Page 1: 3 ways to stop teething pain in babies

3 Ways To Stop Teething Pain In Babies

Page 2: 3 ways to stop teething pain in babies

Signs of teething

When will your baby start teething? According to Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics, you may spot some pearly whites in your sweet pea’s choppers between five and seven months of age, with the bottom teeth typically making an appearance before the top ones.

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“The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends parents use a clean teething ring, a chilled teething ring or cold wet washcloth for teething babies,” advises

Dr. Liu.

Way 1 To Stop Teething Pain In Babies:

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Way 2 To Stop Teething Pain In Babies:

Gum massage – Massaging his inflamed gums with your clean finger may be just what the doctor ordered to counteract the pressure from the tooth below.

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Way 3 To Stop Teething Pain In Babies:

Cold foods – For the youngest teethers, mesh baby-safe feeders filled with age-appropriate frozen fruit can offer relief without the risk of choking. If your tot is old enough, cold foods like popsicles may soothe sore gums.

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