Page 1: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake


Page 2: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake


U n it 01 Having a Meeting 7

U n it 0 2 Starting the Procedure 15

U n it 03 Talking about the Agenda 23

U n it 0 4 Asking for Opinions 31

U n it 05 Actual Case 1 Coca-Cola’s Recall of Dasani in the UK 39

U n it 0 6 Stating Opinions 45

U n it 0 7 Clarifying Opinions 53

U n it 08 Agreeing 61

U n it 0 9 Disagreeing 69

U n it 10 Actual Case 2 Google's Standoff with China 77

U n it 11 Proceeding 83

Page 3: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

U n it 12 Interrupting 91

U n it 13 Suggesting a Vote 99

U n it 14 Delaying a Decision 107

U n it 15 Actual Case 3 Dow Chemical: Application Outsourcing 115

U n it 16 Making Decisions 121

U n it 17 Confirming Decisions 129

U n it 18 Summarizing 137

U n it 19 Closing a Meeting 145

U n it 20 Actual Case 4 AT&T's Failed Acquisition of T-Mobile USA 153

A n s w e r Key 159

Page 4: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

Having a Meeting

JP Key Expressions

1 a p p re c ia te y o u ( fo r) a tte n d in g ...

2 s h o u ld g e t s ta r te d w ith ...

3 have a lo t to c o v e r ...

4 ta k e a m o m e n t to in tro d u c e ...

Page 5: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

31 Vocabulary

A Word DefinitionU nderline the w ord w ith the g iven de fin ition .

1 To make a mistake in the way that you read something

M y c o lle a g u e m is re a d th e a n n o u n c e m e n t and th o u g h t th e m e e tin g w a s to d a y n o t tom orrow .

2 Very well known and important

A p rom inen t sa les goal fo r th is q u a rte r is to red니ce old s tock by 45% .

3 A manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions

If you w a n t to be an e xe cu tive , you have to s tic k w ith o u r c o m p a n y fo r m ore than 10


4 To search or examine something very carefully

W e w e re n ’t ab le to go o ve r all the ideas peop le gave during the m eeting.

5 To speak to someone formally or give a speech to someone

S om e peop le like to be add ressed fo rm ally , w h ile o the rs like to be add ressed in form ally.

B Word UseW rite you r ow n sen tence using the 니nderlined w ord in the sentence .

1 L e t’s go over the issue tho ro u g h ly and carefu lly.

2 O ur HR team p layed a prominent ro le in h iring on ly the best people.

3 John g o t fired because the co rpo ra te execu tives misread the s ituation.

4 l,m often con fused on how to address peop le I m eet fo r the firs t tim e.

5 O ne o f the executives asked m e if I th o u g h t I w as be ing paid reasonably.


Page 6: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake


A Useful Expressions

1 appreciate you (for) attending...

- 1 a p p re c ia te yᄋ니 a tte n d in g to d a y ’s m ee ting a b ᄋ니t in c reas ing ᄋ니r c o m p a n y ’s reven니e.

- 1 thank you all fo r a tte n d in g our annua l p resen ta tion on cu s to m e r se rv ice .

2 should get started with ...

- W e shou ld g e t s ta rted w ith the m ee ting b e ca u se it is a lm o s t lunch tim e.

- L e t’s g e t s ta rted w ith the d is c 니ssion be fo re ᄋ니r boss com es.

3 have a lot to cover ...

- W e have a lot to co ve r in to m o rro w 's m ee ting from m a n a g e m e n t to sales.

- 1 th ink w e have to w o rk ove rtim e b e c a 니se w e have a lo t to go over.

4 take a moment to introduce ...

- Let m e take a m om ent to in t「ᄋchjce ᄋ니r new CEO, Jam es Lee.

- 1 w ou ld like to take a m om en t to in tro d 니ce our new p ro d 니ct.

B Mini QuizFill in the b lank to com p le te each sen tence .

take a moment to introduce

appreciate you for attending

have a lot to cover

we should get started with





the m eeting as it is a lready pas t ten.

P lease hurry as w e ________________________________ today.

I w ou ld like t o ________________________________________ you all to ᄋ니r new sa les associa te ,

Junho. A re w e ready to s ta rt the m eeting?

I ________________________________ today 's m eeting , e spec ia lly a t such sho rt notice.

UNIT 01 Having a Meeting 9

Page 7: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

Mini Presentation

A Look at the cartoon and guess what is happening.

B Write your own story in each cartoon.

C Share your story with the class.


Page 8: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

Dialogue (1)

B Listen again and fill in as many blanks as you can.

A Its good to see you all. Are you________________________________start the meeting?

B What time is it now?

A Its after 10 o’clock.

