  • 7/28/2019 2 Miricles to Be Saint


    5/28/13 :: 80,000 Harry potter stor ies and podcasts

    You are viewing a story from

    Two More Miracles to Be a Saint by lynnsmazing

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    Format: Novel

    Chapters: 5

    Word Count: 6,163Status: WIP

    Rating: Mature

    Warnings: Strong Language, Mild Violence, Scenes of a Mild Sexual Nature, Substance Use or Abuse, Sensitive

    Topic/Issue/Theme, Contains Spoilers

    Genres: Drama, Romance, Action/Adventure

    Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Draco, OC

    Pairings: Harry/OC, Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Ron/OC

    First Published: 07/18/2009

    Last Chapter: 09/14/2010

    Last Updated: 09/14/2010


    This is the modern world, full of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll; With Tegan being apart of that false reality.

    But when Albus Dumbledore calls the young veela to his office and gives her memories she thought shenever had, her real name, and the four teenagers to take care of, she realizes what reality is, and how

    she's going to have to live with her new life mixed in with her old life.

    Chapter 1: 1. Memories

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    Disclaimer: I do not own anything referring to J.K Rowlings creations. I also did not write the lyrics further down, that is "What

    Sarah Said" by Death Cab For Cutie. I however do have those tattoos, please no copying or stealing.


    Tegan Jack loved her life. She was set free when she was fifteen to do what she wanted, and made her way into the hands of

    Michael Weasley. He gave her a place to stay; he bought her everything she needed including all of her musical stuff and

    recording equipment that she needed. Sadly, Michael was not married, and was not able to have children unlike his brother,

    Arthur. So he gave her anything she wanted. Albus Dumbledore asked him to take care of her, but not really giving Michael the

    details on her life, where she came from, the parents, or anything.

    Although there was one thing that was incredibly obvious, Tegan was a veela. Now at age twenty-two she had been officially

    signed by a major label, but tried to stay under the wing, not really wanting to be shown off to everyone. All Tegan wanted wa

    people to listen to her music. The veela stood at 61 with curves a girl would die for, long, messy brown hair and green blue


    Tegan, of course, went to Hogwarts. But never really saw the famous Harry Potter until her sixth year when he came in as a
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    rs year. ee ng m s r e memores or some reason, u s e e n er ques ons, nowng a us wou re use o

    answer them until the t ime was right.

    Now being a graduate of Hogwarts for five years now she was at an all time high in the muggle and wizarding world. She was

    covered in bright tattoos. They ran down her arms, with the tree on her back stretching up her neck. Her first, however, was

    REINVENT on her knuckles. And she got it from a dream she had that she couldnt explain, just like the rest of her dreams. But

    somehow, this dream stood out.

    Dumbledore had come out into public two months ago after he faked his death. He was now headmaster once again and

    controlled the halls of Hogwarts. Tegan walked down the halls that she used to roam five years ago, heading up to the

    headmasters office. She glided up the staircase gracefully and knocked twice before the door opened. Into her view came

    Albus, she smiled and approached him at his desk.

    Albus, she smiled and hugged him, its been a while.

    It most definitely has, Miss Jac k. I hear you are doing well with you music? His weak smile held a lot of love in it, and many


    Tegan smiled and sat down in the chair in front of him, I am. Albus walked around his desk to sit in it and looked at her with h

    shining eyes.

    Tegan, you know why I have called you here to t alk. Although, my dear Tegan, we will not be talking all that much. I just

    wanted to give you this, He pulled a piece of paper from under a stack and handed it to her.

    Tegan Amy Riddle

    Surrey, England

    National Surrey Hospital

    8:14 AM June 19th, 1987*

    Mother: Sarah Jamiee Jack

    Father: Tom Marvolo Riddle

    Traits; Veela

    Tegan was hit with cry out loud. She put a hand to her mouth and started to cry. Her eyes were glued to the laminated piece o

    paper. Of course Tegan had questions, but she knew that Albus would not answer them unless he was ready to answer them.

    Make up covered her under eyes when she finally looked up, letting a few tears fall onto her dress.

