
50G H1· itish Fl nnts and fl tmtsmen.


'I'll! ·: \\'est Carbery Hun t was insli tute< l as a p rivate pack by Colollel .J ohn Becher, o[ Holly­brook, JI Car i::l kibbercen, county Cork, in the yea r 1760. l'rior to J750 this gcntl r nwn had lived at ll <il hen l.ow n. In the last-mtmecl year he bu il t Hol lybrook, whNc len yea r~ Jnter he erected

kciiJH' is for Iris h01111ds. Aller hi s death the Colo11Cl's eldest son, Richard , took over the pack, and engaged 011e J ohn

!lawn as huntsman. Tlw latter rcnwin cd in offi ce till 1805, when :\fr. Hichard Becher res igned the :\ l a ~te rsh i p in f'ai.OIIr ol: hi ti second son, Henry. This gentleman removed the hounds to new

kennels 1rh ich he had built at l1 is place, Hathenloml , the ] lolly-

.\Ill. HI~N Hr DECII EH.

brook ke11 nels re1na in ing empt.\' nnt il 18:2-l, 1rhen tltr.1· lrNc p1 ill cd


clown. J le hun ted ltO und i-i hilll seH, and provid d the country with excellent sport till he retire(l in ] 838. Iu that year he presented the n1ajor portion ol his pack to h is rousin, Capta in I ledges, of :\ l:wroom Castle, county Cork, who m1s then :\ la ste r of the :'If us kerry, but the latt er, hOI\'CI'CJ', dying in llte SHill('

year, had no opportun it,l' or hn nting the hO lllldS.

:\ lr. l lenr.r Beclwr cli Pcl in I '-10, and :for a period of some te n or twelve years the fam ily is uot heard o.l in connection with the Hnnt. At that·

t.in1 e, h01rever, there was alread,v a pack Mastered by Captain Sand y O '.Dr i ~coll. It had bPe lt star ted b.v i\fr. Thomas Somerv ille, of .Dr ishane, in the 'twr lltip.· oJ: the nilleteentll ep ntury, and was carri ed on until 1 8:~8, ll'hen the country relinqu islwd hy 1\ l'r . ll cnr_l' i{ec lwr 11·as added to its boundar ies.

'aptain O' Driscollwas an ard E' 1tt sportsnmn , and (levoted h is whole rortu ne to 1111nting. lie died in (;ork, in unfortunate strai ts, in 18-1-7. l;or the next ft1·e years the West C'a rber.1· conntry 1ras worked b.\' a ·cratch pack hunted hy 1\ l'r . \\' illiam Ularke, of Skihberecn, and othe r~ .

:\ fr . .Tohn Tl ichard T~l cd ges 11cclwr, son or the afore-mentio ned Mr. Henry Becher, then took ()I'Cr the ent ire co un try and the hou1td s. li e purchased ] loll y brook rrom his eousin, l\Jr. Richa1·d JJ.cdgco Bceher, and erected new kenn els on the site or those built hy h is grand father. Jfe hunted hottnds himself, and had as first whip Dan Leaghey, 1rho had been:\[!-. ] lcnr.v Hcelwr's kennel hunts1nan.

In addition to the 15 couplrs of hounds, Mr. J. n. H. Becher bought drafts froln the \\ 'est Kent, and al so Lord Carbery's hounds, t11·o of 11·hi ch tu rned out excellent ;; irei:i .

In H\56, :\h·. Becher sold hi s pack to Colonel Yeh erton, brotlter ol Lonl .\ rolllnore, and they were tn ken lo Limerick, after ll'h ich they 1rcre sent to the No rth of I reland.

In orde r to main ta in hunt ing in tha t pa rt of the country, j'd r. Becher gpne rously lent 10 couples of. hounds, 11·hich were at walk, to a Committee, 1rho avpoint ccl 1-lr. l.eri s as lraster. New kC' II neh-; 1rcre erected in 01 85 7 at Co rk Hoad, Skibbcreen, by public subsc ript ion, a1 1d here for the nc.\t six years l11 e houn c-ls were kennell ed .

