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5 REASONABLE REASONSto be unreasonable

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"Now, let’s all be reasonable about this…"

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Chances are that you’ve might have heard someone say that at some point in your life.

It is a natural appeal to logic.

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Chances are that you’ve might have heard someone say that at some point in your life.

It is a natural appeal to logic.

And sound advice in most cases. People usually don’t like it when you’re being irrational

and stubborn.  

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Chances are that you’ve might have heard someone say that at some point in your life.

It is a natural appeal to logic.

And sound advice in most cases. People usually don’t like it when you’re being irrational

and stubborn.  

But here’s a secret. If you actually want to make a difference in the world, you’d be wise to change up your tactics and act unreasonable once in a while.

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Chances are that you’ve might have heard someone say that at some point in your life.

It is a natural appeal to logic.

And sound advice in most cases. People usually don’t like it when you’re being irrational

and stubborn.  

But here’s a secret. If you actually want to make a difference in the world, you’d be wise to change up your tactics and act unreasonable once in a while.

Why? Here are some pretty reasonable reasons

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Reasonable people will often tell you:

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Reasonable people will often tell you:

“Keep your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground.”

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Reasonable people will often tell you:

“Keep your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground.”

They mean well, but consider the opposite for a moment.

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Acknowledge your surroundings and the corresponding limitations, yet adopt the unreasonable belief that you can change that situation. Dare to dream bigger than yourself and your team.

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Acknowledge your surroundings and the corresponding limitations, yet adopt the unreasonable belief that you can change that situation. Dare to dream bigger than yourself and your team.

Your vision might turn out to be utopian, but…

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Acknowledge your surroundings and the corresponding limitations, yet adopt the unreasonable belief that you can change that situation. Dare to dream bigger than yourself and your team.

Your vision might turn out to be utopian, but…

“a map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at” - Oscar Wilde

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“Tweet us @FloownHQ” - Oscar Wilde

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People like to use the fact that we went to the moon as an argument that anything can be achieved.

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People like to use the fact that we went to the moon as an argument that anything can be achieved.

“I don’t care if they say that it’s impossible. I want it done!”

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People like to use the fact that we went to the moon as an argument that anything can be achieved.

“I don’t care if they say that it’s impossible. I want it done!”

Now that’s just plain illogical. And thus exactly what you should do.

This will drive your team insane.


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They will hate you.

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They will hate you.

They will fight you.

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They will hate you.

They will fight you.

They will shout and scream that ‘you’re being unreasonable!’

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They will hate you.

They will fight you.

They will shout and scream that ‘you’re being unreasonable!’

But then they’ll see what they’ve achieved

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They will hate you.

They will fight you.

They will shout and scream that ‘you’re being unreasonable!’

But then they’ll see what they’ve achieved

AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU…(Or fear and respect you. Anyway, the results are the same)

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mailing list


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It stands to reason that as a leader, you are the glue that holds the team together.  

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It stands to reason that as a leader, you are the glue that holds the team together.  

It would be unreasonable to pursue a situation where you are no longer needed.  

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It stands to reason that as a leader, you are the glue that holds the team together.  

It would be unreasonable to pursue a situation where you are no longer needed.  

Guess what? That’s what you should do.

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Search for people who are more talented than you in some specific area and build a team around you that ultimately renders you obsolete.

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Search for people who are more talented than you in some specific area and build a team around you that ultimately renders you obsolete. Not literally of course.

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Search for people who are more talented than you in some specific area and build a team around you that ultimately renders you obsolete. Not literally of course.

Your team needs you to be unreasonable once in a while and set out directions, but when you find that your team doesn’t really need you anymore for the day-to-day business, you’re on the right path.

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At some point you might find yourself in a situation where business isn’t booming.

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At some point you might find yourself in a situation where business isn’t booming.

A natural and reasonable response would be to get a bit cranky. You might even start doubting yourself.

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At some point you might find yourself in a situation where business isn’t booming.

A natural and reasonable response would be to get a bit cranky. You might even start doubting yourself.

Or start questioning your product.

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At some point you might find yourself in a situation where business isn’t booming.

A natural and reasonable response would be to get a bit cranky. You might even start doubting yourself.

Or start questioning your product.

??? ??

?? ??

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Always stay confident and believe that what you’re doing is the right thing. Not because it’s wrong to change your opinion, but because people expect consistency from a leader.

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Always stay confident and believe that what you’re doing is the right thing. Not because it’s wrong to change your opinion, but because people expect consistency from a leader.

So be stubborn and consistently confident.

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Always stay confident and believe that what you’re doing is the right thing. Not because it’s wrong to change your opinion, but because people expect consistency from a leader.

So be stubborn and consistently confident.

It will eventually reflect on your team’s moral and give them the same, unreasonable yet efficient, confidence needed to go the extra mile.

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Yes. At last we get to that famed, maybe even a bit clichéd, George Bernard Shaw quote. You can’t leave it out, because it’s just so darn good…

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Yes. At last we get to that famed, maybe even a bit clichéd, George Bernard Shaw quote. You can’t leave it out, because it’s just so darn good…

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

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It’s like that old children’s story about the egg, the carrot and the coffee beans. The carrot goes soft when confronted with boiling water. The egg goes hard. But the coffee beans refuse to adapt. They change the water around them instead and make the water adapt to them.

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It’s like that old children’s story about the egg, the carrot and the coffee beans. The carrot goes soft when confronted with boiling water. The egg goes hard. But the coffee beans refuse to adapt. They change the water around them instead and make the water adapt to them.

So if you want to shake up the status quo with your team and product, don’t adapt to your environment. Instead do it the other way around, set unreasonable goals and try to achieve them. Progress depends on it.

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It’s like that old children’s story about the egg, the carrot and the coffee beans. The carrot goes soft when confronted with boiling water. The egg goes hard. But the coffee beans refuse to adapt. They change the water around them instead and make the water adapt to them.

So if you want to shake up the status quo with your team and product, don’t adapt to your environment. Instead do it the other way around, set unreasonable goals and try to achieve them. Progress depends on it.

Point being, you want to be the coffee bean.

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It’s like that old children’s story about the egg, the carrot and the coffee beans. The carrot goes soft when confronted with boiling water. The egg goes hard. But the coffee beans refuse to adapt. They change the water around them instead and make the water adapt to them.

So if you want to shake up the status quo with your team and product, don’t adapt to your environment. Instead do it the other way around, set unreasonable goals and try to achieve them. Progress depends on it.

Point being, you want to be the coffee bean.

An unreasonable coffee bean to be precise, but aren’t they all?

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It’s like that old children’s story about the egg, the carrot and the coffee beans. The carrot goes soft when confronted with boiling water. The egg goes hard. But the coffee beans refuse to adapt. They change the water around them instead and make the water adapt to them.

So if you want to shake up the status quo with your team and product, don’t adapt to your environment. Instead do it the other way around, set unreasonable goals and try to achieve them. Progress depends on it.

Point being, you want to be the coffee bean.

An unreasonable coffee bean to be precise, but aren’t they all?

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