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Page 2: (713) 277 7799 · 2020. 9. 28. · Your Business Solutions (713) 277-7799 The journey of every business owner is a personal choice of a vision. Each entre-preneur’s journey takes

Your Business Solutions (713) 277-7799

The journey of every business owner is a personal choice of a vision. Each entre-

preneur’s journey takes a different path based upon internal and external factors.

In today’s ultra-competitive world, technology is thought of by many as some-

thing that just has to be a necessary evil to do business today—a true expense or

cost of doing business. Trying to keep up with all the ever-changing facets of a

business network can be daunting and time consuming, and even costly if not

done right.

Of course what makes it even more difficult to keep up with the dangers as well as

new opportunities is that you have a business to run. It can be extremely frus-

trating when you know that in order to achieve your growth and operations goals

that you MUST keep up with everything new but you don’t have the knowledge or

experience or the time to do so.

At Your Business Solutions, we understand just how difficult it is to run a business

and all the time it takes. It’s easy just to accept fall into the trap of “if it’s not

broke, don’t fix it.” This trap can be extremely costly to your organization.

This is why we are putting our “Lunch and Learn” education series together.

We’ve listened to numerous business owners and understand their technology as

well as business issues. While our series may not answer all your questions or

set up your technology plan going forward, it IS designed to help you understand

what is going on in the technology world. How you can keep your network safe,

make your employees happier, and simply find new ways you can operate more

efficiently and grow.

We encourage you to listen to the video replays and read our notes from each ses-

sion. If you feel you would like an overall technology assessment then we can

discuss possibilities at your convenience.

Enjoy our Lunch and Learn series!

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Your Business Solutions (713) 277-7799

Session 1

The Startling and Irreversible Damage to Your

Network Caused by Your Employees

Welcome to Your Business Solutions and our Lunch and Learn Education series. Our series

is all about how you can maximize the use of your technology to grow your business. The

series is broken down into three main parts:

A) Awareness of the cyber security danger and how it can damage your business

B) Simple solutions that you can use to keep your business safe from cyber crime

C) How to use technology tools to help your business grow

Our last session is dedicated to answering questions and going over the top key attributes

of any successful business plan strategy to help your business protect itself and grow.

There are bound to be questions that you may have about your situation. If you have

questions or just want to talk about your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m

always happy to help.

Clint Brinkley, CEO-Founder

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Transcript and Notes


Brad Stoller, CEO/Founder—Creativity Counts, LLC

Clint Brinkley, CEO/Founder—Your Business Solutions

Brad Stoller 02:38

Okay, well welcome everybody. We've got a great, great, great presentation for today. My name

is Brad Stoller. I'm pretty excited. We've got Clint Brinkley, with Your Business Solutions. And if

you don't know, Clint, good guy to know. But today is really all about, you know, how to use

technology to grow your business and avoid cyber crime. So pretty excited about this, because

there's a lot of good things in there that today is really going to be more about making you

aware. My, my role in this today is, pretty much think of me as the emcee or the host, Clint's the

real star here. And when it comes to the technical part of it, I'm going to defer it all back to Clint

so Clint's already smiling already. So he won't talk about himself like I would talk about him. So

anyways, so we're going to dive in. And let's go hope you guys are enjoying your lunch. Thank

you, Clint for that. So let's let's get going here. So today's session is we just called it "the star-

tling and irreversible damage to your network that's caused by your employees". And, and Clint

chime in here. We're not necessarily saying Hey, your employees are being malicious and all

that although they can be but for the most part, this is really about making you aware of what's

going on out in the world that maybe your employees aren't aware of. So, Clint, any opening

comments on about that?

Clint Brinkley 04:02

Well, I mean, I've got several different stories that I could share about some of these kind of

things. So one of the things is really about ransomware, especially in the situation like this. It's

exactly like what you were talking about Brad. It's not their malicious behavior is intentional. It's

more of an accidental or lack of education on their part.

