts training and patrols

locally and to Divillion rea.r boundary. 1/7 at 260530 :patrols route seven with

one platoon and search draw vic DT-358249. At 26o700 patrols routes one and

six with one s OUI'Ld each, 2/7 at 260700 patrols routee four and five with one

S(lUil.d each, 3/7 at 252000 establish road check point vie DT-35~7, secure

check point at 26o530, patrols routes two e.nd three at 26o700 with one squad

eaOh. Mission of patrols to search all patrol routes r•.nd a:pprehend all sus­

picious civilia:ns in area and report any evidence of enell\1· activity. l\l1ssion

of road check point to screen all traffic and apprehend all civilians. All

units continue preparation of training facilities and carry out scheduled train.­


261558 This is rey frag order 26155SI. Regiment conducts traininc and patrols

locally and to Division rear boundry. 1/7 at 270730 patrol route three ani four

with one squad, 2/7 at 270730 patrol routes fiye and six with one s <11Jad

each. 3/7 at 270700 patrol routes one an<l. two with one Struad each, at 270630

patrol route eight with one scruad, see acco"'P!lnying oyerlay. Mission of patrols

to sea.rch all patrol routes and a:»prehend all ei vilians in area. and, report p_q

evidence of enerey activity. All units oarry out scheduled training~



Korean War Project USMC-08300559DECLASSIFIED

·sECzlET 271545 This is rrw frag order 271545!. Regiment continues trainin,g and patrols

loeally and to Division rear boundr;r. 1/7 at 280630 patrol routos one and five

\<ith one squad ~ch. 2L7 at 280630 patrol routes foUl", six and seven with one

squad each. 3/7 at 2So630 patrol routes two and three with one squad ee.oh.

ldssion of patrols to search all patrol routes and apprehend all civilians north

of horizontal grid 15.5 and report any evidence of BD.81117 activity • All units

carry out sohednled training.

281549 This is ley' frag order 2815491. Regiment continues training and patrols

locally and to Division rear boundry. 1/7 at 290630 patrol routes six and eight

with one squad each and at 2914oo patrol route foUl" with one squad~ 2/7 at

2914oO patrol routes one and five with one squad 3/7 at 291300 patrol

routes two and three with one s,.d each. )dssion of patrols to S\!18-rch all pat­

rol routes and apprehend all civilians north of horizontal grid 15~5 and report

any evidence of enemy activity. All units ce.rry out scheduled training.

291529 This is rrv frag order 2815291. Regiment continues training and patrols

locally. 1/7 at 300700 patrol routes two and five with one squad each and

route aeven with one platoon. 2/7 at 300700 :pe.trol routes four and six with

one squa.d each. 3/7 at 300700 patrol routes two and three with one souad each

and route eight with one platoon. Mission of patrols to search all patrol

routes and a~prehend all civilians north of horizontal grid 15.5 and report any

evidence of enemy activity.

301452 This is my frag order 301452!. Regiment continues training and patrols

locally. 1/7 at 0112001 patrol routes three and four with one B<lUad each. 2/7 at 010000 patrol routes one and five with one squad each and route eight with

one ~latoon. 3/7 at 010700 patrol routes two and six with one squad each and

route seven with two scruads. llission of patrols to search patrol routes and

a:p:9rehend all civilians north of horizontal grid line 15.5 and report any evid­

ence o:f enerrv activity. All units continue training.

- 5-


----~-- ----~ --



Korean War Project USMC-08300560DECLASSIFIED

R-r<.··.••· .. 'r.' , ...... , .. ... , .. ', ~ .. ·-·· _-·;•-·


... ~ .• ~ ,· ' •... 'j ~ I• .- .. ,; "<a,:i ~

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. • 'l'raining Program N1J.MI3J.!:R • • a • 1 • • • • • • • • • • 5-51)

Maps: Korea, 1:50,000, .AMS Series L 751, Sheets 61.i2bii and 6L2 8TII.

•'sf: (a) Air ]'orce .-l.egua.ltions 50-13,

l!:ncl: (l) Training .Syllauus of General.n.nd S:pecial!Jilitary Subjects.

(2) Ammunition Allow .. mce for 'l'ra ining. (Jj Trainihg Sohedtile J.l,orm. (4) 'l'raining Syllabus oi Comn.unicJ.tions SL1bjects. ( 5) ·.era ining Areas and H0~nges;; ( 6) ;fld p rlead .Schools, (7) Sni·ler School.

1. Infornu t ion:

{a) The pUrpose of this training order is to prsscribe a ·c~.lini!lf!, progrcJ.m to be> executed during tho two (2) · w0eks period cOJ.n;:lGncing 24 Septej;nbor, 1951. :

(a) '.l'raining ob,jectives:

{ 1) '.L'o 1llilintuin euch ind.ividuJ.l and. unit of tl1is Com­mand i.\t a high state of professional training, t"r.ti.<Jul proficiency, and condition, while at the sar·lu tim0 eiCco·.nplishing the integration of r·e'PlJ.cement person­nel into the various units in a mini·<W' lenvth of tLno,

(2) •ro increase proficiency in small unit tar:tics with a stress on mov<m.ont of snull units u:1.dor fire .tnrl. i.\SSJ.Ult of fortifiJd :positions,

( 3i 'l'o inoredsci p::>ofioiency in rnl:P rea"tine "'nd orien­tdtion bv inspoction.

(b) Training period:

{ 1) ·lhils the duration of the rese.L·ve s-c~ tus is un­dlltsrr.uncd, this program covers ;:t two (2) wellk poi·iod frol'l 24 Su:ptember .through 6 October, 1951.

(c) '.fra ining week:

(l) Iviond-.1y through L~turday; five (5) trctin~ng l1ours p0r day:· total of thirty ( 30) tl"d ining hours .per week'!i, tot•'<l of' sixty (60) hours during tmfning po:dod, ·



Korean War Project USMC-08300561DECLASSIFIED

- -R<;STrl I0'l'i<;lJ ------

3. Dvt~ilJd pl~n:

(a) .t!.nclosura (1), .J. trdining sylL,bus of general .tnd spc>ci,:~list rnilit1ry subjects, will be accomplished by --111 units, vxce pt. those detdiled for P-i trols, or on .1ss igned sccurity missions, or ... s dasigmted by oth.;r dtt,.chud aol:i.edulus.

(b) B.1 tt.llions, 4 ,2'' ~.1ort.:>r Com):uny, •• nti 'l'ank Comp.1ny, :!nd riogi..-rn.8ntul communic·J.tion section submit to this he .... dqu·~tr­t<.Jrs to urrive by 1200 <Mch Frid·.xy their trlining sch8dulu for thu wuuk to communes thG following Mondc~y in ·J.Co01'd.J.nco with thd S:1mple form. ~nolosure ( 3). - ·

(c)., minimum of thirty-three per-cent of all t.:wtical tr:dning will b<J cond,J.cted 1t night, stressing individr•al and unit night disciPline and movement by night.

(d) li:tch b.1ttc1lion sh.<ll conduct sniper tr,rining for twelve (12) snipers during the training period,

(o) See Enclosure (4) for ATilJllunition ,.-..llowrncus,

4, (aj MJ.p re.1ding schools will be conducted in lccord,nce with enclosure (6),

(b) Form:J.l unit schools end on the job trlining will bu ut ilizod to thi.:l nuximtun e-xtent.

(c) Subordin,to units will conduct school9 on tho following listed subject~)

(1) rilp rcc;.ding, (So8 enclosure (6).

(d) ~a. cold WtL .. ther tr.:tining school will be conduct~d in thu Regimental Comnund Post .... re!l on 'l'hursd:ty, 20 September, 1Q51, duri= the hours OQ00-1700 ~nd oil ~'rid1v 21 Sentomb,;r from 0900-14oo-,;- ii.--cornmissiono:~d represent., tivo from u~ch. Comp:rny in the Rt:Jgiment will ·'tttend, plus a cor11D.issionod represent.J.tivu from 8J.Ch b'tt:'J.lion S-3 section. ..11 Su:Pply Officers J.nd rlogLrnGnt::tl motor tr.1nsport officers will ?.ttond.

5, ;~nil::tble tr.!ining ::~ids will be utilized to the m"ximum. ~V.Jry effort will· be n1.J.d0 to ntJ.nuf ..~.oture tr.t iniP...g ·J. ids when-

uvor possible,

6, Inclement Wulther,

(.) In the dvent of incltlmont we:r thor, schva.uHJS m1y be modifiod by cont:rcting this H<:ud<J.Ulrters, (S-3), 1nd ru<J.uvst­

ing per.mission.


Korean War Project USMC-08300562

- - - - - - - - • _...,_ DECLASSIFIED

A - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -- - - - -UUuJ:l.~:..d 5.-iLC >::NJ.:' JJ _ _ &.1S'l':liG1'ED_ _

7. 'l'uosday, Thursda.y and S·J. turday .J.ftornoons between 1300 and 1700 "II ill 0,..:; ko pt freu f o:r· scheduled J. thlut ics' -out ween un i t..s.

8. S.J.fety:

b'-'o-1 us~,; of the hoc~. vy traffic through and .J.round comb« t tr.,cining -1!'018 rurticullr attention is diructod -~o refor-0!100 (.J.) So.fety .{egulCJ.tions.

