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第一单元 综合知识

1.下列属于间接融资工具的是( )。

A.银行贷款 B.商业票据

C.公司股票 D.企业债券

2.负责发行人民币和管理人民币流通的机构是( )。

A.国家开发银行 B.中国银行

C.中国人民银行 D.中国银监会


种中央银行组织形式的国家或地区是( )。

A.英国 B.美国

C.日本 D.中国香港

4.根据凯恩斯货币需求理论,下列不属于人们持有货币动机的是( )。

A.交易动机 B.预防动机

C.投机动机 D.盈利动机


( )。

A.法定信用准备金率 B.法定后备准备金率

C.法定存款准备金率 D.法定基础准备金率


的法律行为,以下属于贷款担保方式的是( )。

A.长期贷款 B.信用贷款

C.特定贷款 D.自营贷款


可以表现为以下方面,但不包括( )。


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8.全球范围内区域经济一体化迅速发展主要依靠三条途径,一般不包括( )。





9.但社会总供给大于总需求时,政府预算一般采取( )。





10.企业实行价格歧视的基本原则是( )。










12.管理方格图是一张纵轴和横轴各 9等分的方格图,纵轴表示企业领导对人的




A.9.9型 B.1.1型

C.5.5型 D.9.1型

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13.某工厂设置厂长 1名,3名车间主任,每个车间有 50名工人。那么,厂长的


A.3人 B.1人

C.51人 D.154人

14.哈佛商学院罗伯特-卡普兰和戴维-诺顿于 1992年发明的一种绩效管理和绩效


A.目标管理(MBO) B.关键业绩指标(KPI)

C.平衡计分卡(BSC) D.甘特图(GC)








A.动态性原理 B.综合性原理

C.整体性原理 D.人本原理


A.沟通形式灵活 B.速度快

C.省略许多繁琐的程序 D.易于控制



A.蝴蝶效应 B.木桶效应

C.破窗效应 D.鲶鱼效应






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22.对于资产主要特征的叙述,不正确的是( )。






总分类账的借方的同时,也要计入明细分类账会计科目的借方,该方法称为( )。





24.无论费用是否包括损失,都应具有一定特征,以下表述不正确的是( )。





25.下列不通过制造费用核算的是( )。

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26.下列固定资产折旧方法中,期初不需要考虑固定资产净残值的方法是( )。





27.兴华公司 2015年 9月进口应税物资在进口环节交纳消费税 6万元,收回的委

托加工物资由受托方代收代缴消费税 8万元(直接对外销售),自产自用应税产品交

纳资源税 2万元,销售应税消费品交纳的消费税 0.5万元。则该公司 2015年 9月份应

记入“税金及附加”科目的金额为( )万元。

A.16.5 B.16

C.8 D.0.5

28. 2014 年年初某企业“利润分配——未分配利润”科目借方余额 20 万元,2014

年度该企业实现净利润为 160万元,根据净利润的 10%提取盈余公积,2014年年末该

企业可供分配利润的金额为( )万元。

A.126 B.124

C.140 D.160

29.UPDATE 职工表

SET 工作部门=‘销售部’

WHERE 姓名=‘李四’;

表示( )。





30.包过滤防火墙工作在 OSI网络参考模型的( )。

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31.路由控制机制用以防范( )。




D.以上 3项都不是


才能判断是否开始译码,这种码称为( )。





33.为用户提供入网连接点的网络设备叫作( )。

A.计算机 B.DTE

C.DCE D.接口

34.异步传输模式技术中“异步”的含义是( )。



C.周期性地插入 ATM 信元

D.随时插入 ATM信元

35.下列选项中,对正确接收到的数据帧进行确认的MAC协议是( )。



36.8位二进制数所能表示的十进制数的范围是( )。

A.0~255 B.1~256

C.0~800 D.0~1024

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37.计算机中访问速度最快的存储器是( )。

A.光盘 B.硬盘


38.2009年 10月( )提出了“智慧地球”。

A.三星 B.国际电信联盟

C.IBM D.微软




A.期后追索权 B.续追索权

C.期前追索权 D.再追索权


A.饱和度 B.纯度

C.明度 D.色相


A.氮 B.二氧化氮

C.二氧化碳 D.水


1.3月 12日是我国伟大的民主革命先行者________先生的逝世纪念日。





2.四川省文物考古研究院 3月 20日宣布,今年一月开始的彭山江口张献忠沉银




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3.中国篮球协会第九届全国代表大会 2月 23日在北京召开,会议选举产生了以






4.2017年 3月 23日博鳌亚洲论坛 2017年年会在海南博鳌举行,此次年会的主






5.2017年 3 月 5日,国务院总理李克强在政治工作报告中提到,加快培育壮大


A.互联网 B.物联网

B.C.人工智能 D.云计算



A.人工智能 B.科技智能

C.现代制造 D.智能制造

7.2017年 4月 1 日,中共中央国务院决定设立国家级新区________,这是深圳





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8.2017年 6月 15日上午,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心采用长征四号乙运载火箭,