    Once your father found out that you were female instead of male, he abandoned you and your mother. He later ended up killin

    her for refusing to join him and kill you. You were put into hiding for safety. However, your father did try to raise you until

    Minerva stole you away and put you into our hands at age five. You witnessed one of the most historical events in last fifty

    years. He pulled out a pensive liquid, this is from your mind when you were five years old. I suggest you look at it when you

    are ready, it holds horrible events.

    Tegan took the tube and stood up, and with out a word she walked out with her Birth Certificate and her memories.

    It had been three days since she had looked at her memories. Her fellow musicians were getting worried about her, but she

    didnt care. They didnt know anything about her life, and neither did she until three days ago. Tegan was not upset that she

    had been lied to, she understood why. But she was more horrified what she had seen as a child. Now all of those dreams she

    had made sense, and so did the curiosity of Harry Potter.

    Tom held his daughters hand as he walked up to a white house with a picket fence. The moon was full and there were no

    clouds in the sky, Tegan couldnt help but stare at the beautiful sky.

    Daddy, Im tired. She yanked on his hand and he smiled down at her. Her fathers face did not scare her at all, she was just

    happy that she got to spend time with him.

    He stopped and kissed her forehead, I want to t each you something first. Teach her something? Tegan definitely loved to

    learn, so she jumped up and down, These people are horrible, they are disgusting, and they want to hurt your daddy, so we

    have to make sure they dont hurt me or you. Tegans mouth turned into an O expression and nodded, There is this thing

    called respect, and its when you are very, very nice to someone for the amazing things they have done. And these people ar

    mean to me, we need to teach them respect.

    Tegan nodded again, Can I help? He laughed low in his throat.

    I need to teach you first, my kin. He opened the door and walked in, You must be quiieetttt. He put a finger to his lips and

    went, Shhhhh. Stay behind me, my love.

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    Come out, come out where ever you are. He laughed and turned quickly, muttering something making a flash of green light

    go up the stairs. She watc hed in amazement at the pretty light. Tegans father grunted and glided up the stairs yelling

    something, then a scream. Tegan was worried for a second before she realized that at least they were getting hurt and not

    her daddy.

    James! A scream came from upstairs, then a bang from a door shutting. Tegan walked slowly up the stairs and saw her

    father opening the door. She reached the top as he sc reamed again and the light came out again. The woman fell asleep, an

    the baby she had fell to the floor. He sat t here, looking at Tegan like she was the most precious toy. She waved at him and h


    Avada Kedavra! Light went everywhere and finally hit her father. He fell to the floor and she ran to him, he was just sleeping

    Tegan looked at the boy, noticing the scar on his forehead was the reason that was making him cry. Tegan walked up to himand patted his back.

    Its okay baby. Your scar wont hurt forever! He stopped crying and she helped him up. She bent down and gave him a kiss,

    Lets go, I have t o get my Daddys friends.

    She helped him downstairs and saw two people in the living room with tears in their eyes. One was an old woman, and the

    other, and old man. The old woman stepped forward, Come here, you two. Well keep you safe.

    My daddy and his mommy and daddy are upstairs sleeping. She picked the boy up and put a hand to Tegans cheek.

    Thank you, Albus will go up and get them. But for now, come with me and we will get you some chocolate milk. Tegan smile

    and nodded and walked out the door with the lady. Tegan turned her head back to the old man and waved, he responded with

    a smile.

    She had watched Harry Potters parents die. She had watched the beginning of the battle, the beginning of the war. Tegan

    leaned back in her bowl chair, pulled a blanket up to her nose and started to cry. She had written a song based on a dream, an

    only one line of lyrics rang though her head:

    But I'm thinking of what Sarah said that "Love is watching someone die"

    So who's going to watch you die?

    Authors note: I'm really excited for this story. I hope you love it and that you review. If you're a fellow writer, you know how

    much of a muse boost it is. Enjoy, and I will try to get another chapter up as soon as possible.

    Chapter 2: 2. Cranky

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    Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own anything.

    A knock came on the heavy wooden door placed at the front of her well-sized loft at seven in the morning. Tegan had still notbeen able to sleep, and honestly, she didnt look the best either for having her looks so extravagant all the time.

