Page 1: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budgeting - HL OnlyLearning Objective:

Explain the importance of budgeting fororganizations.

Calculate and interpret variances

Analyse the role of budgets and variancesin strategic planning.

Page 2: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


What is a Budget?

Describe in your groups what you think a budget is:

Page 3: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budget Defined

- A detailed financial plan for the future1.A Budget is a target for cost or revenue that a business or department must aim to reach over a period of time.2.It is an agreed pattern of income and expenditure which sets targets for revenue and expenditure over a given time in the future.It a method of turning a business’ strategy into reality.A budgeting system should allocate and monitor costs and revenue.IT is NOT a forecast… it is a TARGET.

Page 4: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Key features of budgets

Budgets are plans for how much money should be spent on various items

They normally cover a 12 month period They are broken down into weekly or monthly

intervals They are set for each department in a firm The departmental manager is responsible for

ensuring that money spent is within budget limits The manager is called the budget holder

Page 5: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Types of Budget:

IncomeSales Budget


Distribution Budget

Marketing Budget

Cash Budget

Master Budget

Material purchases

Staff Budget

Overheads Budget

Page 6: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


What is a budget for?

To ensure no department or individual spends more than the company expects.

To provide a yardstick against which a manager’s success or failure can be measured.

To enable spending power to be delegated to local managers who are in a better position to know how best to use the business’ money.

Page 7: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


The Purpose:

Define business goals Encourage analysis Focus on the future Communicate plans and instructions Coordinate business activates Provide basis for evaluating performance against

either past or expected results. Act as a motivating tool to exceed expectations. Control and monitor Planning Efficiency motivation

Page 8: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Activity 1

Individually Analyse three problems that ‘AIS’ might have in setting up budgets for the next financial year.

Page 9: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Activity 2

Move into pairsPick one problem from the group.Analyse it. (Level 5)Try to come up with a solution. (Level


Page 10: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Creating a budget

Forecast level of activity, eg sales, for the next year

Each department then produces a suggested budget based on the forecast

Suggested budgets are discussed with senior management, modified and agreed

The ‘budget year’ begins and managers receive regular feedback on spending.

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Budget plan 


MARCH 2008 - FEBRUARY 2009

Item Monthly expenditure


Sheet aluminium














Total 53,500

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Flow diagram how to set a budget, explain each step in your own words.

- pg 207 - 208

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Setting Budgets

This is not an easy job. How do you decide exactly what level of sales are likely next year?

How do you plan costs? – raw material could fluctuate?

Most business use last years Budget as a guide, and make minor adjustments.

This is great as it takes little time to do.

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The best criteria for setting budgets

Incremental budgeting vs Zero Budgeting


Page 15: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Feedback on performance

Shortly after the end of the month (or week), the budget holder is given a list of actual expenditure on each item

The budget holder compares this with the budgeted amount

If there is a major overspend, action must be taken to try to solve the problem

Once a budget has been set up, the following events take place:

Page 16: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Limitations & Benfits of budgeting

Advantages Disadvantages

Article in pack.

Page 17: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Benefits of Budget control

Means of Controlling income and expenditure.

Management can Hand over responsibility

Ensure capital is fully employedHelp coordinate business and improve

communicationProvide Clear targets

Page 18: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Drawbacks of Budget control (unit 2)

May lead to resentment of personnel (if not involved)

If inflexible business could suffer

If Budget results differ to budgeted amounts, may lose its control.

Page 19: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of



8 marks

Your best mate has a great idea… he wants to open a ballerina shop at Ion. Tell him why you think he should set up a budget before he starts.

Page 20: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Your best mate has a great idea… he wants to open a ballerina shop at Ion. Tell him why you think he should set up a budget before he starts.

C2 Ap 3 An3 Content 2 marks Two or more points made and

explained 1 mark Relevant content made but not

developed or one point made and explained

0 marks No relevant content points made. Application 3 marks Points effectively applied to the

case 2 - 1 mark An attempt to apply knowledge

to the case 0 marks No attempt at application Analysis 3 – 2 marks Good analysis of issues 1 mark Limited analysis of issues 0 marks No analysis of issues


Page 21: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of



Page 22: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budgets and variances

The difference between the planned and actual figures is called a variance.

A minus sign before the variance shows it is an overspend, eg

Budgeted amount: $200

Actual spending: $250

Variance: – $50

The use of a minus sign can be confusing, there is a better way.

Page 23: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of



Variance is the amount by which the actual results differs the budgeted figure.

There are two types of variances:

Favourable Variance: is one, which leads to, higher than expected profit (revenue costs up or costs down).

Adverse Variance: is one that reduces profit, such as costs being higher than the budgeted level.

Page 24: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of



An expenditure budget allocates $3,000 for stationary, but spends $3,600

Adverse variance because costs $600 more than budgeted, so all other things being equal, the profit will be $600 less than budgeted.

