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    Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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    From "The Three Bushes" by William Butler Yeats:

    That stip the body bare.' i{O my dear, O my dear.}

    From "The Mother-Lodge" by Rudyard Kipling:

    An' our Lodge was old an' bare, But we knew the Ancient Landmarks, An' we kep' 'em to a hair;

    An' lookin' on it backwards

    From "England's Answer" by Rudyard Kipling:

    Flesh of the flesh that I bred, bone of the bone that I bare; Stark as your sons shall be -- stern as your fathers were.

    From "The Sons of Martha" by Rudyard Kipling:

    Then do the hill-tops shake to the summit---then is the bed of the deep laidbare,

    That the Sons of Mary may overcome it, pleasantly sleeping and unaware.

    From "The Duell" by Richard Lovelace:

    For so I was best arm'd, when bare. His first pass did my liver rase: yet I Made home a falsify too neer: For when my arm to its true distance came,

    From "The Bour-Tree Den" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    My face was brown, my feet were bare The wind had ravelled my tautit hair,

    From "De Hortis Julii Martialis" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    The moderate summit, something plain and bare, Tastes overhead of a serener air;

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    From "Come, My Beloved, Hear From Me" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    Or far from cities, brown and bare, Play at the least in open air.

    From "Cotter's Saturday Night, The" by Robert Burns:

    His bonnet rev'rently is laid aside, His lyart haffets wearing thin and bare; Those strains that once did sweet in Zion glide, He wales a portion with judicious care;

    From "Holy Willie's Prayer" by Robert Burns:

    Thy strong right hand, Lord make it bare Upo' their heads; Lord visit them, an' dinna spare, For their misdeeds.

    From "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    And the meeting-house windows, black and bare, Gaze at him with a spectral glare,

    From "Quadroon Girl, The" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    Her eyes were large, and full of light, Her arms and neck were bare; No garment she wore save a kirtle bright, And her own long, raven hair.

    From "Peter Bell, A Tale" by William Wordsworth:

    The shadowy forms of mountains bare, And streams, and bowers, and ladies fair,

    From "Seven Sisters, The" by William Wordsworth:

    Seven little Islands, green and bare, Have risen from out the deep: The fishers say, those sisters fair, By faeries all are buried there,

    From "Her Eyes are Wild" by William Wordsworth:

    Her eyes are wild, her head is bare, The sun has burnt her coal-black hair;

    From "Two April Mornings, The" by William Wordsworth:

    "A basket on her head she bare; Her brow was smooth and white:

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    To see a child so very fair, It was a pure delight!

    From "Guilt and Sorrow" by William Wordsworth:

    A traveller on the skirt of Sarum's Plain Pursued his vagrant way, with feet half bare; Stooping his gait, but not as if to gain Help from the staff he bore; for mien and air

    From "Thorn, The" by William Wordsworth:

    Though but of compass small, and bare To thirsty suns and parching air.

    From "Sonnet XXIX" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare, And let these bands of greenery which insphere thee Drop heavily down,--burst, shattered, everywhere ! Because, in this deep joy to see and hear thee

    From "Ode, On Intimations Of Immortality" by William Wordsworth:

    The Moon doth with delight Look round her when the heavens are bare, Waters on a starry night Are beautiful and fair;

    From "Saul" by Robert Browning:

    ``Have I knowledge? confounded it shrivels at Wisdom laid bare.

    ``Have I forethought? how purblind, how blank, to the Infinite Care!

    From "Porphyria's Lover" by Robert Browning:

    She put my arm about her waist, And made her smooth white shoulder bare, And all her yellow hair displaced, And, stooping, made my cheek lie there,

    From "Holy Thursday" by William Blake:

    And their son does never shine, And their fields are bleak and bare, And their ways are filled with thorns: It is eternal winter there.

    From "Chimney-Sweeper, The" by William Blake:

    "Hush, Tom! never mind it, for, when your head's bare, You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."