Captain ?l lorgan, of Bunalun, ~ ueccecled Jk Levis, 1rho after t11·o ~easu ns aga in became }\ Jaster. He engaged Dan T..1Paghey as fi rst 1rhip, and hi s fath er, 1rho kH I sp n·ed in the same eapac ity to '.\Jr . .T . .11. I f. Becher, was Jlladc krHn eln1an .

'l'llP hormclnri rs of the ] l11nt cxt<' IHl ecl north-east as fa r as C'onnonagh, where l'll PY joinPd the count ry ltuntrd hy }[r. Harry l[ungerford's 1-larr ierti; in all other directions the country ll'as unli mitecl.

?'l1e \rest Carbe1·y. 507

In 18(rJ , i\ l r . . T. n. II . TIPchn, wii O ~:; i nce hi ,; rl's ig na ti OII had hrrn li l· in g in co unt.v Donegal ,

C.\l''I'A I N .\101{0 .\;\,

r d ul"lw d to h i~ l10m c, a nd ag ain t·oo.k o n th P du t ieH o r :\ las te r.

On ly l"o r two seasons , ho,,·c ,·er, l"o r th e h o und s 11·cre so ld in J8 (i:-\

to :\r1·. 'l'h 01na s !-::n oll e~, i\ lastc r o r t lw ::So ut lt .Un ion.

'l'he \\" es t Car bory c-o untr.1· the n rem ained unhunted hy fox ­

h o und s ti ll IX\J 1, al th oug h i11 ISGtJ the ] 2th Lancers bro ug h t t he ir

pack o f' ·w elsh h a rri e rs to f::l kibhe reon . ' l'h psc 1rer e b o ug ht by p ubli c

~ ubsc ri pti o n , a nd lnll1ted hy i\Jr. J. R. n. "!lec her till J 8 7:!, wh e n th e

p ack 11 a~ d ispe rsed. Also in the w in ter o f 1885--8(j ~lr. Hi <·hard

lkmu is h , oi l( nockmacool , brought hi " h ound s to vis it tl10 f::l ki b lJer een

co unt ry, and n•1· i1·ed spor t fo r t hat one season, after whi ch ln1n1"in g

11·a s unknmn1 in the \\"est Carbcr.1· t011nlry t ill 1891.

]n th at year ".\Jr. . \ ylm er Cogh ill f::lo nl t' l"l"ili o, t hird ROll o r Li e ut.­

C'olo nol. Romen ille, o r J1r is hauc, Jorm ed a C'ommi ttec, o f 11·hi c h

('o lo ne l 'l'he O ' Donova n, th e la te Dr. \\ "i ll iam .J ennin gs, tlto la te

".\ l"r . T ow ns he nd o r :\[yross \\"ood , Capta in \\' e lclt, H .:\1. , ancl Capt<~in

\\"arre n. H.:\., we re prom in Pnt membe rs, and Joxh o nnd s 11·e rc r e­

esta bli s hed in \\'est C'ar bory . . \ pack oJ ·14 co up les wa ;; p1 1rc hn scd

Jr om ".\ fr . ll enry Clar e, 11·ho h ad hunted th e m in co un ty Cork ;

som e m o re couples 11·er e boug h t lse 11·h er e, and the pack wns ho used in k ennelR on Colonel

So nw rv ill e's p r op erty. ".\lr. Som erv ille was the :\fas ter , aDd hunted th e h o und s himseH; hi s firs t

11·hip , from J 80 1 to 1893, was i\ f. Collins , who was s ucceeded by T imoth y C r01d e.1·, 111(' latt e r

n• nw inin g fir~ t ll"hip ti ll HJ03 .

F rom t"im e to t ime :'llr. L\ylmc r Som er vill e improved th e pack by p 11rc:has i11 g drnfts, ch ie ny from

