Page 1: 1.2 ATTRIBUTES FOR SUCCESS...Project Wrap-up Prepare a presentation on the attributes and communication skills that are necessary for success in the sales career you selected and present

Lands’ End began as a sailboat rac-ing and equipment catalog company in1963 in Chicago, Illinois. In 1977 itadded clothing to its catalog, and in1978 it moved warehouse and phoneoperations to Dodgeville, Wisconsin.Today, Lands’ End is a leading directmerchant of casual clothing, soft lug-gage, and products for the home. Thecompany’s products are offered throughits catalogs and via the Internet.

Customer Sales Representativeshandle more than 15 million calls annu-ally. They receive more than 80 hoursof training before taking their first “live”call and receive an additional 20+ hoursof training per year on new productsand service enhancements.

Lands’ End has retail stores where itemploys Sales Associates. They per-form tasks ranging from ringing sales atthe cash register to answering questionsabout products. Sales Associates alsoassist with incoming stock. CustomerSales Representatives and SalesAssociates should have excellent comu-nication skills and the ability to interpreta situation and act appropriately.

THINK CRITICALLY1. What strategies has Lands’ End used

to remain a leader in catalog sales?2. Would you prefer a position as a

Customer Sales Representative ora Sales Associate? Why?





Introduces the concept of selling and provides statistics on pro-jected growth in selling careers. Retail sales, manufacturing andwholesale sales, and financial sales careers are introduced.

Describes attributes of persistence, empathy, integrity andproduct knowledge and examines personal attributes of self-motivation, imagination, and patience. Teamwork is alsoexplained.

Communication skills in the areas of speaking, listening, andwriting are discussed in this lesson.

CAREERS IN SELLINGIf you have a Lands’ End catalog, show it to the class. Ask ifstudents are familiar with Lands’ End and if they have everordered from the company.

Think Critically Answers1. Lands’ End has expanded its product line and the ways

that customers can access product information and placeorders.

2. Answers will vary.

Page 2: 1.2 ATTRIBUTES FOR SUCCESS...Project Wrap-up Prepare a presentation on the attributes and communication skills that are necessary for success in the sales career you selected and present

Is a Career in Sales For You?


■ Explore careers in sales■ Examine your attributes to determine if you could be successful in a sales career■ Develop communication skills for success


Read through the Project Process below. Make a list of any materials you willneed. Decide how you will get the needed materials or information.■ Look for information about careers in sales. Find out about the types of tasks

that are performed in these jobs. Does a career in sales interest you?■ Find out what types of skills salespersons use on the job. Do you have these

skills?■ Evaluate your oral and written communication skills. Do you need to improve

any of these skills?


Part 1 LESSON 1.1 Using the Internet and information from the Chamber ofCommerce, media center, and other resources, research careers insales. Determine the careers in sales that are projected to haveincreased demand in your area. Choose one of these careers and learnmore about it.

Part 2 LESSON 1.2 Make a list of the attributes and communication skills thatare needed for success in the career you have selected. Design a chartlisting the attributes and communication skills. Use a rating scale from 1 to 5, with 1 representing “Do Not Possess” and 5 representing “I’m theBest!” Rate yourself on each of the skills using your rating chart.

Part 3 LESSON 1.3 Determine which attributes and communication skills youneed to improve in order to be successful in the sales career you havechosen. Develop a plan for improvement.


Project Wrap-up Prepare a presentation on the attributes and communicationskills that are necessary for success in the sales career you selected and presentit to your classmates.

TEACHING RESOURCESInstructor’s Resource CDLesson Plans, Ch. 1PowerPoint Slides, Ch. 1Video Discussion Guide, Ch. 1Data Activities, Ch. 1

ExamView® Pro,Ch. 1

Videocassette Video Segment, Ch. 1

b2000.swep.comInternet Activities, Ch. 1

PROJECTGetting Started Have stu-dents name careers in sales.Discuss with the students theskills and attributes that arenecessary for these positions.

Part 1 Invite a speaker fromthe Chamber of Commerce ora retail establishment in yourcommunity to discuss projectedneeds for salespeople. Workwith students to develop a listof questions to ask thespeaker.

Part 2 Remind students of theskills and attributes that werediscussed in Getting Started.Give examples of someonewho would rate “I’m the Best!”in these skills and attributes.

Part 3 Discuss with studentsways to work on improvingattributes and communicationskills.

Project Wrap-up Let studentsuse multimedia software, ifavailable, for their presenta-tions. Have students maketheir presentations to the entireclass, or divide the class intogroups for the presentations.


The Chapter 1 video forthis module introduces theconcepts in this chapter.

Page 3: 1.2 ATTRIBUTES FOR SUCCESS...Project Wrap-up Prepare a presentation on the attributes and communication skills that are necessary for success in the sales career you selected and present





EXPLAIN the concept ofselling

EXPLORE careeropportunities in sales

Y ou may have heard someone referred to as a “born salesperson.” Eventhough this term is often used to describe a very successful salesperson, no

one is a born salesperson. Selling is a learned art. You may possess some ofthe attributes of a good salesperson but it takes training and practice tobecome successful. A successful salesperson has product knowledge, salesexperience, and the ability to persuade.