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    From "The Charge Of The Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    Flash'd all their sabres bare, Flash'd as they turn'd in air

    From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And left a channel bleak and bare, Save shrubs that spring to perish there:

    From "Siege of Corinth, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    The rock unworn its base doth bare, And looks o'er the surf, but it comes not there;

    From "Siege of Corinth, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    Their leader's nervous arm is bare, Swifter to smite, and never to spare

    From "Three Guides, The" by Anne Bront:

    Deserts beyond lie bleak and bare, And keen winds round us blow; But if thy hand conducts me there, The way is right, I know.

    From "Past Days" by Anne Bront:

    And heart to kindred heart was bare,

    And Summer days were far too short For all the pleasures crowded there, And silence, solitude, and rest,

    From "Charmides" by Oscar Wilde:

    But some good Triton-god had ruth, and bare The boy's drowned body back to Grecian land, And mermaids combed his dank and dripping hair And smoothed his brow, and loosed his clenching hand,

    From "Charmides" by Oscar Wilde:

    Would almost leave the little meadow bare, For it knows nothing of great pageantry, Only a few narcissi here and there Stand separate in sweet austerity,

    From "The Ballad Of Reading Gaol" by Oscar Wilde:

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    For three long years the unblessed spot Will sterile be and bare, And look upon the wondering sky With unreproachful stare.

    From "Humanitad" by Oscar Wilde:

    IT is full Winter now: the trees are bare, Save where the cattle huddle from the cold Beneath the pine, for it doth never wear The Autumn's gaudy livery whose gold

    From "Panthea" by Oscar Wilde:

    His curls all tossed, as when the eagle bare The frightened boy from Ida through the blue Ionian air.

    From "Panthea" by Oscar Wilde:

    There never does that dreary north-wind blow Which leaves our English forests bleak and bare,

    Nor ever falls the swift white-feathered snow, Nor doth the red-toothed lightning ever dare

    From "France: An Ode" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    Yes, while I stood and gazed, my temples bare, And shot my being through earth, sea, and air,

    From "Christabel" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    The night is chill ; the forest bare ;

    Is it the wind that moaneth bleak ? There is not wind enough in the air To move away the ringlet curl

    From "Christabel" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    Her stately neck, and arms were bare ; Her blue-veined feet unsandal'd were ;

    From "Christabel" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    To wander through the forest bare, Lest aught unholy loiter there.'

    From "The Burden Of Itys" by Oscar Wilde:

    Or else on yonder grassy slope with bare High-tuniced limbs unravished Artemis Had bade her hounds give tongue, and roused the deer From his green ambuscade with shrill halloo and pricking spear.

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    From "A little while, a little while," by Emily Jane Bront:

    The house is old, the trees are bare And moonless bends the misty dome But what on earth is half so dear - So longed for as the hearth of home ?

    From "West London" by Matthew Arnold:

    A girl; their clothes were rags, their feet were bare. Some labouring men, whose work lay somewhere there,

    From "Obermann Once More" by Matthew Arnold:

    Past Sonchaud's piny flanks I gaze And the blanch'd summit bare Of Malatrait, to where in haze The Valais opens fair,

    From "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by Thomas Stearns Eliot:

    Arms that are braceleted and white and bare (But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)

    From "Fairies, The" by William Allingham:

    By the craggy hill-side, Through the mosses bare, They have planted thorn-trees For pleasure here and there.

    From "The Shadow Of The Cross" by John McCrae:

    He found two waifs in an attic bare; -- A single crust was their meagre fare --

    From "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    And coral reefs lie bare, Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.

    From "The Witch Of Atlas" by Percy Bysshe Shelley:

    Beheld as living spirits. To her eyes The naked beauty of the soul lay bare, And often through a rude and worn disguise She saw the inner form most bright and fair:

    From "The Cloud" by Percy Bysshe Shelley:

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    The pavilion of Heaven is bare, And the winds and sunbeams with their convex gleams Build up the blue dome of air, I silently laugh at my own cenotaph,

    From "The Convent Threshold" by Christina Georgina Rossetti:

    Alas, my heart, if I could bare My heart, this selfsame stain is there:

    From "Robin Hood, A Child." by Leigh Hunt:

    Great love to him his uncle too The noble Gamelyn bare, And often said, as his mother knew, That he should be his heir.

