Page 1: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,
Page 2: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,



The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco-nomic Development Board, Tourism Council and Keep Greene Beau ful decided to consolidate these orga-niza ons into one en ty. This consolida on resulted in the forma on of one organiza onal structure with one broadly-based board of directors to devel-op and oversee fi nancing, staffi ng, housing, planning, policy and program. In 1995, a new en ty, Partners in Edu-ca on, was created and became a part of the organiza onal structure. In 2011, the Partners in Educa on Program was revamped to become Educa on & Workforce Development.

What is the Partnership? ................................................................. 1

Le er to Investors ............................................................................ 2

Chamber of Commerce ................................................................... 3-6

Economic Development ................................................................... 7-8

Tourism ............................................................................................ 9-10

Keep Greene Beau ful ..................................................................... 11

Educa on & Workforce Development .............................................. 12

Services Provided by the Partnership/Staff ...................................... 13

Board of Directors ............................................................................ 14


The Greene County Partner-ship exists to provide com-munity leadership, consensus building and problem solving through the coopera ve ef-forts of business and govern-ment and to serve as a cata-lyst for posi ve improvement and change. The Partnership is commi ed to serving the needs of its members, indus-try, government, business and ci zens by:

Providing a forum to iden- fy common problems and

develop solu ons

Expanding and diversifying the Greene County economy

Providing and suppor ng ini a ves that will enhance Greene County’s overall quality of life

Serving as a common denominator for governmental and community programs

Coopera ng with regional programs of mutual interest


Page 3: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


In retrospect, the past year for the Greene County Partnership refl ects a year of connec ng with the community to provide informa on, support industrial expansions, beau fy our hometown, recruit visitors and residents, and to link essen al elements in providing a strong local workforce.

Each program of the Partnership is designed to bridge the gap between its audiences, whether by connec ng the public directly to its legislators or uni ng manufacturers and elected offi cials in an eff ort to encourage and support exis ng industrial expansions. History has proven that when posi ve connec ons are made, amazing things can happen.

The Chamber of Commerce has connected business and community leaders to one another for more than 85 years and con nues to provide networking opportuni es through monthly membership events and community events. In 2014, the Chamber also acted as an informa on hub for the community by hos ng such events as a Mayoral Panel Forum, a Health Care Reform panel discussion, “Drive to 55” Luncheon with Governor Bill Haslam and a presenta on by U.S. Senator Bob Corker.

Embracing the power of connec ng with the community, Economic Development partnered with the Town of Greeneville, Greeneville Light & Power System and private businesses to form an alliance with a retail consul ng fi rm for a three-year retail recruitment campaign. They also strengthened their rela onships with local manufacturers through support of fi ve expansion projects and addressed cri cal infrastructure needs by developing a Transporta on Commi ee to connect local business leaders with state agencies to facilitate discussions on upcoming road projects.

Tourism embraced new opportuni es to further its ini a ves through partnerships with the local lodging and spor ng communi es. The department’s eff orts contributed to a two percent increase in tourist spending in the county and $2.17 million in local travel-generated tax receipts, a 3.16 percent increase from last year. 2014 accomplishments include eff orts to increase bus tours to the community, hos ng a na onal golf championship, and bidding on the Na onal Junior College Athle c Associa on Division III Women’s Tennis and Division II Men’s Golf tournaments.

For more than 30 years, Keep Greene Beau ful has been involved in community outreach eff orts. In 2014, KGB used educa onal programs such as “The Talking Tree,” storm water presenta ons, and the new East Tennessee Keep America Beau ful Mobile Classroom to educate individuals on li er reduc on and recycling. Keep Greene Beau ful also brought the community together to preserve its natural beauty through events such as The Great American Cleanup and the Electronic Recycling Day.

Educa on & Workforce Development united the business community with local educators to address ini a ves focused on developing a skilled workforce. Last year, the department hosted Eighth Grade Career Day, mee ngs of the Manufacturers’ Council to discuss workforce concerns, and a local job fair involving more than 160 job seekers. The program also coordinated a Teacher Supply Depot opening and established four new Master Partnerships.

As evident by the hundreds of events, programs, ac vi es and ini a ves carried out by the Partnership annually, it’s easy to see why “Connec ng with the Community” is an integral part of the Greene County Partnership’s con nued success.

