Page 1: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)


Page 2: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)

B ib le P ointDay 2

Bible Story: Paul encourages others in a storm and shipwreck. (Acts 27)

Bible Verse: “ So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” (Psalm 31:24)

Consider This…��After Paul became a follower of Jesus, he fervently shared the news of Jesus everywhere he

went. In Jerusalem, Paul encountered a group of men who opposed his teachings. These men began a riot, accusing Paul of spreading false doctrine and of defiling the Temple. Guards arrested Paul and threw him in prison. The following years included trials, death threats, secret transfers to other prisons, and finally a trip to Rome where Paul could plead his case before Caesar.

��In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (May–June) through Tabernacles (after the Day of Atonement in late September or early October). Roman sailors resisted sailing in November, as it typically proved dangerous.

��The sailors battled the fierce storm for at least three days, using every trick they knew to secure the ship and survive hurricane-force winds and waves. Finally, the weary seamen lost hope of ever being saved. At this low point, Paul shares the hopeful news given by God.

��God’s message of hope, conveyed through Paul, rang true for the soldiers, the sailors, and the prisoners. God’s angel assured Paul that

“none of you will lose your lives” (Acts 27:22). However, after the shipwreck, the soldiers planned to kill the prisoners so they wouldn’t escape. (Roman law mandated that a soldier who lost a prisoner had to take that prisoner’s place!) “But the commanding officer wanted to spare Paul, so he didn’t let them carry out their plan” (Acts 27:43). And, just as the angel said, not even a prisoner died.

Why It Matters…In many ways, Paul was powerless in the stormy sea. He didn’t have experience as a sailor. Guards held him prisoner. And, of course, he couldn’t stop the crashing waves and howling winds. But Paul did have Jesus’ power on his side!

In the same way, the kids at your VBS may feel powerless through life’s storms. The world can seem turbulent, dark, and confusing. Bad news crashes over us. Fear blows relentlessly, leaving kids feeling hopeless. Yet God promises to strengthen us with his power! And we can trust that God’s promises are true. Like Paul, we have Jesus’ power on our side. Today, celebrate that truth and give kids the hope of victory and comfort during life’s uncertainties.

Jesus’ power gives us hope.


Week 1

In the same way, the kids in your group may feel powerless through life’s storms. The world


Page 3: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)


the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

The refreshing spray helped keep everyone from overheating so you could keep playing the game. That’s kind of like what hope feels like. Hope is refreshing and gives us power to keep

The Runner who was caught and the partner who lost the

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

WEEKLY GAMES: WEEK 1No Prep: Shipwreck!Directions:Mark a line on the ground that is long enough for each kid to stand on. Driveway lines are a quick go-to.

Instruct kids to line up, and explain that you are the captain and they are the crew. You will give commands and the kids will perform specific actions or sounds.

Explain that you are all sailing on a dangerous sea, and everyone needs to work together and obey the captain’s commands to survive.

To play, call out a command. Any kid who does not follow the command correctly or who is the last to obey should sit out. The goal is to be the last crew member standing.

Before playing, teach kids these commands:

• Roll call: Players must stand with their toes on the line, salute, and say, “Aye-aye, Captain!” The crew may not lower their salute until you say, “At ease.”

• Crow’s nest: Players act as if they’re climbing a ladder to the crow’s nest at the top of the mainmast.

• Swab the deck: Players act like they’re mopping.

• Row to shore: Players find a partner, simulate rowing, and sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

SAY: In today’s Bible story, Paul found himself on a ship in some dangerous waters, but God protected Paul in the shipwreck. We face many dangerous times in our life but we always have to remember to hope in Jesus, he will protect us. Jesus’ power gives us hope! (Trust Jesus)

Page 4: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

How did the misty cool-down help you during the game?

The refreshing spray helped keep everyone from overheating so you could keep playing the game. That’s kind of like what hope feels like. Hope is refreshing and gives us power to keep

The Runner who was caught and the partner who lost the

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

WEEKLY GAMES: WEEK 1Low Prep: Bubble Bonanza (Relay)SUPPLIES: One small bubble container with bubble wand per child.

Directions:• Kids line up in 2 teams. • The kids in the front of the line of each team blow a bubble and catch it with

their wand.• Keeping the bubble inflated at the end of their wand they race to the finish line.• If their bubble pops they must stop in place and blow another, the first team to

make it to the other side wins.