    She moved slowly towards the door in her jean leggings and big D.A.R.E shirt that was so long it went down to her knees. With

    quick look through the keyhole she saw a fellow musician, Philip Selway from The Weird Sisters waiting on the other side of the

    door. She opened the door and ran her hand through her hair, Phil, I c ant really explain. All he did was smile and kiss her

    cheek. He allowed himself in and took a whiff of the place.

    It smells like body sweat with a mix of burning plastic, Teag. He put his sleeve to his nose and all Tegan could do was shrug,

    Go take a damn shower, Ill take care of this disaster. She nodded, agreeing, and walked to take a shower as he waved his

    wand, cleaning up the place.

    When she walked out of the bathroom all washed up and clean, she noticed the smell had gone and everything was picked up.

    Tegan walked to her room and saw him on her computer, Dont look, boy.
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    I know, I know. Tegan dropped her towel and slid on underwear and a bra, I dont know whats making you like this, but Ive

    never seen you lose yourself so quickly. Find a solution quick, Tegan, or youll lose yourself completely.

    I just need t o find my mate is all. She mumbled and slipped on a black undershirt with some clean jean leggings, walking over

    to him and kissing his cheek, Im sorry its not you, love. But it is something I cannot help.

    Long story short, they had a history of sex, drugs, and rock n roll. It ended with him falling in love with her; and her moving on

    to find her mate.

    I know its okay. I dragged myself into that mess. But Im more worried of how you are handling yourself. This isnt healthy.

    Even though Phil has said that he wasnt in love with her, she decided to think otherwise.

    I know, I just needed to let loose I guess. She sat down on her bed and curled up, want ing to fall asleep, I really appreciate

    this, she stated as she realized that someone was coming up to her apartment, but I need you to leave. Im actually expectin

    someone. He stood up and nodded.

    Okay, she stood up as well and he kissed her on the cheek. Tegan followed him out and stood on her porch lighting a

    cigarette. Tegan took a drag right as Dumbledore and three other people followed behind him, Hey, Albus. She set her

    cigarette down and walked up to him and hugged him.

    Smoke is not an att ract ive smell, Tegan. He chuckled, and stepped back from their hug.

    Luckily, Im not trying to get a two hundred year old to be attracted to me. Albus laughed and turned towards the three


    This is Hermonie Granger, Ronald Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Harry Potter. Her eyes set on Harry and moved her glance to

    Albus, I need you to give them a place to stay.

    Tegan was a little angry, and reached to grab her cigarette with her long tattooed arms. She gave him a glance that told him h

    didnt approve of his idea, Okay.

    Former students, this is Tegan Amy Riddle, shell be housing you until I say otherwise. The four of the teens looked at her like

    she was poison, and she knew that they automatically did not feel safe around her. Thats the kind of reputation her father gav

    her, and she wish she could change it.

    Tegan tried to look at anything other than Harry, though it was hard. The memories she had watched stung her insides. On the

    bright side, she was rather happy that she had taken a shower and that her house was clean.

    This boy right here is Draco Malfoy, as I said earlier. Im sure you are aware of the Malfoy family and their traditions. However,

    this one has chosen to not follow tradition. Treat him the same as the others, and keep the peace between the four of them. I

    ask you bare them with the necessities of food and a place to sleep. Make sure they dont run off because they have been

    known to do that from time to time.

    What, am I taking care of toddlers? Albus, she was about to refuse but looked at Albus and saw how desperate he was. He

    wouldnt ask her of this unless it was completely necessary.

    I cant stay with her, Professor. Harry stated, with no emotion, I c ant stay with the spawn of Voldemort. Tegan shot him


    Hey kid, you dont know shit compared to what I know so shut your damn mouth or you can sleep on the fucking streets. She

    yelled, pointing over the edge with a cigarette in-between her fingers. Harry just looked down, obviously not pleased with the

    situation. None of them looked pleased.

    Will you four please go inside and make yourselves comfortable. I have to have a word with Miss Riddle. As they all passed to

    go inside they gave her the dirtiest look and Tegan shook her head at Albus.

    They obviously dont want to stay with me, Albus. Was a translation for, How could you put this much weight on me in oneweek?

    You know I would not ask this of you if I had other opt ions, Tegan. He replied. Tegan bit her lip, want ing to c ry, but shook he

    head and ran a hand through her long brown hair, Tell me if you are get ting low on money or anything, and I will supply you

    with what you need. However, for Mr. Potter, I understand the strain you must have with him. Like him just killing her father?