Opening Comments

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Brad Stoller 04:26

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So we're gonna go through things, a few things. And by the way, if you

guys have any questions, make sure you put them in the chat and we will kind of save them to-

wards the end. But we want to make sure we get your questions answered. And by all means,

some questions. If you don't feel comfortable putting in the chat where we you know, talk about

it in front of everybody. That's fine. Talk to Clint afterwards, and he's about one of the most gra-

cious people I've ever met. that's willing to help. So take him up on that. I think it's that's why

we're doing this. Okay, so Again, my name is Brad Stoller, you don't need to know too much

about me, I'm just the emcee. But Clint, if you would just tell us a little bit about your back-

ground, Clint, you know how you got started. And I know you've got a good story about, you

know, how you became accidentally, you know, stuck, if you will, and technology and then you

decide what the heck, let's just grow this thing. So tell us a little bit about yourself and, and a

little bit about Your Business Solutions.

Clint Brinkley 05:25

Yes. So we're, we're 16 years in business this year. So I'm very happy with the success that

we've had. We've built it on the back with some great staff members that we have here. And I

wouldn't necessarily call it stuck in the technology industry, I even though we have our prime

offering here is technology support, I really like to take kind of a C level approach to things be-

cause whenever I sit down with with clients, most of time it is the C level people that I'm working

with. So I'm wanting to help businesses be enabled more by the use of their technology.

Brad Stoller 06:02

Yep, exactly. So and that's kind of why we're doing this series. So we're trying to help as many

people, in the Houston/ Dallas area, and then anywhere else in between, I guess to, to help do

just that. So what I did was I put together some startling facts. And you guys can go research

this on your own too, as well. All I did was go to Google and put in, you know, facts on cyber

criminal activity. And here's some things that popped up. So nothing that isn't public knowledge.

But cyber attacks. Here's one thing. And I think some of these numbers, this is back in June. So

Tell Us About Yourself and a Little About

Your Business Solutions

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there's some of these numbers are a little bit understated. But I think you'll still get the point that

a cyber attack happens every 39 seconds in the United States. Okay, so just in the short,

four minutes we've been on we've we've had about eight or nine attacks.

Clint Brinkley 06:58

Somebody and like you said, that's that's very understated, we actually have been monitoring

things like DDoS attacks and stuff like that go on. And literally, there's thousands of them every


Brad Stoller 07:12

Okay, so I think we've we've established a number. So I'm going to give you our understated,

but I think you get the idea here, but and that I think this one's a little understated, because I've

heard a lot higher than this, but 43% of cyber attacks are on small business, I've heard as

high as 80%. And I think it depends on your sources. Clint, what are your thoughts on that? Is

that really?

Clint Brinkley 07:34

I absolutely agree it's, they're taking advantage of just because they don't have the budget set

like their companies do. And, you know, think about it from like, from a salespersons point of

view, a salesperson is going to go after low hanging fruit, low hanging fruit to something easy to

do. Attackers like this. They're going to go after a low hanging fruit people who don't have the

budgets to go after and put things in place for their protection.

Brad Stoller 07:57

Yeah, good. Good point. So the third one down as a global average cost of a data breach. I

thought this was astounding $3.9 million for small businesses. I didn't say, you know that

Citi groups, Chase Bank, and all those big ones, the Targets, etc. This is small business 3.9 mil-

lion. So. And, Clint, what are your thoughts? That's a lot of money. So how did they get to that

3.9 million?

Clint Brinkley 08:23

I can't imagine any small business having to come out of pocket and that kind of change there.

It's, it can be devastating. And we've seen it be devastating to companies. Yeah. You don't want

to have to put your business at risk that you've built for so many years.

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Brad Stoller 08:41

Exactly. And I think part of that 3.9 million is not necessarily that's what the ransomware cost is

it is when the word gets out, that data breach, all of a sudden your customers start scurrying all

over. And I think that's part of that cost, I think is in there. But average cost for a publicly traded

company is 116 million. So obviously, the bigger you are, the more more it's going to be. But

this next one. And again, I've seen higher numbers in this but FBI since COVID started in the

United States was a 300% increase in cyber crimes.

