

Fourth Primary Language Section                   First Term 2012/ 2013 

  Syllabus Distribution  Evaluation 



Mac Eng.2( Lang. B,Pr.B., Fluency) 

Black Beauty  Poetry Booklet Dic. Hello!  A.L  O.L 

Unit 1 ‐ ‐ Unit 1 ‐ Unit 1 September

Unit 1 - ‐ Unit 1 1 Unit 1

Unit 2 Ch. 1 P. 4 Unit 2 ‐ Unit 2

Unit 2‐3 Ch. 1 ‐ Unit 2‐3 2 Unit 3

Unit 3 Ch. 2 P. 8 Unit 3 3 Rev. A


Unit 4 Ch. 2 ‐ Unit 4 4 ‐

Units 4 – 5 Ch. 3 P. 9 Units 4 – 5 5 4

Units 5‐6 Ch. 3 ‐ Units 5‐6 ‐ 5

Unit 6 Ch. 4 P. 11 Unit 6 6 6


Unit 7 Ch. 4 ‐ Unit 7 ‐ Rev. B

Unit 7 – 8 Ch.5 P. 14 Unit 7 – 8 7 7

Unit 8 Ch. 5 ‐ Unit 8 8 8

Unit 9 Ch.6 P.16 Unit 9 ‐ ‐


Unit 9 Ch.6 ‐ Unit 9 9 ‐

Revision Rev. ‐ Revision Rev. 9

January Revision Rev. ‐ Revision Rev. Rev.C


Contents No. Contents Page 1. Contents 1 2. Syllabus Distribution 2 3. Instructions 3 4. Unit 1 4 5. Unit 2 14 6. Unit 3 22 7. Sample Test 28 8. Unit 4 32 9. Unit 5 39 10. Unit 6 46 11. Sample Test 56 12. Unit 7 60 13. Unit 8 68 14. Unit 9 74 15. Sample test 83 16. Final Model Exam. 87 17. Story (Black Beauty) 91 18. Final Revision 104 19. Dictation 109 20. Poetry 112 21. Extra Work Sheets 118



The English Department Fourth Primary ( Language Section )                 Class …………….. 1) Please bring the books according to the following schedule:






Please bring 1) 1 Copybook for “Dicta on” ( 28 Pages ) covered in ………… . 2) 1 File N.B: You are kindly requested to write the student’s name in English in full on all the student’s books, copybooks and file. All books should be covered in transparent cover


Cairo Governorate                                         Department : English Nozha Directorate of Education Form             : 4th Primary      Nozha Language Schools                             First Term                   Macmillan 4            

Unit 1 The Sun and The wind

New Vocab. - setting : The time or a place where events happen . - argue : discuss things with loud voice. - burn : cause harm by heating or fire . - strong ≠ weak . - wet ≠ dry . - valley = piece of land between hills or mountains - win ≠ lose - wooden = made of wood . - thatched = covered with plant material like straw - awake ≠ asleep . -a play: has characters (people) in the play. -blow: to move by the force of air or wind. - test: short examination to measure the skills. - put out ="Put out fire". To make it stop burning. - take off ≠ put on Take off = Take off your shoes before you get into the mosque .


Dry up =We hang washed clothes in the sun to dry up . Hold on =It is very windy I must hold on to my coat . Note : Use “ made of” if the original material can still be recognized . Ex: My bag is made of leather . Use “ made from” if the original material has been completely changed . Ex : The cake is made from milk , eggs and butter. Language building 1)A noun is a naming word ex: a tree - a man . A proper noun is a special naming word . It must begin with a capital letter ex. Mary – Richard – Thursday 2) An adjective is a word that describes a noun . ex. Good – tall – fat … An adverb is a word that describes a verb or an action. EX:1- He works hard. 2- They sing happily.

Grammar Past simple tense It refers to an action that happened or occurred in the past. Key words Last , in the past , ago , yesterday , once upon time , this morning , in (1990- 2000, etc……….) Form :- 1-Regular form (v+ d – ed or ied) want wanted stop stopped love loved hop hopped study studied pray prayed


2- Irregular verbs Stem v. Past Stem v. Past cut cut buy bought hit hit catch caught put put think thought shut shut teach taught hurt hurt bring brought cost cost drink drank let let sink sank ride rode run ran write wrote ring rang break broke sing sang choose chose swim swam drive drove keep kept give gave feed fed eat ate feel felt fall fell leave left forget forgot meet met forgive forgave light lit hide hide lose lost wake woke read read take took send sent steal stole sleep slept speak spoke smell smelt shake shook sweep swept bite bit get got build built sell sold


Negative form did + not + V. stem EX: He had his lunch three hours ago. He didn't have his lunch three hours ago. Question form Did + subject + V. stem 1- Did you play the match yesterday ? EX: When did he have his lunch?

* Correct the verbs in brackets : 1. Yesterday , the wind …………………………….[ blow ] the trees and ……………….…… [ make ] them fall over . 2. Yesterday , the sun ……………………….……[ shine ] on the grass . The grass……………………….. [ catch ] fire 3. Last week I ……………………………...…….[ visit ] my uncle . 4. Two hours ago she …………………………………..…… [ finish ] her work . 5. In 2005 My father……………………………………. [ travel ] to France . 6. They [ be ] …………………… not at home yesterday . 7. [ Do ] ………………… you visit your grandma last Friday ? 8. Maria [ write ] ……………………. a letter for her pen friend 3 days ago . 9. The bird [ fly ] ……………………. away last week . 10. Ben [ go ] ………………………to the cinema yesterday . **************************


Change into negative : 1. The government built some schools last year . 2. Billy broke his cup of tea this morning . 3. Sandra forgot her maths. book yesterday . 4. I met my friends at the club last week-end . 5. Mike rode his bike two hours ago . 6. Lilly studied well before the exam . 7. My father drank a cup of coffee yesterday . 8. The bell rang five minutes ago . 9. Sam swam a lot yesterday . 10. Pam ran fast to school last Monday because he was late .


From a question : 1. Yes , I woke up late yesterday . 2. No , the teacher didn’t punish me yesterday . 3. Chris lost his watch last Friday . 4. Nardin made a very nice cake last night . 5. The servant swept the floor half an hour ago . 6. Adel sold all the goods at the market last week . 7. Once a fisher man caught a magic fish . 8. The thief stole the woman’s bag last Wednesday . 9. Ben said that he wanted a new bike . 10. My brother went to Al Tahris square last Friday . Choose the correct answer : 1. Ali and Magda are often [ a greeting - arguing – advising ] Each one of

them thinks he is right . 2. These desks are [ made of – made up – made in ] wood . 3. It's very hot in here , you can [ take in – take care – take off ] your coat 4. The wind [ shone – blew – flew ] hard last night . It was so windy . 5. The firemen put [ on – out – off ] the fire bravely . 6. What time [ does – did – was ] he come last night ? 7. Did you [ watch – watched – watches ] TV yesterday . 8. Once all the houses [ bought – caught – taught ] fire because they were

all made of wood . 9. The sun [ burns –shines –gets ] brightly in summer . 10. Your shoes are muddy ,please take them [ on –off –of ] before you enter the house 11. My mum made me [ clean – cleaned – cleaning ] my room yesterday . 12. She 's really tired . she can't work [no –any –never ]more . 13. Please stand in the line and take your [ place –turn –time ],


