
2012 COWCON Warhammer 40,000 Tournament – VERSION 1.1 Page 1 of 12

2012 COWCON Warhammer 40,000 Tournament Tournament Details: Game Size: 1750 Points Scoring

Generalship (50%)

Sportsmanship (15%)

Presentation (15%)

Army Composition (20%) Tournament Organiser (TO): Ben Wonnocott ([email protected]) When: 7th and 8th of July, 2012 Where: Rockhampton QRI Hall, Rockhampton (Off Denison Street) Saturday Sunday Arrive: 8:00 AM Arrive: 8:00 AM Game 1: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Display Armies (Player’s Choice): 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Lunch: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Game 4: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Game 2: 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM Lunch: 11:30 PM – 12:30 PM Game 3: 3:15 PM –5:45 PM Game 5: 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM Painting Competition &

Best Sportsmanship Voting: 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Dinner: TBA Awards: 3:30 PM Places Available: 50 Entry Fee: $40 ($35 Early Bird Tickets are available to the first 10 players to sign up). This includes lunch which is to be provided on both days. Soft Drinks and Snacks will be on sale throughout the day. Prize Support: Tannum Toys and Wargaming will be providing prize support for the tournament this year, and will also be running at the event. If you want to, you can place an order ahead of the event (approximately two weeks prior). Your order can then be picked up in person with no postage costs.

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Painting Competition Over the course of the weekend a painting competition will be held.

You do not have to be participating in the tournament to enter into the painting competition.

Entry is $2 per miniature.

Up to five miniatures may be entered by a single person.

Models entered must be your own work and may come from any miniatures range.

Entries will be accepted up until 11:00 AM Sunday morning. Once entered, entries will be put on display throughout the tournament, though participants are encouraged to take their entries home overnight.

Voting will be held on the Sunday Afternoon after the games.

There are two categories: o Small Entry - A single 25-30mm model. Please note that some bigger creatures such

as Ogryns still fall into this category as they are not quite large enough to be classified under the Large Entry category.

o Large Entry - Vehicles, Large Monsters and Dioramas. Saturday Night Dinner While the time and venue are yet to be confirmed, it will likely be held at the Criterion Hotel. Come along and enjoy a meal (and no doubt a few drinks) after a day of great games. Signup and Payment Details: When signing up, please provide your full (human) name, your Rankings HQ ID (if you have one), and an expression of interest if you wish to attend the Saturday night dinner. Payment is to be made via direct deposit to: BSB: 655 000 Account Number: 102129347 Account Name: RSGA

Payment and army list entries must be submitted by Saturday the 9th of June.

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What to Bring: Dice (including scatter dice), Templates and Tape Measure.

Your Codex, Rulebook and appropriate FAQ and Errata. (Check your Errata beforehand so that you know your rules.)

A method of moving your miniatures from table to table easily (a box lid or tray is ideal).

3 Objectives for your army for use in missions.

Your miniatures!

Army Selection No more than 1750 points are to be spent on an army. Your army should be created using the standard force organization chart. Games Workshop Codices and Imperial Armour books (No Flyers/Gigantic Creatures/Superheavies are permitted) released prior to Saturday the 9th of June are to be used. You must be in possession of a legally purchased copy of the Codex or Imperial Armour book you wish to use (no piracy thanks). Any options taken from Imperial Armour books are to use the correct Forgeworld miniatures with correct weapon options (i.e. a Regular Drop Pod will not be allowed to be used as a Lucius Pattern Drop Pod). Failure to do so may result in any invalid models being removed from play. The Tournament Organiser reserves the right to reject any Imperial Armour lists or choices that are deemed to be overpowered. If you would like to use any Imperial Armour options, or an alternate list that is not listed please contact the Tournament Organiser at [email protected] well in advance to the due date to get permission. Your army list needs to be submitted by Saturday the 9th of June. Lists submitted after the due date will automatically receive 0 points for Army Composition as the panel will not have the time to assess such lists. Players will not be permitted to submit multiple army lists. Resubmissions due to errors will be permitted.

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Scoring A total of 200 points are available across the tournament. Please note that in some cases, the points used to calculate a player’s score do not match the total number of points available for that category. In these cases (i.e. presentation) the points will be scaled accordingly.

Generalship (50%) There are 20 points available for Generalship from each round.

Army Composition (20%) Army Composition will be marked by a panel of judges and given a score out of 40. The panel will be made up of experienced players who are not participating in the tournament. Each judge shall award your list a score out of 10. The marks from all judges shall then be adjusted to provide a score out of 40. For example, a panel of four judges gives an army list a mark of 3, 4, 4 and 5 respectively. This would result in an overall score of 16/40. As a guide, a mark of 4-6 out of 10 is generally considered a standard tournament list – one that is not overpowered, but also not weak either. Please note that fluff and background will have no basis on the marking of Army Composition.

Sportsmanship (15%) There are 5 points available for Sportsmanship from each round, awarded to each player by their opponent. Points will be received based on the following criteria:

Measurements and dice rolls are all made clearly and accurately (no rubber rulers or intentionally hidden rolls).

