Page 1: 10 viral apps you can build today!
Page 2: 10 viral apps you can build today!

10 Viral Apps You Can Build Today!

And How To Get Started!

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Android App Invasion

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Page 4: 10 viral apps you can build today!

Table of Contents

Tip #1: Introduction to App Development and How You Can Get Involved

Page 5

Tip #2: The Need for Content Page 6

Tip #3: Establishing Your Name The Easy Way Page 7

Tip #4: Local Business Marketing Using Apps Page 8

Tip #5: Niche Related Apps and How To Uncover the Trends

Page 9

Tip #6: Free Apps – How This Easy Method Will Make $$$ Page 11

Tip #7: 10 Hot App Ideas You Can Build Immediately Page 12

Conclusion: This is the Time When the Underdogs Can Prepare to Be the Alpha Dogs

Page 13

Make Money You Can Make Easy Money With This Report Page 14

Page 5: 10 viral apps you can build today!

Tip #1 Introduction to App Development and How You Can

Get Involved

It seems that everywhere we go lately someone is releasing their new mobile application. Analysts believe that the number of apps available will increase or even surpass 33 billion within the next two years. Spending through these apps in 2012 should top $13 billion. That is more than 5 times the amount since 2009 but the trends doesn't show of slowing down but actually exploding! Businesses are starting to understand that to build their brands in this era they must develop the app store mindset. This has been widely driven by the fact that there are 236 million cell phones in the United States alone and that number is expected to increase by an additional 20 million within the next two and a half years. This is not including the rise in vast popularity of tablet devices which is expected to grow to 82 million devices in the U.S. within the next two years. Although in this report I will cover the topics as listed I will refer to a course that can get you going in the app business over night with highly in-depth training as to leave no rock unturned throughout this report. With thousands of app developers in both the iOS market (Apple iTunes) and Android Markets, it is been widely thought of as a market for the elite and tech savvy developers. This has been a fact of the past but not the case in more recent days. Now people that have been seeking a way to earn extra money or create their own future can now take advantage of this lucrative market by developing apps the “people” want. In the next few pages, I will uncover the trends and how you can get started immediately. Tip #1 – Search the app markets and recognize things that are available on the web but not in the app markets yet!

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Tip #2 The Need for Content

With so many mobile devices coming online every day the need to fill the voids in the lucrative app market places is ever increasing. This can be seen by thousands from the “Make money online” era for PC’s. In the mid 90’s the internet was a new tool that people were just starting to wake up too. They would search for answers to their questions they wanted answered and in most cases came up empty handed. This created a new wave of entrepreneurs that saw this need from the general public and opened up opportunity to create and thus collect and get paid. As the trend grew, it became more and more difficult to make a living via the web. Even currently there are thousands, if not millions of people trying their hands at making it online but most end up spending a fortune to learn and never making even a penny. It’s all about gaining buyers traffic and that is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. The biggest learning curve you have to understand is that people are seeking one of two things;

1. They want to be entertained. 2. Or they need a question answered.

They are willing to search everywhere and even spend money in order to fulfill one of those two desires. So knowing this the app markets are filled with informational apps, business app, games and utility tool apps but it hasn’t hit the mecca stage like the web has done. This means that there is a void in the market places to offer people what they want in order to make a living. Now creating apps and filling that void is easier than previously thought and thus this report. Tip #2 – Provide Content that hasn’t been created in the app market places.

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Tip #3 Establishing Your Name The Easy Way

The biggest trends we have recognized going forward is local business app marketing and niche apps. For this report we will focus on niche related apps that can go viral! Niche Apps This second trend is filling the void of information people are seeking. If you are new to the whole “make money online” thing than the term “niche” may be a new one to you but for experienced marketers it’s common. A niche is just a segregated market of interest. Meaning for example a small market interest such as “Anxiety Attack Remedies” or “Holistic Nutrition”. Every person has their own interests and desires and everyone also is attracted to those interests through inspiration or desperation says Tony Robbins. Just as the internet once had a void of niche content, so too does the app market places. Recognizing these voids and filling you developer accounts with apps that offer this information will organically get you downloads and gain popularity as an app developer. Deciding which way you want to start your app developing business is the key factor. As both of these methods will establish your name and break you into the market place which has previously been thought as already saturated. Tip #3- Decide if you want to be a niche content app provider or a local business app developer in order to start creating a name for yourself.