Selling does not just take place in stores. Businesspeople must sell coworkerson ideas when they want to make changes in a business. Children “sell” totheir parents daily as they try to convince them that what they want is a goodidea. Any time one person tries to persuade another to do something or act acertain way, a form of selling is taking place.

Many people described Richard Ramey as a “born salesperson.” While inschool, he was always the top salesperson in every school fundraiser.

What characteristics do you think Richard possessed that made him so successful in sales?

SCHEDULE Block 45 minutesRegular 1 class period

FOCUSOn the SceneAsk students what they think ismeant by a “born salesperson.”Ask them to name people whothey consider to be successfulsalespeople and explain whythey think these people are asuccess.

TEACHEmphasize that selling is alearned art. You can learnwhich attributes contribute to asuccessful sales career andpractice these skills.

Point out that selling takesplace in stores and in other set-tings, such as in businessorganizations. Selling does notalways involve an exchange ofmoney for goods or services.For example, an employeemay have to “sell” his or hersupervisor on a budget for anew project.


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WORKSHOPEncourage students to includelocal businesses as well asother well-known national com-panies. If necessary, promptstudents to think of businessesthat are not traditional retailstores.

TEACHExplain that selling has to dowith recognizing the needs ofthe customers and finding waysto help them solve problems.

Discuss what a salespersondoes. He or she advises andassists customers in making awise decision. Discuss theimportance of repeat cus-tomers to a business.

Discuss trends in salescareers. How will the Internetaffect sales careers? Internetsales are taking a chunk out oftraditional retail sales. Also,many customers are moreknowledgeable because theyare doing product researchonline. Discuss what thismeans to a salesperson.

TEACHING STRATEGIESVisual LearnersPrepare a transparency showingthe percentage of growth pro-jected in various sales careers.

ONGOING ASSESSMENTAsk students why they thinkselling is important to a busi-ness. Discuss what would hap-pen to a business if employeeswere not good salespeople.



Selling involves the art of communicating effectively with people . It is theprocess of explaining how a product or service will benefit your customers andmeet their needs. Customers will not purchase a product or service until theyare convinced that they will benefit from owning that product or service.


People often have trouble deciding on a product and need the assistance of asalesperson to make a final decision. A salesperson explains, advises, and assiststhe customer in making a wise buying decision. The objective of any sale is tohave a satisfied customer because a satisfied customer will become a repeat cus-tomer. A repeat customer is one who returns to shop at a certain business.


Between 1998 and 2008, two sales occupations are projected by the Bureauof Labor Statistics to be among the top ten occupations with the largestgrowth. These occu-pations are retailsalesperson, with a14 percent projectedincrease, and cashier,with a 17 percentprojected increase.Career opportunitiesexist not only inretail sales but also inother areas, such asinsurance, securities,real estate, financialservices, and manu-facturing. Accordingto data from theBureau of LaborStatistics, job oppor-tunities for securities, commodities, and financial service sales agents are pre-dicted to increase 41 percent from 1998 to 2008. There is a projected needfor 427,000 employees in this area by 2008.

Selling also plays an important role in many other careers not classified assales careers. Some of these positions include entrepreneurs, managers,accountants, contractors, information technology specialists, and attorneys.

In a group, brainstormto produce a list ofbusinesses and theproducts or services

they sell.

Why is selling important to a business?

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BUSINESS MATH CONNECTIONClay Brown earns a 5 percentcommission on every automo-bile he sells. During July hesold the following car models

GS 300 $38,000GS 400 $43,000IS 300 $34,000

What is Clay’s commission?

$38,000 � $43,000 � $34,000� $115,000$115,000 � 0.05 � $5,750

DID YOU KNOW?Ask students why they thinkthere is a decline in retailspending. How does the stateof the economy affect con-sumer spending? What otherfactors might impact spending?

TECH TALKDiscuss how the Internet isused for e-commerce. Explainthe differences between aninformational web site and onethat allows individuals to placeorders electronically.

Think Critically AnswerAnswers will vary. Possibleanswers may include location,convenience, or more opportu-nity for comparison shopping.


S elling occurs in many different places and at many different levels. You areprobably most familiar with retail sales where a salesperson sells merchan-

dise and services to a consumer. A wholesaler sells products to retailers, otherwholesalers, industrial firms, government agencies, or other businesses. Amanufacturing salesperson sells products to other manufacturers or directlyto wholesalers or retailers. Securities, commodities, and financial servicerepresentatives work with institutions and individuals who want to investmoney. These sales representatives buy and sell stocks, bonds, shares inmutual funds, insurance commodities, and other financial products.


Retail sales take place in retail stores. You have probably shopped in many retailstores. These stores include department stores, supermarkets, drug stores,

Many sales representatives are paid on commission. A commission is a percentage of sales. If Ruiz Perez earns a 7 percent commission on every

home he sells, what would his commission be if he sold one home for $110,000,one home for $145,000, and one home for $210,000?

