

들어가는 말

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my

life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity

for the suffering of mankind. — Bertrand Russell

2010 년 이후 수능영어는 질적인 변화를 했다. 예전 수능영어와 그 시작과

끝이 전혀 다르다. 난 5 년 넘게 수능영어의 질적변화에 걸맞는 커리큘럼을

해마다 새로운 강좌와 교재를 만들면서 내가 갖고 있는 모든 능력을

쏟아부었다. 작년 여름 이후 <ERS: EBS Rhetoric & Style> 교재와 강의를

구성하면서 드디어 해답을 얻었다.

EBS 교재를 <징후적 독해>하면서 5 년 동안 준비했던 과학적 커리큘럼을

적절하게 운영하고 배치하면 EBS 연계 고난도 문항 뿐만 아니라 비연계

고난도 문항에 대한 대처 능력을 담보할 수 있는 필살의 <전략과 전술>이


현재 수능영어 공부의 지형도는 아직까지 10 년전에 내가 만들었던

수능영어 공부전략에서 한걸음도 더 나아가지 못했다. 자칭 타칭

<구문독해>의 창시자인 내가 그 시대가 종말을 고했다고 선언해야 하는지

모르는 사람이 더 많다.

하지만 <V3>, <V9>, <EBS Style>, <ERS: EBS Rhetoric & Style>, <징후적

독해>는 나 혼자만의 창조물은 아니다. 함께 고민했던 많은 제자, 그리고

직접 참여하지는 않았지만 온라인 커뮤너티에서 수능, EBS 고난도 지문을

함께 고민했던 무림의 고수들에게 많은 빚을 지고 있는 것도 역시 사실이다.

V9 은 수능영어 만점만을 목표로 한 교재와 강의가 아니다. 세계 최고의

엘리트들과 숙명적인 대결을 해야하는 대한민국의 미래의 주역에게 이

교재와 강의를 바친다. i 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생


변화된 수능, 과학적 어휘학습법

A. Negative : Literal Meaning vs. Figurative Meaning

1. Sometimes all the outcomes customers are trying to achieve in one area have a

negative effect on other outcomes. (2014SN, What Customers Want)

2. Get the negative of an old photograph that shows a front view of your face and

have it developed into a pair of pictures ― one that shows you as you actually look

and one that shows a reverse image so that the right and left sides of your face are

interchanged. (2010SN26)

EBS Style

3. For many people — including many scientists — 'nature' is defined by a negative: it

exists where people do not. Nature lies outside the urban and agricultural realms, in

regions of Earth where natural processes are unimpeded. (20100929, Nature)

Premium V9 Workbook ii 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

B. Root

4. Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, numbering the bricks, and sent them to

Los Angeles. From there they were taken to Arizona and were reassembled by

workers in the Arizona desert. (2007SN44)

EBS Style

5. Over millions of years the ecosystem has developed an amazing (intolerance /

insensitivity / accessibility) to errors and failures, surviving even such drastic events

as the impact of the Yucatan meteorite, which killed tens of thousands of species.

(20100925, Linked: the new science of networks)

6. A study of investment clubs showed that the worst-performing clubs were built on

(effective / affectionate / affective) ties and were primarily social, while the best-

performing clubs limited social connections and focused on making money.

(2011SN22, Why societies need dissent)

EBS Style

7. One possibility is that drivers adjust to (temporal / temporary) regularities in music,

and that their speed is influenced accordingly.

(2014SN, Music and Mind in Everyday Life)

EBS Style

8. It was not that they were ‘primitive’ or that they had mentally regressed: it was that

they had arrived with only a subset of technologies and did not have a dense enough

population and therefore a large enough collective brain to develop them much further.

(2014SN, The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves)


9. The young knight was so ________ at being called a coward that he charged

forward with his sword in hand.

① aloof ② incensed

③ unbiased ④ unpretentious (공무원, 2015. 04)


10. “Will you take my little brother to New York?” Having lived as a foreigner for a

decade, I was accustomed to non sequitur conversations, but that opener left me


① personal ② frank ③ elongated

④ irrelevant ⑤ practical (경찰대 2015)



dissemble iii 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

C. Words in Context

11. But persons who are daring in taking a wholehearted stand for truth often achieve

results that surpass their expectations. On the other hand, halfhearted individuals are

seldom distinguished for courage even when it involves their own welfare.

(2011SN20, Each Day Count)

EBS Style

12. Unlike deviance in other settings, deviance in sports often involves an

unquestioned acceptance of and extreme conformity to norms and expectations.

(20100926, Sports in society: issues and controversies)

EBS Style 13. The most obvious salient feature of moral agents is a capacity for rational thought.

This is an uncontested necessary condition for any form of moral agency, since we all

accept that people who are incapable of reasoned thought cannot be held morally

responsible for their actions. (20100930, A theory of general ethics)

EBS Style

14. Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that in doing so the

individual stores up anger and resentment. The trouble here is that at some future

point they may find they cannot contain these feelings any longer.

(2013SN, Ethics For the New Millennium)


15. A series of Russian ballet performances by the prestigious Mariinsky Theater from

St. Petersburg, widely deemed Russia’s cultural capital, takes to the stage in Seoul.

(한예종, 2014)

① alleged ② claimed ③ operated

④ rehearsed ⑤ recognized


16. Unable to cope with the fact that he was diagnosed with colon cancer, Michael

suspected his doctor of being a quack and decided to seek out a second opinion.