    From "Hand of Glory, The : The Nurse's Story" by Richard Harris Barham:

    Have left his little bald pate all bare; For his full-bottom'd wig

    Hangs, bushy and big, On the top of his old-fashion'd, high-back'd chair.

    From "Hand of Glory, The : The Nurse's Story" by Richard Harris Barham:

    And the long crooked whittle is gleaming and bare, -- I really don't think any money would bribe Me the horrible scene that ensued to describe, Or the wild, wild glare

    From "A Lay of St. Nicholas" by Richard Harris Barham:

    And, while 'sour-kraut' she sells you, the Landlady tells you That there, in those walls, now all roofless and bare, One Simon, a Deacon, from a lean grew a sleek one, On filling a ci-devant Abbot's state chair.

    From "Out of Pompeii" by William Wilfred Campbell:

    And in the ash-hid ruins opened bare, As she lay down in her shamed loveliness, Sculptured and frozen, late they found her there, Image of love 'mid all that hideousness.

    From "Cleopatra" by Algernon Charles Swinburne:

    She sees the hand of death made bare, The ravelled riddle of the skies, The faces faded that were fair, The mouths made speechless that were wise,

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    From "Disappointment, The" by Arphra Behn:

    He saw her rising Bosom bare, Her loose thin Robes, through which appear

    From "The Choise of Valentines" by Thomas Nashe:

    And fairest bud the red rose euer bare ; Although my Muse deuor'st from deeper care

    From "SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE" by Bob Dylan:

    He woke up, the room was bare He didn't see her anywhere.

    From "I've Been Everywhere" from "Ring of Fire":

    Crossed the deserts bare, man I've breatherd the mountain air, man

    From "Ballad of Sweeney Todd (Prologue)" from "Sweeney Todd":

    His need were few, his room was bare: a lavabo and a fancy chair,

    From "Vivez" from "The Scarlet Pimpernel":

    Come and lay your passions bare But, my dear, if people stare...

    From "Keys (Marianna) / Keys (It's Alright)" from "Passing Strange":

    The faucets leak, the cupboard's bare, My -ha- underwear are everywhere!

    From "Finale" from "Sweeney Todd":

    His needswere few, his room was bare. A lavabo and a fancy chair.

    From "Dance: Ten, Looks: Three" from "A Chorus Line":

    Where the cupboard once was bare Now you knock and someone's there.

    From "Game" from "Damn Yankees":

    Blonde, and stacked, and absolutely bare, And nothin' separatin' us but air!

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    From "Those Canaan Days" from "Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat":

    Now the fileds are dead and bare No joie de vivre anywhere

    From "I'll Be There" from "The Pirate Queen":

    Heart Laid Bare, Stripped Of Pride, Yet Still Proud. I'll Be There In The Depths Of My Sadness

    From "You're Just in Love" from "Call Me Madam":

    I smell blossoms and the trees are bare All day long I seem to walk on air

    From "Applause" from "Applause":

    You're bank account's bare, your cat has flu,

    you're losing your hair, then you hear it...

    From "Sugar" from "Tick, Tick... Boom":

    And strips me bare Sugar, sugar, sugar I won't care

    From "Everybody's Got the Right" from "Assassins":

    No job? Cupboard bare? one room, no one there?

    From "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" by Elvis Presley:

    Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?

    From "Hellbound (H&H Remix)" by Eminem:

    that I'ma get up and walk, leavin the concrete bare

    with the chalk outline still there

    From "Whose Hands Are These" by Neil Diamond:

    That touch me when my soul is bare Whose hands are these That offer all theyve got to share To show the way

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    From "October" by U2:

    And the trees are stripped bare Of all they wear

    From "Don't Look In My Eyes" by Kenny Rogers:

    They're standing empty and bare And there isn't any sign you were here

    From "Happiness is a Thing Called Joe" by Bette Midler:

    Sometimes the cabin's gloomy and the table's bare But then he'll kiss me and it's Christmas everywhere

    From "All of a Sudden (It's Too Late)" by XTC:

    All of a sudden, We find the cupboard's bare. All of a sudden,

    We find heaven's not there.

