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  • Pros and cons: Should monks be involved in politics?

    ISSUE 257JANUARY 10-11, 2015

    ThE ToP 6 ScholARShIP APPlIcATIoN mISTAkES To AvoId


    The essential magazine for cambodian youth

  • ContentEN






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    Youth Community

    012898631 / 023 214 311-17

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    , LIFT



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    Publisher and CEO: Chris Dawe

    Editors-in-chief: Kay Kimsong & Chad Williams

    Managing Editors: Sam Rith, Shane Worrell

    Consulting Editor: Julius Thiemann

    Editor: Sor ChandaraProof Reader: Mey Somony

    Cover Photography:Mai Vireak

    Creative Director: Ave Gaile Peraz

    Reporters: Song Kimsour, Seam Sreymeas, Sar Pisey, Thai Sokcheng, Aun Chhengpor, Oum Sonita, Ros

    Puthineat and Mao MonkolranseyEmail: julius.thiemann@ phnom

    Online: cambodia


  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 3PROFILE

    Global IT Challenges For Youth Disa bilities



    E-DesignE-Creative E-LifeNetE-Tool

    E-Creative (Ani mation)

    E-Design (Poster)


    E- Tool LG


    [email protected]


    keo chan oudom won the most medals from the Global it challenges for Youth Disabilities

    organisation coped with challenges?

    We manage to engage youths to carry out the projects successfully on a voluntary basis. However, the most challenging thing is to engage senior alumni and to financially sustain the association. We have initiated various projects such as Radio Talk Show and National Conventions to invite senior alumni as speakers and have transformed some of our current projects to be social business projects, in which we charge participants and pay for the project committee and keep the extra for expanding our projects.

    5.How do you plan to encourage FUSAAC alumni to become involved in the GAC?

    We will inspire them through impacts that we have made and will continue to tap into the interests and specialities of each alumnus. Our involvement in

    the GACis one good example where our alumni will come together with others to share their specialties.

    6.What are the future plans for FUSAAC?

    We will create a platform for a true volunteer experience, in which they could progress through stages of training and project execution from being a base-line volunteer to a project executive. We will give them support to initiate and carry out their own projects that they are passionate about.

    7.What are your future plans? I want to be able to reach out

    to people in the remote areas and make education a choice for them. If they want to study, there should be a means for them to do so. So I am planning an online educational project and is seeking funding right now.

    8.More and more students at ACE are considering of studying

    in the USA and have made enquiry to the IDP Study Abroad Office, what messages you want to pass on to them?

    There are a lot of good educational institutions in America and it is a vast country with the most cultural diversification. So America will offer not just education but a true intercultural experience. But to be successful, one needs to learn to be critical and read a lot.

    The inaugural Global Alumni Convention will be hosted on 30 January 2015. Register to attend now at:

    he Global Alumni Convention (GAC) will help

    alumni get connected together, be inspired and learn from various projects that each alumnus has done. Seek collaboration and you will make a bigger impact!

    Kagnarith Chea, alumnus, Arizona State University, USA / President, Fulbright and Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSAAC)

    1.What were the opportunities and challenges you encountered while studying and living in USA? How did you cope with challenges?

    I was able to have an opportunity to make friends

    with other international students and this gave me an opportunity to improve my intercultural competence. It also gave me a chance to increase my tolerance toward diversifications such as in thinking when debating in class with other international students. The most difficulties are language and food. I used to learn English from books, so it took me three months to get used to the language slang. There was no Cambodian restaurant in my town so I learnt to cook by myself. I just simply gave myself time to get used to it.

    2.Upon returning to Cambodia, how has the experience in the USA shaped your career and social paths in Cambodia?

    I learned to be more self-

    independent. It has inspired me to pursue my social work. I used to volunteer a lot in the US i.e. Habitat for Humanity.

    3.What are the roles of the FUSAAC in relation to alumni services and wider Cambodian society? What role do you think alumni should play in Cambodia in the future? What else could the FUSAAC do to contribute to the development of Cambodia?