14. He 's excellent at English .He speaks English [ good –better –well ]. 15. She forgot the water in the kettle until it dried [ on –in –up ]. * Re-write using the word(s) in brackets : 1. The school bus arrived to school at eight o’clock yesterday . [ not ] 2. Ali's marks are not as good as my marks [ were ] 3. Ali does his homework everyday . [ last night ] 4. They ate fish yesterday . [ what ] 5. Ali plays football every Friday . [ last Friday] 6. Mona did her homework yesterday . [ not] 7. Mr. Jones drove carefully to work . [ How] 8. She was very rude [behaved] 9. The government built ten schools last year . [ How ] 10. Maria bought a dress last week . [ who ] Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Karim : ……………………………………………………….? Ken : I come from Japan . Karim : What ……………………………………………….. speak ? Ken : I speak Japanese . Karim : ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Ken : Yes , I can speak English too . Comprehension  Holly was in the family garden . Her parents were watering the flowers , and she was helping them . It was fun . But then she saw a big earthworm . Holly screamed and jumped away . “ Don’t be afraid ” said her mother . “ Earthworms are our friends . . They help our garden . ” “ How ? ” asked Holly “Earthworms make holes in the soil, ” explained her mother . “ Air and water move through the holes . This makes the soil healthy . And plants need


healthy soil to grow .” “ Earthworms also eat dead leaves , ” said her father . “ Then their waste becomes food for other plants . They’re like tiny farmers .” Holly was very surprised . The next day , she saw another earthworm . But she didn’t scream . Instead , she said , “ Thank you .” Choose the best answer :

1- What were Holly and her parents doing in the garden ? a. They were talking to a farmer . b. They were watering the flowers . c. They were looking for earthworms .

2- Why did Holly scream ? a. she saw a ghost b. she fell in a hole c. she saw an earthworm Answer the following question : 1- What moves through earthworm holes ?

……………………………………………………………………… 2- What do earthworms do with dead leaves ?


Pictorial Composition 

 Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture on  

“Football sport” 

Guiding words : 

football – teams – eleven players – pitch – score goals – referee – whistle



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Unit 2 Volcanoes

I- New Vocab. - volcano = an opening in the Erath where hot liquid rock and ash are

pushed out . - pour out = come out quickly and without stopping - lava = hot , liquid rock flowing out of a volcano . - dormant = sleeping - active volcano ≠ dormant volcano - molten rock = liquid rock - magma = hot , liquid rock inside the earth - vent = hole in the top of a volcano - crack = a line that appears before breaking sth - block sth = close - erupt = explode - ash = dust - grumble = complain about sth or sb . - damaged = destroyed - cello = musical instrument with strings - umpire = a person whose job is to see that the rules are obeyed in a game .


Grammar 1-The Past Continuous Tense Usage : 1. This tense is used to express actions that happened at a certain fixed time in the past . ex : At five o’clock yesterday , I was having lunch with my friends . What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night ? 2. The past continuous can be used to express a long action which is interrupted by another short one ( past simple ) ex : Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking dinner . Jane was waiting for me when I arrived . 3. It can also be used to express two actions which took the same length of time in the past ex : While I was reading , mum was cooking . As I was getting into the class the teacher was shouting . Form : I He Was + v. ( ing ) She It They We were + v. ( ing ) You Key Words : * Fixed time in the past , e.g. at five o’clock yesterday . * It can also be used with : While – When – As – Just as *As they were studying English , their father came . *Sara ripped the cloth while she was cutting it . *Just as I was skating , I broke my leg . *She was reading the newspaper when her baby woke 2- Note : Some nouns that end in “ o” , add only “ s” to form the plural . a- musical instruments : a piano pianos a piccolo piccolos


b- nouns ending in “oo” : a zoo zoos a cockatoo cockatoos c- some other nouns : a video videos a radio radios a photo photos a hippo hippos I- Begin with yesterday at five objective 1. Mona washed the dishes an hour ago . 2. They are eating Pizza now . 3. Ben sometimes rides his bike . 4. Dan will take part in the chess competition next week . 5. Monica is writing a letter to her pen-friend now . II- Join the sentences using while , when or As : 1. Jim drank milk .. Jim spilt some milk on the floor . 2. The boys played football . Karl fell and twisted his ankle . 3. Mum was ironing .Father came home . 4. Sam was reading a book . The light went out . 5. We were making noise . Dad was trying to sleep . III- Form Questions : 1. Yes , I was reading a book when the light went out . 2. They were having diner at 1 o’clock yesterday . 3. Ali met his cousin while he was walking down town . [ who ] [ where] [ when ]


IV- Correct the verbs in brackets : 1. At 9 o’clock yesterday I ……………………….[ watch ] Tv. 2. While my mother …………………… [ cook ] , my father ……………….. [ come ] . 3. As I …………….. [ do ] my homework , my brother was………… [ listen ] to music 4. Just as I ………………………[ walk ] to school , I …………….[ meet ] an old friend . 5. Yesterday morning I ……………….[ have ] my breakfast . ******************************* * Choose the correct answer : 1. Look at this glass ! It has a long [ track – crack – squeak ] it is going to

split into two pieces . 2. The [ magnet – magma – mango ] is the hot liquid rock inside the earth . 3. When magma flows out of a volcano , we call it [ magma – lava – blocks ] . 4. The Etna volcano [ interrupted – erupted – eruption ] in 2002 . 5. When a volcano is not active we call it a [ lazy – dormant – dreaming ] volcano . 6. What is the [differ – different – difference ] between lava and magma ? 7. The pianos and [ cells – cellos – chilies ] are musical instruments . 8. The [ empire – umpire – vampire ] is someone whose job is to see players

follow the rules of a game . 9. The [ mouse – mice – oxen ] are very small animals . 10. While I [ were – was – am ] playing , I fell down . 11. What [ was – were – are ] you doing yesterday at 6 o’clock ? 12. The [ hero – heroes – heroin ] of the film were fantastic . 13. I usually go to the park [ in –at –on] Fridays . 14. Active volcanoes pour [on –out –in ] lava and smoke . 15. [ Dormant – Sleeping –Active ] volcanoes pour out fire and smoke all the time . * Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 1- She was writing the exercise . The light went out . [ Join ] 2- The girl was reading . Her father was watching TV. [while] 3- While he was running. The car hit him. [when] 4- He was writing a letter when his sister called him. [what…….?] 5- Nina was listening to music when her father came. [while] 6- I white sheep stands in the field. [some]


7- A volcano erupted last winter. [two ] 8- I want to be a hero of this film. [we] 9- She usually uses a sharp knife. [ never ] 10- She wrote a letter yesterday. [at 9 o'clock] * Dialogue : Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Maha : ………………………………………..? Manal : My favourite hobby is writing stories ? Maha : When did you first write a story ? Maha : When I ……………………. years old . Manal : ………………………………………………………………….? Maha : My father helped me . Comprehension

We live on the Earth , and it is our home . So, we need to take care of it We need to keep it clean and healthy . So what kind of things can we do ? There are simple ways to help the Earth . First , use water wisely . While you brush your teeth, turn off the water . You can also take a shorter shower . Second , use less electricity . When you leave a room , make sure to turn off the lights . Finally, riding a bicycle or walking to school also helps the Earth . If we don’t drive cars, the air will be cleaner . Don’t forget that little things can help . Together , we can make our home a great place to live . Choose the best answer :

1- What should we use less of ? a. air and soil b. money and time c. water and electricity 2- What should we do while we brush our teeth ? a. use cold water b. turn off the water c. use less tooth paste

Answer the following question : 1-What should we do when we leave a room ?

………………………………………………………………… 2- What is NOT mentioned as a way to keep the air clean ?



Pictorial Composition 

 Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture on  

“Strange hobbies” 

Guiding words : 

enjoy – unusual‐ hobbies ‐ collecting – cans – coins – stamps – famous people photos – signature – old cars – gallery – a lot of money


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Unit 3 Clever Polly

New Vocab. Slice: a flat thin piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece. Pie : a baked pastry filled with fruit vegetables or meat . full of ≠ empty inside x outside greedy (adj) = sb who wants more & more of anything - greedily (adv.) slink / - slunk – slunk = to walk away from somewhere quietly so that you are not noticed escape = run away snarl = to make an angry sound marvellous = fantastic tiny bit = a very small piece a stove = the top part of the cooker saucepan = a round metal pot used for cooking burn – burnt – burnt = to destroy with fire tongue = the soft part inside your mouth that issued for tasting and speaking howl = a long loud cry made by a wolf or a dog . delicious: having a very pleasant taste or smell. Marvelous: fantastic.


