  • 7/29/2019 125984755 the Last Pope the Puzzle of 2012


    July 29, 2012 Issue #407

    THE LAST POPE & THE PUZZLE OF 2012 PART VNevertheless, when the Son of Mancomes, will He really find faith on the earth?(Luke 18:8)

    Could there really be Satanic infiltration going on at the highest levels of the Catholic Church? As we have seen, many

    Catholic sources believe that to be trueand many Saints and seers throughout the ages have warned that that would be th

    case at the End of the Age.


    It is all a matter of deception. As weve seen in the last couple of installments, there is an ample body of testimony and

    evidence that there is indeed something going on at the highest levels of the Catholic Church. A major piece of the puzzleseems to revolve around what has been dubbed as the Third Secret of Fatima. This comes from a message that the Blessed

    Virgin purportedly revealed in a vision in Fatima, Portugal back in 1917. Sister Lucy, one of the children entrusted with thi

    message, later became a nun. Back in 1941the first 2 parts of the message were revealed with the intent of releasing the fina

    part in 1960. Prior to the intended release of the third part, Pope John XXIII read its text and refused to publish it. Then, as

    Petrus Romanus author Thomas Horn put it; it remained under lock and key until it was supposedly disclosed in the year

    2000. And thats where the issue lies in that word supposedly. There seems to be quite the discrepancy between what

    the Vatican said the Secret wasand what it could logically be. In mid-May of that year, a Cardinal Sodano publicly talked

    about what the Secret referred to. He said it was the attempted assassination of John Paul II that happened in 1981. But the

    subsequent release of the text in late June made no sense in that context. Heres a report from the Washington Post dated

    July 1, 2000 that calls attention to some of the discrepancies.1

    On May 13, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, a top Vatican official, announced the imminent release of the carefullyguarded text. He said the Third Secret of Fatima foretold not the end of the world, as some had speculated, but the

    May 13, 1981, shooting of Pope John Paul II in St. Peters Square. Sodano said the manuscript ... tells of a bishop

    clothed in white who, while making his way amid corpses of martyrs, falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a

    burst of gunfire. But the text released Monday (June 26) leaves no doubt about the bishops fate, saying that he

    was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him. Everyone with the pontiff also dies: bishops,

    priests, monks, nuns and lay people. John Paul survived his shooting at the hands of a single gunman, Mehmet Ali

    Agca, and no one in the crowd was harmed in the attack.2

    But as Horn put it: The assassination did not occuras the Third Secret demandedin a big city half in ruins nor was h

    killednor anyone with him. The Vatican interpretation just didnt hold water. It is interesting then to read what the curren

    Pope Benedict had to say about the matter back in 1984. He had been given access to the Third Secret and talked of it in a

    article titledHere is Why the Faith is in Crisis in something calledJesus Magazine. At that time he said that it had to do wi

    dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore (the life) of the world.3

    This take has been

    confirmed by other princes of the Church. Pope John Paul IIs personal theologian, Cardinal Mario Ciappi testified: In the

    Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.4 Bishop Amaral

    alluded to a nuclear holocaust. And Cardinal Oddi told an Italian periodical in 1990: The Blessed Virgin was alerting us

    against apostasy in the Church.5

    Add the words of Fr Joaquin Alonso to the mix, who was a confidant of Sister Lucy. He

    said that it concerned internal struggles in the very bosom of the Church and grave pastoral negligence by the upper

    hierarchy. [This had nothing to do with the unsuccessful attempted murder of a sitting pope.] Referring to the Vaticans

    treatment of Sister Lucy, Malachi Martin alleged that Theyve (the Vatican) published forged letters in her name; theyve

    made her say things she didnt want to say. They put statements on her lips she never made.6 The shocking thing is that al

    of this intrigue seems to have been the result of an inner-Vatican power struggle involving Pope John Paul, the future Pope

    Benedict and the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano.