SAY: Today we got to play with bubbles! Walk around the kids, blowing bubbles over their heads as you continue. Just look at these bouncy bubbles! Aren’t they cool? They float, they fly, and they even have colors inside! They make me happy because they remind me of hope! Hope lifts my spirit, like bubbles lift into the air. And bubbles are beautiful, just like the hope we have in Jesus is beautiful. Today every time you see a bubble, remember that. Jesus’ power gives us hope! (Trust Jesus)

High Prep: Human BattleshipSUPPLIES: chairs, clothespins, and a bed sheet


• Use chairs, clothespins, and a bed sheet to divide the room in half at chest height. • Form two teams of kids. • Each team will lie down on one side of the divider. • Before playing the game, make sure the divider will not fall on the kids if it is hit

or jostled. • Kids will toss beach balls or foam balls back and forth over the divider. • Kids may not get up or move around on the floor. • If a kid catches a beach ball, the kid who threw it is out. • If the ball hits a player who is unable to catch it, she is “hit.” After two hits, a

kid is “sunk” and out of the game.

SAY: Great job with our game! Today’s story was about Paul’s shipwreck. His ship wasn’t pelted by beach balls. Instead, his ship was in a huge storm. How would you feel if you were on a ship in a bad storm? We go through many storms in life but we always have to remember to lean on Jesus when we face difficulties. Jesus’ power gives us hope! (Trust Jesus)


Page 5: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)


the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

How did the misty cool-down help you during the game?

The refreshing spray helped keep everyone from overheating so you could keep playing the game. That’s kind of like what hope feels like. Hope is refreshing and gives us power to keep

The Runner who was caught and the partner who lost the

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and


No prep: Play Out the storySUPPLIES: (Optional) Spray bottle

Directions:• Set up a “boat” by arranging chairs, one for each kid, in short rows. Or kids can

sit on the floor.

• Invite the kids to sit in the chairs and play out what it would be like to be in a boat with the conditions listed below.

• Vary the length and frequency of the conditions to keep kids engaged.

• Retell the Bible story and lead kids in performing the motions as they hear the words.

SAY: We are going to relive the Bible story today. Right now we are enjoying peaceful waters (sit still). I am not sure how long that will last...

Bad news, we’re heading into rough seas. I hope that Paul guy wasn’t right about what’s coming our way. Things could get rough—really rough! Can you feel it? The wind’s kicking up… (kids move your arms like the wind is blowing).

Helpers can mist the crew with water from spray bottles, as you lead kids in actions.

Everybody, lean to port—that’s to your left! Pause. Now starboard—that’s to your right! Pause.

Quick, stand up—help me haul in those sails! Pretend to pull on ropes and gather in armfuls of canvas.

This storm just won’t stop! It has been going on for days! It’s hopeless! Time to lighten the ship by tossing cargo. Pretend to throw boxes overboard! Everyone, shove boxes into the “sea.” This looks bad!

Good news and bad news! Bad news: Paul says the ship’s going down.

Good news: None of us will drown. Paul says Jesus will take care of us all! that the shore over there? Stand up and shield your eyes, then point into the distance.


Page 6: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)

I can’t see much through the rain... Anyone else see the shore?

Encourage kids to look. Then gather kids and hunker down together. We’ll try for the shore. Pretend to lose your footing and almost fall as you stand.

Shout: We’re running aground! The ship’s breaking apart! You’re gonna have to jump overboard and swim for it!

Quickly get in front of kids at the edge of the ship. Stretch your arms out wide to keep kids on the ship. Pretend that you’re going to jump overboard, and just as kids start to follow you, yell: “I’ll count to 3, and when I say ‘3,’ we’ll jump overboard. One! Two! Freeze!”

Whew! My heart is racing! Everyone sit down—I have to sit before my legs give out!After kids sit, continue.

Imagine being on that ship as it splintered under you...and you dropped into huge waves crashing against the shore. Lightning flashing, wind howling—it must have been awful.

But Paul was right. Not one person on that ship was lost. Trusting in Jesus gave them hope in this shipwreck situation.

Have you ever been in a crazy storm? Let kids share their stories.

