Page 1: 2016 Direct Marketing Team A

Image 1: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire Logo

2016 Direct Marketing Plan for

the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire

Team A Chris Jenard, Ashley Seddon, Skip Spoerke, Sarah Stiles

Direct Marketing: MKT 360-04164 Course Professor: Micheline Anstey Southern New Hampshire University

Spring 2016

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Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1 Strategic Plan Overview ................................................................................................................. 2

Operation Revisions and Standards Initiative ............................................................................. 2 Strengthen the Core Programs Initiative ..................................................................................... 2 Raise the Regional Profile of the Museum Initiative .................................................................. 3

Background of Past Findings/Results ............................................................................................. 4 Direct Marketing Objectives ........................................................................................................... 6

Increase Visitation by 10% ......................................................................................................... 6 Increase Museum Membership by 15% ...................................................................................... 6 Increase the Museum’s Facebook and Instagram Following by 30% ......................................... 6

Direct Marketing Strategy ............................................................................................................... 7 Direct Mail .................................................................................................................................. 7 Electronic Newsletter .................................................................................................................. 8 Social Media ............................................................................................................................... 9

Direct Marketing Tactics ............................................................................................................... 10 Compiled Lists .......................................................................................................................... 10 Museum House List .................................................................................................................. 12 Personalized Postcards .............................................................................................................. 13

Postcard contingency plan. ................................................................................................... 17 Example Personalized Postcard ................................................................................................ 18 Personalized Scratch-Off Postcards .......................................................................................... 19

Scratch-off postcard contingency plan. ................................................................................. 20 Personalized Electronic Newsletters ......................................................................................... 21

Personalized electronic newsletter contingency plan. .......................................................... 22 Social Media ............................................................................................................................. 23

Social media contingency plan. ............................................................................................ 23 Target Audience ............................................................................................................................ 24 Product Offering ........................................................................................................................... 25

Product Offering Detailed Examples ........................................................................................ 25 Function rentals. .................................................................................................................... 25 Virtual Skies aviation education course. ............................................................................... 25 School outreach program. ..................................................................................................... 25 Homebuilt aircraft fly-in. ...................................................................................................... 26

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Key Messages and Offers/Calls to Action .................................................................................... 27 Key Messages for Young Families ............................................................................................ 27 Offers/Calls to Action for Young Families ............................................................................... 27 Key Messages for Young Adults ............................................................................................... 28 Offers/Calls to Action for Young Adults ................................................................................... 28

Expected Results and ROI ............................................................................................................ 29 Timing ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Direct Mail Schedule ................................................................................................................ 31 Electronic Newsletter Schedule ................................................................................................ 32 Social Media Schedule .............................................................................................................. 33

Budget ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Electronic Newsletter Expenses ................................................................................................ 34 Sample Direct Mail Data .......................................................................................................... 36 Sample List Data ....................................................................................................................... 36 Direct Mail Cost Table .............................................................................................................. 37

Other Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 38 References ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 41

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Executive Summary The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, located in Londonderry, has budgeted $500 to $1,000 to a direct marketing campaign that spans June through December of 2016. The objectives of this direct marketing plan include targeting young adults and young families, increasing museum membership by 15%, increasing museum visits by 10%, and growing the number of followers on Facebook and Instagram by 30%. This plan runs from the end of May until the end of December, recommends changing electronic newsletter service providers to reduce costs, and is expected to exceed the museum’s $1,000 budget by $180. It is also projected to provide a 158% return on investment with a 17% response rate and an 8.5% conversion rate. As another option, the museum could continue paying for Constant Contact’s services, spend $1,404, and expect a return on investment of 117% with a 17% response rate and an 8.5% conversion rate. The following components are included in this direct marketing plan:

✈ Four highly-targeted and personalized postcard mailings that use compiled lists to increase visitation and event attendance

✈ Two personalized scratch-off postcard mailings that use the museum’s house list to increase memberships

✈ Ongoing personalized social media communication to increase social following and visitation to the museum

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Strategic Plan Overview As of February 12, the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire’s 2016 marketing plan had not been finalized; however, a copy of the museum’s strategic plan for 2016 had been made available for development of this direct marketing plan (Pappathan, 2016). Select marketing elements outlined in the strategic plan are, therefore, included in this section in place of a marketing plan overview. The museum's vision reads, "the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire will be recognized as a regional resource for the preservation of aviation history, educational outreach activities, and social events that provide an opportunity for members to experience interesting and informative events and thereby share their passion for aviation history with friends and colleagues." Demonstrating a desire to sustain and continue developing the museum's vision are three initiatives described throughout the strategic plan for 2016—operation revisions and standards; strengthen the core programs; and raise the regional profile of the museum ("Strategic Plan," 2016, pp. 3-7). Operation Revisions and Standards Initiative

✈ Revenue stabilization and diversification í Eight steps

Ø Two steps to increase support for Virtual Skies program • Participating schools help offset the program expenses • Seek corporate sponsorship

Ø Two steps specific to donor and fundraising event improvements • estate planning • sustained giving • annual event to attract new supporters and media channels

("Strategic Plan," 2016, pp. 3-5) Strengthen the Core Programs Initiative

✈ Conduct marketing research and program evaluations to assess the museum's exhibits and programs

✈ Change the name of the museum to include an action word that accurately represents the organization and facility ("Strategic Plan," 2016, pp. 5-6)

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Raise the Regional Profile of the Museum Initiative ✈ Multi-faceted media strategy development

í Revisions to the museum's website í Feature coverage from local media channels í Mobile presentation development í Locating marketing plan assistance from college or university students í Board policy to bring two new supporters to the museum per year

("Strategic Plan," 2016, pp. 6-7)

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Background of Past Findings/Results In 2015, total monthly guest attendance for the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (Aviation Museum) peaked at 1,093 in May. Outreach also performed its best in May with 674 guests. Point of Service admission was highest in July with 474 guests. Rental events reached a maximum of 180 guests in September. The lowest performing month for total guest attendance in 2015 was February with 143 guests. The average number of visitors per month was 484, including 36 complimentary admissions and two price-reduced admissions (Guest attendance data, 2016, p. 1). Year over year, total guest attendance for the Aviation Museum remained consistent between 2011 and 2014, averaging 3,537 visitors per year. Data from 2015 shows a 64% increase in guest attendance relative to the mean of the previous four years. The data from the past four years also indicates that, on average, December is typically the lowest performing month with 158 guests in attendance and September is usually the best performing month with 430 guests in attendance (Guest attendance data, 2016, p. 2). Of the 5,804 guests in attendance last year, 441 guests were residing in locations other than New Hampshire. Fifteen guests lived in California, for instance, and two guests lived in England (Guest attendance data, 2016, p. 3). The majority of museum visitors represented four states other than New Hampshire:

✈ Massachusetts ✈ Maine

✈ Connecticut ✈ New York

(Guest attendance data, 2016, p. 3)

Other than the United States of America, the top four countries represented by the most museum guests include the following:

✈ Canada ✈ Brazil

✈ Germany ✈ England

(Guest attendance data, 2016, p. 3)

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The museum has demonstrated some success with direct mail and surveys in the past year: ✈ Direct mail campaign at the close of 2015

í Targeted 250 lapsed memberships, ranging from one to three years í Generated $1,250 í Delivered a 20% response rate í Benefit options for renewing:

Ø Free upgrade to a family membership Ø Free individual membership to gift a friend

(Pappathan, 2016)

✈ Five-question survey about visiting the museum í Received by 1,500 people

Ø Sent via electronic newsletter Ø Posted for three weeks on social media

í Returned 56 responses í 75% of respondents like the museum's exhibits í 71.43% of respondents like the museum's events í 51.22% of respondents indicated that exhibits need improvement

Ø Additional child-friendly exhibits most mentioned í Nearly half (47.27%) of respondents rated the museum as above average í 36.36% rated the museum as excellent í 14.55% rated it as average í 1.82% rated it as below average í Nobody rated the museum as needing improvement

(Survey, 2015, pp. 1-10)

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Direct Marketing Objectives By December 31, 2016, the Aviation Museum would like to reach three objectives through direct marketing:

✈ Increase visitation by 10% ✈ Increase membership by 15% ✈ Increase Facebook and Instagram following by 30%

(Objectives, n.d.) Increase Visitation by 10% The museum ended 2015 with a 64% increase in guest attendance over the average guest attendance of the previous four years—undoubtedly proving that growth is possible. To meet the objective of increasing visitation by 10%, the Aviation Museum must host 6,385 guests in 2016. The museum would like young families and young adults—20 to 35 years old—to comprise the majority of the additional 581 guests (Objectives, n.d.). Increase Museum Membership by 15% The museum had 250 members at the close of 2015, which has increased to approximately 300 by the middle of February 2016. The museum will need to have 345 members by the end of 2016 to raise membership by 15% from the current level of 300 members. The Aviation Museum's focus for new memberships in 2016 is new family memberships (Objectives, n.d.). Increase the Museum’s Facebook and Instagram Following by 30% At the conclusion of 2015, the Aviation Museum had 725 page likes on Facebook and 60 followers on Instagram. Facebook page likes have increased to 729, and the number of Instagram followers has increased to 64 by the start of developing this direct marketing plan. To meet the objective, the museum's Facebook page likes must increase to a minimum of 948, and the number of Instagram followers must increase to 84 (Objectives, n.d.).

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Direct Marketing Strategy This seven-month direct marketing plan employs multiple channels for delivering messages constructed specifically to attract young adults and young families within a 30-mile radius of the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, located in Manchester. The purpose of each message is to achieve part of an objective or multiple objectives defined by the museum. Channels that will be used to reach the goals are described below. Direct Mail Four postcards, two scratch-off postcards, seven electronic newsletters, and personalized social media messages will target young adults and young families within Merrimack County, New Hampshire throughout this campaign. The size of each mailing will be limited to 250, and each mailing will be specific to a single objective. House and compiled lists will be utilized to match the right audience to each mailing. The direct mail strategy to increase museum visitation by 10% is below.

✈ Four self-mailers (two per audience) ✈ Time-limited discount or free admission offers ✈ Use house and compiled lists ✈ Target audience size for young families: 250 per campaign ✈ Target audience size for young adults: 250 per campaign ✈ Separate mailings for young families and young adults

The direct mail strategy to increase museum membership by 15% is below.

✈ Two interactive self-mailers (one per audience) ✈ Time-limited discount membership rates ✈ Use house list ✈ Target audience size for young families: 250 per campaign ✈ Target audience size for young adults: 250 per campaign ✈ Separate mailings for young families and young adults

The direct mail strategy to increase Facebook and Instagram following by 30% is below.

✈ Social media URLs on all interactive mailers ✈ Social media URLs on all self-mailers ✈ Clear call to action to follow the museum on Facebook and Instagram

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Electronic Newsletter One monthly electronic newsletter will be sent to young adult and family subscribers to encourage return visits and increased membership by showcasing upcoming events, sales and discounts, and stories about museum members. Sign-up forms for the electronic newsletter will offer discounted admission for young families and young adults on the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire’s website and applicable social media accounts. The museum will also collect information in-person from visiting guests. The electronic newsletter strategy to increase museum visitation by 10% is below.

✈ Monthly showcase of museum events ✈ Quarterly discounted admission coupons ✈ Discounted admission for signing up for the electronic newsletter ✈ Offers of new and on sale gift shop items ✈ Customized for young adults ✈ Customized for young families ✈ Personalized for the recipient

The electronic newsletter strategy to increase museum membership by 15% is below.

✈ Stories about museum members to build a sense of community ✈ Member-only events emphasized in the showcase ✈ Semi-annual discount offers on new and renewed memberships ✈ Customized for young adults ✈ Customized for young families ✈ Personalized for the recipient

The electronic newsletter strategy to increase Facebook and Instagram following by 30% is below.

✈ Links to Instagram and Facebook in every newsletter customized for young adults ✈ Links to Instagram and Facebook in every newsletter customized for young families ✈ Links to Facebook event invitations and event photos on Instagram ✈ Clear call to action to follow the museum on Facebook and Instagram ✈ Customized for young adults ✈ Customized for young families ✈ Personalized for the recipient

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Social Media Daily engagement will be a priority for the museum during the next year to build an active social media community. Facebook will feature invitations for all museum events, offers, and sales, electronic newsletter sign-up form, event photos and video, and information about exhibits. Instagram will feature event photos, exhibit photos, and a custom hashtag for the museum’s social media community. Personalizing social media for young adults.

✈ Personalized event invitations on Facebook ✈ Event photos and 60-second video to engage the audience on Instagram ✈ Hashtags to build community on Instagram ✈ Event discount offers ✈ Discounted admission offer for electronic newsletter sign-up

Personalizing social media for young families.

✈ Personalized event invitations on Facebook ✈ Exhibit and event photos and information on Facebook and Instagram ✈ Hashtags to build community on Instagram ✈ Event discount offers ✈ Discounted admission offer for electronic newsletter sign-up

The social media strategy to increase museum visitation by 10% is below.

✈ Museum event invitations sent to fans on Facebook ✈ Discounted admission for signing up for the electronic newsletter ✈ Offers of gift shop items ✈ Instagram photos of exhibits and events that promote engagement

The social media strategy to increase museum membership by 15% is below.

