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    Jnis B iseniek s', Edgars Ozols^Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Econom ics (Latvia)THE PROBLEM OF WAREHOUSE OPERA TION, ITS IMPROVEM ENT A ND DE-VELOPMENT IN COM PANY S LOGISTICS SYSTEMAbstract. In the artiele author analyzes nature of warehouse in the company's logistics system, identifies main basic problemswith what businesses faees, while grappling with warehouse system tasks, as well as gives improvement and optimizationrecommendations of w arehouse operation.The basic problems with what faces warehouse logistics, is closely related to the business management and its leadership?! inan appropriate levels, where the most significant aspect of the problem is related to the warehouse network foundation, what isfollowed by warehouse mnage elaboration and finally operational level - the management of logistics process in the ware-house. In order to successfully grapple with warehouse mnage challenges, there must be given answers to a whale of ques-tions such as: option of warehouse ownership form, determination of amount of warehouses, placement of warehouse networkin definite geographic location, option of warehouse supply forms etc.The time and resources what allows to achieve significant results has to be invested in an improvement of warehouse opera-tion. So that the optimization wou ld be successful, it is done in eight stages - beginning w ith the identification of reasons , whatchanged the mnage efficiency of warehouse and concluding with the development of optimization project.KEY WORDS: Logistics, Warehouse, Management.

    IntroductionMovement of goods and production raw materials in the logistics chain is not possible without the necessaryconcentration of the stock in a flxed location and storing in corresponding warehouses. The movement of rawmaterials of goods through warehouses is associated with processes that increase the final value (costs) of goods.Thereby, functioning of warehouses in the logistics chain has a signiflcant impact on the movement of materials,vehicle use and tumover costs. In the author's view, warehouses are needed not only at the point where the pro-

    duction takes place, but also in other places, districts, cities, countries where the company's products are re-quested. In this case, the manufacturer sells its product to distribution warehouse which task is to store the prod-ucts and to deliver them timely in appropriate amounts to customers by offering qualitative services for service.Object: to analyze and determine what are the main problems in the warehouses mnage systems of the busi-nesses, as well as give recommendations to improve the operation.Tasks:I'" to explore theoretically the guidelines of the wareh ouse logistics;2" to identify the main problems in the warehouses mnage systems of the businesses;3" to give recommendations for warehouse mnage operation improvement and optimization.Research methods: monographic and abstractedly logical method, statistical analysis, deductive and induc-tive methods.

    1. Nature of warehouse in the company's logistics systemIn nowadays, storage is a complex technical structure, what consists of many together to related elements.The warehouse has a definite specific structure and it implements a range of functions which are associated withmaterial displacement, loading, unloading, reprocessing, and distribution of goods among consumers.

    Jnis Bisenieks, Mg.oec, Latvia University of Agrieulture, Faculty of Economics, Riga Teacher Training and EducationalManagement Academy, Faculty of Social Sciences.