1"110 'J' i,-_,·s id <• . U nl"or t un atc,ly in 1\ ng us t , 18 07, rab ies vis ited th r k enn els, ancl th e w hole p ack ,

co ns is t in g o l: l S couplPs, had to IH' p nt d01r n. lfo,,-c,·c r, within six

wee ks a la1·gc p u bl ic S11 b sc·ri pti on h ad bee n ra ised, a Jres h. si te 11·as

g iven by Colonel Some rvill e, a nd ne w and excellen t kennels we re

e rec ted at Dri sh a ne, r ead y fo r t he -10 couples o[ h ou nd s, ll"hi c h had

bee n. gt' ltero usl_,. p rese nted to th e I h 1n t, in t hi s tim e o r s t ress, IJy Yari o u,; \[a~ tc r~, in c luding th e I l11.k c of Bea ufor t, Lord Yn rhoroug h,

i\1r. (' . 11. \\"r ig h t, and :'l l r. :\ le rthy r G uest. The b est run durin g

:'l fr. Som er ville's ".\[aste rship took pl ace in :\ larc h, 1.89 7. The meet

ll"ns a t Ri nce n, 1rhe re houn clf; ro und. The l"ox nm to th e coast at

S ke ha na , skirted the vill age o r L"nion I Ja il, ran thro ug h th e townland

o r 1\awn lah a n, and pass in g by Let ter , HPn , and Bluidh, was k illed in tho tO \\·n]an.d of Gurthbreac. 'rho po int wa s but a sn1a..ll one, but ns ~-'··om(l/ll•r/raitleuruuu~"uc()(Jhil

COT.O:\ E J .. SO :\I I·; !tV JI~_LI:;,

h ound s ran th e dis ta nce 11·a s near ly twen ty miles, th e tim e b<• in g

·1 h o ur 50 minutes. The on ly f"ollOII·rrs who fini sh ed ll"er c the :\l as te r, on .Jo ker , the whi p, an<l

:'l lcssr s. Ca in 0':\faho nr and C: . O'DonoYa n. Ther e 11·e n' onl y fi,·c s hoes left on tb e l"ec t o f th e

four h or ses. Tn .L D03 :'l lr. 'o me rl"ille re~ ign ed. , and was ,; ucceeded by hi s siste r, :\ I iss !~ <lith m. So mcr vilk,

wbo bo ug ht thr pack, c:o ns i8tin g o [ 1·1 co uples, and th e k e nn els Jrom t he C'o nllll il"tce. Mi ss Somen ·ill r

prom oted '1'. C ro wley to he huntsm a n with J. Alacl'a r thy as 1rhi p, a nd in 1000 th e ir pl aces 11·rr e

ta ke n re;;p ecti 1·ely by U eorge J Ir ati ie I" rom the lbdnor and \\"est H c•rcford sh ire, and flarry P ayn e

f1·o1n the ::Sou t h S hropsh ire. The pnck wa;; i ncr easecl to 20 co uples, a nd II" as improved 1>.1· <lm l"ts

Jrom th e T ipperary, ":1\ .FU J. ," J" ,i111 e ri ck , e tc. In l DOS l\ li s~> Somer vill e res ig n ed. H er p ack was

bo11g h t hy ( 'apta in. l'eacocke <tnd S ir Ucorgc Bulloug h for th e Led bury, George H ea tl ic go ing w ith

th em as huntsma n.

:'lfi ss Somer ville wa;; su cceeded by ".\ la jor Burns-L ind o11·. J lc, ho weYer , gaYe up the follo11·ing

year , ] 909, g i1·ing as his r easons for r esig ning lack of support and of foxes. Colonel Thr O'Donovan ,

503 lh·itish 1/unts ancl lhwtsmen.

or Liss Ani, has hec n ] lonorar.1· ~c"e re tar.1· of the Hun t Jrom l S0 i to ·1000, and aga in from ] 002 to 1010. For the past two srasons .\lr. ll. 'f. 13eamish, ol' ll are Hill , i\I.F. IL, the Ca rbery Ho,mds, has huntPd lite C'Olln tr.r one day a ,,·cok, '.\[iss ~omenill e having been lloJJ OI'Hry Secretary since l9l0.

In conclcc sion it mny be snid thai the \\'est Carbery co untry, though a difti cnlt one for both ho11nds and horses, i,; ono in 1rhicl1 for many yearo excell ent sport has bee n enjoyed, and alt,hough the Atlantic cliffs and th e wild clwraclor o£ <l good deal o[ th e co 11nl ry ad d to the prohlems of tho hun tslllan; they, howei'Pr, also sen·e to cnl tnnce the pec 11 iinr charm and intr rest of the hunting i11 1 his beauti f11l corner of ~l11n ste r.