Language structure

Past Continuous Ex. Yesterday afternoon, I was doing my homework. While my mum was cooking, my father came. My mum was cooking when my father came . * Correct the verbs in brackets : 1. While they ………………….[ run ] . Peter ………………..[ fall ] down . 2. When the light …………….[ go ] out , we ……………. [ watch ] a film . 3. Yesterday day evening I …………………[ wash ] my car . Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 4. While he was going home , he met his teacher . [ When ] 5. I was washing the dishes when I broke one . [ while ] *Choose the correct answer between brackets: 1. Dogs usually [ smile – snarl – snare ] when they are angry . 2. The ice-cream was so [ awful – delightful – delicious ] that we ate it all . 3. That [ greedy – greed – greedily ] boy ate so many cakes that he got sick . 4. She was so embarrassed that she [ slink – slunk – slang ] out of the room

She didn't want to be noticed . 5. The thief [ escaped – slipped – slept ] when he saw the policeman . 6. This pie is full [ of – up – off ] meat . 7. Don't play with matches . You'll [ burnt – burn – born ] yourself . 8. The soup was so hot that it burnt my [ tongue – teeth – ear ] when I

tasted it . 9. The dog [ howled – huddled – humbled ] when it saw the thief . 10. While Polly was cooking , the doorbell [ ring – rang – rung ] . 11. My mum put the money [ inside – outside – on ] her purse . 12. May I have a slice of [ juice – cake – sugar ] , please ? 13. [Wives – Knives - Wolves] are wild animals that look like dogs. 14. Thank you , I can't eat anymore I'm [hungry-thirsty-full up]. 15. The weather was [bad-cold-marvelous], so we decided to go on a picnic. * Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 1-When came back home her mother was making a cake. [while] 2-He was going to school. When met his teacher. [Just as]


3-While she was going to work , she saw an accident. [when] 4-They were playing music when I saw them. [what------------?] 5-The wolf ate six slices of cake . [ How ….. ?] 6-The wolf didn’t eat Polly because he was full of pie . [Why ] 7-She put the cake on the table an hour ago. [not] 8-We go to the club at the weekend . [Last Friday] 9- I watched TV. Yesterday . [yesterday at 8 o’clock ] 10- I was listening to the news at eleven o’clock last night. [ What ]

Dialogue Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Ali : ………………………………………………………….. ? Khaled : My father is a doctor . Ali : …………………………………………………….? Khaled : He works in England . Ali : …………………………………………………….? Khaled : He’ll come to Egypt next month . Comprehension One day , Brian discovered something under a bush . It was a map of his backyard . There was a big X on it . “ It’s a treasure map ! The X is the place the pirates put their gold ! This is my lucky day ! ” Brian carefully followed the map . Then he started to dig a hole . The ground was hard , and the sun was hot . He kept digging and digging , but he only found rocks and an old can . There was no gold . His father came outside and saw the hole . “ You found my map ! That’s the place I want to put a new apple tree .” He thanked Brian and gave him $5 . “ Wow ,” thought Brian , “ It really was my lucky day . ”


Choose the best answer : 1- Where did Brian find the map ? a. in a box b. under a bush c. next to a tree 2- What did Brian find when he was digging ? a. pirates’ gold b. rocks and a can c. his father’s map

Answer the following question :

1- What will Brian’s father put in the hole ? ……………………………………………………………………………..

2- Why did Brian think it was his lucky day ? ……………………………………………………………………………..

Pictorial Composition 

 Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture on  

“My Pet ” 

Guiding words : 

Best friend – animals – cats – look after – feed – train – tricks ‐ vet – play   


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Sample Test on units ( 1 , 2 , 3) A- Vocabulary & Structure Underline the correct word in brackets; 1- Oh! It's [talking – getting- being ] cold these days. 2- While crossing the road , you have to hold [ on- at- by] to your mum's hands. 3- He put on this coat yesterday , because he [filled- fell –felt ] cold. 4-The [vent-mountain-volcano] last erupted over 10 years ago. 5-There is a large [block-crack-cello] on that wall. It’s a very old house . 6- Don't use gun powder over the fire or it will [grumble-explode-erupt]. 7- It is very hot in here . I will [ put on – take off – put out ] my coat . 8- While Salma was cooking, the door bell [ring-rang-rung]. 2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1- Mum made a cake last Friday. [not] 2- The boys played football yesterday. [ At 8 o' clock yesterday ] 3-They were washing the dishes. [ What] 4-We were crossing the river on a boat, we saw a crocodile on the river bank. [As] B-Language functions 3-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

Dina:……………………………………………………..? Noha: I spent the summer holiday in Port Said Dina: How long did you stay there? Noha:…………………………………………………………. Dina: It seems a long time ............................................................? Noha: Yes , I like it very much .

C- Reading Comprehension 4-Read the following passage then answer the questions: Some animals live in the zoo so we can visit them and look at them ,but other animals live in the wild. Elephants normally live in the wild. Some elephants live in the forests and jungle in Africa and some live in India. African elephants have larger ears than Indian elephants. Elephants are the largest land animals, but the tallest are giraffes. Also, big cats like lions, tigers and leopards live in the wild. Some leopards have spots, but others are almost






black. Some animals such as lions, tigers, dogs and cats only eat meat. They are called carnivores. Other animals only eat grass and plants. They are called herbivores. Giraffes, elephants, sheep and horses are herbivores. a- Answer the following questions:

1- Where do the largest land animals live ? ……………………………………………………………

2- Why do we call horses herbivores ? …………………………………………………………….

b-Choose the correct answer: 3- Indian elephant have ………… than African elephants.

a. larger ears b. better ears c. smaller ears 4- …………….are the tallest animals.

a. Leopards b. Giraffes c. Elephants

D- Pictorial Composition 5- Write a paragraph of Six sentences about "Your bedroom"describing the picture . Guiding words : bed – wardrobe – side table – picture – wall – lamp – table – alarm clock – rug - floor

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E- The Link Readers 6- A- Answer the following questions : 1-Where did Black Beauty live when he was a young colt ? 2-Where was Black Beauty’s master’s house? B- Complete the following sentences : 3- I remember a big……………………….with a ………………….……in the middle of it and beautiful……………………....all around . 4- My ………………………and I ran together in the ……………..……and when it was hot we stood………………where it was .

F- Orthography 7-A- Supply the missing letters : Volc – noes start to gr – w when there is a very de- p cra - k

G- Handwriting

8- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : Team means : Together each achieve more .

Good Luck





Unit 4 Restaurant & recipes

New Vocab. Restaurant : a place where we eat outdoors . Recipe : a set of instructions for cooking food . Menu : a list of the food that you have at any restaurant . Starters : a small amount of food that you eat as the first part of a meal . Main course : the main dish in a meal . Desserts : any sweet dish eg , pudding, ice-cream or course of fruit

served at the end of a meal . Roast (adj.) : cooked in an oven or over a fire . A lamb : a baby sheep . Teaspoon : a small spoon used to stir tea . Tablespoon : a large spoon used for serving food . Pepper : crushed black powder used to give spicy taste to food . Parsley : green herb with curly leaves that are used for decorating food . Peel : to remove the skin of fruit or vegetable . Chop : to cut something into pieces with a knife . Mash : to crush cooked food so that it forms soft mass . Stir : to mix a liquid by moving a spoon in circular way . Tray : a flat object used for carrying drinks . Celebrate : to enjoy an occasion . Baguette : French loaf of bread . Delicious : tasty . To drain : to remove the water from it . Oiled : to put oil on it . To sprinkle :to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface. Grill : direct heat , especially under a very hot surface in a cooker.