Clint Brinkley 09:20

This is definitely earlier in the year. I've seen it as much as five and 600%. In some of my re-


Brad Stoller 09:25

Yep. Yeah, I've seen a little higher as well. So here's a nice little fact here that I didn't I wasn't

aware of but I've kind of heard this, but 93% of healthcare organizations have had a data

breach in the past three years. That's almost all of them. And 57% have had more than five

data breaches. I've talked to some people it's especially in the healthcare and they said look, it's

just not a matter of if we're going to get hit how many times

Clint Brinkley 09:53

it's it's sad that they actually have to make that comment because and I can actually back that

up 100% because We've actually had a number of healthcare or organizations come to us in I

don't know why it seems odd, but it's the third time that they get hit. That's when they call us. So

I mean, I can't even really can't count how many times we've received that call.

FBI has stated that there has

been a 300% increase in

cyber crimes since Covid


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Brad Stoller 10:21

Well, that's unfortunate. So Oh, boy, be nice if we could get that change. So we don't have to

call it all right. But that's not the world we live in, at least right now. But 95% of cyber security

breaches are due to human error. And I thought that was interesting. So Clint, what do they

mean by human error on this?

Clint Brinkley 10:38

Oh, this could mean a whole lot of things. This is this could mean just a matter of, you know,

someone not making a strong enough passwords someone, I kid you not, you know, pass-

words, password or password, you know, it's got a zero in there, and instead of an O or some-

thing, and sometimes it's a matter of people not following procedures. There's, there's reasons

why companies put procedures in place. And we have a tendency in this very fast paced society

that we live in, to, I just got to get this done, I gotta get this done. And then we take a shortcut,

and then boom, that's the error that it took to, you know, circumvent the entire process

Brad Stoller 11:18

and it only takes one incident, one little mistake, if you've got a group of 100 employees, just

one of them has to mess up. That's all it takes. And they're in so and leads to the next thing.

77% of organizations don't have an incident response plan. And some of the people you

know, if you're listening this and they will, Incident Response Plan, I'm not even sure what that

means. So let me let you wrote a book on cybersecurity. Right? So you read all about this?

What do they mean?

Clint Brinkley 11:46

What the plan is, what they're talking about here is, is what what to do when, you know, when

this happens, not if this happens, it's when this happens. You know, what do you do? Who do

you report it to? How do you report it to somebody? What steps are taken after it's reported?

These are just a few of the questions that's gotta be in that plan. And really, what what one of

the things that it really boils down to, and the reason why this number seems high, but it proba-

bly should be a little bit higher. People, executives, you know, the higher ups and companies

are not properly incentivizing their teams to bring it to their attention in a timely manner. And I

gotta emphasize that a lot because I have, I have been in meetings with with an entire depart-

ment, and people have raised their hand said, Yeah, I, you know, this happened. And I didn't

respond to it. I just ignored it or whatever, for a period of time until you know, they had to.

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Brad Stoller 12:46

Yeah, exactly. So again, today is not necessarily of how to take care of these items is really just

to make you aware of it. And we're doing our best to make sure you can have your lunch, we'll

do it quickly. You get back to work. But next week we come back, we'll have some solutions and

what we can do, but today's more about awareness. Share prices fall an average of 7.2%, af-

ter a data breach. I didn't put this in here. But if I remember, right, that was within, I think the

first seven days. So that's, that's the shareholders, excuse the expression, but freaking out

when they hear their company that they entrusted their personal information, their credit card

information, social security number all that. When they hear that they scurry like crazy, and then

they go change their passwords and everything. Finally. Human intelligence, the last one on

here, and I and Clint, I get a kick out of this, but human intelligence, sometimes wonder about

that as maybe the lack of intelligence, I don't know. But human intelligence and comprehen-

sion is considered the best defense against phishing attacks.

Clint Brinkley 13:56

It is and you know, you joke about that. But I always joke about common sense, common sense

not being so common anymore. It's no, it's just what you said, you know, we need to make sure

that we're educating our people, our staff, not everyone is a cybersecurity expert. Not every-

one's had any training in cybersecurity whatsoever. They hear about it on the news. And that's

the extent of what what they know about. And I'm sorry, but news articles aren't going to tell you

everything. So you know, you have to make sure that you give your staff a fighting chance

against these people.

