Page 1: 1 Principles & Parameters Approach in Linguistics - IV Bibhuti Bhusan Mahapatra


Principles & Parameters Approach in Linguistics - IV

Bibhuti Bhusan Mahapatra

Page 2: 1 Principles & Parameters Approach in Linguistics - IV Bibhuti Bhusan Mahapatra


Levels of Representation and θ-theory

D-structureSubcategorization applies in the D-structure via X-Bar theory.

S-structureGrammatical functions (GFs), e.g. ‘subject- of’, ‘object-of’ apply at S-structure. Theta roles can be taken as GFs.

Logical FormThe semantic features of θ-roles apply at s-structure LF

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X-Bar and Subcategorization1) XP

Specifier X’

X ComplementIf α is a 0-level category of X-bar theory then the category β must satisfy the subcategorization frame of α. In this case we will say that α subcategorizes the position occupied by by β. (Chomsky P: 37)

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Subcategorization and Theta MarkingThe representation in (2) is an alternative notation of X-bar theory given in (1):2) [γ … α…β…]

[γ …β…α …][α is x-head of x-bar notation; β is the complement]α and β are immediate constituents of γγ is XP of x-bar notation)Head-complement order is free

The same configuration [which indicates the subcategorized position] is relevant to determination of θ-role. (Chomsky

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Subcategorization and Theta marking:

2) [γ … α…β…]

[γ …β…α …]

α theta marks the position occupied by β. (p: 37)

α theta marks the category β if α

theta marks the position occupied by β or a trace of β. (p: 37) Clearly, theta marking is closely related to subcategorization. The two notions are not identical however. (p: 37)

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Subcategorization and Theta marking:

A difference A verb may not subcategorize

the subject position but it may theta mark the subject.

Double objects are also theta marked; but, in the strict sense, are they subcategorized?

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Projection Principle (restated)

2) [γ … α…β…]

[γ …β…α …]

i)If β is an immediate constituent of γ in (2) at leveli and γ = α’, then α theta-marks β in γ.ii) If α selects β in γ as lexical property, then α selects β in γ at leveli.

iii) If α selects β in γ at leveli, then α selects β at levelj.

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Subcategorization and Grammatical Functions

“From the earliest work in generative grammar, as in traditional grammar, it has been assumed that what I am now calling “θ-role” is determined in part by a representation in terms of grammatical functions (GFs) such as subject-of, object-of, and so on, where GFs are determined in terms of syntactic configurations

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Levels of Representation: An Example

3) .




specifier V’

kill complement (lexical)

Subject Kill Object (syntax)

Agent kill theme (LF)

Rama killed RavaNa

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Application of theta criterion

Each Argument bears one and only one -role, and each theta role is assigned to one and only one argument.How is the above condition applied?

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Theta chain and theta criterion Any chain formed by an element moving to a

theta position is not licit.

4) It seems [Mary] likes [John]]

5) Maryi seems[ti] to like [John]

6) *Mary seems [Johnji] to like [ti]

7) *Mary seems [Johnji] likes [ti] In (6) John which has the object theta moves to

the subject position; so, it gets two theta roles. Thus, the chain violates the theta criterion.

(7) shows that even a case position does not allow the theta chain.

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