
2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 1


Pupil Premium Grant

Guidance Notes

March 2016

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 2

2016/17 Pupil Premium Guidance Notes


General Information

Changes for 2016/17


Contacts for Queries

Elements of Pupil Premium

1) Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium

2) Ever 6 Service Family Premium

3) Looked After Children Premium

4) Post Looked After Children Premium

Additional Information

5) Pupil Premium for Academies

6) Use of Funding

7) Reporting

8) Ofsted

Table of values for formula funding

Appendix 1 – Values used for Pupil Premium 2016/17

Appendix 2 – Historic values for Pupil Premium

Appendix 3 – Example of a Pupil Premium Statement

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 3

General Information

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to

schools for disadvantaged children who are either looked after by Hampshire

County Council or to those who have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)

at any point in the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM). The purpose of the grant

is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between

them and their peers.

The Service Family element is to support children and young people with a parent

who is, or has been in the regular armed forces in the past six years (known as

Ever 6).

Post Looked After Children (Post LAC) is a grant payable to those pupils recorded

on the January 2016 census that were looked after immediately before being

adopted, or were placed on a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.

Changes from 2015/16 to 2016/17:

Service Family Premium – This premium was extended in 2016/17, such

that any pupil in reception to year 11, who has been flagged as a service

child since 2011, will continue to receive the premium (Ever 6).

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 4

Allocation of Pupil Premium

Estimated allocations for pupil premium (FSM, Service family and Post LAC

elements) are posted to SAP (except LBA schools) shortly after the release of

the budget shares in April. These are subject to change when the DfE finalise

allocations later in the year and adjustments will be made during the Autumn.

Allocations for looked after children will be made termly and will be based upon

the number of Hampshire LAC at the start of each term. A further termly

allocation will be made at the end of each term for those pupils that entered care

during the term.

Allocations for Pupil Premium are all made to G/L code 7694 and the elements

will be clearly titled as follows:

Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium - “Pupil Premium Ever 6 FSM 2016/17”

Ever 6 Service Family Premium - “Pupil Premium Ever 6 Service Children


Post Looked After Children Premium - “Pupil Premium Post LAC 2016/17”

Looked After Children Premium – “Pupil Premium LAC – Summer/ Autumn/

Spring Term 2016/17”

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 5

Contacts / Queries

Ever 6 FSM, Ever 6 Service Children and Post LAC data – For queries on the

data please email Data Quality & Collection Team ([email protected])

Looked After Children data – For queries on the data please email Data Quality

& Collection Team ([email protected])

Allocation of Funding – For queries on the allocations please email the School

Funding Team on [email protected]

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 6

General Information Regarding Pupil Premium

This funding is in addition to the amounts included in the budget share.

The pupil premium amounts for Deprivation (FSM), Service Family

Children and Post LAC are shown on a separate pupil premium statement.

Estimated allocations will be posted to SAP in April. The amounts relating

to looked after children are calculated and allocated termly,

The Department for Education allocates funding to local authorities based

on January 2016 census. However, this is not finalised until the Autumn


Schools will receive a pupil premium statement by the end of March with

their indicative allocation. However this will be an estimated amount

based on HCC’s data held and will be subject to an adjustment later on in

the year when the finalised data is received by DfE. This may result in an

increase or decrease to the funding.

Schools federated, or to be federated, under the provisions of section 24

of the Education Act 2002, during the financial year beginning 1 April 2015

shall have grant allocated to them as if they were not federated.

The grant must be made available irrespective of the existence of any

deficit relating to the expenditure of the school's budget share. PPG is not

part of schools' budget shares and is a separate allocation. It is not to be

counted for the purpose of calculating the Minimum Funding Guarantee.

A school opening during the financial year beginning 1 April 2016 will

receive pupil premium for the proportion of the financial year for which it is

open based on autumn census.

In the case of a school which closes during the financial year, the local

authority should allocate an amount proportionate to the period of the

financial year for which the school is open.

Notwithstanding paragraph above, in the case of a school which opens

during the financial year and receives all the pupils from two, or more,

schools which close during the financial year, the school shall receive

grant equal to the total which would be payable to those schools had they

remained open, proportionate to the period of the financial year for which

the school is open.

In the case of schools which are to have pupils transferred from a closing

school in 2016-2017; the local authority will allocate the grant that would

have been paid to the closing school, had it remained open, to the schools

receiving those pupils. The amount to be allocated to each school should

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 7

be agreed with the schools receiving the pupils but must not exceed in

total the amount which would have been allocated to the closing school

had it remained open.

PPG will be allocated on the basis of Sole and Dual Main registrations


The grant may be spent by maintained schools for the purposes of the

school; that is to say for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that

school, or for the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools;

and on community facilities, for example services whose provision furthers

any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their

families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is


The grant does not have to be completely spent by schools in the financial

year beginning 1 April 2016; some or all of it may be carried forward to

future financial years.