On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors, we extend our apprecia on to the members and the many volunteers who helped to make each of these programs possible and successful!

Chris Marsh2014-15 Chairman

Daniel WolcottChair-Elect

Page 4: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,

Organization & Member Development

Produced annual edi on of the Greene County Partner-ship Membership Directory

Hosted 20th Annual Mee ng which was a ended by more than 165 guests

Hosted the Annual Partnership Christmas Luncheon with a endance of more than 180

Con nued to provide networking opportuni es for members through Monthly Membership Breakfasts and Business A er-Hours

Con nued the work of the Green Coat Ambassadors, focusing on reten on of members, development of services and recruitment of new members

Hosted 13 ribbon cu ngs, one groundbreaking and one Business A er-Hours to promote local businesses

Maintained eff orts of the Greene County Partnership Founda on to provide addi onal benefi ts for members who wish to make major contribu ons to Partnership programs

Recruited 41 new Partnership members

Maintained the Partnership’s Facebook page, branding it-self as the place to go on Facebook for informa on about Greeneville and Greene County

Provided quarterly Member E-Mailings off ering members opportuni es for promo onal mailings

Con nued the Partnership “Partners” bi-monthly news-le er which was named a Constant Contact All-Star Award Winner for excelling in the use of email tools to engage audiences and for exceeding in categories such as regular contact with members, consistently high open

rates and

leveraging social media to increase availability

Through funding from the Governor’s ThreeStar Grant, the Partnership/Chamber website was designed to be compa ble with most mobile devices, resul ng in a 263.34 percent increase in mobile traffi c and a 37.11 per-cent increase in me on site

Received clean audit of 2013 fi nancial records


Co-ordinated a Health Care Reform panel discussion with Tennessee Hospital Associa on President Craig Becker and local hospital CEOs Chuck Whi ield and Daniel Wol-co discussing the local impact of health care form

Coordinated a Greene County Partnership Manufacturers’ Council Governor’s Luncheon with Gov. Bill Haslam as the keynote speaker addressing the group on his new ini a- ve, “Drive to 55,” which challenged the en re state to

bring the percentage of Tennesseans with college degrees or cer fi ca ons to 55 percent by the year 2025

Coordinated and hosted a Mayoral Panel Forum, with the assistance of The Greeneville Sun and Radio Greeneville, to provide informa on to the general public on the plat-forms of each of the eight candidates running for Greene County mayor

Coordinated the 20th Annual Iris Fes val with all mem-bers of the staff taking part

Hosted Annual Industry Apprecia on Event with more than 100 sponsors, elected offi cials, industrial leaders

and board members in a endance

Hosted Annual Legisla ve Luncheon in March, providing communica on opportuni es for mem-bers and state elected offi cials

Coordinated 20th Annual Greene County Part-nership Golf Shoot-Out

Assisted with the Landair Ladies’ Classic, co-ordina ng tournament program and distribu on of sponsorship ckets, team ckets, host family ckets


gengage audiences and for exceeding in categories such as regular contact with members, consistentlyhigh open

rates and

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Coordbers o



Page 5: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


and passes for college coaches; general admission ckets sold from the offi ce

Assisted the Greeneville Exchange Clubs in coordi-na ng the Annual Greeneville Christmas Parade which had approximately 170 entries

Community Development

Received the 2014 Northeast Tennessee Tourism Associa on (NETTA) Pinnacle Award for The Band Perry World Premiere of “Pioneer” event held on Main Street in Greeneville March 30, 2013

Hosted U.S. Senator Bob Corker at a presenta on for Partnership members and general public at General Morgan Inn & Conference Center

Coordinated 20th Leadership Greene County Class, gradua ng 19 members

Coordinated 16th Greene County Youth Leader-ship Program, gradua ng 46 students; also, coordinated ac vi es for 83 students in the Youth Council Program. The Youth Council Program won the Greeneville Sun/Volunteer Center of Greeneville Vol-unteer of the Year Award for the 10th consecu ve year

Recognized outstanding edu-cators in the city and county schools, at Tusculum College and Walters State Community College with Outstanding Service to Students Awards

Encouraged city and county eighth graders to excel by presen ng annual medallions to high achievers

Provided offi ce space and coordinated seminars and ap-pointments for weekly counseling sessions for possible new business start-ups with counseling provided by East Tennessee State University Small Business Development Center professionals