    From "Razzle Dazzle" by Deep Purple:

    And this room's so cold and bare And there's nothing here for me I've got to find some heat somewhere Get up, get up, we're going out on the raz

    From "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" by Anne Murray:

    Seem empty and bare Do you gaze at your doorstep And picture me there

    From "Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere" by Nick Cave:

    I remember a girl so bold and so bright Loose-limbed and laughing and brazen and bare Sits gnawing her knuckles in the chemical light O where do we go now but nowhere

    From "Avalanche" by Nick Cave:

    To kneel grotesque and bare For I myself am the pedestal For this ugly hump at which you stare

    From "Chaque Jour de Ta Vie" by Roch Voisine:

    Over and over your heart's been left bare

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    Haunted by faith that has led you nowhere

    From "Rosemary" by Lenny Kravitz:

    Tear stained cheeks, her feet cold and bare Who could have left a child so rare?

    From "Lookout Mountain" by Drive-By Truckers:

    No more pain my soul to bare No more worries about paying taxes What to eat, what to wear

    From "Those Canaan Days" by Andrew Lloyd Webber:

    Now the fields are dead and bare No joie de vivre anywhere

    From "The Way It Always Starts" by Mark Knopfler:

    Now all the streets are dark and bare Oh, if you can live in this town And stick around, you can live anywhere

    From "Tonight Will Be Fine" by Leonard Cohen:

    The windows are small and the walls almost bare There's only one bed and there's only one prayer

    From "Avalanche" by Leonard Cohen:

    Your laws do not compel me To kneel grotesque and bare. I myself am the pedestal For this ugly hump at which you stare.

    From "Wings of Grace" by Santana:

    Whose lives make ours seem so bare Who make us feel so empty Because they dare to care For they dream not of thing done before

    From "Amazing Grace" by Jars Of Clay:

    I never felt the roots I bare I sold my sight, oh brother, sister For a mountain of fool's gold, it's gone Only God knows, God knows where

    From "Is This Desire?" by PJ Harvey:

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    And Dawn's neck and her feet were bare Sweetness in her golden hair

    From "Royal Orleans" by Led Zeppelin:

    Most everywhere, Until the closet's bare Run for the razor, fun, Doin' up my hair

    From "Warehouse" by Dave Matthews Band:

    Warehouse is bare Nothing at all inside of it Walls and halls have disappeared My love i love to stay here

    From "It Must Be Summer" by Fountains of Wayne:

    It must be summer 'cause the streets are bare And I try your number but you're just not there

    From "Looked Into the Wings" by BILLY GILMAN:

    When my star began to fade and I found the stage was bare I looked into the wings and you were there

    From "Untouchable" by Undertones:

    A crazy lust that strips me bare A tarnished whim that just will not wear

    From "Put It On Ya" by Plies:

    You find me, then I get bare Either way we both win, now that's fair

    From "Falling" by Richard Marx:

    My truth laid open and bare It's in my flesh and bones Yeah it's everywhere

    From "Creepin' In" by Norah Jones:

    For me to bare Shines brightly on my bed And the shadows overhead Won't let me sleep as long as they're there

    From "The End Complete" by Obituary:

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    When the time has come to bare Dying young, fall to despair

    From "Snowbirds And Townies (Further Seems Forever Cover)" by Hit The Lights:

    that I can not bare, another year,

    From "The Quest" by Freedom Call:

    Lies down so cold and bare I'm a stranger in this emptiness Close to deep despair

    From "Gasoline" by Audioslave:

    Houses honest, clearly more than I can bare Drag me off before I set my world on fire

    From "Don't Look Back" by Nine Days:

    with your soul laid bare and close your eyes on the life you share and you can pretend that it won't mean a thing

    From "Everybody's Out Of Town" by B.J. Thomas:

    All of the streets are bare No traffic tie-ups anywhere

    From "Nihil Sleighride" by Turbonegro:

    The landscape's icy and it's bare If you want to be among the eagles Just try to follow if you dare

    From "Family" by Matt Wertz:

    With so much to bare I know it's not fair

    From "What a Friend" by Mary Mary:

    All of our sins and griefs He'll bare What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer

    From "Birds" by Aztec Camera:

    Down in the streets I see the trees grow bare

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    Broken and battered in the thinning air