JJ!S'l' tiBUl'ION: -"""'S" p--~-0 i ll

0 F ]' I C I .i. L

J • J • 1Jf.SHHU'l'H Liontem1nt Colonvl, U. S. ·~·n:·i n0 Corns

Exooutive Officer



Korean War Project USMC-08300563DECLASSIFIED

J.t..uu.J..'_i..J..U·J...~,.~JJ •

1. Ins pc ot ions 2. l-~ooh.lnicctl 'l'rng & firing of

Indlv -.'':& Crev; :oG•cv './ps.s 3. l·{J.prlu .. ~ding -.lnd use of Co:mpiSS 4, "'Dull unit Infantry Tlctics 5.., ~Rr1llJlt on ]fortified Positi0ns 6, J!' ir0 &, Hovemunt 7. :?:rinoipl0s of inf,_,ntr" '1'.1ctios:

1ttuc~ and dafensa -8, Construction of bnnkors and

dof0ns i vo insta 11--' tivns 9. Uo'd 101ther ~rng

2 2

2 5 !) 4 2


J2. 30


,, <.-

3 I' )

,3,i 30 60hrs

Merl"tPe -m±y-use -~ ien>~d a Pea. s--'f'or----l!loi'-ttt-P---f-it>i-flt!'-or ---.111 Y-­oo-ct-es--:i:gnbd-"ddi-t--iOft±--l-Pd-ng.;s-----&fi~'}-l•<>s.t..

l, 2 • ~

-'• 4.



?. 8,

In:opoction Jilie;ch~nic.:.l l'rng· L ;., ,...., 11..-...; 1 1 -· U.lJ. -./.....1....1....1..

Construction of l:Junl-:0rs l_lld ddfGnsive nositions .- - -l!'ield lnd firing of IJruw SGrV(Jd ·dpns Mu ohunic" l "'rng .1nd firing of Indiv ~~ :pns " '.iulther '1'rng vold Principles of Infantry Tactics . + + -' ,..t,..- , ...-.rl i), _ _.-f',-,..-.oe:. fTlmlAT

..... '.J 1.r •. ~,_,n,. ,_.~, J !\..I. >,.1'\.J.l. VJ l"'-'V .L.V..L.~..I,.J


DOD D:R ~200.10

( 1)

2 6 & 3



L ".t .-,

--ri' ~~


/' ' ") ,_

2 6 ~


4 (, y

h -·S'n ?..n1--n·H'

-'" vv .. ~

Korean War Project USMC-08300564DECLASSIFIED

--------------- ---------------- ---bNCL 1, \ mf\ ·:.>,: ~nrr.-~·l\Tr, .. T f11-Jl\1f!. , .: . .:rn~:~·~ ~:;_ 1:;.1 rHJl\TPn j..J ~~r~Tr!,..fl n

'~I .I. v J..""""''.X-4J.IJ, .... U ... .I..r .. .Lt ..... ~~--.... • .. .- ... ~..._,__..... ./- ........ ..., ,............ ...~-~-- ,.._~ ............ ~·....., - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - --· - - - - - - -- - - - - -'rrlc,INII'TG Sl'LL.BUS FOR 4.2" l.IOH'l' .• R COJI!E,NY

G.G!IUH .• L MILIT .RY SUB.JBCTS 2 4 ;>::},2_:§]:..1!

1 1. 2. 3. ' <+• 5. 6. ?.

8. 9.

JJL.p ro1ding Co.moufLgc> :tnd concc.l.lmont Insp0ction Cold wo~ther school Gun Drill l!' i<.lld Firing 'l'~ctic1l CJl~ploymont in the 1 -'nd dofo.r:fl.) Cere lnd c.lo1ning of equipment_ ..rmunition clnd fuzes

l 2 5 6

3 2 1

10. Fivld Fortific·itions (Gun ~mpl.;Jh:-

12. 13. 11,. 15.

monts 1 Opcr..J.tion of Mor'tlr undor unusu1l conditions .• iming Circle :me School FO School S .. ,foty Prec:tutions

Tar .... LS

_, , T , COMB~. NY •


1, 2. 3.

4. 5. t. '-'• 7, d. 9. 10, 11.

Firing -'nd Gun Drill Htdio procedure .md usu of sh.lklv"mbly ,,nd dis.1ss0mbly or 75l'IM rliflo ~· . .tl~. inturrlncc of .c.;qui·tment U. S, Pistol, c~l .45 U.S. Rifle, C'll .30 Ml U, S, C •rbinv, c ll , 30 \'12 J3 .li. Ml918 ,,2 v,n; c.11 .3o, 1919 ·•4 Inspuction Cold 'N-' ther school

• ( 2)


11 2

4 2 2


2 _i_ 30



2 5 3 c




1 1 3 2 1



11 2

4 ') '-


1 2 2

_2_ 30

Korean War Project USMC-08300565DECLASSIFIED

------•-2-2l_CQ.Nr ':Q

.11., '1' , GOHP,,NY

'l'i.i.l\11<: _),L•f o QI:I

1. Night lJrivinc 2 • .!!'iring ,,nd Gun Drill 3, R1d io Procudure and tlS8

4, NJaintenance Instruction 5. ..ssu:c'lbly and dis,~ssembly

li-un -,o • 6. 7.

Pr.Jvent iv(j :Ma intenanou Dofonsive ~mplacoment

of Sl1ll<lo

of 90MM


"' Pd.trol Jtor1nd.tions dnd conduct 9, hla p .1eading 10. 1,1/G c,,L .5o 11. VG, cal. .30, JU919 ,~1+

12, Inspection 13. Cold wouthar school

TUr .. i,.LS


2k'.:.f T S:t£ P

4 4 2 2 2





4 2 2

1 2 3

1 2

-.5_ 30

Korean W

ar Project U



1::1 i"l ('") t"" > [JJ ' [JJ .... .., t:;; 1::1

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l'r lining

.def o .ccnc e:

Frc'l._ -··-----To···---- _____ _




Iby .J.nd Da.t0


From Tc

' i ' ' I I I I


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.s,. -~ BJ.~ .,c;.l

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··-:fnstl·uc- Uni-

P 1l.lCt; ~or · for_._TJ. '~

4-!lq\:_i p .

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lf\;xt .-l.afGr,:.ncos


1::1 i"l ('") r > [JJ [JJ .. .., t:;J 1::1

Korean War Project USMC-08300567DECLASSIFIED

_,..._ __ • ..._ __ , 1

II I,,,.,,, ..,......,_.._ ..... .,\J ... _ •




1. 2 • 3 • 4.. 5. 6.

InterM tional Morse Code .d..o n of n rra, t.:I..N'I't ..... -n'h ~"" arl .. ,..,n. ~-..... .............. ~ .......... ~o ........... ¥ ... .~- .r:-J..·vvvu.u.J.. v

Radio :iSquipmont sor--sop :Preventive Ma int<:> .l!'i<;ld Set up and Operations



' .... 2 • 3.

4. 5.



2. J, 4. 5. 6. 7. s. 9.

Voice ~dio Procadure .tt.J.dio ~quipment SOI--SvP Prov0nt i ve j•&i int urunce .l!'iold Sa' Up and OperJ. tions

TVl' .... LS Wire Com.Iu .l!'iold 'lire Line Construction Field '11elel;)hones !lr:. Tel<·rphone, Controls · . Swbd Op.,rat!l>r :1nd Oper-1tions M ... intonance of ~'iold Wire InstalLttions Map reJ.ding and use of Com:r:nss


Gum>retl v~riting .J.nd 0l..,ssific:ltion ···g<mci"'s of Comrn Comro Publ-ications ]'ie1d Crypto Systoms ;~~rsg Centel• l"\t;;cords Co:nro i:>c.oU<'ity L:i(;I--SOF ,fcl toh Supervision Prdot ioes .:Juvum:..nts in the Field


22 3 6 2 1

-lJ:_ 3b

10 6 2 1

21 40

10 12

l. ,.. 2 8



5 5 4 5 4 4 4

...JL.._ 40


• -

00T ·7

20 5 6 l 0 8


8 2 l 0 .

29 40

10 12 4

2 8

__ 4:__ 40


5 5 4 .5 4 I; 4

_i_ 40

Korean War Project USMC-08300568


/ ' I I

,..-.. ·~.J--



"'·~ .. ( ' ~· ,.-T';-(. , .. ·· ··;r,.1.- '1


1-.~ -

·• .• . .,.. .• .., ..,. -• ... I.·~·· ··r" ·.r-• • •. +i-1,. \ • · r.,. ~,., r'-.· ... •oj: •. ···I•· J." . ;.~~ .L· •·oJ· ·: • ' ··- . 1. ... ..... " • . . ... -;J . •• • '. •



Korean War Project USMC-08300569DECLASSIFIED .. .... • -

- -- - - - - .... - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - .... - -

l. bo



~-t.. ...... ., .... .P..-..._ ....,, ...... """·..=~.c .... ,., .Pr.Yt rt""\,.,,......, .... "''r .,.. ~ n..P'f•ro .... r,"ll WUJ.J.VU.J,i:' J. U~ Jl.P.!f .L V....I.U..J.J..L5 ... ._,~ V...,.LU!.'..,:..l.J.,Y g.._.,l...,.t) ...,. ... ...,lvtr;;:; ~;"·, -..- .....

initiated by Bc~ttdlions -:tnd l{egtl H&S Co in c.Ccr.ord"ncc. with f'ol1 ow1 n&: nroar~m. ----- .. ----...... .... ,_. -

(.:J. i School period will be two (2) hrs daily ( cftG-~ l.JOO) dur1ng the wthlkS 24-28 r:>ep (inclusive) <ctnd l-5 Oct I incbsive)

(b) 4.2i1 c.tnd ~ ... T. Officc;rs ·w·ill -.:4t.t-.A1d the schoc-;l initi­:J.ted. 'oy .-t;.;giment•ll R ·S Co. 'l'he .{cgimen tal S-3 v•rill lS3ist the s.-t%8 Corruil..ind'int in the soJ.ection of instrn.ctors.