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    It is interesting that this all matches up with the predictions of an earlier Marian vision from 1846 in La Salette, France,

    which spoke of events to occur in the Last Days including a time when, in the words of Tom Horn, Rome would become th

    seat of the Antichrist. Here are the words of that very famous and ominous vision. The earth will be struck by calamities

    of all kinds (in addition to plague and famine which will be wide-spread). There will be a series of wars until the last war,

    which will then be fought by the ten Kings of the Antichrist, all of whom will have one and the same plan and will be the only

    rulers of the world. Before this comes to pass, there will be a kind of false peace in the world. People will think of nothing

    but amusement. The wicked will give themselves over to all kinds of sin..Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of th


    All of these threads that weve examined over the last several weeks are coming together, describing a Satanic infiltration o

    the Vatican and usurpation of the authority of the Roman Church. Commander William Guy Carr, the Canadian Naval

    Officer who was an expert on the Illuminati, wrote in his workRed Fog Over America, that by the 1950s Pope Pius XII wa

    a prisoner of the forces of Freemasonry in his own Vatican. Writing of the 18th century founder of the Illuminati Adam

    Weishaupt, he said that he boasted that the Illuminati would infiltrate into the Vatican and bore from within, until they left

    nothing but an empty shell . . . Since I exposed certain events which indicate that agentur of the Illuminati have infiltrated

    into the Vatican, I have received a number of letters from priests who have studied in the Vatican . . . Those who wrote

    assured me that the fears I express are more than well founded. One priest informed me that the Pope was surrounded by

    picked Specialists, Experts and Advisorsto such an extent that he was little better than a prisoner in his own palace.

    Another priest informed me of the eternal surveillance exercised over the Pope . . . those who maintain the surveillance . . .

    give him no freedom of action even in the privacy of his own chambers. The priest said Those who exercise this surveillanc

    are all hand picked members of a certain order and they all come from the same institution in Germany located near where

    Weishaupt lived and conspired, while on this earth.8 If you recall, this parallels what we talked about last timethe event

    that Malachi Martin calls the enthronement of the fallen Archangel Lucifer. There were two prime objectives to the

    ceremony. 1) To seat Lucifer as the authority over the Roman Church; and 2) To put the spirit into a Catholic priest to later

    serve as the Pope that would manifest as Petrus Romanusor the False Prophet.9

    If indeed there is a Masonic infiltration of the Vatican, then that explains a lot. It was one of the leading lights of Masonry,

    Manly P Hall that clearly laid out the rationale for the worship of Satan / Lucifer. Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately

    Adonay is also god....Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in

    Lucifer.10 This infiltration has been warned about by Popes since the middle of the 19thcentury. In the latter 1800s,

    Cardinal Mariano Rampolla was found to have been a member of the darkest of Masonic orders, the Ordo Templi Orientis,

    the same as Aleister Crowley. This is a significant connection between forces operating within the Catholic hierarchy andthe deepest and darkest inner sanctum of fully-occult Freemasonry. It was Crowley, who back in 1918 decided he wanted t

    create a dimensional vortex that would break the barrier or serve as sort of a bridge or portal between the physical and

    spiritual realms. So he performed a ritual called Alamantrah Working through which he believed that he summoned a

    demonic presence called Lam. Later, Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard and rocket scientist Jack Parsons performed a

    similar ritual they called Babalon Working. This time they sought, - in the words of Tom Horn, - the very spirit of Babylon

    the archetypal divine feminine to pass through the portal and to incarnate itself within a human being. Many Satanists and

    high degree Masons believe that they were successful and thatshethe whore of Babylonwalks the earth today.11

    Thus, this Templi Orientis, - a sort of new order of Masonic lodge, - in the words of one apologist, - represents a surfacing

    and confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom and knowledge which were originally divided and driven

    underground by political and religious intolerance during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic,

    Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages an

    early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools. In other words this is pure paganism; unadulterated Satanism,of the first degree. Carl Kellner, its spiritual father, was an adept in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Eastern Mysticism and

    Hinduism. Theosophy, with its direct contact with demonic presences, is another critical influence.12

    Now this connectionand the fight against itseems to have manifested itself in some very interesting ways. When this

    Cardinal Rampollowith his alleged Masonic connectionswas up for election to the Holy See in 1903 a very strange and

    obscure event is said to have occurred; specifically something called Jus Exclusiveor right of exclusion. Tom Horn

    explains. This was an ancient rule of order claimed by Catholic monarchs to veto a candidate for the papacy. At times the

    right was claimed by the French monarch, the Spanish monarch, the Holy Roman Emperor, and the Emperor of Austria.