(경찰대, 2014)

① clown ② demagogue ③ professional

④ charlatan ⑤ benefactor


17. Machiavelli was an Italian aristocrat whose fortunes wavered according to the

shifts in power in Florence. (한예종, 2015.08)

① declined ② swayed ③ improved ④ increased ⑤ influenced








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D. Thematic Vocabulary EBS Style 18. An executed purpose, in short, is a transaction in which the time and energy spent

on the execution are balanced against the resulting assets, and the ideal case is one

in which the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity.

(2011SN26, The Limits of Purpose)

19. They wanted objects in paintings to be represented with accuracy. Mathematics

was used to portray the essential form of objects in perspective, as they appeared to

the human eye. (2005SN)

20. Case studies of patients suffering from phobias suggest that many irrational fears

can be traced back to experiences that involve classical conditioning.


★★★★★ EBS Style

20. People have their own standards for thinking, some of which encourage poor

thinking. The heuristics that we use to form our beliefs is maintained by certain

explicit beliefs about how thinking should be conducted — beliefs transmitted through

the culture. *heuristics: 발견적 학습법

(EBS2012, Thinking and Deciding)


21. Lifeline infrastructures are vital systems that support a nation’s economy and

quality of life. Modern economies rely on the ability to move goods, people, and

information safely and reliably. Adding to their importance is that many of the lifeline

systems serve vital roles in disaster recovery. Consequently, it is of the utmost

importance to government, business, and the public at large that the flow of services

provided by a nation’s infrastructure continues unimpeded in the face of a broad range

of natural and technological hazards. (평가원 201206)

EBS Style

22. Actions we perform through which we intend to express our feelings, thoughts,

and attitudes need not have any communicative intent for how others may respond. At

least some works should be understood as the representation (embodiment) of just

this kind of action.1 (평가원 20130925, Revealing Art)

1 우리가 자신의 감정, 생각, 그리고 태도를 표현하고자 행하는 행동은 다른 사람들이 어떻게 반응할 것인지에 대한 어떤 의사 전달의 의도를 지닐 필요는 없다. 적어도 몇몇 작품은 단순히 이런 종류의 행동을 표현한 것으로 이해되어야 한다. v 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

E. 배신영단어 : 다의어

23. When the fuel cell becomes the automotive engine of choice, the car companies

focusing on increasing the efficiency of the internal combustion engine may find

themselves left behind. (2011SN33, Cradle to Cradle)

24. It was his practice to conceal himself at previews of his paintings in order to hear

the public’s opinions of his masterpieces.

(2011SN36, Common Phrases)

★★★★ EBS Style

25. As expected, the self-assessed contributions added up to more than 100%. The

explanation is a simple availability bias: both spouses remember their own individual

efforts and contributions much more clearly than those of the other, and the difference

in availability leads to a difference in judged frequency. The bias is not necessarily

self-serving: spouses also overestimated their contribution to causing quarrels,

although to a smaller extent than their contributions to more desirable outcomes.2

(EBS2013, Thinking, Fast and Slow)

*self-serving = serving one's own interests often in disregard of the truth or the

interests of others (Merriam-Webster)


26. Our self-esteem in this world depends entirely on what we back ourselves to be

and do. It is determined by the ratio of our actualities to our supposed potentialities.

Thus, _________.3 (20100928, The Principles Of Psychology)

① self-esteem can be increased by lowering actualities

② success divided by pretensions equals self-esteem

* resign oneself to = accept (something) passively (Collins Cobulid)

2 예상한 대로, 스스로 평가한 기여도의 합은 100 퍼센트가 넘었다. 설명은 간단한데, 양쪽 배우자가 모두 자신의 개인적 노력과 기여를 상대방의 그것들보다 훨씬 더 분명하게 기억하기 때문이다. 그 편향이 반드시 자기 잇속만 차리는 것은 아닌데, 더 바람직한 결과에 대한 기여도보다는 정도가 더 작았지만 배우자들은 싸움을 유발하는 것에 대한 자신들의 원인 제공도 또한 과대평가했다. 3 이 세상에서의 우리의 자부심은 전적으로 우리가 스스로에게 되라고 그리고 하라고 후원하는 것에 달려있다. 그것은 우리가 가상하는 잠재력에 대한 우리의 현실의 비율에 의해 결정된다.





celluar phone

teach oneself dress oneself

seat oneself devote oneself to

convince oneself resign oneself to*

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F. Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

27. select for ★★★★★

□ Seeds recovered at archaeological sites clearly show that farmers selected for

larger seeds and thinner seed coats. (2014SN28)

□ At an earlier date, cooking selected mutations for smaller guts and mouths, rather

than vice versa. At a later date, milk drinking selected for mutations for retaining

lactose digestion into adulthood in people of western European and East African

descent. (2013SN27)

□ On the other hand, habit alone in some cases has sufficed; no animal is more

difficult to tame than the young of the wild rabbit; scarcely any animal is tamer than the

young of the tame rabbit; but I do not suppose that domestic rabbits have ever been

selected for tameness; and I presume that we must attribute the whole of the

inherited change from extreme wildness to extreme tameness, simply to habit and

long-continued close confinement.

(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species ,1859)

28. ① Genetic evolution is the mother of new habits

② Every gene is the architect of its own mutation

③ The cultural horse comes before the genetic cart

④ The linguistic shovel paves the way for a cultural road

⑤ When the cultural cat is away, the genetic mice will play (2013SN)

29. The more meaning you can pack into a single word, the fewer words are needed

to get the idea across. Big words are resented by persons who don’t understand

them and, of course, very often they are used to confuse and impress rather than

clarify. (2011SN25, Basic Managerial Skills For All)

30. The best reason for acquiring a large vocabulary is that it keeps you from being

long-winded. A genuinely educated person can express himself tersely and trimly.