    Or that her father killed his parents? Please retrain yourself from doing anything that will embarrass yourself, I will be in touch.

    With a POP he was gone. She flicked her cigarette over the edge and walked inside.

    Tegan took note of Ron and Hermonie holding hands in the kitchen talking, and Harry and Draco staring furiously at each other.

    But Harrys glare turned from Draco to her instantly. He stood up and put a wand to her neck, I thought I was done with this!

    With betrayal and death! His eyes were red, and she could tell that he was going to cry if she didnt stop him.

    Stop with the drama, kid. She walked away from his wand easily and into the kitchen to grab a roll from her munch basket,

    Dont bitch at me when you dont know the full story. Tegan took a big bite of the roll and looked at the four of them, I have

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    three bedrooms, which means one is mine. Since obviously you two are dating, you get the one at the end of the hall. And

    seeing as you, she pointed to Harry with a roll in her hand, like to treat me like crap in my own home, you can share with


    I didnt do anything! Draco complained, Why are you st icking me with him?

    Tegan rolled her eyes, Unless you want to be in the room with the lovesick puppies, I suggest you suck it up. You know where

    the food is and to make sure you kids dont run off, youll be going everywhere with me. You dont have to do everything I do,

    but I need to keep an eye on you. She went to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of rum and a shot glass, You guys need any?

    Cause I know I sure as hell do.

    Draco was the first to stand up and join her. She pulled another shot glass out, and then another as Hermonie came by her side

    Hermonie! Harry yelled, You shouldnt drink, you're not even of age!

    We just got done with a damn war, watching people we love die, and Im pretty sure I just killed more people then I thought I

    would in my lifetime. I need a damn drink. Hermonie snapped.

    Atta girl. I poured her a shot, and saw Draco looking at Hermonie with a raised eyebrow, To those who lost their lives. Drac

    and Hermonie nodded and drank the shot.

    Merlin. Hermonie mumbled, I need something to drink.

    Ahh, chasers. She went to her fridge and pulled out a Coke, opening it for her.

    Funny you toasted to those who died with your father was responsible for all of this. Harry c lenched his jaw and had his arms

    crossed as he sat on her love seat.

    That s it. Tegan walked around the counter and to Harry. She grabbed him by the arm and opened the door, Sleep on the

    fucking street until you learn how to respect someone you ungrateful little kid. She slammed the door in his face, locking it,

    Anyone else want to join him? They said nothing and she nodded, that s what I thought. I dont have any tolerance for litt le

    kids who bitch at me.

    Tegan stormed into her room and pulled on a black v-neck and a jacket. She pulled her red purse over her shoulder and walked

    back out, Were going to a show. She walked out the door and Harry was sitting on the steps, ready to grow up? he looked

    up at her and just nodded, standing up and brushing the dirt off him, Were going to a show. She ran down the steps and got

    into her white band van she got from back in the day and waited for the kids to get strapped in.

    A/N: I hope you like it, if not or if so, let me knowwwww. :D

    Chapter 3: 3. Grow Up

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    Authors Note: I dont own anything, especially in this case, the two songs by Death Cab for Cutie that you should listen to to

    set t he mood of the story. '405 (acoustic)'and 'Summer Skin'

    She wasnt trying to give the kids a treat, or anything along those lines. Tegan just knew that they were under a lot of stress,

    and maybe seeing the Weird Sisters might take the kids off her back. She walked up the ramp in the back of a building and

    smiled at the security guard, Hey Jake, brought some friends with me.

    They wont be causing any trouble? The tall man asked. He took at around 66 and his muscle weight could probably cover

    over her body four times.

    Lets hope not. If so, Ill take care of them myself. He raised an eyebrow and laughed, smacking her on the back and glaring a

    the four teens as they passed through the door.

    Once they all walked in, Tegan examined the place. She hadnt played in this arena for two years, What exactly to do you

    mean by show? This place is massive! Ron yelled looking around and smiling at the echo that came back to him. Right after he

    said that, a voice came from the stage along with thousands of people cheering, Im Phil, and were the Weird Sisters. More

    cheering came through out the arena and the kids looked at each other.