成功发射硬 X射线调制望远镜卫星:

A.“慧眼” B.“天极”

C.“小蜜蜂” D.“天眼”

9.2017年 6月 12日,________总统正式向全世界宣布:该国与中华人民共和国

建立外交关系。目前还有 20个国家与台湾保持所谓“外交”关系。

A.洪都拉斯 B.圣多美和普林西比

C.巴拿马 D.危地马拉

10.2017年 7月 4日,习近平乘专机抵达柏林,开始对德意志联邦共和国进行国

事访问。习近平指出,中德建交 45年来,两国秉承________精神,深化各领域务实合


A.平等互信、合作共赢 B.平等互尊、合作共赢

C.平等互信、包容互鉴 D.平等互尊、包容互鉴

11.2017年 7月 7日,世界最长的海底隧道________海底隧道贯通,标志着先后

经历 13年论证、设计、施工的“世纪工程”________主体工程全线贯通。

A.青岛胶州湾 B.汕头苏埃湾

C.港珠澳大桥 D.深中大桥

12.2017年 3月 26日,________在香港特别行政区第五任行政场馆选举中获得


A.胡国兴 B.林郑月娥

C.崔世安 D.曾俊华

13.上海________发展能级不断提升,2006年全年交易额首次突破 2万亿大关。

2017年,发展目标作为交易总额保持 20%增长。

A. 房地产市场 B.电子商务

C.云计算 D.互联网金融

14.2017年 7月 1日,________在香港签署,国家主席习近平出席签署仪式。此




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C.《深化粤港澳合作 推进大湾区建设框架协议》



1.中国农业银行的前身是( )。





2.中国农业银行与中国人民银行的第二次合并是在哪一年?( )





3.当您的农行卡丢失时,您可以通过拨打农行的 24小时热线电话进行及时.方便的

挂失,下列哪个是农行的 24小时热线电话?( )





4.2005年 10月 18日,中国农业银行在北京举办“品牌战略发布暨产品推介会”,


( )。





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5.下列哪一个属于中国农业银行的企业文化宗旨?( )





第二单元 行测


1.将以下 4个句子重新排列组合:





③从“云计算”到“物联网”,从“大数据”到“工业 4.0”,一个个耳熟能详的




A.④③①② B.①④③②

C.②④①③ D.③①④②








A.滋养 漫延 即使 可

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B.滋润 蔓延 虽然 但

C.滋润 漫延 虽然 但

D.滋养 蔓延 即使 可


















5.某次千人大型交际活动中,号码分别为 131,247,496,594,822的五个人互

相握手,规定每两个人握手的次数是他们的号码的和被 6除所得的余数,那么握手最

多的人共握了( )次。

A.10 B.13

C.17 D.16

6.有两个面积相等的长方形模具,已知这两个模具各自的长宽之比分别为 3∶2和

25∶6。请问这两个模具的周长之比是( )。

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A.25∶29 B.25∶31

C.50∶31 D.50∶29

7.由于天气干旱,池塘的水每天以均匀的速度减少。现在池塘的水可供 20只羊饮

用 5天,或供 16只羊饮用 6天,那么,现在水量可供 11只羊饮用( )天。

A.10 B.8

C.13 D.5

8.某部门购买了 30本笔记本,发给了 3组,每个组至少发 9本。那么,一共( )


A.10 B.17

C.14 D.15

9.甲、乙、丙和丁 4人共同制作零件。已知甲制作的零件总数是其他 3人制作零

件总数的41,乙制作的零件总数是其他 3人制作零件总数的


其他 3人制作零件总数的21,丁制作了 39个零件。那么甲一共制作了( )个零件。

A.45 B.60

C.36 D.90

10.甲乙两笼中共有鸡 260只,甲笼中有 13%是公鸡,乙笼中有 12.5%是公鸡,那

么,乙笼中有母鸡( )只。

A.145 B.140

C.87 D.20

11.甲每 5天向总经理汇报一次工作,乙每 9天汇报一次工作,丙每 12天汇报一

次工作。某天三人同时向总经理汇报工作,那么,3人下次同时汇报工作至少要( )


A.60 B.180

C.45 D.360

12.甲船在河水中顺流而行时,船速为 30km/h,已知按同样的船速在该河上顺流

航行 3小时和逆水航行 5小时的航程相等,那么,在静水中该船的速度为( )km/h。

A.24 B.6

C.30 D.32

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行,则会减少 23人,那么,该方阵应由( )名员工组成。

