  • 7/29/2019 49593941 Gift of Discernment Paper


    Derek Johnson

    Professor Aaron Thurber

    Systematic Theology IV 362

    2 February 2011

    Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: The Gift of Discernment


    In looking at all the various spiritual gifts and secondary issues surrounding a

    course on Pentecostal distinctives, I found myself most intrigued by the gift of

    discernment, also known as the gift of discerning the spirits. The desire to dig deeper

    in this area comes from my own deficit of knowledge about this gift and its application in

    modern-day society. Certainly, the Bible has much to say about the use of spiritual

    discernment in that multiple occurrences can be seen across the Old and New Testaments

    (as will be discussed). As it is with so many other Biblical concepts, we look for a way to

    incorporate what was practiced thousands of years ago into our everyday lives. So it is

    with the spiritual gifts and for the purpose of this paper, the gift of discernment.

    Discernment in the Old Testament

    Under the old covenant, Gods Spirit was not poured out and available to all men

    as we have come to understand it in the new covenant. God didput his Spirit upon

    individuals such as leaders, judges, and prophets for appointed times of his choosing. In

    a dialogue with King David in 2 Samuel, David is described as one who is able to know

    between good and evil as an angel of God: And now your servant says, May the word

    of my lord the king secure my inheritance, for my lord the king is like an angel of God in

    discerning good and evil. May the LORD your God be with you. (2 Samuel 14:17,

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    NIV) A strong argument can be made that David was spirit-filled as certain portions of

    Psalms are prophetic in naturedescribing Messiah and his coming reign. To be able to

    write about things unseen with such clarity speaks of a supernatural influence. Taking the

    point further, it can be postulated that Davids wisdom in choosing between good and evil

    was Spirit-motivated.

    Another individual who certainly possessed wisdom and perhaps spiritual

    discernment as well was King Solomon. When God approaches Solomon in a dream and

    tells him to ask for whatever he wants, Solomon asks for discernment (1 Kings 3). As the

    passage continues, Solomons gifting is utilized rather quickly as he correctly discerns the

    true mother of an infant. In this particular instance, Solomons gift of discerning right

    from wrong was used to administer justice; something which God places a high value


    One final Old Testament example from Jeremiah details the use of discernment

    as applied concerning true and false prophecy. Jeremiah 28, the classic account of

    conflict between true and false prophecy, has received more attention than any other

    chapter in the Old Testament in relation to questions about discernment and criteria for

    distinguishing between true and false words from the Lord. ( In chapter

    28, there are two prophets (Jeremiah and Hananiah) who both claim to have words

    directly from God. In a public forum, both prophets present the words they believe the

    Lord has given them. Hananiahs prophecy is for a restoration of Israel and a return from

    exile and captivityall to occur within 2 years. Jeremiahs word is the exact opposite

    captivity and judgment. In addition, Jeremiah pronounces judgment specifically for


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    Listen, Hananiah! The LORD has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this

    nation to trust in lies. Therefore this is what the LORD says: I am about to

    remove you from the face of the earth. This very year you are going to die,

    because you have preached rebellion against the LORD. (Jeremiah 28:15, 16)

    It appears that Jeremiah possesses a certain ability to deduce good from evil and is able to

    apply such knowledge to real-life scenarios. This in essence, is the spirit of discernment.

    Discernment in the New Testament

    Seemingly, once Pentecost is reached, the spiritual gifts as a whole seem to be

    utilized with more regularity and purposefulness. Discernment is seen more frequently

    and even very early on in the Book of Acts. In Acts 5, the story of Ananias and Sapphira

    is a standard description of what spiritual discernment looks like. When bringing in a

    supposed full sum of proceeds as a donation for the church, Ananias is confronted by

    Peter. Being filled by the Spirit, Peter immediately recognizes the lie which is being

    advanced. Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the

    Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?

    (Acts 5:3) Later, Sapphira enters and tries to advance the same lie. Peter repeats the

    questioning and the end result is the same: both husband and wife die because of their

    disobedience. When Peter saw Ananias, the gift of discerning of spirits came into

    manifestation. Peter knew immediately that Ananias was lying to God, and Ananias paid

    the price for it! (Sumrall 80)

    Several other mentions of the gift of discernment arise throughout the New

    Testament. Paul identifies the gift of discerning the spirits in his list of nine spiritual

    gifts orcharismata identified in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10:

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    To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a

    message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same

    Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers,

    to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another

    speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of


    In 1 John 4:1-6, John speaks of the need to test the spirits to see whether they are from

    God. (vs. 1) Indeed, every spirit which affirms the incarnation of Jesus Christ is from

    God. Finally, the Epistle of Jude addresses the fact that there is a difference between

    those who do not have the Spirit and follow natural instincts and those who are Spirit-

    filled and follow His leading.

    In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.

    These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do

    not have the Spirit. But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most

    holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in Gods love as you

    wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. (Jude 18-


    Much more could be said about the occurrences of this gift in the New Testament.

    Jesus, being Gods Son and filled with the Holy Spirit, often exercised discernment

    especially when knowing the hearts and motives of those in his audience (the Pharisees,

    the rich young ruler, the woman at the well). Going back into Acts, certain scenes occur

    which indicate an apostle has a discerning moment about a particular individual. This is

    evident in Acts 8 as Peter encounters Simon the Sorcerer and in Acts 13 as Paul discerns

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    the evil of Elymas, another sorcerer.