Game was played in a polite and respectful manner (game/army questions were answered, not every move or army rule made by an opponent was questioned etc).

Game was played in a brisk and orderly fashion. The game was kept moving with good time for the armies in question.

Your opponent remained positive if they were losing, and/or were not belittling if they were winning. Your opponent either won or lost in good grace.

Any discussion or disagreements were sorted out in a respectful, considerate manner. Please note, asking a referee’s opinion is perfectly acceptable.

At the end of the tournament each player will be required to give one of their opponents a +1 for outstanding conduct in their game. This amounts to a potential further 5 points towards the total Sportsmanship score.

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Presentation (15%) Presentation is split evenly between that judged by your opponents and by judges over the course of

the tournament. Separate to the points available, there will be a Player’s Choice prize for best


Peer There are 5 points available for Painting from each round, awarded to each player by their opponent. Points will be received based on the following criteria:

0 – 50% or more of the army is unpainted.

1 – Some models remain unpainted.

2 – All models painted (3 colours minimum) but not based.

3 – All models painted (3 colours minimum) and based.

4 – All models painted and based to a consistent tabletop standard (i.e. highlighting, dry brushing or inking techniques have been used).

5 – All models painted and based to a high quality standard. Judged: Up to 25 Points shall be awarded by the judges. Players will be given the opportunity to provide the judges with information on how their army meets each criteria (unit markings, conversions, etc). The points shall be awarded based on the criteria on the following page.

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Basic Painting

Less than half of the models are painted. Three colour standard.

0 Points


More than half of the models are painted. Three colour standard.

5 Points


All of the models are painted. Three colour standard.

10 Points

Basing (All Models)

Minimal Basing Basic sand with no additional effort made.

1 Point


Basic Basing Flock and/or painted/highlighted sand.

2 Points


Detailed Basing Including additions such as battle wreckage or the use of well painted resin bases.

3 Points

Detailed Painting (All Models)

Basic detailing techniques used. Dry brushing and inking.

3 Points


Extensive detailing techniques used . Line or hard edge highlighting, wet blending, etc.

7 Points


Additional Details Detailed faces, equipment, etc.

1 Point

Cohesion - the army has a consistent and cohesive theme. This shall account for fluff (i.e. Craftworld Eldar with a variety of different Aspect Warriors would still be considered coherent).

1 Point

Unit Markings Banners, squad numbers, stripes, themed squad bases, etc.

1 Point

Conversions Converted units and characters, weapon/part swaps or posing across a large part of the army.

1 Point

Objective Markers Themed to suit the army.

1 Point

Player’s Choice Voting Player’s Choice for best painted will be judged on the second day. Each player will be asked to vote for the top three armies that they think are best painted. The army with the most votes will be declared the winner.

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Missions The first round will be seeded based on Composition scores. All further rounds will be seeded based upon Generalship results. Each Mission has been allowed 140 minutes of play time with at least 10 minutes between each game. 20 Generalship points are available from each game. If all competitors finish early, then the next round will also start sooner to keep things moving. If you are late to your game, you will receive 0 points for that game and your opponent will receive full points, including sportsmanship.

Victory Points Some missions make use of Victory Points. Use the Victory Points entry in the BRB for calculating how many Victory Points each unit is worth (located just prior to the quick reference section). The key points are as follows:

Units under half strength and single model units (such as independent characters and monstrous creatures) that have lost half or more of their wounds are worth half their points cost in Victory Points.

Surviving vehicles are worth half their points cost in Victory Points if they are suffering from the effects of any Damaged result at the end of the game.

Bonus Points In all cases for bonus points awarded for killing the most expensive units, if two units are of equal point values, then killing either of the units during the game will award the bonus point/s. If casualties are inflicted by your opponent on his own units, you still receive the bonus points for destroying them. i.e. an Imperial Guard Commissar executing the army commander. Where bonus points are awarded for the control of table quarters, you control a table quarter by having more Victory Points in a table quarter than your opponent, including non-scoring units. When a unit falls within more than one table quarter:

1. The unit is considered as being full in the table quarter containing the majority of the models or model.

2. If an equal number of models (or part of a model) span more than one quarter, roll off to decide which quarter is controlled by the unit.

Tabling Your Opponent Wiping your opponent out completely does not automatically grant you absolute victory. Play out the remaining turns (remembering to roll for Turns 6 and 7). At the end of the game, consult the Mission Battle Points and Bonus Points listings for the mission and determine the result.

Glossary BRB – Big Red Book aka Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook.

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Game One: Dawn of War Setup: Dawn of War deployment from the Deploy Forces section on Page 93 of the BRB. Objective: Annihilation (Page 91 – BRB). Special Notes: N/A Mission Battle Points: Major Win: 16 You have three or more Kill Points more than your opponent. Minor Win: 12 You have one Kill Point more than your opponent. Draw: 10 You have the same number of Kill Points as your opponent. Minor Loss: 6 You have one Kill Point less than your opponent. Major Loss: 0 You have three or more Kill Points less than your opponent. Note: Wiping out your opponent counts as a Major Win for this mission. Bonus Points: (Maximum of four bonus points available) +1: For each table quarter you control at the end of the game (calculated using Victory Points).