A.169 B.144

C.196 D.225

14.某超市准备在五一组织促销活动,原计划由 80名员工用 5天时间准备此次活

动,现需要提前 1天完成,还需要增加( )名员工。

A.50 B.100 C.40 D.20

15.甲乙约在上午 10点在 C地谈生意,已知 C地与甲乙两人所在地的距离比是 11∶

15。甲走 3分钟的路程相当于乙走 4分钟的路程,乙上午 9点出发,可以整 10点到达

C地,甲最晚在( )出发才能准时到达 C地。

A.9点 27分 B.9点 20分

C.9点 33分 D.9点 40分

16.学校体育组里有许多篮球、排球和足球,现有两个班级的 100名同学一起上体

育课。体育老师要求这 100名同学去拿球,每人至少拿 1个球,至多拿 2个球。请问,

至少有( )名同学所拿的球是一致的。

A.11 B.12

C.100 D.50


17.根据以下数字的规律,问号处应填入的是( )。

A.1 B.0

C.10 D.27


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19.根据以下数字的规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。

1,2,6,30,210,( )

A.2130 B.2310

C.2560 D.2400

20.根据以下数字的规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。

22,13,9,4,5,( )

A.9 B.4

C.-1 D.1

21.为贯彻落实节能减排的政策,某国政府调整了该国的汽车消费税,对排量 2.0


因此,人们普遍认为,以往备受冷落的 2.0升以下的小排量汽车将迎来销售的热潮。


A.计划购买 2.0升以下小排量汽车的消费者数量不会缩减

B.原本生产排量 2.0升以上汽车的厂家转产 2.0升以下小排量汽车


D.原计划购买排量 2.0升以上汽车的消费者转而购买 2.0升以下的小排量汽车







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A.总经理是男性 B.已婚者中有男性

C.女员工中可能有未婚者 D.销售人员中有的已经结婚


26.根据以下数字规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。








23,( )










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A.(2) B.(5)

C.(7) D.(3)





A.甲、丁二人合伙作案 B.丙、丁二人合伙作案

C.甲、丙二人合伙作案 D.甲、乙二人合伙作案


29. 2+4+6+8……+100=( )。

A.2450 B.2500

C.10000 D.2550

30. 60个人里面,他们着白色或黑色上衣,黑色或蓝色裤子,有 12个人着白上衣

蓝裤子,有 34个人穿黑子,有 29个人穿黑上衣,求黑裤子黑上衣多少人?

A.13 B.14

C.20 D.15

31.有容量为 70毫升和 30毫升的量筒各 1个,足够容纳 500毫升的大容器 1个。

现需要将大容器内装 80毫升的水,则需要经过( )次操作。(倒进或倒出某个容


A.6 B.5 C.7 D.4

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32.125×213×32×25=( )。

A.2 130 005 B.1 130 005

C.2 130 000 D.1 130 000

33.111用小数表示后,小数点后第 2012位是( )。

A.5 B.9

C.7 D.0

34.若将一个边长为 4cm的正方体切割成多个正方体,使得新得到的正方体表面积

总和为原正方体表面积的两倍,则至少需要切割( )次。

A.1 B.2

C.3 D.4

35. 125×213×32×25=( )。

A.21300005 B.11300005

C.11300000 D.21300000

36.716+715+709+711+703+704=( )。

A.4708 B.4258

C.4718 D.4248


黑牛过河要花 2分钟,白牛 3分钟,花牛 6分钟,黄牛 8分钟。那么,牧童赶所有的

牛过河,至少需要( )分钟。

A.19 B.20

C.25 D.21

38.李华在 8点到 9点之间的某一时刻开始解一道数学题目,当时时针.分针正好成

一直线,解完题时两针正好第一次重合,问小华解题用时为( )分钟。

A.32 B.33118

C.33 D.32118

39. 6个人各拿一个水桶到水龙头处接水,水龙头注满 6个水桶的时间分别是:1

号桶用 5分钟,2号桶用 4分钟,3号桶用 3分钟,4号桶用 10分钟,5号桶用 7分钟,

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6 号桶用 6分钟,现在只有一个水龙头可以使用,使所有人打水及等待时间最少的接

水顺序是( )。注:每个人打完水后立即离开。

A.321654 B.654123

C.321456 D.456123





=( )。






根据所给资料,回答 41-45题。

2009年全国海洋生产总值 31964 亿元,比上年增长 8.6%。全国海洋生产总值占

国内生产总值的 9.53%,占沿海地区生产总值的 15.5%。海洋第一产业增加值 1879亿

元,海洋第二产业增加值 15062亿元,海洋第三产业增加值 15023亿元。

图 2001~2009年全国海洋生产总值占国内生产总值比重

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表 2009年全国主要海洋产业增加值


A.5.9∶47.3∶46.8 B.5.9∶47.1∶47.0

C.7.2∶47.3∶45.5 D.7.2∶47.0∶45.8


A.2002年 B.2004年

C.2006年 D.2008年

43.将 2009年各海洋产业增加值从大到小排列,以下正确的是

A.海洋渔业 海水利用业 海洋矿业

B.滨海旅游业 海洋化工业 海洋电力业

C.海洋交通运输业 海洋盐业 海洋船舶工业

D.海洋工程建筑业 海洋油气业 海洋生物医药业

44.2009 年我国有几个主要海洋产业增加值的同比增幅高于主要海洋产业总体水


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A.6 B.7

C.8 D.9




C.2008年全国海洋生产总值占国内生产总值的比重高于 2005年


第三单元 英语


1. Please make a note ______ your customer and receipt numbers in case you need to

contact us about your order.