    These powers would make known to a papal conclave, through a crown-cardinal, that a certain candidate for election was

    considered objectionable as a prospective Pope. It has since been suggested by some historians that the alert Emperor

    Franz Joseph knew something of Rampollas masonic connection and saved Rome from usurpation. It was during the

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    balloting that Jan de Kosielsko, a Polish Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire rose on behalf of the Emperor Franz Joseph

    rose and declared in Latin: officially and in the name and by the authority of Franz-Josef, Emperor of Austria and King of

    Hungary, that His Majesty, in virtue of an ancient right and privilege, pronounces the veto of exclusion against my Most

    Eminent Lord.13

    There is evidence that the flow of battle moved in the other direction during both the 1958 & 1963 conclaves that brought

    Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI to the throne, respectively. Malachi Martin writes that during both of those papal

    elections, a Cardinal Giuseppe Siri had the votes for office, yet his candidacy was set aside due to interference by an

    emissary of an internationally base organization. Horn and Martin both believe this to be none other than the Masons. Th

    popes that were elected would bring in Vatican II. Much of that is viewed by conservative Catholics as rank heresy thatopens the door to the influence of the One World Government crowd. This has long been the thinking of some very devout

    Catholic luminaries. Francis of Assisi himselfone of the most honored of Catholic saints - said this of the coming of the

    End of the Age: At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his

    cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death.14

    Jesus speaks to us of this very time through the words recorded in Matthew 24:11-13. Then many false prophets will ris

    up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to

    the end shall be saved.

    BEYOND SYRIAAs ugly and chaotic as this whole Syrian crisis is becoming: It is not the entire picture. There is more to this puzzleboth i

    the realm of the geo-political power struggle and potentially in the prophetic. What is unfolding - though we cannot see

    precisely how well get there is the outplaying of ancient prophecyforeknown by Godand revealed to his instruments

    such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obadiah and the like. In the throes of history past, God revealed to these men the outline of the

    course of events that would characterize the End Times and the coming of Messiah. What we are witnessing today appears

    to be the formation of those outlines; the exact alignment of nations and the prefiguring of conditions that will exist on the

    earth just before Christs return. What is going on in Syria..and in Iran and the surrounding regions is lining up exactly

    as God said it would. Well start with conditions as they exist.

    The Situation On The Ground

    Precarious! Chaotic! A bloody disaster! These could all be terms used to describe the situation on the ground in Syria at

    present. The Iranian Press TV reports that 10,000 fighters have entered Syria from Lebanon in recent weeks, reinforcing thforces opposed to President Assad.15 Fights are being waged for control of the capital Damascus, and there are reports that

    Assad has arranged for the safe escape of his family. Estimates have put the total death toll for the uprising possibly as high

    as 17,000. Weve already noted how the Syrian military has disturbed at least some chemical weapons to units in the field

    and how the US has threatened air strikes should they be used.16 Now, American and Israeli forces, as well as units from

    Turkey and Jordan are on alert to prevent the transfer of these weapons to Hezbollah in southern-Lebanon. They are only a

    couple of hours away from reaching that destinationshould they try to make that run.17

    In mid-July several of Syrias top

    generals defected to Turkeyand another was assassinated. Then a suicide bomber managed to infiltrate a meeting held by

    top officials in the National Security Building, setting off a bomb that killed four Syrian big-wigs including the Minister of

    Defense. It was an inside job.18 At that point Assads regime was reeling and believed to have only a few day of life left.