Served on the Tusculum College planning commi ee for the Remote Area Medical Clinic held in November

Hosted a mee ng for Lawrenceburg, Tenn., offi cials con-sidering the crea on of an organiza on similar to the Greene County Partnership


Planned and hosted the June Dairy Days Celebra on to honor local dairy farmers and their contribu ons to the community. The event drew more than 600 visitors

Assisted in hos ng the Beef Days Celebra on to recognize the local beef industry

Supported Kids’ Day on the Farm to educate local third grade students about the dairy industry, drawing more than 600 students

Hosted the Annual Farm-City Banquet, bringing the agri-culture community together with the business communi-ty for a social event; more than 200 were in a endance

Monthly Agribusiness Commi ee Mee ngs – provided minutes and coordinated monthly “Farm Tips” for distri-bu on to agriculture-related businesses and organiza- ons

6 students; also, coordinated the Youth

h Council le Sun/ville Vol-r the

u-y e ityervice to Students

Page 6: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,

Organization & Member


Host 21st Annual Mee ng to include special recogni on awards

Coordinate and host a 2015 Goals Conference which will provide the op-portunity for all local resi-dents to provide input into establishing the future goals and direc ons for Greeneville and Greene County

Con nue Greene County Partner-ship Founda on eff orts, providing an addi onal benefi t to Partnership members who wish to make major contribu ons to Part-nership programs

Con nue promo ng and recrui ng new members through ribbon cu ngs, groundbreakings, open house events and Business A er-Hours

Expand Member E-Mailing as a source of non-dues reve-nue

Maintain and update website and con nue to use Face-book as an informa ve resource for members and the general public

Increase membership investment revenue

Produce annual Membership Directory

Con nue bi-weekly newsle er

Conduct audit of 2014 fi nan-cial records

Con nue the work of the Green Coat Ambassadors, fo-cusing on reten on of members, development of services and recruitment of new members

Coordinate and host seminars on topics of interest as de-termined by the membership


Host the Annual Legisla ve Breakfast to provide com-munica on opportuni es between members and state elected offi cialsmunica on opportuni es between members and state elected offi cials


Page 7: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Coordinate the 21st Annual Iris Fes- val

Con nue to provide networking opportuni es for members through Monthly Membership Breakfasts and Business A er-Hours

Coordinate 21st Annual Greene Coun-ty Partnership Golf Shoot-Out

Host the Annual Industry Apprecia- on Recep on

Coordinate, along with the Green-eville Exchange Clubs, the Annual Greeneville Christmas Parade

Assist in coordina ng the Landair La-dies’ Classic

Host the Annual Partnership Christmas Luncheon

Community Development

Ini ate 21st Leadership Greene County Class

Ini ate 17th Greene County Youth Leadership Class and the Youth Council Program

Con nue to recognize outstanding educators in the city and county schools, at Tusculum College and Walters State Community College with Outstanding Service to Students Awards

Encourage city and county eighth graders to achieve high

goals by recognizing achievements with medallion awards

Host, along with the Small Business Development Center and Small Business Associa on, small business seminars covering a wide variety of business-related topics

Con nue staff support for ETSU Small Business Develop-ment Center’s local weekly counseling sessions for possi-ble new business start-ups


Con nue support and recogni on of the agriculture com-munity through the Partnership’s Agribusiness Commi ee

Con nue and expand agriculture-related events such as June Dairy Days Celebra on, Beef Days Celebra on, Kids’ Day on the Farm and the Annual Farm-City Banquet

Page 8: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Con nued to work with fi ve local manufactur-ers regarding possible expansions

Con nued to work with Johnson Development to target key retail tenants for the Crocke Crossing Shopping Center, which resulted in a site visit from a na onal chain restaurant

Responded to 18 Requests for Proposal (RFP) from the state of Tennessee and TVA

Hosted new Northeast Valley Region TVA Senior Consultant for an overview of Greene County’s most marketable proper es, tax in-cen ves and quality of life

Con nued to par cipate with the Tennessee Economic Partnership (TEP) in events and pro-grams designed to a ract more prospect leads to Tennessee and to this region

Secured two summer researchers to compile all informa on needed for the Connected Community Cer fi ca on process through the state of Tennessee’s ConnectedTN Program. The results will be presented to the Greene County Community Tech-nology Team in 2015 for review and planning purposes