✈ Stories about young adult and family museum members to build a sense of community ✈ Member-only event invitations for nonmembers that follow the museum on social media

The social media strategy to increase Facebook and Instagram following by 30% is below.

✈ Daily engagement with young adults and young families who follow the museum on social media

✈ Facebook event invitations and photos on Instagram to promote engagement ✈ Clear call to action to follow the museum on Facebook and Instagram

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Direct Marketing Tactics Direct mail, electronic newsletters, and social media have been employed to deliver specific, targeted messages to young adults and young families within Merrimack County, New Hampshire. A copy of the USPS Application to Mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail® Rates (PS Form 3624) can be found in Appendix A, in case the museum has not previously applied. Two compiled lists, the museum’s house list, four personalized postcards, two personalized scratch-off postcards, and seven electronic newsletters comprise the core tactics. All tactics are described in detail below. Compiled Lists Compiled lists will be used for attracting new visitors to the museum, for the purpose of adding them to the house list, through personalized postcards containing discounted admission offers and invitations to events. Each compiled list will contain 500 names and addresses and will be downloadable for unlimited use. Compiled lists are described below. Target audience 1: Young families with children

✈ List type: Consumer ✈ List Service: InfoUSA ( ✈ Point of Contact: Rebecca Kozol, Account Executive

(402) 836-1310 [email protected] ✈ List format: Comma-Separated Values (CSV) ✈ Number of mailings allowed: Unlimited ✈ Accuracy of addresses: Best ✈ Included with list: Mailing addresses and names ✈ List size: 500 young families ✈ List cost: $100 ✈ Cost per lead: $0.20 ✈ Remove an address at the recipient’s request or upon joining the house list ✈ Location: Merrimack County, New Hampshire ✈ Demographic data

í Children ages: 4 to 12 years í Children in home: Yes í Demographics to omit

Ø Apartments without numbers Ø Post Office (P.O.) boxes Ø Rural routes without numbers

í Education level: Any

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í Gender: Any í Household income: Any í Interests

Ø Aviation Ø Charitable giving Ø Travel

í Marital status: Married Target audience 2: Young adult males, age 20-35

✈ List type: Consumer ✈ List Service: InfoUSA ( ✈ Point of Contact: Rebecca Kozol, Account Executive

(402) 836-1310 [email protected] ✈ List format: CSV ✈ Number of mailings allowed: Unlimited ✈ Accuracy of addresses: Best ✈ Included with list: Mailing addresses and names ✈ List size: 500 young adult males ✈ List cost: $100 ✈ Cost per lead: $0.20 ✈ Remove an address at the recipient’s request or upon joining the house list ✈ Location: Merrimack County, New Hampshire ✈ Demographic data

í Age: 20 to 35 years í Children in home: No í Demographics to omit

Ø Apartments without numbers Ø Post Office (P.O.) boxes Ø Rural routes without numbers

í Education level: Any í Gender: Males í Income: Any í Interests

Ø Aviation Ø Charitable giving Ø Travel

í Marital status: Any

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Museum House List The museum’s house list will be used for increasing museum membership through personalized scratch-off postcards containing discounted and free year-long memberships. The targeted portion of the museum’s house list is described below.

✈ Clean the database: Remove recipients that have not returned to the museum and have been unresponsive to mailings for the past 2 years

✈ Remove an address at the recipient’s request ✈ List size: 400 young adults and young families ✈ Exported list format: CSV ✈ Location: Merrimack County, New Hampshire ✈ Demographic data

í Young families Ø Children ages: 4 to 12 years Ø Children in home: Yes

í Young adults Ø Age: 20 to 35 years Ø Gender: Any

✈ Last visit to museum: less than one year ✈ Current membership: No ✈ Lapsed membership: No

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Personalized Postcards Personalized postcards, using Variable-Data Printing, will target young adult males and young families who have not visited the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire in more than a year or have never visited the museum. There will be four postcard designs used during this campaign. The personalized postcards are described below. Postcard #1: Young adult males, age 20-35

✈ Offer: Free admission for two people to the 2016 Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in ✈ Call to action: Present the postcard at admission gate on the day of the fly-in ✈ Front message: Free admission for you and a guest!

{FirstName}, come see homebuilt aircraft that will blow your mind. You have been selected for FREE admission to the 2016 Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire on July 16. Bring a guest and this postcard to the gate between 9am and 4pm. More details and driving directions are on the back.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} 9am to 4pm, July 16, 2016 A variety of homebuilt aircraft will be on display. There will be activities throughout the day, like an aircraft covering demonstration, a riveting demonstration, and activities for children. Coffee and pastries will be available in the morning, and hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cream will be available in the afternoon. ("Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-In - Saturday, July 16, 2016," n.d.) Contact info: {name and email of event planner} Offer expires at 4pm on July 16, 2016.

✈ Image used in design: Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in from 2015 ✈ List: Compiled, young adult males, age 20-35 ✈ Mailing quantity: 250 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Click2Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.59 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $148.00

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✈ Optional add-on: 20% discount at gift shop from QR code ✈ Test multiple variables

í List: remove unresponsive recipients and those added to house list while attending the Fly-in event

í Offer: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients attending), change the offer before mailing the second postcard

Postcard #2: Young adult males, age 20-35

✈ Offer: Free admission for two people to the 2016 car show ✈ Call to action: Present the postcard at admission gate on the day of the car show ✈ Front message: Free admission for you and a guest!

{FirstName}, you and a guest have been selected for free admission to the 2016 car show at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire on August 13. Bring this postcard to the gate between 10am to 2pm. Get ready to see some really incredible machines! More details and driving directions are on the back.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} From 10am to 2pm, August 13, 2016 Join us Saturday, August 13th for the Aviation Museum of NH's annual car show held at the museum. There will be a 50/50 raffle, trophies awarded, and food available for purchase. ("Car Show - August 13, 2016," n.d.) Contact info: {name and email of event planner} Offer expires at 2pm on August 13, 2016.

✈ Image used in design: car show from 2015 ✈ List: Compiled, young adult males, age 20-35 ✈ Mailing quantity: 250 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Click2Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.59 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $148.00 ✈ Optional add-on: 20% discount at gift shop from QR code

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✈ Test multiple variables í List: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients), adjust the distance of future

lists to be further away from the museum í Mailing date: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients), move mailing date to

a week earlier for future mailings Postcard #1: Young families with children

✈ Offer: Free family admission to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire ✈ Call to action: Present the postcard at admission counter before {date—one month from

mailing} ✈ Front message: Free family admission to the Aviation Museum

{FirstName}, Your family is cordially invited to visit the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire for free. Visit any day during the museum’s regular operating hours before {date—one month from mailing}. Just give this invitation to our volunteer at the admission counter. Offer expires at {closing time} on {date—one month from mailing}. Driving directions are on the back.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} Offer expires at {closing time} on {date—one month from mailing}.

