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5 artists ancillary task

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1. Avicii True albumThe colour scheme for the album is mainly focused around darker colours such as black and dark grey.

The text has been written in white on the black background of the album since this makes all the words stick out and more easier to read compared to if the words were written on a lighter colour.

The album’s cover picture is of Avicii himself however the image isn’t foused on his face but more of a silhouette of himself which gives the cover a more ominous but a more profound affect on the audience since it is eye catching and sticks out with the grey background and the white writing.

The text is written in large writing which looks painted since this makes the image seem more unique since it isn’t just normal writing and is something eye catching to the audience since it looks very intriguing.

The use of the logo at the bottom is something which Avicii has in some of his work since that is his thing. It is also something to know his work by since in some of his music videos it has that sign.

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Website The use of the large image at the front of the page is advertising for his music since people will see that image and may want to purchase the music video which gives the layout of the website an overall good standing since the website has a function besides just having a plain website It has links to purchase his work.

The colour scheme of the website is fundamentally following the colour scheme of his album since that’s the type of thing which is shown, however a slight difference would have to be the use of the colour tints shown at the sides of the image which show the colour wheel, as in the colours slowly changes between each colour.

The images shown on the bottom display Avicii in concert since this is the times where you see him as an artist since he doesn’t really show himself in the music videos since his music videos are focused around narrative, so to show himself as the artist they made all the images about him.

Also the images are of him in concert since these can be used as promo pictures for his concert so people will see that it looks like an extremely good time so it will further persuade them to want to watch it in concert.

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Advert The composition of the advert is showing Avicii as the centre focus of the image with having the magazine title covered behind his head to show him being the main thing of the music magazine. Another thing which can be seen about the composition is how his body is mainly clear of any texts and how it is placed near his head and towards his centre of his body.

This can also relate to the media theory of star appeal since the main focus of the image is Avicii and can also relate to the female gaze since they chose an attractive male who is also the main person and him being the sole focus of the magazine which would attract more people to read it.

Another thing which I noticed is how Avicii has his headphones which are customised headphones which he sells as merchandise on him, this can be for advertising his product or product placement to make people want to purchase his merchandise.

The use of having the text in big bold letters is that if someone who likes his music sees the magazine and is more persuaded to buy it to read what it is saying about him and more information about his work, and what songs are going to be released.

The text in the middle is making a connection to his music and telling people of how big of an artist he has become and that they should listen to it since he has such a big audience with a lot of views on his work.

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2. Taylor Swifts 1989 albumThe colour scheme of the album is lighter colours since the album has taken on a more retro feel to it since the album is set during 1989 so she made the album have the feeling of being old instead of seeming to be recent.

The image of the album cover is Taylor swift but the image has been taken with a close-up/mid shot of her outfit and not on her face. This is used to show to the audience that based on the outfit she is earing that this isn’t something that looks like its recent and more old.

Based on the image, it looks like she used an old film camera to take the picture since it has the affect of being something old and not recent.

The use of the marker and the hand written album name and the artist is to make the audience feel like that the album is something like a personal picture since this is something people might write on a polaroid camera showing that it is a home image and personal.

The use of having taylor swift of the the general background of the entire album is that you can see that she Is the main focus of the entire thing and that she is someone important, as in she is the artist.

With the song list they made the text book see through so you can see the main artist in the background.

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websiteThe colour scheme of the website follows the one of the album since it shows lighter colours throughout the website, this is to show the relationship between the two and how they are related.

Another thing which is shown is the main centre focus being taylor swift and her being in the centre of the first thing you see when you go the website and your eyes are drawn to her, this can relate to the male gaze since this can be used to attract more male viewers since she is a very attractive female.

The use of having the large collection of pictures shown on her website makes the audience feel like this website is personal and close to her since she focused stuff around her fans and herself this mode of address to her audience is something personal.

Also the use of the main image is promotion for her world tour and her concerts which shows her fans where she is going to be and when so the audience are more tempted to go see her .

Although its not shown on here, on her website she has a section to other artists which show her connections to her music videos since she had collaborated with them.

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Magazine advert The colour scheme of the magazine advert is black and white which is giving the music video an older feeling to it, also the odd colour is placed around the magazine since this shows Taylor swift and can relate to her album since its given a slightly retro feel to it.

Another thing which is used is the use of the male gaze since the main cover picture is of taylor swift who is an attractive female which catches the attention of males when they see the picture so this can make them want to see what it is about.

