Page 1: 7 ways to test tube baby a final destination point

7 ways to Test Tube Baby-A Final Destination Point

Test tube baby treatment is the best source to have a baby for a couple with unexplained infertility. There are different ways to opt for this technique.

First way: to take the mothers eggs and donor sperms. This technique is followed in case when the male partner is not able to produce quality sperms or the sperm motility is not up to the mark. This is done mostly in the case of male infertility. Though there are techniques like surgical sperm retrieval like TESA but they have their own limitations.

Second way: to take the donor eggs and father’s sperms. This technique is followed when the female has irregular periods or has reached to the point of menopause. This method is preferred in case of female infertility like when she is suffering from PCOS or ovarian Cysts or is having age more than 35. Yes, After 35, the eggs quality does decreases if the lifestyle of the lady is not very active.

Third Way: to take both donor eggs and donor sperms. This process is executed in the case when both the parents are suffering from unexplained infertility or when both the parents have infertility issues. Like mother has no quality eggs and father has no semen quality.

Fourth Way: in this technique the pregnancy is happened with the help of surrogate. The mother is having no problem but due to some genetic disorder pregnancy occurs but a miscarriage happens in between which thus leads to recurrent loss or expelling of baby due to some reason.

Fifth Way: this is done with the help of advanced techniques like ICSI and IMSI. Both these are advancements in IVF in which basically the best quality sperm is extracted out of many sperms and thus they are all set for proper grooming of the embryo. The pregnancy results done with this technique have more IVF success rates than anything else.

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Sixth Way: This is done using Assisted Laser Hatching. Sofat infertility clinic is the first Assisted Laser Hatching Technique doer technique in Punjab, Ludhiana, India this centre was the one who introduced this technique. Using this technique a hole is made into the embryo while doing embryo transfer. In such a way the embryo gets attached properly to the lining of the uterus of the mother and thus chances and success rates of IVF increases.

Seventh & Last Way: this is the last and final method named as Blastocyst Transfer. Using this method there is cent percent surety that baby born with IVF will not have any birth defects though exceptions are always there in case any out of both parents have genetic disorder.

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