Brad Stoller 14:34

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So put this little graphic up and just talks about some of the possible

consequences of data breaches and you know, now that we want to grind this in the ground or

anything, but you know, we talked about the financial losses a little bit ruined a business reputa-

tion, regulatory fine. So, Clint, can you touch a little bit? What does that exactly entail?

You have to make sure you give your

staff a fighting chance against these

people (cyber criminals)

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Clint Brinkley 14:57

Well, basically, what it boils down to is, uh, depending on the type of company that you are, if

you're publicly traded not publicly traded, or any type of compliance governance that you have

to report things to, if you're found not in compliance, and you have

some sort of breach, now you're looking at some serious

penalties. So I know for, you know, for a fact, like private equity companies, they have to

answer to the SEC, I have certain compliance in place. Some compliances are mandatory,

some of them are guidelines. But, you know, I actually sat down with a number of them before

and they said, I asked him a question. And this is this is really important here, because we were

just talking about human intelligence and training. And I said, well, what did they make you do

may tell you was mandatory. They said, well, we need to have some sort of training. I said, well,

tell me about the training. They said, well, it was like a one hour class. I'm like, Okay, how of-

ten? No, it was just one hour. I'm like, okay, so you you learn everything that you needed to

know in that one hour? Well, probably not. And you haven't had any staff changes since that

time period? Oh, yeah. We had some, you know, come and go. And we had no refresh whatso-

ever. No. So you know, you can see how whenever it comes to, you know, companies that have

these type of regulatory requirements. This is not a one shot.

Brad Stoller 16:31

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And it's not getting any better. So, yeah, if you're, if you're thinking, oh,

gosh, in our company, and we talk about something, you know, hey, you're ago, we had some-

body talk about it. That's just not enough. In today's environment, is it?

Clint Brinkley 16:46

Yeah, a lot of things change. I mean, we every single week, we are, we are having conversa-

tions with our clients, and our staff here to make sure that everyone stays on top of things.

Brad Stoller 16:58

Yep, exactly. So moving along. So, you know, we talked about stock prices falling, but it's not

just you don't have to be a publicly traded company, obviously, for this. So if you have your

business and word gets out, the value of your business goes down, too, because we all know,

you're talking about private equity. They know value. If your sales top line goes down, your val-

ue is not going to go up. We'll just put it that way. Okay, so we don't have to probably talk any-

more on that one. I think everybody understands that. Disclosure of trade secrets. And I don't

think everybody understand just how important this is. I'm an ex golf professional. Okay, so, and

I remember not too long ago, we'd have we'd have a set of clubs that would come out, and eve-

rybody was all excited about getting that particular brand. You know, just kind of funny a year

later. We call them knockoffs in the day, but what was going on was, I won't mention the coun-

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Brad Stoller 19:53 So that's the way you're gonna be okay. All right. Well, we'll come back next week, and we'll

see what he's on his mind here. So so moving on. Long so ways hackers trick employees. And

again, we started this whole thing out is, you know, employees are, are the number one way

people are people? Well, they are people, I guess criminals get into your system, right? So

how do they do it? And that's what we're going to chat a little bit about, again, this is all about

awareness. So Clint, just if you could, I'm gonna let you kind of take over here and run through

and just give us a little bit of an idea of email attachments. You know, we all know what any

attachment is, but go ahead and expand on that a little bit. If you could.

Clint Brinkley 20:31 I'm going to expand on these as a whole, not just, you know, kind of individually, because real-

ly, these are several ways that that people are taken advantage of right now. And it's, it's

called social engineering, that that's really what it boils down to, you have this on here. Yeah,

the other key term that people will use is phishing. And it's not like fishing with a pole on the

pond, I'm talking about, you know, phishing is manipulating people. What happens in a lot

of these cases is you get an email attachment. And it looks like it's coming from, you know,