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    Also important are the following warehouse system's parameters as decisions planning what is related totechnology and space utilization, facility design, multiple loads, which are foreseen for restructuring in ware-houses, etc. The warehouse is a system of elements that defines the technical requirements, sets goals and criteriain order to ensu re optimal functioning of the warehou se system. (BojirHH B .B. 2007 : 23) Based on the foregoing itis apparent that the warehouse system in the logistics chain has to be viewed as an integral part of it. Only in thisway it is possible to realize the accomplishment of key functions of warehouses and consequently achieve highprofltability level of logistics.By author's opinion in practice should be noted that in each individual case, each particular warehouse hasdifferent warehouse system's parameters, elements and structure. While building up the warehouse system it isnecessary to take into account the key principles, i.e., cost effective operation of the warehouse system can beachieved only then when the planning and management process takes into account all those factors that are di-rectly related to the warehouse system's operation. Prerequisites to ensure a cost effective operation of the ware-house system are (HHKOJiaiHyK B.E. 2007: 215):1" the exact determination of warehouse functional tasks;2'"* detailed serviced loads and material flow analysis in the warehouse and outside of it.Any costs what are resulting in the course of warehouse functioning must be economically justifled, i.e., anytechnical or rational implementation of the decision what is relating to capital investm ents, must be w ell-groundedby rational and expediency standpoint.In order to understand the nature of the warehouse system should need to know, what is the warehouse as thesystem's element key task? Warehouse main task is the concentration and storage of stock, as well as continuousand planned (rhythmic) ensuring of the demand (goods and other materials)(http://www /54-56.shtml, - 2009 . - February 25 ). Basic functions of the warehousecan be divided in four groups (Bejcikovs J., Praude V. 2003: 355):1. The transformation of produced assortment of goods and materials corresponds to consumer's de-mand, i.e., the building of necessary assortment for customer order's fulfillment. It should be noted that this fea-ture is particularly important in the distribution logistics. Classification of demand is as follows (Drury J.2003:186):a) Quantitative demand - this is required if the supply of goods and materials happens in quantities and inproduction they are used temporary;b) Timely demand - it is a demand for goods and m aterials in order to avoid interruptions (downtime) in

    production process;c) Qualitative demand - it is a demand what is leading the goods and materials to the quality improvementin the framework of the storage proc ess;d) Demand by value - it divulges as a goal to achieve cost advantages by not motivating it with the techni-cally or economically grounded causes.By author's point of view, if the required assortment is well placed in the warehouse, it helps to fulfill cus-tomer orders and expectations effectively and timely, thus supplying products to the extent what is necessary tothe client. Building of required (demanded) assortment in the warehouses facilitates efficient customer needsgratiflcation. He re we can moot two aspe cts (Bejcikovs J., Praude V. 2003: 356):1) Warehouse functions, ensuring plants with the necessary assortment of goods and materials;2) Warehouse functions, ensuring customers with goods and materials.2. Placing and storing allows to offset the difference between output of production and materials and con-sumption, as well as to implement a continuous production and make a stock of produced goods. The storage ofgoods is required due to definite type of goods consumption's seasonal character.3. Freight transportation and consolidation. This is explained by the fact that often there are situationswhen customers do not need the amount of goods or materials what are capable of providing efficient use oftransport, i.e., not provided a full freight. The author in his working practice often had to face such situations. Inorder to resolve this issue and reduce transport costs, warehouses can implement merging functions. In otherwords , the author had to think how to replenish smaller freights for several clients sim ultaneously.4. Possible services. To offer maximum amount of services, what would provide to the company a high levelof customer service, thus making the company more competitive. Services include (Bejcikovs J., Praude V. 2003:356): Preparation of goods for sale; Functioning test and assembly of devices; Pretreatment and sha pe's creation of goods; Transport services, etc.Usually warehouse process at least three types of material flow (Bejcikovs J., Praude V. 2003: 356):