    From "The Ninety and Nine" by Andrew Peterson:

    Away on the mountains, wild and bare Away from the tender shepherd's care

    From "Exit" by Longwave:

    Until it leaves me bare And underneath this sea of air

    From "Bi-Polar" by Assemblage 23:

    A mask I wear, so I don't bare My soul to the cold, harsh world out there

    From "Old Man Of The Mountain" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy:

    But he's got long hair and his feet are bare

    They say he's mad as an old march hare

    From "My Christmas Prayer (Featuring Rob Thomas)" by BeBe Winans:

    And poses the strength you need to bare This is my Christmas prayer

    From "My Christmas Prayer (Featuring Delores Winans)" by BeBe Winans:

    Poses the strength you need to bare This is my Christmas prayer

    From "Stormy Weather" by Royal Crown Revue:

    Life is bare Gloom and misery's everywhere

    From "Lugburz" by Summoning:

    When pools are black and trees are bare, It is evil in the wild to fare.

    From "Oi" by Lethal Bizzle:

    Br'er, I draw bare girls draw bare Number, hey what did you say Be careful yeah, bare things in here

    From "The Shadow Of An Empire" by Fionn Regan:

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    But it's still damp, cold and bare You must wear

    From "Hold Your Hand" by Paul Oakenfold:

    Questions I can't bare Feelin' so tired I'm wonderin' where Selfish love inspires

    From "Afraid To Dream" by Benny Goodman:

    Afraid to dream, without you it would seem so bare With open arms I call to you, I want you, dear

    From "Calling Mr. Welfare" by Big Daddy Kane:

    So what's to do since the cupboard is bare? Brrring brrring! call on mr. welfare

    From "Damn" by Profyle:

    Lying there in the bare Girl you need to beware

    From "A Modest Proposal (The Long Underwear Song)" by Small Fred:

    Beneath our clothes, without it we are bare Plutonium is perilous and coal pollutes the air

    From "Greyhound" by Big Head Todd And The Monsters:

    Beneath the moonlight still lay a bare Barely unnoticed, bury my head in her soft hair

    From "She Danced" by Bill Wyman:

    The tiny, tiny feet were bare Bells on her fingers and toes Music in the air

    From "The Scarlet Letter" by Jag Panzer:

    She wears a gown of satin, underneath is bare In privacy she will teach you all you ever dare

    From "Waiting For Time" by Sam Sparro:

    Your disappointment isn't easy to bare My mind is hard awaking up to find that you aren't there

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    From "What Is He Thinking?" by The Streets:

    But one day, went leavin' the cupboard bare The facts all click in and become square

    From "Burn It Black" by Injected:

    I sow these streets with my own blood it seems My soul is feeling unkempt and bare. I'm just like you I'm complicated too. Jealous knives in my back to spare.

    From "Walking In The Sunshine" by Bad Manners:

    Autumn eve and the leaves are falling 'Til the trees are bare Summer's gone, I can hear you calling Haven't got a care

    From "Sirens Over Sinclare" by A Small Victory:

    And ever inch of skin will bare Every scar that you could tear

    From "Sndag i April" by Anne Linnet:

    nej, sdan er det bare du er det dyrebareste jeg har

    From "Crazy" by The Manhattans:

    My life was bare Without a love to share

    From "Blue Solitaire" by Telling:

    Empty and bare Never a word of good-bye It froze in the air BLUE SOLITAIRE

    From "Battlesong" by Deltron 3030:

    They hit me with compressed air, left my chest bare My sonic stun gun takes 'em out by the next snare

    From "A House With Love In It" by Four Lads:

    The room so plain and bare And yet, it's beautiful somehow When love is living there

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    A house with love in it

    From "Where Do I Go From Here" by Disney:

    The earth is cold, the fields are bare The branches fold against the wind that's everywhere

    From "(Open the Door) Let the Good Times In" by Dean Martin:

    I went to that cupboard found the cupboard bare What happened to that sip of wine I had hidden there

    From "(Open Up the Door) Let the Good Times In" by Dean Martin:

    Found the cupboard bare What happened to that sip of wine I had hidden there Over in the corner a little mouse laid on his side

    From "June in January" by Dean Martin:

    The trees are bare But I can feel the scent of roses in the air

    From "Send Her to Me" by Conway Twitty:

    Earth that I live on, my life is bare Won't you take pity on my despair

    From "Ripopgodazippa" by Prince:

    up go da left thigh on me shoulder bare up go da right and my blood pressure there

    From "Come" by Prince:

    (Come) Don't be surprised if I tell u 2 go bare (Come) Long as u wash between u're soul and thru u're hair

    From "Stormy Weather" by Frank Sinatra:

    Life is bare

    Gloom and misery everywhere

    From "Jamaica Farewell" by Marty Robbins:

    Ladies cry out while on their heads they bare Ackey rice, salt fish are nice And the rum is fine any time of year

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    From "Grown Up Tears" by Marty Robbins:

    'Til my very soul was bare What a fool I was because I knew You didn't even really care (Didn't even care)

    From "Where I Learned to Pray" by Loretta Lynn:

    Our clothes were clean but faded Sometimes our feet were bare But no one noticed anything Except the Lord was there.

    From "Partners" by Eddy Arnold:

    The cabin's covered now with snow And shelves of food are bare Satan's waitin' for me now And I'm too cold to care.

    From "Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)" by Eddy Arnold:

    All the stores were closed and shuttered All the streets were dark and bare In our town no scarlet ribbons Not one ribbon for her hair.

    From "I've Been Everywhere" by Hank Snow:

    Cross the deserts bare man I've breathed the mountain air man.

    From "Everybody Does It in Hawaii" by Hank Snow:

    Her lips are red, her little ole feet are bare She shy on cloths but I don't care

    From "Scarlett Ribbons" by Willie Nelson:

    All the streets were dark and bare In my town no scarlet ribbons Not one ribbon for her hair

    From "Emerald City Sequence" by Diana Ross:

    Don't tell them your cupboard's bare That you gave up one week's feed To pay for your colored hair Oh, oh, oh

    From "Gulliver" by Elton John:

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    But now it lies empty so cold and so bare Gulliver's gone but his memory lies there

    From "Scarlet Ribbons" by Jim Reeves:

    All the stores were locked and shuttered All the streets were dark and bare In our town no scarlet ribbons No scarlet ribbons for her hair.

    From "Make Me Wonderful in Her Eyes" by Jim Reeves:

    Expose my heart and lay it bare Let her see the love that's there

    From "I'd Still Be There" by Johnny Cash:

    But now the world that once was bright is empty and bare And if you wouldn't be ashamed of me, I'd still be there

    From "I've Been Everywhere" by Johnny Cash:

    Crossed the deserts bare, man I've breathed the mountain air, man

    From "What Do I Care" by Johnny Cash:

    And sometimes my table looks a little bare Anything that I may miss is made up for each time we kiss You love me and I love you, so what do I care?

    From "Corner of My Life" by Bill Anderson:

    And my soul is lying bare I reach over in the Corner of my life And I find you waiting there

    From "You Haven't Left Me Yet" by George Strait:

    The walls are all bare The closet's half empty The phone doesn't ring like before

    I'm done with fallin' apart

    From "Hit And Run Affair" by Perry Como:

    Had your fun, now you're done, my bleeding heart is bare Couldn't see that it would be a hit an' run affair!

    From "Scarlet Ribbons" by Bobby Bare:

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    All the stores were closed and shuttered All the streets were dark and bare In our town no scarlet ribbons Scarlet ribbons for her hair.

    From "Summer (The First Time)" by Bette Midler:

    My shoulders bare, he tried not to stare,

    From "Your Tender Loving Care" by Buck Owens:

    Day goes by so slow when you're not with me Nights are long and oh so, hard to bare Everything is nothing dear without you And I'm nothing without your tender loving care.

    From "I'll Take The Rain" by R.E.M.:

    You laid me bare

    and marked me there

    From "Mad Mad World" by Rick Nelson:

    Ever since the devil tempted woman with an apple We've all had a burden to bare Now the world keeps turnin' and things are gettin' faster Nobody's goin' nowhere.

