Download - 1. Your Studies

  • 5/25/2018 1. Your Studies


    1. YOUR STUDIESNote: For high school students or recent high school graduates who have not yet started university, the word "school" or the words,

    "high school" or "secondary school" will be used instead of "university". If you are no longer a student now and have not yet started

    work, the questions will be about the last time you were a student, either high school or university, and the questions will be asked

    the past tense. For high school students (or recent high school graduates), the word "subjects" (plural) will be used. For university

    students, the word "subject" will be used, which has basically the same meaning as the American, "major".

    What subject(s) are you studying? Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? (SeeNote) Was that an easy choice to make? Have you always studied that subject? (SeeNote) (Possibly the question above is this) Have you always wanted to study that subject? Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) Is it very interesting? What was/is your university like? (For high school students & recent HS graduates) What was/is your high school like? Why did you choose (to attend) that school/university?


    (For high school students & recent HS graduates) What was /is your favourite subject at high school? (Possibly) What was /is your most useful subject in high school? (Continuing from the question above) Will you continue studying that subject? Was there/is there any high school subject that you didn't like? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? (Why?) (Possibly the question above is this) Do you study better in the mornings in in the afternoons? (Why?) (For non-high school students & non-recent H.S. graduates) What are you going to (or, planning to) do in the future? (For university students) What do you think you will do after you graduate? Do you prefer to study in a silent environment or in a place that has some noises (or sounds)? N SeeNote What do you do if there's too much noise (and you want to study)? N Will you (or, do you intend to) continue studying that subject? N Your first day at school / university. N Did you like your first day at university/high school? N (Possibly the question above is this) What was your first day at university/high school like? N

    Your Subject (= your major)

    What subject(s) are you studying? Why did you choose to study that/those subjects?

    Family Support for Your Choice

    Did your family help you choose that course? (Similar to above) Did your family have any influence on your choice of subject? (Similar to above) How do your parents feel about your choice of subject? (Similar to above) Did your parents agree with your choice of subject? (Similar to above) Do your family support your choice of subject? (See Note)Liking Your Subject(s)

    How do you feel about your studies/your subject/your subjects? (Similar to above) How do you like your studies/your subject/your subjects? Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subject

    sif a high school student)

    Have you always wanted to study _____ (your course or major)? (For university students) What are your favourite classes/courses/subjects at university? (Unclear which word is used)
  • 5/25/2018 1. Your Studies


    (For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school? (Don't say P.E.that's not really a subject thatpeople study.)

    What's the best part of your studies? What part of your course do you like best? (Similar to above) What part of your subject do you like the most? Which class do (did) you enjoy the most? (Why?) Is there anything about your subject you dont like? Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?)The Popularity of Your Subject

    Do many people in China choose to study this subject? (Why?) Is this a popular subject at your university? (= Do many students study this at your university?) (Similar to above) Is this a popular subject in your country? Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? What are the most popular subjects (= university degree courses) in your country?Interest

    Is your subject interesting? (Why?/Why not?) (For university students) What's the most interesting thing about your subject? (Why?) (Similar to above) What's the most interesting part of your subject? (Similar to above) What's the most interesting part of your studies? (Similar to above) For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course? (For high school students:) Which of your subjects is the most interesting? (Why?) What part of your subject do you like the most? (For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school? Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?)The Importance of Your Subject

    For university students: How do you think your subject is important? (If these are the words of the question, you cananswer how the subject is important to you, not just important to society. Or, you can mention the importance to b

    you and to society.)

    For high school students: How do you think your subjects are important? Or: Which of your subjects do you think are themost important? (Why?)

    Specific Course Content

    For University Students

    How do students in your course learn this subject? SeeNote (Similar to above) How do you learn this subject? What (specific things) do you learn in your course (in your studies)? (Similar to above) What subjects (classes) do you have in your course (in your studies)? How do you study ________ ? (The examiner chooses one of the subjects in your course) Do you think (all of) those subjects are useful to you? Can you describe your course?
  • 5/25/2018 1. Your Studies


    (Not sure if the word here is 'subject', 'studies' or 'course'. The posting HERE[message # 26] seems to indicate that the word is

    'course'. This is similar in meaning to your 'studies' - it includes all the classes you study, not just your main subject. An example of

    'course' is: 'A Bachelor of Civil Engineering course.')

    (Similar to above) What (specific things) do you learn in your course? What have you been studying in the past year? Are there any particular skills that you learn in your studies?

    For High School Students

    How do you study ________ ? (The examiner chooses one of your subjects) Do you think (all of) your subjects are useful to you?

    Your University/School

    Where do you study? (What university/school and in what city?) What school (or university) do you go to? SeeNote Why did you choose to attend your university/school (instead of choosing another one)? (Similar to above) Why did you choose this school to study your particular subject? Does your university/school specialize in any particular subject? Do you like your university/school? (Why?/ Why not?) (Similar to above) What do you think of your school/university? Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university? (Past tense if not at school or universi

    right now)

    Would you say your school/university is a good one? (Why?) What do you most like about your university/school? (Why?) (Similar to above) What part of your school/university do you like best? (Why?) (Similar to above) What's the best thing about your university/school? Which is the best university in your country (or, city)?