(c) •• 11 Corrt'f)J.ny f<!' officers 0XOllpt S•nnl .. 0ffir.c;':'S will att"nd,

2, Subjects to be atre$Bcd:

(t) (b) ( G ) (d) I " \ ' - ' (f) (g) . (

*l'lJ rx·ct in ,, ppr<l cia t ion *Cri~nt~~ion by insnootion *r'Yoq. r..P n..WV.'"";.l QCI -1 1'\,; r"t't'lof At"tt". -;+.i l'l'M

I_! ii;i'V V"'- VVI'J.~ ,_,~._, -.1..1.- ...,.., _.._._,,..,-., .. - ......

Direction "nd ~ zim~'th ~lcvJ.tiu~ 21.nd reli~f Grids and ooordin:itGS, OverLl.VS---orcplr.ltion :ind usu of

*Pmctio.J.l :ipplioJ.tion to be Gmph-1Bized

.3. School schvdul0S '.Vill bu sub·r1it to;; d. to those he J.dq!J .1rtcrs by .l!'ridc~y 21 !:l.:lptemour, 1951.

- _. -··--·----·---~-~-~--


\ ,,,.

Korean War Project USMC-08300570



• lliNCLOSUS (7) TO fui:Gliv1l!<N'J.'AL 'l'd.!.INli~G Oltll.!!.rl 5-51


1. J\. Snipur School will be set up on a r.tnge ,to b., lit7signut,,d, Purposo will b~ to inore,Is,_ the profio ienoy of snipars,

2. Tw<.~lve snipurs will bt> chosen by <;>aoh battalion to report to thti NCO in ohlrge on the rttnge each day. ,

3. O.lassos ·will be held from 0800 to 1.300 d&ily I.riond(.-:.y through Saturday.

4. J-~.11 bctt'tllions will insure th:l.t each ron is equi ')J><,fl with sniper rifle, ~niper scope and a.J!llllunit i¢h,

2·.~ 0!_1 ~on~av,_2~ ~ept~~~~r a~0?3?1 an orie11t:1.tion will be rHHo. au ... ag~mcn~aL o-J UITloo ror a!l personnel oonoornod.



Korean War Project USMC-08300571DECLASSIFIED


NUHiJEil ••• 16-· 51)

n:.1 l.'cdnc 8' {JkinfJ :Lsco, 7th Harfrics Do·~, lstSigiln,


iJGF' Ln Te~r.1 Do·t, lstSe~:YBnt ( GR}

2. ~ ... lstBn, ?th h~l.T.'ine~.z (Re1nf)

lstBn, 7th N~rinee Dat, lstdi;:;::Bn,


• 7t~~~ Ma~"'inc-a 1 (Ro~_nf; let L.::;_:.'"' Dj_v, (R8inf) In t::c Fi ole, 0800~ 1 28 Sep 1S51.

L tOol '1ER:·!CTH

LtCol J. G. ~\:ELLY

lo·~Scc 75 HN Reco1lleas Rifle ?1 t

b, ~nd3n, ?thj.i_a_rinee, (rleinfl ;?,·.nC.-'n, ?th EC~.rines Det, latSigBn,

r.a.:ACP l~GF Ln Tef'J,1

3ndoeo 75 Ni,; Recoillcos hifle Plt

c • .;&(@n, 7th :-ie.rinee, (Reint/. :.:o:<1.13n, 7th ;.i,o.ri ne s Dot, latSig:On,


e. A1 Cor.w<.nv (-)

14. a. See Cun-ent PIR 1 e.

LtCol GRIFF'~:i


o. iiorinc l!ivision occupies, ·Cl't;c.nizes e.nd C.:ofc1ds best t3r~~::.~.n :~n assigned s2otor-, and patrol~ to r..~!\ contc-.ct 1171 th oneD~'· Pi.. ... op.?.~,es, foi" fm .... tl1e:r o~"}el""e.tion ... on o1~dsr.

2. a. ?";j:1i··ia:.~ (R0inf) P.S Division i~:::se:.~ve 1.iill be prG~J2.:r·ed t.:J ~"'eliJV~, continue D:c'&'B.i11Za.tion, and. defend the 1-'~l.R in th2 sacto::-> no~r e.se1,.nec1 tho let or 5th i;e.r (Reinf) 1 or let KHC ;~E<l-:C (ici:iinf~

b. ~,o:.' bounc'l.ll.ria e, 11r.1i ·ting poi:1 ~ s nncl $'.sec~:-.:bly al"'o~.e see Opel"'at:l.on OvOi"le.y A~·mex AdLE, BAKER o:r:-· CHARLIE e.o e.p~Jro~;~o:Gc. Fo•· Rou'Gos of ),,e.roh aae Annex DO<l- (Routa of Hare h) •

( l)


Korean War Project USMC-08300572' ; -· / -.

- - - - - - - - - -

~ a. ls·i;Bn, (Rolnf} on order aov~ ~tncc vrHh Annex EASY (!larch Taolo).

by r::10tor" ma~ch ~n ~".ocord­B;J y:r..Jp:Lrod tc:

(1) Occupy, n:cted ilLR in zono. AT Company \•rill be

organize, and o.~f~nd. b~st torr!dn on ctoaig.._ Sao Opn Overlay Annex ABLE, Tank Platoon

in D/S, ·

(2) Occupy, organize and defend best tai'Jenin 011 dooic­na ted IJLR in zone. Soc Opn Overby Ann ox aAKER.

(3) Oooupy, OI'[?;1:\nizo nnd. defend boot -:ol~rnin on closic;­natod liLR in zono. Sec Opn OV1'!!' AnM:x: CHARr,IE, J otScc 75 NJ.i Roooilloss l"'OVOl't Rot;tll contrOl.

b, 2n:1Bn (Roinf) on order r.tovo by notor mnroh in nocordP.ncc Hi th Annex EASY (Harch Tnble) , Be prepar-ed to:

(l) Occupy, Dl'c;nnize and defend best terrain on dosie;ns:ood i•ILR in zone. Sao Opn Overlay Annex ABLE, Ono Conpany in Rc:;~ '1 RosoJcvo vic DT 265405, 2ndScc 75 NH Rccoilloss revert to Rc[,'G 11 oon·Grol,

(2) Occupy, Or[{rmizo and dofond boat l1 ~T.Jt in zonv. Soc Opn Ovorln.y Annex l3AK:SR. frDI" 3r-dBn a ttr.ohod, ·

tcl"~l."nin on O.o eigne. tvd One ri flo Cc:.Youny

( :3) Occupy, organize nnd do fond boat torrt>.in on do s1r;nc.tcd i1LR in zono, s·ac · Opn -Ovo;.olav· Annzx CHA?.J,rE.

c. 3rdBn (Rcinf) on order> move by noto1• mar>eh in MC01'd.nnco "Iith Annex EASY (Harch Table), Bo proparod to'

(1) Occupy, organize and defend boat terrain on desic;nr.tcd HLR in zone. Sc~ Opn Ovvrl.ay Annex ABLE. Ono Cc:mpr,n~r 1J.1 F~cg't 1.1 RosePVO vic HILL ?35 DT 2340,

(2) Bn lose one rifle cor.lp£tny in Rce;t 1 l Reoervo in neocr.t­bly nr>cD. vic DT 304402, Comploto dovolopnont dofonso installa­tions on lino Hays fron HILL 924 DT 2341 to vic right boundary of sector, Pl•oparo countorntto.ok pl.<ms for cruploy"lont in zone of action, of lst or 2nd.Bn. Bo prvpnrccr. to t",.ssumo m1ss1on of lst or 2n<l.Bn in zone of notion, Sec Opn Ovo1·lay Annex BAKER,

(3) Oooupy c.ssombly gr-ou Y1c DT 3234{3 in lstHarDiv P.cs. Soo 09n Overlay Annex CHARLIE.