✈ Image used in design: Exterior of museum ✈ List: Compiled, young families with children ✈ Mailing quantity: 250 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Click2Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.59 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $148.00 ✈ Optional add-on: 20% discount at gift shop from QR code

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✈ Test multiple variables í List: remove unresponsive recipients and those added to house list while visiting

the museum í Expiration date: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients attending), reduce

the expiration date of future museum admission offers to two weeks Postcard #2: Young families with children

✈ Offer: Free family admission to the 2016 Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in ✈ Call to action: Present the postcard at admission gate on the day of the fly-in ✈ Front message: Free family admission to the 2016 Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in!

{FirstName}, come see the homebuilt aircraft at the 2016 Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire on July 16. Your family has been selected for FREE admission. Just give this invitation to our volunteer at the admission gate. Offer expires at 4pm on July 16, 2016. Driving directions are on the back.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} 9am to 4pm, July 16, 2016 A variety of homebuilt aircraft will be on display. There will be activities throughout the day, like an aircraft covering demonstration, a riveting demonstration, and activities for children. Coffee and pastries will be available in the morning, and hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cream will be available in the afternoon. ("Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-In - Saturday, July 16, 2016," n.d.) Offer expires at 4pm on July 16, 2016.

✈ Image used in design: Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-in from 2015 ✈ List: Compiled, young families with children ✈ Mailing quantity: 250 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Click2Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.59 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $148.00 ✈ Optional add-on: 20% discount at gift shop from QR code

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✈ Test multiple variables í List: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients), adjust the distance of future

lists to be further away from the museum í Mailing date: if response rate is below 10% (25 recipients), move mailing date to

a week earlier for future mailings Subtotal for optional add-on QR code: $0.00 Total cost for all personalized postcards: $592.00 Postcard contingency plan. In the event that postcards are found less effective than anticipated at increasing visits to the Aviation Museum, a second option is to invest in messaging for either geo-fencing or geo-targeting for mobile devices. Geo-fencing

✈ Establishes geographic boundaries based on RFID or GPS í Think about an invisible fence for dogs—that’s similar to geo-fencing í Ideal geo-fence: two-mile radius from the museum, to ensure coverage around the

airport terminal and parking lots ✈ Targets mobile devices within the established boundaries ✈ Can be very expensive

í Will require shopping for the best value Geo-targeting

✈ Identify mobile devices in a specific geographic location through GPS í Think about using checking into a local restaurant on social media—that’s similar

to geo-targeting í Ideal geo-target: the airport terminal

✈ Targets mobile devices only at the specified geographic location ✈ Can be very expensive

í Will require shopping for the best value

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Example Personalized Postcard

Image 2: Personalized postcard example -- front

Image 3: Personalized postcard example -- back

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Personalized Scratch-Off Postcards Personalized scratch-off postcards, using Variable-Data Printing, will be mailed to young adults and young families on the museum’s house list who have visited the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire in the past year. There will be two offers used—free dual/family membership for a year and 50% discounted student, individual, or dual/family membership for a year. The personalized scratch-off postcards are described below. Scratch-off postcard #1: Free dual/family membership

✈ Offer: Free one-year dual/family membership ($50 value) ✈ Call to action: Present the winning scratch-off postcard admission counter before

November 14. ✈ Front message: Scratch and Win!

{FirstName}, You have a chance to win 50% off or a FREE membership to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. Game details on back. Offer expires November 14, 2016.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} Winners must present this card to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire’s admission counter before November 14, 2016 to qualify for discount. Discount may be used for student, individual, or dual/family one-year membership only. Up to a $50 value.

✈ Image used in design: Exterior of museum ✈ List: House ✈ Mailing quantity: 200 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Amazing Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.97 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $194.00

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Scratch-off postcard #2: 50% off student, individual, or dual/family membership ✈ Offer: 50% off student, individual, or dual/family membership (up to a $25 value) ✈ Call to action: Present the winning scratch-off postcard admission counter before

November 14. ✈ Front message: Scratch and Win!

{FirstName}, You have a chance to win 50% off or a FREE membership to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. Game details on back. Offer expires November 14, 2016.

✈ Back message: Aviation Museum of New Hampshire 27 Navigator Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: (603) 669-4820 Website: Hours of operation: Friday and Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday – 1 pm to 4 pm Driving directions: {map} Winners must present this card to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire’s admission counter before November 14, 2016 to qualify for discount. Discount may be used for student, individual, or dual/family one-year membership only. Up to a $50 value.

✈ Image used in design: Exterior of museum ✈ List: House ✈ Mailing quantity: 200 ✈ Postcard size: 4.25”x6” ✈ Postcard colors: full-color, front and back ✈ Postcard finish: gloss front, matte back ✈ Printing company: Amazing Mail ( ✈ Cost per piece (including postage): $0.97 ✈ Total cost (including postage): $194.00

Conduct A/B testing for membership offers. Future mailings only include the offer that returns the highest conversion rate. If neither offer returns a conversion rate of at least 15%, adjust the offer itself for future mailings. Total cost for all personalized scratch-off postcards: $388.00 Scratch-off postcard contingency plan. Personalized letters that offer membership discounts to nonmembers on the museum’s house list may also be used to increase membership—similar to the 2015 lapsed membership campaign.

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Personalized Electronic Newsletters The monthly electronic newsletter will feature upcoming events, sales and discounts, and stories about museum members. Content and testing for the electronic newsletter expectations are below.

✈ List: Double opt-in subscriber email list ✈ E-newsletter sign-up forms: website, social media accounts, and in-person ✈ Discounted admission for electronic newsletter sign-up online ✈ Clean the database: Remove bounced email addresses and those that have not opened the

newsletter within the past 3 months ✈ Segment the database into demographic lists for targeting

í Lists Ø Young adult Ø Young families

✈ Customize newsletter content based on segmented lists í One for young adults í One for young families

✈ Monthly content with call to action í Upcoming event showcase (emphasize member-only events) (call to action: intent

to attend) í Promotions of new and on sale gift shop items (call to action: buy now) í Story previews about museum members to build a sense of community (call to

action: continue reading) í Links to social media accounts (call to action: follow the museum) í Links to Facebook event invitations (call to action: intend to attend) í Links to event photos on Instagram (call to action: see what you’re missing)

✈ Periodic content with call to action í Quarterly discounted admission coupons (call to action: before offer expires) í Semi-annual discount offers on new and renewed memberships (call to action:

before offer expires) ✈ A/B test small segments of the subscriber list (50-100 subscribers each) prior to mailing

the remainder of the list

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✈ Objectives Open rate: 25.25% minimum Click-through rate: 2.84% minimum Soft bounce rate: 0.52% maximum

Hard bounce rate: 0.43% maximum Complaint rate: 0.02% maximum Unsubscribe rate: 0.19% maximum

(Chaffey, 2016) See page 34 for electronic newsletter cost information. Personalized electronic newsletter contingency plan. If electronic newsletters continuously fail to meet the objectives, posting the newsletter content to the museum’s website and using personalized mobile device SMS messaging to deliver links to the newsletter content is the contingency plan. SMS messaging prices are similar to electronic newsletters.