A. for B. from C. of D. off

2. If the person you are trying to reach does not answer the telephone, please dial “0” to

speak to the ______.

A. operator B. operating C. operate D. operation

3. Because the boardroom is being painted, the meeting this afternoon will ______ in the

conference room on the fourth floor.

A. have held B. be holding C. hold D. be held

4. The monthly rent includes all utilities, with the ______ of telephone and cable charges.

A. excess B. exception C. excuse D. exchange

5. An outside auditor will visit the factory next week to determine whether or not ______

air-quality standards are being observed.

A.accept B. accepting C. acceptance D. acceptable

6. Effective publicity helps a company keep a high profile by reminding the public of

______ most successful or innovative products.

A. they B. them C. its D. it

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7. Payment of monthly parking vouchers can be made either by personal check ______ by

automatic withdrawal from a bank account.

A. but B. and C. or D. if

8. Many problems with locks ______ by a simple repair or adjustment.

A. solved B. could solve C. can solve D. can be solved

9. Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so it would be best to arrive no

______ than 11:00 A.M.

A. later B. latest C. lateness D. late

10. Stewart Packaging Company plans to hire ______ workers because of the increased

production quota this month.

A. inclusive B. additional C. multiplied D. serviceable

11. The company’s establishment of an on-site child care center is intended ______

encourage new parents to return to work.

A. which B. that C. for D. to

12. By striving to be neat, well-dressed, and cheerful, our representatives can make a good

first _______ on our clients.

A. impression B. impressive C. impressed D. impress

13. All receipts for travel expenses should be ______ to Mr. Franconi for processing before

the end of the month.

A. substituted B. subtracted C. subjected D. submitted

14. Whichever of the five new editors seems the ______ experienced with layout will work

with Mr. Abdellah on the special edition of the magazine.

A. highly B. heavily C. much D. most

15. Because our direct marketing promotion for magazine subscriptions yielded such

positive results last year, we plan to do it _____ this year.

A. again B. ever C. very D. truly

16. A fine of $200 will be imposed upon any drivers ______ park illegally downtown

during the holiday parade.

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A. which B. whose C. whom D. who

17. ______ the new computers are arriving next week, no plans have been made to dispose

of the old ones.

A. Despite B. When C. Although D. Whereby

18. In Mr. Brothet’s performance review, the department supervisor wrote that he worked

extremely ______ and always finished his assignments on time.

A. diligently B. diligence C. diligent D. most diligent

19. The leadership conference will be held in Lanesville, which is about 50 miles from

downtown Seattle and easily accessible ______ car or train.

A. in B. by C. on D. at

20. ______ to the fitness center is free for all employees and their family members.

A. Preparation B. Insertion C. Admission D. Imposition

21. Most of the new houses for sale on Seegers Island are ______ priced and in excellent


A. moderate B. moderated C. moderately D. moderation

22. All members of the sales team are grateful for Michael Dreyman’s substantial ______ to

the project over the last six months.

A. assurance B. dependence C. obligations D. contributions

23. Researchers at Firmatek Synthetics are working on a new material that will be twice as

______ as ordinary concrete.

A. durably B. durable C. durability D. durableness

24. Dr. Knudsen’s patient base has grown so rapidly that he must ______ with another


A. partner B. afford C. hire D. conform

25. The content on the Aspero Designs Web site is protected by copyright law and may not

be reproduced ______ the company’s written consent.

A. behind B. without C. except D. before

26. Dr. Hemana and Dr. Wareham, the joint recipients of the Cobalt Research Prize, have

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known ______ since they were university students in Auckland.

A. other one B. another one C. any other D. each other

27. Customers who purchase concert tickets will be charged a service fee ______ they pay

by cash or by credit card.

A. whether B. either C. even D. despite

28. In addition to fine dining, the elegant Ipswich Inn provides every amenity ______ for

small or large business meetings.

A. necessity B. necessitate C. necessary D. necessarily

29. As head of Human Resources, Rachel Ashton will inform ______ employees of job

openings before advertising the positions on the Internet.

A. allowable B. entire C. permissive D. current

30. The library at the Kane-Clark Institute contains numerous items ______ the history of

the renowned philanthropic organization.

A. document B. documents C. documentary D. documenting

31. Mr. Takei attended one business conference in April and plans to attend two more

conferences ______ in the year.

A. then B. later C. long D. ever

32. Whitcomb Hospital’s new efficiency program aims to reduce the workload of hospital

employees while improving patient ______.

