  • 7/27/2019 2012-01-27 Fast Pixel Pattern Recognition


    Olivier Callot

    Fast Pixel pattern recognition

    General strategyGeometry

    Data organisationCode and tricks

    Comments on software

    27 January 2012

  • 7/27/2019 2012-01-27 Fast Pixel Pattern Recognition


    Olivier Callot


    Wenbin had implemented a first version It gives very promising results in terms of efficiency and ghostrates, measured on high mu events

    99.5 % efficiency

    2.2 % ghost rate

    But more work is needed ~10% clone rate

    ~53 ms per event !!!!

    I started to work on it in the first days of 2012Understand the geometry and the features

    Get digitized events (no standard Digi tapes with MC truth!)

    Understand the pattern

    Tune it

    Make it fast and efficient

    20 January 2012Recent developments in Pattern recognition 2

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    Olivier Callot


    48 sensors with 12 chips each 6 chips (3x2) at one z, 6 other at a different z

    Each chip is 256x256 pixels

    Clustered 2x2 by TELL40

    The rest is similar: right and left sensors at different z withoverlap and RF foil.

    20 January 2012Recent developments in Pattern recognition 3

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    Olivier Callot

    Can we use the DetectorElement ?NO as it is too slow !

    No need to apply a matrix operation to transform local to globalcoordinates

    A chip is flat enough so that one can make a linear approximation

    X = x0 + ax * row + bx * column

    Y = y0 + ay * row + by * columnZ = z0 + az * row + bz * column

    No need to handle the first and last row/columns separately

    The pixel size is (as far as I understood) different, but for the pattern

    this is irrelevant. Compute the parameters using pixel 1,1 and 254,254 and extrpolate

    to 0 and 255

    Cluster size not used so far

    Re-clusterization needed as TELL40 wont do it27 January 2012Fast Pixel patter recognition 4

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    Olivier Callot

    Hit preparation

    First convert the raw data to space positionA cluster is: sensor number, chip number, row and column in chip.

    Process the geometry once to get a parameterisation of the x,y,zposition of each pixel

    9 parameters per chip, 12 chips per sensor, 48 sensors

    Manageable data volume

    In a dedicated sensor object.

    Update the geometry of the detector moves, i.e. opening position

    Set PatPixelHit objects using a tool to manage the memory

    Similar to PatVelo, FastVelo,

    No new operator Hits organised per sensor

    Sorted by x coordinate at the end of the decoding.

    This takes 0.11 msWenbin was using standard tools 1.70 ms

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    To make the loop fast:Hits are sorted by x in each sensor.

    Loop on the hits in the first sensor Loop on the hits in the second sensor,

    start at the previous hit compatible with the previous hit of the firstsensor.

    A hit at a too low x cant be used when the first sensor hit is at higher x

    Loop is aborted as soon as a track is found or as soon as we areoutside the allowed x range for this first

    20 January 2012Recent developments in Pattern recognition 7

    Sensor 0

    Sensor 1

    After the red hit, restart here for the green one

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    Some constraints are applied:Hits must not be already used

    Define used as being on tracks with more than 3 hits as there aresome ghosts at this level.

    The pair must have a direction within 400 (x) and 300(y) mrad

    No concept of pointing to the vertex area

    For backward tracks, be more strict. Backward is defined as

    z of the seed sensor < 200 mm and

    zClosestToBeam at higher z than the first hit

    We need only the pointing tracks (PV use only)

    Ask for R-at-beam < 1 mm

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    The pair is extrapolated First towards lower z

    Find the closest hit in the next sensor same side.

    Distance to expected x position less than150 micrometers

    2 should be less than 100 (this is the test in y also)

    Double these tolerances if the Z distance to the previous hit is more than100 mm, as extrapolation is inaccurate

    Use a binary search to find the first hit at xExpected 150 um

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    10/19Olivier Callot

    What is a binary search ?

    Time is proportional to log2 of the multiplicity

    Useful when multiplicity is greater than ~10

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    11/19Olivier Callot

    The pair is extrapolated First towards lower z

    Find the closest hit in the next sensor same side.