B Really? But were still______________three employees from Sales.

A Shall I go up to the sales department and tell them_________________________ here?

B Thanks a lot. That would be great.

A Just start in five minutes whether I ’m back or not.

B Well have to,_____________ we wont have enough time to______________all the items.

A Listen to the dialogue and check the story.

Two fa c to r y w o rk e rs a re ta lk in g . T h e woman says, ' ' I can m ake th e

boss g ive m e th e day o f f . 11 T h e man re p lie s , ''A n d how w ou ld you do th a t? " T h e woman says, wJ u s t w a it and see" S he th e n hangs 니ps ide

dow n f r o m th e ce ilin g . T h e boss com es in and says, ' 'W h a t a re you d o ing? " T h e woman re p lie s , ' ' I 'm a l ig h t b u lb ." T h e boss th e n says, ''Y o u 've been w o rk in g so m uch th a t y o u 'v e gone c ra z y . I th in k you

need to ta k e th e day o f f " T h e man s ta r t s to fo l lo w h e r and th e

boss says, ''W h e re a re you go ing?M T h e man says, wI,m go ing hom e, to o . I c a n 't w o rk in th e d a rk / .


UNIT 01 Having a Meeting

Page 9: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

A Its nice to see everyone.

B Thanks for making time for todays meeting, especially at such short notice.

A I think we should get started as it is already past ten.

B But some members from the sales team have gone AWOL( Absent Without Official

Leave). Have you seen them?

A I saw them in the other conference room. Maybe they misread the announcement. I'll go

get them.

B That would be great! Thanks. Please hurry as we have a lot to cover today.

A I'll be back in five minutes or less.

B OK, in the meantime I’ll kick things off. Let me first take a moment to introduce Elly.

B Listen to the whole conversation again and speak it at once.

C Practice the dialogue with your partner.

^합 Dialogue (2)

A Listen to the conversation carefully. Speak it aloud line by line.

Role Play

A Read the situation below.

You w ill h a ve a w e e k ly m e e tin g w ith y o u r te a m m e m b e rs . Y o u ’ve g o t a n e w

m e m b e r fo r y o u r te a m . A fte r in tro d u c in g th e m , yo u w ill s ta r t th e m e e tin g .

You a re a n e w e m p lo ye e ; it is y o u r f irs t day. Y ou w e re to ld to a tte n d a re g u la r

m e e tin g a n d p re p a re an in tro d u c tio n o f y o u rs e lf fo r th e m e e tin g .B

B Create a proper dialogue for each situation

C Check your dialogues with your partner’s. Then, do a role-play w ith your partner. When you are done, switch the roles and do it again.


Page 10: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

Q Activity

A Read the story and answer the questions below.

Mr. Q, a new employee, is to participate in an important meeting with all the executive

members of his corporation. He thought it would be a good opportunity to make a good first

impression. Mr. Q practiced giving a self-introduction over and over, in order not to make any

mistakes or look unprofessional.

On the big day, Mr. Q successfully completed a wonderful introduction of himself but now hes

got a problem. As Mr. Q is a new employee, he tried hard to memorize the names and positions

of all the participants. However, while Mr. Q can remember the names, he can’t connect them to

the people there. After his introduction, one of the executives asked him a question but Mr. Q

doesn’t know how to address him.

1 W h a t d id Mr. Q p ra c tic e d o in g ?

2 W h a t is Mr. Q ’s p ro b le m ?

3 W h y d id Mr. Q n o t k n o w h o w to a d d re s s o n e o f th e e x e c u tiv e s ?

UNIT 01 Having a Meeting

Page 11: · 2020. 5. 19. · 31 Vocabulary. A Word Definition. Underline the word with the given definition. 1 To make a mistake

때 Exercise

A Underline the best word to complete each sentence.

1 Mr. Q w orked rea lly hard to be se lected as an (excuse / execu tive ) m em ber o f the company.

2 W hen you d o n ,t know how to (address / add ressee ) som eone, j 니st ask them .

3 A lthough w e had a lo t to (cove r / covering ), w e w en t hom e ea rly anyw ay.

B Fill in the blank to complete each sentence.

• hustle down • kick things off • misread J1 M y c o m p a n y s u f fe re d a f in a n c ia l lo s s b e c a u s e I _____________________ th e c o n tra c t .

2 A ll the em p loyees w ere asked t o __________________ to the con fe rence room in less than 10minutes.

3 Le t’s __________________ by d iscuss ing last q u a rte r’s sa les figures.

C Put the words in the right order.

1 at making time short notice to meet thanks for us such

2 leave work will not all the issues today we going over without

3 to our company I for coming you appreciate for the meeting

4 an important issue the right CEO right now selecting is


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