Mr. A. c. '.\[1:. ! \Yi .. IIE I: Ct>UII II.I. ~om:II \'ILI.E , the third snniving son of the late Lie11t.-Colonel Somerl'ille, Somervi lle -- Master, o[ Jl ri :;hnne, 11·as hom on Seple111ber 23n l, 18G?i, ecll!ratcd at :King Will iam College, Is le oi '.\ ian , •891-19o3. anrl onbsequ ently enterPd the Cape Mounted H.iA e:;. ] le

)IH. ,\. C. :::0 .\IEHrli . L~:.

s'm sen·i cr· in ~o nth Afrirn J833- 3±, and with Lord ~ IP thu r n 's ll o1·se l S3;">- 8G.

llcturning to lrelau<l i1118SG, iVI.r. Solllervill e spent half a season l111nling 1ri1h the Jc octlH is kepi by i\Jr. Hi chan l Bea mi sh, senr., at Knoc kmacool. The tll'o Ioll oll'ing ~·ca rs he 1ras ranching in C'a li l'ornia, <tnd in l SSt\ marri rd the daught er of i\ Jr. D<tniel ~:ly k es, of ,\ lmond'b" r.1·, (I louceslersh i rr. Hi s son, Desmond , born in ISS0, and etlu t<tlcd <tt, \\ ' inc.:hester and Sandhnrst, is no1r in the 2,11h Hegiment, sl<ttioned at Quetta . He was blooded by hi ~ fa ther 1rhen nine years old .

From th e time o[ hi s marriage till the beginning o£ l0l 0 i\Ir. Somerville li vecl at hi s lJrother's seat , Dri shane. In ] 30 L he resuscitated the old West Carbery, and hunted the hounds himself l iP to the tim e of h is res ignation in J 003. Since that .1· e;~r he has h11nted ll'ith the \\'est Uarber.1·, but i11 1900, oll'ing to

a ball <tttack ol' rheumat i""· he 1ras ach·ised to move to another cl incate; he has, therefore, sin ce Ji ,·erl in 1\'iltsh irP, in tho heart o[ the So 11 th aucl West Wil ts country. Form erly he 11sed to have a month's hnn ting evf' IJ season 11·ith the 'lurk and Ainsly, Uramham '.\foo r, ancl Lord i\fiddleton',.;. Tl1e best hunters he eve r h;Hl 1rr rc Old Harry and Joker, h.1· Torpedo, dam by Asceti c; .Jokr r was foal rd in l SS i nnd shot in l\)07, nJter carrying his t11 astcr l'or l'ourl ern seasons.

Mr. Somerville spn ·rt l i11 till) South oJ Ireland 'Imperial Yeo111an ry Jrom 1903 to 100 7. li e is a kePII 1noto 1·i st, a.ntl is a meuclwr of the Autontob ile 1\ ssocial.ion.

i\fr. Socnervill e's first wire died in 1000, and in thr fol lowin g year he manied i\Jiss T11rner, th e daught·N o[ ~rr. \\' illinm 'J'ctrn er, of PonsonlJ.1· Hall , C' ll llli>r rhlllri. A keen motorist, he is a member or t ie r .\ ll i'OlliOhile ,\ ssoc iat ion. ]Je has been a J.P. fo r co unt,\· Cork since .1 392, and is a. 11\CndJP I' or the Cork Cou nt.'· ('l ub.

Miss E. <E. '.\l 1 ~~ Eo rr11 CEK11 X" 8fi.III·: III'II.LI·: is the Plcl er daughte r o[ the latP Lieut.-Colonel Somenill e, D.L., s~;::~!':~ or llr ishanP, Skiblwree n, f'OIIn ly Co rk , nnrl of .-\dela idP, daughter o[ Adm iral Sir ,J o~iah ('ogh iU ,