    Distance to expected x position less than150 micrometers

    2 should be less than 100 (this is the test in y also)

    Double these tolerances if the Z distance to the previous hit is more than100 mm, as extrapolation is inaccurate

    Use a binary search to find the first hit at xExpected 150 um

    Fast, limited dependency on the occupancy

    If not found in a sensor of the same side, start to look at the other sidesensors also.

    Tracks can cross the boundary

    But at least 2 hits should be on the same side

    Stop when 5 sensor numbers have been missed

    Count 2 for each sensor missed when working only on one side.

    Then extrapolate to higher z, skipping the previous station

    It would have been found earlier!

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    Final fit to remove bad measurementsRemove iteratively the worse hit if2 higher than 16.

    Extra hits on the same sensors are added This is essentially the next hit on the list, as the hits are sorted in x

    2 must be less than 16.

    This handles the overlap between chips

    But there is a problem for wide clusters, i.e. more than 2 pixels inone direction

    Currently this is making 2 clusters, typically 2 pitches apart

    This is not good: The second cluster is at 2*12 sigma = 6.9 sigmas

    A better clustering is needed

    More than 2x2

    Detection of track-in-a-wafer and clean them

    Long series of pixels making a line

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    Filter short tracks, with only 3 hits Should be on 3 different sensors

    Should be all 3 unused

    2 per DoF should be less than 6.

    Filter also on longer tracksAt least 60% of the hits should be unused

    Problems when some hits are not too well aligned. They can beremoved, and then free to do a second track with all by the 2 seed hitsalready used

    Hits are now tagged as used.

    Tracks are stored at the end, when all are found. The check of all 3 hits unused on 3 cluster tracks is applied again,

    to be order independent.

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    14/19Olivier Callot

    Tooling of the pattern code

    For this code (PatPixel) as for FastVelo, PatXXXOne can selectively debug the processing of a given MC particle.

    Print statements are triggered by the hit belonging to the MCparticle

    No cost (test a bool !) when the debug option is not set

    A debug tool should be specified for the MC truth match.

    There is an algorithm to list missed MC particles List MCParticles not reconstructed, or having multiple tracks


    Can also print the ghosts, with their MC hit association, and thendebug the processing of these hits as indicated earlier

    This tooling is a must to understand the pattern!

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    Performance of PatPixel

    Measured on 900 simulated events 2 1033 conditions, mu~4, i.e. difficult!

    In average 150 tracks reconstructed per event

    Ghost rate = 0.9 % (standard LHCb, mu=1.5 : ~6% ) Efficiency long tracks : 99.0% with 1.2% clones

    Efficiency long tracks over 5 GeV: 99.7% with 0.5% clonesHit efficiency 98.44%, hit purity 99.93%

    Time per event : 1.12 ms 0.11 data preparation, 0.80 tracking, 0.21 conversion to LHCb::Track

    This last conversion is NOT needed in HLT1, and probably alsooffline.

    One could (should) work without new / delete for tracks

    We dont by expensive CPU for memory management!20 January 2012Recent developments in Pattern recognition 15

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    Comments on software

    I had a look at the detector element and some tools

    We should follow the LHCb coding conventions !Name rules.

    Coding rules.

    Several versions of the layout are availableWe should remove obsolete tests, i.e. non square pixels, if they

    are obsolete.

    Do not just copy what existedNo need for any half box geometry

    The pixel gives directly a space point, in the LHCb frame.

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    18/19Olivier Callot


    The Pixel tracks can be reconstructed In a FAST way, around 1 ms per event

    Very efficiently, over 99.5%

    With very few bad guys

    Ghosts are in fact not always real ghosts, but tracks made with a

    mother and daughter inside the Velo

    The code is available But the clustering should be implemented

    No linger a clustering done in TELL40

    Handling of wide clusters, of track-in-the-wafer

    It can and will certainly be improved

    Data model to be improved for HLT usage.

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    19/19Oli i C ll t

    Software effort to be coordinatedClean-up of not-needed legacy

    Strict adhesion to LHCb standardsAnd improve them if you feel this can help

    Start a team for knowledge sharing

    Some people will retire

    Dont re-invent the wheel

    And also try to make a working reconstruction forthe strip option

    Need simulation, new detector element, handling of more zones inthe sensors, In principle easy, but has to be tried to measure what could be

    obtained, with all our current expertise with this sort of detector, athigh luminosity.

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