The use of having her name in big bold capital letters is making the audience of the magazine know that she Is the main focus of the magazine and what her name is, also the use of having the title “grows up in public” makes the audience want to know what it is about and this will also have a part about her upcoming music since this is usually used as promotion for the artists music.

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3. Swedish House Mafia’s Album

The colour scheme of the album cover is plain and simple, the colour used it a light grey and a white background.

The use of large bold letters combined with the album cover name it makes the writing stick out and makes the audience notice the wording more clearly.

The use of the layout for the list of songs in the album has been used since it looks the end credits of the scene for a film which can connote to the audience that this is the final song and their last album so they made it to look like a film.

The layout of the writing is one that expands from the centre and extends outwards which looks like the final scene credits for a movie.

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Website The colour scheme of the website is a simplistic one which doesn’t have that overly complex look to it. the colours are black and white with some colours added in which is what the colour scheme of their album was like.

The website focuses around their music and sound track with some focus on their movie, this is used more for promotional purposes with the band and for people who want to find about the band and to purchase things.

The way the images for their albums are taken are close ups of each of their faces and shows their expressions they are having and they are positioned next to each other with little space in between to show unity between them all.

The connections they have are to their music videos since they are expressing their connection with their music videos and their website since the colour schemes and looks relate.

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Their magazine advert is similar to their colour scheme since it is simplistic, since the main focus is around black and white with some things in colour to have a major focus on that.

The use of having the wording “last dance” in big bold capital letters since this is one of the last shows they will have, this makes the title have a profound affect on the audience.

The way the band have a sole focus on them with nothing else about any other story on the main page shows that they are a major focus for the magazine since this is one of their last few concerts.

Another thing which is intriguing is the use of the high angle shot of them all and how it look like they are walking on the page, this connotes that they are all walking away from each other since they are all going on a different path while also they look at each other shows that even though they are going their separate ways they always will look back.

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4. Professor Green album the relation between the album cover and the album song list is that they have a focus around drinking and the album song list focuses on that with the glass drink stains on the table.

The text writing has been given a professional look to it combined with the look of the album cover makes it seem like he is someone rich and prestigious.

The writing expands out from the centre which is like other albums song lists which is similar.

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The main page has a focus on professor green and has publicity about his album, this is to show the audience who goes on his website that the newly released album is out or maybe a separate song for the audience to purchase.

The website has links to social media so the audience can find out more about things on a daily basis and for them to see.

This can be for his fans to find out about what the artist is doing on a day to day basis and find information about it.

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Magazine The colour scheme is matching his outfit, with having red and black throughout the entire cover of the magazine

Large bold letters to attract the audience to make it eye catching so the audience will want to purchase the magazine

The image solely focuses around professor green since he is the main focus of the magazine and it is all about him.

The focus on his expression shows that he is ready and is wanting to do more. This can relate to female gaze since this can attract females to want to see his work.

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5. Eminem album coverThe cover for Eminem’s album follows a theme that the background is similar throughout the album cover and the track list, while the CD also follows the theme of being dark colours.

The shot taken is a mad shot of Eminem this is used to show the audience the person who made the track, also this shot is to show his superiority due to the look on his face and the actions he is making with his hands.

The use of having large bold letters is because this is the convention most albums have since they are all similar in multiple different ways, also the reversed E is the way Eminem writes his name on most things.

In relation to the CD cover the image shown is one of a dead body on the ground and blood coming out of it, this can be a direct relation to the album cover background image of a scary looking place, so these two can relate in that sense.

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The website Eminem has is highly similar to his albums, this is due to website having a colour scheme of being dark and red, this can also be directly related to his music videos since they are generally have a similar colour scheme of having dark colours.

Also another thing I noticed is the use of having multiple things have a red writing an have some form of red in each shot which can directly relate or have a denotation of being blood.

As with all artists website they have a large image at the top which is to advertise their work for other people to try and see their work and hopefully make people want to buy their merchandise and music.

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The use of having a large bold text is so that people can know that the main article about the magazine is most likely about Eminem, also this is to also attract attention from the audience so if they are fans they can easily see that this about him and they might want to buy the magazine or read it.

The colour scheme is slightly similar to that of Eminem’s work with it being dark, this is shown with the black background also this also makes the focus more directly on Eminem since you can see him more clearly, also the black background gives the magazine a more professional look compared to being say yellow, which wont make the magazine cover be that interesting and look childish.

By having the article name makes the audience more interested in the image since they can see an interesting story they might want to find out about which in this case is Eminem so they might want to see what it is about.

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