Korean War Project USMC-08300573DECLASSIFIED

• • QP!J £'Lf!N_l!H21_ CQN:J_' I p

d. tl. 2 11 Hortnr Compnny on orclol"' nov.;; L1 r-~cco:r·::1rncc r,-~i th Annex EA:JY (l.Lurch T0.1Jlo), p:r· t0 support Hvgt fran ~:Jonlt­ions s:1o\·m on Opn Ovvrlr.ys ABLE1 BAX.Lil. rmd Cli:P.F.l.JIE.

c. AT 0GLlpnny (-) on order 1:10vc to fl.Sscnbly nrofl.B shm·rn on Opn Ovorlnyo .A:OLE, BAKER or CK4.RLIE in r'.cool~O.uncc 't•Ti th Annv~:: EASY (NC~.t'ch Tnblo), prepared to support nor~·t irl zono of act~_on. Tnnlc Plt in D/8 lstBn in dcfonso of iHC sector,

__. (1) This ple.n offoctivo on roooipt for :>lr.nnin;-;, on Ol""dO:l' for cxocution.

(2) Contnot right to loft,

(3) Diroct Unison 1·1ith units in po~ition >rill oo ostnb­lishoi'. l!)on receipt of thio plrm.

(·1) Unit Comne.ndillra ori(nnizo sorinls of t1-1Dnty-nvo (25) vohiclos m.' loss. Enforce r:lr.Poh diacipli~o including tt·.rcnty­fivo (25) vr.rc1a 1nt . .:l"vnl bot\·roon vohic.l.J-s.

(5)r:EI 1 s

stron[(ch? jootivos?

( n) \Vill tho one my '\ tt11ok Di v~ si on zona of llLR in i'!ho:c ... .::? \1l1i'\t st;rcnp.;th? l' c·.rJ :1is ii.lLlOdi:-,tc ob~

(b) Nhr.t I·'O".pons docs tho anomy hr.vo l.n position to firo on Ro[;'C 1 1 pos1 tiono? \Hooro aro thoy looato<i? Aro cnorJy n:t't1llory poa1 tiona \•lOll f'orv1o.rd?

(c) Io thoro any onomy armor in our sector? If so, ,,;here 1 l.•Jhr.t typo and in whnt strong·th'?

(d) \Vhn t is tho loc?.t1on1 strongtl~.1 n.ntl.. ccr.l~Josi tion ·of onooy ro8orvos?

(c) l"lh'"'C J.s guerilla Mtivi ty !'los·; pra·o.oblo1

4. Boo Adu 0 if9- 51.

5. ~~ .Sao current SOI "--"····

cf!IR.·tr~l~-or;ic,vnt:ll O?' s

ij.Od Cotilmunice.tion 80?,

(·:;~o ~~~ Ov~rl~ys/ Au~; 3Ai\ER 0.nd


c, Subordinf\to lmita report CP 1 s as estc.olishod, Lc.n R,C, not on aovornnc o ,.;iro c or.u~mDic !"J. tio~s.

( 3)

~------~--~--·~-·-······~n .. _--____ .~_--_--_--~_·--DECLASSIFIED

Korean War Project USMC-08300574i •


I '

- ...., '"""\ = """" _. __ - - - -

d. Fi.:JpDl"t on H~ Cc net \·rhOl1 hcr.d of col'.L'4''1 ir;.1 tL"".l point, O? chock point, and c·'.ch rcgul~:,:;ing :_oo1nto

c. Usa ti:.w zono ITEH

GORDON D, GAYL:C Liontonnnt Colonel, U~ S~ 1·1'1l"'ino Cc:r_:.)8

Eco.cut~.vo O.fficcr

ABLE---------Opn 0vG;,lo 0• BAKER--------Opn Ov·crla~r Cl'.ARLIE------Opn OvcPlfcy DOG----------Route of Mn~ch EABY--------~:·i!ll"'Ch Tnblo

DISTP.IBUTION: Bpuchl Plu-8:- ----

latsiGan, (~hOP) 1 NGF Ln Togm 1



••• 5.'1&

Korean War Project USMC-08300575


' ' l

. ..,


\ \

\ \




• ...


\ ' ,.1

-" :\

' .. ,



' .


' /.\.afllt


I -~..... , ..... -. ..,


-- ~



~ -1}17


'"' ~+:.'­__ .. ~;



\ \ ~

Korean War Project USMC-08300576DECLASSIFIED


7t~nrinca, (Rcinf) lat"lior Div, (ilcinf) In tl'\,1\ Field OH~I~ 28 Sop 1951

li 16-51

OPERA.TION OVE!U..AY ~ 1·'1 '~ape: Koroa 1:5o,ooo, Soriaa L ?51,

S1!oo:t.s 0028III, 6B281V, 6829II and 6889II:r'( ·--.....


X Critical Aroa \

~I ~ \

\ \

: I i



/ .--~ Xi' -­

I '• l \

I \ \

-- ..


GORDON D. GAYLE Lieutenant Col.onol, U, S, Harinc

Executive O!f.l.cor DI9~IBUT~:Spoc1al Plus:

TAOP------------1 NGF Ln Tenlil-----1

o&f_IC,IAL .,z:,J/C4:n:(,'"l.fl.4..,/

A1. CODREA . Najor, UBl·!C f1-3 ANNEX ABLE

I. '



/ ~~~· --------~---·•u----·~.I .. E•str~t~--~·~~·-~·~-~·~------­


Korean War Project USMC-08300577DECLASSIFIED

• '• ?t.h -~'ittC:B 1 ; ,.._._n.L') let ihr D1 v ,I (:icil!i' )

· oeooi, 2s sc:rJ 1951. l In tho Fiolo.


' ...Kw::c.•r> @: 50, OOQ, Sori~e lL 761,

Sh~1!0t~ 5828III, 682SIV, 6829IJ, '''i',nil. 68 •. 19I~I. . , _ _ . _ ..

\ \ \ ' ..


bEqE:.~l?: \ X Cri tico.l Al'O.~ng

l:f£ Holicoptor Lan \ hrOD.




: 1\\ liftcutenrrnt HI .

: t . ~1'1 Dctrucl' Arcp.-\ # 2. ·'--,1

DISTE\, Plus:

TACP----,-------1 NGF Ln Tc'~.IJU? --1


A. ');'I CIA L .

. 6~ .. 4,.1~. CO!Ji'.EA I Major, USMC


r• \ \

\CKl'T # 3 • I

GORDON D. GAYLE Colonel, U. S, Earinc

iCxocuti ve Cff1c er


Corp a


. ' \



\ \



Korean War Project USMC-08300578




-~·- -·----· ~, ,_ .)

.l?Jc~TRiffilTION;_ L'p ,,cinl Plus~

T~C2 •,~-------1 !IGF Ln ToElm---1

O~F¢:,J. C I)' L . . ~..e,_..,

• OODRE<• 11AJCJRj us-.c



/ ~,01!: p t 1- "i 2

/ •···

' .!

I i I

,l-Cl<Pt \ 'if i '·

i I

I ,., { / . . , L




(l()R::Ql' D., r.AYt,E UEUTEW~T COLONEl:., U. S. !lARili'E il)!P S

'Ex\~ cu. ti ve Officer



Korean War Project USMC-08300579... ..


lr . ' '' '.





• 7th Marinos, (:tcin:f') let Ear Div, (Roinf) :i:n the FiolO. 070CI, 28 Sep 1951 •

HU~-~I3ER •.•• ..,• •••• ., , .• , •• 15-51)

1-iaps: Al-18. L 7.~, Koroa 1:501 0001 Sl:eots 6B28III and 6828IV - . ·-·:? •

nh~i~Einoq, (Run1l - "'"~. o 1 7th lluj_'J.nos De: t; ,; ·-~ l at Hi ~·Bn,

S.,ACP ~:G~;, Ln TcnrJ

Dot, ;tstServEn, ·{;-G:~)

a. ?hC@n, ?th. ~-bl~J.nee, (Rqinf) ~~n.:""3n, ? th 1-Iari n c s Dot, letS1c:En,

:::ACP ' l1GF Ln Towc

b. ls"'GJn, 7th Har1nos, (Roinf) lst3n, 7th l·ial'inoo Do·~. lst8i··Bn.

~ACP - .

c, 3r('\31:, 7th Harinos. (?.cim') ~ij.'dJ3~, 'lt~l l'~D.l"inos Dot, lstSic;Bn,


LtCol G::\IFFI:t

Lt;Ool B. T. !CE~LY


1. a~ Soc Current FIR's.

b. lo·iJl·~arDiv, (Rcinf) occupios 1 or[:jan~z.uu c,nd dofy;1dB beet '"Cl'l'a:cn in aesi::;nod. sector, patrols to rc~aintain contact l-ti th onor.1y and prepares for fu:rtt:hcr operations on orc1cr •.

2. a. ?'G21 liarinoa, (Roin:f') 1 l.n Diviol.on :Roso:·vo, uhc:1 o:•c'.o::o-cd uil.l p:.:•ovidc sccm:•i t;r for tho ESR from INJE to lin2 :-" ... -\YS, by ca·L:f'.bJJ.Bhtng ... thrcG company at:--on-~t;h ·tJat:--ol Dr.sos alon:; :-rSR anO. b~' boinr; proparod to l''oinfoi·ce a.ny or all of those t.n.sos as n<;cOSSCI.l"'Y•

3, a. 2nc'Uln, (Roinf), ":10n ordered, one ro1nf..>'rcot'. riflo cor:1iJD.i1y to each of the throe patrol Daeos de):!~ ~~\c1 1n Annex ABLE and pl'OVl.d.o soc uri ty for iiSR ~and corJoat patrols. , ~--,·· · ... · .· J.