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    As the material base for production process ensttring serves warehouse mnage. Warehouse mnage includes:site and buildings for storage of stocks of material resources, equipment for warehouse processing; devices ofweighing and measuring, fire safety equipment, systems for information collection and processing and tools. Thisis necessary (HHKOJianyK B.E. 2007:156): For material, product, structure, raw material, fuel stock storage. To ensure continuous supply of objects and configuration of stock. For loading - unloading and rational organization of warehouse work with minimal expense s. For proper use of the warehouse space and operation of wareho use equipment. For implementation of preparation and consum ption of production of material resou rces. For organization of centralized supply of materials and goods to consum ption places. To ensure the security of material value. For timely detection of surplus of material value.In practice, there are several problems what are associated with the successful functioning of the warehouse.Main of them is (HHKOJianyK B.E. 2007:176): The choice between private and public wareho uses; Numb er of warehouses and warehouse network placement; The size and location of wareho use; The choice of warehouse systems.Storage and processing systems in specialized logistics complexes and manufacturing businesses may includethe following typ es of wareh ouse s (HHKOJiaHyK B.E. 200 7:21 9; ) http://ww lad_lo g.htm , - 2009 -March 09):1. Material warehouses. They incorporate in the subsystem of preparation business and are provided forstorage of materials what are in the stage of the production stock. Central warehouses. Usually, warehouses of this group receive material resources from the suppliersand when they are recycled as needed forward them to the dealing out warehouses; Dealing out warehouses. They ensure manufacturing processes with materials, assembly componentsand labor resources; Joint venture, dealing out warehouses which exist mainly in small and medium sized businesses andcombines a central warehouse and dealing out warehouse.2. Manufacturing warehouses. Such warehouses are in the business structure of production's subunits. Tothem concems: Workshop warehouses; Storage comp artments; Tool wareho uses.3. The warehouses of finished products. It is a large group of warehouses and complexes, production stor-ing and processing systems which operates in the movement field. They ensure material flow advancement alongthe chains of mac ro-logistics.

    2. The problem of warehouse in logisticsThe business what has a warehouse mnage in a form of broad network, consist of individual elements -warehouses, and business can be attributed to the systems of micro-logistics. The formation of warehouse networkis a problem of strategic level and it is addressed, usually, in connection with the change of business strategy.Most often this occurs if changes are done to a market conquest strategy or sale amounts increases. In this case,landmark of warehouse capacity's distribution in "service site" is perspective market region and determination ofsales volume in each region. This is done by the marketing department (/^bicKan B.B., 3aiueB E.H., CepreeBB.H., CTepjiHroBa A.H. 2008: 392)In the appropriate period the business practically addresses the task of establishment of optimal logistics sys-tem. To solve this task, on the one hand, have to ensure minimiim costs which are associated with the advance-ment of freight flow to the end user, but on the other hand - have to ensure gu arantee serv ice of each cu stomer toa necessary level.According to considered methodology which is based on a system approach, all warehouse logistics tasks re-quire precise successive solution. It is well shown in Figure 1.

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    Figure 1. The main problems of warehouse logistics

    Strategical level

    Strategical and tactical level The optimization issue

    Operational level Logistics managem entorganization in the warehouseSource: JJbicKaH B.B., 3aifee E.M., Cepzeee B.M., Cmepjiuzoea A.H. 2008: 392

    From the Figure 1. can see with what challenges of warehouse logistics have to face professionals of logis-tics. Obviously, the challenges are different and depend on the solution -making level. In the strategic level thebusiness has to address the problem of storage network formation. Has to be determined exactly how many ware-houses will be required for successful product distribution. The optimization issue is addressed in strategic andtactical levels. Every business wants so that the warehouse mnage would be profitable and not loss making.In operational level business is deciding how can be organized the logistics management in the warehouse sothat it would be effective and successful. While determining the contours of the warehouse network, have to moveto micro-projecting stage, the place have to be chosen where to build or locate warehouse complex. This solutionmaking stage also refers to the solution-making at the strategic level. Warehouse tasks, intensity of freight flowand the warehouse's average level of goods stocks define the area of warehouse and spot size where will be builtthe warehouse mnage. Micro-projection's final stage is the choice of optimal solutions for volume planning bytaken into account the specificity of warehouse freights and customer requirements for order completion(/l,bi6cKafl B.B., 3aHueB E.H., Cept^eeB B.H., CTepnHroBa A.H. 2008: 393).

    By the author's experience, location of the warehouse complex has important role. If the warehouse is locatedat the place where concentrates the largest number of consumers, it allows to save business resources becausethere will be consumed less fuel, the mileage of vehicles will be insignificant etc. This is not happening always.The building of warehouses is very difficult in such places because beforehand you have to get a lot of coordina-tion documents. Usually in the places where is the most concentrated number of customers are located residentialhomes or other buildings. The operation of warehouse may disturb such objects. Another reason is related to thefact that purchasing the land area what is necessary for warehouse building is difficult. Even in that case if theentrepreneur got lucky and found a piece of land which can be rented for warehouse utilization, it is difficult tostart the business here. The reason of that is the high rents what increases the already high cost. By the author'sobservations, usually warehouses are located outside the city limits.