SOLUTIONAdd the total amount of sales. Then multiply the total by the percentage amountof Ruiz’s commission. Ruiz’s commission would be $32,550.

$110,000 � $145,000 � $210,000 � $465,000$465,000 � 0.07 � $32,550

Consumer spending isdeclining in the retailmarket. Just below

one-third, 32.9%, of allconsumer spending

took place in the retailsector in 2000. Thiscompares with 47%

in 1980.

E-COMMERCE Electronic commerce is growing rapidly. Many people won-der what long-term effect e-commerce will have on traditional retailing. Manycompanies now have web sites. Some of these web sites offer products forsale to consumers while others offer products for sale to other businesses.Some businesses use their Internet site to provide information about theircompany and products. The Internet makes it easy for shoppers to see newproduct lines without having to travel to a store or a showroom. However, asInternet shopping grows, the need for retail salespeople will decline.

THINK CRITICALLY Why do you think someone would choose to shop onthe Internet instead of going to a traditional retail store?

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TEACHPoint out the different types ofbusinesses that are involved inselling. Compare and contrastthe products, services, andcustomers of the different typesof businesses. Have studentsgive examples of these differ-ent types of businesses foundin your community.

TEACHING STRATEGIESKinesthetic LearnersHave students collect adver-tisements from a variety ofbusinesses. Students shouldprepare a display of the adver-tisements arranged by thetypes of businesses.

TEACHAsk students to identify busi-nesses in your area that usethe personal selling approachand those that are self-service.Compare the goods that aresold and the shopping experi-ence in each.

Give students examples ofmanufacturers and wholesalesales representatives, such asthe vendors who sell goods togrocery stores or departmentstores.

Name companies in your areathat handle financial services forconsumers. Ask students if theyhave an account at a bank orother financial institution.Discuss the services these insti-tutions are selling to customers.

Discuss the duties of securitiesand commodities sales repre-sentatives. Identify any compa-nies in your area that performthese services.

Discuss the duties of financialservice sales representatives.Identify any companies in yourarea that perform these services.


discount stores, jewelry stores, and convenience stores. Restaurants, hair salons,and nail salons also are considered to be retail stores. In retail stores, merchandiseand services are sold to the final consumer or end user of the merchandise andservices. Different retail stores take different approaches to selling.

Personal Selling In some retail stores, the personal selling approach isimportant to customers. These stores hire their sales staff to sell products andservices personally to consumers. Department stores, jewelry stores, and auto-mobile dealerships depend on their sales staff to use a personal sellingapproach. In the personal selling approach, the sales staff is responsible forapproaching customers, explaining the features and benefits of products,demonstrating products, answering customers’ questions, and closing sales.

Self-Service Some retail stores hire cashiers or clerks. Discount stores,convenience stores, supermarkets, and many gas stations fall into this cate-gory. In self-service stores, customers choose their merchandise with little orno assistance and pay a cashier or clerk for their selections.


REPRESENTATIVESThese sales representatives serve as intermediaries and sell merchandise toretailers, manufacturers, and other wholesalers. The primary duties of manu-facturers and wholesale sales representatives are to interest wholesale andretail buyers and purchasing agents in their merchandise and to address thequestions or concerns of the clients. They also offer advice to clients on waysto use their products, reduce costs, and increase sales.


As more individuals are looking to invest money, there is a projected employ-ment increase for securities, commodities, and financial services sales represen-tatives. The clients of these sales representatives range from individuals withsmall amounts of money to large institutions with millions of dollars to invest.

Securities and Commodities Sales Representatives These rep-resentatives, also called brokers, stockbrokers, account executives, or financialconsultants, perform a variety of duties. These duties include bringingtogether buyers and sellers of securities and commodities, managing invest-ments, and offering financial advice.

Financial Services Sales Representatives Selling, banking, andrelated services are the primary duties of these sales representatives. Some ofthe services they sell include deposit accounts, lines of credit, certificates ofdeposit, cash management, and investment services. This category includesfinancial planners who provide financial plans tailored to their clients’ needs.They use their knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insur-ance, pension plans, and real estate in developing these plans.

Describe three different types of sales.

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THINK CRITICALLY1. Describe the traits of a successful salesperson.

2. Give an example of selling that does not involve the exchange of agood or service for money.

3. Describe a positive and a negative retail sales transaction in which yourecently have participated.

4. Describe the following types of selling approaches: retail with personalselling approach and retail with self-service approach.

MAKE CONNECTIONS5. RESEARCH Use the library or Internet to research the job responsibilities

of a career in sales that is of interest to you. Also, find out what training andexperience is required for the career. Present your findings to the class.

6. COMMUNICATION Interview someone who works in a sales occupa-tion. Find what the person does, the hours the person works, the educa-tion and training required for the position, and ways the job has changedin the last two years. Prepare a one-page report on your findings.

7. COMMUNICATION Working with a group, brainstorm to develop a listof benefits that would sell your school principal on the idea that yourschool’s prom should be held in outer space.