31. As it turned out, over 70 percent of the real subjects caved in to group pressure

and said that the medium-length line was the longest.

(2011SN27, Opinions and Social Pressure)

★★ 32. The company cannot expect me to move my home and family at the drop of a hat.

① immediately ② punctually

③ hesitantly ④ periodically (공무원, 2015. 04)

Ch 1. Preview

문맥 속 어휘추론 7 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

001. unimposing [ʌnimpóuziŋ]

□ The finest language is mostly made up of simple unimposing words.

— George Eliot

□ Each facet of his routine is designed to transform Nadal from an unimposing,

humble young man into a “bloodless warrior.” New York Times

□ Neither of the warriors carried weapons with them, and their unimposing stature

misled the curious people.

□ Creativity is not a quality demonstrated by humankind alone, as is so often but

mistakenly assumed; it exists in the natural world to an equal extent. Nature also

produces ‘the pointless but beautiful’ and ‘the useful yet unimposing’; the aim is

evolution, although nature lacks the power of imagination, any ‘imaginative foresight’.

a. required b. exacting c. unimpressive


1. Honesty was just one facet of his virtues as a statesman.

① example ② sense

③ aspect ④ merit

2. She was not so young as I expected and in appearance imposing rather than


① impudent ② impressive ③ aging ④ wrinkling

3. It is believed that the authorities are thinking of _________ new taxes to raise extra


① impairing ② imposing ③ invading ④ integrating

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 8 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

002. abstract [æbstrǽkt]

□ Dad's paintings are all abstracts, and we can't tell what they are supposed to


□ Even modern Chinese philosophers have always been far more interested in the

pragmatic application of knowledge than with abstract theorizing for its own sake.4



□ I never wavered in my certainty that God did not exist. I was simply liberated by the

thought that there might be a way to engage with religion without having to subscribe

to its supernatural content — a way, to put it in more abstract terms, to think about

Fathers without upsetting my respectful memory of my own father. I recognized that

my continuing resistance to theories of an afterlife or of heavenly residents was no

justification for giving up on the music, buildings, prayers, rituals, feasts, shrines,

pilgrimages, communal meals and illustrated manuscripts of the faiths.

Alain De Botton, Religion for Atheists

a. incomplete b. difficult to understand c. laughable


1. She is not a good actress, but she gets a lot of parts because she has a good


① representative ② director ③ agent ④ deputy

2. Machiavelli was an Italian aristocrat whose fortunes wavered according to the shifts

in power in Florence. [한예종 2015.08]

① declined ② swayed ③ improved ④ increased ⑤ influenced

4 심지어 현대의 중국 철학자들도 그 자체를 위한 추상적인 이론화보다는 지식의 실용적 적용에 항상 훨씬 더 많은 관심을 가져왔다.

tractor 트랙터 attract 시선을 끌다

extract 추출하다 subtract 빼다

contract 수축, 응축하다 abstract 추상적인, 요약하다

distract 산만하게 하다 distraction 기분전환

tractable 다루기 쉬운 intractable 고집 센

protract 오래 끌다 traction 견인력

retract 취소, 철수하다 retractable 취소할 수 있는

Root : tract = pull, draw 9 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

003. defeat [difíːt] self-defeating, undefeated

□ When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the

inauguration rather than shake hands with him.

□ One of the charms of the novel is that the guileless hero manages to defeat the

scheming villain.

□ In the eighth century BC, in his poetic Iliad, Homer recounted the history of the

Trojan War that had taken place hundreds of years before. Basing his work on a much

earlier oral tradition, Homer describes how the Greek armies under their king

Agamemnon finally, after a ten-year siege, managed to defeat the Trojan enemies.


a. to win b. to lose c. to make difficult


□ Nazism and Fascism are thoroughly beaten, but I must admit that their defeat does

not mean that barbarism and brutality have been defeated. Karl Popper


1. The men were __________ to cheat the government by bringing jewels in without

paying duty.

① scheming ② sufficing ③ scouting ④ subduing

2. In Somerset Maugham’s story ‘The Facts of Life” a naive young man triumphs over

a crafty, worldly-wise young woman who tries to steal his money.

① demanding ② guileless ③ gullible ④ cunning

3. Louisa May Alcott’s novel Little Women, which recounts the experiences of the four

March sisters during the American Civil War, is largely autobiographical.

① praises ② narrates ③ exaggerates ④ classified

cf. president


= artless

= naive

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004. retain [ritéin]

□ Wetsuits, used by divers in cold water, are permeable to water but designed to

retain body heat.

□ The boys’ school retained its traditional ways, starting chapel every day with the

eighteenth-century hymn “The Spacious Firmament on High.”

□ One Sunday evening in 1953 Mandela gave a speech declaring that “nonviolence

was a useless strategy and could never overturn a white minority regime bent on

retaining its power at any cost. At the end of the day, I said, violence was the only

weapon that would destroy apartheid.”

Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering

a. to hold on to b. to hold back c. to let go


1. Permeable rocks have pores of sufficient size to permit water to pass through them.

① fluctuating ② enlarged ③ adequate ④ perfect

2. You cannot imagine how I feel ________ with my duties sometimes .

① overflowed ② overthrown ② overwhelmed ④ overturned

3. Congressional leaders prepared a strategy to override the presidential veto.

① reverse ② transport ③ celebrate ④ dissipate

Root : tain, ten, tent, tin = to hold

obtain 얻다, 획득하다 contain 포함하다

attain 달성, 도달하다 maintain 유지, 주장하다

entertain 즐겁게하다 sustain 지탱하다

detain 붙잡아두다 abstain 자제, 포기하다

pertain 속하다, 적합하다 abstention 절제, 자제, 포기

pertinent 적절한 abstinence 절제, 자제, 금식

tenant 세입자 substance 요지, 실질, 물질 11 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

005. invoke [invóuk]

□ A father can wield his power to invoke fear among children.