    FUSAAC wants to build a youth culture that helps them grow to their best potential in their future careers through volunteerism. We want to inspire the next generations to bring the best out of themselves.

    4.What have been the successes and challenges for FUSAAC? How has the

    fUsAAc presiDent looks forwArD to GAc


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    [email protected] Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 5short Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 4 eNtrepreNeUr

    Advice from heng lim, the owner of will studio: 'Do what you like and like what you do'






    WILL Studio







  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 5short Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 4 eNtrepreNeUr














    more yoUNg people Are tAkiNg AN iNterest iN mAkiNg short-films


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  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 7 Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 6 feAtUre










    pros and cons: should monks be involved in politics?

    [email protected]

  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 7 Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 6 feAtUre










    pros and cons: should monks be involved in politics?

    [email protected]

    photos BY: mai Vireak (Above), pha lina (right)

  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 8 short feAtUre

    participate to win a monthly prize!NAme: ....................

    tel. No.: ...............................Address: ......................... ...................................................................


    ANswer: .....................................................................................................................................................



    If you need to extend your answers, please fill in an extra blank page. Deadline for the monthly prize quiz is January 27.

    For a chance to win a scholarship to study English, answer the questions below. Fill your answers in the box and send it to The Phnom Penh Post at Level 8, Building F, Phnom Penh Center, corner of Sothearos and Sihanouk boulevards, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh or ACE Samdach Pan and ACE Sonthormok. At the end of the month we will select the correct answers and they will be entered into a lucky draw to win a one-term scholarship to study English at the Australian Centre for Education (ACE). We will publish the winner in the first week of every month. We accept answers only in English. Good luck!

    to which countries does idp place international students?

    six scholarship application mistakes to avoid








    ApplicAtioN form No. 9677492

    ApplicAtioN form No.


    ApplicAtioN form No. 456894

    ApplicAtioN form No. 5682345

    ApplicAtioN form No. 6982435

    ApplicAtioN form No. 56932067


  • Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 9hArD & soft skills

    it's never too late to improve yourself

    [email protected]


    - (WHO)


    JENESYS2.0 SpringBoard(SSEAP)


  • - (Cambodia MaritimeInstitute)


    -(basic english and mari timeenglish)(firepreventionandfirefighting)(personalsafetyandsocialresponsibi lities)(proficiencyinpersonalsur-vivaltechniques)(ship andshippingcourse)(medicalfirstaids)


    (Han Seung chang ) Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 11eXperieNce ABroAD Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 10 short feAtUre

    11 cAmBoDiAN meN from mAritime iNstitUte seNt ABroAD for iNterNships

    [email protected]

  • [email protected]






    - Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 11eXperieNce ABroAD Sat & Sun, JanuaRY 10-11, 2015 10 short feAtUre

    suos sok sreymom studies in three countries for one program

  • How to choose the perfect pair of sunglasses to suit your face


    Aviator or square, angular fames (such as wayfarers) to add definition







    Rounded, slightly curved frames; your face already has a strong structure, so

    sharp, angular sunglasses might look too hard

    Any shape, although it is recommended that the frames are atleast as wide as your face is at its widest point

    Lenses which are deeper than they are wide, avoiding frames with sharp geometric shapes,

    to soften and balance your strong facial structure

    Squarer frames, which will work best with your face's proportions; Avoide teardrop lenses or frames with too much detailing at the top

    Any shape, but avoiding extremes (particulary rounded,

    curved and angular). Lenses that are deeper than they are

    wide work best

    Top-heavy frames or teardrop lenses, which help to balance the shape of your face. Square, angular frames with deep lenses work too

    In all cases, remember to consider your complexion and hair colour. The safest bets are black and tortoiseshell, which look good on just about everyone.

    Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 01-29Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 02-03-30Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 02-03-31Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 04-05-32Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 04-05-33Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 06-07-34Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 06-07-35Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 08-09-36Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 08-09-37Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 10-11-38Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 10-11-39Post Weekend PK-20150110-2015011011 Lift PG 12-40

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