    Interpretation and Application

    In appraising various references throughout Scripture, it appears that the gift of

    discernment takes different forms according to Gods will at an appointed time. As in the

    case of Solomon, it allowed a means to correctly judge a situation. It brought clarity in

    order to see what motives were at the heart of an individual. The discerning of spirits is

    a gift which enables one to appraise motives. But more than this, it gives the believer

    power to see what others do not see. (Sumrall 82)

    Another reference defines the gift this way: The gift of discernment is the ability

    to discern the source of a spiritual manifestation; to know whether something is from God

    or not. (Tucker 27) Taking this further, the gift of discernment is related to the

    distinguishing of four spirits: (1) the Holy Spirit, (2) the regenerate spirit, (3) the

    unregenerate spirit, and (4) the demonic spirit. (Collins 20) Peters discernment in

    appropriately judging Ananias and Sapphira was an ability to see the true motive behind

    the gift andthe spirit which was at work.

    If we unwrap the specific case of Ananias and Sapphira further, we see what the

    ultimate effects are for the church as a whole. Because of Peters obedience to the Spirit

    in his daily life, he was given an instantaneous gift of discernment, and toldwhat to

    do. (Phillips 94) Peter was then obedient to the Spirits prompting and the resulting

    judgment was based upon Gods standard for holiness; a standard which remains for the

    church today. The Acts church had purged itself of sin. The measures it took were

    drastic but effective. (Phillips 96) Similarly, when the gift of discernment is exercised

    today, it can be a profound wake-up call or prompting for the church. 1 Peter 1:15, 16

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    states, But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written:

    Be holy, because I am holy. Holiness and purity are what we are called to and God

    will accept no compromise.

    Ever since the church was started, there have been wolves in sheeps clothing

    which have sought to undermine the churchs effectiveness. Truthfully, the ultimate

    motive behind any deception can be tied to our great adversary, the Devil. Spiritual

    warfare is always taking place and we cannot discount the demonic activity which may

    even be present in our own Body. Satans influence is characteristically destructive, and

    the person influenced by a demon will have a destructive influence on the church and

    others around him or her. (Grudem 1083) Those who are gifted with wisdom to discern

    spirits are of vital importance to the church. Hundreds if not thousands of lives can be

    affected by the error of one who brings a false word. Testing the spirits is an on-going

    gifting that will continue until the Second Coming of the Lord.

    From my study of this subject, I believe that God has given each of his followers

    an ability to discern between right and wrong in a given situation. To me this is a general

    application of the gift which is imparted to those who have the Holy Spirit living within

    them. It is a gift that I believe can be strengthened and built upon over time because as

    we read and study Gods Word, we find what pleases him and we obey him. The

    unregenerate heart has no prompting and no desire to do what pleases the Lord. It is this

    difference which clearly stands between saved and unsaved, believer and unbeliever.

    The gift can also be more specifically utilized as seen in the events recorded in

    Acts. It seems as though God can very pointedly identify an evil or unholy motive to the

    spirit of a believer. This type of discernment is not something I believe comes upon

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    everyone who is Spirit-filled. Certainly, the use of this gift in everyday life is not as

    common but if an evil spirit is expressed in a service or seeks to gain power or control, a

    discerning believer can quickly distinguish what is happening. Dr. Lester Sumrall details

    an encounter in a church service in which prompt spiritual discernment (and word of

    knowledge) was necessary:

    A number of years ago, I was present in a small Wednesday-night prayer

    meeting. A beautiful young woman, a stranger, came into the auditorium and sat

    toward the back. When there was a pause in the meeting she stood up and said,Im an evangelist, and God has told me to conduct a special revival campaign in

    this church. No one is to resist me because I am Gods servant and the revival

    must begin tonight. The Lord has sent me here to bless you and to preach to

    you. Her words brought a strange coldness over the meeting. There was a

    moment of quietness. To one side of the auditorium sat a little lady with headbowed. Suddenly, she stood to her feet and, with her face raised to heaven, said,

    You are a harlot from St. Louis, Missouri. (The woman had said she was from

    another city.) You are in this town living with a man to whom you are notmarried. You have boasted to him that you could come to this church, deceive

    these people, preach to them, and collect an offering without their knowing you

    are a harlot. If you do not repent, you will die before you leave this building.

    Gods power fell heavily on the church and all of us fell to our knees inprayer. When we lifted our heads, the woman was gone. The discerning of spirits

    had revealed the truth and she fled from it. (Sumrall 80)

    From such an encounter, it can be surmised that the lady who renounced the harlot was

    acting under the Spirits influence and anointing. What took place in this meeting was no

    different than the stern rebuke given by Peter in Acts 5. Sumralls church was

    strengthened through the obedience of one of its own members, just as Peters obedience

    brought strength to the early fellowship.

    In conclusion, my research on this topic has served to bring me greater clarity

    about what the gift of discernment really means and how it is applied. I believe many

    churches would be stronger today if they had Spirit-filled members who exercised this

    gift in the face of fallacies and half-truths. Perhaps some churches even have members

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    who do have an anointing in this area, but are either unskilled or afraid to use it. As

    mentioned previously, the gift is vital to the churchs continuing ministry and those who

    are anointed with it will be called to account for its use or lack thereof. As Christians, we

    should encourage one another to discover our spiritual gifts and to exercise them under

    the guidance the Holy Spirit allows.

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    Works Cited

    New International Version Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973.

    Testing the Spirits. Presbyterian Church U.S.A., Web. 29 January 2011.

    Sumrall, Lester. The Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit. Tulsa: Harrison House, Inc.,


    Tucker, Donald. L. Some Practical Advice: Panel Discussion. Paraclete. Summer

    1995: 23-28.

    Collins, W. Duane. An Assemblies of God Perspective on Demonology: Part II.

    Paraclete. Winter 1994: 18-22.

    Phillips, John. Exploring Acts. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1986.

    Grudem, Wayne A. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand

    Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

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