8. BUSINESS MATH You have interviewed for a sales position at two stores.Company A has offered to pay you $100 plus 5 percent of your totalmonthly sales. The average monthly sales per employee is $27,500.Company B has offered to pay you $1,300 per month. Which job wouldyou choose?

RETEACHReview the importance of salesto businesses and discuss thevarious careers that involveselling.

ENRICHHave students develop a list ofquestions about sales careers.Then instruct students tosearch the Internet for answersto these questions.

ASSESSAsk students to explain theconcept of selling and to namebusinesses that sell a productor service.

Make Connections Answers5. Answers will vary, but stu-dents should find that some jobresponsibilities will be thesame in all sales careers.6. Answers will vary.7. Answers will vary, but stu-dents should mention benefitsto the student body, the faculty,and the school.CLOSEAsk students to answer the fol-lowing question: Why do youthink someone wouldchoose a career insales?



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IDENTIFY attributesthat are essential for asuccessful salesperson

DESCRIBE personalattributes that contributeto the success of asalesperson

T here are many attributes, or personality characteristics, that contribute tothe success of a salesperson. Personal attributes include self-motivation,

imagination, patience, and interpersonal skills. However, the basic attributesof persistence, empathy, integrity, and knowledge of the product are essentialto a salesperson’s success.


Persistence is being unwilling to take no for an answer. Many times, a sales-person is not received with a warm welcome. After several disappointingencounters, a salesperson who lacks persistence might decide to give up.

Before Richard started selling items for school fundraisers, he studied theproducts being sold and learned all that he could about them. If the prod-

uct was one that would appeal to his classmates, he talked to some of themto see what they thought about it. If the product appealed to adults, he talkedto his parents and teachers. Once he started selling, he didn’t take “no” for ananswer. He could always devise a reason for his customers to purchase theitem he was selling. What do you think Richard did that contributed to his success in selling the products?


SCHEDULEBlock 45 minutesRegular 1 class periodFOCUSOn the SceneAsk students the followingquestions: Have you ever soldsomething? Did you do any-thing to prepare yourself beforeselling? What did you do whenpeople said, “No”?TEACHPoint out the meaning of attributes.

Ask students what they dowhen they do not get theanswer they want from theirparents. Explain that when theykeep asking their parents forsomething, they are being per-sistent. Discuss why persis-tence is important for asalesperson. Ask studentswhat other attributes might sur-face when asking their parentsfor something. For example,how might empathy be used?

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Salespersons deal with many different types of individuals and face new situa-tions daily. A good salesperson will not be discouraged by these situations andwill continue to try until the sale is made or all options are exhausted.


Empathy is the ability to understand the situation from the other person’s per-spective. You may not have been in a situation similar to that person, but youcan put yourself in the customer’s place and understand how he feels. Thishelps a salesperson know what to say and what to do in order to encourage acustomer to make a purchase.


Integrity is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to makedecisions based on that distinction. Integrity involves more than just followingthe law. It involves following behaviors that are generally acknowledged bymembers of society as acceptable. Your ethics are those values and beliefs thatare based on your integrity. Many people who are considered unethical havenot broken the law, but they have not followed acceptable social practices.


When customers aremaking a purchase, theyoften look to the sales-person to educate themabout the product orservice. If salespeople arenot knowledgeable aboutthe product or servicethey are selling, they willlose credibility with theircustomers, and this willresult in a loss of sales.Salespeople also must beknowledgeable aboutproducts of competitorsin order to persuade cus-tomers to purchase theirproducts.

WORKSHOPTo get students started, ask foran example of a situation whena student showed persistence,perhaps with parents, friendsor even teachers.

TEACHExplain why empathy is animportant attribute for a sales-person. It helps you identifywith the other person and gaina better understanding of acustomer’s wants and needs.

Discuss the importance ofintegrity in business and howmorals and values influencesomeone’s integrity.

Explain that customers look tosalespeople for help in makingbuying decisions. Salespeoplemust know about the productsthey sell as well as about theproducts sold by the competi-tion so they can inform cus-tomers how their productsbetter meet their needs. Pointout that knowledgeable sales-people are perceived as valu-able resources, which mayprevent customers from goingelsewhere.

ONGOING ASSESSMENTAsk students to describe basicattributes that contribute to asalesperson’s success.



In a group, brainstormto produce a list of situations in which

persistence, empathy,integrity, and productknowledge would be


Why are persistence, empathy, integrity, and knowledge of the productimportant attributes for a salesperson?


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WORLD VIEWDiscuss customs of other coun-tries. Ask if students have trav-eled to other countries. Didthey experience customs thatwere different from those in theUnited States? Explain that ifyou want to do business withsomeone, you do not want tooffend that person.

Think Critically AnswerYou can read about customs inthe country, talk to people whohave been to that country, andresearch customs on theInternet.

TEACHDiscuss why self-motivation isan important trait for a sales-person. Explain how manysalespeople work in unsuper-vised settings and, thus, mustbe self-motivated. Many sales-people have offices in theirhomes rather than at the com-pany’s headquarters, so self-discipline is key to stayingfocused on the task at hand.

