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10 Things I Have Learned

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#1 Realise that your career is not your lifeKeep up your

relationships with family & friends, don’t neglect hobbies


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#2 Have a realistic self perception Take the time to

learn about your strengths & weaknesses

E.g. there is no use trying to be an accountant if you cannot add up


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#3 Be kind to yourself and to others Kindness costs

nothing and makes you feel better.

If a situation is already bad it doesn’t get any better when we are unkind to each other.


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#4 Have a roadmap of goals & steps to achieve them

Goals without plans are unlikely to be achieved.


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#5 Be flexible, always be ready to develop an alternate plan As John Lennon

said “Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans”


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#6 Don’t take anything that happens at work personally Most negative

stuff that happens at work would happen to whoever sits in your chair.

Even if it is personal, refer to back to # 1.


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#7 Know your boundaries

Have a clear idea about what you want, what you are willing to give, and what you are willing to take.

Be willing to walk away if necessary.


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#8 Decisions are made by those who turn up

Participation is important!

And it is powerful when accompanied by enthusiasm and passion.


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#9 Apply yourself

Each day take a positive step towards your goal.

If you fail one day, get back to it the next day, this will get you there in the end.

Failure is really just practice.


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#10 Don’t give up on something you care about without good reason. Many people

quote Winston Churchill in this regard, but they often fail to quote him in full.

It is worth reading the full quotation …


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Churchill said:

“… this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.

Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”


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