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Social Media The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire has active accounts on Facebook and Instagram. The uses for these social media accounts within this direct marketing plan are detailed below. Engage at least 24 new people every day from June 1 through December 31 on Facebook and Instagram to connect with 5,000 people by the end of 2016. Facebook

✈ Create Facebook events for all museum events í Send invitations for all museum events

Ø Geographic targeting Ø Personalized communication

í Tag and share event photos and videos ✈ Share sales and discounts through personalized messages ✈ Send invitations to at least 20 nonmembers per member-only event ✈ Feature electronic newsletter sign-up form with discounted admission ✈ Share information about new and upcoming exhibits through messages


✈ Event and exhibit photos to promote comments ✈ Custom hashtags to establish branding and unite social community

í Short and pronounceable is best í Research at

Ø Choose unused hashtags for establishing brand voice Ø Choose hashtags that are popular for attracting new followers

í Custom hashtag examples Ø #AviationNH Ø #HomebuiltNH Ø #AviationCarShow

Social media contingency plan. In the event that the required time commitment for direct marketing on both social media platforms is not possible, it is recommended that the museum focuses on Facebook only. The opportunities for personalization are greater on Facebook than Instagram, and Facebook can be used for posting event and exhibit photos for engagement.

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Target Audience Young families and young adults (ages of 20 and 35 years) residing between Salem and Concord, New Hampshire, are the primary audiences the museum wishes to target, according to the museum’s Executive Director, Jessica Pappathan, during a presentation at Southern New Hampshire University (2016). Characteristics of Generation Y (majority of young adults)

✈ Align themselves with technology ✈ Value the relationship they have with companies ✈ Social generation—prefer to socialize while consuming services and products ✈ Prefer the experience over the information ✈ Integrate beliefs into the reasons they support various businesses (Solomon, 2014)

Characteristics of Generation X (some are still young adults)

✈ Small generation of 65 million between Baby Boomers and Generation Y ✈ Self-reliant ✈ Do not trust institutions ✈ Eager to learn new skills ✈ Commitment to the work, not the company (Gao & Taylor, 2014; Thielfoldt & Scheef,

2004) Characteristics of Generation Z (children of Generation Y and younger Generation X)

✈ Realistic not idealistic ✈ Young teens do not wish to be tracked online ✈ Aim to be entrepreneurial ✈ Claim to be great multi-taskers ✈ Hyperaware of surroundings ✈ Heavily reliant on technology (Elmore, 2015)

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Product Offering The product offering at the Aviation Museum includes the following:

✈ Programs and events ✈ Group tours ✈ Virtual Skies Aviation Education ✈ Function rentals

✈ Gift shop ✈ Library ✈ Historical archives

The following list contains a sample of the multiple events and programs hosted by the Aviation Museum each year:

✈ Juried art shows ✈ Homebuilt aircraft fly-ins ✈ Easter egg hunts ✈ Member-only events

✈ School outreach ✈ Lectures ✈ Car shows

(Hartley, n.d.). Product Offering Detailed Examples Function rentals. Tidewater Catering Group may cater private functions or corporate functions, and the Slusser Aviation Learning Center has a capacity of 150 people. Tented functions may also be held on museum grounds (Brochure, n.d.). For small groups, a conference room for up to ten people is available. If the function is for 25 to 50 people, the Vincent A. Devino Classroom is another function rental option. Office meetings, conferences, holiday parties, galas, anniversaries, birthday parties, weddings, receptions, reunions, and bar/bat mitzvahs have all been hosted at the museum (Brochure, n.d.). Virtual Skies aviation education course. Based on NASA’s Virtual Skies educational program, the goal of the Aviation Museum’s aviation course is to help students prepare for college and gain knowledge about careers in aviation. The course is open to all New Hampshire high school students—four school districts currently offering credit for the course. Free open houses are occasionally provided to anyone interested in the program (NH Aviation Historic Society, "Education," n.d.). School outreach program. This fun 60-minute program includes a presentation and a hands-on aviation activity for students of all ages. The presentation can be tailored to meet each school’s curriculum and can consist of topics like forces and motion or aviation history (NH Aviation Historic Society, "School outreach program," n.d., pars. 1-2).

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Homebuilt aircraft fly-in. Experimental amateur-built aircraft are flown to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and put on display for the day. Besides aircraft, this annual event showcases family-friendly activities, demonstrations, guest speakers, raffles, and awards (NH Aviation Historic Society, "Homebuilt aircraft fly-in," n.d.).

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Key Messages and Offers/Calls to Action Key Messages for Young Families Events create memories for young families at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. Interactive exhibits at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire showcase the state’s aviation history through hands-on experiences (Hartley, n.d., p. 8). The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire—housed in the 1937 art deco terminal—is a unique venue that can be rented for events like birthdays, weddings, reunions, and holiday parties ("Overview," n.d., pars. 1-3). If your family is looking for something fun to do this weekend, the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire is local, affordable, and incredibly educational (shh, don’t tell the kids). Free admission, gift shop discounts, and exclusive member-only events are just a few reasons everyone in your family will love being members of the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (Individual memberships, n.d.). Offers/Calls to Action for Young Families

✈ Limited Time Offer Free Museum Admission: offer expires on (date—one month from mailing)

✈ Limited Time Offer Free Event Admission: offer expires at (ending time) on (date of event)

✈ Limited Time Discount Membership: only valid until (date—two weeks from mailing) ✈ Exclusive Members-Only Event Invitations: offer expires at (ending time) on (date of


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Key Messages for Young Adults The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire hosts several events every year, like auto shows ("Annual car show," n.d., pars. 1-2) and homebuilt aircraft shows that feature innovation and creativity ("Homebuilt aircraft fly-in," n.d.). The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire is a unique venue to host a party. Catering is available ("Overview," n.d., para. 6). Events at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire are a lot of fun, and some of the best events, like luncheons and select fly-ins, are members-only ("Current events," n.d.). Offers/Calls to Action for Young Adults

✈ Limited Time Free Event Admission: offer expires at (ending time) on (date of event) ✈ Limited Time Discount Membership: offer is only valid until (date—two weeks from

mailing) ✈ Exclusive Members-Only Event Invitations: offer expires at (ending time) on (date of


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Expected Results and ROI The simplicity of this direct marketing plan allows the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire to remain focused on and energetic about reaching or surpassing the established goals by December 31, 2016. Those goals include increasing visitation by 10%, membership by 15%, and its following by 30% on Facebook and Instagram by targeting young adults and young families. Expected Return on Investment (ROI) estimates are provided on the next page.

