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  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Facial trauma

  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Facial trauma

    Facial trauma is any injury of the face and upper

    jaw bone (maxilla).

    facial trauma can involve soft tissue injuries

    such as: burns, lacerations , bruises .

    Or can lead to bone fracture such as nasalfracture and fracture of the jaw .

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    Facial injuries have the potential to cause

    disfigurement and loss of function; for example,

    blindness or difficulty moving the jaw can result

    Although it is seldom life-threatening, facial

    trauma can also be deadly, because it can cause

    severe bleeding or interference with the airway;

    thus a primary concern in treatment is ensuringthat the airway is open and not threatened so

    that the patient can breathe
  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma



    Blunt or penetrating trauma can cause injury to

    the area of the face that includes the upper

    jaw (maxilla). Common causes of injury to the

    face include:

    Automobile accidents

    Penetrating injuries


  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Signs and symptoms

    Changes in sensation and feeling over the face

    Deformed or uneven face or facial bones

    Difficulty breathing through the nose due toswelling and bleeding

    Double vision

    Missing teeth Swelling around the eyes that may cause

    vision problems

  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Signs and symptoms

    Fractures of facial bones, like other fractures,may be associated with pain, bruising, andswelling of the surrounding tissues

    Nasal fractures may be associated withdeformity of the nose, as well as swelling andbruising

    People with mandibular fractures often havepain and difficulty opening their mouths andmay have numbness in the lip and chin

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    Physical exam

    The doctor will perform a physical exam, which

    may show:

    Bleeding from the nose, eyes, or mouth, or

    nasal blockage

    Breaks in the skin (lacerations)

    Bruising around the eyes or widening of thedistance between the eyes, which may mean

    injury to the bones between the eye sockets

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    Physical exam

    The following may suggest bone fractures:

    Abnormal sensations on the cheek and

    irregularities that can be felt

    An upper jaw that moves when the head is


  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Exam and tests

    X ray is used to rule out facial fractures.

    Angiography can be used to locate the source

    of bleeding .

    CT scanning is better for detecting fractures

    and examining soft tissues, and is often

    needed to determine whether surgery is


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    seat belt use and public education to increaseawareness about the importance of seat belts.

    airbags alone are not very effective at

    preventing the injuries. In sports, safety devices including helmets

    have been found to reduce the risk of severe

    facial injury. Avoid violent confrontations with other


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    The goal of treatment is to:

    Control bleeding

    Create a clear airway

    Fix broken bone segments with titaniumplates and screws

    Leave the fewest scars possible

    Rule out other injuries

    Treat the fracture

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    Treatment should be immediate, as long as theperson is stable and there are no neck fracturesor life-threatening injuries.

    Tracheal intubationmay be difficult or impossibledue to swelling.

    Nasal intubation(endotracheal tube ) may becontraindicated in the presence of facial trauma

    because if there is an undiscovered fracture atthe base of the skull, the tube could be forcedthrough it and into the brain.
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    Patients who cannot function normally or who

    have significant deformity will need surgery.

    A dressing can be placed over wounds to keep

    them clean and to facilitate healing, and

    antibioticsmay be used in cases where

    infection is likely
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    Patients generally do very well with proper


    however it is often associated with dangerous

    injuries, and life-threatening complications

    such as blockage of the airway may occur.

    they have the potential to cause disfigurement

    and disability.

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    Nerves and muscles may be trapped by brokenbones (in these cases the bones need to be putback into their proper places quickly).


    Uneven face (asymmetry)


    Brain and nervous system (neurologic)complications

    Numbness or weakness

  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Frontal sinus fracture

    Frontal sinus: Both the anterior and posterior wallmay be damaged. Because the posterior wall isadjacent to the dura mater, damage in this region

    could result in central nervous system (CNS)complications such as a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)leak or meningitis

    This injury results from a severe blow to the frontal or

    supraorbital region, which can result in fracture of theanterior and/or posterior wall.

    The patient may report numbness in the distributionof the supraorbital nerve.

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    Nasal fractures

    Nasal bone fractures are the most common of allfacial fractures. The upper third of the nose issupported by the paired nasal bones and thefrontal process of the maxilla, whereas the lower

    two thirds of the nose are maintained bycartilaginous structures.A more serious injury, anasoorbitoethmoid fracture, occurs with traumato the bridge of the nose. This injury involves

    extension into the frontal and maxillary bonesand can result in disruption of the cribriformplate with concomitant CSF rhinorrhea.
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    Nasal fractures

    Evidence of a nasal fracture includes epistaxis,

    swelling, tenderness, deformity, crepitus, nasal

    airway obstruction, and periorbital ecchymosis.

    Always evaluate for septal deviation or septalhematoma. A bulging, bluish, tender septal mass

    requires evacuation. Failure to do so can result in

    necrosis of the nasal septum. Widening of the

    intercanthal distance suggests the possibility of anasoorbitoethmoid fracture.

  • 8/13/2019 19 - Facial Trauma


    Thank you

    Done by:Qais samara

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