    Tactical planning sphere in the logistics is, e.g., the loads of producing capacities and distribution planning tocoordinate a buying plan, storing, management of stock and transportation. In the tactical level of warehouse lo-gistics, specialists of logistics are dealing with the optimization issues o already existing warehouses. The optimi-zation of warehouse operations will depend on the logistics process management in the warehouse.The solutions of warehouse logistics tasks always are practically associated with the selection of optimalvariant. The procedure of selection in simplified form includes flve stages: problem identification, the formationof constraints and criteria for decision-making, the search for alternatives, alternative evaluation and final selec-tion. From the positions of logistics the decision making during selection process should be optimal. And prob-lems of logistics have to be solved in a strict order: from strategic to operational level (Drury J. 2003: 444).While solving these problems answers are given to the questions which are related to warehouse logistics

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    Figure 2. The main questions while solving the problems of warehouse logistics

    Whatkiiid?How much?Where?How to supply?

    How much?Wliatkiiid?Wliat Capacity':'What aiKl Where?How to set up?

    HowtoMeas iue? H o w t o s e a u e ?How to organize?

    |bo giStils ma na gementI organization in theI warehouse

    Source: B.B., 3aitee E.M., Cepzeee B.H., C mepnuzoea A.H. 2008: 393On basis of the system approach principles for the analysis and synthesis of micro-logistics system, the tech-nology of system approach can be used to solve all problems of warehouse logistics, starting with the fonnation ofthe warehouse network and ending with the management of logistical process in the warehouse.Any business that has a warehouse or even a whole network of warehouses faces the problems of differentlevels, from strategic to operational level. All tasks which are solved within problems like these closely are linked

    among them and should be viewed in a precise order: strategic level of decision-making is related to the ware-house network formation (macro-projection) and with the establishment of a warehouse mnage in the buildingarea (micro-projection) (flbiocKaa B.B ., 3aHueB E.H., CepreeB B.H., dep jiHr oB a A.H. 20 08: 394).The management of business with such problems is dealing accordingly to the corporate strategy and datawhat are prepared by the management of logistics service. In the case of existence of working warehouse mnage,its functioning problem of optimization is solved already in tactical level logistics department is dealing with thefollowing problems. The last problem of the warehouse logistics and all tasks (management of logistics process inwarehouse) what are related to it is deah with the help of logistics specialists together with the main manager ofthe warehouse and they have operational character.By the author's work experience functions of warehouse logistics, as well as other realization of logisticalfunctions in practice requires precise interaction of logistics department with other departments of the business.Coordination's ensuring with other departments is the base of effective functioning of any business structure.The planning of warehouse logistics begins with the solving of strategic tasks, the structures of warehousenetwork, which are necessary for implementation of business goals has being defined. In fact, the fonning ofwarehouse network helps business to cover a maximum outlet to adapt to changes of external environment withminimal damage from lost sales.The first and main problem which is being addressed at the strategic level - it is the forming of w arehousenetwork. In this stage of planning business practically solves the task of establishment of optimal logistics system.To solve this task has to ensure, on the one hand, the minimal costs which are associated with freight flow ad-vancement to the end consumer, but on the other - guarantee service of each customer to a necessary level. Thisstage can be described as a warehouse netwo rk macro-projection stage in the outlet.The strategy of warehouse network's forming requires solving of following tasks (/l,bi6cKaa B.B., 3aHueBE.H., CepreeB B.H., CTepjiHroBa A.H. 2008: 398): The choice of storage strategy of warehouse stocks in warehou ses (the choice of warehouse property

    form, which is intended for stocks accumulation); The definition of number of warehou ses to ensure all regional sales coverag e, by taking into account con-