Added a proposal generator to the economic develop-ment website to off er recruitment informa on to site selectors in an easy-to-download format

Through funding from the Governor’s ThreeStar Grant, the economic development website was designed to be compa ble with most mo-bile devices, resul ng in a 106.67 percent increase in mobile traffi c and a 7.05 percent increase in me on site. This

advancement will allow site selec-

tors to pull informa on while “on the go”

Assisted with coordina on of a grand opening and ribbon cu ng ceremony for Huf North America’s $20 million ex-pansion with Governor Haslam in a endance

A ended TVA Economic Development Training in Nash-ville to network and exchange ideas and “best prac ces” with top-level economic development professionals

Partnered with the Town of Greeneville, Greeneville Light & Power System and 15 private businesses to hire Retail Strategies, a Birmingham, Ala.-based retail con-sul ng fi rm, to execute a three-year retail recruitment campaign

Assisted the Chamber in securing sponsorships for the Annual Industry Apprecia on Recep on

Placed recruitment ad in the Tennessee Eco-nomic Development Guide

Toured the River Port in Knoxville to discover logis cal advantages that can be leveraged when recrui ng prospects

Developed a Transporta on Commi ee to fa-cilitate discussions with state agencies regarding Greene County’s highway infrastructure

Coordinated eff orts to cer fy Greene County as a ThreeStar Community under the Governor’s revised ThreeStar Program

Page 9: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,

Con nue outreach eff orts with local manufacturers to determine ways to help them grow and create new jobs

In conjunc on with the Town of Greeneville and Retail Strategies, implement a strategic plan to re-cruit new retail establishments to Greene County

Par cipate in Regional Industrial Development Associa on (RIDA) and TEP events in order to meet with more site selec on con-sultants and poten al industrial prospects

Con nue to improve communica- ons between the Partnership and

strategic partners such as the Ten-nessee Valley Authority (TVA) and

the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

Iden fy addi onal industrial land that can be rezoned and marketed for manufacturing uses

Coordinate Greene County’s cer fi ca on as a ThreeStar Community

Assist in hos ng the Annual Industry Apprecia on Recep- on


Page 10: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Tourism Development

Tourism’s promo onal eff orts con-tributed to a two percent in-

crease in tourist spending in Greene County in one year. Out of 95 coun es within the state, only 25 realized an increase in this category

Greene County realized $2.17 million in local travel-gen-erated tax receipts, which is a 3.16 percent increase from last year

Received a $7,500 matching funds grant from the Tennes-see Department of Tourist Development

Received a Merit Award from Northeast Tennessee Tour-ism Associa on (NETTA) for the Fes val of Trees

Assisted the local lodging associa on with the crea on of a 2014 marke ng plan to increase bus tours and travel to Greeneville/Greene County

Assisted the University of Tennessee’s Hospitality Depart-ment in crea ng a “Tourism Tool Box” for new tourism directors statewide


Par cipated in the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Associa- on’s Legisla ve Breakfast in Nashville

Hosted the Ninth Annual An que Appraisal Fair and Show and the Second Annual Appraisal Fair Preview Party. More than 475 items were appraised and 4,000 people a ended

Hosted the Second Annual Tourism Fes val of Trees in November

Par cipated in Na onal Tourism Week by recognizing the 150th visitor to the Andrew Johnson Na onal Historic Site, honoring fi ve local ci zens with the “Presiden al Pioneer in Hospitality” award, and visi ng the Bristol Welcome Center

Assisted with marke ng promo ons and coordina on for the Tennessee Associa on of Museums Conference (200 guests), the Dream Makers Conference (150 guests), and the “Third Annual Buggin’ for a Cure” Volkswagen Car Show


Hosted the Second Annual Sports Council Fundraising

Luncheon featuring University of Tennessee and NBA greats Dale Ellis and Reggie Johnson

Hosted the Amateur Athle c Union Golf Na onal Cham- pionships at Link Hills Country Club

Submi ed bids for the Na onal Junior College Athle c As-socia on Division III Women’s Tennis and Division II Men’s Golf tournaments


Con nued selec ve coopera ve marke ng partnerships with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development and NETTA

Con nued promo on of local lodging, a rac ons and venues with magazines such as American Road, Civil War Times, Sports Events Magazine, Tennessee Vaca on Guide and Sports Des na on Marke ng