    But it struck back with fury.19 Within days, the Syrian president had rebuilt his command structure and taken the reigns off

    of the Kurdish rebels taking refuge in his country, allowing them to strike back at Turkey. 20 But Western pressure has not

    been without affect. Syria officials have reassured the world that chemical or bacterial weapons will never be used -during the crisis in Syria regardless of the developments. The spokesman went on to make a veiled threat, saying, These

    weapons are stored and secured by Syrian military forces and under its direct supervision and will never be used unless

    Syria faces external aggression.21 According to DEBKA, both the UN Secretary and the Israeli government are taking this

    as a direct threat against Israel. They note that there is no guarantee in those words that the weapons will not be transferred

    to the terror group Hezbollah. DEBKA reports: Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he had ordered the Israeli military to

    prepare for a possible attack on Syrias weapons arsenal, because Israel cannot accept the transfer of advanced weapons

    from Syria to Lebanon.22 The fact is, the situation regarding Syria is getting so dicey that the London Daily Mail is

    reporting a possible showdown loomed between Britain and Russia on the high seas. Moscow is delivering shiploads of

    attack helicopters to President Assads forces and the Brits have already considered a plan to board cargo vessel named the

    Alaed, now sailing under a Russian flag. At last word, Russian naval vessels were nearby, expecting orders to accompany

    the ship into a Syrian port.


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    A Bigger Picture

    But the real news in all of this is something that few in the international community are ready to say. There are no good guy

    in this situation. Assad is a torturer of his own people, has routinely threatened Israel, probably murdered a good number of

    civilians in his attempt to put down the rebellion and owns one of the largest arsenals of chemical and biological weapons on

    the planet. But the rebels are not members of the boys choir. As Britains Guardian has reported, top figures in the regim

    change coalitionmost notably the Syrian National Council (SNC)have intimate links to the highest ranks of the world

    elite: the shadowy Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Goldman Sachs megabank,

    billionaire financier George Soros, and, of course, the U.S. government. The uprising in Syria is NOT a spontaneous,

    democratic phenomenon, as it is being portrayed. Instead it has been ginned up by several international players. The Obamadministration has been working this room since long before even the Arab Spring began.

    24In this case, the American

    President and al-Qaeda happen to be backing the same horseand that, a radical Islamist one, at that.25 But wait, it gets

    worse. Much of the propaganda being pushed in the Main Stream Press for international intervention is just part of a public

    relations campaign designed for that purpose. Some of the so-called massacres have been exaggerated and some have been

    staged. Even the New York Times reported that one such alleged massacre wasaccording to UN observersjust a

    continuation of running battles in the area that likely resulted in no civilian deaths.26 And then there is Bassma Kodman

    a honcho on a rebel group calling itself the Syrian National Council, who is closely affiliated with both the Bilderbergs and

    the Council on Foreign Relations. The Syrian National Council represents among other extremist elements - [and now we

    get to the meat of it] - the Muslim Brotherhood; those same nice boys who are taking over in Egypt and elsewhere in the

    Arab Spring countries - as well as being the group from which the terror group Hamas sprung. This is who we have chosen

    to support. Mmmmm! The Guardians Charlie Skelton wrote on the Syrian opposition and their connection to the Anglo-

    American opposition creation business.27 Skelton goes on to talk about the involvement of groups such as the CFR in the

    whole process. At this level, the worlds of banking, diplomacy, industry, intelligence, and the various policy institutes and

    foundations all mesh together, and there, in the middle of it all, is Kodmani. Alex Newman, in the New American, points

    out that this is all part of an international game. These are the globalistsand their intention is nothing less than global

    control. He writes that billionaire leftist financier George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Goldman Sachs International

    Chairman Peter Sutherland, as well as countless military and intelligence bosses from the West, were all tied to the Arab

    Reform Initiative, in various ways.28

    This is NOT about democracy and it is NOT about humanitarianism. These are but tools of the elite. Pure and simple this i

    a play for international power and the transformation of the world system, advancing the cause of a New World Order.

    Viewed this way, the situation finally becomes explainable. Motivations that were heretofore a mystery become clear when

    we view them through the lens of a drive to create a unified world-government system. And they tie in nicely with a claimmade by a pseudonymous high-ranking British military man with a subsequent career in the most exalted levels of finance in

    the City of London. He claims to have stumbled upon a Masonic plan that envisioned the engineering of World War III

    beginning with a conflict involving Israel which would see the unleashing of nuclear weapons. [Believe me, I know that this

    is not Thus sayeth the Lord kind of truth. But it is an indication of how the New World Order folks are planning and

    thinkingand valuable as such. So when it seems to line up with whats happening..] That in turn lines up with Illumina

    plans published in 1981 in the Peter Lemesurier work called The Armageddon Script which gave more detail to the creation

    of such a conflict - as part of a three-part war that would also feature Korean and Chinese theatersand end in the

    installation of a fully humanly created global-Messiah-figure. According to our source, that war was to start up possibly

    some time this year.29

    A Bigger Picture Still

    The most important perspective in all of this is Gods. We talked last week about the potential this situation has, to evolveinto one that would create the conditions necessary to make the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 prophecy possible. For years,