Page 25: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of



A sales budget targets $8,000, but achieves $9,000

Favourable variance because sales are $1,000 more than budgeted, so all other things being equal, the profit will be $1,000 higher than budgeted.

Page 26: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Analysis of variances

Budgets variances need to be monitored throughout the year (along with performance ratios & other statistical information)

Business are looking for the underlying reasons behind the variances.

What are the possible reasons for variances?

Page 27: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Reasons for variances:

Calculation errorsChanges in plansExternal factors – fluctuations in demnsChanges in interest ratesInflation

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Regular variance statements provide an early warning.

If a product’s sales are slipping below budgets, managers can respond by increasing marketing support, or by cutting back on production plans

Page 29: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Is budgeting worth while?

Pg 209 ‘Budget control & strategic planning’

Page 30: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Managers need to be mindful:

Managers responsible for budgets should be clear of their responsibilities

Budget holders need to be accountable and must negotiate and inform when prices increase are affecting areas they have responsibility for.

If the business has made changes these need to be passed on.

All budget holders are responsible for contributing to the budget setting process.

Time tables for monitoring

Page 31: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Types of variances and interpretation

A Business will begin by constructing a budget and then monitor the results of the budget.

It should be relatively easy to identify a variance and then calculate the exact variance.

The next problem is to analyse it and explain it and evaluate the significance.

A business will then seek to attribute responsibility for the variance and take corrective action.

Page 32: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


WHY, oh Why… does this happen???

Page 33: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Variance Reason?

Sales variance Cost variance Materials variance Labour variance Overheads variance Profit variance

1. A price is greater/less than expected

2. Volume is greater than or less than expected

Can be a Combination of the two!

Page 34: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Sales revenue variances

Sales revenue variances can be caused by:

Sales volume - Actual sold is difference from planned volume.

Sales price – difference in price being paid.

It is possible to work out the precise impact of the changes.

Page 35: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


It is possible to work out the precise impact of the changes.

Sales revenue variance =

(AQ x AP) – (BQ x BP)

Page 36: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Sales revenue variance = (AQ x AP) – (BQ x BP)

AP = Actual price per unitAQ = Actual Quantity sold

BP = Budgeted price per unitBQ = Budgeted Quantity sold

Page 37: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of




Page 38: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budget Control… Why bother?

Page 39: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Benefits of Budget control

Means of Controlling income and expenditure. Provides a measure of performance Management can hand over responsibility Ensure capital is fully employed Help coordinate business and improve

communication Provide Clear targets Highlight problems early Use this for


Page 40: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Drawbacks of Budget control

Planned in advanced therefore could be inaccurate

May lead to resentment of personnel (if not involved)

Failure to ‘hit’ budget’ might be de-motivating If inflexible business could suffer If Budget results differ to budgeted amounts,

may lose its control.

Use this for analysis

Page 41: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budgets and cashflow forecasts


Estimated expenditure is forecastBoth are broken down into monthly

intervalsActual performance is compared with

the plan

Page 42: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Budgets and cashflow forecasts


Budgets are for individual departments – not the business as a whole

One person is responsible for each budget

Most budgets are concerned only with expenditure. Cashflow forecasts cover both income and expenditure

Page 43: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Different types of Budgets:

Historical budgetingZero budgetingFlexible budgeting

Page 44: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Historical Budgeting

Use last years figuresProbable costs & revenueNeed small increase for inflationSeen as realisticCurrent circumstance can differDoesn’t take into account new aims and

objectivesDoesn’t encourage efficiency

Page 45: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Zero Budgeting

An alternative method is Zero Budgeting.

Zero Budgeting sets each department budget at zero, and demands that budget holders, in setting their budget, justify every pound they ask for.

This helps to avoid the common occurrence of budgets going up each year.

Page 46: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Zero budgeting 

Cost efficient Incorporates aims Everything is examined Is complicated and time consuming Managers have to compete.

Page 47: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Flexible Budgets

Another type of Budgeting

These adjust the Budgeted figures in line with the actual sales volume achieved.

This insures that variances show changes in costs rather than a mixture of costs and sales volumes

Look at the following example: 

Page 48: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Flexible Budgets

How can a manger identify the cause of the costs over run?

Costs are $12, 000 higher than forecasted, but that would be understandable if the demand had increased by 10 %.

But if demand was the same if could be because they were paying more for raw material.

Page 49: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Flexible Budgets

In flexible budgeting they allow for changes in sales volume.

Eg. If sales increased by 10% the flexed budget would add 10% to the budgeted figure.

Page 50: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Flexible Budgets

Budgets are kept up-to-dateNo set budget, no agreed targetsCan use uncontrollable external factors

as excusesTry to impress by reducing targets that

they know they can exceed.

Page 51: 1 Budgeting - HL Only Learning Objective: Explain the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances Analyse the role of


Which method of Budgeting do you recommend for your friend the ballerina? And why…..

Historical budgetingZero budgetingFlexible budgeting

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