Bob down the hallway, or Bob your vendor or something. But when in essence, it's actually

intercepted by somebody else. And it looks like it's coming from them, but it's going to some-

one else, I actually got one of these yesterday. And it was such a good fake. I was looking at it

so closely, I had emailed somebody about a different event, not this event, but a different

event. And but it was a long time ago. And whenever the reply came in, I was looking at the

headline saying, Well, I know what that's about. So I opened it up. And then I started reading

it. And of course, if you look at a few things in there, you can, you can start pinpointing the

problems. And that's one of the things that I want to get people trained on is how to pinpoint

those issues. So it looks like it comes from a personal email, it may look like it comes from

business email, it could look like it's coming from a hotmail or Gmail or any other domain that's

out there. It looks like it's work related. But it's actually a phishing attack, it's a social engineer

to get you to do something. And I'm hoping that we can get everybody trained on this. So that

you know, you don't become a victim, your company doesn't become a victim, your staff

doesn't become a victim. So that we can make sure that we can minimize the the efforts that

these guys are being successful with. So it can come in and attachments. Even if you're work-

ing remotely, because you're not behind a company's secure firewall, you know, you're you

can be susceptible to some of these things. And even if you're on a mobile device, you'll never

never think just because you're working on your cell phone, or you're working on your iPad,

that you're safe, just because you're on your cell phone or your iPad. Remember those all

Ways Hackers Trick


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those devices are logged into accounts. Those accounts are on the internet, those internet


Brad Stoller 23:01 Exactly. Exactly.

Clint Brinkley 23:03

Yeah, that one device can affect everything else, if not well protected.

Brad Stoller 23:08 So even if you're under that impression that well, I'm using my iPad, and nobody can hack

into a to an Apple product, right? They don't necessarily have to get into the product, or they

just have to get the account. So Exactly.

Clint Brinkley 23:22 Its the account that's on it. And that's that's all it takes.

Brad Stoller 23:25 Yeah, exactly. And in on the social engineering part of it, I remember somebody giving an

example about this. And not too many people understand, but it is so prevalent right now,

because of the number of people working remotely. So here's an example that I heard that

just blew me away, I'll share this but so we have somebody working at home and of course,

are working at home remotely. Okay, computers are a little slower. Sometimes they have

issues with them. So what somebody will do is they will go on LinkedIn, see who the director

of operations is for the company. And it's let's say as jack, okay, fine. They go in they, they

contact this person working remotely, who they also got their number from their website and

say, Hey, this is Bob. Hey, jack asked me to reach out to everybody who's working remotely

and just check, see how your systems are working? You know, everything gone? Is Is it

working quick enough for you? And of course, that's a loaded question, because it never

works quick enough for you. So let's say oh, my gosh, I'm glad you called it having some

problems. And here they are hook line and sinker. Next thing to know is, you know, if you if

you don't mind here, if you just your username and password real quick, I'll log in, see if I can

get that taken care of. Okay, great. And as soon as they do, they're gone. You know what

just happened? So there's a lot of that going on out there. So

Clint Brinkley 24:42

that is a prime definition of social engineering. They just manip-

ulated an individual to take an action that enables them to get into the networks.


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Brad Stoller 24:51 Yep, exactly. So moving along. That is, that is our program today. So we wanted to keep this

to 20 minutes, I think we're, Clint, I think we're actually right on the nose, maybe about one

minute past But that's because of my story. Sorry about that. I'm the guilty one today. So if

you do have some questions, make sure if you could put them in the chat real quick. And,

and also, if you have some questions, you don't feel comfortable with that, then just make

sure you, you reach out to clan, here's a phone number here, send them an email, get his

contact information on here as well. And But anyways, we really appreciate having you guys

with us today. Next week is going to be a big one. And that's Clint, your, you want to tell us a

little bit of a what's some things you're going to give to us or you want to hold a total secret?

Clint Brinkley 25:43 Oh, like this, I'm gonna give you a peek behind the curtain.

Brad Stoller 25:48 Okay, all right. So we have that to look forward to. And also, we're really trying to do and

Clinton I put this together, this is Clinton, okay, I'm just helping him put this together. But I

know Clint feels very, very strongly about helping out the community

is very active in the community. And this is part of that being ac-

tive. So whether you're in Dallas, Houston, or anywhere in between,

invite somebody else, and have them come aboard. And you know,

we'd love to help as many as we possibly can. If you're already registered,

you don't have to re register for next week. And we're going to be sending some emails out

with a replay of today. We'll also have some, I'm going to call them Clint notes instead of

Cliff Notes. So if you don't want to re watch it, then you can read about it in the trademark.

