
16 Times Your Dog Made Things Painfully awkward

Even though I love my dogs to death sometime they can put me in really awkward situations that I’m sure many ofyou can relate to.

Some of the few awkward moments that you dog can get you into are when you are having a family party and yourdog comes into the room and start humping his favorite toy in the middle of the room..

Or maybe you are out walking and you see a cute girl that you start flirting with a bit, and she starts making flirty eyesback at you. Then your dog decides to take a dump right then and there..

One time my dog decided that it was a good place to poop inside a busy train station with people everywhere. I wasin a hurry to get on my train and it was rush hour so there were loads of people running around and right there in themiddle my dog decided to take a dump.. Probably amusing to the people around me, not so much for me standingthere in the middle of the station wiping poop from the floor..

1. What can be more awkward then your dog peeing on your date?


2. When your dog doesn’t know how to eat..


3. Pooping in the worst possible moment


Source: Giphy

4. When your dog walks into the room looking like this..




6. Walking in on your dogs..


7. Your dog is not shy about showing their private parts


8. Don’t know what to say about this.


9. Like we said earlier, pooping at the wrong time

10. Stealing other dogs toys/balls at the dog park


11. When they start barking loudly when your on the phone. Specially when you are on a very importantphone call

12. When they eat all your christmas presents10/16

13. It’s always awkward when your dog becomes a super villian..


14. When your dog sniffs someones crotch


15. That awkward moment when you realize that your dog don’t know how to run


16. When your dog walks into the room at your party and farts and walks out of there


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