Emphasize the role imaginationplays in helping salespeoplefind ways to solve problems forcustomers. Point out that suc-cessful salespeople are knownfor their ideas.

Discuss the importance ofpatience in a selling situation.Some customers will be slow tomake a decision to buy, but it isimportant not to pressure them.Others may make a decisionnot to buy. Patience is impor-tant in these situations also.You do not want to offend acustomer and lose the opportu-nity for a future sale. Ask stu-dents if they have hadexperience with an impatientsalesperson.


A s you move into more sophisticated selling situations, certain personalattributes become more important. These include self-motivation, imagi-

nation, patience, and interpersonal skills.


Self-motivation is the ability to control your own activities. Retail sales posi-tions usually are closely supervised by a manager and do not require the sameamount of self-motivation that someone working in the field would need.Salespeople in the field usually set their own appointments and work withpotential clients to find the product or service that best meets their needs. Itis important for these individuals to be able to recognize what needs to bedone and then to act on it with little or no supervision.


Imagination is the ability to apply creativity to a specific situation. Creativethinking is important for many salespeople. A creative salesperson must beable to help customers see the benefits the product or service will provide tothem, oftentimes without the product or service actually being there.

Imagination is often important in developing a new sales technique. Youmay come across a sales situation where a technique that had been successfulin past experiences is no longer effective. It will be important for you to useyour imagination and create a new technique to try.


Patience is the ability to keep your emotions out of the sales process in order tomake the sale and benefit the client. You may spend quite a bit of time working


When using a personal selling approach with people from other countries,you should take time to learn the business etiquette followed in that

country. Using an inappropriate gesture, greeting, word, or business proce-dure may result in lost sales. Something accepted as a common practice inthe United States may be considered rude and offensive in another country.For example, Americans move quickly to the business aspect of a sales call.However, in Latin America and the Far East, all meetings begin with a periodof social conversation.

THINK CRITICALLY What are some things you can do when preparing todo business with people from other countries?

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with a client and be eager to finalize a sale, but the client may need more time. Itis important for you to remain patient with the client. Salespersons who showimpatience or pressure a client for a decision often lose sales.

You may hear the same objections from many different clients. Remember toremain patient because even though you have heard the objection before, this isthe first time this particular client has used the objection.


Interpersonal skills are those skills that help you work well with others. As asalesperson you will always be working with others, and it is important for

you to get along with your cus-tomers or clients. You shouldalways show an interest in theideas and concerns of clients andcustomers. Showing interest intheir needs will help to buildtheir confidence in you.

Teamwork Although manysalespeople work individuallywith customers, they are usuallypart of a team. When working asa team, all members should befocused on the same objectives.If a team has been given the goalof increasing sales by 10 percent,it will be important for membersto work together to determinetheir strategy for reaching the

goal and then for all members to do their part to achieve the goal.Team Leader You may become the leader of the sales team during your

career. As the team leader, it will be your responsibility to lead your sales teamto become an outstanding team. Team members will take their lead from you.If you are enthusiastic and positive about what you are doing, your team mem-bers will share your positive attitude. Always be on the lookout for outstandingsalespeople. You never know when you may have to fill an opening on yourteam, and it is better to have a prospect list ready than to have to search for areplacement in a short amount of time. A good sales team leader will make callswith the members of the team. You will have a better idea about what is goingon if you are out in the field observing what your salespeople are experiencing.This will also help you see the strengths and weaknesses of the team membersand enable you to work with them in a positive manner.

TEACHEmphasize the importance oflistening to customers and deal-ing with their objections.Salespeople should be preparedto address any objections.

Discuss the importance ofgood interpersonal skills whenworking with others. A friendlysalesperson will make the cus-tomer feel more comfortableand open to the sales process.

Explain that some com-panies organize sales-people into teams, andmembers must worktogether to meet goals.Teams should encour-age active participationfrom all members tomeet objectives. Askstudents to name someadvantages of workingin teams. Teams can bevery effective for solv-ing problems becausedifferent team memberswill offer a variety of tal-ents, skills, knowledge,and experience.

Point out how teammembers follow theactions of their team leader.Ask students what qualitiesthey think a team leader shouldpossess. Examples mayinclude being fair, supportive,and encouraging.

Explain the importance ofalways being on the lookout forpossible team members. Askstudents what characteristics ateam leader might look forwhen evaluating whethersomeone would make a goodteam member. Good peopleand communication skills, cre-ativity, and patience are impor-tant traits of a team player.

TEACHING STRATEGIESCooperative LearningConduct a team building activitywith the class. Let students seethe importance of workingtogether to complete the activity.


What are the personal attributes of a successful salesperson?

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RETEACHReview the essential and per-sonal attributes that successfulsalespeople must possess.

ENRICHHave students use the Internetto research training programsfor salespeople that can helpimprove personal attributesand characteristics. Studentsshould learn about the contentand the cost of the programs.

