Page 1: 1 Increasing Your Tablet PC Software Distribution and Revenue with Handango


Increasing Your Tablet PC Software Distribution and Revenue with


Page 2: 1 Increasing Your Tablet PC Software Distribution and Revenue with Handango


Tablet PC Application Growth—Consumer Markets

The Tablet Marketplace is Expanding Rapidly• 1,000,000+ Tablets in the Market Today, with over 800,000 shipping in 2006• IDC Report Concurs: 250% growth over next 2 years

A Palpable Shift Towards Mainstream…• 65 – 70% of Tablet PCs being shipped are convertibles

– More suited to the masses than slates, promising for market growth• Mass-marketing by Gateway, Lenovo, and Toshiba

– Adds critical momentum to mainstream shift

Handango’s Expertise• Handango plans to engage all the major players (OEMs, enthusiasts, ISVs, and

customers) in the Tablet PC field to grow the Tablet PC application market, just as we’ve grown the mobile markets, including Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone.

• Since officially launching our site in November, we’re now distributing software through 6 storefronts and added over 100 Tablet PC titles

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Handango’s Strategy

•Microsoft, OEMs, and Enthusiast Sites– Handango is working with Microsoft’s developer team to increase Tablet PC

ISV evangelism– Handango will work with the leading OEMs to create co-branded application

stores, such as our Microsoft co-branded store– Handango will coordinate promotions and marketing to ensure that

application visibility grows and is maximized

•ISVs– Handango will create a streamlined distribution process, allowing you to

bring applications to market reaching a customer base of over 11 million current customers

– Handango will supply marketing expertise: branding, merchandising, and effectively reaching the end user

– Handango will provide our robust ecommerce solution, the Handango Commerce Engine, for implementation on YOUR site, allowing you to focus on your core competency--creating killer applications

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Click to edit Master title style

• Click to edit Master text styles– Second level

• Third level– Fourth level

» Fifth level



Web Web PortalsPortals Publishers Publishers

and ISVsand ISVs

OperatingOperatingSystemsSystems OEMs OEMs

Handango is Working With Market Leaders to Facilitate the Tablet PC Ecosystem

Tablet PC OEMs

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Handango’s Value to Tablet PC ISVs• Marketing services available, including:

– A personal account manager – Assistance in writing short and long descriptions– Tips and tricks for merchandising your applications– Advertising on Handango, Microsoft, and other premier Tablet PC sites– Ability to cross-sell applications with other developers– Up-selling (bundling) your applications and offering discounts– Newsletters sent to customers on a regular basis – Customer followup, including dedicated Handango customer support – Customer data, including demographics and trends in the industry– Recently updated site, including guided search, which will allow customers to easily

find your apps

• Handango Commerce Engine– Allows you to benefit from our network effect, where sales from your site through the

HCE boost product rankings on all Handango channels– Marketing tools including upselling, promo code creation, and newsletter opt-ins

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Goal: Provide Outstanding Developer Experience

“We began reselling all our software products, including applications for Tablet PCs, through the Handango Commerce Engine. When Handango launched the Tablet PC store, we moved all our Tablet PC products to the catalog which improved product visibility and sales. Handango, being one of the most visited online stores for mobile content, has helped to increase exposure of PhatWare products to a wider range of potential customers, resulting in a 25% increase of online sales.”

Stan MiansikovPresident, PhatWare CorporationMicrosoft Tablet PC Premier Partner

By capitalizing on our marketing strengths and ability to build software ecosystems, you will be able to focus on doing what you do best—creating killer content!

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