Language building : A proper noun begins with a capital letter. Proper nouns are : people's names [ Norhan ], days of the week [ Tuesday] months of the year [ February ] , names of restaurants [Pizza Hut ], titles of books [ Macmillan]. Infinitive of purpose It's used to show why we do the action. (to + infinitive ) e.g Dad went to the hospital to visit his sick friend. Rewrite Using (to ) 1. I went to the club , because I wanted to play with my friends . 2. Noha is going to by a brush and paintings , because , she wants to paint her room . 3. I go to school , because I want to learn . 4. She called me , because she needed help . 5. Mum needs vegetables , because she wants to make vegetables soup . II- Answer the following questions: Use ( to + infinitive ) 1. Why do you go to school ? 2. Why do you go to club ? 3. Why does Ahmed go to the cinema ? 4. Why did Mona go to the supermarket ? 5. Why did Martin buy some carrots , peas and anions ? III- Complete the following sentences : 1. Christine went to Pizza hut to ………………………………. 2. The children practiced a lot to ……………………. the match . 3. I go to bed to …………………. 4. Mum went to the hair dresser to ………………………… 5. Mark joined the basket ball team to ……………………


* Choose the correct answer : 1. I went to the library to [ borrow – borrowed – borrowing ] a book . 2. They went to the restaurant to [ has - had – have ] a meal . 3. The children go to the club every Friday to [ played – play – playing ] football . 4. Mr and Mrs. Martin [ celebrated – created – carried ] their anniversary yesterday . They hare been married for 25 years . 5. I get up early to [ went – go – going ] to school early . ********************************* Choose the correct answer : 1. [ Mash – Smash – Peel ] the potato with the butter and black pepper . 2. Do you know the [ menu – recipe – recite ] of potato nests ? 3. A [ Kid – Calf – lamb ] is a baby sheep . 4. Mr and Mrs Martin [ celebrated – created – cried ] their anniversary

yesterday . They have been married for 25 years . 5. [ Who – Why – Where ] do you need a knife ? To chop onion . 6. You can have roast chicken as a [ main course – starter – dessert ] . 7. You can have [ an ice cream – pizza – vegetable soup ] as dessert . 8. How [ many – often – much ] do you eat fish ? Once a month . 9. What would you choose from the [receipt – menu – recipe ] ? 10. They went to the restaurant to [ make soup – buy fruit – have a meal ] . 11. [ Where – What – How much ] does this car cost ? 12. She [ shipped – shopped – chopped ] the tomatoes , cucumber and

carrots to make some salad . 13. [ Stop – Stir – Start ] some sugar in tea please . 14. We drink soup as a [ main course- desert- starter ]. 15. We put [ parsley- baguette- salt ] on the food to decorate it. 16. Mum went to the bakery and bought[ beef burger – baguette – bananas ]

yesterday . Rewrite the following sentences

1. We go to the library to borrow books [Why] 2. He eats fish once a week ? [ How] 3. The doctor looked after sick people. [ What…]


4. Mum cooks lunch everyday . Dad works in the garden everyday . [ while ]

5. Sarah sat on her chair. [not] 6. Dad bought two cupboards. [How many] 7. The camel has big ears. [Camels] 8. Snakes crawl in a slow way. [ slowly] 9. She was badly hurt in an accident. [ They] 10. Dad paid 60 pounds for buying meat and vegetables . [How much] Dialogue : Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Nabil : What shall we do this afternoon ? Usama : Let’s ………………………… football . Nabil : It’s too hot . …………………… to the cinema . Usama : A good idea …………………………………….. ? Nabil : The film starts at six o’clock .

Comprehension Sharon Miller is a 12-year-old student at Sea view Elementary School . Last month , she took a special vacation with her father . They went to Antarctica to see emperor penguins ! On October 18th , they took an airplane from California to Argentina . Then they got on a big ship with 90 other people . They went past giant blue and white icebergs in the sea . Two days later , they reached Snow Hill Island in Antarctica . They hiked through the ice and snow past seals and sea birds . Then they saw the penguins . “ There were thousands of them , ” said Sharon . The penguins were noisy and curious Sharon was delighted . “ It was the greatest trip of my life,” she said .“ I want to go back someday. ” Choose the best answer :

1- Who did Sharon go on her trip with ? a. her mother b. her father c. her teacher


2- Why did Sharon go to Antarctica ? a. to learn about icebergs b. to see emperor penguins c. to hike through the ice and snow

Answer the following question :

1- What kind of animal did Sharon NOT see ? …………………………………………………………………………

2- What dose Sharon want to do in the future ? …………………………………………………………………………

Pictorial Composition 

 Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture on  

“All about my country Egypt ” 

Guiding words : 

fine weather – kind people – different places – hotels – restaurants – beaches – museums – pyramids – sphinx – camels




……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….…………..


Unit 5 Journey to Jo'burg

New vocab. - Jo'burg : Johannsburg - journey (n) : a long trip on land . - decide (v) : to think about two or more things and choose one of then - tyre (n) : the thick rubber ring that fits around the outside of a wheel . - tar (n.) : black substance used for making roads . - steel (n.) : a metal used for making knives , spoons …. etc . - railway (n) : track for trains . - glint (v) : to shine with small bright flashes of light . - sigh (v.) : to breathe out heavily. - confident (adj.) : feeling or showing that you are sure about something . - set off : to leave on a journey . - suggest (v) : to say an idea . - roar (v.) : to move making a loud , deep sound . - stabs of hunger : a painful feeling because of hunger . - flop down : to move or fall heavily. - skim (v.) : to move quickly over a surface . - gaze (v.) : to look steadily for a long time . - fenced – off : to separate one area from another with a fence . - insist (v.) : to say strongly that you must do something . - afford (v.) : to be able to buy . - sweat (n.) : salty liquid which comes out from the skin when you're hot . - skid (v.) : of a vehicle to slip sideways out of the road . - mutter (v.) : to speak in a low , voice. - sack (n.) : a large strong bag used for carrying or storing things . - wedge (v.) : to push something or somebody into a small space . - hedge (n) : a row of bushes or trees planted close together at the

edge of a garden - sledge (n) : a vehicle without wheels that's used for carrying people or things on snow and pulled with dogs . - shiver (v.) : to shake slightly because you're cold or frightened . - scratch(v.) : to rub with sth rough . - scratchy(adj) : spoilt by scratches . NB : Adjective = is a word that describes nouns ( people, animals or things ).


Grammatical structure Should / ought to - We use " should " and " ought to" give advice or an opinion . 1- We should clean our teeth after every meal . 2- We ought to clean our teeth after every meal people oughtn't to tell lies . 3- People shouldn’t tell lies .

Rewrite the following sentences : 1. It’s good to do sports . [ should ] 2. It’s bad to eat a lot of rice . [ shouldn’t ] 3. It’s necessary to sleep early . [ should ] 4. Tom is advising . Ann to see the film . [ should ] 5. You look tired . [ should ] 6. It would be a good thing to apologize to Mary . [ Should ] 7. You have to apologize to Mary . [ must ] 8. You’d better study your lessons . [ should ] 9. “ No smoking “ [ shouldn’t ] 10. We don’t see our friends enough these days . [ ought to ] ******************************* Choose the correct answer : 1. My father got me some books to read [ in – on – at ] my journey . 2. The cow looks [ sick – happy – beautiful ] , you should call in the vet . 3. The car raised a cloud of [ gas – mosquitoes – dust ] as it went down the road . 4. In Canada , there is a [ building – railway – post office ] which goes across the Rocky mountains . 5. Kate studies hard . She feels [ confident – sad – good ] that she can pass the exam . 6. Many people die of [ hunger – playing – sweat ] every year . 7. I was covered in [ sweet – sweat – wheat ] after playing football .


