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5 Minuet Drama Pre- Production

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Blurb This five minute sequence is a dark dull and dramatic film. Reality school girl situations taken to the extreme. Full of Intense and moving moments we can all

relate to.

Character biographies Main character, charlotte will be playing ‘Kayla’

Kayla is like any teenage school girl, very independent and enjoys having people around her especially the ones she loves the most, her boyfriend.

Charlotte is portraying a 17 year old girl who’s heart gets broken by the one she thought most of.

Slightly unsociable and over exaggerates every decision she should have to making the consequences terrifying at risk and daring.

Extra, played by Phele.

Phele plays an extra during this five minute system. He is not an important character at all. He is categorized as a ‘lad’ and is short tempered when ‘kayla’

bumps into him on purpose. We do not see a lot of him

Storyline Young teenage gets a text in class from her (ex) boyfriend. ‘we’re over’ she over reacts and leaves the class in hysterics. She’s angry frustrated and heart broken. She runs away from college grounds and overdoses on drugs. She wakes up hours later and then decides she wants to kill herself from all the hallucinations. She jumps off

a cliff onto bricks and broken glass.

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It may be hard to admit to someone that you think that you might be bipolar, but it’s even harder to admit it to yourself. As Kayla  receive a break-up text from her boyfriend she spirals out of control and decides to commit suicide, but will she do it.

Kayla was born and raised in the United Kingdom, by a wealthy and loving family, but when she turned eleven years old things took a turn for the worst, as her father lost his business due to bankruptcy and illegal scheming he decided to commit suicide, and when her mother decided to stop him, he ended up kill her, Penny Kayla's older sister) and then himself. From the age of eleven, Kayla found her life change drastically as she had lost both her parents she loved dearly and forced to move into an orphanage, where she was bullied and abused by the other children. Kayla attitude to life started to change as well, she decided that being a good girl was getting her no were, she lost her faith and changed all of her believe for the worst as she started getting in trouble with the police, sleeping around and befriending local yobs.

The main subject of the story is mental illness. I will show this by using only one actor in a dramatic realisation of her insanity, I think that I am the best person to write this story line because I am familiar with a person who suffers from the same mental illness, so I know a lot about it factually and personally.

In the beginning of the story we see a flashback of a girl Running in a traumatic state, but we have no idea how she got to that sate, the story then rewinds to her in a classroom receiving a text message  from her boyfriend say 'were over', she becomes unormally upset and over traumatic (due to her mental condition), she runs to the bathroom, where she attempts to pull herself together, but ends up in a more emotional state, she then runs into the woods where she commits suicide twice, once by taking pill and when that fails, she throws herself over the edge or a cliff. 

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Kayla  was born and raised in the United Kingdom, by a wealthy and loving family, but when she turned eleven years old things took a turn for the worst, as her father lost his business due to bankruptcy and illegal scheming he decided to commit suicide, and when her mother decided to stop him, he ended up kill her, Penny Kayla's older sister)    and then himself. From the age of eleven, Kayla  found her life change drastically as she had lost both her parents she loved dearly and forced to move into an orphanage, where she was bullied and abused by the other children. Kayla attitude to life started to change as well, she decided that being a good girl was getting her no were, she lost her faith and changed all of her believe for the worst as she started getting in trouble with the police, sleeping around and befriending local yobs.   


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Sequence 1:

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Sequence 2:

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Sequence 3:

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Sequence 4:

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Film Schedule

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Photographs Of costumes/props/locations

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KAYLA COSTUME-This choice of costume is chosen to fit the stereotype of a modern day teenage girl’s wardrobe

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This is the prop used as pills in the suicide scene.

Books and pencil cases are carried and used by Kayla through the first sequence of the short film

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Locations All these locations are chosen as there obvious and recognisable college locations, and would be obvious to the audience

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Floor/Location Plan

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Floor plan for the classroom, that the classroom scene will be shot in

Floor plan for the Rother field toilets, that the toilet scene will be shot in

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Over, My Dead Body

Opening Sequence:POV footage of Kayla’s Journey to college with voice over,

Narration- Kayla‘Five hours before the end of my life, I had just started the beginning, but I guess that’s the problem with life, it goes by too fast. And just when it all starts getting moral, it all falls down’.Shot of Kayla Running in slow motion: Narration- KaylaMy name is Kayla I am one of the reported 276,000 teenagers who attempt suicide a year, but I am one of the few who succeeded, and this is my story.

Reminiscing sequence:Voices playing in Kayla’s mid as she runs Kayla –I love you so much Jason, I can never leave you. Jason-And I will never give you a reason to.Jason-Promise you’ll marry me one day and no else in the world will matter. Kayla-I promise with all my heat Kayla-You’re the only guy who has ever loved me despite everything about me. I don’t want to die, I scared, but I guess that was the only way I could do it, though fear. But then again I could be completely wrong, it might not be fear that killed me, it could have been courage, the kind of courage that comes from a dangerous place. Jason might be the cause of my death, but I can’t hold it against him, he should continue to be free and full of live, (sigh) only over my dead body.

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Call sheet

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Kayla Charlotte Hollis 0778646****

Paul Phele 0776840****

Chris Charlie 0754009****

James Jack 0777152****

Martin matt 078170*****

Annie director / camera man 0787675****

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Mood board

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Risk assessment

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Hazards Who is at risk? Severity of injury

Chance injury Risk Control measures

Falling overStanding on sharp objects

Phele , charlotte and I.

serious likely Medium Wear appropriate clothing and footwear

Falling off the chairDisturbing others

Camera man Not so serious likely low Make sure no cars/ students are walking past.

Create space for the chair to roll and push aside any stones or twigs that may be in the way.

Tearing of clothing when climbing over gates to get to tennis course

Myself (camera man)

serious likely high Before filming we will make sure we are aware of anything that could possibly fall during the filming process. But also

clear up anything lying around so we do not step on them

when filming. Wear appropriate footwear.

Wear appropriate clothing and possibly bring case for camera so it doesn’t get damaged. And if necessarily bring step ladder

to help.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 29

Lesson: (1 hr 25)Pre-Production Schedule

30 31 1

















18 19 Treatment

20 21Filming



24 25Editing

26Presenting Rough edits to class.

27 28 29

30 1Extra footage

2 3Editing


5 6Pre production

7 8Pre production

9 10Editing

Pre production Pre production

17Draft film on blog

(post production) (post production) (post production)

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