(1) e~gf.Zh-~~·~.--/ ___ ,...di ,.-, ..


Korean War Project USMC-08300580

! ;


------ -1111------QONT~D- ______ s~cgE~

( 1) Establish pat1•ol base vic DT 313365, l'atl'Ol fr01a DS: 313365 north to v~c Hays llnc DT 307416,

(2) Eotablish pat~ol baao vic !)0: 308282. 1'Patrol f~.:·om DT 508282 north to !1. 313365,

(3} Establlsh patrol baeo pl'csont assembly aroD .• Pa ti•c;>l liBR fl'Om HiJE DT 283135 north to D:i: 308282,

-- -ESR


b. lstBn, (Rcinf) bo pi•cparea. to reinforce any one of

dosic;nD. .. ~oci. pntrol be.aos on order.

c. 3rt'..Bn, (Roinf) be prcparoc'l_ to rcinfo:r.oo an:~ one of

de s1:;natc(1 patl•ol bc.scs on or-der,

c1. 4.2 11 Hol"tnr Company on order move "Co vic nnjr patrol

base <losic~natod ful"'Ghcx·- pi•cpa.roC. to support unit so

c. Anti-?n.n~"" Conpany on order move to vic any pB.trol base closiGna .. Gcd further prepared to auppo:z•t uni tu.

x. (1) E3:I Is

(a) What is tho strenGth, location, and equipment

of ~;uvl~ill£t. forces alone; the liSR in tho roar of line Hnys?

(b) \1ho,·c 0ro llSsombly points for those forces?

(c) Whore arc most p!•obablc points for [,"UCrilla

( cl) Arc any ci vilio.n villa:;cs in vic of ;.jSR occu­

p:l.cCL? Aro ~_,'"Lwrilla :tni ts opcl'~r.tion frorr. tho so villat;o·s?

4, Boo Ac1nin Order 9-51.

5. .:' .. Sco cur:.'Gn t SOI ancc Commun1cnt1on SOP,

b. noc;ir.wnt"l CP at DT :519198.


c:. ·,.U oc timo zone ITEH.


OORDDN D. GAYLE Lloutcnant Colonel, U. S. i:~nrino Corpc

Executive Officer>

ABLE--~-O].Jl1 Ovcr·lay


Otf-1'~ ~L ~5~ ../

Hc.jOl' 1 USHC S-3 ( 2) SECRET


Korean War Project USMC-08300581


/:•1 :· ''

! ' ' .\ )

• D::C 007416

DT 313355


7th i.Jn.oc, (Roinf) lot linr Div, (Rcinf) In t:m Field O'IOO:, 28 Sop 1951.

,_,..- AN!;EX ABLE TO O:ON PLAJ! 1G-Gl ~ (3!100t 1 of 2)

I I I I ' ' \ \


Haps: AllS L 751, KoJ>on 1:5010001 8;1nPts GR2ilTU nnc1 6fl28IV •

/--.._ .


_\,, trol Baso ;;i 1.

t~·l 1·.~ ... 1


~~ ( ) I


( IJ me r··~-· ______ _ _ _lj ________ ~-~--.... D~~E~CiiL•AIIIISSIFIED

Korean War Project USMC-08300582

• l'n t:•ol Bnso # 2



' !

\ \ ·,

// \



·' '

Korean War Project USMC-08300583


QUi< Tltr ORDER) 1'/UltBM,, , .14-51)


~L&p:. Xoraa 1:50,000 Btloo~o 6S<8IV; 68<)I!I • I ~"r .,

T.\.&1{ ORG.;~}.TlZ.-~TION

• 7th Marines, (lloirlf) lst Mar Dlv, (Rdnf) In tho Field 1130I, 10 Sep 1951

7th Mar1n,oo (Jl, Col }'lCi':FJiSO'' H&S Co, 7th Marino" D<'t, htSi~<Bn (TC~CP), (NGF TJa.m) (Mob RM Rol Tootl)

·· D"t• htServBn (Gil)

a, lctlln ?,li.~ (Roin~l L>Col, J. (}, K<:LLY lutBn (ohM!Il' htS,:c 751-IM Rocoilloso Plat,, AT Co. Dot lutS1gBn (T,.CP) (NGF Tm and Spot Toamo) -

b, 3rdBn 7thMar (Rninfl. 3rcLBn 7thl<iW' I :

LiOol B. T. KK[,LY

c:nUSJc 75Ml-'l ReooilL;s~,: :rle.t., .. ~T Co. D·ct, l•tSip;Bn ( T,,ep)

ct. .ll.T Cp. ({ojinus 75MM RllCoill13sS Plat.)

.:l. R .... con Co. letMarDiv


Ms.j, :UTRY

f. .<n~Jl.!LIJi!2W.!Ql:_{R0infl . LMol GIU~>'p· ~ntliln 7tll}l.e.r D,:t, lEtSi@n (T·:£P) (I'GF Tm anr1 Spot Teems)

1. a. B· .. curr~nt PIRie, Thil ~nnRllf:':t., l.stDiv. III NK Coros with ap­proximat-_: litr.c.n?";th of 1500 is pr.::-~_,ntl.v a.tmi:.>:nr>"l th;: m1P.f:1ion of r" . .:~fr:nrl_ in,.~ hilh 673 antl 749. Troo!H· F.;.r(~ r'.mpl!1c.d, in w,~ll <'...onstruct•/1., Cf'.mou .... fhu.~·,.~t bunk .rs !:1..111 hav.·. exc ,llont obr;::rvo.tion of routf'.F. of e_r,•-'ch thu arua, PM rcporte in'1.1cHt·< hill 673 is h.<s,vily min,,.l,

b, (1) lutHarDiv (Rdnf) (-)at llO}OOI •ttacks toe iz·· objc,ctivos 11.BLE ·•H.nd lJ • .VER; or :• z -~s antl 0.•1frmrle posi tione e(!i '1!:1'~'1 , or~Rr~v .. ~ for fur~ thr..:r on or(l.-lr.,

(3) ll thl<ar (!'iinus 3/11) 937th F\Jln, 196th F\Rr., ""''- 0 Btry 780th F,:Bn in ?,·Jn·lr~l sUpport,

( 4) Clos.:. air S'Ul.·;pt~r t E!.v~1labl· .. ··throuP.;h MTACS '

( 5) 5thMar assunks rJsponsibili ty for ,,_ '1: .:.nee dRay a Line from DT ~s4<K to DT 3143J at 1103001

~. "• 7thllar (Roinf) ,.ttecka at llO}OOI to seiZo llEGW.EJ<T.cL Ch,ock points 1, ~, 3, 4, and 6. D....:f,mds eciz.:::d positions untill pasanr.~ of lin.; b.CCOID}Jlishi.H'I. by lstJ.lflr.

b. Tiru•i of dopfl.rtur~1, zont.~~ of action, boundP.rh~s •1..nd R·Jzimflntal ch..;Ck points, annux /:..BLE, DP·~J:~.tion OVtU'l~y._

c. .1.rtillery prcpar'·ttory 6\J"Jport~·nP: fir11E!: Annnx Jfi.KER.

). a, ( 1) letlln 7thM~r (Rein!) on lOSep$1 di""l"e-e c Co, to •ssrunbly "rea vio DT 31401 llllon rolicv<'d in ,Qoftlon by ol•.monts 5tb Me.rin•l8,


Korean War Project USMC-08300584DECLASSIFIED

- .. ,.. __ _,."""', __ , ___ IIIII!I_IAI:_:_F~-~'·-


oi)er-Plan iio: I4:5l,-dti!-l0Sap5l: \Oontiiiuii"c\J--------------

------~------&----~-~~---------------( c:) At llOjOOl

. . - . .. . . . . ,.., - \ ~ ,. s.t'tack: nn't ee1zo chP.C:lt no1nts c:, .!i~ ,., ana o.

( 3) Be prupo.r-od ~o or~<;anizo ant\ dofond b"st terra1n from Vic DT .c:.944r to DT t::946T ir-e DT 30468.

b. (1) 3rdlln 7th.'i..r (Roinf) at ll0300I ,,ck and ••'i•e Regimontal check point l prapnrN1 to su91)ort attack of lst.En on rir,ht.

(~) :SO pr"Jiarod to occupy and c\ofond Rogimcnhl choclt point l und b"st t,:,rr•in Vic DT ~943R tc DT ~944!.

c. (l) 4.•" Mortnr Co. support att>clt from initial positicr.s Vic DT < S4l! <.pd DT JOliU.

(~) Lak.:: rvconnnisst:ncu and s·ill\~ct pcsitione for d.iB"pluc.Jm.Jnt tc eu~Jf.'ort ~<lvuncinr-~ t~.ttuck.

d. (l) J~.T Co. {Minus) pase to op•:Jratione.l control C, Co, lstTk."Bn, l•rt:}l~. d. to s~.~yort c.ttack.