Increased distribu on of the Greeneville Visitor Guide by 17 percent and con nued distribu on of the “Top 40 Day Trips” brochure to more than 120 loca ons

Coordinated a coopera ve adver sing eff ort between local tourism partners for the Tennessee Vaca on Guide, which featured the 150th anniversary of Andrew John-son’s presidency

Collaborated with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development on the new “Play Tennessee” ini a ve, which allows par cipa on in coopera ve adver sing op-portuni es and shared costs for booth spaces and travel expenses for sports-related trade shows. Grant opportu-ni es are also available

Maintained Tourism’s website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Pinterest and Twi er accounts

Fulfi lled thousands of inquiries from websites, magazine and periodical ads

Con nued to promote the “Faith-Based Tourism” ini a ve

Through funding from the Gover-nor’s ThreeStar Grant, the Tour-ism website was designed to be compa ble with most mobile de-vices, resul ng in a 119.66 percent increase in mobile traffi c and a 3.64 percent increase in me on site

Tourism Deve

Tourism’s promtribute

creasGreOutthe an i

Page 11: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,



Help coordinate the 26th Annual NETTA Legisla ve Break-fast in Nashville

Coordinate and host the 10th Annual An que Appraisal Fair and Show and Third Annual Appraisal Fair Preview Party

Coordinate the Third Annual Tourism Fes val of Trees

Coordinate Na onal Tourism Week ac vi es

Coordinate local and statewide familiariza on tours for Civil War History and conduct local tourism workshops


Coordinate the Third Annual Sports Council Fundraising Luncheon

Organize site visits for the Na onal Junior College Athle c Associa on


Con nue selected coopera ve marke ng partnerships with NETTA and the Department of Tourist Development

Con nue marke ng Greeneville and Greene County as a vaca on, reloca on and sports des na on

Increase distribu on of the “Discover Greeneville” visi-tor guide by 15 percent and con nue the distribu on of Greeneville’s “Top 40 Day Trips” brochure to more than

121 loca ons

Con nue to promote the “” website with comprehensive informa on on trails in Greene County Con nue to market Greene County as a des na on for spor ng events and con nue promo on in publica ons such as “Sports Events” magazine

Con nue to promote Greeneville’s “Faith-Based Tourism” project

Work with the Tourism Advisory T ask Force to implement ideas and new programs to increase overnight stays

Page 12: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Involved 350 volunteers in the Great American Cleanup March through May, collec ng 2,000 pounds of li er

Con nued the partnership with the Tennessee Depart-ment of Transporta on (TDOT) and the local sheriff ’s department to ini ate roadside li er pickup and promote li er collec on and recycling through local media, busi-ness, and public and student educa on

Held telephone book recycling contest through which 1,586 phone books were recycled

Organized numerous local cleanups and community im-provement projects

Organized Electronic Recycling Day which drew 97 par ci-pants and recycled 45,431 pounds of electronics

Assisted with the Hazardous Household Waste Collec on with 68 households par cipa ng and 3,230 pounds of waste collected


The East Tennessee Keep America Beau ful (KAB) Mobile Classroom, introduced last year through a joint eff ort by KAB directors from Greeneville, Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport and Morristown, educated approximately 50,000 individuals in its inaugural year. The mobile class-room showcased exhibits powered by solar panels and focused on li er reduc on and recycling

Hosted the Annual Fi h Grade Conserva on Camp for 217 students at Davy Crocke Birthplace State Park

Presented 44 educa onal programs of “The Talking Tree,” storm water and other ac vi es to 1,124 individuals

Served on the planning commi ee for a two-day Tennes-see Environmental Conference that off ered environmen-tal educa on to more than 350 individuals

Gave storm water presenta ons to all city fourth graders

Community Involvement

Coordinated three-mile walk fundraising event, 16th An-nual KGB Golf Tournament, Holiday Ligh ng Contest, and Trash-To-Art Contest for local students

Promoted li er pickup through Ne e McCormick Day involving 22 students; distributed 3,000 li er bags at the Greeneville Christmas Parade; and added four new groups to the “Adopt-a-Road Program”

Promotion & Awareness

Increase par cipa on in the Adopt-A-Greene County Road Program

Support and promote awareness of local recycling pro-grams and Storm Water Phase II

Con nue eff orts to increase environmental awareness by developing rela onships with local agencies and munici-pali es to con nue common goals