8. The farmer carried heavy [ cans – bottles – sacks ] of flour . 9. large [ sledges – hedges – bridges ] are often pulled by dogs . 10. the road was a track [ make by – made by – making by ] car tires . 11. You shouldn't drive when it's [sunny – cloudy – foggy ] . 12. We have decided [ on- to- from ] spend our holiday in Alex. 13. The company simply cannot [ arrest – affect – afford ] . 14. Can't you slow [ about- up- down ]a bit? You're driving much too fast. 15. The trucks [ make – makes – are making ] a lot of noise . 16. They were very poor . They didn’t have money [ to – of – for ] the doctor when anyone often got sick . 17. Mr. Jackson [ divided – decided – disagreed ] to start the summer

course next June . 18. My uncle invited me for a visit to his farm , and he [ suggested – sighed – glinted ] that I should spend the whole week there. 19. The headmaster asked all the students to behave well inside the

classroom and he [ insisted – said – thought ] on following all the school rules .

Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. Why don't we go to the cinema . [ let's ] 2. You should read the questions carefully . [ shouldn't ] 3. It was raining when my father came . [ while ] 4. While I was having breakfast , my sister phoned from Mexico . [ when ]

5. The journey by train was quick . [ arrived ] 6. It's the duty of people not to tell lies . [ people ] 7. He behaves badly . [ should ] 8. The plane flew very low over the treetops . [ skimmed ] 9. I can't see the blackboard when I sit in the back row . [should ] 10. The girl likes ice-cream . [ The girls ]


Dialogue : Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues A- Jane : Hello ! ……………………………..……………….? Kate : I'm packing for my holiday . Jane : ………………………………………….…………..? Kate : I'm going to the seaside , near Alex . Jane : ……………………………………………….……..? Kate : Oh , yes , I am . I always take a camera on holiday . Comprehension Angela’s younger brother was in the kitchen . There were eggs , flour , and sugar on the counter . “ What are you doing , Victor ? ” asked Angela . “ I’m making cookies ,” he answered . “ But I’m confused . ” Victor had a recipe from the Internet . It said he needed three eggs, two cups of flour , and one cup of sugar . But the recipe was for only 10 cookies . Victor wanted to make 30 cookies . “ What should I do ? ” he asked . Angela explained that it was a simple math problem . Ten times three . He needed nine eggs instead of three and six cups of flour instead of two . “ and three cups of sugar ! ” said Victor . “ That’s right , ” said Angela . Choose the best answer :

1- What was Victor doing in the kitchen ? a. writing a recipe b. making cookies c. doing his homework 2- Why was Victor confused ? a. because he couldn’t find any eggs . b. because Angela gave him the wrong information . c. because he didn’t know to change the recipe .

Answer the following question :

1- How many cookies did Victor want to make ? ……………………………………………………………………………..

2- Why would Victor use three cups of sugar instead of one ? ……………………………………………………………………………..


 Pictorial Composition 

Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture on  

“ Your birthday party : 

Guiding words : 

today – make – cake – presents – on the table – friends – happy dance – sing – eat

……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….…………..


Unit 6 A long Journey

New Vocab. - journey : the act of traveling from one place to another . - the U k : the country of the great Britain and Northern Ireland . ( United Kingdom) . - dear : used at the beginning of the letter to greet a person you're writing to . - pack : to put clothes and other possessions into a bag before travelling. pack ≠ unpack - cross off : to remove something from a list . - too much : more than is needed or wanted . - suitcase : a flat bag with a handle for carrying clothes and things while travelling . - locked : to fasten with a lock . - water the plants: to pour water on plants or soil that they're growing in . - miss : to arrive too late to get on a bus , train or a plane /

miss the bus x catch the bus - get on : to enter a public vehicle or to seat one self on a plane train or a bus. get on the bus x get off the bus . check in(v.) : to report your arrival at an airport or a hotel . - check in ( desk ): the place at the airport or a hotel where you report your arrival . - check in x check out - land : to arrive at a place after moving down through the air . - land ≠ take off - code : a system of words , letters or numbers which is used to represent a message in a secret form or short form . - wondered : to express a wish to know about something or to ask yourself a question . - astronaut : a person who travels in a space craft . Preposition :

• I haven't played tennis for years . • She writes a letter to her mother . • My parents are waiting for my brother at the airport . • Our plane flies above the clouds . • The teacher didn't cross Aly's name off the list . • Maha tells me everything about her life .



Future tense Form 1. Will + V. stem 2. am , is , are + going to + v. stem Time expressions . Tomorrow – next – in the future – soon .

Will (Be) Going to We use it for 1- Quick decision 2- Promise 3- Threat 4- true fact 5- Offer 6- Prediction (personal opinion)

We use it for 1- Plans 2- Prediction with evidence

Examples 1. I like this dress . I will buy it . quick decision 2. I’ll buy you a bike if you get good marks . promise 3. Mum will punish me if I break the glass . threat 4. I will be ten next week . true fact 5. I'll help you wash your car . offer 6. I think you’ll enjoy the trip . Prediction (personal opinion) 7. I’m going to travel to Alex . = I've already packed my suitcase .(plans) 8. It's cloudy today . It is going to rain . prediction with evidence Shall : is used mostly in offers and suggestions . e. g : Shall 1 make you some coffee ? [ offer ]

Shall we go to the cinema to day ? [ suggestion ] Note Normally we use shall only with I and we .


Adjective comparative superlative 1. - er + adj. + than the + adj. + est clean cleaner than the cleanest 2. Adj. ending in( e ) large larger than the largest safe safer than the safest 3. Adj that have one vowel before the last letter , big bigger than the biggest fat fatter than the fattest 4. Adjectives that end with (y) after a consonant easy easier than the easiest heavy heavier than the heaviest 5. Adjectives that are longer than one syllable expensive more expensive than the most expensive beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful 6. Irregulars good better than the best bad worse than the worst far farther than the farthest little less than the least

much/ many more than the most * Correct the adjective : 1. Dan is the [ clever ] boy in math classes . 2. Tom has got the [ bad ] mark in yesterday’s quiz . 3. Snow White is the [ interesting ] story I’ve ever read . 4. That was an [ easy ] question . It’s [ easy ] than what I expected . 5. Lady Diana was [ beautiful ] than princess Sarah and she was loved by all people in England . ****************************


Correct the verb : 1. The guests [ arrive ] soon . 2. It’s very hot in here . I [ turn ] on the fan . 3. If Mary comes to the party , we [ be ] so happy . 4. It’s very cloudy today , it [ rain ]. 5. This dress is so stylish, I think I [ buy ] it . Choose the correct answer : 1. The boy got [ on – off – up ] and kindly offered his seat to an old man . 2. You won't believe what happened , I [ lost – missed – locked ] the plane . 3. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks [ the happiest – happy –

happier ] today . 4. What is the [ good – better – best ] way to spend the week end . 5. Hazem is telling me [ for – with – about ] a trip he's going to make with

his family . 6. We went [ in – at – on ] holiday to Alex last summer . 7. He’s driving his car so fast . He [ will – shall – is going to ] have an

accident . 8. It was an [ exciting – exited – happy ] journey . 9. Before going to the super market , make a [ code – list – suitcase ] of

things to buy . 10. Maha , couldn't close her bag , she packed it [ two – too – to ] much . 11. The plane [ landed – flew – moved ] on the ground with aloud crash . 12. Did you cross her name [ off – with – at ] the guest list ? 13. Which bag do you want ? I [ will – am going to – shan’t ] have this one . 14. I can’t understand the message because it is written in a secret

[code – coke – coin ]. 15. They are packing their suitcases . They [ are going to – will – shall ]

travel to Aswan


Re-write the following sentences using words in the brackets : 1. They went shopping yesterday . [ tomorrow ] 2. She bought some food . [ going to ] 3. She will buy a new Camera . [ what ] 4. My dad will go fishing tomorrow . [ yesterday ] 5. I made a list of things . [ what ] 6. The plane left at 10: 30 yesterday . [ soon ] 7. They had a big party yesterday . [ tomorrow ] 8. Summer is hotter than winter . [ as ………… as ] 9. She will go to Sharm El-Shieikh next month . [ not ] 10. No one is more beautiful than Sally . [ Sally ] 11. Everest is the highest mountain in the world . [ No . ] 12. It's necessary to leave early for school . [ must ] 13. The fisherman caught a big fish . [not ] 14. It's better for you to see a dentist twice a year .[ should ] 15. We plan to travel to Alexandria next month . [ going ] Change into negative : 1. I had the best seat at the cinema last night . 2. She crossed off many things from the list . 3. I am going to water the plants .