Local Authorities will however be required to certify they have passed on

the correct amount of funding to schools, or where it has been spent

centrally, that it has been spent in line with the conditions of the grant.

Further information on the use of Pupil Premium can be sought from the

DfE website (link can be found below).


2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 8

Elements of funding for Pupil Premium

1) Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium

The pupil premium for deprivation will be paid based on the number of pupils in

Years Reception to 11. The indicator used for deprivation will be those pupils on

the January 2016 school census who have been eligible for Free School Meals

(FSM) on any of the termly censuses since May 2010 (known as Ever 6),

including January 2016 census.

Ever 6 FSM is also allocated to General Hospital Schools and Alternative

Provision (i.e. any attending schools not maintained by the local authority for

which the local authority is paying full tuition fees plus all pupils educated in other

arrangements made by the local authority). Each pupil will be counted once. For

example, if a pupil on the January 2016 census is recorded as known to be

eligible for FSM and was recorded as known to be eligible for FSM on the

summer 2015 and autumn 2015 censuses, they will be counted as one Ever 6

FSM pupil.

Note that pupils who are also allocated the LAC or post-LAC premium do not

have this deprivation premium allocated to them.

In order to identify the children you have been funded for a list can be

downloaded from the Key to Success website.

The amount per “Ever 6 FSM” pupil in 2016/17 is £1,320 per primary pupil and

£935 per secondary pupil.

The funding will be coded G/L Code 7694.

2) Ever 6 Service Family Premium

The pupil premium for service children is based on the number of pupils in Years

Reception to 11 and is recorded on the January 2016 census as a service child.

The indicator used for service children will be those pupils on the January 2016

school Census who are recorded as a service child on any of the termly

censuses since spring 2011 (known as Ever 6), including January 2016 census.

Each pupil is counted only once even if they appear on more than one census as

a Service Child.

Pupils attract the premium if they meet the following criteria:

one of their parents is serving in the regular armed forces

one of their parents served in the regular armed forces in the last 6 years

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 9

one of their parents died while serving in the armed forces and the pupil is

in receipt of a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

(AFCS) and the War Pensions Scheme (WPS).

The amount per each qualifying “Ever 6 Service Child” is £300.

The funding will be coded G/L Code 7694.

3) Looked After Children Premium

The grant allocation for Looked After Children must be managed by the

designated Virtual School Head in the authority that looks after those children to

be used for the benefit of the looked after child’s educational needs as described

in their Personal Education Plan (PEP).

The Virtual School Head will ensure there are arrangements in place to discuss

with the child’s education setting (usually with the designated teacher) how the

child will benefit from any pupil premium funding. The local authority is not

permitted to carry forward funding held centrally into the financial year 2016-

2017. Grant held centrally that has not been spent by 31 March 2016 will be


For each looked after child the Virtual Head is allocated £1,900, of which £400

(in 2015/16) is retained centrally prior to the remaining £1,500 being allocated on

a termly basis.

Arrangements for changes to this funding were discussed at Schools Forum on

20 October 2015. The Virtual School Head teacher informed Schools Forum of

the decision to increase the top-slice by £100. This means the element of the

grant retained to use centrally is now £500. This is to be used for various

services including the following:

Improve education planning by commissioning additional officers to work

alongside schools and social workers

Projects including the Transition Programme and Paired Reading

Reviewing all Personal Education Plans (PEP’s).

Further details regarding the use of the centrally retained funds can be found

with in the Schools Forum report.

The remainder of the funding will be allocated to schools on a termly basis. This

is to ensure that schools receive funding in a timely manner and that funding

follows the pupil as accurately as possible. The termly amounts will be

proportionate to the length of term and will be:

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 10

Summer Term 2016 - £500 per pupil

Autumn Term 2016 - £500 per pupil

Spring Term 2017 - £400 per pupil

Any funds not fully spent for looked after children premium cannot be carried

forward by the Local Authority. Therefore, in the event of an underspend each

pupil will receive an additional allocation at the end of the year. This is to ensure

maximum delegation of the grant.

A copy of the full Schools Forum report can be found via the following link (20

October 2015 - Item 6):


In some cases, schools may have on their role pupils that are looked after by

another local authority other than Hampshire. Virtual School Headteacher

arrangements may differ and therefore it is important that the school discusses

funding arrangements with the local authority concerned.

4) Post Looked after Children Premium

The post looked after children element is based on children who are recorded on

the January 2016 census and who were adopted from care, or left care under:

a Special Guardianship Order

a Residence Order on or after 14 October 1991

A child should be recorded as such where the parent or guardian of the child has

informed the school that the child has been adopted from care or has left care

under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.