Foster the partnership with TDOT and the local sheriff ’s department to encourage li er preven on in the commu-nity

Increase volunteer support and community involvement in the Great American Cleanup

Increase and con nue to promote beau fi ca on proj-ects throughout the community, as well as support li er awareness by declaring local events “li er free”


Increase Keep Greene Beau ful educa onal programs through “The Talking Tree,” “Humphrey,” solar-powered mobile classroom, environmental camps and custom classroom presenta ons throughout the local school sys-tems

Community Involvement

Increase par cipa on in the Annual “Swing Into Spring” Golf Tournament to raise money to support and expand Keep Greene Beau ful programs

Expand Partners for a Clean Community memberships. This program was restructured to include stu-

dents, families, businesses, non-profi t organiza ons, and industries by level of



2 0 1 4 A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 5 B u s i n e s s P l a n

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16th An-test, and

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s, families, businesses, non-profi trganiza ons, and industries by level of sponsorships



Page 13: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Hosted Teacher Supply Depot (TSD) opening involving 79 teachers who received more than $4,300 in free supplies to stock their classrooms and provide for students unable to purchase their own supplies. Since its opening in July of 2003, local teachers have made 1,388 visits to the de-pot, receiving more than $121,313 in free supplies

Coordinated Eighth Grade Career Day which included 493 Greene County students visi ng 28 local businesses

A ended Common Core training at Milligan College to understand new and changing educa onal standards

Coordinated Common Core presenta on for local educa-tors, parents and community members

Established four new Master Partnerships

Served as a member of the Tennessee Scholars Commit-tee to encourage high achievement goals for local stu-dents

Workforce Development

Organized annual Job Fair involving nine companies, eight staffi ng agencies and two educa onal ins tu ons, which was a ended by approximately 162 people

Con nued to support the Career Pathways Ini a ve developed by the Educa on & Workforce Development Advisory Board through discussions with local manufac-turing leaders

Con nued facilita on of the Manufacturers’ Council, which resulted in three informa ve mee ngs with more than 35 companies coming together to discuss and ex-change ideas on “Best Prac ces”

Coordinated the 2014 Wage & Benefi t Survey

Community Involvement

Received a $1,500 grant from the Niswonger Founda on and a $250 dona on from John Deere Power Products for the Teacher Supply Depot. Walmart Logis cs also donat-ed numerous supplies to the depot throughout the year

Walmart SuperCenter sponsored a “Stuff the Bus” cam-paign to collect school supplies and a Book Drive to sup-port literacy, with dona ons going to the depot

Co-hosted a Franklin Covey “Speed of Trust” Seminar

Par cipated in the Greene County Safety Exchange which brings manufacturers together to discuss key safety issues


Stock and maintain Teacher Supply Depot; schedule at least two openings

Con nue to coordinate the annual Eighth Grade Career Day for county students to provide on-site observa on of professional posi ons within one of the fi ve Career Pathways

Host Summer Educator In-Service for teachers at local industries; increase educator par cipa on countywide

Increase the number of Master Partnerships between schools and businesses/industries

Serve on planning commi ee for Tennessee Scholars

Workforce Development

Work closely with local school directors and the Educa- on & Workforce Development Advisory Board to facil-

itate the process of discussion with key industry leaders concerning the Career Pathways Ini a ve

In conjunc on with Greeneville and Greene County schools, develop a Principal of the Day Program for busi-ness leaders to be er understand the day-to-day issues present in local schools

Con nue working with local students and manufacturers to iden fy internship opportuni es

Host Job Fairs in an eff ort to lower the unemployment rate in Greene County

Complete and distribute the 2015 Manufacturers’ Wage and Benefi t Survey


2 0 1 4 A n n u a l R e p o r t

2 0 1 5 B u s i n e s s P l a n

Page 14: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Advertising Opportunities

Showcase your business through ads in the Greene County Part-nership’s Member E-Mailing, or become a sponsor for one of the many Partnership events


Opportuni es to meet and make valuable business contacts can be achieved through monthly Membership Breakfasts, quarterly Business A er-Hours, Industry Apprecia on Recep on, and oth-er special events


The staff only refers Partnership members when responding to inquiries about local products and services. Several thousand inquiries were answered by the Partnership during the past year