    Youve got to be kidding! You know the Weird Sisters? Draco stood next to her side, looking out to the stage. She just turned

    and smiled at him. The other three went to get a closer look, Dont go on the stage. Her voice was firm, but she needed to be
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    w t our teenagers. Tegan cou te t at t ey were exc te , an a part o er was a most appy a out t, an anot er part

    didnt really care.

    Some more people from a hallway came into the living area where they were, and when Tegan noticed them she smiled, Issac!

    Tegan ran to him and hugged him, I didnt know you were touring with the boys! She had met Issac before either of them wer

    signed as musicians, and they had toured together when they didnt have any money at all, and were feasting on one dollar

    burritos from infectious gas stations.

    Apparently I didnt know either, he joked and looked at the four teenagers singing along to the song that was playing, Whoare they?

    The Golden Trio and their unwanted addition, Draco Malfoy. Tegan knew that he would freak out about the Trio. Issac

    narrowed his eyes at her, then at Harry. He walked up to the teenager and brushed his bangs aside, Seriously, Issac, stop.

    Hi, Im Issac Brock from Modest Mouse. He shook Harrys hand right as a person approached her and put a letter in her hand.

    Youve got to be bloody kidding! She heard Ron squeal and the teens and the band members got in a conversation. She

    opened the letter, it was from Dumbledore.


    Dracos family is not happy with his disappearance and are searching for him..

    His mothers death was caused by his father two hours ago. I will be by tomorrow to tell him the news.

    Please keep them in guarded areas if you go in public, as I do not want the remaining death eaters

    To find Mr. Malfoy.

    My best regards,

    Albus Dumbledore.

    Tegan frowned and looked at Draco who was in a crazy conversation with Eric. After she sighed and put the letter in her

    pocket, she walked over to join them. She wondered if she could act as normal as she usually did, along with wondering how

    close Draco was with his mother, and how close he was with his father.

    Time ticked by and it was almost midnight, and they were all in the van on their way back to Tegans loft, Why cant we just

    apparate? Draco complained. Because there are still Death Eaters looking for you and can track you through apparition.

    Because you do what I want. And this is what I want. She explained vaguely as she parked and got out of the car. The teen

    followed her to the elevator. Tegan could tell that they were all exhausted and ready for sleep. They ended up going in the

    crowd for Modest Mouses last few songs, and apparently they had never been squished all around by 2,000 people.

    Thank you for taking to the show, Tegan. Hermonie spoke up, the others agreed in mumbled slumber.

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    Good night kids, and please dont think about sneaking out, t his place is teen-proofed, she pointed at all of them, dont want

    you shocking yourself when you try to get out. She grinned because it was obviously a myth. They all nodded and said their

    good nights as she plopped herself down on her couch and turned on the television with a nice bottle of red wine.

    But the only thing that was going through her head was worry of the Death Eaters rising again, and how many were there? And

    how many were going to join again? But what worried her most was if they found out about her, if they wanted her.

    Tegan put on 405 (acoustic) by Death Cab for Cutie while she undressed and took a quick shower. She remembered when shefirst heard this; it was through one of the hardest times in her life. She was quitting drugs and having withdrawals. But now it

    was a worry of different habits that might come up, her fathers habits. What if its genetic, something terrible will happen

    She poured herself a glass of wine and lit a c igarette as she put the song on replay. She went out to the patio connected to

    room and looked out over the city. Red wine and the cigarettes: hide your bad habits underneath the patio The lead singer

    vocalized on the song, she leaned over the balcony and closed her eyes, feeling the warm wind on her face, blowing her hair

    around. This song made her a lot more comfortable with any situation, and finally turned around to see Harry in the doorway to

    her room.

    S-sorry I cant sleep, What could she do about that? I was wondering if you had maybe some sleeping medicine, or

    something. He wouldnt look at her. Tegans eyes were a little red from wanting to cry, and she tried not to look at him either.She turned the song to Summer Skin by the same band and pulled out her wand, I dont want you doing any magic on me. He

    finally looked at her, and he did it rather harshly. Tegan looked at him and nodded.

    Fine, Her voice was kind of shaky, you c an have a sleepless nigh-

    Why are you c rying? He interrupted her walking a little closer, she pushed him back.

