Page 1: 20 ways you can pay it forward!


Page 2: 20 ways you can pay it forward!

1. BUY SOMEONE A COFFEE Buy someone a coffee or pay for the

persons order behind you in a drive through or line up

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2. OFFER A HOT MEAL Making your lunch for work? Make 2 and

give one away to someone who needs it.

Buying a meal to go, grab an extra one to give out on your way back home or to work.

Cook a warm meal, gather your friends to help distribute the food around town to people who are hungry.

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3. WALK A MILE… Going on a winter vacation this year?

Bring a few extra pairs of flip flops and give them to some of the locals.

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4. COMMUNITY GARDEN Help start a community garden in your

area or just volunteer. Another idea is to plant flowers/plants in rough or ugly areas of your city. There has been a huge movement called "Guerrilla Gardening"-Google it and you can find some really cool stuff!

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Send a good ol' fashioned thank you card. One of my fave ideas: when you get really great service somewhere or someone went out of their way to help you-send them a thank you card or make sure to really highlight it to their manager to make them feel noticed and appreciated.

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6. GIVE A GIFT Give a gift to someone who least

expects it (mail man, delivery person, a teacher, local fire or police department etc.)

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7. PICK UP GARBAGE Pick up garbage when you see it or take

1 hour on your weekend to collect garbage in your area

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8.VOLUNTEER Volunteer somewhere, only if it is only

for one day.

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9. IT’S IN YOU TO GIVE Give blood. If you are not afraid of

needles-people are in desperate need of blood and you could save someone's life.

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10. PITCH IN Help your parents, roommate etc with

cleaning/chores that they would usually do themselves

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11. LOOKIN GOOD! Give 10 compliments a day for a week

to strangers or people you know.

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12. DONATE Donate used clothing, canned goods or

your time to a charity who needs it. A great idea is to hang all of your hangers backwards in your closet, then after 6 months, all the hangers that are still backwards and have not been moved...those clothes get donated.

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13. ONE FOR ONE Buy from companies that are doing the

right thing. Examples: Ten Tree Clothing & Toms Shoes. They are called one for one companies. You buy from them and they give back to a cause or people in need.

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14. MOVIE NIGHT Go into a movie theatre and purchase

tickets from the automated machines and leave the tickets there with a note saying- enjoy the movie!

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15. SUPPORT LOCAL Buy local or handmade. Challenge

yourself this Christmas to buy from only local stores, local products. A great site for this is they have many handcrafted items.

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16. SIMPLE GESTURES Open the door for people, say please

and thank you. Smile-it goes a long way.

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17. BUMPER TO BUMPER When driving in rush hour or winter

conditions, let people in, be polite-it might just make their day

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18. SNOW REMOVAL Parked near a lot of other cars when it

has just snowed? Brush off their vehicles for them.

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19. HELP A SENIOR Shovel all the walks for your elder

neighbors or rake their leaves

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20. FIND YOUR PASSION Get passionate about a cause and

spread the word! Nothing better than word of mouth

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