Page 1: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)
Page 2: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Development of European Civilizations

6000-3000 BC

Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe

Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Page 3: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Ancient Greece (400’s – 300’s BC) First DEMOCRACTIC governments

Democracy=government where the citizens hold power directly

Rome (227 BC – 180 AD) First REPUBLIC

(government where representatives are elected) Imitated Greek art, literature, science &

architecture Christianity was the official religion

Classical World

Page 4: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Feudalism replaced centralized governmentFeudalism: Kings allow nobles

use of land in exchange for military service & protection, serfs work the land

The Roman Catholic church became the most powerful force in Europe

Cathedrals and Monasteries became the only centers of learning (no schools for kids)

Middle Ages (500 – 1500 AD)

Page 5: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Crusades are a series of religious warsChristians are called to take back the

Holy Lands- Jerusalem- from Muslim control.

Considered a successful failure…Failure- They did NOT achieve their

objective to recapture the Holy LandsSuccess- They did set up trade routes

from the Middle East to Italy

Crusades (1000’s)

Page 6: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

1333- Starts in China

1348- spreads into Europe through trade routes in Italy

1350- Plague hits northern Europe

Estimated 25 million killed

Causes hysteria and reflected anti-Semitism

The Bubonic Plague

Fleas on Rats

Page 7: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Starts in Italy and spreads northA renewed interest in learning and art. Inspired by Classical Greece & Rome.

Renaissance (1300 – 1600)

Page 8: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Reformation- Movement to reform the Catholic Church (because of corruption)

1517- Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses against the Catholic Church (his arguments why the church needs to change)


•Many Protestant Churches begin (Lutherans, Protestants, Baptists, etc)

95 theses

Page 9: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

1500’s- 1800’s ; 3 G’s (God, Gold & Glory)

European nations set up colonies in lands they “discovered”- usually destroying the native cultures

Trade with colonies in the Americas, Asia, and Africa, brought great wealth and power to

European nations & increased Europe’s global influence


Page 10: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Began in Great Britain (large deposits of coal and iron)

Factories transformed life in Europe

Industrialized cities, improved transportation & communication

industrial revolution

The Industrial Revolution (1700’s)

Page 11: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Nationalism begins to grow in European countriesNationalism= a love for one’s country

By the 1900’s the Balkans have broken up into small countries that were fighting for control of the region.Balkanization= a region that has small

mutually hostile units

Is Nationalism GOOD or BAD?

Nationalism Grows 1700’s-1900’s

Page 12: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)
Page 13: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

World War I (1914 – 1918)World War II (1939 – 1945)

Holocaust: the mass killing of 6 million Jews & others by German Nazis (anti-Semitism)

Brought the downfall of western Europe as the center of world power

Leads to the Cold War

Conflict and Division in 20th Century

Page 14: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Most eastern European nations adopted Communism- creating the Cold War Satellite

nations-Nations dominated by another country


Page 15: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

End of WWII-1980’s

A “war” (w/out actual fighting) between Communist and Non-Communist nations

US (United States)- non-communist vs.

USSR (Soviet Union)- communist

Ends with the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe & USSR (1989)

Cold War

Page 16: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)
Page 17: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)
Page 18: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

After WWII Berlin & Germany were dividedWestern Germany =

democraticEastern Germany=


Berlin (capital) which is in East Germany was divided also by the Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall fell in 1989

Berlin Wall

Page 19: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)


Page 20: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

In the late 1980’s Communism falls- and the satellite nations are FREE from Soviet Control

1989 They have free elections and take control of their countries!

Fall of Communism (1989)

Page 21: 6000-3000 BC Farming spread from southwest Asia to southeastern Europe Europeans no longer had to move in search of food (Hunting and Gathering)

Supernationalism: outside or beyond the authority of one

national government.

This is the trend that is happening world wide. Countries are becoming interdependent on one another.

What two examples can you think of that we’ve already studied about in North & South America?

Cooperation and Unity(Supernationalism)

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