•9°3 · 0 9· third lla ronet, and grandtluughtrr or the Hight 1-fon. Char] ps Kendal Uushe, Lord Chiri ,J11stic·P ol: Ireland . '.\Lis,; oo nten·ill e studi ed art in the st11di os o[ Colaross i and Delecluse in Pari ,;, and at the Royal Wcstlllin stPr s~ h oo l or i\ rt in London. Heginn ing to rid e at the age of five, she \\'aS blootled to the West C;trlwr.'· hy .her g randfather (an uld ex-i\ Jnste r ol the I-lunt), anrl Stlhsequentl,v , d11ring the time t lw West ('n rbery 1ras donnant, has hunted 1r itlt the '.\Ieath; in England, too, shE' has had some days 1r ith tlw Quorn , Cottesmore, and 71 1 r. Fe rn iE·'s. In 1903 she succeeded her brother as Master of the \\'est Cnrber~· , anrl , having purchased the pack from the Commi ttee,

Th e 1 \'esi Cm ·beq; . 590

carri ed 0 11 th e J l11nt, with a s uh ;cri pt ion, unti l t.he 0nd o r llw season Hl08- 0D, wh en s he fo u1tcl it Miss E . <E.

ll C'CCHSary to g i ,.e 11 p ofli cc . ~ I iss Rm1J on ·i.!J e is ;_u.; well Somerville.

know11 in literary circ les as in the hunt iug fi e ld. The works jn quest io n havP, fo r th e 1nost part , been

wr it te n ill collaho ralion w ith h e r talPill e cl cous i11, ~ lt :;s

\ ' wt.ET ~f.II< Ti l\, who i ~ the yo ungeR! daug ht0r of tlw lal"t> i\ lr. James Mart i11 , D.L, o r l ~ o~"' c·ounry C:alwuy , and Ann a Selin <<, da ughte r oi .\J,·. ( ' ]l<~rl f's F'ox, o r Xe" ·p o rt , co t111ty L ongfor d. SIH' ' ' a g rf' at-grallcl­claught.e r oi .Judge F'ox, and a lso o f th e l( ig ht li on. Uba rles K endal Hu she, Lord Ch id .1 us tice of lrC' la llc\.

A keen hor,;c woman and n 10\·cr o f ho u1 Hi s, ) I iss Martill l1as liv0d at" Dris han e inl c rtllitl c·utly s incf' 188G, a nd was w0ll known with the \\ '0s l C'ariJ0ry h0fo r<' tl ~t'

ho und s we re di sp er sE'cl. He r Jitnar,y hho t11·s h:t \'f' he0u :ma ny , most of our reader s h(-• i11 g douiJt iP:-.;s acqnai 11t N I

with many int l? rl?s ting contributi on,; to the -::..-alional ' ''"''ob,l/rdli•'!l"""''''''."'''•(~-- l?er iew, Oo1 -rLI1 ill , Hlae /; u·oocl, Pte· ., e- manating J'ro lll hPr

) I Is:s ~:. u.:. :so:m: Itnu .~: 0~ 'l'A 1w H~::s •l. p en. In_ col la borati on \\·jth her c-ousin , 1\1j ss Sorn erYi ll <• ,

sh P hn s ul1-io g i ,·en HA i \ n {?·,:sh Cnns in, Tl1 e T?eal

Chm·loLte, '.l'l1 e Sdce1· F'ox, N abot/, '.s Vineym·d, Some E x zJe?·iences of an b·ish R .M. , rl U on the h ·ish S ho1·e, 8ome h ·ish \ · este1'Clays, l•'m·the1· E x l'eTienees of em h · /l.J/., and othe r en te rla inin o- "-o rks, all o f' t ltc 111 1nitte n und er h er nom-de-pln nt e o r " Martin T~os,;."

~ I It S . HAc:~ t·:u , (nee ~ I i ~s Fanny ~J o ,·ga u ) is the You ngest daug h ter oJ the late l'apta i11 Morgan , of Bunalun , who was ~f, ste r of the \Vest Curhe ry Fox­hounds Irom 185 7 to JSGO. i'i h0 b egan to hunt in HlGl. \Yith the \\ ' est Carbc r~ ·, \\'he n that ll uu t was re;;u sc itated by )Jr. ~\y l mer • omenille. i:>h e Jo llowed

the pack :regularly until h e r marriage in 1906 to the late Dr. \\' ilJinm lleury Bag nell , l. ll., the well-known sp ec ia lis t.