DT 3~46M: l) E!~~~~i ;~·-c~~t~~~e~i ~~c~~:~~i:r 8~~1~~ ~;!~2-~~c ~~?~i~~~/~.~~~· lstBn Vic DT 3046s. ·

f. (l) <ndlln 7th!<!"'" (Reinf) conUn\1u ecuoation and 0.-.J:f~ns,> of l!ays Line in zcne. At 110300 send lldnf P letoon ,pe.trol to Vic llT <7441> .. Deny rout,,. of a,proach intc 3r<rnn zona through DT ~744. ·

( ~) On l0Sor;5l dis;,lacc E Co. to Vic DT 3040X as Rol(imor.tRl rcs~-rv<J. Unr.Lr ltbf~irr.dntf.l.l control on arrival in pr,eiticn.

x. ( l) Contact fro'll ri,ht tc loft, oxo,'Jpt KMC mo.inte.ine crnt~et with c::nd3n on loft.

(G:) {Jtnstruct hasty dufnnse pce1t1on 1mmo'1itt.:Jly U'Jon SClZlUre of f .. eai.gnul Check ncints.. .Bo -prorJ.::.l'>?:'1 fer strr-n~ en(:my count ar-ar.tir.n

{3) B.{.~(')!'t !idr, Hrrr.orBd N' rocke-t l•\U."lch~~r {'K!:.1.tyuek~) :)ountor_ action by F;:, ·.oH RlPOir.

(4) EEI: (a) dhut :n.:my units oeour y·J,,tives A'S13, :'3-'cKER and

CH.lo.;lE •-ni in what atrone;th'

(b) rlbLr.J c...r'-' ·thi> racorv,::; R;.1r.;im.."3nt~ of tho l[;t uncl 15th ~fu&t ar.;.; their Dtrun<;;ths? . . r (c) •th~t tYJ_1~: c:f furtifict>tic·ns ar.J on objectiv~~e ~BLE,

:1JClill unrl Cii.1RLIE?·.

(d) .fr~!..t arc: tho bc.-untlll!'ias batw.:J:m 0nemy un~tsl

(e) 1Jhero are the BUJply ri'Jutas u,1rvinP.: ~l~omy -pr:eiti~ns en vbjiHJtiVa'», ABLE, ]:ti~::5!R an(l GHAP.LI~?

(f) ~hero is th6 onomy u.rtill<ory lcc,·tw\? \ihe.t tyoe r,uns

(g) olhero 1s tho 45th~ Division? iih•t !e ita str>n~th


Korean War Project USMC-08300585'.



• • SECRET - - - -· - - - -· -

----------~-------------------------4, .~tlmin1stre~ti-vu_ 9-51.

::>·.. ~. Us~; current SCI und SCP

b, ( 1) Rc~;imontal G.P. Vic DT 3136W: 0 .:P. Vic DT 3036H

c. Utte time 2icne 1 TJ"l


J, J. liEFl'IJt!TH :.icutenant CcH.onel. U. S. Marine CcroJs

Exeicutivo Cffieur

,_J-~FEx;:J. .nBLE - eperr•.ticn Ov<:~rl9.y

B.,KER - crt1llery XR~Y - Distributicn



J. :;! ,?{/...,£ 7 J.L, ,(BEL

Me.jcr, USlW S-3


Korean War Project USMC-08300586

~ I


• A''"'\:t:'t A~Lll ': I Qp'~ Q'*:l'i~ '·~"! .... , •• ~ i1;-?l


• 7'1''1 MIll! ( ~ ·~ HlF) l 'l'l' 'L\n 'l!V ('<r-!l' ') IN~ !ImLD 1900~ 9AUG5i

llY OlllllCR 0'!' COL1NEL NIC)('IllRSClh

J.. J. ~~OO'r.PR

()r ,/, .. -" -I I • . :'1.

\ I ' I

OF'!'JOIAt . Lleutena.nt Colonel-, U. ~' Marin·a Ool'Ps Exocutiv~ Offioor


Korean War Project USMC-08300587


• 7th Marinos, (Reinf) lst Har Div (Recnf) In the t'ield ll}CI 10 Sep 1951

l. <.one of resn nsibH ltv for attac)t',of tar ,ets bv cntil-:._e.~ ..,, wi11 be t~e ?th Mai'ines zone of action. (See .li.J.'>L.~~ ... ~.. ..>t..ri.Lc.,

2. No restrictiens are applied to ;rtiller;< firing on enemv insv:~...l_la.tions in reg5Jll.ental zone r"'f dation,

3. (a) ··rtillery will be nretHred to fire ~rep fires on reginentdl OK. PT. 1, 2 and 6. {See ..... J.~u~_. .... ~•0-!.w.....}. Prep fires ror CK. Pr. ·(l) v:ill (}6 L·n call of the 3/7 ... ".rtillery Liason Officer at 0300 on ll 8ep 51. Prep fire fc•r CJb.jeotive (2) wiJ.l be on cs.ll of l/7 Artillery Liason Officer c.t O:JOO on ll 8eo Sl. Prao fire for Ob.1eotive (6) will be on call of l/7 .H.l'tillery Lhson Officer: · Charlie .Dtry .<ockets wHl oe in t.~e vicinity of 3/ll ]'lJO >J.t OJCO on ll Sep 51 and pre­Jl."lred to go inoo nosition to fi:.-e on llbjeotivcs (1) and (~ on call of a:ppropiate battalion artiller" liason officers.

(b) 'l'ar,;Bts i"lf opnortunity will be restricted to bat­'\jalion zones. Cluariw; of fires for ad.jaoe;~t zones v.;ill bo the responsib'lity of the regimental Arty Liason Officer. •lestri0t ion r:f fire will fnrther be lin posed by 3/ll FDC and t,hA regimental r>.:rtillA1"Y Liason Off'ine:c to ··)revent f_ir:lng on friendly elements.

(c) Night harrassing fires "Jill bel!in at 2100 on 10 Sep 51 on Gk Pts (1), (2), (J), (4), (5) and (6). Night oarr­assing fires will be J.ifted on CK :Pts ( 1) and (2) on call of POo, Har!'assing fires will continue at an increctsecl rate on CK Pts {3), (4), ( _5) and (6) during tile taking of OK Pt (2; '.l'he l/7 .>rty Ln Officer will control liftin~T, of Mrrassing fires on CK :Pts (3), (4), (51 and (6). ·

$earchli,r-,hts will be adjusted by ap:;JrOpia.te J:!"'Os to illu·titute in tloe vicinity of CK Pts (l) ctnd (2), .. t 2045 on 10 8e:p 51 dUd will continue to illw1inate until daylight on 11 Sep 51. George F0-1 will adjust an illYmination con­centration from 4/ll on CK Pt (1) to be on oall after 0300 on ll Sep 51 until daylight. Ite"l FO will adjust an il­lu.:nination concentration from 4/11 on Objective (2) to be on call after O)OD on ll Sep 51 until daylight.

(d) <>rtillery will bE\ preJlBred to fire smoke missions on CK Pts ( 7}, { 8), ( 9) 1 { 10), { 11), ( 12), { 13} and 14.

(e) ]'uze VT nE.Y be used on a p:propia te tarr.;ets, weather nonditlons nermittin~. Shell WP will not be used on OK Pte (1), -(il and. (6j in any phase of the ouero~tion. rle•l and yellow smoke will be qsed for aeriai Sl'lDkine; of o':ljectives,

I ' \ \ .J...J ••.



Korean War Project USMC-08300588DECLASSIFIED

/ ;

? _.,...< ••• - - - - - ... - - - - ... -- - ... - -

- - - - - - - - - - ...... ~·--­'" ·~ ..


(X) Charlio J.{oc!-cGt rltry is _TestrictBd fl~om firinf.; roc­kets at target::< within 1000 yards of friendly troops.

4. Coordination of' aireraf't v;ith. t;:.rtillery will be ~on­ducted by the l:D.ttalion .BAO and l:ln Arty Liaison Officer. Priority of a irstri!tGB will bo controlled by regimbntal Air Li!lS::Jn Officer from rt~giY'l_Bntal 0. Pr

5, •'estrlctivo pl,ws,. viilliam and Victor will. be initiated by .0'0, j'th ).{TA:rinroe ·

J.J J..J.;.:~u .. .ull '.J.' l.vN .;.O..l~l~J-:dl. ~l..L""in. i.

v ~- .t!' j_ 0 .L 4-1. .L

... ,Ja j or uo.~. ... v

.:;)_3 ,


Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"l ("l

>: "' ;!; Zl t"l 0


' A)'NEX E.ASY 10 OPERAllO!' I't:ll!: lt-51

TJti-,..)t; (Rcinf) lst kar Div, (3.-ainf) In the field

15 eccet (XARCE TJJlLE) 0800I, 28 S"Jl 1951

)+4 ' ' u I ~ ·j ' . . - ·::n···· - .. .. . ... . T'.. ... . ... ···t . .. . ·-·- .. 1 . I -- .. ..z - --- --i- -3---/-. . . J..LJ - . ---9..-- __ J.D . . 4 -___ -JZ_ ... - - - .• Ser !tTn!.t a:td """reser.t ·.Mute .I:o~ation E~';.Ra.te • e Time i I.oc<=>tion of E:u-Iiest .La"';:est Cleprance No L:O~~~~----.-~---·f:·;a~~o_r, ~-- .. ___ ~-(~ur-n2te):~n--, _ . __ ___.. ~~-th_J1i~i~al PQin~~: ~ ~;!-v~~ -~-~~~e ________ [~~~-k_• ___ _