4. She brushes her teeth three times a day . 5. She dreamed of flying through the air . 6. They will have a nice party tomorrow . From questions : 1. She flew in an air ship three years ago . 2. They will live in Cairo next year . 3. My parents are going to travel to London . 4. She fixes her vacuum cleaner every year. 5. He drove the car fast. Dialogue : Supply the missing parts : Sama : ……………………… , Aliaa ? Aliaa : I'll spend it on my grandfather's farm . Sama : ……………………………………? Aliaa : It's in 10th. of Ramdan city . Sama : ……………………………………? Aliaa : I'll go there with my family . Comprehension Many people pick 7 as a lucky number . But what about the number 12 ? Long ago , people didn’t have pencils and paper . So , they couldn’t easily write numbers . But people have one thumb and four fingers on each hand , and the four fingers can bend into three parts . When they needed to count, they used their thumbs to point to the 12 parts of their fingers . a Nowadays , people use 12 to count many different things . A calendar has 12 months and a clock has 12 hours . At the store , some things are sold in groups of 12 . This called a “ dozen .” You can buy a dozen doughnuts or a dozen pencils . The number 12 might not be luck. But it’s certainly . useful !


Choose the best answer : 1- How many parts are there on each finger ?

a. three b. four c. twelve 2- Long ago , why did people use their fingers to count ?

a. because there were no pencils or paper . b. because it was hard to remember numbers . c. because they didn’t know how to write numbers .

Answer the following question : 1- What item is sold in groups of 12 ?

………………………………………………………………………… 2- What dose a “ dozen ” mean ?

………………………………………………………………………… Pictorial Composition 

Write a paragraph of six sentences  describing the picture:  

Guiding words : 

restaurant – pizza – delicious – macaroni – celebrate – mother – grilled – burger

……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….…………..



Cairo Governorate                          Department : English Nozha Directorate of Education Form             : 4th  Primary     Nozha Language Schools                                    Final Revision   “Ismailia Road” Branch                        First term       

*Choose the correct answer : 

1. I like to eat (monkey – turkey – jockey) in the New Year's Eve.

2. I haven't any (melon – money – honey) to buy this expensive dress.

3. The wind (blow – blows – blew) hard every year in January.

4. What does the women (said – say – saying)?

5. There is a deep (volcano – crack – magma) in the ground.

6. Hot rocks inside the earth are called (lava – magma – ash).

7. There is (lava – ash – dust) in the basket, did you burn something?

8. A sleeping volcano is a (lazy – dormant – hot) one.

9. The volcano has a (lava – vent – ash) as a hole at the top.

10. Hot, liquid rock flowing out of a volcano is called (cloud of smoke – magma‐ lava).

11. This is a / an (active – dormant – big) volcano. It can explode at any time.

12. She answered the door for the (one – first – two) time.

13. (Knew – New – Now) is the opposite of old.

14. Sorry I haven't got (slice – room – eat). I'm full.

15. This pie is (bad – smelly – delicious). I will eat it all.

16. Honey is a (cold – sticky – hot). It always sticks on me.

17. (While – When – Why) he was running, he fell down.

18. Do you (wants – wanting – want) to eat me?

19. The wolf came and (eat – ate – eating) a pie.

20. The door bell (ring – rang‐ was ringing) while Polly was cooking in the kitchen.

21. When it (was starting – started – starts) to rain, they were playing.

22. "I'm too full" (said the wolf – the wolf say – the wolf said) " I'm going to eat you

next time."

23. Look at the (page – list – menu) and choose your meal.


24. We went to the (party – restaurant – cafe`) to have a nice meal.

25. I want my potato (grilled – fried – drain).

26. I like to have (bread – burger – chocolate cake) as a dessert.

27. Drain – Mash – Sprinkle) the potato with butter.

28. I like to (stir – start – sprinkle) coconut on my cake.

29. This (fruit salad – soup) is too hot.

30. Do you like burger as a (starter – main course – dessert).

31. Do you know the (menu – receipt – recipe) of making French Cookies.

32. I don't like to put (sugar – salt – pepper) on my salad. It's too spicy.

33. Please (tray – stir – chop) some sugar in my tea.

34. You must (mash – peel – drain) potato before cooking it.

35. I like my chicken (boiled ‐ drained ‐ roasted).

36. Don't (drain – cool – mash) your pizza, it's better to eat it hot..

37. The bus leaves (at – for – in) half past seven every morning.

38. Dad keeps his important papers in his (parcel – suitcase – sack).

39. We like moving over ice in a (journey – sledge – pin).

40. Would you prefer to eat ice cream as (starter – dessert – main course)

41. Mum usually (sprinkle – drain – peel) tomatoes over the pizza.

42. The hot soup (burn – burnt – burns) my tongue yesterday.

43. I was very hungry and I ate all the meal (greedy – greedily – greed).

44. The bus is (full of – full off – full up) people, we can't get on.

45. There are many (cello – celloes – cellos) on the self.

46. Don't (put on – take off – hold on) your coat, it's very windy.

47. (Recipe – Katy – Winter) is a proper noun.

48. While we were fishing, we (catch – caught – held) some fish.

49. (Lava – Vent – Magma) is a hole in the top of a volcano.

50. I (make – made – making) mistakes while I was writing.

51. The (house – houses – truck) look empty.


*Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 

1. He slept really yesterday. (always)


2. The girl carries her bag. (their)


3. That is my wife. (are)


4. They sometimes clean their rooms. (he)


5. Mum was cooking when I finished my homework. (As)


6. They ran fast. They met their friend. (when)


7. The boy played football. It started to rain. (while)


8. Ali has got a new book. (this)


9. Sally's dress is nice. (has)


10. They ran quickly. (runners)


11. He felt sad yesterday. (was)


12. The roof of my house is made of hay. (are)


13. Magda has got a black dress. ('s)



14. This cat has nice eyes. (these)


15. My father has an expensive car. (not)


16. She drank some milk last night. (any)


17. The girl ate five slices of pizza. (how)


18. My uncle had a lot of work last weekend. (usually)


19. We eat burger on Fridays. (the boy)


20. The man drove his car slowly. (How….?)


21. They bought some presents. (what)


22. We made a nice party because we got high marks. (why)


23. He wears a helmet to climb the mountain. (for)


24. Sam didn't go to school because he wanted to watch cartoon. (to)


25. She bought a broom for cleaning the house. (to)


26. I worked hard to have a lot of money. (because)



27. He won't visit his aunt. (is going)


28. He bought a nice present last holiday. (next)


29. The boys ran to their school bus. (at 7 o'clock in the morning)


30. I advise you to stop smoking. (should)


31. It's better for her to study hard. (should)


32. It's better for your brother to drink much cola. (shouldn't)


33. He shouldn't shout in the class. (It's bad)


34. They should obey their parents. (It's good)


35. We will swim next holiday. (what)


36. They are going to write a letter to their uncle. (what)


37. Mum was cooking when my father came. (what)


38. The camel carries heavy loads. (what)


39. The man wrote a nice poem for his daughter. (what)



40. They studied for three hours. (How ……..?)


41. We had lunch at the restaurant. (not)


42. my suitcase is heavier than yours. (as ……….. as)