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Expected ROI for Total Cost of $1,180

Total Cost Qty. Newsletter

Qty. Direct Mail

Qty. SM Messages Resp. Rate Conv. Rate Avg. Sale Revenue Profit ROI Qty.

Sales Paid Guests

$1,180.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 15% 7.5% $12.50 $2,376.56 $1,196.56 101.40% 190 475

$1,180.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 17% 8.5% $12.50 $3,052.56 $1,872.56 158.69% 244 611

$1,181.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 19% 9.5% $12.50 $3,813.06 $2,632.06 222.87% 305 763

Total cost includes sending 1,500 newsletters per month via MailChimp, Vertical Response, or another free service for nonprofits. The quantity of social media messages estimates 715 invitations or discount/sales offers per month. A 17% response rate with 8.5% conversion rate is required to achieve all objectives—ROI: 158.69%.

Expected ROI for Total Cost of $1404

Total Cost Qty. Newsletter

Qty. Direct Mail

Qty. SM Messages Resp. Rate Conv. Rate Avg. Sale Revenue Profit ROI Qty.

Sales Paid Guests

$1,404.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 15% 7.5% $12.50 $2,376.56 $972.56 69.27% 190 475

$1,404.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 17% 8.5% $12.50 $3,052.56 $1,648.56 117.42% 244 611

$1,404.00 10,500 1,400 5,000 19% 9.5% $12.50 $3,813.06 $2,409.06 171.59% 305 763

Total cost includes sending 1,500 newsletters per month via Constant Contact (nonprofit rate at 6 months paid in advance). The quantity of social media messages estimates 715 invitations or discount/sales offers per month. A 17% response rate with 8.5% conversion rate is required to achieve all objectives—ROI: 117.42%.

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Timing The direct mail schedule is displayed in the table below, the electronic newsletter schedule is displayed on page 32, and the social media schedule is outlined on page 33. Direct Mail Schedule

Postcards - Young Adults Postcards – Young Families Membership Game Car Show Fly-in Admission Fly-in 50% Off Free


June June 22 June 22 June 29 June 29

July July 20 July 1 July 1 July 27 July 16 July 16 July 29

August August 13 August 21 August 27

September September 1

October October 1 October 14 October 14 October 28 October 28

November November 1 November 1 November 14 November 14


Legend Approval Date Ordering Date Mailing Date Expiration Date

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Electronic Newsletter Schedule Tested Component

Design Content Offers Call to Action May May 23

May 27 May 30

June May CTA June 20 June 24 June 27

July June CTA July 18 July 22 July 25

August July CTA August 22 August 26 August 29

September August CTA September 19 September 23 September 26

October September CTA October 24 October 28 October 31

November October CTA November 21 November 25 November 28

December November CTA December 19 December 23 December 26

January 2017 December CTA

Legend A/B Testing Date A/B Measure Date Publishing Date CTA Expiration Date

CTA = Call to Action

✈ Custom newsletter content for each list created the Friday before running A/B test ✈ A/B testing day and time: Second to last Monday of every month at 6AM

í Measure open, response rates, and conversion rates í Modify each newsletter after testing to best benefit conversion rates

✈ Publishing day and time: Last Monday of every month at 6AM ("Find the best time to send emails," 2015)

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Social Media Schedule ✈ Estimated required time per day: 30 minutes per platform (Total of one hour) ✈ Share a story about one museum member on Facebook—weekly ✈ Comment on 5-10 aviation posts and media per platform—daily ✈ Engage at least 10 followers per platform—daily ✈ Connect with at least 12 new people per platform—daily

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Budget The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire has established a budget of $500 to $1,000 for this campaign and has agreed that, if justified, the cost may exceed the provided budget. The total cost for purchasing the two compiled lists from InfoUSA and the printing and postage for personalized postcards and personalized scratch-off postcards will be $1,180.00. Detailed tables containing some of the analyzed data are on the next page. Electronic Newsletter Expenses Because the museum currently uses Constant Contact to manage its electronic newsletter subscriptions and publishing, the Constant Contact nonprofit organization prices for 501-2,500 subscribers are below.

✈ Monthly í Email Plan

Ø Paid monthly: $40.00 Ø Paid in advance, 6 months: $32.00 (20% savings) Ø Paid in advance, 12 months: $28.00 (30% savings)

("The right plan, at the right price," n.d.) í Email Plus Plan

Ø Paid monthly: $65.00 Ø Paid in advance, 6 months: $52.00 (20% savings) Ø Paid in advance, 12 months: $45.50 (30% savings)

("The right plan, at the right price," n.d.) ✈ Annually

í Email Plan Ø Paid monthly: 480.00 Ø Paid in advance, 6 months: $384.00 (20% savings) Ø Paid in advance, 12 months: $336.00 (30% savings)

("The right plan, at the right price," n.d.) í Email Plus Plan

Ø Paid monthly: $780.00 Ø Paid in advance, 6 months: $624.00 (20% savings) Ø Paid in advance, 12 months: $546.00 (30% savings)

("The right plan, at the right price," n.d.)

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To reduce expenses for electronic newsletter services, here are a few recommended alternatives to Constant Contact.

✈ VerticalResponse ( í Nonprofit cost: Free for up to 10,000 emails per month

15% discount once exceeded (VerticalResponse, n.d.)

✈ MailChimp ( í Nonprofit cost: Free for 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month

15% discount once exceeded (MailChimp, n.d.)

✈ GetResponse ( í Nonprofit cost: 50% discount forever

(GetResponse, n.d.) With Constant Contact as an electronic newsletter service, the cost of this direct marketing plan could climb to $1,635.00 by the end of 2016. Changing the electronic newsletter service to a different company that offers free services to nonprofit organizations could result in the electronic newsletter costing $0.00 to manage and publish.