Free Publicity

Member businesses will be listed in many area reference pub-lica ons including the Greene County Partnership Membership Directory and the Greene County Guidebook


Members receive a free reciprocal link from the online Member-ship Directory. Non-reciprocal links are available for $25

Mailing Labels

The most up-to-date business labels of the business community are available at a reduced cost to members

Ribbon Cuttings

Available to new members. The Partnership coordinates the publicity and provides ribbon cu ng supplies


The Partnership publishes the most current map of the Greeneville/Greene County area

Industrial/Demographic Data

The Partnership provides site loca on informa on, market data, demographics and cost-of-living informa on

Business Seminars

Topics range from health care to interna onal trade


Receive a “Partners” biweekly newsle er to stay informed of all Partnership ac vi es and events

Legislative Updates

The Partnership holds an annual legisla ve event which facili-tates direct contact with elected offi cials

Partnership Board Room

When the board room is not in use for Partnership business, it is available by reserva on to members

Committee Participation

The Partnership gives members the opportunity to infl uence business and community development through par cipa on on a variety of Partnership commi ees and community ac on teams

Tom FergusonPresident/CEO

Vickie AndrewVice President of Chamber Opera ons

Tammy KinserTourism Director

Lori CollinsAccoun ng/Member Services

Jennifer ReynoldsKeep Greene Beau ful Director/Leadership Director

Ashley SheltonEconomic Development Project Manager

Rebeckah BallEduca on & Workforce Development Director

Page 15: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,


Chris Marsh ChairmanMarsh Propane

Daniel Wolco Chair-ElectTakoma Regional Hospital

Bob CantlerSecretary/TreasurerGeneral Morgan Inn & Conference Center

Bill CarrollPast ChairmanGreeneville Light & Power System

Sco CrawfordAmerican Gree ngs

Jerry AyersGreene Technology Center

Ken BaileyGreene County General Sessions & Juvenile Court Judge

Brian BragdonWalmart Logis cs

Ben BrooksMcInturff , Milligan, and Brooks

Ted BryantSummers Taylor, Inc.

Mike BurnsGreeneville Federal Bank

Bob Cantler*General Morgan Inn & Conference Center

Bill Carroll*Greeneville Light & Power System

Tommy CasteelBaileyton Mayor

Alan CorleyTusculum Mayor

Sco Crawford*American Gree ngs

David Crum*Greene County Mayor

W.T. Daniels*Greeneville Mayor

Cal Doty*DTR Tennessee

Tom Ferguson*GCP President/CEO

Al GilesRe red

Tommy GreggMosheim Mayor

Steve HarbisonThe Greeneville Sun

David HawkState Representa ve

Sa sh HiraHampton Inn

Clay HixonFirst Tennessee Bank

Jeff Holle John Deere Power Products

Bobby HoltAndrew Johnson Bank

Mike HopkinsJarden Zinc

Jeff IdellIdell Construc on

Ginia JohnstonHometown Realty of Greeneville

Dr. Vicki KirkGreene County Board of Educa on

Dr. Cynthia KnopABC Family Den stry

Robert KrickoCenturyLink

Barbara LawsonRe red

Watson LeonardLeonard Associates

Chris Marsh*Marsh Propane

Drucilla MillerWalters State Community College

Jeff MonsonGCS Partnership

Dr. Nancy Moody*Tusculum College

Brad PetersTown of Greeneville Public Works

Bre PurgasonRon’s Millwright

Susan ReidFirst Tennessee Development District

David RiversRe red

Ronnie SartainFarm Credit

Dr. Hilton SeayCounty Commissioner

Todd SmithTown of Greeneville

Dr. Linda StroudGreeneville Board of Educa on

Chris ThorpeMainstreet: Greeneville President

John TweedLandair

Chuck Whi ieldLaughlin Memorial Hospital

Daniel Wolco *Takoma Regional Hospital

* denotes Execu ve Commi ee



e C



Board of Directors

David CrumGreene County Mayor

W.T. DanielsGreeneville Mayor

Cal DotyDTR Tennessee

Dr. Nancy MoodyTusculum College

Tom FergusonGCP President/CEO

Page 16: 2014-2015 Annual Report - Greene County Partnership1 History The Greene County Part-nership was formed in 1993 when the former Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Eco- ... In retrospect,

115 Academy Street Greeneville, TN 37743

Phone: 423-638-4111 Fax: 423-638-5345


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