ASSESSAsk students why it is importantfor a salesperson to be persis-tent, have integrity and empathy,and be knowledgeable aboutproducts. Have them describehow salespeople use self-moti-vation, imagination, patience,and interpersonal skills to sellproducts or services.

Make Connections Answers5. Answers will vary, but stu-dents should utilize the essen-tial and personal attributesdescribed in this lesson.

6. Students may suggest hav-ing a team meeting with theindividual, asking other teammembers to assist the individ-ual on his sales calls, having allmembers give a daily report ontheir activities, or asking theteam leader to meet with him.

7. Answers will vary. Be surestudents research a variety of


8. Presentations willvary but shouldinclude persistence,

empathy, integrity, productknowledge, self-motivation,patience, imagination, and

interpersonal skills.

CLOSEAsk students whatwould happen to thecareer of a salesper-son who did not havethe attributes dis-cussed in this lesson.


THINK CRITICALLY1. Give an example of a situation where you showed persistence. Why

was it important for you to be persistent?

2. Why is product knowledge important for a salesperson? Could it havean effect on a customer’s decision to purchase a product or service?

3. Describe the characteristics of an individual who is self-motivated.

4. Explain why patience is an important attribute of a salesperson, anddescribe a situation you have experienced where a salespersonshowed a great deal of patience.

MAKE CONNECTIONS5. PROBLEM SOLVING With a partner, role play an example of how to get

along with a difficult person in a sales situation.

6. PROBLEM SOLVING You are working as a member of a team that istrying to capture 25 percent of the market for a new product your com-pany is introducing. There is one member of the team who is not mak-ing assigned calls or looking for new customer leads. The other teammembers are becoming frustrated with this individual. Develop a strat-egy to work with this team member to encourage him to do his fairshare in reaching the goal.

7. COMMUNICATION Using the Internet, research business etiquette ofanother country. With a partner, role play a business meeting withsomeone from that country by applying what you have learned.

8. COMMUNICATION You are going to visit another school to recruitsalespeople for a new store opening in your area. Prepare a multimediapresentation to help the students understand the attributes you arelooking for in applicants that will help ensure their success in sales.

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DEVELOP speakingskills for success

DEVELOP effective listening skills

EXPLAIN the purpose ofwritten sales material

A career in sales requires excellent communication skills. Throughout thesteps of a sale, you will be involved in face-to-face and/or telephone com-

munication with potential customers, and your communication ability willplay an important role in their decision to buy.


You may make an initial contact with potential customers by telephone, oryou may call to give them information or to set up a meeting. You should fol-low these tips for effective telephone conversations.

1. Speak clearly and talk directly into the receiver. Remove gum or candyfrom your mouth before making the call or answering the telephone.

R ichard knew that communication skills were important if he was going tomake a good impression on customers. He knew he had to speak clearly

and listen to people when he was trying to make a sale. Before he attemptedto sell a product for a school fundraiser, he practiced what he was going tosay to be sure that he described all of the product’s features. Why do youthink Richard spent time preparing before starting to sell?


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2. Speak politely. Do not use improper language. Be respectful, and do notinterrupt.

3. Outline the material you want to cover. Before making a call, youshould write down the points you want to make and any technical infor-mation you plan to share. This will ensure that you cover everything youintended to and that you do not give incorrect information.

4. Take notes. This will help you remember all of the important details.


Much of the sales process takes place during face-to-face meetings withpotential customers. Whenever you have a planned meeting with a potentialcustomer, you should spend time preparing for the meeting so you will makea good impression. Follow these tips to help your meetings run smoothly.

1. Shake hands and make eye contact withthe person you aremeeting. Introduceyourself if this is yourfirst meeting. Use thecustomer’s name if youknow it. If the customerintroduces herself toyou, immediately useher name. This willhelp you remember it.

2. Speak clearly. Speak at a volume that is nottoo loud or too soft andenunciate your words.

3. When the customer speaks, show an interest in what he is saying.Provide responses to the customer’s questions and ask questions to gathermore information from him.

4. Do not be rushed or anxious to be somewhere else. Schedule meetingsfor times that are convenient so that you can devote your full attention tothe customer.

5. Thank the customer at the end of the meeting. Let the customer knowwhen you will contact her again and how to contact you if she needs moreinformation.


A sales presentation is the part of the sales process when the salespersonexplains how a product or service will benefit the customer. Product knowledgeis important for an effective presentation. In addition to having product knowl-edge, a good salesperson will learn all available information about the audiencebefore the presentation. An effective sales presentation will inform the potentialcustomer about product benefits not previously known and then will persuade

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the listener to take action. When presenting sales information to the audience,the salesperson may want to use a multimedia program that is operated from acomputer or may decide to use printed materials.

The next step in preparing a presentation is to put all information in a logicalsequence. The presenter should then practice the presentation several times to besure everything is in order before presenting the information to the audience. Anoutline would be helpful to use when presenting the material.