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Sample Direct Mail Data

Product Postage Included

Qty per Mailing

# of mailings

Qty per Order # of orders Print

Company Cost each Cost per Mailing

Postage Each

Postage per Mailing Subtotal

Postcard - Personalized Yes 250 4 250 4

Printing for Less

$0.65 $163.50 $- $- $654.00

Postcard - Personalized Yes 250 4 250 4 Click2Mail $0.59 $148.00 $- $- $592.00

Postcard - Personalized Yes 250 4 250 4 Vistaprint $0.61 $152.99 $- $- $611.96

Postcard - Personalized No 250 4 250 4 Amazing Mail $0.93 $232.50 $0.35 $87.50 $1,280.00

Scratch Card - Personalized No 200 2 250 2

Promo Printing Group

$1.35 $269.60 $0.35 $70.00 $814.00

Scratch Card - Personalized Yes 200 2 200 2 Amazing Mail $0.97 $194.00 $- $- $388.00

Scratch Card - Personalized No 200 2 200 2

My Scratch Off Labels

$0.98 $196.00 $0.35 $70.00 $532.00

Sample List Data

Audience Company Qty Usage Cost Cost/Lead Location Gender Marital Status Children Children's

Ages Min. Age Max. Age

Young Adult Experian 500 Unlimited $100.00 $0.20

Merrimack County

Male Married Single

Any 20 35

Young Adult InfoUSA 500 Unlimited $100.00 $0.20

Merrimack County

Male Any Any 20 35

Young Adult DirectMail 500

1 Year Unlimited

$125.00 $0.25 Merrimack County Male Any Any 20 35

Young Families InfoUSA 500 Unlimited $100.00 $0.20

Merrimack County

Any Married Yes 4-12 Any Any

Young Families Experian 500 Unlimited $102.50 $0.21

Merrimack County

Any Married Yes 4-12 Any Any

Young Families DirectMail 500 1x $385.00 $0.77

Merrimack County

Any Married Yes 4-12 Any Any

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Direct Mail Cost Table Product Company Lowest Price Mailing Costs Total Quantity Subtotal

Envelope Vistaprint $- $- - $-

Letterhead Vistaprint $- $- - $-

Membership Form (Custom) Vistaprint $- $- - $-

Tri-Fold Brochure Vistaprint $- $- - $-

Postcard - Personalized Click2Mail $592.00 $- 1,000 $592.00

Postcard EDDM Vistaprint $- $- - $-

Scratch Card - Personalized Amazing Mail $388.00 $- 400 $388.00

Total Cost $980.00

Audience Company Cost/Lead Quantity Usage Subtotal

Young Families InfoUSA $0.20 500 Unlimited $100.00

Young Adult InfoUSA $0.20 500 Unlimited $100.00

Total Cost $200.00

Grand Total: $1,180.00

Over Budget by $180.00

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Other Recommendations Local printing companies might provide more flexibility in pricing and turnaround than online printing companies offer, especially as the business relationship develops. A few local businesses to consider include Cummings Printing in Hooksett, Colonial Printing in Manchester, and Print New Hampshire in Manchester. Position the electronic newsletter sign-up form as the most important element of every page on the museum website to make sure it’s easy for people to use (Social Triggers, n.d.). Prominently display the sign-up form on social media. Offering a discount on admission or the gift shop will make the effort of signing up for the newsletter worthwhile. QR codes are free to create and could be extremely beneficial to driving response and conversion rates with direct mail. If the museum were to offer a second significant discount for scanning the QR code, such as 20% off anything in the gift shop or an exclusive first look at an upcoming exhibit, the museum would have double the data to use for strengthening future messages, offers, and calls to action. The key to QR codes, however, is ensuring that the recipient is highly rewarded for the required amount of work he/she must complete for receiving the discount (Jacob, n.d.).

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References Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (2015). [Survey]. Unpublished raw data. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (2016). [Guest attendance data]. Unpublished raw data. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (2016). Strategic plan [Business document]. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Annual car show. Retrieved March 06, 2016, from Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Brochure [PDF]. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Current events. Retrieved March 08, 2016, from Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Individual memberships [Brochure]. Londonderry,

NH: Author. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Overview. Retrieved March 06, 2016, from Aviation Museum of New Hampshire. (n.d.). Overview. Retrieved March 06, 2016, from Chaffey, D. (2016, April 19). Email marketing statistics 2016 compilation. Retrieved April 20,

2016, from

Constant Contact, Inc. (2015, April 09). Find the best time to send emails. Retrieved April 09, 2016, from

Constant Contact, Inc. (n.d.). The right plan, at the right price. Retrieved April 09, 2016, from

Elmore, T. (2015, September 03). Six defining characteristics of Generation Z. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from

Gao, G., & Taylor, P. (2014, June 05). Generation X: America’s neglected ‘middle child’. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from

GetResponse. (n.d.). You're on a mission. We'd like to help! Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Hartley, J. (n.d.). Aviation Museum of New Hampshire [PPTX]. Hartley, J. (n.d.). Aviation Museum of New Hampshire [PPTX]. Jacob, S. (n.d.). 5 genius examples of QR codes in marketing. Retrieved April 9, 2016, from MailChimp. (n.d.). MailChimp for nonprofits. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Page 43: 2016 Direct Marketing Team A


NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). Car Show - August 13, 2016. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). Education. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). Homebuilt Aircraft Fly-In - Saturday, July 16, 2016. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). Homebuilt aircraft fly-in. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). Homebuilt aircraft fly-in. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

NH Aviation Historic Society. (n.d.). School outreach program. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

Pappathan, J. D. (2016, February 12). Aviation Museum of New Hampshire introduction. Speech presented at MKT 360 Class in Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester.

Pappathan, J. (n.d.). Objectives [DOC]. Social Triggers. (n.d.). Email signup forms: The 7 key places to add them for list building.

Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Solomon, M. (2014, December 14). 5 key traits these 80 million consumers share. Retrieved

April 13, 2016, from

Thielfoldt, D., & Scheef, D. (2004, August). Generation X and The Millennials: What You Need to Know About Mentoring the New Generations. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from

VerticalResponse. (n.d.). Nonprofit pricing application. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

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Appendix PS Form 3624: Application to Mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail® Rates

Please see document included on the next page.

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United States Postal Service®

Application to Mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail® Rates Section A—Application (Please read section B on page 2 before completion.)

Part 1 (For completion by applicant)

All information entered below must be legible so that our records will The applicant named in item 5 must be the individual submitting the show the correct information about your organization.

The complete name of the organization must be shown in item 1. The name shown must agree with the name that appears on all documents submitted to support this application.

A complete address representing a physical location for the organization must be shown in item 2. If you receive mail through a

application for the organization and must be a responsible official of the organization. Printers and mailing agents may not sign for the organization.

No additional organization categories may be added in item 6. To be eligible for the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates, the organization must qualify as one of the types listed.

The applicant must sign the application in item 12.

Post Office™ box, show your street address first and then the box The date shown in item 14 must be the date that the application is number. submitted to the Post Office.

No application fee is required. (All information must be complete and typewritten or printed legibly.)