□ At the end of the service, the rabbi, stretching out his arms and raising his voice,

invoked God to bless the congregation.

EBS Style

□ Since, though, to be deceived and to err appear to be some kind of imperfection,

the less powerful the source they invoke to explain my being, the more probable it will

be that I am so imperfect that I am perpetually deceived.

René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy

a. to appeal b. to call off c. to call for


1. With no substitute for good food and exercise, these treatments allow me the

confidence to put my best “face forward” without more aggressive surgeries.

① segregation ② aggregation ③ replacement ④ congregation

2. The World Heritage site has been threatened by the country’s civil war. Experts are

wielding satellite technology to monitor and protect endangered museums, monuments and other places of historical importance. 경찰대 2014

① legalizing ② employing ③ developing ④ avoiding ⑤ clarifying

3. Christianity and Islam teach that salvation comes only once and is eternal, whereas

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism teach that there is life after death and a

person’s incarnation continues till he or she attains spiritual perfection.

① balanced ② traditional ③ disciplined ④ perpetual

Root : voc, vok = to call

vocal 목소리의 vocation 천직, 직업

advocate 옹호하다, 대변 avocation 부업

provoke 자극하다 evoke 일으키다

convoke 소집하다 revoke 취소, 폐지하다

invoke 호소하다 vow 맹세, 서약하다

avow 인정, 승인하다 disvow 부인하다

vouch 보증하다 voucher 증거서류

vowel 모음

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 12 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

006. depersonalize [di:pə:rsənəlàiz] cf. impersonal

□ I feel recorded messages depersonalize communication, so I prefer to have a

human being answer the phone.

□ Indeed, for many doctors, telemedicine seems to depersonalize the relationship

and sabotage trust.

New York Times Jan 9, 2010

□ Her perfectionism drives her nuts whenever the slightest thing goes wrong. And

she hates asking for help on anything. I don’t much like her tirades, but at least I can

depersonalize them a little. I understand now that her anger isn’t all about me.

EBS Style

□ All the sciences which deal with man have a tendency to depersonalize him for the

simple reason that they tend to disregard everything which a particular science cannot

deal with. Joseph Wood Krutch

a. to dispossess b. to make impersonal c. to differentiate

1. A teacher should give attention to each __________ student in the class .

① individual ② personal ③ private ④ impersonal

1994 고려대 대학원

2. They deliberately introduced errors into the file to sabotage the plan.

① protest against ② overwhelm ③ reject ④ destroy

3. They claim to be our friends, but I think that they are deliberately trying to make our

program fail.

① vandalism ② sabotage ③ rummage ④ compact

4. He was one of the creators of the modern _________ story. Instead of examining

characters and feelings those stories examine mysteries or problems.

① impersonal ② regional ③ detective ④ problematic

5. Industrialists seized economic power only after industry had _________ agriculture

as the preeminent form of production; previously such power had __________ land


① sabotaged...threatened ② overtaken...produced

③ toppled...culminated in ④ joined...relied on

⑤ supplanted...resided in 13 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

007. consolidate [kənsálədèit]

solid fluid liquid gaseous [gǽsiəs]

□ He drew from his past and registered the present, but his brain could not

consolidate a new experience and retain it.

□ The first need of a city whose population has declined radically is to consolidate

those neighborhoods that are viable.

□ Scientists will need to obtain new data sets and consolidate existing ones on

decision-making processes associated with environmental change.

Nature Aug 26, 2014

□ Writing led to the codification and public proclamation of laws, putting the

administration of justice onto a more systematic footing. When the Akkadians, who

were Semitic-speaking, conquered the Sumerians and consolidated the formerly semi-

independent walled cities into a single empire, they further refined the justice system.

Jeremy Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization

a. bring up b. bring together c. bring about

1. Many registered dietitians manage food services in schools, nursing homes, and


① handle ② examine ③ project ④ provide

2. The law required anyone who owned or operated an airplane within the state to

register the plane and obtain a pilot's license.

① prove ② drive ③ enroll ④ board


3. Cyprus is still not economically viable and, though _________ important, it is

militarily weak in its own right.

① necessarily ② strategically ③ scarcely

④ importantly ⑤ technically

4. His successful negotiations with the Americans helped him to _________ his

position in he government.

① contrive ② consolidate ③ heave ④ intensify

5. I found it difficult to _________ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my


① consolidate ② amend ③ reconcile ④ intensify







Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 14 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

008. symmetry [símətri]

□ Symmetry is important when designing a paper airplane, because the two wings

have to be identical.

□ The sculpture's lack of symmetry is unnerving to the casual observer, and that is

exactly what the artist has in mind.

□ In works on natural history rudimentary organs are generally said to have been

created 'for the sake of symmetry,' or in order 'to complete the scheme of nature;' but

this seems to me no explanation, merely a restatement of the fact.

The Origin of


a. unevenness b. balance c. homeliness

1. An underlying assumption in most cultures is that both the individual and society will

profit from an excellent educational system.

① unproven ② implicit ③ unnerving ④ impressive

2. A friendship may be _________, casual, situational or deep and lasting .

① identical ② original ③ superficial ④ critical

3. During the early 20th century, the knowledge on the Earth, which was essential to a

science of geology, was rudimentary.