    Get out! Tegan sc reamed and slammed the door, locking it and turning around grabbing her glass of wine and downing the res

    of it. How was she supposed to take care of four kids and deal with herself, too? Her memories now held the death of hundreds

    of people her father dragged her along to see, to get connected with, and see the light fade from their eyes. She didnt

    understand her father when she was younger, why he made everyone sleep, but now she did. Now everyone is going to thinkshes a monster and she isnt.

    Once the glass was empty of wine, the veela threw it against the wall. She knew the sound probably woke everyone up, but sh

    didnt care. She pulled a hoodie over her head and slid into her bed, pulling the light silk covers over her body, hoping tomorrowwould be better.

    Authors Note: i hope you liked it, and please reveiw. :)

    Chapter 4: 4. There First

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    Tegan didnt sleep at all that night. All she could do was lie on her bed and look at the ceiling. She had been stuck in this spot

    before, the feeling of not knowing whats going to happen, and knowing that all odds are against her. The kids hated her, and
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    she hated herself. Her drug binge was over but she felt like she didnt deserve any of this; the band, the fans, the money. What

    was it worth if she was all alone?

    It was eight in the morning. She threw her covers off and pulled her hair into a tight pony tail before walking out the door to

    start brewing some coffee. In the distance she heard a door open, the smell of coffee must have woken one of them up. Tegan

    turned and got some hard alcohol out of the cupboard and poured it into her coffee.

    Why are boys so difficult?

    Tegan laughed and turned around to see Hermione leaning against the kitchen entry with her arms crossed, Because they aren

    smart enough to not be difficult. Tegan answered leaning against the counter and taking a drink of her coffee.

    Hermione sighed and took a step in the kitchen, How do you deal with them? That got Tegan thinking, how did she? With all

    the other she just cut them off, stopped talking to them. But was that really dealing? Or is that how you deal with it?

    Hermione pointed to the glass liquor bottle that was almost empty.

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    That s none of your concern. Tegan snapped and took another drink as she grabbed her cigarettes and headed out t he door.

    She pulled one out just as Dumbledore appeared. The thought of Draco hearing the news broke her up. She nodded her head

    towards the door and he nodded, entering.

    It was five minutes before she headed inside. The trio was sitting in the living room in silence, lifting their heads when she

    entered, Where is he?

    In the room with the door locked, cant undo it with magic. Tegan sighed and went into her room to grab her metal baseball

    bat and walked over to the door and tapped on the door with the bat.

    Draco, unlock the door. All she heard was shuffling, Draco, Ill beat this door down. She knew that somewhere in the bac k o

    his mind he knew that she would do it. And after a minute of not responding and stepped back and swung the bat down,

    breaking off the knob and kicking the door open. Draco was standing up now, scared, with red eyes and his hair messed up.

    Tegan nudged her head towards her room, You dont move Ill make you move.

    Draco started to walk and went into her room. As she passed the living room she pointed at the trio, You leave, may god have

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    mercy on your souls. She said pointing the bat at them and following Draco into her room closing the door behind her.

    She took out a bottle of bourbon and handed it to him, Theyre looking for you, too. Dont be stupid and run off to get yoursel

    killed, she told him as he took a swig from the bottle, I know your mom must have meant a lot to you, so dont waste your life

    because shes gone, got it? he nodded.

    Can I go on a walk. It wasnt really a quest ion, just a statement. She knew that he didnt expect her to say yes. She sighed,

    knowing what it was like to lose someone the best thing to do is go for a walk, get some fresh air.

    After thinking for a second she came to a conclusion, If Ms. Granger goes with you. Tegan knew that she could trust

    Hermione. Tegan opened the door and walked out with Draco following her, Hermione, accompany Draco in a walk. Dont run

    off. She didnt even look at her but saw her nod and stand up.

    After the two left Ron stood up and looked over at Tegan, How could you let- he started to yell. Tegan put up her finger

    shushing him.

    Ask yourself, do you really want to get on my nerves right now? A swift glare from her and he sat down.

    Harry chuckled a little, did you not see her break off the door knob with a bat and kick the door in?

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    I got it, Harry."