1 : lStB:>. 3121 y6 \See O'pn ; Seme as ; 12 posed I 28 ;J:? 305191 r; l I!.:. 28 'LtGo1 J. G. =1" i('verla,y ,present I f'otor 1 )!.r~l-313:191 ~ ~ + 2 hrs r Hf 2 hrs 28 min , I l · e;rc}, ! 1(BPiley Bridge) I I 2 ' C:C nr.ond GroUp \ }l9l9S ; • • J " • '! 2 1lPile-}02)45 I I! + 38 : I! f 40 • LtCol W~:lTfE ' i I j 1 H + 2hrs 38 mir~ H f 2 hrs 40 min ~ ' \ i ! 3



t..., _ _.,__ 'T>h-r...,o- n If 0

I ~-;! ·~!;;,<"~ ! f ! i R + 2 hrs 50niU . I '

_ ~H&Sco, R.egt \C<~;rt liCL&LLATi ; S®nlbr & Ord



H ;315191f

.}rdlln !LtCol ll. T. ' '

'319196 D1L~

• Executive G-rt~up !319195

• •

• •

" " • "

• • 'LtCol GAYLE . . . I i ~ Aro:> Tankn 131519'+ " : " ;; " ;. Lt AICH!![,E 1 r

1 ;

i I I I I '

! H+ lhr 29 min ; H +3brs 29 min l

l I! + lhr4?nin ; H f 3hrs4?min 1 H f 2hrs llmin i

; I! t 4hre ), L'li n 1'

H T 2hrs ot:9min l H f 4hrs 29min j

' H + 3hrs Jnin ' I! + 5hrs 7nin

lxse _r51919s " . • i ~ j ( i r , I ji --- --- ·--·-·--.. .. ' i I : --·-- I


H f 1 br 1gmi.n I!+ 3 hrslqmin

Ht l!f

l hr 37 min 'I hr•37min

H +- 2hrs 1 min H f 4hrs l min H .1. 2hrS19:min I! ±r 4h:::-sJ.S:nin H ~~e? 1nin I! t 4hrs57min

H + ) 9min I!+ 5hr• 9min

tA,s road nriority J avail.qble I fAS ~!"UCkS ~8.VR.1lF.bl2 I

5 ec ret



0 t"l ("l t"" > "' ~ 0

Korean War Project USMC-08300590

l I r



GORDON D. GAYLE Liouton"~"t Coloriol, U, S, M!l.rine Co;,,)s

Executive Officer

DISTBJau~~H: spec1nl Plus~

TAOP~-----------1 :~C·F Ln ':'o,_:.1---l



Korean War Project USMC-08300591' . DECLASSIFIED

• 7th M""!nes, (Reinf) lstr~o.rDlv, (Reinf) In tho Field ll.JO](, 10Scp 1951

''nnex lWY To ("'en·.ticns ''ORPEJI 14-51

_!)~ STR!:SUTIO!l: ~·~r.nux XRAY


lst:Bn, 7th V.nrines - - - ... 8 i2ndBn, 7th MB.r1.n~s - .... ... - S 3r1En, 7th !t.~rines - - 8 CG, lstMc.rDl.v- - - - - - 3 RoCon :lo, lstNc.r]iv ... - 1 Dot Eng-lstEnreBll--

l 1 2 1 1

4~ 1:: 11 MertES Cc.­lJt[IJ~a.rines - - -3rdBn, llthMarines-,\T Oo - - - --- 2 C Or,. Tr.nks - -lstTkBn - - - -R.o~1mente.l Stf\ff

co - 1 E.xC - l &.1 - - 6 S...~---1 S-3- 3 S-4 __ - 2 ordo 1 Sui-"0 1 :W:oHi() 1 MT 0 1



- 1 =


1 1



Korean War Project USMC-08300592DECLASSIFIED



(>vcrlny to accompo.ey 7thn-,r :'r.y: order 111~351

overl?,Y to Mcompany 7thlnr free order 140710!

over1~· - 7th :hrines Pntrol Rout as


- 1-


Korean War Project USMC-08300593DECLASSIFIED

C!"', til- II "'~~IT'·"' I ""' ' t,, ... ;;Lto i. 'h , ·:. • •. ,.


e.~ period Oll800 September - 081800 September 1951

"Map: A.!-18 L751 Korea., 1:50,000 Sheets 6828 IV, ~829 III •

• t.

• (t.) Ulli ts in contaet1 ' 1. ][aments of.~he 2nd & 3rd Regts#, 1st Div., III NXCorps~

' ' ' (b) llnenv Reserves Thll.t can Effect Our Misaion: 1. TJD,eo~ted Glemonts of II and IIi ilx Corps. z. Ele11111nte of ~ anAl VII NX Corps and~uclmown CCF units.

(e) line~ Activity Dul':tng Periodf>i • . .,. ., . , "' , . CO•

.. AS the period opa!ned B Co. observed e'il-entV on Hill 673 (M2944) • »-ti:j.lery called, resulting id 6 ene1119' XU. (counted)· and estimted 10 WIA.

{ ' ; l3 stween 021055X 4a. 021505X I & ll Companies e"!lla.ced alone; ri~e-

!WAe 1 DT-2942 repulsed two attacks b;r unknown llWIIber of eneJ~~V. G co. seaured

l!il"l.q . (D!!2842) against moderate en. resistance at 021215Ko Baker co. at

021215 received SA fire from DT2943w. At 1530X H. Oo. received 9 rds. of 12011111

mortar fire in poai t1arns. At l650X: A Oo. received l.J. rds. 82DD mortar fire at

M-3143X. A Doc Co. patrol reported a mine field a.lllio'ba.rbed wire vie~ DT-293Sll.

At 022225X "D• co. received a light probing attack frol!l 3 or 4 enenv at DT-2836Y which :w.s. 1a~~elff'a.'1t 111f..£~tils~ »-Ullery J'Os report!Jld 15 enemy m ( coUllt ed)

aA4: ·149 estimted. m ~ 3/7 reported 27 oOUD.ted :11:u. a• a result of growd

· action~ .~ · ., ·

3/7 l:>eported. that 4 030545 twenty (20) rds. of 76mm fire was re­

ceived at D!!2742. ~illery Vl.B called with good results on a.n estimted en. co.

observed between llfll 602 (D!!2~2) and Hill 924 (D!26lf.~. Onl.y light :patrol eon.­

tacts were llade dw:l,!lg the dayli:i;ht hmu"s of 3 Sept. RJ.I Co. :patrol received SA

fire vic~ Dl3045'f~ 14.2 mortar fire Y'lS called result'h!c in 10 counted en~ m. At 032220X lfox Co. :posittioDB were lightly probed by approxil!;y 4o en~ vic.

D!2'TU- .Th1s attack was repulsed by 22451!:. Dog Co. reported enenv minefield

at M2836I and "ll• Co. report,ed 4 J!f mines and nWDerOUB JP mines along ~fi!R from

DT3Q41 to DT3042. '·

•A11 eo. received light probing attack at ·o4o230 which was repulsed

·, with one en~ XU. (oowo.ted). :Baker, Doc and Fox eolll[lanies reeeived 21 rds !!2mm

mortar fire in ~osi tiolftl between 041830 and o42o30; while 3/7 reported reoei vine

4o rds. miXed 'Tbllllll and 122mm artillery fire vic. m2942 during - period~

3/7 received 25 rds. 76~ tire between 051515K and 0517151!: vie~ OP (D!30l!ow) ~ This was ·~1eved to be' observed fire. .J!f 052015 "A" Co. observed

eneJ~V mov•ent on Kill £73 (ll'J2~) and a:a, .esti.uted. enBIIQ' oompan;y OJI. road at

llf.}l47!~ Artillery ,.,nea. re_.j;.il\c .. ··.·. in,~ ... o· ~~~- XIA and 20 e!JUma.ted KIA. 2/7 reported that the llopee IH''!al167) ~fi:~'lf~~ llooby trapped~

, Dec ... · fi•uL u;H 5~GO.IO



Korean War Project USMC-08300594DECLASSIFIED

CC"'1FIDENT1l\.. ---------------------------------------

Pace 2 of tmi!r RlilP~ DAT:iSD 0111)0 Sept.51 !oo OSJ.SOO Sept.51

---------------------------------------011 6 Sept. •G• Co, reported 7 ene1117 XU (counted) vie. DT2942U all

a result of :O'iendly artillery fire. .A.t 061022 •G• co. :patrol received S.A./.A.W

fire from estimated 50 eneley' due-in Tic~ DT2844S. Pa.trol broke contact at lo44X

and called artillery remlti:ng in 3 eneley' ll.A. •. :Between 1300 and 1450 ~e en~

delivered sporadic artillery fire (76mm) against I.A,I Co. patrol, I!JlR CO~ Tic~

DT2941P and •c• Co. positions Tic. DT304l~ .A. •D• co~ patrol at DT2644Q. received

SJ../.A.W fire from Hill 751 at l34ox. Patrol broke contact at l4oo and called art­

illery ~ Patrol counted 3 eneley' ll.A. and 17 estimated ll.A. all a result of conj;act

and artillery, .A.t 1630 1/7 CIP DT304oL received 11 rds. ~ artillery fire~

Daring the early morning hours of 7 Sept~ •F• Co. received light

probing attack by estimated 3 enemy at :D'f2742M. Attack -s immediately repulsed.