In today’s Bible story, Paul was in a boat traveling to Rome when a big storm came. God kept everyone on the boat safe. Jesus’ power gives us hope!

God protected Paul in the shipwreck. Paul trusted God’s promise to keep him and everyone else safe from the storm. He told the sailors to trust God too. God wants us to trust Jesus. Jesus died to keep us safe from sin and death. We all face difficult and scary times in our lives. Even in the midst of them, we can trust that God is good and that He is working things together for His glory and our good. Our hope is not on things in this life but in Jesus. When Jesus returns and fixes everything broken in the world, we will live forever with Him. Jesus’ power gives us hope!

Low Prep: Create a Windy Storm SUPPLIES: sheet, table cloth, beach ball


Have kids grab the ends of a sheet or table cloth and spread out. Throw a beach ball into the middle and have kids perform different motions (peaceful waters, small wave, a giant wave, choppy waves, windy storm) start out slow until you progress to windy storm while trying to keep the ball on the sheet.

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

How did the misty cool-down help you during the game?

The refreshing spray helped keep everyone from overheating so you could keep playing the game. That’s kind of like what hope feels like. Hope is refreshing and gives us power to keep

The Runner who was caught and the partner who lost the

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and


Page 7: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)


SAY: After the windy storm caused the ship to break apart, God protected Paul in the shipwreck. He spent three months on an island before taking another ship to Rome. Paul was still a prisoner, but he was allowed to live in a house with a guard. People came to the house to talk to Paul, and even though he was in jail, Paul told his visitors the good news of Jesus. When should we tell others about Jesus? We should tell about Jesus all the time and how Jesus’ power gives us hope!

High Prep: Build a BoatSUPPLIES: 2 paper plates per child, construction paper, crayons, markers, glue, tape or stapler.


• Take a paper plate and cut it in half. Staple, tape, or glue sides together creating a pocket. Cut out two pieces to make a sail and glue to the backside of the boat pocket. Have (or help) kids write the Bible Verse: “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” (Psalm 31:24) or Bible Point: Jesus’ power gives us Hope.

• Have kids write down things or bible verses that give them hope and place them inside their boat. Optional idea *use the inside of their boat to fill with a snack!

SAY: God protected Paul in the shipwreck so he could stand before Caesar. The soldiers and sailors on the boat were afraid they would die in the storm. They couldn’t see what God was doing. But God used Paul to guide them and encourage them to trust God. Paul pointed them to Jesus even in the midst of a scary storm. In our lives, we can trust Jesus no matter what difficulties we face, and we should encourage others to trust Jesus too.

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

How did the misty cool-down help you during the game?

The refreshing spray helped keep everyone from overheating so you could keep playing the game. That’s kind of like what hope feels like. Hope is refreshing and gives us power to keep

The Runner who was caught and the partner who lost the

the music again for a new round. Vary how long you let the

While rounds are in motion, have your games assistants and

Page 8: 7e45290d92b8f58a014b …… · before Caesar. In Acts 27:9, Paul notes the sailing season in connection with Jewish observances. Sailors typically only sailed from Pentecost (MayÐJune)


Snack Suggestion Serve apple slices for a snack. Point out that the apple slice resembles a boat. Remind kids that although the ship crashed during the storm, God protected Paul in the shipwreck.

Week 1 1. What gave you hope to keep playing through the game and activity challenges?

2. Tell about a time you had hope through another challenge. Share an example of your own first, such as: not giving up on a friend after an argument because of the hope that your friendship was stronger than a disagreement.

3. What are some of God’s promises that give you hope?

SAY: God has several promises that can give us hope when we are going through hard times:

When I’m afraid: Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. -Isaiah 41:10

When I doubt: He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever. -Psalm 146:6

When I’m sad: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! -Psalm 121:1

When I’m worried: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. -Proverbs 3:5-6

When I am sick: O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone! -Jeremiah 17:14

When I need to be forgiven: But if we confess our sins to him he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. -1 John 1:9

When something bad happens: The Lord will work out his plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. -Psalm 138:8

When I need a prayer answered: And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. -1 John 5:14

SAY: We face big challenges—some might be so hard that they seem hopeless. But there’s always hope through any challenge when we’re friends with Jesus. Jesus’ power gives us hope! (Trust Jesus!)


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