The amount per each qualifying “Post LAC” is £1,900.

The funding will be coded G/L Code 7694.

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 11

Additional Information

6) Funding of Pupil Premium for Academies

Academies who converted before start of the summer term (April 2016) are paid

directly by the Education Funding Agency (EFA).

Schools who convert during the year are paid on a pro-rated basis:

Academies converting between April 2016 – September 2016 will be paid

5/12 of their annual allocation from Hampshire and the remaining 7/12 from

the Education Funding Agency

Academies converting between September 2016 – January 2017 will be

paid 9/12 of their annual allocation from Hampshire and the remaining 3/12

from the Education Funding Agency

Academies converting in the spring term (January 2017) will be paid their

full annual allocation from Hampshire.

7) Use of Funding

Statistics show that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are far less likely

to get good results at school. The Department of Education (DfE) believe it is

unacceptable for children’s success to be determined by their social

circumstances. The DfE therefore intends to raise the levels of achievement for

all disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between disadvantaged pupils and

their peers.

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has produced a teaching and

learning toolkit to help teachers and schools effectively use the pupil premium to

support disadvantaged pupils.

8) Reporting

Schools are required to publish details online each year of how they are using

the pupil premium and the impact it is having. Schools are free to spend the Pupil

Premium as they see fit. However, they are accountable for how they use the

additional funding to support pupils from low-income families and the other target


The level of detail schools include on the online report is for each school to

decide, but they must include the following:

• pupil premium allocation for the current academic year

• details of how they intend to spend their allocation

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 12

• details of how they spent their previous academic year’s allocation

• how it made a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged pupils

The funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information schools

publish online should refer to the academic year, as this is how parents and the

general public understand the school year.

As allocations will not be known for the latter part of the academic year (April to

July), you should report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and

update it when you have all the figures.

The grant does not have to be completely spent by schools in the financial year

beginning 1 April 2016; some or all of it may be carried forward to future financial


9) Ofsted

Ofsted revised their inspection framework in September 2013. As a result, school

inspections report on the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils who

attract the pupil premium.

For the latest report published by Ofsted please use the following link:


2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 13

Appendix 1 – 2016/17 Table of Values for Pupil Premium Grant

Element Phase Annual Amount (£)

Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium

Primary £1,320

Secondary £935

Ever 6 Service Family Premium All Phases £300

Looked After Children Premium All Phases

Summer Term - £500

Autumn Term - £500

Spring Term - £400

Post Looked After Children Premium All Phases £1,900

2016/17 Pupil Premium Grant Guidance Notes 14

Appendix 2 – Historic Values Used for Pupil Premium

Financial Year Element Phase Amount


Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium Primary £1,320

Secondary £935

Ever 5 Service Family Premium All Phases £300

Looked After Children Premium All Phases

Summer Term - £600

Autumn Term - £500

Spring Term - £400

Post Looked After Children Premium All Phases £1,900


Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium Primary £1,300

Secondary £935

Ever 4 Service Family Premium All Phases £300

Looked After Children Premium All Phases

Summer Term - £600

Autumn Term - £500

Spring Term - £400


Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium Primary £953

Secondary £900

Ever 3 Service Family Premium All Phases £300

Looked After Children Premium All Phases £900 (£300 per term)


Ever 6 FSM Deprivation Premium All Phases £623

Service Family Premium All Phases £250

Looked After Children Premium All Phases

£200 summer

£210 autumn

£213 spring

Appendix 3 – Example of Pupil Premium Statement

February 2016 2016/17 Pupil Premium Statement DFE No. XXXX

2016/17 Pupil Premium Statement Phase: Secondary

School A

Total Estimated Funding based on Financial Year (for Budgeting)

Financial Year 16/17 (April 2016 - March 2017) Total No. of Eligible Pupils Amount Per Pupil (£) Total Amount (£)

Deprivation - pupils currently on the January 2016 Census eligible for FSM in the last 6 years 50.00 935 46,750

Service Children - pupils currently on the January 2016 census eligible in the last 6 years 8.00 300 2,400

Post Looked After Children - pupils currently on the January 2016 census who qualify as post looked after 1.00 1,900 1,900

Allocation to G/L Code 7694 51,050


Total Funding based on Academic Year (for Annual Statement)

Academic Year 15/16 (September 2015 - August 2016)

Total No. of Eligible Pupils

Amount Per Pupil (£)

Total Amount (£)

Deprivation - based on the January

2015 & 2016 Census

September - March 24.50 935 22,908

April - August 20.83 935 19,476

Service Children - based on the January 2015 & 2016 Census

September - March 4.08 300 1,224

April - August 3.33 300 999

Post LAC - based on the January 2015 & 2016 Census

September - March 1.16 1,900 2,204

April - August 0.58 1,900 1,102


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