① undeveloped ② ancient ③ slow-moving ④ rich

4. Eventually, it appears that the random motions of convection near the photosphere

disassemble the magnetic flux loop and disperse it into smaller elements distributed

over the surface. *convection : 대류, 상승기류

① flexible ② casual ③ abundant ④ inconspicuous

Root : sym, syn = to send, cast

symphony 교향곡, 교향악단 symptom 증상, 징후, 조짐

symposium 토론회, “향연” sympathy 동정, 연민, 공감

symbolic 상징적인 symbiotic 공생의

synchronize 동시에 일어나다 synonym 동의어

synthetic 합성, 인조, 종합의 synopsis 요약, 개요

syndrome 증상, 증후군 syndicate 기업연합 15 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

009. usher [ʌʃər]

□ Leyzaola was credited with helping to turn around Tijuana, reducing a skyrocketing

murder rate and ushering in something of a renaissance for the city.

Los Angeles Times

□ The end of the Cold War did not usher in the era of peace that the world had

hoped for, but rather it gave new life to dozens of secessionist movements around the


□ When people rip and burn CDs (or, more probably these days, share music

electronically via iTunes or file trading), they’re not saying that Shery Crow didn’t put

any work into the album. They’re essentially saying she didn’t put any work into that

particular act of distribution—the creation of a digital copy. And, indeed, she didn’t.

The marginal cost to her of that transfer is zero, and the file-trading generation’s

innate understanding of digital economics helps usher in the conclusion that her

payment for that transfer should also be zero.

Chris Anderson, Free: How today's smartest businesses profit

a. bring in b. take down c. keep from

1. Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett are credited with flying the first plane to the

North Pole, in May 1926.

① acknowledged ② reprimanded ③ recorded ④ reported

2. Diamond distributors worry that the spread of high quality synthetics may erode

consumer's confidence in authentic gems.

① ostentatious ② genuine ③ intentional ④ thorough

3. Pilgrimages are journeys to the sites of holy objects or to places credited with

miraculous healing powers.

① ultimate ② incredible ③ innate ④ viable

5 냉전은 종식되었지만 세계가 희망했던 평화의 시대는 도래하지 않았고, 오히려 전세계 곳곳에서 많은 분리 운동이 전개되었다.

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 16 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

010. peculiar [pikjúːljər]

□ Jack didn’t know why people were giving him peculiar looks until he realized there

was a large hole in his pants.

□ Even if we do succeed in giving an accurate account of what happened in our

dream, it is still usually impossible to recall to mind the peculiar atmosphere of the

dream and to communicate it to another person.

□ It seems to me at least a plausible hypothesis that the coming into existence of a

peculiar strain of influenza virus different from the strain or strains of endemic

influenza is the cause of the pandemic manifestations.

□ I have devoted my life to slime molds. This may seem a peculiar occupation—

narrow at best, slightly revolting at its worst—but let me explain why they captivated

me and how they opened my eyes so that I wanted to understand not only what made

them tick, but how they fit into the general pattern of living things and what the

principles are that integrate all of life.

John Tyler Bonner

a. attractive. b. unusual c. indefinite d. innocent.

□ Temperance is the unique virtue of the artisan class; courage is the virtue peculiar

to the military class; and wisdom characterizes the rulers. Justice, the fourth virtue,

characterizes society as a whole.

1. It is not possible for people to remember everything that they have thought, felt, or


① recall ② appreciate ③ repeat ④ discuss

2. The South tried to adjust to meet wartime needs, but its economy became strained

almost to the breaking point.

① destitute ② stretched ③ repented ④ tensioned

3. When the streets are slippery, every nerve and muscle of our bodies is straining to

keep our balance; and the fear of falling is the most exhausting of all. 경찰대 2011

① fatiguing ② inciting ③ raging

④ invigorating ⑤ intriguing

4. Eric was frustrated because, though he was adept at making lies sound _________,

when telling the truth, he lacked the power to make himself believed

① plausible ② peculiar ③ pertinent ④ obsolete 17 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

011. deem [di:m]

□ The President asked Congress for authority to take whatever steps he deemed

necessary to quell the riots.

□ The ocean current was so strong the long-distance swim team deemed it too great

a risk to go for a practice swim.

□ Many purists insist on hearing baroque music on period instruments, both because

the instruments have a different sound and because they are designed to play the

music in its original tuning standard, something that purists deem important.6


EBS Style

□ Most Western authorities have tended to identify Arabic literature with the general

history of Arabic thought and culture and have therefore concentrated on those works,

such as scientific and philosophical treatises, that have been deemed historically and

culturally "important." As a result, the creative achievements of the Arabs in "belles

lettres," their artistic prose and poetical productions, have remained for the most part

insufficiently known and appreciated in the West.7 *belles lettres: 미(美)문학, 순수문학


a. to consider b. to deface c. to question

1. George Gallop has brought all his polling strategies together to _________ and

analyze what he calls future force.

① synthesize ② standardize ③ identify ④ demonstrate

2. The police are trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.

① leak ② identify ③ legitimate ④ hypothesize

3. Although the frequency (pitch) of noise may be of major importance, most noise

sources are measured in terms of intensity, or strength of the sound field.

① authority ② significance ③ commodity ④ discovery

4. They continuously claimed the right of states to nullify federal laws that they

deemed unconstitutional.

① staged ② considered ③ questioned ④ tabled

5. Justices of the peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of

criminal cases involving minor offenses.