    Play nice, Im going to the roof to make sure they dont run off. Tegan stated as she disappeared to the roof. She looked

    around for a bit and saw them in a near by park a block away. They were just holding each other. Tegan smiled slightly and too

    a seat on the ledge continuing to spy.

    Hermione stepped back to keep walking but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a kiss. Tegan gasped and wished she had away to see closer. She pushed him back and stormed off, heading back to apartment. Tegan disappeared again and appeared

    behind Draco as he started to walk off in the other direction.

    Dick move, kid.

    Oh shut the hell up! He yelled, turning around and pulling his hair a little bit.

    She has a boyfriend. Tegan stated it simply.

    Well I was here first! he screamed pointing to his chest and stormed off.

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    Authors Note: Don't hate me! Sorry I haven't updated lately. I just moved to the best c ity in the world and it kind of took my

    mind away for a month or two. Let me know if you like the direction the story is going. I loooovveeeee imput!

    Chapter 5: 5. The Situation[View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]

    Tegan and Draco sat in the park for some time, ripping grass up and putting it into a big pile that separated the two of them.Neither of them talked, with neither of them really wanting to, either. As it started to rain they both stood up at the same time

    and started to walk back.

    I dont love her. He mumbled, tearing apart a leaf and looking point blank at the grass beneath him.

    She sighed and linked arms with him, Of course you arent, hon.

    They entered her apartment to the sound of a head board hitting the wall. Draco took a deep breath just as she grabbed his

    wrist, but it wasnt enough. He yanked from her grip and burst through the door. Tegan decided to let them work it out, or

    maybe she was just too lazy. She sat down across from Harry at the dining room table and buried her nose into the crook of he


    I know you didnt want to take care of four teenagers, Harry started before Tegan waved her other hand in the air to get him

    to stop, but he continued after a few seconds, I dont agree with Dumbledore with how he approached the situation either.

    Tegan lifted her head, I understand that he didnt have any other choices, to where you would all be safe. Im not complaining

    anymore. She leaned back against her chair as screaming and loud crashes came from the guest bedroom. Her fingers met her

    temples as she gently rubbed them.

    She didnt notice Harry get up or even get into a cabinet full of alcohol before he set a full glass of coke and rum before her.

    Tegan looked up with her pale eyes to see a small smile drawn on his lips, Youre welcome. He chuckled a bit as he sat down.

    She joined him with a few laughs before she took a swig of it and stood up, heading over to where all the commotion was

    coming from.

    From the kitchen, Harry could hear her yelling, Hermione! Choose!

    Ron! I want Ronald! it seemed to over power Tegans voice.

    There was a silence then a sob, Im sorry, Ron. With that Hermione rushed out of the room, wrapped in a bed sheet. Tegan ra

    after her and pulled her by the arm in the middle of the living room.

    Tegan pulled her face in close, Dont you everrun away from a situation you created! Her voice was low, but still furious.

    Hermiones expression changed from upset to angry. A hand swept across Tegans cheek, but a split second decided that

    Hermione should be on the ground, with Tegans hand curled in her hair lifting her head up, Dont you ever hit me. Work your

    own shit out, but dont take your insecurities out on the person that is giving you a safe house, for the time being. She let go

    of her hair and let Hermione curl up against the couch. Draco walked out of the bedroom while Ron went out the front door.

    Draco sat next to Hermione, caressing her slightly for comfort. Tegan leaned up against the wall and sighed, running a hand

    through her hair carelessly. She really didnt want to vocalize how dramatic this was and that she would rather wax her bare sk

    fifty times before having to deal with this.

    Well that was dramatic . Harry vocalized, Draco shot him and look and Harry shrugged, tugging off his jacket and throwing it o

    the couch just as a blood curling scream can from Ron outside that sounded like Tegans name.
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    She shot up and ran outside to see Ron bolting towards her with black smoke about to submerge him. She pulled him inside and

    closed the door; they all ran towards her and apparated as soon as they were all touching.

    Authors Note:

    Soooooooooooooooo, I'm going to try to update lots more. I'm wanting to actually write again instead of feeling its a necessity.

    I decided to get into the plot a little more instead of dragging it on, so this is sort of an explosion of errors, but not really. Hope

    you liked it, and I'd love it if you reveiwed/rated.


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