    Time Spent as a Student

    How long is your course? (How long do you have to spend studying before you graduate?) How long have you been a student? (Similar to above) How long have you been studying this course?

    What year are you in? When did you start this course and when will you finish it? (= How long have you been doing this course?) (Similar to above, for high school students) How many years have you spent in school? (Possible question) What year are you in at school/university? * SeeNote


    Do you think that's a difficult subject to study? Do you think _______ is a difficult subject to study? (For high school students. Examiner chooses one of your subjects.) What's the most difficult part of your course? (Similar to above) What's the most difficult part of your studies? (Possible question for high school students or graduates) Are (or, were) your subjects at school very difficult? (Possible question for high school students or graduates) Which subjects at school do you (or, did you) find difficult and

    which do you (or, did you) find easy?

    Help With Studies

    Is there anyone who helps (helped) you (with your studies) at university/school? (Who? In what way?) (Who gives you themost help?)
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    Study Tools, Equipment, Facilities

    What "study tools" (or equipment) do you use? SeeNote Do you think these tools are useful? What facilities are there at your school/university to help you in your studies? Do you use computers in your studies? What do you use them for?

    Studying with Others

    Do you prefer studying independently ( = studying alone) or with others (or, in a group)? (Why?) See Note What do you do with your classmates? (If answering that you prefer to study with others.)

    Friends at University/School

    In what ways (or, how) do you associate with your classmates (or other students doing your subject)? (Similar to above) What things do you do with the other students who are also studying your subject? Are you good friends with your classmates (schoolmates)? (Similar to above) Do you get along well with your classmates (schoolmates)? (Similar to above) How do you get along with your classmates (schoolmates)? (Similar to above) How do you feel about your classmates? (Similar to above) Do you like your schoolmates? Do you ever talk to students who are studying different subjects to you? (= students from different courses) Do you think you will continue to be friends with him/her/them after you graduate? (Similar to above) In the future, do you think you and your friends will continue to be together (or, continue to be friends)? How do you think you will maintain your friendship(s) after you graduate? (Similar to above) How will you keep in contact if you are not together? (For graduates) Have you kept up (maintained) your friendships from university (school)? Are there any classmates/schoolmates who you dislike (disliked)? (Who? Why?) Do you often get together with ( = go out with = do things in your free time with ) your classmates after classes? (What do

    you do?)


    What holidays from university/school do you have during the year?Extra-Curricular Activities

    Does your school/university have any extra-curricula activities? (What?) ('Extra-curricular' = 'after school')Being A Student

    Tell me about your student life. (= Tell me about your life as a student) Do you like university life? (Similar to above) How do you like university life? ( = How do you feel about life at university?) (Similar to above) What part of university life do you like best? (Why?) Do you enjoy being a student? (Why?/Why not?) When you start working, do you think you'll enjoy that more than being a student? For you, what's the most enjoyable part of being a student?
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    Future Work

    Do you have any particular work or study goals? * What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) (Similar to above) What do you plan to do after you finish your course? (Similar to above) What work would you like to do after you finish your studies? Why do you want to do that kind of work? How do you plan to get that job (or, that kind of work)? Do you think it will be easy for you to get a job (or, that job) after you graduate? (Similar to above) How difficult do you think it will be to achieve your career goal? Is there much competition to get that kind of work? (If finished studies) Have you applied for a job yet? After you graduate, what effect do you think you will have on society? After you start working, do you think you will prefer that kind of life to being a student? Do you think the things you are studying now in school/university will prepare you well for your future work? (Similar to above) Do you think what you are studying now is very useful (or, relevant or, important) for this type of work (Similar to above) Do you think it will be easy to find work after studying what you are studying now? (= find a job based

    what you are studying now.)

    (Similar to above) Is it easy to find a job with this major? Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work (without help)? When you start working, do you think you will prefer that to being a student? What jobs are most popular (among young people) in your country?

    Further Studies

    If you were to pursue further studies, would you choose to continue studying this subject? What are your future study plans? What country would you like to go to for further study? (Why?)

    Other Benefits from Your School/University Life

    In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university experience?Sitting for the IELTS Test

    Why did you decide to sit for the IELTS test? Which country are you preparing to go to? Why did you choose that country?

    Your First Day at University (or high school)

    (The word, "university" is probably replaced by the words, "high school" or "secondary school" if you have not been to university


    Did you like your first day at university? (Similar to above) Did you have a good first day at university? (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at university/high school? Do you think the first day at university is important? How important do you think it is for people to have an enjoyable first day at university (or, school)? (Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a new school or university are important?

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