1. Complete Name of Organization (If voting registration official, include title)

2. Street Address of Organization (Include apartment or suite number)

3. City, State, ZIP+4® Code

4. Telephone (Include area code) 5. Name of Applicant (Must represent applying organization)

6. Type of Organization (Check only one)

(09) Qualified political committee

(01) Religious

(02) Educational

(03) Scientific (04) Philanthropic

(05) Agricultural (06) Labor

(07) Veterans' (08) Fraternal

(Go to item 9) (10) Voting registration official

(Go to item 9)

Not all nonprofit organizations are eligible for the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates. DMM® 703.1 lists certain organizations (such as business leagues, chambers of commerce, civic improvement associations, social and hobby clubs, governmental bodies, and others) that, although nonprofit, do not qualify for the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.

7. Is this a for-profit organization or does any of the net Yes

income inure to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual? No

9. Has this organization previously mailed at the Nonprofit Yes Standard Mail rates? (If `Yes,' list the Post Office locations where mailings were most recently deposited at these rates.) No

8. Is this organization exempt from federal income tax? (If `Yes,' attach a copy of the exemption issued by the Yes Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that shows the section of the IRS code under which the organization is No exempt. Required if exempt. Do not submit State tax exemption information.)

Has the IRS denied or revoked the organization's Yes federal tax exempt status? (If `Yes,' attach a copy of the IRS ruling to this PS Form 3624.) No

Choose the IRS Section for your recognition of exemption under 501(c):

3 Educational, Philanthropic, Religious, Scientific

5 Agricultural, Labor 8 Fraternal 19 Veterans

Other (See statement in item 6 above.)

10. Has your organization had Nonprofit Standard Mail rate mailing privileges denied or revoked? (If `Yes,'

Yes list the Post Office (city and state) where the application was denied or authorization was revoked.) No

11. Post Office (not a station or branch) where authorization requested and bulk mailings will be made (City, state, ZIP Code™)

I certify that the statements made by me are true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties). I further understand that, if this application is approved, a postage refund for the difference between the regular Standard Mail and Nonprofit Standard Mail rates may be made for only mailings entered at regular Standard Mail rates at the Post Office identified above while this application is pending, provided that the conditions set forth in Domestic Mail Manual 703.1 and 703.1.9 are met.

12. Signature of Applicant 13. Title 14. Date

Part 2 (For completion by postmaster at originating office when application filed) 1. Signature of Postmaster (Or designated representative) 2. Date Application Filed With Post Office (Round stamp)

PS Form 3624, June 2006 (Page 1 of 3) PSN 7530-02-000-9014 PRIVACY NOTICE: See our privacy policy on

Page 46: 2016 Direct Marketing Team A

Section B—General Information

Organization Eligibility

The Nonprofit Standard Mail® rates may be granted only to:

1. The eight categories (01 through 08) of nonprofit organizations specified on page 1 in section A, item 6.

2. Qualified political committees (category 09), including the national and state committees of political parties as well as certain named congressional committees.

3. Voting registration officials (category 10), including local, state, and District of Columbia voting registration officials.

These organizations are defined in Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 703.1, available for review at any Post Office™.

To qualify, a nonprofit organization must be both organized and operated for a primary purpose that is consistent with one of the types of organizations in DMM 703.1. Organizations that incidentally engage in qualifying activities do not qualify for the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.

Application Procedures

1. Only organizations may apply. Individuals may not apply (except voting registration officials).

2. Only the one category in item 6 that best describes the primary purpose of the organization may be checked.

3. The application must be signed by someone in authority in the organization, such as the president or treasurer. It must not be signed by a printer or mailing agent.

4. The completed PS Form 3624 must be submitted to the Post Office where bulk mailings will be deposited. If the application is approved, the authorization will apply only at that Post Office.

Supporting Documentation

The documents listed in 1 and 2 below must be submitted with the completed applications for nonprofit organizations. The documents listed in 3 must be submitted for qualified political committees and, in 4, for voting registration officials.

1. Evidence that the organization is nonprofit and that none of its net income inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual. Acceptable evidence includes:

An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) letter of exemption from payment of federal income tax.

If an IRS exemption letter is not available, a complete financial statement from an independent auditor (such as a certified public accountant) substantiating that the organization is nonprofit. A statement from a member of the organization is not sufficient. (Do not submit State tax exemption information.)

2. Documents describing the organization's primary purpose, such as:

Organizing instruments that state the purpose for which the group is organized, such as the constitution, articles of incorporation, articles of association, or trust indenture. The organizing instrument, including all amendments to the original, should bear the seal, certification, or signature of the Secretary of State or other appropriate state official. If one or more of these documents are not sealed, certified, or signed by state officials, an officer or other person authorized to sign for the applicant should submit a written declaration certifying that the documents are complete and accurate copies of the originals.

Materials showing how the organization actually operated during the previous 6 to 12 months and how it will operate in the future. Bulletins, financial statements, membership forms, publications produced by the organization, minutes of meetings, or a list of its activities may be used.

3. For qualified political committees (category 09), organizational or other documents substantiating that the applicant is the state or national committee of the political party.

4. For voting registration officials (category 10), a copy of the statute, ordinance, or other authority establishing responsibility for voter registration.

Mail Eligibility

An organization authorized to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates may mail only its own matter at those rates. It may not delegate or lend the use of its Nonprofit Standard Mail authorization to any other person or organization. Cooperative mailings may be made at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates only if each of the cooperating organizations is individually authorized to mail at those rates at the office where mailings are deposited.

DMM 703.1 discusses the specific restrictions against the mailing of certain advertising materials and products.

PS Form 3624, June 2006 (Page 2 of 3)

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Postal Service™ Checklist for PS Form 3624, Application to Mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail® Rates

Name of Organization

The organization above provided the following evidence of eligibility for Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.

1. Nonprofit Status (Check one)

IRS letter of exemption from payment of federal income tax

Financial statement prepared by an independent auditor substantiating organization's nonprofit status (statement must include balance sheets, notes, etc.)

2. Organization (One complete copy; check one)

Articles of Incorporation Articles of Association Charter Constitution

Enabling Legislation Trust Indenture Other (Explain):

3. Operation (Several samples of each; check types of information included with application)

Bulletins Brochures Financial statements Listing of activities for past 6 to 12 months

Membership applications Minutes of meetings Newsletters Other (Explain):

The name on all the documents presented as evidence must match the name on the application. If they do not match, please explain.

Postmaster: Mail completed form and all required documents to:


I certify that the applicant has completed all the items on the application and that each item is legible.

Signature of Postmaster (Or designated representative)


Telephone (Include area code) Post Office (City, state, ZIP Code™)

Date Application Returned to Organization for Correction Date Application and Documentation Sent to Pricing and Classification Service Center

PS Form 3624, June 2006 (Page 3 of 3) PSN 7530-02-000-9014

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