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Game Two: Milk the Cows Setup: Spearhead deployment from the Deploy Forces section on Page 93 of the BRB. Objective: Modified Seize Ground (Page 91 – BRB). Special Notes: Fixed Objectives - Use three objectives instead of rolling. The objectives are to be placed in fixed positions – one in the centre of the table and one in the centre of each quarter adjacent to those chosen by the players for deployment. Milk Tokens - At the end of your turn (excluding Turn One), for each objective that you hold, you gain one milk token. Contested objectives do not generate any milk tokens. At the end of the game, count up each player’s milk tokens to determine the winner. Note: You only gain milk tokens in your turns, not your opponents. Mission Battle Points: Major Win: 16 You have three or more milk tokens more than your opponent. Minor Win: 12 You have one milk token more than your opponent. Draw: 10 You have the same number of milk tokens as your opponent. Minor Loss: 6 You have one milk token less than your opponent. Major Loss: 0 You have three or more milk tokens less than your opponent. Bonus Points: (Maximum of four bonus points available) +1: If you have kept your army above 75% of starting models (not units). +1: If you destroy 50% or more of your opponent’s scoring units. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point HQ Choice (excluding retinues and dedicated transports). When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point unit that isn’t a HQ choice. When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point.

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Game Three: Escape Capsule Setup: Dawn of War deployment from the Deploy Forces section on Page 93 of the BRB. Objective: Escape Capsule. Special Notes: Escape Capsule

At the end of game turn 2, roll a dice: On a 4-6 the Capsule crashes down, on a roll of 1-3 the Capsule crash lands at the end of game turn 3.

On the turn the Capsule crashes, one player rolls 1d6 – on a 1-3 the Capsule enters the board via the short table edges on that player’s left hand side, on a 4-6 that player’s right hand side.

The Capsule then moves 8d6 from the centre of the short table edge and then scatters 1d6 in a random direction.

Place an objective marker at that location. This is now the objective for the game. Any models directly under the objective are shifted the shortest possible distance to move them from beneath the objective. The objective now takes up space and models cannot finish their move over it.

Contesting the Objective

Units within 6” can contest the objective.

Only scoring units can contest the objective.

Non scoring units cannot contest the objective. Mission Battle Points: At the end of the game, each player calculates the number of Victory Points (VPs) worth of scoring units contesting the objective and the two are compared to find the difference in VPs. Remember that scoring units under half strength are worth half their points cost, as per the normal rules for VPs. The VPs cost of non-scoring units do not count towards this calculation (i.e. vehicles/swarms/non-troops). Major Win: 16 The difference in VPs is greater than 200 points, in your favour. Minor Win: 12 The difference in VPs is between 100 and 200 points, in your favour. Draw: 10 The difference in VPs is less than 100 points. Minor Loss: 6 The difference in VPs is between 100 and 200 points, in your opponent’s

favour. Major Loss: 0 The difference in VPs is greater than 200 points, in your opponent’s favour. Bonus Points: (Maximum of four bonus points available) +1: If you have kept your army above 75% of starting models (not units). +1: If you destroy 50% or more of your opponent’s scoring units. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point HQ Choice (excluding retinues and dedicated transports). When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point unit that isn’t a HQ choice. When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point.

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Game Four: Seize Ground Setup: Pitched Battle deployment from the Deploy Forces section on Page 92 of the BRB. Objective: Seize Ground (Page 91 – BRB). Special Notes: Use five objectives instead of rolling. Mission Battle Points: Major Win: 16 Hold at least two more objectives than your opponent. Minor Win: 12 Hold at least one more objective than your opponent. Draw: 10 Both players hold the same amount of objectives. Minor Loss: 6 Hold one less objective than your opponent. Major Loss: 0 Hold two less objectives than your opponent. Bonus Points: (Maximum of four bonus points available) +1: If you have kept your army above 75% of starting models (not units). +1: If you destroy 50% or more of your opponent’s scoring units. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point HQ Choice (excluding retinues and dedicated transports). When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point. +1: If you destroy your opponent’s highest point unit that isn’t a HQ choice. When there are two units with an identical cost, destroying either gains you the point.

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Game Five: Annihilation Setup: Spearhead deployment from the Deploy Forces section on Page 93 of the BRB. Objective: Annihilation (Page 91 – BRB). Special Notes: N/A Mission Battle Points: Major Win: 16 You have three or more Kill Points more than your opponent. Minor Win: 12 You have one Kill Point more than your opponent. Draw: 10 You have the same number of Kill Points as your opponent. Minor Loss: 6 You have one Kill Point less than your opponent. Major Loss: 0 You have three or more Kill Points less than your opponent. Note: Wiping out your opponent counts as a Major Win for this mission. Bonus Points: (Maximum of four bonus points available) +1: For each table quarter you control at the end of the game (calculated using Victory Points).

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