
11 Ideas You Can Start Using Today to Distribute

Your Business Cards

1. Ask the staff of your local community center if you can leave some of your business cards in a visible spot.

2. Pin five to ten of your business cards on bulletin boards you find in your local area.

3. Include a couple of your business cards with every package or envelope you send.

4. If you are sending a present to one of your best customers, attach your business card to it.

5. You can leave your business card on the table every time you pay a bill and leave a tip at a restaurant.

6. Use the fishbowls in restaurants, coffee shops, and other businesses, to drop some of your cards.

7. Place your business cards on the rear window or windshield of vehicles you find on the street or in parking lots.

8. If you have magnetic cards, stick them on cars and metallic doors.

9. Do not be afraid to give more than one business card to people who make good referrals.

10. Talk to non-competing business owners within your industry and build a mutually beneficial referral system.

11. Don’t forget to give your business cards to your family and friends.

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