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    The optimal resolution of pointed tasks is the basis for effective functioning of the business and its competi-tiveness in the market.A second problem of warehouse logistics is related to the development of warehouse mnage project what isensuring the establishment of warehouse and adequate infrastructure taking into account the economic advisabil-ity and technically - technological necessity. In this stage is solved micro projection problem what includes a gen-eral plan the development of warehouse structural area. In case of inefficient work of warehouse mnage the busi-ness is dealing with the problem of warehouse and its infi-astructure optimization. List of tasks and solution se-quence is similar, however, will have to begin the dissection of planned activities and compliance of the adoptedoptimization criteria.The basis of effective work of wareho use m nage is rational solving of such tasks as (/JbiGcKaa B .B., 3aHueBE.H., CepreeB B.H., CTepjinroBa A.H. 2008: 398): Dev elopm ent of the general plan;

    Choosing the warehouse type; The calculation of wareh ouse capacity requiremen ts, taking into account com pany's prospec ts; The choice of optimal system of warehou se storing which will provide capacity of warehou se for max i-mum us, if the total expenses are minimized for the system's establishment and exploitation.Management of logistics process in the warehouse is the final problem within warehouse logistics which im-plementation is related to solving of the following tasks: Providing of the man agem ent of the logistics process in the ware house ; Ach ieving logistics coordination with other departm ents that provide advancem ent of goods through thewarehouse (procurement, m arketing, sales and other departments); The organization of freight handling in the wareh ouse.It may be noted that solving of any warehouse logistics task is closely related to other tasks and requires acomplex and methodical approach. While solving localized tasks without guidance on the offering methodologywill not be able to provide optimal conditions of warehouse, mnage of warehouse and functionality of warehousenetwork.

    3. The optimization of warehouse mnageWith the tasks of warehouse mnage optimization deals the management of logistics department in the tacti-

    cal level. Logistics must deal with the optimization problems of warehouse mnage in the result of externalchanges, what puts the other goals and tasks, both for the business logistics system, and the warehouse. The opti-mization process of warehouse mnage can affect the building, its technical equipment and storage infrastructure,as well as organization of technological processes in the warehouse.Procedure of solution development optimization takes place in this order (/lucKaa B.B., 3aMueB E.H.,CepreeB B.H., CTepjinroBa A.H. 2008: 444):1) Are defining the reasons that changed the warehouse mnage efficiency in the logistics system;2) Are assigned a new functionality warehouse mnage aims in the company's logistics systems range. Whilesetting the goals on which must be oriented operation of the warehouse mnage, it needs to formulate them quitespeciflcally with direct evaluation possibility. For example: Increasing of the number of orders in one hour for3% , reducing of wareh ous e's costs for 2% , service level increasing to 87% . Defining of aims covering global ob-jectives which are related to the business logistics system and concrete localized aims of warehouse mnage func-tionality;3) The restrictions are defining for the warehouse functioning which are introducing in the operation of logis-tics system. These may include:

    Impo ssibility of wareh ouse renovation; Shortage of a barcode on incoming products; Usage of existing facilities; Fixed stock levels in the wareh ouse; W arehouse work in two shifts; Impo ssibility of changes of wareho use staff plan;4) The parameters are designed for the warehouse operation evaluation and the criteria are selected for opti-mization.Evaluation parameters should be measurable: The size of wareh ouse's costs - LVL / 1 ; Tim e of order comp letion - one hour;

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    7) Development of the optimization proposals. Technically - economic justiflcation development for optimi-zation and reorganization (designing of warehouse, technological and logistical processes in the warehouse) inorder to optimize the warehouse mnage. Processes that are related to the warehouse mnage reorganization areconducted according to the warehouse mnage designing algorithm;8) Development of the optimization project:

    The defining of work schedule with references of phase completion terms, funding phase amoun ts andterms defining; Outcomes of the project phases; The resotirces needed for project implem entation; Budget of the project.While developing some alternative options there is necessity to choose an optimal design solution options ac-cording to certain criteria. On the conclusion phase of the design wo rks may be promp ted efficiency rating of thereviewing optimization variants.