① supremacy ② authority ③ guidance ④ obedience

6 많은 순수주의자들은 시대 악기로 바로크 음악을 들어야 한다고 주장하는데, (그것은) 그 악기가 다른 소리를 지니고 있기 때문이고 그 악기들이 원래의 조율 기준, 즉 순수주의자들이 중요하다고 여기는 것으로 음악을 연주하도록 설계되어 있기 때문이다. 7 대부분의 서방의 권위자들이 아랍 문학을 아랍의 사상과 문화에 대한 일반적인 역사와 동일시하는 경향이 있어서 역사적으로 그리고 문화적으로 ‘중요한’ 것처럼 여겨져 온 그런 작품에 집중했기 때문이다. 결과적으로, ‘미문학’에 있어서 아랍인들의 창의적인 업적들(작품들), 즉 그들의 예술적인 산문과 시적 작품들은 대개 서방에서 충분히 알려지지 않았고 충분히 인식되지 못한 채로 남아 있었다.

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 18 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

012. unbecomingly [ʌnbíkʌmiŋli]

□ He reported that he talked rather familiarly with the country slaves, provided only

that they have not conducted themselves unbecomingly.

Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade

□ The ballerina Tamara Karsavina, another student at the Imperial School in St.

Petersburg, remembered in her memoirs, Theatre Street , that Pavlova was

considered so unbecomingly and unhealthily thin that she was administered regular

doses of cod liver oil.

Dance Anecdotes

□ He merely saw the outward symptoms. He saw that she was behaving

unbecomingly, and considered it his duty to tell her so. But it was very difficult for him

not to say more, to tell her nothing but that. He opened his mouth to tell her she had

behaved unbecomingly, but he could not help saying something utterly different.

Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

a. seemly b. seemingly c. improperly

Words in EBS

unquestioningly 의심없이 painstakingly 힘들여서

knowingly 고의로 unknowingly 모르고

wittingly 일부러, 고의로 unwittingly 무의식중에, 부지중에

maddeningly 미친듯이 sparingly 절약하여, 적게

longingly 간절히 endearingly 사랑스럽게

worryingly 마음 졸이며 unhesitatingly 망설임없이

uncompromisingly 단호하게 alarmingly 놀랄게도

vanishingly 점점더 unassumingly 주제넘지 않게

exceedingly 엄청나게 lovingly 애정을 기울여

1. State governments support public schools through taxes and administer them

through local school districts.

① manage ② recognize ③ oppose ④ justify

2. Either black is particularly becoming to her or she really has greatly improved

without my having noticed it.

① imprudent ② certain ③ fixed ④ appropriate

3. Outcome may also be unpredictable because of failure to absorb the antibiotic,

deterioration of the antibiotic during storage, or its inactivation by simultaneously

administered drugs.

① feed on ② sleep on ③ take in ④ dominate 19 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

013. dismiss [dismís]

□ A political candidate’s speech that was long on drama and promises but short on

genuine substance might be dismissed as “mere rhetoric.”

□ With ever urgent needs for education and infrastructure, it's easy to dismiss such

endeavors as a luxury.

EBS Style

□ At times, most of us mistake a few negative thoughts for a serious problem in our

relationship. Consequently, rather than dismissing the thoughts and responding to

each moment as it arrives, we instead take our self-created frustration on our partner

as if he or she were the real problem. And while it’s possible there is a real problem,

our minds have a way of blowing things out of proportion.8

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love

a. discharge b. allow to leave c. refuse to accept d. lay off

1. Someone shows you your signature. What do you say if you recognize it? "Yes, it is


① true ② correct ③ faultless ④ genuine

2. The rhetoric was valiant, but whether the demoralized ARVN could retreat quickly

enough to make _________ on Thieu’s promise had become a matter of grave doubt.9

① head ② good ③ merry ④ bad ⑤heavy

3. The candidates and their followers strive to develop voter support through publicity,

advertising, and personal appearances.

① attest ② endeavor ③ respire ④ admonish

8 우리 대부분은 가끔 몇몇 부정적인 생각을 인간관계의 심각한 문제로 착각한다. 그 결과 그러한 생각들을 떨쳐버리고 다가오는 매 순간에 대응하기보다는, 우리의 상대방이 진짜 문제인 것처럼 그들에게 스스로 만들어 낸 분풀이를 하게 된다. 그리고 정말로 문제가 있다하더라도, 우리의 마음은 흔히 그것을 지나치게 크게 부풀리게 된다. 9 그 웅변은 용기있는 것이었다. 그러나 사기가 꺾인 ARVN 이 Thieu 의 약속을 이행할 만큼 아주 신속히 퇴각할 수 있을 지의 여부는 심각히 의심스런 문제가 되었다.

Root : miss, mit, cess = to send, cast

mission 임무, 선교 missionary 선교사

commission 위임, 수수료 commit 범하다, 위임하다

admit 허락하다, 인정하다 admission 승인, 입장료

permit 허가하다 permission 허가

emit 분출, 방출하다 emission 방출, 방사

omit 생략하다, 빠트리다 transmit 전송, 전달하다

submit 제출하다, 복종하다 submission 복종, 순종

promise 약속하다 compromise 타협, 손상, 양보하다

committee 위원회, 후견인 commitment 위탁, 약속, 서약, 몰두

admittance 입장, 허가

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 20 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

014. preposterous [pripɑ́stərəs]

□ It would be preposterous to put the cart before the horse.

□ The discovery of x-rays in 1895 was followed by some preposterous ideas and

fears. For example, merchants in England sold "x-ray-proof' underwear.