Fron1 that t int e )Irs. H;~gue l l k1" h11utcd witlt hou nds.

the Pa11

'J'Ite la te Dr. H<~gn ell , who d i0tl l\111, where h e had a r esitl cnc·c . pa rti cular ly k een on hunt ing .

1.11 J!)Hl, waR a Jreq uent ,·i ;; il o r at A\11 a-11 - rotiiH I ~por1 s mnn , h P \\'a S

) Irs. Bag nell 's 1\ng lo-Arab l1or :=;e ::\ rars wns \n..•ll kno\\'n in Fran c·<>,

where h e won a lot of race" . ' l'h<' I wo h es l s lw ltno now arc .Pros pl? r a nd G ill , the la tter a French tlto roug h b.rPcl.

Miss V . Martin.

1\o\rs. Bag ne ll.

T H E Hu·. I LII<t< Y Ht-:GIIEi t is tlt e eldest so11 o l' tlt.P lah> -:'llr . . J olttt Rev. H.

l ~ i charcl lJecl ges Bech er, MastC'l' of th e \V est, ( 'arlw ry, <tnd g rea t-T ilt: J.A"n : 0 11. w. Jl , ll .\0~10:., 1 .. great-g randson of th e follndPr o r the pack, Colon C'l J olin Becher, or

] Lollybrook. The s ubject of tlt ese 11 otes \\' as horu on August 2 ttd , 1852, at Hol l.ybrook , the Jnmily seat, and b looded to hounds as a n in fan t, b efo t·c he can rem ember

4 H


R:ev. H. Beche r.

Lady Coghill .

GOO B-•·itish lf 11nts and Huntsmen.

t he .incide nt , hy hi s Ca tlte r. Edu c>1tccl at yem·s ( 18 72- 7G) in Australi a an d E gyp t.

i\ li dletou Coll ege, coun ty Co r k, h0 altermtrd s spent fi ve II <' t lw n Rl ud iccl at the 11 oyal c\gri cul t ur<tl Colleg e ,

Ci rencest0 r, and , s nbseq ue nt]_,- dec iding to en te r H oly Orders, r ead 11· ith hi s 11ncle, tlt e L)ea n of Li smo rP, be ing orda in0d 111

~ ~~3 -

His Jirst c uracy was at L is lea, "' c·ounty Corle In J 885 he wen t to Suncl!'r­land , and "' I H8X was appointed to H oughton-le-Spr ing . ln t he latter yea r lw m arri ed %oe, daug h ter o f Mr. Halph :'l l ilktnk l ludsou, o f Shotto n l la ll , and lta" " f,l!ll ily o[ two SO UR, '11 ('111'.)' Owen llctiJt· idgccourt llpche r and Ha lph ll icha rd l•' reder ick lleehe r. [Tis eld e r son , who

" ''" ho m in ~ ~~!l , a llll blooded a t the ag<' o [ seven, wati CLht caled at :\l a rl boroug h, w he re h e was in tho Yootba ll X I, a ud

boxed fo r the SchooL In IJcccmh<' r, 1000, he passed ou t of Sa ndh 11 rs t ·in to

t·he Ca mcrunian::.; , and i ~ now :-;e n ·i 11 p: in HJ oemfontei1t. S in c-e 1801 :'lrr. Heche r has b ee n Hf'c·to r of C'aot iPha,·Pn, nca r S kibbe recu, and up to 1 00~ hu ntecl

occaR i o n~l l y with th e \\ 'e>'l Ca rher_,-_

oJ: l lt i.IJI-:U.\1:01-: I , \ IJ\- Cou 111 LL i" the ,vo u11 getit daug hte r o f tho late Co lone l Somer vill e, ll.l •. , .j_ P. , Dri sh<tll l',

S ki iJ b e ree tL S l10 hega n hunting w ith

t he llrPa t h i 11 188 7, and Slll CC 1 ~!) 1 ,

whe n he r brothe r, i\.lr. Aylme r Sont ­c r vil le, resus­c itated t ho \Vt>st Carhery, h as followed hon nds regll- J '/rOf<>/.1.~ //>1" 1/i(J(JI"IIjolt/C•!//'r·r • <,

la rl y. She 1 •. \U'a: t.:OO IILI, r, ASU )11; 1 ~ :'OS:>.

ma rr ied , in l l'\93, S ir l~gCI' to n .\. Coghi ll, Haronel' , o f U len 1-larrahnne, a11d ha s a fami ly of three sons and a clat tg ltte r. 'He r <'ld0s t so 11 , P>1tr ic k, no 11· at -llaileybu r.' · ('oll t>ge, and hr r oth er two so 11 ; ha,-e a ll b een b looded to ho u11d s.