Okay, so be be on the lookout for your Clint notes. And we'll see everybody next week.

Clint Brinkley 26:46

Thanks a lot, Brad. Okay.

Brad Stoller 26:48

Oh, hang on a second. We had a question here. I almost forgot here. And let me pull this up

here. I see that somebody raised their hand. Okay. question I have is, let me see if I can pull

this up and read this a little bit clearer. Okay, so I won't I won't give the name here. We'll

keep we'll keep it private here. But how do I tell if my employee is stealing data from my sys-


Clint Brinkley 27:21 It's very good. So there's a number of different ways that we can determine if they're stealing

information. Sometimes they're doing things off of a USB drive. So we can track them on

any kind of traffic off of USB, external drives. If they're not doing it that way, they could be

emailing themselves from different accounts. So there's different ways that we can put some

things in place to make sure that either at your corporate firewall level, we can identify that

way. Or if they're not using your corporate email, there is another way that we can use it as

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a firewall too. So there are several different ways depending on what preparations we

need to put in place, we can definitely identify, you know, when and how and even prevent

certain things from happening.

Brad Stoller 28:08 Okay, sounds good. I have one other question that popped up here as well. says I'm a I'm

a small business owner with 10 employees. Okay, what's the best way that I can... Is there

a way I'm sorry, read it wrong. Is there a way that I can monitor and tell if somebody is

being hacked? or How can I find out in my system? If somebody's being hacked? I think

he meant "Is my company's being hacked?" I might be getting into a little bit more next


Clint Brinkley 28:37 yes. So there, there are some systems that we can put into place, you know, kind of like

what we were talking about before. But this is a little bit different slant on there. There

are some processes and programs that can be put on the network on

at the firewall level and or at the server level, that we can actually mon-

itor those kind of things, any kind of abnormal activity. That's how we kind of

label that kind of stuff. So if someone's installing programs, they're not supposed to trans-

fer files if they're not supposed to, you know, ain't trying to manipulate the system and

some sort of abnormal way. All of these things can be triggered so that we can proactively

you know, keep these things from happening.

Brad Stoller 29:18 Okay, great. That's all the questions I have Clint any closing remarks before we go?

Clint Brinkley 29:25 Be cautiously optimistic, but always suspicious of anything that's in your emails. So if you

have any suspection whatsoever that it could be some sort of phishing attempt. Don't click

it. Just call somebody call your IT people call us. We can take a look at it real fast and let

you know. But yeah, definitely, just Just wait. Give it just a moment. Let it sink in. Let me

look at it carefully, so that you don't become that that next victim we don't want you to be

too statistic not at least on that side?

Any Closing Remarks?

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Brad Stoller 30:03 Okay, sounds good. I have just one last thing to add. Because if you notice, Clint, and

again, Clint doesn't like to talk about himself, so I have to do it for him here. Okay.

doesn't like a brag, but if you look in the upper right hand corner there of your screen,

you'll see he has a book, "You are the Number One Target. So Clint wrote

this book just on cyber security. And so Clint, if you can talk and get me off the screen,

and you can they can see you and so I'll be quite for five seconds.

Clint Brinkley 30:29 Sure. So last year, we released the my second book, I'm actually working on another

book right now. The second book was a best seller. And we released it on Amazon, we

we sold so many different copies of it all about cybersecurity. We want to make sure that

we you know, keep the community safe. And all the proceeds of that went to St. Jude.

Brad Stoller 30:54 That's awesome. So and, Clint, I believe you have people can get a free copy of that

book, if I remember right, so we absolutely Yeah, well, we'll send a link so you can if you

guys want to do that as well. So anyways, this is Brad Stoller with Clint Brinkley. We'll

see you next week.

Clint Brinkley 31:08 Thanks, guys.


Contact Clint Brinkley at:

(713) 277-7799

[email protected]

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