
Learning Bird10 Ways You Can Make Your Transition To Digital Content A Success

Saves districts time & money

Empowers teachers to provide 21st

century instruction

Personalizes learning experience

for students

Why make the digital transition?



The one-size-fits-all education model is rapidly being replaced by the transition to digital

learning environments tailored to individual student needs. Having a solid grasp of technology is no longer a choice, it is a

requirement for entry into the workplace, and a prerequisite for college and career readiness.


Henry Ryan, Learning Bird CEO

Taking education beyond the textbook can be a daunting task but it is imperative that schools

have a well-built plan and the right tools in place to make it a success.

Top 10 things to ensure that your digital transition goes off without a hitch.


Next Steps

1: Collaborate From The Start

All stakeholders and members of your educational community need to be on board:

● Teachers● Library Media Specialists● IT Technicians● Curriculum Specialists● Ed Tech Consultants

Everyone plays an important role

1: Collaborate from the start

Pro tip * Without their support and commitment from the word go, you will come across more hurdles than you bargained for.

2: Be Connected

“In a country where we expect free wifi with our coffee, the least we can do is expect that our schools are properly wired.”

Barack Obama

● Investing in infrastructure and classroom technology will ensure your teachers and students can take advantage of a new culture that embraces digital learning.

● With more and more kids having access to high-speed internet connectivity outside of the classroom, they can have 24/7 access to learning materials when and where they need them.

2: Be Connected

3: Have Quality Devices in Place

3: Have Quality Devices in Place

At Mooresville Middle school every child in grades 3 – 12 gets a MacBook Air laptop.

As the location of the President’s ConnectED initiative speech, it is becoming something of a poster child for tech in the classroom.

A study by PBS media found that 74% of educators say technology is a student motivator.

The integration of devices has changed the way teachers teach by taking the focus off the them, and putting it on their students, so that they are taught to think for themselves.

4: Use Content in ‘Smart’ Formats

4: Use Content in ‘Smart’ Formats

But the term ‘smart’ formats, that doesn’t just mean a playground of uploaded textbooks, videos and scanned worksheets, which consequently ticks the box for ‘going digital’.

It means a well-organized, aligned content library where you can easily find relevant content for you.

Learning Bird’s digital content library matches lessons to grade level, subject, textbook, and curriculum.

Curriculum alignment means that teachers can easily plan lessons and find content that pertains to their curriculum goals.

5: Prioritize 21st Century Teaching Skills

5: Prioritize 21st Century Teaching Skills

With a new culture of digital learning, it is imperative for teachers to embrace new ways of teaching and adapt their instructional methods to the developing learning needs of their students.

Check out this blog post on ‘How to Become a 21st Century Teacher’

A 21st century educator needs to adapt, to collaborate, to flip, to facilitate, to question, and to relate.

6: Provide Professional Development

6: Provide Professional Development

Not everyone is instinctively tech savvy.Not everyone is aware of the tools at their disposal.Not everyone feels comfortable or confident in altering their learning and teaching habits.

Providing professional development for your teaching community is a must in the ongoing implementation process.

7: Connect With Home

7: Connect With Home

Check out this blog post on ‘Connecting School & Home’

With online tools students can have a consistent learning space between home and school.

Students are confident that their learning needs are understood by both their school and their parents.

Inform parents of what’s to come, what is expected of their child, and how they can assist in the learning process.

8: Walk, Don’t Run

8: Walk, Don’t Run

● It’s not a race and it doesn’t happen overnight. Your digital transition needs a well thought-through and realistic plan.

● Every school and district will have their own roadmap and take their own unique path to success.

● The more carefully you consider each element of your digital transition plan, the more likely it will be to have a positive impact on your school culture and student achievement.

9: Evaluate & Adjust

9: Evaluate & Adjust

Practice makes perfect!

What works? What doesn’t? How can it be improved?

Use the insights available to you to make better evidence-based decisions.

Learning Bird’s reports allow you to monitor and analyze students’ progress and engagement on one easy-to-use dashboard so you can keep track of a whole district, a school, a class or even one student.

Learning has never been this smart.

10: Don’t Make The Decision Too Late

10: Don’t Make The Decision Too Late

In a recent report conducted by The State Educational Technology Directors Association, Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age, it is recommended that:

If the commitment is not made immediately, major funding will go towards providing students and teachers with static, inflexible content that will be in place for five to ten years, depending on the length of the cycle.

States and districts commit to beginning the shift with the next major “textbook” adoption cycle, completing the transition by

no later than the 2017-18 school year.

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