A. care B. cared C. careful D. carefully

33. This afternoon’s flights to Barcelona, London, and Rome have all been delayed ______

inclement weather in the destination cities.

A. as for B. due to C. now that D. only if

34. To save time and costs, Alberta Industries recommends that any associates who travel

for business ______ the amount of luggage they carry.

A. minimize B. to minimize C. have minimized D. minimizing

35. Patrons who arrive at the theater ______ the show has begun will not be seated until the


A. wherever B. into C. along D. after

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36. Parking is prohibited in areas marked for emergency use, and drivers who park their

vehicles in these zones are ______ to substantial fines.

A. subject B. subjecting C. subjection D. subjections

37. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building

will be ______ for storage.

A. designated B. detained C. reciprocated D. signified

38. ______ of homegrown and organic fruits and vegetables, as well as handmade crafts and

jewelry, are available for purchase at the Springdale community market.

A. Varies B. Variant C. Varieties D. Various

39. The research and development division at Spiridon Biometrics has improved the quality

and scope of its products under Ms. Chang’s ______.

A. disposal B. direction C. prominence D. capacity

40. Customers concerned about ______ utility rate increases will be given the option of

prepaying for three months of service at today’s rate.

A. considerate B. instructive C. probable D. expended

41. Before leaving the Hakodate assembly facility, each unit is carefully checked _______


A. for B. to C. like D. among

42. Mr. Schweizer has worked under my ______ as an editorial assistant for the past five


A. supervises B. supervise

C. supervised D. supervision

43. In her speech, Dr.Villano offered several ______ examples to support her ideas.

A. expelling B. compelling

C. repelling D. impelling

44. Guests ______ that some services available on the premises, including telephone and

fax, are charged separately from the room fee.

A. had been reminded B. would remind

C. are reminded D. reminded

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45. Sales department members must obtain permission from ______ supervisors before

applying for travel reimbursement.

A. they B. them

C. their D. theirs


Passage 1


DATE: January 28

TO: Building M community

FROM: Janis Ting, Director of the Office Space Committee

SUBJECT: Jay Voon Auditorium Renovation

We wanted to alert you to the fact that the renovation of the Jay Voon Auditorium, the

first Phase of a two-phase project, will begin in mid-February. The second phase,

reconstruction of the first-floor offices adjacent to the auditorium, could begin as early as

August, with an intended completion date of late November.

A project of this scope, in such a central location, will necessarily cause a certain

degree of disruption to our community, and every effort will be made to minimize this

disruption. Plans have already been made to provide alternative venues during renovation;

for those of you who anticipate needing to schedule events for these alternative venues,

inform Lidia Ibrahim(ext. 3372, [email protected]) as soon as possible.

Should these time lines change in any way at this work progresses, we will keep the

community informed.

We greatly appreciate your patience as we continue to enhance our facilities.

46. Why was the memo written?

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A. To announce alternative venues

B. To warn about possible disruptions

C. To revise the schedule for a project

D. To inform employees about new staff

47. What does the second phase of the renovation involve?

A. Adding another floor

B. Reconstructing office space

C. Centralizing event facilities

D. Upgrading an adjacent building

48. When is the project expected to be completed?

A. In January

B. In February

C. In August

D. In November

49. What should people who want to reserve a large space do?

A. E-mail Janis Ting

B. Contact Lidia Ibrahim

C. Complete the new forms

D. Fill out an online application

Passage 2


A Talk by Ami Wibowo,

Chief Curator of Mustika Museum

Date & Time: February 2, 10:00 am-12 noon

Location:Mustika Museum, Conference Room J1

Kramat Raya 81, Jakarta

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Bio: Ami Wibowo has been the chief curator of the Mustika Museum, the oldest

museum of Indonesian art and artifacts, since 1987. She holds a Master of Arts degree from

Surabaya University and has been promoting the country’s culture and heritage since 1971.

She is cochair of the National Heritage Commission and currently serves as the chair of the

ASEAN Culture Foundation. She also started the annual Pan-Indonesian Art Conference in


Under her leadership, Mustika Museum has developed several award-winning services,

ranging from the “Museums as Classrooms” program to international exhibits such as

“Masks of the Java Seas” and “A Transcultural Mosaic,” showcasing artifacts from the

permanent collection. Her most recent exhibit is “Hornbills and Dragons,” which is

receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews in New York.

Ms. Wibowo is frequently featured in art journals and on radio and television talk

shows. Among her many publications is the international bestseller, Postcards from the Far


For more information, please call the Ministry of Culture at 555-3003 and speak to

Benny Sutrisno.

50. What is the purpose of the notice?

A. To advertise an event

B. To announce a new exhibit

C. To publicize a new museum

D. To remind participants about a trip

51. Which of the following is NOT an international exhibition?

A. Hornbills and Dragons B. Masks of the Java Seas

C. A Transcultural Mosaic D. Museums as Classrooms

52. Where will Ami Wibowo be speaking?

A. At Mustika Museum

B. At the Pan-Indonesian Art Conference

C. At Surabaya University

D. At the Ministry of Culture

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53. What is one of Ami Wibowo’s achievements?

