

John Cherrie

PDC Session: The exposome and exposure in the workplace


�  Let’s all get to know each other �  And find out what we will be doing today �  What should we

get out of the day �  Any questions?

John Cherrie

�  Professor Human Health at Heriot Watt University

�  Principal Scientist at IOM �  Actively involved in a very large exposome

project funded by the European Union –

�  Developing ideas for new research on the exposome

The programme for today… Time Session 9:00 Introductions 9:15 The exposome, what is it? 10:00 Tracking personal location and activities 10:30 Coffee 11:00 Low-cost sensors to measure the external exposome 11:45 Biomarkers and their use in measuring the internal exposome 12:30 Lunch 13:30 How to construct a human exposome study 15:00 Coffee

15:30 How can we characterize the occupational exposome and are these approaches useful in managing workplace risks?

16:15 Where is this all going and when will it be a practical proposition to measure an exposome?

16:45 Wrap-up

Learning intentions…

�  Know what the exposome is and the methods that can be used to quantify human exposure within this paradigm

�  Have an understanding of how these concepts could be applied in workplace settings

�  Be able to apply some aspects of the exposome paradigm in your professional practice

Any questions?

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