43. he is a careless driver. (carelessly)


44. this is John's bag. (Whose)


45. I'm playing computer games now. (everyday)


46. Sue watches comic films every Friday. (What)


47. I watched a movie. I was staying at home. (While)


48. We'll travel to England next month. (not)


49. I think you have a bad toothache. (should)


50. I am going to visit my aunty next Wednesday. (When)


51. Mum bought peas, carrots and onions to make vegetable soup. (Why)



4th Primary Final Revision 2

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 1. John usually sleeps early. (yesterday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. I visit my grandfather every Friday. (last Friday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. The little boy crossed the road alone yesterday. (Look!) ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. The girls sang a song an hour ago. (Listen!) ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. Tom is going to school now. (every morning) ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. We played football last Sunday. (every Sunday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

7. While he was running, it started to rain. (When) ……………………………………………………………………………………

8. my mum was cooking when my dad arrived. (While) ……………………………………………………………………………………

9. As they were playing, he broke his leg. (When) ……………………………………………………………………………………

10. When the bell rang, I was having a shower. (Just as) ……………………………………………………………………………………

11. Tomorrow, I will travel to Luxor. (Yesterday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

12. We will study maths next Saturday. (last Saturday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

13. The children walked to school yesterday. (tomorrow) ……………………………………………………………………………………

14. It's not good for your health to sleep late. (shouldn't) ……………………………………………………………………………………


15. It's healthy to eat fruit and vegetables. (should) ……………………………………………………………………………………

16. He will leave for London . (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

17. The boys usually play with balls . (Look !) ……………………………………………………………………………………

18. He doesn’t drink milk . (never) ……………………………………………………………………………………

19. The child has a toy goose . (some) ……………………………………………………………………………………

20. Some deer were in the forest . (one) ……………………………………………………………………………………

21. She isn’t as beautiful as her mother . (Her mother) ……………………………………………………………………………………

22. A deer eats grass in the field. (Some) ……………………………………………………………………………………

23. A sheep helps the farmers in his work. (some) ……………………………………………………………………………………

24. This lady hasn't got children. (These) ……………………………………………………………………………………

25. There was a book on the shelf. (Were) ……………………………………………………………………………………

26. Some lions are running after a prey. (A pride) ……………………………………………………………………………………

27. I bought mum a lot of flowers. (a bunch) ……………………………………………………………………………………

28. Some cards are on the floor. ( A) ……………………………………………………………………………………

29. He caught some fish. ( a shoal) ……………………………………………………………………………………


30. Some whales are swimming in the sea. (A) ……………………………………………………………………………………

31. Ali is more intelligent than Hala. (as……as) ……………………………………………………………………………………

32. Salma is taller than Sally. (Sally is) ……………………………………………………………………………………

33. No river is longer than the Nile. (The Nile) ……………………………………………………………………………………

34. Tom is short. John is short too. (as…… ……………………………………………………………………………………

35. Sara is more beautiful than Sally. (as…….as) ……………………………………………………………………………………

36. No book is more exciting than this book. (the most) ……………………………………………………………………………………

37. This necklace is the most expensive one. (more) ……………………………………………………………………………………

38. No building is higher than the Cairo Tower. (the highest) ……………………………………………………………………………………

39. The man helped the lady. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

40. She gets up at 7 o'clock. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

41. He is a teacher. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

42. We have got some toys. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

43. They have a bike. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

44. Sara has got a pen friend. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………


45. Ramy has a pet. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

46. He will revise for the exam. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

47. We like apples. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

48. Carla goes to school by bus. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

49. I bought some vegetables to make a vegetable soup. (Why) ……………………………………………………………………………………

50. I get up at 6 o'clock. (When) ……………………………………………………………………………………

51. I visited Paris twice. (How…) ……………………………………………………………………………………

52. My uncle will stay in Aswan for two weeks. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

53. I have got two brothers. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

54. Mum needs a kilo of sugar. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

55. This shirt is fifty pounds. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

56. He is playing tennis. (What) ……………………………………………………………………………………

57. If she is free, she will go to the club. (Where) ……………………………………………………………………………………

58. Rania goes to the club once a week. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

59. I remained in Mexico for one week. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………


60. She is crying because she lost her bag. (Why) ……………………………………………………………………………………

61. I found the book under the table. (Where) ……………………………………………………………………………………

62. Mum used to make puppets when she was young. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………

63. He was wearing a nice shirt at ten o'clock yesterday. (When) ……………………………………………………………………………………

64. My neighbor invited me to attend his birthday party. (invitation) ……………………………………………………………………………………

65. Dad comes home late every day. (returns) ……………………………………………………………………………………

66. My aunt will stay in London for a week. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

67. English is my favourite subject. (What) ……………………………………………………………………………………

68. My brother was watching a film at nine o'clock yesterday. (yesterday) ……………………………………………………………………………………

69. I came here because my father got a new job. (Why) ……………………………………………………………………………………

70. I was planting vegetables many years ago. (When) ……………………………………………………………………………………

71. I rang you several times yesterday. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………

72. They didn't go anywhere this year. (nowhere) ……………………………………………………………………………………

73. Everyone has a lunch box here. (Does) ……………………………………………………………………………………

74. The Chinese people built the first computer. (not) ……………………………………………………………………………………


75. The monkey is lighter than the elephant. (The elephant) ……………………………………………………………………………………

76. The lived in America for ten years. (How) ……………………………………………………………………………………





A‐ Vocabulary & Structure 1‐ Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1. Beds and chairs are made [ for – of – off ] wood . 2. It is very hot in here . I am going to [ put on – take off – take in ] my coat . 3. The sun shone [ quickly – brightly – noisily ] yesterday . 4. [ Magma – Lava – Rocks ] is the hot , liquid rock flowing out of a volcano . 5. While mother [ cooked – was cooking – cooks ] dinner , father came home . 6. Dina [ had – is going to have – has ] an exam next week . 7. The wolf was [ to – too – two ] full of chocolate cake and toffee . 8. The apple pie was so [ nasty – delicious – awful ] that we ate it all at once .

2‐ Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :  1. I broke a glass . I was washing the dishes . [ While ] ………………………………………………………………….. 2. They are going to travel to London next week . [ last week ] ………………………………………………………………….. 3. This is a nice photo . [ are ] ………………………………………………………………….. 4. Mr. Jones was working in the garden when he found a ring . [ What ] …………………………………………………………………..         B‐ Language Function  3‐ Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue  : Adam : Do you like travelling ? Ben : Yes , ........................................................................... Adam : .....................................................................................? Ben : I visited England , France and Italy . Adam : ............................................................... England ? Ben : I went to England two years ago .


Cairo Governorate

Nozha Directorate of Education

Nozha Language Schools 

Subject:     Eُnglish

 Form :  4th Primary (A.L)      Mid Term Exam.

2011-2012 /......................................التلميذاسم






C‐ Reading Comprehension 4‐Read the following passage and answer the questions below : 

Good health is one of the most important things in life . It's something that allows a person to have a happy , useful and successful life . There are certain rules which help us to stay healthy . We should eat a balanced diet of the right kinds of food and drink a lot of water. All foods can make us fat if we eat too much of them , especially starchy foods , fats , and sweets . We should do exercises regularly , if possible in the open air , and get enough sleep . The number of hours' sleep we need depends on our age . Young babies sleep from 20 to 22 hours each day , older people only need between 6 and 7 hours . We should keep ourselves clean . Regular washing is important , especially the hands . Teeth should be brushed night and morning . Good health is a priceless treasure . It is worth trying to keep it .