A. She is the founder of Mustika Museum.

B. She wrote Postcards from the Far East.

C. She is a professor at Surabaya University.

D. She started a broadcasting company.

Passage 3


To: All employees

From: Marsha Gray, Business Manager

Date: October 5

Subject: Copy machines

A copying machine has been placed next to the staff lounge. You may use it to copy

tour brochures, ticket information, customer itineraries, and reservation confirmations. You

can find extra paper in the supply room. Do not allow customers to use the machine. If you

have to make more than 25 photocopies, please use the high-speed copier located on the

second floor. In any case, you should make your own copies and not ask the administrative

assistants to do it. Should a copy machine require repair or maintenance, please contact

Trish Leslie in the accounting office (555-1664, extension 470) and she will notify the


54. What kind of company does Marsha Gray most likely work for?

A. A computer company

B. A copy machine manufacturer

C. An accounting firm

D. A travel agency

55. Who should employees notify if one of the copiers needs service?

A. The copier manufacturer

B. An administrative assistant

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C. Trish Leslie

D. Marsha Gray

Passage 4

Your speech may, um, help reveal if you’re uh ... developing thinking problems. More

pauses, filler words and other verbal changes might be an early sign of mental decline,

which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease, a study suggests.

Don’t panic: Lots of people say “um” and have trouble quickly recalling names as they

age, and that doesn’t mean trouble is on the way.

“In normal aging, it’s something that may come back to you later and it’s not going to

disrupt the whole conversation,” another study leader, Kimberly Mueller, explained. “The

difference here is, it is more frequent in a short period,” interferes with communication and

gets worse over time.

The study was discussed Monday at the Alzheimer’s Association International

Conference in London.

About 47 million people worldwide have dementia, and Alzheimer’s is the most

common type. In the U.S., about 5.5 million people have the disease. Current drugs can’t

slow or reverse it, just ease symptoms. Doctors think treatment might need to start sooner to

do any good, so there’s a push to find early signs.

Alan Sweet, 72, a retired state of Wisconsin worker who lives in Madison, is taking

part in the study and had the speech test earlier this month. His father had Alzheimer’s and

his mother had a different type of dementia, Lewy body.

“Watching my parents decline into the awful world of dementia and being responsible

for their medical care was the best and worst experience of my life,” he said. “I want to help

the researchers learn, furthering medical knowledge of treatment and ultimately, cure.”

Participants don’t get individual results — it just aids science.

Another study at the conference on Monday, led by doctoral student Taylor Fields,

hints that hearing loss may be another clue to possible mental decline. It involved 783

people from the same Wisconsin registry project. Those who said at the start of the study

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that they had been diagnosed with hearing loss were more than twice as likely to develop

mild cognitive impairment over the next five years as those who did not start out with a

hearing problem.

That sort of information is not strong evidence, but it fits with earlier work along those


Family doctors can do a lot to help us if they knew what to look for to catch early signs

of decline, said Maria Carrillo, the Alzheimer’s Association’s chief science officer. Hearing

loss, verbal changes and other known risks such as sleep problems might warrant a referral

to a neurologist for a dementia check, she said.

56. Which of the following is not the early sign of mental decline in speech analysis?

A. Saying “um” more frequently in a short period

B. Interfering with communication

C. Getting worse over time

D. Getting on well with others

57. How can current drugs affect dementia?

A. Slow it B. Reverse it

C. Cure it D. Ease it

58. What does the underlined word “ultimately” (Paragraph 7) most probably mean?

A. finally B. really

C. relatively D. considerably

59. According to the article, what can we know about the people with hearing loss?

A. They are more than twice as likely to develop mild cognitive impairment as normal


B. The possibility that they develop mild cognitive impairment is the same as normal


C. The normal people are more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment than the

people with hearing loss.

D. There is no relation between hearing loss and mental decline.

60. Which of the following can NOT be seen as a clue to dementia?

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A. Hearing loss

B. Verbal changes

C. Sleep problems

D. Fluent speech

Passage 5

Jessica Lawrence

Personnel Manager

System Tech, Inc. • 97 Bishopsgate • London, United Kingdom EC2M 3BH

Richard Symington

Mainframe Resolutions

1185 Victoria Rd.

Sydney, Australia NSW 2114

September 10

Dear Mr. Symington,

We recently interviewed Terrence Wills for the position of computer systems

programmer. In his resume, he states that he was previously employed at Mainframe

Resolutions for a total of two years, and he lists your name as a business reference.