At 1105 a "l'" Co. patrol vic. DT2744Q. received S.A. fire from :90Seible enem;v CP

DT2744P~ After frief fire fight enemy withdrew, Shortly afterwards patrol r..,.

ceived SJ../AW fire from estirre.ted enemy :platoon at D!I!2645V~ Patrol broke contact

at l2l01: and called artillery with estimated 5 ene!IIY XU, At 1500 "G" co. r­

ceived 20 rds, of 82 and 6omm mortar fire and 15 rds. of 57mm recoiless rifle

fire from DT2842c. Jllnemy 57 Recoiless Team wr.s observed a.t DT2S46y, Artillery

was called with unknown results. At 1425X a.n "A" Co, patrol contacted estimated

enemy ccmpaey on Hill 673 (DT2944) who resisted bitterly and employed SA/AW fire,

6omm mortar and hand grenades, patrol broke contact at 1445K. Air a.nd artillery

called with unknown results, ' ,

For the reminder of the period enemy activity >PS restricted to

Sporadic and intermittent mortar and artillery fire and light sniper fire~

Throughout the period the enemy continued to direct 76mm artillery

fire at fridge (DT3139V),

Infiltrators atte~ted to sabotage engineer building equipment at

this brid<;e and also booby trapped communications wires with Russian type hand

grenades~ .A.t the cloll!e of the period 12 enemy were seen laying mines e,t D!3134c.

(d) lstimate of l!lnell\1 Strength, M;terial Means, Morale, and His :E'Tobabla

Knowledge of·our Situation;

Daring the period the 7th Mu'ines was opposed by the 2nd Qo 3rd

Regiments, 1st Division, III NX Corps estimated with strength of 5,500~ .The

total strength of the NX 1st Division as of 2 Sept. -s accepted as 9500~ It is

believed that the enemy bas sutfered fairly heavy oasualities from friendly air,

artill&ry, and ground action in the past week. ·Soma elemnts of the II NX corps

might well be in the 7th ~Brines zone of action since the III NX Corps has only

recently relieved the badly battered II NX Corps,

Enemy morale 111\lst still be considered fairly high in B:9ite of lack

of medi~ su;pplies, food, and his being constantly harra.ssed by .friendly air a.nd




Korean War Project USMC-08300595DECLASSIFIED ... ,,,

---------------------------------------Page 3 of UNIT REPCRT DATED Oll.SOO Sapt.51 to OSll!OO Sept.51

---------------------------------------The enemy has excellent ground observation of our forwe.rd axeas

and is fUlly oogni£ant of the situation in our forward areas. Accurate mortar and artillery fire against our patrols tends to varity this.

(e) Enemy Courses Of Action:

1~ 2. 3.


To defend in present position. To withdraw to successive prepared positions. To reinforce with elements of the 14th Regiment 1st Division, III !IX Corps and unidentified elements of the II & VII NX Corps. To conduct limited objective attaCks in the strength of two Regiments.

The enemys• sensitivity to our patrols activity and his stubborn defense of comnnnding ground indicates that he V~ishes to retain this ground even under severe attacks by superior forces and arms.

Probability Of Action

e (1) or e (1) in conjunction with e (3)~




Korean War Project USMC-08300596DECLASSIFIED

b~ Period 081&:10 - l5la:JO S~tember 1951

l.t?.p: AI·S L751 Korea, 1:50,000 Sheets 6828 IV, 6829 III, 6828 III, llnclosu:re (A) Captured a.M./or destroyed eneJIIY mterial,

(a.) ~ta in contact:

.•.. ,

1, Jillements of the 2nd & 3rd Regts,, 1st D1v., In NK Corps

(b) Enelll¥ Reserves That Can Effect Qur Hiss ion 1

1, l)lcomnitted elements of II ard III :NK Corps, 2~ llllements of V and VII NK Corps and unknown CCI' un1 ts~

(c) Jiklelll)' Activity Durin~:: Period:

J.s the period opened MJ.,3, and cn companies received mortar and

artillery fire which increased in volume in the "G" and 1111• Co. sectors until

the afterBOon of 9 Sept~ At 20551 an enelll¥ squad approached IIJlW Co, -positions

but withdtew without making contact,

_u-tillery ac'l!ivity during 10 Sept, ...,,s reported to be light to moderate in HA, D, D and (j.n positions.

On 11 Sept, aleman ts of the 7th M;l.rines jumped off in a limited

objective e.ttack, Objectives were Hill 673 (M2')44S), l!igh ground (~2844S) and Hill 71!9 (~2945J).

The 1st lln, aasualted Rill 673 which '"'·s defended by an estimated eneJIIY company, The enenw were well dug-in in supported bunkers~ Obarlie Co, received a heavy amount of enemy artillery, SA/AW fire and encountered an enenzy' minefield neer the tcp of the objective, Elements of 3/7 e.dvancing on left flank: of 1/7 reported estimted enenzy' company well dllg-in an4 two enenzy' ba,tta.­

lions su:o:ported troops on Hill 673 and high ground (DT2844s).

At 0930 12 Sept, 3/7 had secured their objective but were receiving a heavy arrount of artillery and mortar fire, At 1105 a small group of enecy counterattacked but were repulsed at ll25. Throughout the morning and early afternoon 3/7 received l!l)derate SA./AW fire from Hill 673. 1/7 assault~ng Hill

673 also received heavy SA/AW fire and heavy artillery and mortar fire~

:Baker Co, estime,ted 300 rds, of artillery and mortars fell in their

area between 0600 and 1000 12 S~t. At 1430 1/7 reported Hill 673 secured but ware still receiving heavy morte.r and artillery fire from high ground to the rear

of 673, At 1315 Dog and Easy companies, who bad passed through 3/7 in order to ad..ance on the high ground. d.irectly behind Hill 673, received lif;ht SA fire from

DT292448 and encountered a mine field in this vicinit~. At 2250 IIH" Co. received

a small probing attack by an undetermined number of eneley". Attack was re:9ulsed

at 2300,



Korean War Project USMC-08300597DECLASSIFIED

----------------------------------------page 5 of UNIT REP<llT WED 0811!00 Sept,51 to 151000 Sept,51

----------------------------------------During the period it W<S estimted trn. t between 1300 and 1400 rdll,

of artillery and mortar fire were delivered against us by the enemy,

During the -oeriod ene!l\l' cas'lllllties were as follows: 4o estinnted

KIA., 271 counted KIA., 3bo estimted WIA and 325 estinnted KIA a.nd ~'IA.

(d) EstinBte of Enemy Strength, ~ttterial J.!eans, l!orale, and His Pl"ob~.ble

Knowledge Of Qu;r Situation:

Dur~ the period the 7th ~ines -was opposed by the 2nd and :Jrd

Regiments, 1st Division, III NK Corps estimated with strength of 51 500, .The

total strength of the N!lst Division as of 2 S~t. was accepted as 9 1500~ It is

believed that the enemy has suffered fairly heavy ce.sus.l ties from friendly air •

art Ulery, and ground action in the past week,

En91!1;i" morale still be considered fairly high in spite of lack

of mAdical supplies, food, and his being constantly harrassed by friendly air and


The enemy has excellent ground observation of our forwrtrd areas ani.

is fully cognizant of the situation in our forw·rd areas. Accurate mortar and

artillery fire against our advancing elements tends to varifY this,

(e) Ene!l\l' Courses Of Action: 1. To defend in presant positions, 2, To withdraw to successive "Orep&red positions. 3. To reinforce with elements of- the 14th Regiment 1st Division.

III NK Corps ~nd unidentified elements of the II and VII NX Corps.

4. To conduct limited objective attacks in the strength of two


ENCLOSURE (A): Captured ~nd/or destroyed enemy material,

Three 76mm artillery pieces destroyed Seven H J.! Gs destroyed Three R M Gs turned over to the 1st ~ines Twenty-eight Burpguns destroyed !l'went.-one Russian Rifles destroyed Nine 30 cal Russian Rifles destroyed one Russian ~ Rifle destroyed Four Russian carbines destroyed l'1 ve u. s. l~ls destroyed one 57mmRecoiless Rifle destroyed Fourteen L M Gs destroyed Twelve cases SA ammo destroyed Twenty cases 82mm mortar ammo destroyed Ten cases grenades destroyed




Korean War Project USMC-08300598DECLASSIFIED

c. Period 151000 - 221!!00 September 1951

J.l<;t:p; Al·lS L751 Korea, 1:50,000 Sheet 6S2S III

d. period 221!!00 - 291000 September 1951

Mlp; Ale L751 Xoree., 1:50,000 Sheet 6S2S III

a~ Negative b~ Negative c. Enell\\' Activity During Period

At 242345 an estilll!;tted 4 enell\\' employed LM) fire on two tru~ks in

the 7th Mlrines zone (ll'!304191) ~ l!heillY dispersed when fire ..ns returned~

d~ Negative e. Negative

- 6-


Korean War Project USMC-08300599DECLASSIFIED

SECkt;. •· .





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Korean War Project USMC-08300600DECLASSIFIED






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