M ore than 50 percent of a typical day is spent listening. Although hearingand listening are related, they are different processes. Hearing is simply a

physical process, but listening combines hearing with understanding. To besuccessful in sales, it is impor-tant for you to listen carefully.You will listen to presentationson new products and servicesyou will be selling. You willneed to be attentive duringthese presentations be-cause you will have to commu-nicate this information toclients.

You will need to listen care-fully to customers as theyexpress their ideas or concernsabout the product you are sell-ing. Information you gatherfrom listening to customerswill help you as you movethrough the sales process.

Many times you may try tolisten to someone talk, but abarrier may interfere with yourlistening. A barrier may be a

noise or a distraction, but it also may come from feelings. As a salesperson,you must work to overcome these barriers and not let them affect the listen-ing process when you are listening to others.


What are some tips for successful speaking?

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The following tips will help you become a more effective listener.

1. Focus your attention on the person who is speaking. Do not let any bar-riers distract you. Clear your mind and give the person who is speakingyour undivided attention.

2. Think about and try to understand what the other person is saying.

3. Ask questions to make sure you understand what the person is saying.Try repeating the information back to the person to be sure you under-stand what the person is saying.

4. Take notes to confirm what you are hearing. Once you have left theperson who is speaking, it may be too late to get information. Be sure youwrite down information while it is fresh in your mind so that there is nomisunderstanding later.

A dvertising professionals write most sales messages, but it is important for someone in sales to also have good writing skills as you may have to

compose a sales letter or informational materials for a customer. Color, catchyslogans, specialty papers, pictures, quotes, and celebrity endorsements are allmethods that are used to get the attention of a reader of a sales message.Examples of this would be a golf resort that sends out a sales letter on papershaped like a golf ball or a movie theater that prints its message on paper thatlooks like a bucket of popcorn.


When writing a sales letter, put yourself in the place of the customer and focuson those things the customer would want to know. A sales letter shouldemphasize the benefits a customer will receive from the product. Begin a salesletter by getting the reader’s attention. Once you have captured the attentionof the reader, move to the sales pitch of your letter. Emphasize the features andstrengths, not the weaknesses, of the product. The letter should conclude witha request for the reader to take action. If you want the reader to call, includeyour phone number and a request for a call. If you want him to visit yourbusiness, give your address and hours of operation. In order to encourage thereader to act quickly, you might want to put an expiration date on the offer.

Why is effective listening important for a successful salesperson?

Working in a group,make a list of as manycompanies and theirslogans as you can


Write a sales letter to afriend about one of

your favorite products.Remember the objectof the letter is to get

the reader’s attention.

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Be sure your letter is easy to read. Do not make it too long, and be sure it isformatted in an attractive style. If the letter is too long, it may end up in thetrash. People are busy and don’t have a lot of time to spend on unsolicited mail.


Companies that use the Internet for sales promotions offer potential customersthe opportunity to request more information by e-mail. When these requests

come in, they should be answeredpromptly and professionally. Maintaina businesslike tone when writing e-mails. Always use complete sentencesand proofread carefully. If you arequoting prices, check your figures care-fully before sending the e-mail.

E-mail is also a convenient way tocontact potential customers with yoursales message. It is important that youknow your target market well beforedeciding to use e-mail because manye-mail users block mass mailings andothers delete e-mail that is fromunknown sources.

Once you have made contact with potential customers, e-mail is often aneffective way for you to share information with them and to answer theirquestions. However, the personal touch is still important in the sellingprocess, so do not depend solely on e-mail for communication.


A sales proposal is used to offer a product or service to a client. Proposalsshould be written specifically for a client. Be sure you know whom you arewriting for and what the client is looking for before you begin the proposal.If you submit a detailed, technical proposal to someone who is busy and doesnot have time to go through the material, you will probably lose the salebefore you even get in the door. In the proposal, you should show how yourproduct or service can specifically meet the needs of the client.

A sales proposal should be a sample of your best work. If you submit aproposal that is poorly written or has errors, the potential client will not get agood impression of you or the product or service you are trying to sell. Makesure the proposal is formatted attractively, contains correct information, andis error free.



What are some characteristics of a good sales message?

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THINK CRITICALLY1. How is speaking with customers on the telephone similar with meeting

them face to face? How is it different?

2. Why should a salesperson develop good listening skills?

3. What are some methods for getting the attention of readers of salesmessages?

4. If you received a sales letter addressed to you but your name was mis-spelled and the letter contained several other errors, what would youthink of the company that sent the letter?

5. Why is a well-written sales proposal important?

MAKE CONNECTIONS6. COMMUNICATION Write an e-mail responding to a potential customer

who has requested product information on a music CD through yourcompany web site. You may give the customer information on yourfavorite CD.

7. RESEARCH Visit the Internet sites of 10 companies that you are famil-iar with. Find out if the sites allow you to e-mail the company for infor-mation. Make a list of the companies whose Internet sites you visitedand list how you can contact them by e-mail.

8. COMMUNICATION Find an example of a sales letter. Read the letterand write your reaction to it. Does it get your interest? Does it make youwant to know more about the product? What could be done to improvethe letter?