Since it is our policy to verify all references, I am writing to request your appraisal of

Mr. Willis’ skills and qualifications, confirmation of the dates of his employment, and the

reason he left your employ. The individual we hire as systems programmer must have at

least two years of on-the-job experience in writing programs to maintain and control

computer systems software, so we are particularly interested in learning what portion of the

two years Mr. Willis spent at Mainframe Resolutions was devoted exclusively to systems


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Jessica Lawrence

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Steven Preston, Administrator

Mainframe Resolutions

1185 Victoria Rd.

Sydney, Australia NSW 2114

Jessica Lawrence

System Tech, Inc.

97 Bishopsgate

London, United Kingdom EC2M 3BH

September 21

Dear Ms. Lawrence,

Your request was given to me by Mr. Symington who has no access to our records of

past employees. My division, human resources, handles the records containing the

information you require.

Terrence Willis began working for Mainframe Resolutions as an apprentice in the

programming department and after nine months was accepted into our systems

programming training course, an intensive eight-month program. After successful

completion of the course, Terrence worked as a qualified systems programmer for four

months before returning to his permanent home in London.

In the opinion of his superiors, Terrence was a dependable team player, whose good

judgment and mature outlook resulted in a logical and reliable approach to the endeavors. I

hope you find this information helpful.


Steven Preston

61. Why did Ms. Lawrence write to Mr. Symington?

A. To apply for a position

B. To confirm a reference

C. To announce a job opening

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D. To order computer software

62. In the first letter, the word “appraisal” in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to?

A. scrutiny B. revision

C. measurement D. evaluation

63. In what department does Steven Preston work?

A. Human resources B. Accounting

C. Advertising D. Systems programming

64. For how long did Mr. Willis participate in the Mainframe Resolutions training course?

A. Four months B. Six months

C. Eight months D. Nine months

65. What will most likely prevent Mr. Willis from being offered the job with System Tech,


A. His permanent home is in London.

B. Mainframe Resolutions has no record of his employment.

C. He was fired from his previous position.

D. He has insufficient experience in systems programming.

Passage 6

Getting staff to talk to each other ought to be the least of your problems, but internal

communication can be one of the hardest nuts to crack in business.

“Communication comes up in every department. The repercussions of not

communicating are vast,” says Teo Theobald, author of “Shut up and listen! The truth about

how to communicate at work”. Poor communication can be a purely practical problem.

Gearbulk, a global shipping business with branches around the world, faced language

and geographical difficulties, as well as a huge amount of paper work. With up to 60

documents per cargo, it was a logistical nightmare to track and monitor jobs, while tighter

security regulations after 9/11 meant customs documents had to be ready before a ship was

allowed to sail. Installing an automated system means data is now entered only once but can

be accessed by anyone in the company, wherever they are.

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“Everyone thinks a failure to communicate is just an individual’s error of judgment,

but it’s not about the person: it’s about the group dynamics,” he says. “Just training people

to be good communicators isn’t the issue.” The problem is that employees develop common

loyalties that are far stronger than the need to share information. This can even extend to

questions of safety. In the mid-1960s there were a lot of light air crashes in Australia

because the two government departments responsible for air safety weren’t

communicating.” says Haslam. “The government was trying to save money and both groups

felt threatened. The individuals were highly identified with their own organization and

unwilling to communicate with the other department.”

A company is particularly at risk when cost-cutting is in the air. Individuals withdraw

into departmental loyalties out of fear. Sending such people on yet another “how to

communicate” course will be pointless. Instead, Haslam believes that identifying the

sub-groups within an organisation and making sure each group feels valued and respected

can do far more to encourage the sharing of information. The key to communication, he

says is trust.

66. The word “repercussion” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. contact B. shaking

C. explosion D. impact

67. Who might be the targeted audience of this article?

A. Chief Finance Officers B. HR Directors

C. Managers D. Employees

68. According to the article, what is the root cause of communication problems?

A. Ineffective communication models and administration system.

B. Employee’ common loyalties surpass the need to communicate.

C. Individual’s error of judgment.

D. Language barriers.

69. Why does the author mention the light air crashes in Australia?

A. To summarize the last point

B. To make the article more interesting.

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C. To start the next paragraph.

D. To prove his point.

70. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. When the company starts to cut costs, employees’ loyalty towards the company will


B. Instead of communicating with each other, employees tend to split into factions

when company is at risk.

C. It is necessary to share information among different departments.

D. Employees should take courses on “how to communicate”.

Passage 7

A general partner at Mountain View-based GV (formerly Google Ventures), Faris

makes a point of creating ample time to explore other entrepreneurial hotbeds.

“I’m a fan of emerging ecosystems that are not in the Valley — other areas where the

talent pools are unbelievable,” he tells Business Insider. “Where it just feels like you can be

a lot more thoughtful recruiting, where there’s no frenzy. I like going and looking for

entrepreneurs in those pockets.”

“It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to poke your head in and see what kind of

innovation these areas have,” he says. “Each ecosystem thinks in different ways. They have

expertise in certain domains that others aren’t as strong in. It’s so fascinating to learn from.”