    Optimization of warehouse mnage requires a full analysis of all warehouse mnage. The analysis is per-formed, by taking into account: The flow of goods which pass through the warehouse; The master plan of warehouse mnage; Solutions of the warehouse block planning (basic kinds of prem ises); Freight handling technologies; Information systems provided to wareho use manag emen t; Structure of the warehouse personnel organization and used motivation system; Used accounting system for warehouse work and its evaluation while serving clients; Developm ent and execution of plans; Wareho use costs.

    ConclusionsThe main objective of logistics is the advancement of work's efficiency, the expansion of outlets, and the ad-vancement of competitiveness and profit's maximization;The main objective of warehouse logistics is the creation of warehouse network and the optimization of logis-

    tical process in the warehouse;The forming of warehouse network is a problem of strategic level, and it is handled, usually, in connectionwith the changes of business strategy;Problems of logistics have to be solved in a strict order: from strategic to operational level;Any solving of warehouse logistics task is closely related to other tasks and requires a complex and methodi-cal approach;Warehouse network is a complicated technically - economic system which analysis and synthesis should bebased on a system approach and appropriate logistics methodology;The specialization of warehouse affects objects of production and consumption, as well as physically-chemical properties of materials;All warehouses, irrespectively of their characteristics can be fixed as a minimum of three types of materialflow: ingoing, outgoing and intemal;Irrespectively ofthat the storage function is realized or not, the material flows in warehouses, usually, trans-forms by its own characteristics;The process of warehouse mnage optimization can affect as building, its technical equipment and infrastruc-ture of warehouse, as well as the organization of technological processes in the warehouse.

    Suggestions Entrepreneurs who are making warehouse system must have higher education and meaningful w orkexperience in logistics so that they could properly organize warehouse mnage and follow the mainbasic principle while building warehouse system; While addressing the question about the choice of warehouse type, all business leaders should analyzetheir production's demand and tumover, as well as other product-specific features, which can affect

    the choice of warehouse type; The designers of the warehouses has to be able not only to calculate the required area, but also to ad-

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    There are many formulas to determine the location of warehouse. However, for the business directorswould be good to know a few of them, so they understand the benefits of the chosen warehouse place.There are many specialized economical literature with which it can be done;Often the problems of logistics have to address not only the professionals of business department oflogistics, but also specialists from other departments. It is important that the manager of each depart-ment gives its employees a clear description of tasks what will help to grapple with logistics problems.References:

    1. Belikovs J., Praude V. (2003). Logistika: M cbu grmata. - Rga: Vaidelote;2. Drury J. (2003). Building and planning for industrial storage and distribution: Learning bo ok for students a ndbusinessmen - second edition - Oxford: Arehitectural Press;3. HHKOJiaHHyK B.E. (2007). TpaHcnopmno - CKJiadcKan jiozucmuKa: yHeOHoe nocone. - MocKBa: H3aaTejibCK0 -ToproBaa KopnopauHJi ,JlamKOB H K " ;4. Pojib u (pyHKiiuu cKada. (2009, February 25): [Online] / KopnopaTHBHbiii MeHe>KMeHT. - ;5. CKJiadbi 8 jiozucmuKe (20 09 , M areh 9) : [O nline] / JIorHCTHKa: 3aflaHH H (JiyHKUHH. - ;6. flbicK ad B.B ., 3aHiieB E.H., CepreeB B.H., CTepjiHroBa A.H. (200 8). JlozucmuKa: YqeHHK. - MocKBa: 3KCMO.

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