Choose the correct answer : 

1‐ ………………………….. sleep about twenty hours daily .

a‐ Teenagers b‐ Adults c‐ Babies 4‐ It's preferable to do exercises in………………..

a‐ playgrounds b‐ houses c‐ classes

Answer the following questions 

3‐ What happens if we eat too much of something ? ……………………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………….. 4‐ What should we do to protect our teeth ?

…………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………..



D‐ Pictorial Composition 

5‐ Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture:  

                " A visit to  my sick friend " 

Guiding words : 

Last week – didn't come to school – very ill – food – a seller in the street – the doctor advise – help – do – his homework – thank

……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….…………..

 E‐ The Link Readers   " The Lost World" 

6‐ A‐ Answer the following questions .  1. What was Ned Malone looking for ? Why ?

……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..

2. What was there under the Earth long ago ? ……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..

B‐ Complete the following sentences : 3. Ned Malone was a ............................. for the Daily Gazette .

4. Professor George Edward challenger was a ..........................





F‐ Orthography 7‐ A‐ Supply the missing lines I'm a veggie lion ………………………………………………..………………………….. …………………………………………………..……………………….. ……………………………………………………………..tweet , tweet . B‐ What is the main idea ? …………………………………………………………….................….. ………………………………………………………………...................


  G‐ Handwriting 8‐ Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting  

Never too old to learn .

Good Luck  















           A‐ Listening  1‐ Listen to the words and circle the right picture :  

 2‐ Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :        

 B‐ Reading Comprehension 


Cairo Governorate

Nozha Directorate of Education

Nozha Language Schools

Subject:     Eُnglish

 Form :  4th Primary (O.L)      Mid Term Exam.

2011-2012 /......................................التلميذاسم





3‐ Read and circle the odd one out : 1. figs – apples – bananas ‐ milk 2. lion – seven – giraffe ‐ tiger 3. bike – bus – cat – car 4. camera – plate – television – bird 4‐ Read and match the words with the numbers : 1. five 6 2. eight 9 3. six 8 4. nine 5 

C‐ Writing 5‐ Re‐arrange the following to make meaningful sentences : 1. on – the – The – is – monkey – tree . ……………………………………………………….. 2. is – That – elephant ‐ an ………………………………………………………… 3. name ‐ is – your – What ‐ ? ………………………………………………………… 6‐ Look at the picture and write the missing word in each sentence :  1‐ They are ten ............................. old . 2‐ It's my ....................................... . 3‐ Is it an ......... ……………………..? Yes , it is .

4‐ ........ ………………is a monkey. 5‐ The cat is ....................... the hat . 7‐ Punctuate the following sentence :  the rat is in tamer s hat

8‐ Copy the following sentence :  Many hands make work light .

 Cairo Governorate 








                         Department : English  Nozha Directorate of Education Form             : 4th Primary     Nozha Language Schools                           Mid‐Year Exam( 2011‐2012)   “Ismailia Road” Branch              The Exam is in : (4) Pages               Time : 2 Hours 

A‐ Vocabulary & Structure 1‐ Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1. I’ll have a chocolate cake as a [ starter – main course – dessert ] . 2. How [ long – often – much ] do you have an English test ? Once a month . 3. He practised a lot for the race . Now he is so self [ sad – confident – angry ] . 4. He [ should – ought – must ] to clean his teeth twice a day . 5. Many people in Africa die of [ hungry – anger – hunger ] everyday . 6. Which dress do you want ? I think I [ will – am going to – shall ] have the blue one . 7. The wind [ shone – blew – flew ] hard last night . It was so windy . 8. [ Where – While – When ] I was riding my bike , I fell down .

2‐ Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :  1. Dad bought a new car last week . [ What ] ………………………………………………………………….. 2. He behaves badly . [ should ] ………………………………………………………………….. 3. We plan to watch this important film . [ going ] ………………………………………………………………….. 4. Ben studies all his lessons everyday . [ not ] …………………………………………………………………..          

B‐ Language Function 3‐ Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue  : Fady : …………………………. your Mid‐Year holiday ? Maged : I am going to visit Turkey . Fady : ………………………………………………………? Maged : In a hotel . Fady : ……………………………………………? Maged : No,with my friends . Fady : Have a nice time there . Maged : Thank you .




C‐ Reading Comprehension 4‐Read the following passage and answer the questions below : 

Once a king promised to give a bag of gold to anyone who would tell him the most wonderful story , but it must be quite impossible for the story to be true . From all the parts of the country people came to tell remarkable stories but the king said that was quite possible for them to be true and the prize was not given. At last came an old man , carrying a large jar He said to the king.” Your father borrowed from me as much gold as this jar can hold , please , pay back the amount to me” “It’s impossible ,” said the king looking at the big jar .

“ Then if it is impossible I have won the bag of gold , but if my story is true , then pay back your father’s debt.” The king laughed and gave him the prize .

Answer the following questions 1‐ Why did the king give the man the prize ? …………………………………………………………………….. 2‐ What do you think of the old man ? …………………………………………………………………….. Choose the correct answer : 3‐ The king didn’t give any prize for all people because their stories were ................

a‐ bad b‐ true c‐ impossible 4‐ The king’s father took from the old man …………… a‐ nothing b‐ a bag of gold c‐ a jar full of gold

D‐ Pictorial Composition 

5‐ Write a paragraph of Six sentences  describing the picture:  


Guiding words : 

school library – many shelves – books – children – at tables – reading interesting books – the librarian – helps .




……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ………………………………………………………………………………..

 E‐ The Link Readers   " The Lost World" 

6‐ A‐ Answer the following questions .  1. Who is Lord Roxton ?

……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..

2. What did the wild Indians want ? ……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..

 B‐ Complete the following sentences : 3. Lord John Roxton and the young reporter would go with professor Summer Lee to

……………………………………………… 4. The plateau was named ……………………………………………………….

 F‐ Orthography 

7‐ A‐ Supply the missing lines : Some day I may ………………………………………………..………………………….. …………………………………………………..……………………….. …………………………………………………………………………… . But not today . B‐ What’s the main idea of the poem ? …………………………………………………………….................….. ………………………………………………………………...................

     G‐ Handwriting 8‐ Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting  

Don’t put all eggs in one basket .

Good Luck 





Cairo Governorate              Department : English  Nozha Directorate of Education Form             : 4th Primary     Nozha Language Schools                          Mid‐Year Exam (O.L)   “Ismailia Road” Branch              The Exam is in : (2) Pages               Time : 2 Hours (2011‐2012) 

A‐ Listening 1‐ Listen to the words and circle the right picture :  


2‐ Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :       





B‐ Reading Comprehension 3‐ Read and circle the odd one out : 1. Sunday – September – Monday – Friday 2. pen – snake – book – bag 3. brother – sister – door – mother 4. mouth – hair – mouse – nose 4‐ Read and match the words with the numbers : 1. fifteen 11 2. eight 15 3. five 8 4. eleven 5 

C‐ Writing 5‐ Re‐arrange the following to make meaningful sentences : 1. next to – The park – pool – the – is . ……………………………………………………….. 2. Mona – on – Where – was – Monday ? ………………………………………………………… 3. like – school – don't – walking – to – I . ………………………………………………………… 6‐ Look at the picture and write the missing word in each sentence :  1‐ I can see a …………………… 2‐ …………………………a bike . 3‐ ……………………two stars . 4‐ This is a …………………………..       D‐ Punctuation and Handwriting  7‐ Punctuate the following sentence :  ali and mona went to alexandria

8‐ Copy the following sentence :  Don't put all the eggs in one basket .







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