    From "The Ballad Of St. Anne's Reel" by John Denver:

    Now the sailor's gone, the room is bare The old piano's settin' there

    From "Silver Palomino" by Bruce Springsteen:

    Our herd grazed the land so bare Me and my dad had to blowtorch the thorns off the prickly pear

    From "Antique Angelique" by Status Quo:

    And the shop is so bare

    All these things that I bought mean nothing 'Cos Angelique is still there It's too late now to forget her

    From "Incendiary Incoming" by Napalm Death:

    And lost crimes laid raw and bare, guarded eyes with intruded glare.

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    From "Eyes Right Out" by Napalm Death:

    Don't steal back from exploiters that stripped you bare Don't arrive back to thinking that he's got your share

    From "Shelter In The Rain" by Stevie Wonder:

    And the stage is bare And no more magic's in the air

    From "Everything Is Happenin'" by Stevie Wonder:

    See how the world is scared, on the street turning bare Most of the new is bad, crime just breeds in the air

    From "Ladies pay" by Lou Reed:

    The storekeepers have drawn their lace curtains bare And all the women and the wee young girls all waiting there

    From "Gamer" by Tech N9ne:

    She love when her breasts bare With hot candlewax that's rare

    From "Hungry Daze" by Deep Purple:

    Sickness and disease and mad corruption, something's going wrong The mountain's getting cold and lonely, the trees are bare We all came out to Montreaux, but that's another song You've heard it all before

    From "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple:

    It was empty, cold, and bare But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside Makin' our music there With a few red lights and a few old beds

    From "Come, Ye Lofty" by Religious Music:

    Oxen, round about behold them;

    Rafters naked, cold, and bare, See the Shepherds, God has told them That the Prince of Life lies there.

    From "When a Girl Becomes a Wife" by Tammy Wynette:

    A gingham dress for Sundays And my legs cannot be bare A petticoat with ruffles

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    And some ribbons for my hair.

    From "A Box For Black Paul" by Nick Cave:

    Here is the stone, and this is the inscription at bare 'Below Lies Black Paul, Under The Upper... But Above and Beyond The Surface-Flat-Fall There.' And all the angels come on down,

    From "People Ain't No Good" by Nick Cave:

    The winter stripped the blossoms bare A different tree now lines the streets Shaking its fists in the air The winter slammed us like a fist

    From "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" by Tom Waits:

    There are no words in the wind, the trees are all bare Life's mean as a needle; but why should I care?

    From "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" by Connie Francis:

    Does the room where we once loved seem empty and bare Do you gaze at your pillow and picture me there

    From "Scarlet Ribbons (For her hair)" by Roger Whittaker:

    All the stores were closed and shuttered all the streets were dark and bare In our town no scarlet ribbons not one ribbon for her hair

    From "I'm Only Human" by Dottie West:

    I walk in the room is bare I close my eyes pretending you're there

    From "Lonely Is" by Dottie West:

    Lonely is a feeling That strips your conscience bare A state of mind you can't explain But still you know it's there.

    From "Bare" by Anthrax:

    Find the space that was left bare An empty space I'd gladly share

    From "Don Quixote" by Gordon Lightfoot:

    Who wake to find the table bare

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    See the gentry in the country riding off to take the air

    From "Come The Carnivor" by Gwar:

    Now the tomb is bare Scraps of cloth and hair

    From "What Do I Care" by Statler Brothers:

    And sometimes my table looks a little bare Anything that I may miss is made up for each time we kiss You were mine for a little while so what do I care?

    From "Apache Rose Peacock" by Red Hot Chili Peppers:

    I kiss your hair your skin so bare I'll take you with me girl anywhere

    From "What a Friend We Have in Jesus/Old Rugged Cross/Ho" by Amy Grant:

    What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bare! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

    From "You Will Find Me There" by Carole King:

    When you're down and out, and your soul is bare You just turn around, you will find me there

    From "The Walk" by Hanson:

    On the tightrope everything's bare

    All that there is Is from here to there

    From "Cornelius" by Newsboys:

    Come up and see the world stripped bare The free indeed They breathe a rarified air Yeah, they got spirit

    See bare used in context: 60 Shakespeare works, 2 Mother Goose rhymes, 105 Bible passages, 32 definitions

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