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Design Strategy 2012-Do it with droog-

Yusuke TominakaKeio University

Hiroya Tanaka Lab

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Downloadable Design

• started by droog and waag society

• original idea of the project is to create various object from !at pack design

• to build a platform

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Design for Download by droog

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Downloadable Design

• to eliminate some of the many steps between design and production

• to cut down the need for transportation

• to cut down the need for stock

• to provide an access to design

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Downloadable Design

• varieties of products

• individual need

• A form of co-creation

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How designers make money

• to consider what they would offer for free and what they could offer added fee

• to think about different stage, different levels or different services

• to create a need for their services

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Blueprint at Droog New York

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How people are involved in design process

• It is dif"cult for end users to participate in every design process

• Designers should offer a platform to help end users customize design

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Do Scratch by Martí Guixé

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Sculpture Me Point by Martí Guixé

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Digital platform for co-creation

• to help designers work with other designers

• to work about “upcycling” dead stock from producers

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Rag Chair by Tejo Remy

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Alternative system to mass production

• to "x the ecological and economic problems

• to be based on local condition, how people live and work

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Droog al Arab

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Downloadable Design

• to innovate the designers, upcycle dead stock, work within the local context to solve problems globalization has

• to create a renewed sense of community

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