□ Several celebrities have sued the supermarket tabloid for libel, but the parade of

lurid and preposterous headlines has continued unabated.

□ It is equally preposterous to account for the structure of this parasite, with its

relations to several distinct organic beings, by the effects of external conditions, or of

habit, or of the volition of the plant itself.

Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

a. risky. b. exciting. c. ridiculous. d. even-handed

1. Some cartoon characters are so popular they are practically national __________.

① celebrities ② budgets ③ holidays ④ defects

2. Critics of the Wright brothers thought that the idea of a flying machine was totally


① absorbing ② exciting ③ absurd ④ immoral

3. American aid to Israel skyrocketed from $300 million to $2.2 billion per year, making

Israel the largest __________ of US foreign aid.

① merchant ② recipient ③ patron ④ customer

4. A printed or written statement that unfairly damages the good opinion held about a

person by others is called _____.

① license ② disgrace ③ libel ④ eulogy

5. When the intention subsequently produces an action, the agent's future self will be

acting of his own volition, since the intention producing the action will now be his.

① on his own account ② for his own sake

③ of his own accord ④ on altruistic grounds 21 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

015. allocate [ǽləkèit]

□ Best plan is to allocate regular hours each day for studying, whether there's an

exam coming or not.

□ Census population figures are used to allocate federal dollars for everything from

roads to social services.

□ Although the invisible hand usually leads markets to allocate resources to

maximize the size of the economic pie, this is not always the case. Economists use

the term market failure to refer to a situation in which the market on its own fails to

produce an efficient allocation of resources.

N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics

a. to displace reluctantly b. to mess up c. to distribute evenly

1. If you keep in mind the process of word deviation, you’ll be able to ________ the

meaning of many words.

① reason with ② make up ③ count on ④ figure out

2. During the Second World War, all important resources in the United States were

allocated by the Federal Government.

① nationalized ② taxed ③ lorded ④ distributed

3. A number of different hereditary characteristics in a population of bacteria can

increase the bacteria's chances of survival.

① pieces ② possibilities ③ creates ④ objects

4. The dislocation caused by many civil wars has greatly increased the number of

people fleeing from their native lands.

① temperament ② dismissal ③ confusion ④ dispersion

Root : loc = place

local 국내의, 지역의 localize 지방에 국한하다

locate 위치하다, 찾아내다 allocate 할당, 배분, 책정하다

locality 지역, 지방 location 장소, 위치, 지역

relocate 재배치, 재취업하다 dislocate 위치를 바꾸다

collocate 함께 두다, 결합하다 dislocation 전위(轉位), 단층

collocation 병치, 배열

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 22 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

016. alchemist [ǽlkəmist]

□ In the Middle Ages, alchemists were people who sought ways to turn base metals

into gold, attempted to create elixirs that would cure diseases or keep people alive

forever, and engaged in similarly futile pseudo-scientific quests.

□ The charlatan is always the pioneer. From the astrologer came the astronomer,

from the alchemist the chemist, from the mesmerist the experimental psychologist.

The quack of yesterday is the professor of tomorrow.

Arthur Conan Doyle

□ An analysis of a strand of Newton’s hair in the 1970s found it contained mercury—

an element of interest to alchemists, hatters, and thermometer-makers but almost no

one else—at a concentration some forty times the natural level. It is perhaps little

wonder that he had trouble remembering to rise in the morning.

Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

a, chivalry b. sorcerer c. bishop d. abbey

1. The position is steadily deteriorating since vast areas that were once fertile lands

have turned into deserts.

① futile ② barren ③ yielding ④ profitable

2. In earlier centuries, dishonest traveling salesmen peddled elixirs that would cure all

ills—or so they promised before they quickly left town.

① wonder drug ② placebo ③ armada ④ asthma

3. Classical acting is characterized by an eternal quest for a balance between the

natural and the stylized.

① redundancy in ② conflict of ③ quality in ④ pursuit of

경찰대 2014

4. Unable to cope with the fact that he was diagnosed with colon cancer, Michael

suspected his doctor of being a quack and decided to seek out a second opinion.

① clown ② demagogue ③ professional ④ charlatan ⑤ benefactor 23 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

017. discrepancy [diskrépənsi] cf. disparity, discreet

□ Already, it has been alerted to a discrepancy between the amount of oil pumped

and the amount shipped.

□ Students with diagnosed learning disabilities have a significant discrepancy

between their aptitude and their performance.

□ Nuclear chemistry is a good example of this trend: it began as nuclear physics,

was taken over by the chemists, and now, insofar as nuclear properties of radionuclide

are important for technology, parts of nuclear chemistry are being taken over by

engineers. This tendency for fashions in science to came and go greatly complicates

the teaching of science. For, as science proliferates, the discrepancy tends to widen

between the older, consolidated body of scientific knowledge and the parts of science

that excite the active researcher.

Reflections on big science (1967)

a. friction b. likeness c. disagreement d. fraction

1. An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget


① disposition ② discrepancy ③ defect ④ deficit

2. The police noticed some discrepancies in his description of the crime and did not

believe him.

① discount ② inconsistency ③ distribution ④ disposition

3. Relatives of the missing sailors are struggling to keep hope __________ .

① alive ② living ③ alert ④ new

4. For nearly three decades, numerous Antarctic experts have warned us that West

Antarctica's ice sheets are in the midst of rapid disintegration that could raise global

sea levels to five meters within the next few centuries or less.

① admonish ② alert ③ ensure ④ remind

5. To portray a role well, performers should know about human emotions, attitudes,

and motivations.