9. COMMUNICATION Prepare a multimedia sales presentation for anitem of your choice that you want to sell to a group of your friends.Present this sales presentation to the class.

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CHAPTER SUMMARYLESSON 1.1 Selling as a CareerA. Selling is a learned art even though it may seem to come naturally to

some individuals. Any time one person tries to persuade another to dosomething, selling is taking place. Salespeople often assist customersin making wise buying decisions.

B. There are many career opportunities for salespeople in retail, in manu-facturing and wholesale markets, and in financial services. Careers inretail sales as well as in securities, commodities, and financial servicessales are predicted to increase between 1998 and 2008. Selling alsoplays an important role in positions that are not classified as salescareers, such as entrepreneur, manager, and accountant.

LESSON 1.2 Attributes for SuccessA. A good salesperson is persistent, shows empathy, has integrity, and

possesses a high level of product knowledge. These attributes arebasic to the success of all salespeople.

B. In order to achieve a high level of success, a salesperson must be self-motivated and have imagination, patience, and good interpersonal skills.Without these personal attributes, a salesperson will not be successful.

LESSON 1.3 Communicating for SuccessA. Speaking skills—on the telephone, in face-to-face meetings, and in

presentations—are important to salespeople. They need to speakclearly and communicate all necessary information to their customers.

B. Good salespeople have excellent listening skills. They need to listen to learn about product information and to learn about concerns fromcustomers.

C. Even though most sales messages are written by advertising profession-als, salespeople need good writing skills so they can write sales lettersand e-mails when necessary.

VOCABULARY BUILDERChoose the term that best fits the definition. Write the letter of the answerin the space provided. Some terms may not be used.

1. Explaining how a prod-uct or service will benefityour customers andmeet their needs

2. One who returns to shopat a certain business

3. Merchandise and ser-vices are sold to a con-sumer

4. Sells products to retail-ers, industrial firms, gov-ernment agencies, andother businesses




ha. attributes

b. interpersonal skills

c. manufacturing salesperson

d. repeat customer

e. retail sales

f. sales presentation

g. securities, commodities,and financial service representatives

h. selling

i. wholesaler

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REVIEW CONCEPTS10. Describe the characteristics of someone who is referred to as a “born


11. When does selling take place?

12. What makes a customer decide to purchase a product or service?

13. Other than retail sales, where are there career opportunities in sales?

14. Describe the responsibilities of the sales staff in stores that use thepersonal selling approach?

15. Why is persistence an important attribute for a salesperson?

16. If a salesperson works from home and checks in periodically with asales manager, is self-motivation necessary? Why or why not?

17. Since many salespeople work individually with customers, why isteamwork important?


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18. What are the four tips for effective telephone conversations?

19. Why is it important for a salesperson to be well prepared for meetingsand presentations?

20. What can a salesperson find out from listening to customers?

21. Why is it important to proofread letters and e-mails before sending them?

APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED22. Name a person whom you consider to be successful in sales. It could

be a salesperson you have worked with or someone you have readabout. Describe the characteristics the person possesses that you feelhave contributed to his or her success.

23. You have learned that integrity is an important attribute for a sales-person. Decide if the salesperson is showing integrity in each of thefollowing situations? Explain your answers.

a. A pharmaceutical salesperson knows that there is a health riskassociated with a new drug that is being introduced on the marketbut chooses not to share this information with physicians.

b. A young mother is interested in a new toy for her 18-month-oldbaby, but the salesperson informs her that it is not recommendedfor children under three years of age.

c. A real estate salesperson knows that a house for sale is locatednear a toxic waste dump but neglects to tell a young couple inter-ested in purchasing the house.


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24. Explain the importance of product knowledge for a salesperson. Givean example of a shopping experience you had where the salespersondid or did not have product knowledge and the effect it had on yourdecision to buy.

25. Do you think your chances of making a sale would be better if youmade your initial contact by telephone or in person? Why?

26. Describe some techniques that you could use to become a better listener.

MAKE CONNECTIONS27. RESEARCH Search the Internet for well-known companies that offer

online sales. Browse through the sites and write a brief summary ofthe type of information you found at the web sites.

28. COMMUNICATION Teamwork is important in sales. You have beenasked to motivate your team members to increase their sales by 10 per-cent in the upcoming year. Prepare a presentation that you will give atthe next sales meeting. Present this presentation to your classmates.

29. BUSINESS MATH You work for a company that pays you a 5 percentcommission based on your total sales each month. Use a spreadsheetto calculate your commission for each month and your total commis-sion for the first half of the year, the second half of the year, and theentire year. Your monthly sales were:

January $15,650 July $15,600

February $16,785 August $13,500

March $12,050 September $16,890

April $11,985 October $19,500

May $15,600 November $16,785

June $14,350 December $19,990

30. RESEARCH You are helping co-workers prepare for an internationalbusiness trip. Time is running short and they have not had time toresearch the business etiquette for the country they will be visiting.Choose a country and research its business etiquette. Prepare a “tipsheet” for your co-workers to refer to when they reach the country sothat they will not do anything to offend the clients they will be meeting.


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