Page 1: 1.What is the capital of St. Lucia? 2.What is the name of St. Lucia highest national symbol? 3.How many airports are in St. Lucia? 4.The people of St

1. What is the capital of St. Lucia?

2. What is the name of St. Lucia highest national symbol?

3. How many airports are in St. Lucia?

4. The people of St. Lucia have a nickname for the bananas, what is it?

5. What is the name of the parrot?

6. On average how many hours of sunshine does St. Lucia have in a day?

7. How much rain does St. Lucia usually have in a year?

8. What organisation has helped to transform the lives of many of the St. Lucian people?

9. What is the currency that is used in St. Lucia?

10.Why are some people worried about what the future holds for St. Lucia?

Did you get them right? Try devising your own St. Lucia quiz?

Page 2: 1.What is the capital of St. Lucia? 2.What is the name of St. Lucia highest national symbol? 3.How many airports are in St. Lucia? 4.The people of St

uu ff gg rr ee ee nn gg oo ll dd ss pp pp

bb ss uu ll jj aa ss ll uu rr hh ii ss ii

cc aa tt tt hh oo tt ww jj tt oo bb nn tt

oo bb ff oo dd oo ll ll aa rr ss uu mm oo

rr tt zz yy uu rr uu pp ii tt oo mm ss nn

aa cc oo hh bb rr cc aa ss tt rr ii ee ss

ll aa jj uu gg dd ii ss nn uu dd hh ii mm

ww tt kk gg rr dd aa ss tt rr ii ee ss kk

ww ff ff jj nn ii oo ee mm bb dd uu ii ee

tt hh ll ss cc zz bb aa nn aa nn aa mm oo

rr gg jj aa kk ff aa ii rr tt rr aa dd ee

dd jj oo dd gg bb yy ee ii bb tt jj gg kk

Can you find the following words in the wordsearch – happy hunting.

o banana

o coral

o green gold

o pitons

o Castries

o tourism

o St. Lucia

o sun

o flag

o dollars

o fairtrade

Have you found them all?

Page 3: 1.What is the capital of St. Lucia? 2.What is the name of St. Lucia highest national symbol? 3.How many airports are in St. Lucia? 4.The people of St

Unscramble the words

about Fairtrade!


riaf gewas karm


riaf gewas

Can you think of any others to add to this?

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