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Tip #4 Local Business Marketing Using Apps

Alright I you chose to develop out your local markets, you made a smart choice. In every city around the World there are thousands of businesses needing your service and they don’t even know it yet. The large multi-million dollar companies are just starting to wake up to the importance of mobile app development and the voids that need to be filled so how can we expect the average business owner to see this void coming? Doing internet research into local business app development and presenting businesses with your findings is a great way to sell the local businesses on the concept and also a great way for you to start to get paid. You can create a hefty monthly residual income by building apps for local businesses and charging them a monthly fee and they will continue to pay it because the trend is increasing more rapidly than ever expected and the local business owner will keep their eyes more open to what’s happening in this market place if they have hired your services. Creating these apps is very cost effective which even last year wasn’t a possibility. But now with the creation of app building software that builds apps in a matter of minutes opposed to weeks and doing it at a no cost factor opposed to thousands previously, the sky is the limit when it comes to starting your new business. When starting off your new local apps business you want to search for companies that require people to call for an order or appointment. It is these types of businesses that will see the value in what you have to offer in these early stages of development. Tip #4 – Find local businesses that need people to call to order or make an appointment and offer to build them a mobile app.

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Tip #5 Niche Related Apps and How To Uncover the Trends

This is the path of least resistance but may be a tad more difficult in establishing your name starting off. People are always seeking to have questions answered. I seem to refer to it as the meaning of life, “learning everything there is to learn” and thus a business is created. Keeping this knowledge in mind you can search app stores such as iTunes and Google Play for “niches” that have yet to be developed or on the flip side, build the better mouse trap. To do this I would suggest you start with your own personal interests and create questions and then high quality answers to those very questions and compiling them all together. This can be done easier than generating them all by yourself. Websites like eHow and others offer a wealth of information that covers everything people want to know. In order to be successful in a given niche you will want to create several related niche applications so that you become a one stop shop for people seeking knowledge. Another easy way to uncover popular niche trends is by using Google Trends and Yahoo to see what people are talking about the most and targeting that entire niche market. By offer knowledge within the app markets under a particular niche will help to start creating a momentum of interested users and thus creating increased downloads. Once you have saturated one entire niche, then you can move into another niche and start another increasing trend. Uncovering the secrets of popularity within a niche will be your largest hurdle but once accomplished, this technique will be your way to create your own monthly pay checks. Tip #5 – Look for niche related content not yet widely available on app stores but is very popular on the web and create those.

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Tip #6 Free Apps – How This Easy Method Will Make $$$

Now the biggest myth to app development is “how much do I charge for my app?” The simple answer to that is… you don’t! People will always download a free app before they will take out their credit cards to purchase an app. So the next question that comes to most people’s minds is “How do I make money in the app business then?” This too can be easily answered. With the popularity growing within the app markets the trend of in app advertising has too developed and is growing rapidly. Companies like Google are more than willing to offer you money on in app advertising which is relatively easy to implement. There are over 100 companies that pay developers to have their service integrated into the mobile applications and you can get paid in several different ways. Those being CPM, this is when a mobile banner ad within your app is shown during app use and you get paid on 1000 impressions. The next is CPC which is a small payment, typically under $1 per each time an ad is clicked within your mobile app and finally CPA, which is cost per action which means the user of the app downloads something, fills out a form of some type, etc. Typically you can get paid up to $250 for certain campaigns on this type of offer but it is usually difficult to get accepted to these types of offers until your established. Tip #6 – Start small with CPM advertising within your mobile apps and work your way up to more lucrative campaigns as you increase in app usage within the app market places.

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Tip #7 10 Hot App Ideas You Can Build Immediately

Uncovering trends and finding things that are hot within the app market place may be a difficult challenge for people that are just starting off so here are 20 hot trends that you can develop right now that people will start to download as soon as you have created them.

1. Celebrity related apps – Cover things that the celebrity has done and doing

2. Popular Movie Apps – Show related materials from popular movies 3. Recipe Apps – People love recipes 4. Gardening and How-To Guides 5. Radio Station Apps 6. City Guides for Tourists 7. Halloween Costume Ideas 8. Gift Idea Apps 9. Home Remedies Apps 10. Joke related Apps

Use this information in order to start your creative juices flowing to create your new apps. Tip #7 – Try to start by building the better mouse trap. The new kid on the block is always the most popular kid for a while.

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Conclusion This is the Time When the Underdogs Can Prepare to

Be the Alpha Dogs

In late September 2012 a new course created by a well-known marketer takes the nonchalant approach to delivering a heavy blow at the big "app" companies by showing how the average person with little money to spare can rip out of an average or below average lifestyle and create a terrific future for themselves and their families. It exposes the truths into how easy creating mobile apps really is and how to profit to the extreme from this explosive trend literally overnight. Judging by the leaked video from the course on the sales page, this man is not afraid of exposing any of the industry's dirty little secrets and what was thought to be only a market for the elite. Although the package is dressed a bit, it was made for the average Joe who happened to be lucky enough to stumble upon it. It is well worth the visit; Android App Invasion

Page 13: 10 viral apps you can build today!

How To Make This Report Your 24/7 “Digital Sales Machine!”

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