    Israel has had to face an inner-ring of hostility from her Arab neighbors. But there were always gaps. Some nations, like

    Egypt and Lebanon and even Syriadid not seem ready to risk all on an attack against the hated Jews. Now Egypt has falle

    and that piece is in place. Hezbollah has taken southern Lebanon, bent on Israels destruction. Hamas is ascendant among

    the so-called Palestinians. And Syria teeters toward its radical-Islamist fate. Perhaps only Jordan remains from that very

    specific prophecy found in the 83rdPsalm. Well begin to visit that subject again in more detail perhaps as early as next


    EMAIL: [email protected] Absolute Truth & Prophecy // MY FATHERS HOUSE MINISTR

    COPYRIGHT Robert Palaszewski2012 140 Pound Rd - Elma, NY 140
  • 7/29/2019 125984755 the Last Pope the Puzzle of 2012


    1 Tom Horn, Petrus RomanusPart 10, March 1, 20122 Third Secret Spurs More Questions: Fatima Interpretation Departs from Vision, Washington Post, July 1, 20003 Here Is Why The Faith Is In Crisis, Jesus Magazine, November 11, 19844 The Third Secret of Fatima: Has It Been Completely Revealed?, Catholic, March 20025The Devils Final Battle, All-Jesus.Com, June 13, 20046 Tom Horn, Petrus RomanusPart 9, February 26, 20127 APPARITION of the BLESSED VIRGIN on the Mountain of LA SALETTE, the 19th of September, 1846, viewed July 18, 2012


    8&startIndex=&startPage=1&hl=en&ct=clnk8 William Guy Carr, The Red Fog Over America, 1959, Angriff Press, pgs 225-269 Tom Horn, Petrus RomanusPart12, March 7, 201210 Manly P Hall, Lost Keys of Freemasonry, 1976 edition11 Tom Horn, Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal, Part 212 Sabazius X & AMT IX, History of Ordo Templi Orientis, US Grand Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis, January 23, 200613 Tom Horn, Petrus RomanusPart 10, March 1, 201214 Found in numerous sources, including: St. Francis of Assisi Prophesies of the Beast, Go Fish Ministries, April 3, 201215 10,000 armed men enter Syria for civil war, Press TV, July 2, 201216Marc Slavo, Let the Bombings Commence: Two Key Developments in Syria Suggest Its Go Time, SHTF Plan, July 16, 2012 17Two hours for Syrian chemical weapons to reach Lebanon. Four armies prepared, DEBKAfile, July 22, 201218 Suicide bomber kills ministers at heart of Assad rule, Jerusalem POst / Reuters, July 18, 201219 Violence escalates in Damascus after rebel bombing kills 3 top Assad aides", Washington Post, July 19, 201220 Assad rebuilds fighting command, retaliates against Turkey, DEBKAfile, July 22, 201221 'Syria may use chemical arms in external attack', Jerusalem Post, Reuters, July 23, 201222IDF: Syrian chemical threat targets Israel. UN Secretary very worried, DEBKAfile, July 23, 201223Russia ready for showdown with UK, Daily Mail, July 14, 2012 24 Alex Newman, U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros, The New American,

    July 16, 201225 Al-Qaeda & the West Back Syrian Rebels Against Assad, The New American, February 13, 201226 Details of a Battle Challenge Reports of a Syrian Massacre, New York Times, July 14, 201227 Charlie Skelton, The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?, Guardian (UK), July 12, 201228 Alex Newman, U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros, The New American,

    July 16, 201229 For details and references on all of this see this newsletter: Conspiracies & Realities-Part I, Zews News Review, ATP Ministry,

    Issue #282, March 7, 2010

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