This principle means he’s racked up his frequent flyer miles. “The best way to find

these companies is actually to go there. It takes work and the willingness to fly over on a

regular basis to discover, learn the ecosystem, and make the connections. Some startups do

come to Boston or Silicon Valley to look for investors, but I think the right way to do it is

just to build connections by going there personally.”

Google cofounder Sergey Brin actually made a similar statement recently, advising

wannabe entrepreneurs to start their companies outside of Silicon Valley rather than in it.

“During the boom cycles, the expectations around the costs — real estate, salaries — the

expectations people and employees have ... it can be hard to make a scrappy initial business

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that’s self-sustaining,” he said. “Whereas in other parts of the world you might have an

easier time for that.”

Although Brin did say that Silicon Valley is better for raising more capital, Faris

proves that it doesn’t have to be a necessity.

71. What’s the article mainly about?

A. Methods to raise more capital not in Silicon Valley.

B. People’s willingness to fund startups outside Silicon Valley.

C. Fans of emerging ecosystems.

D. The best way for investors to find promising companies.

72. The word “ample” in Paragraph One is closest in meaning to?

A. more B. inadequate

C. enough D. much

73. According to Paragraph Two, why did Faris look for entrepreneurs outside Silicon


A. Because life in Silicon Valley was too hard to breathe fresh air.

B. Because so many investors paid attention to the same area.

C. Because Silicon Valley no longer be fascinating and innovative.

D. Because he found it interesting to get to know different ecosystem.

74. How to build connections with companies outside Silicon Valley efficiently?

A. Move to Boston or Silicon Valley.

B. Discover and learn the knowledge of ecosystems aboard.

C. Go to visit these newly-started companies personally.

D. Do nothing until these start-ups come to look for investors.

75. Which may NOT be the reason for funding outside Silicon Valley according to Faris?

A. More chances to raise capital

B. Easier to make an initial business that’s self-sustaining

C. Less expectations around costs

D. More amazing business areas

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Passage 8

Ask people how to develop a good corporate culture, and most of them will

immediately suggest offering generous employee benefits, like they do at Starbucks, or

letting people dress casually, as Southwest Airlines does. Rarely do people point to

encouraging employees to disagree with their managers, as Amazon does, or firing top

performers, as Jack Welch did at GE.

But in fact, it’s having a distinct corporate culture — not a copycat of another firm’s

culture — that allows these great organizations to produce phenomenal results. Each of

these companies has aligned and integrated its culture and brand to create a powerful engine

of competitive advantage and growth. Their leaders understand that a strong, differentiated

company culture contributes to a strong, differentiated brand — and that an extraordinary

brand can support and advance an extraordinary culture.

How can you tell if your culture and your brand aren’t interdependent and mutually

reinforcing? A disconnect between your employee experiences and your customer

experiences is a telltale sign. If you engage your employees differently from how you

expect them to engage your customers, your organization is operating with two set of


I’m not just talking about the obvious problem of managers who treat their employees

poorly. I recommend using the same principles to design and manage experiences for both

employees and customers. If you want to consistently introduce new products and

technologies to your customers, then cultivate a test-and-learn mentality among your

employees and encourage them to experiment with the latest gadgets. If your brand is

differentiated by the way your products and services look and feel, then infuse your

employee experience with design and creativity. You can’t expect your employees to

deliver benefits to customers that they don’t experience or embrace themselves.

Another indicator of a mismatch between your culture and your brand is the lack of

understanding of and engagement with your brand among your people. Your employees

should understand what makes your brand different and special from a customer perspective.

They should clearly understand who the company’s target customers are, as well as their

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primary wants and needs. They should use your brand purpose and values as

decision-making filters and they should understand how they contribute to a great customer

experience — even if they don’t have direct customer contact. If your people think they

don’t play a role in interpreting and reinforcing your brand and that brand building is your

marketing department’s responsibility, then your culture lacks brand integrity.

76. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To give examples

B. To introduce the topic

C. To compare the different companies’ corporate cultures

D. To reveal the main purpose of the article

77. According to the article, if a company wants to gain advantage in the fierce competition,

it must ______.

A. change its company culture B. follow the great organizations

C. offer generous employee benefits D. integrate its culture with brand

78. What’s the meaning of the word “telltale” in paragraph 3, line 3?

A. telling a tale

B. showing that something exists or has happened

C. revealing the details

D. common

79. According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following statement is true?

A. The company should make every effort to please the customers.

B. The company should buy its employees the latest gadgets.

C. The company should use the same principles to treat its employees and customers.

D. In the author’s opinion, the only problem in the corporate culture is that the

employees are treated poorly.

80. Which one is Not the indicator of the mismatch between your culture and your brand?

A. The disconnect between your employee experiences and your customer experiences

B. The employees’ lack of understanding of and engagement with your brand

C. The products of the company upgrade rapidly. But the employees show little

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interests in latest gadgets.

D. The employees are working in increasingly competitive environment.

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