① aptitude ② intelligences ③ memorizations ④ reasons for behavior

6. It is now well established that HIV can exist and proliferate within the brain, spinal

cord, and peripheral nerves.

① circulate ② determine ③ multiply ④ devise

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 24 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

018. manipulate [mənípjulèit]

□ The buildings have an understated simplicity, and the landscape has been subtly

manipulated to blur the distinction between artificial and natural environments.10

□ Still, even with millions dying, cigarette companies continue to manipulate and

conceal research, delay and block regulations, work the courts as part of standard

business, and target ads at young people.

The Shadows of Consumption

□ We learn to understand a concept as we learn to walk, dance, fence or play a

musical instrument: it is a habit, i.e. an organized memory. General terms cover an

organized, latent knowledge which is the hidden capital without which we should be in

a state of bankruptcy, manipulating false money or paper of no value. General ideas

are habits in the intellectual order.

Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind

a. to make up b. to make up for c. to comprise d. to formulate

1. There were some _________ flowers on the table.

① unnatural ② artificial ③ false ④ unreal

2. Advances in food preservation gave consumers in developed countries access to

___________ all foods grown in distant lands.

① extensively ② virtually ③ artificially ④ continually

3. Tolman referred to the rats’ initial learning period, where there was no obvious

reward, as “latent learning.”

① initial ② veiled ③ premature ④ conceptual

4. He manipulated the price of the stock so that he could buy it cheaply.

① allocate ② dislocated ③ emancipate ④ manipulated

10 건물들은 절제된 소박한 모습을 지니고 있고, 풍경은 미묘하게 조작되어 인공환경과 자연환경 사이의 차이를 모호하게 만들었다.

Root : cap, capit, cip = to take, to get

manual 손의, 설명서 manner 방법, 방식

manners 풍습, 예의범절 manage 관리, 경영하다

maintain 유지, 주장하다 maintenance 지속, 주장

manufacture 제조하다 manuscript 손으로 쓴

manicure 매니큐어 manifest 명백한

manifesto 선언, 성명 manipulate 조작, 조종하다

emancipate 해방시키다 manacle 수갑, 속박

mannerism 매너리즘 maneuver 책략, 조작, 조종하다

manifestation 징후, 명시, 표현 25 대한민국 명품강의 명품 교재 영웅 정지웅 선생

019. categorical [kӕtəgɔ:rikəl] categorically

□ It is characteristic of the epistemological tradition to present us with partial

scenarios and then to demand whole or categorical answers as it were.

□ Kant says that morals have a “categorical imperative.” By this, he means that an

individual should only follow rules or maxims that they believe should apply to


□ The work of art does not exist on its own, to be discovered subsequently by the

reader; rather, it exists precisely in and through the activity of reading. Thus, it

presents itself not as an existing fact, but as “a task to be discharged; from the very

beginning it places itself on the level of the categorical imperative.” In this way, the

work of art is an absolute end or value that demands the freedom of the reader's

creative act. Picturing the Human

a. proportional

b. tentative

c. absolute

d. obsolete

1. The manager spoke highly of such ___________ as loyalty, courage and

truthfulness shown by his employees.

① virtues ② features

③ properties ④ characteristics

2. As man becomes more and more a social being, communication grows even more


① urgent ② expensive ③ impervious ④ bustling

3. During the 1960's and 1970's, some Indian groups began to urge Indians to be

more forceful in seeking economic and political equality.

① compelling ② imperative ③ ponderous ④ tolerable

4. The child’s earliest words deal with concrete objects and actions. It is much later

that he is able to grapple with __________.

① decisions ② abstractions ③ maxims ④ opponents

Occupy 2012 : 징후적 독해 26 한국 영어의 자존심, 437의 전설은 시작에 불과합니다.

020. contract [kántrækt]

□ The doctor suspected that the patient had once contracted malaria, but that the

disease was now dormant.

□ A particularly dramatic case that involved losing the ability to sense with the skin,

as well as the closely related ability to sense the movement and positions of the limbs,

is that of Ian Waterman, a 17-year-old apprentice butcher, who in May 1971

contracted what at first appeared to be a routine case of the flu.

□ Seeking evidence for this, Richard Southwood traveled to the Democratic Republic

of the Congo to collect chimpanzee feces, from which he hoped to extract a virus

related to the human virus. While there he contracted malaria. He returned to London,

but died from a cerebral hemorrhage six weeks later, on March 7, 2000. In the

obituary he wrote for The Independent newspaper, Richard Dawkins described

Hamilton as “a good candidate for the title of most distinguished Darwinian since

Darwin.” *cerebral hemorrhage : 뇌출혈

a. expose b. dispose of c. enter into d. assign

1. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the overwhelming majority are


① unpredictable ② minor ③ inactive ④ uncharted

2. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major _________ in every family’s


① nutrition ② expenditure ③ routine ④ provision

3. I arrive at nine o’clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my

morning _________.

① routine ② route ③ rule ④ regularity

4. For hours nothing could _________ the artist's eyes from the beauty of the scenery.

① contract ② distract ③ retract ④ subtract

Root : tract = pull, draw

tractor 트랙터 attract 시선을 끌다

contract 수축, 응축하다 subtract 빼다

extract 추출하다 detract 딴데로 돌리다

abstract 추상적인 distract 흐뜨러 트리다

distraction 기분전환 tractable 다루기 쉬운

protract 오래 끌다 intractable 고집 센, 고치기 어려운

retract 취소, 철수하다 retractable 취소할 수 있는

traction 견인력 *subtract 하청계약하다

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