L<td_,- Coghi ll i:; t ho pi onee r o[ I he scie nee ol v io-IN-larmiug in t he l:lolJtlt oJ h claml. In the ea rl _,, days o[ the presl' nt century s he own ed a nota ble hors<', :Ki11g, hy i\lay Tloy,

which h ad been boug ht hy l\fr. 1\_dmer Somen ·i]I P i11 J ~99. King won the Grs t pr ize fo r hun te rs at the Ca rbe ry Ag ri c ultuml Socie ty's Show at S kihbt'reP tl in 100-L l [e r Ladysh ip 's bPst mo unt now is Bu ttercup.

Lady Coghi ll is a membe r o l' the :\ew Century Cluh, Lond on, a ud Jl,· es at C+lt'n 13a rmhan e, Castleto wnshe ncl, S ki bbereen, co unty C'o·rlc

The West Oa1·be1·y. liUl

Mns. Wtr. l.l A~ l STt·; WAII'L' Dtw• t·:s, 1rho ha:; hunted from childhood, ha:; folloll'ed the C.:a rlo1r and Island lor many seasons, and also hunts 1rith the C.:arbery, Muskerry, tlo uLh Union, Kildare, and Castlecomer.

Her favou rite hunters at present are the bay, Tommy, and her black ma re, '.'I lona, the latte r being home-bred.

Mrs. w. s.


Among the lady Iolloll'f' rK oi the \\'est ( 'arbery is :MJ::io H. Miss H. M. Morrogh.

lrRS. W. S. 'DU:\I' I\S.

MAcC,IttTJJY 1Vfotu10G tr, of Innis Beg, Creagh, coun t.'· ( 'ork.

C'oL01<EL 'I'm: 0' Do\'OI'A?\

('.\ lo t:G \ )1 W Jr.L tHt O'DosOI'A!\) acted as I ronorary Secretary from 1897 unt il lDOD, and was succt>erl Pd hy Mis~ T•:di th Sonwr­,· ill r . Hr i ~ the only son o[ th e late ll enry \\' . O'Donova n (Tlw O'Donovan), cl1i el ol the ;uwient Trish Srpt of O' Donol'an, of ('Jan Cathal.

He wa. ed ucated at Haileybury, and '.\ ragdalen Coll ege, Oxfol'(l (11 .. \. H\Ril). Hrceivecl a. co lll mi ssion in the South Cork


prizes 11·ith her little boat "Thea. 1."

'.\ rili tia. (now 'lth Special Heserve lllSS II. ~1. ) IORROG H.

Battalion Hoyal ~ l ml R I !:' r Fusi li ers), I HI ; served as major ll' ith tho battalion in South .\ lri(·a, 1900-02, an(l noll· coniJJia ll ds it. li e is a .J.P. and J).L. for the count.1· of Uork, au d 1ras ll igh Sheri II in 189!!.

Jle marr ie( l (1892) l\Jary l•: leanor, on ly daughte r o[ the HeY .. ) . Ym'ker Barton, late Chaplain to the Fon;es, and hn s three sons and one daughter.

.i\clch ess : ti ss Arcl, Skibbereen, c:o unty Corle

i\lt 8S C tt.lllLO'l'l'E Ftl .ISC ES Ll'CY S i' .l tGJJT is a daughter o£ Colonel \\·. F. Spa ight, R.E. She began to hunt in 1903, and is now one of the most enthusiastic rid e1·s to hounds in her part oJ: the coun try. J\lliss Spaight is abo a keen vachtswoman. She is a mendJer ol' the South Co rk Sa iling Club, an d has wou several

4 H 2

Co loneiThe O'Donovan.

Miss C. F. L. Spaight.

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